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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação da qualidade da água e do sedimento e ocorrência de cianobactérias potencialmente tóxicas em trecho paulista do Rio Paraíba do Sul / Water and sediment quality assessment and occurrence of potentially toxic cyanobacteria in São Paulo stretch of the Paraíba do Sul River

Lucas Gonçalves Queiroz 19 June 2015 (has links)
O Rio Paraíba do Sul é considerado um dos mananciais mais importantes da região sudeste, uma vez que está localizado entre as duas maiores capitais brasileiras: São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro. A qualidade das águas deste manancial encontra-se bastante comprometida devido ao desmatamento, mau uso e ocupação do solo em áreas urbanas e rurais, uso de insumos agrícolas e pelo lançamento diário de aproximadamente um bilhão de litros de efluentes domésticos. Esta situação é agravada uma vez que apenas 21% do efluente lançado na Bacia do Rio Paraíba do Sul são tratados. O descarte de efluentes, ricos em nutrientes como fósforo e nitrogênio, pode contribuir diretamente no processo de eutrofização. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade da água e do sedimento no trecho paulista do Rio Paraíba do Sul, entre os municípios de Aparecida, Guaratinguetá, Lorena e Cachoeira Paulista, frente às variáveis físicas, químicas, biológicas e ecotoxicológicas, além de determinar a ocorrência de cianobactérias potencialmente tóxicas. Coletas de água e sedimento foram realizadas à jusante e montante de cada município nos meses de agosto/13, novembro/13, fevereiro/14, maio/14 e agosto/14. As variáveis avaliadas foram pH, temperatura, condutividade, turbidez, OD, DBO, DQO, fósforo total, nitrogênio total, série de sólidos, coliformes termotolerantes, clorofila-a e testes de toxicidade utilizando Daphnia similis e Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata para a água. Para o sedimento foram realizadas granulometria, matéria orgânica, fósforo total e testes de toxicidade utilizando D. similis e Chironomus xanthus. Foram calculados Índice de Qualidade das Águas (IQA) e Índice de Estado Trófico (IET) das águas do manancial. Análises estatísticas foram aplicadas: Grupamento de Cluster, Correlação de Spearman e Análise dos Componentes Principais (ACP). Os resultados mostraram que as variáveis OD, fósforo total e coliformes termotolerantes não estão de acordo com o estabelecido pela resolução CONAMA 357/05. Toxicidade aguda e crônica foi determinada nas amostras de água, sobretudo nos períodos chuvosos, novembro/13 e fevereiro/14. Observou-se uma redução ao longo do período avaliado de fósforo total, DBO e sólidos totais na água e fósforo total e matéria orgânica no sedimento. Estes valores podem estar relacionados a implantação de estações de tratamento de esgoto nos municípios de Aparecida e Cachoeira Paulista no final do ano de 2013. O IQA foi classificado como \'Boa\', exceto nos pontos referentes à jusante dos municípios de Aparecida e Guaratinguetá, classificados como \'Regular\'. O IET mostrou que a maioria dos pontos pôde ser classificada como \'Mesotrófico\', exceto pelo ponto referente ao final do trecho, jusante de Cachoeira Paulista, que foi classificado com \'Oligotrófico\'. Os principais gêneros de cianobactérias encontrados foram Borzia sp., Hapalosiphon sp., Johannesbaptistia sp., Leptolyngbya sp., Lyngya sp., Oscillatoria sp., Synechocystis sp. e Phormidium sp. A partir das análises estatísticas observouse que a precipitação pluviométrica obteve grande influência sobre os principais parâmetros avaliados. Além disso, observou-se a influência de parâmetros relacionados ao lançamento de efluentes sobre a qualidade da água. Os resultados sugerem que o Rio Paraíba do Sul demanda maiores ações que promovam a melhoria da qualidade de suas águas, sobretudo quanto ao lançamento de efluentes. / The Paraíba do Sul River is considered one of the most important rivers of the Brazilian Southeast. It is located between the two major Brazilian cities: São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The water quality from this source is significantly impaired due to deforestation, misuse and occupation of the soil in urban and rural areas, use of agricultural inputs and the daily release of approximately one billion liters of domestic sewage. This situation is aggravated because only 21% of the effluent released in the basin is treated. The discharge of effluents rich in nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen, can contribute directly to the eutrophication process. The aim of this study was to evaluate the water and sediment quality, and determine the occurrence of potentially toxic cyanobacteria in the São Paulo stretch of the Paraíba do Sul River, between the cities of Aparecida, Guaratinguetá, Lorena and Cachoeira Paulista. Water and sediment samples were collected upstream and downstream in each municipality on August/13, November/13, February/14, May/14 and August/14. The variables evaluated were pH, temperature, conductivity, turbidity, DO, BOD, COD, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, solid series, fecal coliforms, chlorophyll-a and toxicity tests using Daphnia similis and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata in the water. For the sediment, granulometry, organic matter, total phosphorus and toxicity tests were performed using D. similis and Chironomus xanthus. Water Quality Index (WQI) and Trophic State Index (TSI) of the water were calculated. Statistical analyses were applied: Grouping Cluster Analysis, Spearman Correlation and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The results showed that DO, total phosphorus and fecal coliforms were not in accordance with the CONAMA resolution 357/05. Acute and chronic toxic effect were determined in water samples, during the rainy season, November/13 and February/14. A reduction of total phosphorus, total solids and BOD in the water, and total phosphorus and organic matter in the sediment was observed during this study. These reduced values can be related to implementation of sewage treatment plants in the cities of Aparecida and Cachoeira Paulista at the end of year 2013. The WQI was classified as \'Good\', except at downstream point of the municipalities of Aparecida and Guaratinguetá, classified as \'Regular\'. The TSI has shown that most of the points could be classified as \'mesotrophic\', except for the point downstream of Cachoeira Paulista, classified as \'oligotrophic\'. The main genera of cyanobacteria found were Borzia sp., Hapalosiphon sp., Johannesbaptistia sp., Leptolyngbya sp., Lyngya sp., Oscillatoria sp., Synechocystis sp. and Phormidium sp. From the statistical analysis, it was observed that rainfall had strong influence on the main parameters evaluated. Furthermore, the influence of parameters related to the discharge of effluents on water quality was observed. The results suggest that the Paraíba do Sul River demands more actions to promote the improvement of the quality of its waters, especially regarding the discharge of effluents.

