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Коледарске и божићне песме у контексту зимских календарских обреда / Koledarske i božićne pesme u kontekstu zimskih kalendarskih obreda / Koleda and Christmas songs in the context ofwinter calendar ritualsTornjanski Brašnjović Svetlana 29 June 2015 (has links)
<p>Предмет испитивања у овом раду су коледарски и божићни обреди. Притом је највише простора посвећено њиховој вербалној компоненти, односно коледарским и божићним песмама.<br />Пошто је истраживање урађено на основу писаних текстова који су објављени у различитим етнографским изворима и збиркама, Увод обухвата и преглед претходних записа (збирке песама, етнографске изворе и грађу) и историјат претходних истраживања коледарских и божићних обреда. Такође, овај део рада садржи кратак опис свих релевантних извора, почевши од првог описа коледарских и божићних обреда и песама у издању Вука Стефановића Караџића у Српским народним песмама (1841), а завршава са последњим записима и поменима 2014. године<br />Географске координате коледарских и божићних обреда постављене су на основу прикупљеног материјала. Истовремено, дијахрона димензија ових обреда назначена је временом њиховог извођења (или периодом до ког постоји сећање на њихово извођење).<br />С обзиром на то да је у етнографским описима и етнолошкој литератури приказан садржај различитих локалних варијанти божићних и коледарских обреда, у централном делу рада сачињена је конструкција идеалтипске дескрипције која је објединила српску обредно-обичајну праксу од Св. Варваре (4/17. XΙΙ) до Богојављења (6. Ι/19. Ι), а у склопу описа обредно-обичајне праксе у вези са поменутим празницима, и припрема мушких поворки коледара (и аналогних група<br />сировара/бабара, чаројица, вертепаша, звездара, клоцалица, вучара, џамалара), дечјих (коринђаша) и женских поворки (водичарки) за ритуални опход села, па до коначног распуштања обредне групе.<br />Будући да су песме део комплекса различитих ритуала, извођених у време краткодневице, у раду се изучавају у склопу обреда у оквиру ког су се певале.<br />У овом делу рада посебно се анализују: 1) предбожићне песме које се изводе на празнике Свете Варваре, Светог Игњата Богоносца, Туциндан и Бадњи дан, 2) божићне песме које се певају током прва три дана Божића и 3) послебожићне песме, извођене четвртог дана Божића, на празник Светог Василија Великог и Богојављење.<br />Последње поглавље (Завршна разматрања) даје преглед закључака до којих се истраживањем дошло.<br />Прилози садрже списак коришћене литературе (збирке и изворе), као и мапе ареала распростирања коледарских и божићних обреда.</p> / <p>Predmet ispitivanja u ovom radu su koledarski i božićni obredi. Pritom je najviše prostora posvećeno njihovoj verbalnoj komponenti, odnosno koledarskim i božićnim pesmama.<br />Pošto je istraživanje urađeno na osnovu pisanih tekstova koji su objavljeni u različitim etnografskim izvorima i zbirkama, Uvod obuhvata i pregled prethodnih zapisa (zbirke pesama, etnografske izvore i građu) i istorijat prethodnih istraživanja koledarskih i božićnih obreda. Takođe, ovaj deo rada sadrži kratak opis svih relevantnih izvora, počevši od prvog opisa koledarskih i božićnih obreda i pesama u izdanju Vuka Stefanovića Karadžića u Srpskim narodnim pesmama (1841), a završava sa poslednjim zapisima i pomenima 2014. godine<br />Geografske koordinate koledarskih i božićnih obreda postavljene su na osnovu prikupljenog materijala. Istovremeno, dijahrona dimenzija ovih obreda naznačena je vremenom njihovog izvođenja (ili periodom do kog postoji sećanje na njihovo izvođenje).<br />S obzirom na to da je u etnografskim opisima i etnološkoj literaturi prikazan sadržaj različitih lokalnih varijanti božićnih i koledarskih obreda, u centralnom delu rada sačinjena je konstrukcija idealtipske deskripcije koja je objedinila srpsku obredno-običajnu praksu od Sv. Varvare (4/17. XΙΙ) do Bogojavljenja (6. Ι/19. Ι), a u sklopu opisa obredno-običajne prakse u vezi sa pomenutim praznicima, i priprema muških povorki koledara (i analognih grupa<br />sirovara/babara, čarojica, vertepaša, zvezdara, klocalica, vučara, džamalara), dečjih (korinđaša) i ženskih povorki (vodičarki) za ritualni ophod sela, pa do konačnog raspuštanja obredne grupe.<br />Budući da su pesme deo kompleksa različitih rituala, izvođenih u vreme kratkodnevice, u radu se izučavaju u sklopu obreda u okviru kog su se pevale.<br />U ovom delu rada posebno se analizuju: 1) predbožićne pesme koje se izvode na praznike Svete Varvare, Svetog Ignjata Bogonosca, Tucindan i Badnji dan, 2) božićne pesme koje se pevaju tokom prva tri dana Božića i 3) poslebožićne pesme, izvođene četvrtog dana Božića, na praznik Svetog Vasilija Velikog i Bogojavljenje.<br />Poslednje poglavlje (Završna razmatranja) daje pregled zaključaka do kojih se istraživanjem došlo.<br />Prilozi sadrže spisak korišćene literature (zbirke i izvore), kao i mape areala rasprostiranja koledarskih i božićnih obreda.