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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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張銘華 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究依研究目的,以文獻分析探討高中職社區化之理論及相關研究,以問卷調查法進行瞭解台北區高中職社區化之情況。本研究問卷有兩種:一為「台北區高中職社區化推動情形調查表」,以台北區所有高中職為樣本學校,每校1份問卷,以教務主任或承辦人員為調查對象,以瞭解台北區高中職社區化之推動現況、面臨困難和可行作法;二為「台北區高中職社區化實施意見調查」以台北區高中職校長、教務主任、承辦組長、教師會理事長、各學科召集人、各年級級導師、家長會長、家長為研究對象,以探討台北區高中職社區化政策與實施之成效認同、支持態度、參與意願;將本研究所得之資料分析方法為次數百分比、獨立樣本平均數考驗(t-test)、單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)、鄧肯(Duncan)事後考驗等統計分析,探討各變項間的關係。茲將研究結論與建議分述如后。 綜合上述,本研究結論如下: 一、 高中職社區化政策受到教師與家長頗高支持,值得教育部繼續推動• 二、 為使高中職社區化能永續推展,政府應有相關配套措施,以求穩健踏實。 三、「家長會長」、「家長」、「41∼50歲」、「綜合高中」對高中職社區化的成效,持較高的認同度。 (一)「家長會長」、「家長」比「學科召集人」、「級導師」、「教師會理事長」對高中職社區化的成效,持較高的認同度。 (二)「41∼50歲」比「31∼40歲」的教師與家長,對高中職社區化的成效,持較高的認同度。 (三)「綜合高中」比「高中」「高職」的教師與家長,對高中職社區化的成效,持較高的認同度。 四、不同的學校性質、學校類別、學校所在地,對高中職社區化面臨的困難有不同看法。 (一)公立高中職在高中職社區化推動過程中,面臨的困難多於私立高中職。 (二)高中在高中職社區化推動過程中,面臨的困難多於高職。 (三)鄉鎮地區高中職,在高中職社區化推動過程中,面臨的困難多於縣轄市地區高中職。 五、不同的學校性質、不同的學校所在地之教師與家長,對台北區高中職社區化的成效,看法已漸趨一致性。 六、八成以上教師與家長一致認為,高中職社區化能提供學生多元學習環境。 七、八成五以上教師與家長一致認為,高中職社區化能為學校與社區之間建立良好的互動關係。 八、高中職社區化之推展,要破除競逐明星學校尚有困難。 九、高中職社區化之推展,無法減輕學生的升學壓力。 十、高中職保障社區國中生就近入學之比率以21%∼30%最適當。 十一、綜合高中的推動,能促進高中職社區化的發展。 十二、完全中學的設立,能促進高中職社區化的推動,並具有協助學校社區化的功能。 十三、依各校社區學生入學比率,繼續提供績優學生每人每學期一萬元之獎學金,有助於高中職社區化的推動,值得繼續支持。 十四、高中職社區化的推動,能為十二年國教的實施奠定基礎。 依據上述之結論,提出對高中職社區化之教育主管機關、參與高中職社區化專案合作學校、及後續研究之建議: 一、對教育行政主管機關之建議 (一)不同的學校性質、學校類別、學校所在地和不同的職務或身分的教師與家長,對推動高中職社區化的支持態度頗高,值得繼續推動。 (二)高中職社區化實施近三年面臨諸多困難,亟待解決與突破。所以高中職社區化之推動,應緩步前進,以求穩健踏實。 (三)九十四學年度高中職保障社區國中生就近入學的最適當比率以21%∼30%最適當,建請教育制定政策參考。 (四)綜合高中是高中職社區化推動的核心,以此核心概念,來推展高中職社區化,進而整合社區內課程、師資、設備等資源,以符應高中職社區化精神,讓學生適性學習,成為「社區型綜合高中」。 (五)完全中學的成立與直升,都有學校社區化及就近入學之目的,又是實現區域高中與達成社區中學的理想,又能促進高中職社區化的推動,亦即是完全中學具有協助學校社區化的功能,應多鼓勵。 (六)約有八成三教師與家長認為依各校社區學生入學比率,繼續提供績優學生每人每學期一萬元之獎學金,有助於高中職社區化的推動,教育主管機關值得繼續支持。 (七)民意對十二年國教之實施是有期待,也是高中職社區化願景之一。為使十二年國教奠定基礎,可透過高中職社區化之實施,逐步解決後期中等教育的問題,以均衡公私立、高中職、城鄉等教育資源,逐步體現教育之目標。 (八)宣導活動應由教育部統一規劃,和各適性學習社區之召集學校、核心學校、參與學校之上下通力合作,全力以赴。宣導成效必須達各級學校、各社區,以化解教師、家長、社區對政策的不安與疑慮,進而凝聚共識,以利政策推動。 (九)為使高中職社區化能永續推展,政府應有其他相關配套措施。 二、對參與高中職社區化合作學校之建議 (一)建立基礎網絡部分之建議 (二)辦理適性課程改進之建議 (三)建立適性輔導機制之建議 三、對後續研究之建議 (一)研究範圍 (二)研究對象 (二)研究方向 (四)研究方法


吳聲坤 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討高中職社區化與學校效能之間的關係。除探討高中職社區化、高中職學校效能之內涵及現況,瞭解教育人員及家長之人口變項及學校背景變項在高中職社區化及學校效能得分的差異情形外,亦分析高中職社區化與學校效能之相關程度,並探討高中職社區化對學校效能的預測情形。 本研究係以竹苗區公私立高中職教育人員及家長為研究對象,以「竹苗區高中職社區化與學校效能之相關研究意見調查問卷」為工具進行研究,內含基本資料,竹苗區高中職社區化意見調查表,高中職學校效能量表三部份。研究工具之信度、效度良好。正式施測有效樣本646位,分別以描述分析、t考驗、變異數分析、積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析,並得到以下數項結論: 一、不同性別的教育人員及家長在高中職社區化的整體認知上,並無顯著差異。就各向度而言,亦不存在顯著差異。 二、「51歲以上」的教育人員及家長在高中職社區化的整體認知上高於其他年齡層。 三、「26年以上」服務年資的教育人員在高中職社區化的整體認知上高於其他年資。 四、「家長會長或代表」在高中職社區化的整體認知上高於其他職務者。 五、不同學校類別不會造成教育人員及家長在高中職社區化整體認知上有差異。 六、「私立學校」的教育人員及家長在高中職社區化整體認知上高於公立學校。 七、不同學校所在地不會造成教育人員及家長在高中職社區化整體認知上有差異。 八、「24班以下」及「51班以上」之學校規模的教育人員及家長在高中職社區化整體認知上高於「25-50班」。 九、男性教育人員或家長對整體學校效能的認知高於女性。 十、「41歲以上」的教育人員或家長對整體學校效能的認知高於「40歲以下」。 十一、「26年以上」服務年資的教育人員在整體學校效能認知上高於其他年資者。 十二、「校長」在整體學校效能的認知上高於其他職務或身份者。 十三、「高中」之教育人員及家長對整體學校效能的認知高於「高職」及「綜合高中」。 十四、「私立學校」之教育人員及家長對整體學校效能的認知高於「公立學校」。 