Behandlingsvåtmarkers reningseffekt på aktiva läkemedelssubstanser under vinterförhållanden : En studie av fyra svenska våtmarker för avloppsrening / Removal efficiency of pharmaceuticals in treatment wetlands during winter conditions : A study of four Swedish wetlands for waste water treatment

Näslund, Maria January 2010 (has links)
<p>Pharmaceuticals that are found in marine ecosystems are a threatening environmental concern, which is known to harm both animal and plant life. One of the reasons for this problem is that the waste water treatment techniques are not optimized to clear waste water from its pharmaceuticals contain. In this master thesis four Swedish treatment wetlands were studied, and their ability to reduce numerous pharmaceuticals in waste water. The four treatment wetlands that were studied were those in Oxelösund, Trosa, Nynäshamn and Eskilstuna. Two ecotoxicological tests and chemical analysis were used. The ecotoxicological tests were performed on the copepod <em>Nitocra spinipes</em> and macro algae <em>Ceramium tenuicorne</em>, but the results were ambiguous and could not be related to the chemical analysis. The result from the chemical analysis showed that 50-70 % of the substances were reduced to some degree, and of which 15 % were almost completely reduced. In Nynäshamn’s wetland and Oxelösund’s wetland the pharmaceutical treatment were more efficient than in Trosa’s wetland and Eskilstuna’s wetland. This was probably due to the, at the time, more efficient biological activity. The pharmaceuticals that dominated the incoming waters to all the wetlands were more or less the same. On the contrary, substances were reduced to different degrees in the four wetlands. However, the reduction patterns for both Nynäshamn and Oxelösund were similar, which suggest that the same processes dominated in both wetlands. As the study was performed in cold winter conditions with bad oxygen supply it is likely that greater reduction would be obtained in warmer conditions.</p>

Behandlingsvåtmarkers reningseffekt på aktiva läkemedelssubstanser under vinterförhållanden : En studie av fyra svenska våtmarker för avloppsrening / Removal efficiency of pharmaceuticals in treatment wetlands during winter conditions : A study of four Swedish wetlands for waste water treatment

Näslund, Maria January 2010 (has links)
Pharmaceuticals that are found in marine ecosystems are a threatening environmental concern, which is known to harm both animal and plant life. One of the reasons for this problem is that the waste water treatment techniques are not optimized to clear waste water from its pharmaceuticals contain. In this master thesis four Swedish treatment wetlands were studied, and their ability to reduce numerous pharmaceuticals in waste water. The four treatment wetlands that were studied were those in Oxelösund, Trosa, Nynäshamn and Eskilstuna. Two ecotoxicological tests and chemical analysis were used. The ecotoxicological tests were performed on the copepod Nitocra spinipes and macro algae Ceramium tenuicorne, but the results were ambiguous and could not be related to the chemical analysis. The result from the chemical analysis showed that 50-70 % of the substances were reduced to some degree, and of which 15 % were almost completely reduced. In Nynäshamn’s wetland and Oxelösund’s wetland the pharmaceutical treatment were more efficient than in Trosa’s wetland and Eskilstuna’s wetland. This was probably due to the, at the time, more efficient biological activity. The pharmaceuticals that dominated the incoming waters to all the wetlands were more or less the same. On the contrary, substances were reduced to different degrees in the four wetlands. However, the reduction patterns for both Nynäshamn and Oxelösund were similar, which suggest that the same processes dominated in both wetlands. As the study was performed in cold winter conditions with bad oxygen supply it is likely that greater reduction would be obtained in warmer conditions.

