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利用馬可夫鏈模式探討人壽保險市場占有率移轉之分析黃虹玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以台灣地區人壽保險公司為對象,取得資本額前三大保險公司九十年九十一年共兩年各季人壽保險的市場占有率,期以電腦回圈模擬方式找出一穩定之馬可夫轉移矩陣,藉以瞭解各公司的客戶忠誠度與流失移轉情形。再以九十二年第一季之新的保險資料,驗證尋找到的馬可夫移轉矩陣之準確情形。本論文之研究結果可提供國內各人壽公司擬定穩定其舊客戶群及開發新客源等政策之參 / The purpose of this study is to understand customers’ loyalties and reasons behind for their defection through the manifestation of Markov transition matrix in the insurance industry in Taiwan.
Through computer simulation, this study analyzes the quarterly market share information of 2001 and 2002 of the top 3 life insurance companies in terms of the size of the investment capital. In addition, in order to verify for the accuracy and the accountability of the transition matrix, the data of the first quarter of 2003 were applied to the matrix. The result of this study could to used as an overall insight for implementing corporate strategies in retaining the existing customers as well as expanding customers base of insurance companies in Taiwan.
Key word:life insurance、Markov transition matrix
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以國泰、新光、南山為例探討人壽保險市場結構風險之分析洪心梅 Unknown Date (has links)
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