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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Äventyrsgenrens funktioner från fiktionsprosa till interaktiv fiktion : En intermedial jämförelse mellan fyra verk / The Adventure genre’s functions from fiction prose to interactive fiction : An intermedial comparison between four works

Olsson, Simon January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to apply the adventure formulas laid out by John G. Cawelti and the dramatis personae written by Vladimir Propp to the traditional adventure books Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jour (1874) and Treasure Island (1883) and the interactive fictions The Secret of Monkey Island (1990) and 80 Days (2014), both in the adventure genre. After they have been applied, I will compare Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jour with 80 Days and Treasure Island with The Secret of Monkey Island by how the formulas and dramatis personae work and evolve in the fictions. To start things off, I will present the four works and then go through the relevant parts of Cawelti’s formula and Propp’s dramatis personae. Thereafter, I will explain what interactive fiction might be by using Espen J. Aarseth’s Cybertext. Important concepts will be clarified as well.    The analysis in this thesis starts afterwards. Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jour and 80 Days will be the first two works to be analysed after Cawelti and thereafter Propp. When that is done, I will conclude what I have found. The same process will be done with Treasure Island and The Secret of Monkey Island. After that, I will make a concluding comparison between 80 Days and The Secret of Monkey Island and finally conclude whether Cawelti and Propp can be applied to interactive fiction.

Análise morfométrica e molecular da alveolite induzida em ratos com diferentes modalidades de tratamento / Molecular and morphometric analysis of induced dry socket in mice with different treatment conditions

Cardoso, Camila Lopes 25 March 2009 (has links)
A alveolite é uma complicação pós-operatória de carácter inflamatório que acomete alvéolos de dentes recém-extraídos. A incidência dessa complicação varia de 1 a 4% e pode chegar a 30%. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os mecanismos biológicos envolvidos no processo de reparo de alvéolos intencionalmente infectados, em ratos; comparar diferentes modalidades de tratamento e correlacionar os resultados encontrados através de duas análises (microscópica e molecular). Foram utilizados 84 ratos, divididos nos grupos: I: alvéolo não infectado; II: alvéolo infectado sem nenhum tratamento; III: alvéolo infectado tratado com irrigação de solução de iodeto de sódio a 2% e peróxido de hidrogênio a 3% na proporção de 1:1; e IV: alvéolo infectado submetido à curetagem, irrigação com soro fisiológico e preenchimento com uma pasta à base de metronidazol. Os animais foram eutanasiados aos 6, 15 e 28 dias pós-operatório. Foi realizada a análise quantitativa da expressão de genes envolvidos no processo de reparo [colágeno tipo I (COL-I), fator de crescimento do endotélio vascular (VEGF), osteocalcina (OCN), fosfatase alcalina (ALP), runt-related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2) e fator de necrose tumoral alfa (TNF-\'alfa\')], através da RealTimePCR, correlacionando sua expressão com as características microscópicas observadas qualitativa e quantitativamente. Com base nos resultados da análise microscópica e molecular, podemos concluir que os marcadores RUNX2, OCN e TNF-\'alfa\' podem ser usados como indicadores para avaliar a neoformação óssea e a quantidade de infiltrado inflamatório em alveolite. Os marcadores ALP e VEGF não representaram adequadamente o que se observou microscopicamente. Embora o tratamento da alveolite com a pasta à base de metronidazol promova maior densidade de neoformação óssea aos 28 dias, não há diferenças entre os tratamentos. / Dry socket is an inflammatory postoperative complication that undertakes sockets of recently extracted teeth. The incidence of such complication varies from 1 to 4% and might reach up to 30%. The objective of this study was to analyze the biological mechanisms involved in the repair process of intentionally infected sockets in mice; compare different treatment conditions and correlate the results of two different analysis (microscopic and molecular). 84 mice were used in this study, divided according the following groups: I: uninfected socket; II: infected socket without any treatment; III: infected socket treated with irrigation of 2% sodium iodide and 3% hydrogen peroxide solution at 1:1 proportion; and IV: infected socket submitted to curettage, physiological saline solution irrigation and fulfillment with metronidazole base paste. The animals were killed at a postoperative period of 6, 15 and 28 days. A quantitative analysis was performed using a RealTimePCR to evaluate the genes expression involved [Collagen Type I (COL-I), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), osteocalcin (OCN), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), runt-related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-\'alpha\')], in the repair process, correlating its expression with the microscopic characteristics observed in both qualitative and quantitative manner. Based in the results of the microscopic and molecular analysis, it can be concluded that the RUNX2, OCN and TNF-\'alpha\' markers can be used as indicators to evaluate the dry socket bone neoformation and inflammatory infiltrate quantity. The ALP and VEGF markers did not represented appropriately what was observed microscopically. Although the dry socket treatment with metronidazole base paste promotes an increase in the bone neoformation density at 28 days, no difference was found among the treatments.