Avaliação ecotoxicológica de compostos naturais produzidos por Eucalyptus grandis e Eucalyptus urophylla no Vale do Rio Doce, Minas Gerais / Ecotoxicological evaluation of natural compounds produced by Eucalyptus grandis and Eucalyptus urophylla in the Valley of Rio Doce, Minas Gerais State

Ana Cristina Zoratto 31 August 2007 (has links)
Tendo como base o escasso conhecimento dos efeitos causados por eucaliptos sobre a biota aquática e o intenso plantio em áreas de entorno de inúmeros lagos no Vale do rio Doce, o presente estudo avaliou a extração, identificação e os efeitos tóxicos dos compostos naturais presentes nas folhas de Eucalyptus grandis e E. urophylla das áreas de entorno das lagoas Palmeirinha e Ferruginha, respectivamente, através de destilação por arraste a vapor de água, cromatografia gasosa de alta resolução (CGC), análise por infravermelho e testes ecotoxicológicos com as águas de decomposição das folhas (laboratório), com os óleos essenciais, extratos hidroalcólicos e aquosos das folhas da serapilheira, 30 e 60 dias após contato com as lagoas. Nos testes de toxicidade foram utilizados organismos zooplanctônicos (Daphnia similis, Daphnia laevis e Ceriodaphnia silvestrii) e bentônicos (Chironomus xanthus). As folhas de E. grandis apresentaram maior rendimento de óleo essencial que as de E. urophylla, tendo sido identificado maior número de substâncias nas folhas de E. urophylla. No caso dos extratos o E. grandis apresentou maior rendimento dos extratos hexânicos, tanto na primeira como na segunda etapa de extração enquanto o E. urophylla apresentou maior rendimento de extrato etanólico. Verificou-se como principais compostos nos extratos de E. urophylla esteróides e triterpenos. Os resultados dos testes de toxicidade aguda realizados com a água de decomposição das duas espécies de eucaliptos mostraram efeito tóxico a Daphnia similis, D. laevis e C.silvestrii e Chironomus xanthus o qual, entretanto, diminuiu com o aumento do tempo de decomposição. Os óleos essenciais apresentaram efeito tóxico em todos os testes realizados com cladóceros (folhas da serapilheira, 30 e 60 dias), assim como os extratos hidroalcoólicos (menos polares) a Chironomus xanthus e aquosos (mais polares) à D. similis e D. laevis verificou-se, portanto, no presente estudo, que os compostos naturais presentes nas folhas de E. grandis e E. urophylla podem afetar a biota aquática, sendo importante o monitoramento de ambientes aquáticos circundados por monoculturas de Eucalyptus spp. / Based on the scarce knowledge of the effect caused by eucalyptus on aquatic biota and the intense plantation in the surroundings of innumerable lakes in the Valley of Rio Doce, the present study evaluated extraction, identification and toxic effect of natural compounds found in leaves of Eucalyptus grandis and E. urophylla nearby Palmeirinha and Ferruginha lagoons, respectively, through vapor dragging distillation, high resolution gas chromatography (HRGC), Infrared spectroscopy (IR) and ecotoxicological tests with leaves decomposition water (laboratory), essential oils, hydroalcoholic and aqueous extracts of litter leaves, and after 30 and 60 days in contact with the lagoons. For the toxicity tests, zooplanktonic (Daphnia similis, Daphnia laevis and Ceriodaphnia silvestrii) and benthic (Chironomus xanthus) organisms were used. The leaves of E. grandis showed higher outcome of essential oils compared to E. urophylla, being identified a higher number of substances in E. urophylla leaves. In the case of extracts, E. grandis showed higher outcome of hexanic extracts in the first and second steps of extractions, while E. urophylla presented higher outcome of ethanolic extracts. The main compounds found in E. urophylla extracts were steroids and triterpenes, and in E. grandis were saponins, steroids and triterpenes. The results of the acute ecotoxicological tests carried out with decomposition water of both eucalyptus species showed toxic effect to Daphnia similis, D. laevis, C. silvestrii and Chironomus xanthus, which, however, decreased with decomposition time. The essential oils, showed toxic effect in all tests performed with cladocerans (litter leaves, 30 and 60 days), as well as the hydroalcoholic extracts to Chironomus xanthus and aqueous to D. similis and D. laevis. Thus, it was verified, in the present study, that the natural compounds found in E. grandis and E urophylla leaves can affect the aquatic biota, being important the monitoring of aquatic environments surrounded by Eucalyptus monocultures.