</p> / <p>Slavic rituals of koleda and Christmas are<br />the core of the research in the paper. The<br />structural-semantic analysis of the rites<br />mentioned above, especially deals with their<br />verbal component, i.e. koleda and Christmas<br />songs. Since the research relies on the basis of<br />more than a thousand written texts (published in<br />different ethnographic sources), as well as on<br />printed collections, the third part of the<br />introductory notes comprises a review of those<br />records (collections of songs, ethnographic<br />sources and materials) and the history of old<br />koleda and Christmas rites. It also includes a<br />short description of all the relevant sources,<br />starting from the first description of koleda and<br />Christmas rites and carols depicted in Vuk<br />Stefanovic Karadzic Folk Serbian collection of<br />songs, published in 1841, and ending with the<br />last known records in the first decade of the 21st<br />century.<br />Geographical coordinates of koleda and<br />Christmas rites are set on the basis of the<br />collected material. At the same time, a<br />diachronic dimension of the rites is also being<br />taken into account, that is, it is indicated when<br />these were performed.<br />The central part of the paper tries to offer<br />the ideal-typical description of koleda and<br />Christmas rites, on the basis of all the available data that speak of their actual performance. This</p><p>part of the paper most specifically deals with: 1.<br />Pre-Christmas songs performed on: Saint<br />Barbara’s Day, Saint Ignatius Day, the day<br />before Christmas Eve (Tucindan) and on<br />Christmas Eve, 2. Christmas songs sung during<br />the first three days of Christmas, and 3. PostChristmas<br />songs, performed on the fourth day of<br />Christmas and on the days of Saint Basil the<br />Great and Epiphany.<br />Koleda (and analogue rites) are mostly<br />referred to in the context of ritual practices<br />performed on the day before Christmas, since<br />koledars mostly proceeded on that particular<br />day. In the scope of such a description, all<br />phases of koleda rites are being reconstructed:<br />preparation for the celebration procession<br />through the village(s), return to the communal<br />house, setting of the dining table, and finally –<br />dismissal of koleda (and analogue) groups. The<br />lyrics of koleda songs are directly related to the<br />context of performance. Special attention is paid<br />to the elements of male and female initiation<br />and the fertility cult, which can be perceived<br />only in the course of performance presented in<br />this way.<br />The last chapter (Final discussions) gives<br />a summary of the conclusions the research has<br />come to.<br />The Appendix is a list of literature used in<br />the paper (Literature, Collections and Sources),<br />while it also offers maps of those geographical<br />areas where koleda and Christmas rites are<br />performed.</p>
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The statuettes and amulets of Thonis-HeracleionHeinz, Sanda Sue January 2015 (has links)
This study catalogues and analyses 329 statuettes and amulets from Thonis-Heracleion, a sunken city off the coast of Egypt that flourished between the 7th and 2nd centuries BC. This is the first study of votive statuettes and amulets from the Late and Ptolemaic Periods that presents a comprehensive corpus from a single site, complete with detailed catalogue entries and photographs. Although some of the most exceptional pieces were previously published in an exhibition catalogue, the majority are unpublished and it is the first time they have been studied and viewed as a whole. The material includes not only Egyptian-style bronzes, which are typical dedications of this period, but also a range of other materials including lead, terracotta, faience, and limestone. Some figures are represented in foreign style and attest to a small hellenized community at the site. By viewing multiple categories of votive material laterally and in context, important conclusions about cultural interactions and cult practice at Thonis-Heracleion come to light. Chapter One details the find context of the statuettes and amulets, followed by a discussion of their types and the cults to which they attest in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 outlines the objects’ primary functions and demonstrates the ways that lead and bronze were utilised differently. Chapter 4 focuses on bronze and lead production methods, particularly methods of replicable production that are indicative of technological exchange with other Mediterranean cultures. Finally, in Chapter 5, I look at how the votives reflect the cultural community at Thonis-Heracleion, and how they compare to others at sites throughout Egypt. Each chapter highlights how the archaeological context informs us about cultural interactions between Egyptians and Greeks and about the dynamics of cult practice at a Delta site in the Late and Ptolemaic Periods.