Análise morfométrica e molecular da alveolite induzida em ratos com diferentes modalidades de tratamento / Molecular and morphometric analysis of induced dry socket in mice with different treatment conditions

Camila Lopes Cardoso 25 March 2009 (has links)
A alveolite é uma complicação pós-operatória de carácter inflamatório que acomete alvéolos de dentes recém-extraídos. A incidência dessa complicação varia de 1 a 4% e pode chegar a 30%. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os mecanismos biológicos envolvidos no processo de reparo de alvéolos intencionalmente infectados, em ratos; comparar diferentes modalidades de tratamento e correlacionar os resultados encontrados através de duas análises (microscópica e molecular). Foram utilizados 84 ratos, divididos nos grupos: I: alvéolo não infectado; II: alvéolo infectado sem nenhum tratamento; III: alvéolo infectado tratado com irrigação de solução de iodeto de sódio a 2% e peróxido de hidrogênio a 3% na proporção de 1:1; e IV: alvéolo infectado submetido à curetagem, irrigação com soro fisiológico e preenchimento com uma pasta à base de metronidazol. Os animais foram eutanasiados aos 6, 15 e 28 dias pós-operatório. Foi realizada a análise quantitativa da expressão de genes envolvidos no processo de reparo [colágeno tipo I (COL-I), fator de crescimento do endotélio vascular (VEGF), osteocalcina (OCN), fosfatase alcalina (ALP), runt-related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2) e fator de necrose tumoral alfa (TNF-\'alfa\')], através da RealTimePCR, correlacionando sua expressão com as características microscópicas observadas qualitativa e quantitativamente. Com base nos resultados da análise microscópica e molecular, podemos concluir que os marcadores RUNX2, OCN e TNF-\'alfa\' podem ser usados como indicadores para avaliar a neoformação óssea e a quantidade de infiltrado inflamatório em alveolite. Os marcadores ALP e VEGF não representaram adequadamente o que se observou microscopicamente. Embora o tratamento da alveolite com a pasta à base de metronidazol promova maior densidade de neoformação óssea aos 28 dias, não há diferenças entre os tratamentos. / Dry socket is an inflammatory postoperative complication that undertakes sockets of recently extracted teeth. The incidence of such complication varies from 1 to 4% and might reach up to 30%. The objective of this study was to analyze the biological mechanisms involved in the repair process of intentionally infected sockets in mice; compare different treatment conditions and correlate the results of two different analysis (microscopic and molecular). 84 mice were used in this study, divided according the following groups: I: uninfected socket; II: infected socket without any treatment; III: infected socket treated with irrigation of 2% sodium iodide and 3% hydrogen peroxide solution at 1:1 proportion; and IV: infected socket submitted to curettage, physiological saline solution irrigation and fulfillment with metronidazole base paste. The animals were killed at a postoperative period of 6, 15 and 28 days. A quantitative analysis was performed using a RealTimePCR to evaluate the genes expression involved [Collagen Type I (COL-I), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), osteocalcin (OCN), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), runt-related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-\'alpha\')], in the repair process, correlating its expression with the microscopic characteristics observed in both qualitative and quantitative manner. Based in the results of the microscopic and molecular analysis, it can be concluded that the RUNX2, OCN and TNF-\'alpha\' markers can be used as indicators to evaluate the dry socket bone neoformation and inflammatory infiltrate quantity. The ALP and VEGF markers did not represented appropriately what was observed microscopically. Although the dry socket treatment with metronidazole base paste promotes an increase in the bone neoformation density at 28 days, no difference was found among the treatments.