UtilizaÃÃo de Ensaios de Ecotoxicidade no Biomonitoramento de Efluentes de Etes Industriais, Hospitalares e De Aterro SanitÃrio, Localizadas no Estado do Cearà / Use of ecotoxicity tests on Biomonitoring of Industrial Effluents Etes, Hospital and Sanitary Landfill, located in the State of Ceara

MÃrcia Rodrigues de Sousa 29 September 2010 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de NÃvel Superior / Avaliou-se o uso de testes de ecotoxicidade com o organismo-teste Daphnia magna no biomonitoramento de efluentes de ETEs industriais (real e sintÃtico), hospitalares e de aterro sanitÃrio. Para tanto, foram selecionadas algumas ETEs a citar: Industrial Real (Sistema Integrado do Distrito Industrial â SIDI), Industrial SintÃtico (Reator anaerÃbio seguido dos pÃs-tratamentos em Reator em Batelada SeqÃencial â RBS e Processo de OxidaÃÃo AvanÃado â POA do tipo H2O2/UV, tratando um efluente contendo o corante azo Reactive Black 5 - RB5), Hospitalar (Hospital Geral Waldemar de AlcÃntara â HGWA) e Aterro SanitÃrio (Lixiviado coletado na saÃda do sistema de lagoas de estabilizaÃÃo do Aterro SanitÃrio Metropolitano Oeste de Caucaia â ASMOC e submetido a um pÃs-tratamento por meio de um Reator Aerado Submerso â RAS). Os testes de toxicidade aguda realizados com o lixiviado indicaram que o efluente ao sistema ASMOC apresentou CE50 de 68%, o qual podia ser classificado como moderadamente tÃxico. Assim, alÃm de alguns parÃmetros fÃsico-quÃmicos nÃo estarem atendendo à Portaria n 154/02 da SEMACE, os resultados ecotoxicolÃgicos confirmaram o potencial poluidor do lixiviado em questÃo para ser descartado no Riacho Garoto, de baixa capacidade de diluiÃÃo. O pÃs-tratamento aerÃbio realizado no RAS contribuiu bastante na reduÃÃo da toxicidade do lixiviado, tanto em termos fÃsico-quÃmicos quanto em termos ecotoxicolÃgicos, aumentando o valor de CE50 para 95,04%, se configurando como uma boa opÃÃo de pÃs-tratamento. Os resultados obtidos com o esgoto afluente e efluente ao SIDI revelaram que o CE50 passou de 18,05% para 61,90%, mudando a classificaÃÃo de muito tÃxico para moderadamente tÃxico, respectivamente. Entretanto, o estudo efluente do SIDI, com as caracterÃsticas fÃsico-quÃmicas e de toxicidade encontradas, associadas à elevada vazÃo de esgotos tratados, representam um sistema com uma carga poluidora que merece ser investigada no corpo receptor. Em relaÃÃo ao esgoto hospitalar, observou-se que o esgoto bruto apresentou alta toxicidade e um CE50 de 7,27% (muito tÃxico) enquanto que o efluente tratado pela seqÃÃncia de reator UASB e lodo ativado apresentou CE50 de 30,83% (tÃxico). Portanto, os ensaios ecotoxicolÃgicos apontaram para o carÃter tÃxico do efluente em termos agudos, e podemos inferir a toxicidade crÃnica que tal efluente pode causar no corpo hÃdrico, jà que o mesmo pode conter elevadas concentraÃÃes de fÃrmacos, hormÃnios e outros micro-poluentes. O efluente sintÃtico bruto contendo o corante RB5 apresentou CE50 de 23,02%, sendo classificado como efluente muito tÃxico. ApÃs o tratamento no reator UASB, o valor de CE50 caiu para 40,34%, ou seja, houve uma diminuiÃÃo da toxicidade no tratamento anaerÃbio. No pÃs-tratamento pelo RBS ocorreu uma diminuiÃÃo significativa de toxicidade, em que o mesmo pode ser classificado como nÃo tÃxico. Entretanto, o POA do tipo do tipo UV/H2O2 provocou aumento da toxicidade, com o efluente apresentando CE50 de 20,17%, recebendo classificaÃÃo de muito tÃxico. A investigaÃÃo ecotoxicolÃgica em D. magna para avaliar o efeito da concentraÃÃo de H2O2 revelou elevada toxicidade do residual de perÃxido, sendo que em todas as diluiÃÃes testadas houve morte de 100% dos organismos expostos. Portanto, os estudos indicaram que muito embora o processo de oxidaÃÃo avanÃado (POA) do tipo H2O2/UV tenha uma boa perspectiva de aplicaÃÃo no tratamento de esgotos recalcitrantes, o perÃxido residual tem que ser cuidadosamente monitorado, nÃo sà por elevar a DQO do efluente como tambÃm por aumentar a toxicidade deste. Como conclusÃo geral da presente dissertaÃÃo foi