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Literární venkov v protektorátní kinematografii / Literary country in protectorate cinematographySvěcená, Dobroslava January 2013 (has links)
(in English): This paper deals with the beginnings of nationally-emancipatory and patriotic expressions, which became part of the Czech rural prose during the nineteenth century and which are reflected as nation-defending tendencies in protectorate cinematography by a medium of film adaptation in the twentieth century. The paper intends to interconnect both of these historical periods. Due to the political and social reasons there was increased amount of revivalist ideals of the national rural life in the classic Czech rural prose as well as in the films. The ideals came from national historical traditions and from the cult of the nature and countryside, in which the topos of a "little cottage" ("idyllic place") played the major role. These elements became part of the self-image of the Czech people during the rise of the modern Czech nation (i.e. from the beginning of the nineteenth century till the World War I) and were intensified in the era of national menace during the protectorate. Last part of the paper, which uses the example of the writer Božena Němcová and her novel Babička, shows the concrete expressions of these ideals, that became part of her cult during the decades.
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Kult matek (Dao Mau) ve Vietnamu (se zaměřením na jižní Vietnam) / The Cult of the Mother Goddesses (Dao Mau) in Vietnam (with a focus on South Vietnam)Pospíšilová, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
This MA thesis deals with the topic of the cult of Mother Goddesses in Vietnam with special reference to South Vietnam. The subject is discussed from the point of view of cultural anthropology and special attention is paid to some specific aspects, which differentiate this popular belief from other religions. The cult of Mother Goddesses is characterised in greater detail on the basis of certain hypotheses and is viewed through the prism of various ethnologically oriented paradigms. The first part of the work describes the development of this cult, its Vietnamese specifics and its position in the context of the local religious milieu. Furthermore, the work discusses the characters of the individual Mother Goddesses and the collected theoretical knowledge is compared with the results of empirical research. On the background of the example of Mother Goddess Bà Chúa Xứ, the work elucidates certain topics, which are related to the cult of Mother Goddesses, but are considerably differentiated regionally. It is therefore necessary to present these aspects by way of concrete examples and to see them in the cultural-historical context. The second part of the work is based especially on the analyses of the results of the field research and it attempts to clarify the extent of the public knowledge about this...
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Analyse de l'occupation du Sinaï central durant l'holocèneDerrien, Franck 25 June 2012 (has links)
L'analyse critique des différentes prospections archéologiques réalisées dans la péninsule du Sinaï montre clairement que la partie ouest du Sinaï central n'a jamais été explorée totalement avant l'inventaire qui a commencé au milieu des années 1990. Sans étude de cette zone, tout modèle d'occupation ancienne du territoire sinaïtique se révèle insuffisant. L'objectif principal de mon doctorat était de fournir des informations de nature géographique et anthropologique aux archéologues. D'un point de vue méthodologique, l'ensemble des structures archéologiques géoréférencées a été intégré dans un système d'information géographique (SIG). Ces vestiges ont été replacés dans leur contexte environnemental (climat, géologie, géomorphologie, végétation…). Parallèlement, j'ai engagé un travail de documentation anthropologique relatif aux populations bédouines actuellement installées dans la péninsule en général, dans le Sinaï central en particulier. Je me suis particulièrement concentré sur l'étude des structures et des limites tribales, de la gestion des territoires, des pratiques liées au culte des saints et de l'économie. Dans le cadre de cette réflexion ethnoarchéologique, les nouveaux acquis permettent d'établir une analyse comparative de l'occupation ancienne et actuelle du Sinaï central. Mes conclusions sont susceptibles d'être utiles à l'interprétation des vestiges archéologiques du Sinaï central et à l'élaboration d'un modèle de l'occupation ancienne de cette région durant l'Holocène. / Critical analysis of the archaeological surveys conducted in the Sinai Peninsula shows that the western central Sinai had never been explored before the beginning of this survey in the mid-1990's. Without a study of this area, models of the ancient occupation of the sinaitic territory were insufficient. The main objective of my PhD was to provide geographical and anthropological information to the archeologists. From a methodological point of view, all georeferenced archaeological structures were integrated into a Geographic Information System (GIS). These remains were placed in their environmental context (climate, geology, geomorphology, vegetation…). In parallel, I initiated an anthropological documentary work on Bedouin currently living in the Peninsula in general, in the central Sinai in particular. I particularly concentrated on the tribal structures and boundaries, the management of territories, the cult of the saints and the economy. As part of this ethnoarchaeological reflection, new learning can establish a comparative analysis of past and current occupation of central Sinai. The conclusions of my studies may help to understand the archeological remains in the central Sinai and to develop a model of the region's occupation during the Holocene.