Ledaregenskaper som är hälsofrämjande för att bibehålla erfarna sjuksköterskor i dygnet runt verksamheter / Health promoting leadership for retention of experienced nurses in twenty-four seven healthcare settings

Gustafsson, Malin, Neveryd, Anna January 2022 (has links)
Till följd av NPM (New public management) och de ökade kraven på produktivitet och effektivitet har sjuksköterskors arbetssituation försämrats alltmer under de senaste decennierna. Det har resulterat i en försämrad hälsa hos sjuksköterskorna och många sjuksköterskor har valt att lämna yrket. Det har bland annat genererat brist på erfarna sjuksköterskor på akutvårdsavdelningarna som bedrivs dygnet runt i regionerna och detta anser Socialstyrelsen utgöra ett hot mot patientsäkerheten. Ett bra verksamhetsnära ledarskap, i regionerna benämns dessa som första linjens chefer, är en betydande faktor för sjuksköterskors hälsa och vilja att stanna kvar på sin arbetsplats. Det är därför av intresse att undersöka vilka ledaregenskaper som krävs för att erfarna sjuksköterskor skall arbeta kvar på vårdavdelningar som är öppna dygnet runt. Syftet med studien är att utröna vad som är viktiga hörnstenar i det hälsofrämjande ledarskapet för att bibehålla erfarna sjuksköterskor i dygnet runt verksamhet. Som metod användes semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med en induktiv ansats, åtta intervjuer utfördes totalt. Råmaterialet analyserades med hjälp av innehållsanalys och meningsbärande enheter, koder, kategorier och teman identifierades. Resultatet utmynnade i tre teman: individuellt stöd, teamarbete och kommunikation. Informanterna lyfte bland annat individanpassade scheman, kompetensutveckling och temaarbete som viktiga aspekter för att kvarstanna på arbetsplatsen. Ett salutogent förhållningssätt och specifika hälsofrämjande ledarskapsegenskaper är grunderna för att bibehålla erfarna sjuksköterskor i verksamheter som bedrivs dygnet runt. Cheferna i en dygnet runt-verksamhet bör besitta följande förmågor: rak och tydlig kommunikation, förmåga att skapa tillit, vara lyhörda, kunna entusiasmera, prestigelöshet, vara drivna och målfokuserade samt inneha ett coachande förhållningssätt. Definition av erfarna sjuksköterskor, se sida 7 under Metod. / As a result of NPM (New public management) and the increased demands on productivity and efficiency, the work situation of nurses has deteriorated more and more in recent decades. This has resulted in a deterioration in the health of the nurses and a number of staff have chosen to leave the profession. Among other things, it has generated a shortage of experienced nurses in the Swedish emergency departments with twenty-four seven operations in the regions, and the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare considers this to be a threat to patient safety. A leadership with the adjacent connection to the ward and the staff, are referred to as first-line managers in the Swedish regions. These mangers are significant factors for nurses' health and willingness to stay in their workplace. It is therefore of interest to investigate what leadership qualities are required for experienced1 nurses to continue working in wards that are open twenty-four seven. The purpose of the study is to find out what are important cornerstones in the health promoting leadership in order to retain experienced nurses in twenty-four seven operations. As a method, semi-structured qualitative interviews with an inductive approach were used, eight interviews were performed. The raw material was analyzed using content analysis and meaningful units, codes, categories and themes were identified. The result resulted in three themes: individual support, teamwork and communication. The informants highlighted, among other things, individualized schedules, skills development and team work as important aspects for staying in the workplace. The result was that specific health promoting leadership qualities and a salutogenic approach are the foundations for retaining experienced nurses in twenty-four seven operations. The managers in a twenty-four seven operations should possess the following abilities: straight forward and clear communication, the ability to create trust, be responsive, be able to enthuse, lack prestige, be driven and goal focused and have a coaching attitude. For a definition of experienced nurses, see page 7 under Method.

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