十五、不同學校所在地不會影響教育人員及家長對整體學校效能的認知。 十六、「51班以上」之規模的教育人員及家長對整體學校效能的認知高於「50班以下」。 十七、教育人員與家長在高中職社區化各向度及整體的態度愈佳,則學校效能愈高。 十八、高中職社區化之「資源共享」與「參與支持」二向度對學校效能各向度具有預測力。 十九、高中職社區化之「資源共享」與「參與支持」二向度對整體學校效能具有預測力。 最後,本研究擬根據上述研究結果進行分析討論,以形成結論及建議,並提供教育行政機關、高中職教育人員及未來相關研究之參考。 / The purpose of the study is to explore the relationships between Community Senior High School and School Effectiveness. The study aims at four dimensions. The first one is to explore the reality for Community Senior High School and Senior High School Effectiveness. Secondly, the researcher also investigated the differences of school staff and householder’s demographic variables and school’s background variables among Community Senior High School and School Effectiveness. Thirdly, the study analyzes the relationships among Community Senior High School and School Effectiveness. Finally, the study explores the predicative power of Community Senior High School and School Effectiveness. This study employed questionnaires as the method of study. The subjects were 646 educational staff randomly sampled from Senior High Schools and householders in HsinChu and Miaoli area. Data were analyzed using the method of descriptive and inferential statistics, including Frequencies, t-test, ANOVA, Correlation analysis and Multiple stepwise regression analysis. The major findings are as follows: 1. There is no significant difference in overall cognition of Community Senior High School among teachers and parents of different genders. There is also no significant difference among all dimensions. 2. Teachers and parents aged above 51 have better conception of Community Senior High School than other age groups. 3. Teachers who have served for more than 26 years have better understanding of Community Senior High School than those of less than 26 years of service. 4. President and Representative of parent committee have better cognition of Community Senior High School than other school-position groups. 5. There is no significant difference in overall viewpoint of Community Senior High School and Vocational School among teachers and parents at different kinds of schools. 6. Teachers and parents of private high schools have better understanding of Community Senior High School than those of public schools. 7. The location of schools makes no significant difference in the conception of Community Senior High School among teachers and parents. 8. Teachers and parents of the schools having less than 24 classes and more than 51 classes have a better picture of Community Senior High School than those of the schools with 24 to 50 classes. 9. Male teachers and parent have better sense of School Effectiveness than female ones. 10. Teachers and parents aged above 41 have better conception of School Effectiveness than those under 40. 11. Teachers who have served for more than 26 years have better understanding of School Effectiveness than those less than 26 years. 12. The school principal has better cognition of School Effectiveness than the ones of different positions in school. 13. Teachers and parents of senior high schools have better conception of School Effectiveness than those of vocational high schools and of comprehensive high schools. 