possÃvel demonstrar a grande importÃncia dos testes ecotoxicolÃgicos agudos e crÃnicos no biomonitoramento de cargas poluidoras localizadas em corpos de Ãgua do CearÃ, assim como para um melhor entendimento dos processos biolÃgicos e nÃo biolÃgicos de tratamento de esgotos. / We evaluated the use of ecotoxicity tests with Daphnia magna for the biomonitoring of industrial effluents (real and synthetic), hospital effluent and leachate: real industrial wastewater (Integrated System of Industrial District - SIDI), synthetic industrial wastewater (anaerobic reactor followed by the post-treatments Sequential Batch Reactor - SBR and Advanced Oxidation Process - AOP type H2O2/UV, both treating a wastewater containing the azo dye Reactive Black 5 - RB5), Hospital effluent (Hospital Geral Waldemar de AlcÃntara - HGWA) and Leachate collected at the output of the stabilization ponds system located at the Metropolitan Sanitary Landfill West of Caucaia - ASMOC and submit to the post-treatment of Submerged Aerated Reactor - SAR. The acute toxicity tests conducted with the leachate indicated that the effluent from ASMOC system showed EC50 of 68%, which could be classified as moderately toxic. Thus, in addition to some physical and chemical parameters that are not complying with the limits defined in the Portaria nÂ. 154/02 of SEMACE, ecotoxicological results confirm the pollution potential of the leachate to be discharged at the Riacho Garoto, which has low dilution capacity. The post-aerobic treatment performed in SAR showed to greatly contribute in reducing the leachate toxicity in terms of physical-chemical and ecotoxicological characteristics, increasing the EC50 value to 95.04%, and showing to be a good post-treatment option. The results obtained with the real industrial influent and effluent from SIDI revealed that the EC50 increased from 18.05% to 61.90%, switching the classification from very toxic to moderately toxic, respectively. However, the SIDI effluent, considering the physico-chemical properties and toxicity found, associated with the high flow rate of treated wastewater, represents a system with a pollutant load that should be further investigated in the receiving water body. Regarding the hospital wastewater, it was observed that the raw wastewater had a high toxicity, with EC50 of 7.27% (very toxic), while the effluent treated by the sequence of UASB and activated sludge showed EC50 of 30.83% (toxic). Therefore, ecotoxicological tests revealed the toxic character of the effluent in terms of in acute toxicity and it can infer the chronic toxicity that such an effluent can cause in the water body, since it may contain high concentrations of drugs, hormones and other micro-pollutants. The synthetic wastewater containing the azo dye RB5 presented EC50 of 23.02%, classified as very toxic. After treatment in the UASB reactor, the EC50 value increased to 40.34%, i.e. there was a toxicity decrease by the anaerobic treatment. In the post-treatment by SBR, a significant reduction of toxicity was found and the effluent could be classified as non-toxic. However, the UV/H2O2 AOP increased the toxicity, in other words the EC50 decreased to 20.17%, being classified as very toxic. The effect of H2O2 concentration on the ecotoxicological test with D. magna was assessed and showed high toxicity of the residual peroxide, in all dilutions tested, causing death of 100% of the exposed organisms. Therefore, the studies indicated that although the H2O2/UV advanced oxidation process (AOP) has a good prospect for application on recalcitrant compounds, the peroxide residual has to be carefully monitored, not only because it increases the wastewater COD but also because it increases the effluent toxicity. As a general conclusion of this research, it was possible to show the great importance of acute and chronic ecotoxicological tests for the biomonitoring of pollution sources located in CearÃ, and also for a better understanding of biological and non-biological processes applied to wastewater treatment.