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Mariánská úcta v pobělohorských Čechách na příkladu díla J. I. Dlouhoveského / Marian devotion in Bohemia after the Battle of White Mountain: example of the work of J. I. DlouhoveskýSmyčková, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
This thesis engages in the Marian cult in Bohemia in the second half of the 17th century. The first, general part is the characteristic of the Marian devotion with the secondary literature, followed by a chapter on Czech prints with the Marian theme (1650-1750). The base of the thesis is the analysis of the work of J. I. Dlouhoveský (1638-1701). The analysis focuses on some forms of the Marian cult: pilgrimage, cult of saints (especially of Bohemian patrons), Marian devotion in the Habsburg dynasty and a folk piety. The last chapter deals with the literary self-presentation of Dlouhoveský (example of the Marian devotee). The appendix consists of the inventory of all works of Dlouhoveský, and of the graphs that summarize information about the Marian prints (1650-1750).
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Obraz panovníka raného středověku v hagiografických pramenech / The Image of the Ruler in the Early Middle Age in Hagiographical SourcesNémethová, Marcela January 2012 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is to analyse the image of the Merovingian ruler in hagiographical sources concentrating on the period from the accession of Chlotar II. to the Frankish thrones in 613 until the fall of the dynasty in 751. While based on the texts, its task is to evaluate the nature of the Merovingian power, which underwent a process of Christianization by Church after baptism of Clovis I. The analysis reveals to what extent the inherited patristic ideas about political power were applied, and at the same time it comments on the issue of pagan and Christian sacrality. The study also deals with the relationship between royal power and ecclesiastical institutions in terms of administrative and spiritual, while referring to its important role in the change of dynasties. Key words: image of the ruler, hagiographical texts, Merovingians, pagan sacrality, Christian sacrality, cult of saints
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Kult mládí a odmítání stáří na mediálním obrazu populárních osobností: obsahová analýza televizního pořadu Top Star Magazín / The cult of youth and the old age denial on the media image of celebrities: content analysis of the Top Star Magazine TV show.Šafin, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
The thesis "The cult of youth and the old age denial on the media image of celebrities: Content analysis of the Top Star Magazine TV show" explores the ways in which the values of the cult of youth exhibit and reproduce on the media image of celebrities. The analyzed material is a TV show about celebrities called Top Star Magazín which is broadcasted by Czech TV channel Prima Family. The research is based on the content analysis of the TV show and consists of two methodologically different surveys: a simple quantitative content analysis of episodes aired in 2012 and a qualitative content analysis of two randomly selected episodes. The research part of the thesis is supported by the theoretical and methodological parts. The methodological part describes the research techniques: choice of research method, setting of research questions and defining the sample. The theoretical part introduces all the essential theories, especially the media construction of reality, and also attends to the issues of age categories and social perception of people in different periods of life. The conclusion is that the media image of celebrities in the Top Star Magazine TV show is unified and significantly affected by the values of the cult of youth. One of the main symptoms is denial and repression of any signs of the...