14. Teachers and parents of private high schools have better understanding of School Effectiveness than those of public schools. 15. The location of schools makes no significant difference in teachers’ and parents’ conception of School Effectiveness. 16. Teachers and parents of the schools with more than 51 classes have a better picture of School Effectiveness than those of the schools with less than 50 classes. 17. The better the attitudes of teachers and parents towards the dimensions of Community Senior High School, the higher the School Effectiveness. 18. The two dimensions, “Resource Sharing” and “Participation and Support,” of Community Senior High School have predicative efficacy for each dimensions of School Effectiveness. 19. The two dimensions, “Resource Sharing” and “Participation and Support,” of Community Senior High School have predicative efficacy for School Effectiveness Based on the result of this study, some suggestions are made for educational administration, the Senior High School and Vocational School staffs and future study.


李聖鐸 Unknown Date (has links)
因應各國中等教育普及化的潮流,教育部擬以高中職社區化為十二年國民教育奠基,將台灣劃分為四十五個適性學習社區,並以均衡高中職城鄉差距、提高國中畢業生就近入學之機會為目的。本研究以雲林縣三個適性學習社區為例,檢視各社區高中、職的就學機會是否均衡,並觀察學生通學活動的情形,是否符合社區內就近入學的期待,藉此對適性學習社區的地理範圍規劃,與其劃分原則提出修正的建議。 本研究發現,雲林縣整體就學機會率較他縣市低落,高中、職學校集中於特定鄉鎮,空間分布不甚平均,不利於學生就近就學,而產生部分學生向外縣市通學的情形。外縣市通學的人口中,以高職生為多,多往嘉義縣、市為就學地;顯示雲林縣境內就學機會的供給不敷需求,高職就學機會不均的現象比高中嚴重許多。而就雲林縣三個適性學習社區觀察,雲二區、雲三區內高中、職學生區內就讀的比例皆為六成以上,是為社區內就近就學的良好基礎;雲一區學生外流的情形嚴重,特別是高職學生,往嘉義縣、市通學的趨勢集中,顯示雲一區內就學機會供不應求的情形嚴重,值得注目。對教育當局的建議有二:(1)高中、職通學活動範圍不同,不宜以同一地理界線劃分;(2)雲一區學生向外通學現象嚴重,宜增設高中職校改善之。 / With the popularization of post-secondary education, the Ministry of Education adopts the plan of “Community Senior High School and Vocational School” to connect with the compulsory education. In this plan, Taiwan has been divided into 45 “Adaptive Learning Communities” and the purpose is to diminish the urban-rural difference and increase the opportunity of nearby school enrollment. This study observes the geographical distribution of students in the three communities in Yunlin to examine the condition of nearby school enrollment. The conclusions are as follows: Senior high schools and vocational schools distributes disproportionately in Yunlin. In other words, almost all schools concentrate in the few towns. It is common for students to commute between residential and school districts, especially for the students enrolled in vocational school. Many non-resident students commute to Chiayi, and the flow of the commuter shows that the supply is unable to meet the demand of school enrollment totally in Yun-1st community. Besides, there are still many students enrolled in nearby schools in Yun-2nd Community and Yun-3rd Community. Based on the results and discoveries of this study, the following suggestions are proposed: (1)The range of the community should be re-divided for senior high schools and vocational schools respectively. (2)It is necessary to establish more schools in Yun-1 community to increase the supply of the opportunity of the nearby school enrollment.

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