Avaliação do potencial mutagênico de corantes têxteis por meio do ensaio de micronúcleo / Evaluation of the mutagenic potential of textile dyes using the micronucleus assay

Cibele Aparecida Cesila 27 October 2015 (has links)
Os corantes possuem grande importância nos diversos segmentos industriais, sendo utilizados em medicamentos, cosméticos, alimentos, roupas, plásticos, borracha, dentre outros. Atualmente, são produzidos no mundo mais de 7 x 105 toneladas de corantes por ano, sendo que aproximadamente 26.500 toneladas/ano são consumidas no Brasil. A produção desses compostos, apesar de ter grande importância econômica é alvo da preocupação ambiental, pois cerca de 2 a 50% dos corantes utilizados na indústria alcançam o ambiente aquático durante o processo de produção e de processamento têxtil. Desta forma aproximadamente 280.000 toneladas de corantes da indústria têxtil são descarregados nos efluentes industriais a cada ano no mundo. Dentro desse contexto, os estudos envolvendo a avaliação de risco de corantes e seus produtos de degradação são de grande importância para a análise do impacto que esses compostos podem causar à saúde humana e ao ecossistema. O Acid Black 210 é um azo corante frequentemente utilizado no tingimento do couro, algodão e tecido de lã, representando aproximadamente 80 a 90% do corante de cor preta utilizado na indústria. O Disperse Red 73 é um azo corante de cor vermelha, frequentemente utilizado no tingimento de tecidos. No entanto, não existem estudos publicados na literatura científica sobre o potencial genotóxico e toxicológico desses corantes e sobre o monitoramento da presença desses corantes em águas superficiais. Estudos preliminares realizados em nosso laboratório, mostraram que o corante Disperse Red 73 induziu mutagenicidade nas linhagens TA98 e TA100 de Salmonella typhimurium e que foi extremamente tóxico para a espécie de Daphnia similis em ensaios de toxicidade aguda. Desse modo, esse trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o potencial mutagênico dos corantes Acid Black 210 e Disperse Red 73 através do ensaio de micronúcleo em células HepG2 e avaliar os efeitos ecotoxicológicos agudos do corante Acid Black 210 utilizando os organismos da espécie Daphnia similis. Adicionalmente foram realizados os ensaios de avaliação de proliferação celular, ensaio de avaliação da morte celular por necrose e apoptose e ensaio de parada do ciclo celular utilizando o corante Acid Black 210 em células HepG2. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o corante Disperse Red 73 não induziu danos cromossômicos em células HepG2 nas condições testadas. O Acid Black 210 não provocou a morte celular por apoptose e/ou necrose, em altas concentrações provocou parada no ciclo celular e induziu a citotoxicidade nos ensaios de proliferação celular. Os ensaios de micronúcleo realizados com o corante Acid Black 210 foram inconclusivos. Portando, os resultados obtidos nesse trabalho mostram que não ha indícios de que o corante Disperse Red 73 induza mutações cromossômicas e sugerem que o corante Acid Black 210 possua baixa toxicidade. No entanto, outros ensaios serão necessários, para que seja realizada uma avaliação de risco ambiental e para os seres humanos. Os resultados obtidos nesse trabalho juntamente com outros resultados do nosso grupo de pesquisa fornecerão subsídios para a realização da avaliação do perigo e caracterização do risco de exposição dos seres vivos a esses corantes. / Dyes and pigments are important compounds in different areas, for example in the medicine, cosmetic, food, clothing, plastic, rubber, and other industries. Currently, the production of these compounds is around 7 x 106 tons per year all over the world, with 26,500 tons per year being consumed in Brazil. The production of dyes, despite its economic relevance, is a subject of environmental concern, because 2 to 50 % of dyes are discharged directly into wastewater during their production process, corresponding to approximately 280,000 t of textile dyes being discharged in the environment worldwide through industrial effluents every year. In this context, the studies of the risk assessment of the dyes and their degradation products are very relevant to assess the impact of these compounds to the human health and the ecosystem. The Acid Black 210 is an azo dye commonly used in the dyeing of leather, cotton, and wool, representing approximately 80 to 90 % of the black dye used in the industry. However, there are not published studies in the scientific literature about the genotoxic potential and the toxicological concerns of this dye, including its monitoring presence in surface waters. Preliminary studies in our laboratory had shown that the Disperse Red 73 dye induces mutagenicity in the TA98 and TA100 Salmonella typhimurium strains and it is extremely toxic to Daphnia similis in acute toxicity tests. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the mutagenic potential of the dyes Acid Black 210 and Disperse Red 73 through the micronucleus assay in HepG2 cell, and the acute ecotoxicological effects of the dye Acid Black 210 using the Daphnia similis test. Additionally, it was performed cell proliferation tests, the evaluation of the cell death by apoptosis and necrosis, and the cell cycle arrest assay using the Acid Black 210 dye in HepG2 cells. The results obtained in this study showed that the Disperse Red 73 dye did not induce chromosomal damage in HepG2 cells under the conditions tested. Acid Black 210 dye did not cause cell death by apoptosis and/or necrosis, at higher concentrations cause arrest cell cycle and induced cytotoxicity in cell proliferation assays. Micronucleus assays performed with the dye Acid Black 210 showed inconclusive. Therefore, the results of this study show that there is no evidence that the Disperse Red 73 dye induces chromosomal mutations and suggest that the Acid Black 210 dye has low toxicity. However, other tests will be required to do environmental and human risk assessments of these dyes. The results of this study along with other results of our research group will provide these additional requirements.

Avaliação eco/genotoxicológica dos corantes têxteis Reactive Blue 4 e Reactive Blue 15 / Evaluation eco/genotoxicological of the textile dyes Reactive Blue 4 and Reactive Blue