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Corpo e identidade feminina / Body and feminine identityBerger, Mirela 28 September 2006 (has links)
O trabalho tem como objetivo perceber e compreender como as mulheres brasileiras de classe média-alta e urbanas (a partir de 1990) pensam a construção de sua auto-imagem, quais os modelos corporais que influenciam este processo, bem como as técnicas corporais para alcançá-los. Os eixos de análise são as representações corporais, já que uma das hipóteses centrais do projeto é que através da análise do ideal de corpo perseguido pelas mulheres, seja possível ter acesso a todo um sistema de percepção não apenas de si, mas também do mundo do qual estas mulheres fazem parte, já que o corpo pode ser visto como um microcosmo e atesta uma marca social. O trabalho investiga as relações entre corporalidade e identidade para as mulheres da amostra, questionando, entre outras coisas, se a obtenção de um corpo específico é, na percepção das mulheres, fundamental para que estas se sintam donas de um estilo de vida e de um pertencimento social específicos. Investiga a importância da mídia neste processo, bem como os perigos do culto ao corpo, discutindo e alertando, entre outros aspectos, para os distúrbios alimentares. / The work has as objective to perceive and to understand as the Brazilian women of upper-middle class and urban (from 1990) they think the construction of its auto-image, which the corporal models that influence this process, as well as the corporal techniques to reach them. The analysis axles are the corporal representations, since one of the hypotheses central offices of the project is that through the analysis of the ideal of body pursued for the women, either possible to have access all a system of perception not only of itself, but also of the world of which these women are part, since the body can be seen as a microcosm and certifies a social mark. The work investigates the relations between corporalidade and identity for the women of the sample, questioning, among others things, if the attainment of a specific body is, in the perception of the women, basic so that these if feel owners of a style of specific life and a social belonging. It investigates the importance of the media in this process, as well as the perigos of the cult to the body, arguing and alerting, among others aspects, for the alimentary riots.
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A domina??o carism?tica de lideran?as femininas neopentecostais: do Culto das Princesas de Sarah Sheeva ao Casamento Blindado de Cristiane Cardoso / The charismatic domination of neopentecostal women leaders: from the Cult of the Princesses by Sarah Sheeva to the Shielded Marriage by Cristiane CardosoCapra, Miri? Joyce de Souza Sales 06 December 2017 (has links)
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MIRI? JOYCE DE SOUZA SALES CAPRA.pdf: 1182210 bytes, checksum: a2d25865f4668b2ada5c633fc2706532 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-13T17:02:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
MIRI? JOYCE DE SOUZA SALES CAPRA.pdf: 1182210 bytes, checksum: a2d25865f4668b2ada5c633fc2706532 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-12-06 / The " Cult of the Princesses" by the pastor Sarah Sheeva and the tv program "Shielded Marriage" by the journalist Cristiane Cardoso raise questions about female empowerment, it's relationship with the liquid modernity, the media and the the conceptualization of weberian charismatic domination, thinking about the importance of the gender discussion on the religious field, an urgent and needed step. According to this, this dissertation tries to understand the the phenomenon of the charismatic domination of female religious leaders that use the media resources and which are the reason of this acceptance in a time that a revolution in gender relationships have been implemented mainly inside the religious field. In terms of research methodology, it was used a sociological analysis from videos available on their youtube channels, with the general goal to understand the acceptance of a conservative religious speech delivered by social medias. It was concluded that inside the liquid modernity proposed by Zygmunt Bauman, the agreement with the retrograde message, enunciated by two women by the media is accepted, because it proposes a kind of "confort", "safety" to the the ephemeral relations of this society. Contributing to interpret this religious phenomenon that makes pseudo female empowerment throught the binominal of modernity versus tradition. / O ?Culto das Princesas? da pastora Sarah Sheeva e o programa ?Casamento Blindado? da jornalista Cristiane Cardoso suscitam questionamentos no que tange ao empoderamento feminino, sua rela??o com a modernidade l?quida, a m?dia e a conceitua??o do tipo ideal de domina??o carism?tica weberiana, visto a import?ncia da discuss?o de g?nero no campo religioso, uma demanda urgente e necess?ria. Face a isso, a presente disserta??o procura compreender o fen?meno da domina??o carism?tica por lideran?as religiosas femininas que se utilizam de recursos midi?ticos e qual o motivo dessa aceita??o num momento em que se implementou uma revolu??o nas rela??es de g?nero principalmente dentro do campo religioso. No que tange ? metodologia de pesquisa, foi realizada an?lise sociol?gica a partir de v?deos dispon?veis no canal do youtube de ambas, com o objetivo geral de compreender a aceita??o de um discurso religioso conservador proferido atrav?s das redes sociais. Chegou-se ? conclus?o de que dentro da modernidade l?quida proposta por Zygmunt Bauman, a concord?ncia com a mensagem retr?grada, enunciada por duas mulheres atrav?s da m?dia, ? aceita, pois prop?e uma esp?cie de ?conforto?, ?seguran?a? ?s rela??es ef?meras pr?prias desta sociedade, contribuindo para interpretar esse fen?meno religioso que produz um ?pseudo? empoderamento feminino atrav?s do bin?mio modernidade versus tradi??o.
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