Gabriela Meireles 29 July 2013 (has links)
Os corantes são amplamente utilizados nas indústrias têxteis, farmacêuticas, alimentícias, cosméticas, fotográficas, entre outras. Contudo, essas substâncias podem ser tóxicas, mutagênicas e resistentes a muitos processos de degradação utilizados em estações de tratamento. Estima-se que cerca de 15% dos corantes utilizados no mundo sejam perdidos durante o processo de tingimento e lançados no ambiente, atingindo principalmente os corpos d\'água. No entanto, apesar da grande quantidade de corantes comerciais disponíveis e da alta quantidade lançada no ecossistema aquático, os estudos sobre a toxicidade dessas substâncias são escassos e pouco se conhece sobre seus efeitos mutagênicos e principalmente ecotoxicológicos. Dentro deste contexto, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a ecotoxicidade, bem como a capacidade dos corantes têxteis Reactive Blue 4 (RB 4) e Reactive Blue 15 (RB 15) de lesar o material genético, empregando ensaios de toxicidade aguda com Daphnia similis e Vibrio fischeri, toxicidade crônica com Ceriodaphnia dubia, genotoxicidade (Teste do Cometa) com fibroblastos de derme humana e mutagenicidade com Salmonella typhimurium. Adicionalmente, avaliou-se a concentração de cobre em Ceriodaphnia dubia expostas ao corante Reactive Blue 15, que possui esse metal na sua estrutura química. O corante RB 4 foi moderadamente tóxico e o corante RB 15 foi relativamente não tóxico para Daphnia similis. Ambos corantes reduziram a luminescência de Vibrio fischeri em elevadas concentrações, sendo o corante RB 4 mais tóxico para a bactéria quando comparado ao corante RB 15. O corante RB 4 induziu efeito hormesis nos ensaios com C. dubia, ou seja, houve um estímulo na reprodução nas menores concentrações, seguido por um decréscimo em concentrações mais elevadas, ao passo que, o corante RB 15 reduziu a fecundidade de C. dubia. Não houve acúmulo de cobre nos organismos expostos ao corante RB 15. Nenhum dos corantes foram genotóxicos para fibroblastos de derme humana e apenas o corante RB 4 induziu mutagenicidade, por substituição de pares de base. Os resultados obtidos mostram que os corantes podem causar efeitos adversos nos organismos mesmo em baixas concentrações e que o lançamento contínuo dessas substâncias nos corpos d\'água é preocupante. / Dyes are widely used in different types of industries, such as textile, pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics, photographic, among others. However, these substances can be toxic, mutagenic and resistant to many degradation processes used in wastewater treatment. It is estimated that about 15% of the dyes used in the world is lost during the dyeing process and released into the environment, affecting mainly water bodies. However, despite the large amount of commercial dyes available and high quantity released in the aquatic ecosystem, studies on the toxicity of these substances are scarce and little is known about their mutagenic and ecotoxicological effects. Considering that, the aim of this study was to evaluate the ecotoxicity, and the ability of the Reactive Blue 4 (RB 4) and Reactive Blue 15 (RB 15) textile dyes to damage the genetic material, using acute toxicity tests with Daphnia similis and Vibrio fischeri, Ceriodaphnia dubia chronic toxicity, genotoxicity (Comet assay) in human dermal fibroblasts and mutagenicity with Salmonella typhimurium. Additionally, we assessed the concentration of copper in Ceriodaphnia dubia exposed to the Reactive Blue 15 dye, which has this metal in its chemical structure. The RB 4 dye was moderately toxic and RB 15 dye was relatively non-toxic to Daphnia similis. Both dyes reduced the Vibrio fischeri luminescence in high concentrations, and the RB 4 was more toxic to bacteria when compared to dye RB 15. The RB 4 dye induced hormesis effect in the C. dubia tests. We observed that the reproduction was stimulated at lower concentrations followed by a decrease at higher concentrations. While the RB 15 dye reduced fecundity of Ceriodaphnia dubia. There was no accumulation of copper in organisms exposed to the RB 15 dye. None of the dyes were genotoxic to human dermal fibroblasts, and only the RB 4 dye induced mutagenicity, by base-pair substitution. The results show that the dyes can cause adverse effects on organisms even at low concentrations and that the continuous release of these substances in water bodies is worrying.

Desenvolvimento do processo de compostagem em unidade descentralizada e proposta de software livre para o gerenciamento municipal dos resíduos sólidos domiciliares / Development of decentralized composting plants and open source software proposal to municipal solid waste management

Luciana Miyoko Massukado 22 August 2008 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivos desenvolver o processo de compostagem dos resíduos sólidos, previamente separados na origem e, propor um software livre para o gerenciamento municipal de resíduos sólidos domiciliares. O processo de compostagem se desenvolveu em uma unidade descentralizada experimental, localizada no município de São Carlos, com capacidade para tratar 4 t/mês de resíduos orgânicos. A análise da qualidade do composto foi realizada segundo parâmetros físicos, químicos e microbiológicos. Os resultados indicaram que o composto atende à maioria dos limites estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira, principalmente, com relação à concentração de metais pesados (Cd < 0.5, Pb = 1.3, Cr = 17.4, As < 0.5, Hg < 0.5, Se < 0.5 e Ni = 0.8, em mg/kg) e presença de organismos patogênicos. No entanto, quando esse composto foi submetido a ensaio ecotoxicológico teste agudo em minhocas da espécie Eisenia andrei - constatou-se toxicidade do mesmo, com taxas de mortalidade significativas (P<0.05) a partir da concentração de 16% de composto em solo artificial tropical(TAS), o que significa uma dose de 60 t/ha. A alta condutividade elétrica do composto (CE = 7,48 mS/cm) foi considerada a responsável pela toxicidade do mesmo, uma vez que os teores de metais pesados estiveram muito abaixo dos limites estabelecidos pela legislação. O software livre desenvolvido nesta pesquisa foi denominado SIMGERE - simulação para a gestão de resíduos sólidos - que permite ao usuário simular a vida útil do aterro sanitário a partir da proposição de diferentes cenários de gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos domiciliares. Como estudo de caso aplicou-se o SIMGERE para estimar a vida útil do novo aterro sanitário de São Carlos/SP a partir da simulação de 27 cenários, nos quais foram alteradas as taxas de produção per capita de resíduos (0; 0,5 e 1,0% a.a.), a eficiência da central de triagem (0,5 e 10% a.a) e da unidade compostagem (0,5 e 10% a.a). Os resultados das simulações apontaram uma vida útil variando entre 17 (pior cenário) e 20 anos (melhor cenário). Pode-se inferir pelas simulações que a variação na produção per capita teve maior influência na vida útil do aterro do que a variação na eficiência da central de triagem e da unidade de compostagem. Esse resultado reforça a importância de se realizar investimentos em campanhas de conscientização da população para reduzir a geração de resíduos. / This research aims to develop a household waste composting in a decentralized composting plant and propose open source software for the municipal solid waste management. The composting process was developed in an experimental decentralized plant in São Carlos, with a 4 tons/month capacity. The output compost quality analysis was made according to physical, chemical and microbiological parameters. Result showed that the compost fulfills most of the safety limits required by the brazilian law (IN 27/2006, MAPA), especially in respect with heavy metal concentrations (Cd < 0.5, Pb = 1.3, Cr = 17.4, As < 0.5, Hg < 0.5, Se < 0.5 e Ni = 0.8, em mg/kg) and the presence of pathogens. However, when this compost was submitted to an ecotoxicological test acute test with Eisenia andrei earthworms one verified toxicity in samples with significant mortality (p<0.05) on compost concentrations over 16% in a tropical artificial soil, meaning a 60 ton/ha dose. High electrical conductivity (CE = 7,48 mS/cm) was considered responsible for the compost toxicity. An open source software called SIMGERE - simulation for solid waste management - was developed and allows the user to simulate landfill lifespan from the suggestion of different solid waste scenarios. The software was used to estimate the lifespan of the new landfill in São Carlos/SP from 27 scenarios where waste production rate per capita were changed (0; 0,5 and 1% per year). It was also changed the efficiency of sorting facilities (0,5 e 10%) and composting plants (0,5 e 10%). The results of these simulations showed that the lifespan can range from 17 years (worst case scenario) to 20 years (best case scenario). One can infer by the simulations that changes in the production per capita had a greater influence on the landfill lifespan than changes in efficiency of sorting facilities and of composting plants. This result shows the importance to invest in awareness campaigns to reduce waste.

Variabilité intraspécifique de la sensibilité des macrophytes aquatiques à la contamination chimique : l'exemple du cuivre / Intraspecific variation in the sensitivity of aquatic macrophytes to chemical contamination : the case of copper

Roubeau Dumont, Eva 30 November 2018 (has links)
La variabilité intraspécifique fait partie intégrante de la réponse à court et à long terme des organismes vivants aux fluctuations environnementales. Cette variabilité, exprimée au travers de différents traits des individus, peut potentiellement influencer la sensibilité des espèces à une contamination chimique. La variabilité intraspécifique n'est pas, à l'heure actuelle, prise en compte en évaluation des risques écotoxicologiques, alors même qu'elle pourrait en biaiser les résultats. Pour examiner cette hypothèse, l'importance de la variabilité intraspécifique dans la réponse au cuivre (Cu) a été quantifiée en conditions contrôlées pour trois espèces de macrophytes aquatiques, Lemna minor, Myriophyllum spicatum et Ceratophyllum demersum. Les variations entre génotypes de chacune de ces 3 espèces ont été comparées à la variabilité interspécifique. Les résultats ont mis en évidence une variabilité génotypique significative, dont l'importance dépend de l'espèce considérée. En effet, L. minor a montré une faible variabilité, au contraire de M. spicatum dont la variabilité de l'inhibition de croissance par le Cu est supérieure aux différences interspécifiques. Afin de préciser l'étendue et les mécanismes de la variabilité génotypique chez M. spicatum, d'autres expériences impliquant des mesures de traits d'histoire de vie ont été réalisées sur 7 génotypes exposés au Cu. Les résultats ont montré que certains génotypes étaient jusqu'à 8 fois plus sensibles au Cu à des concentrations allant de 0.15 à 0.5 mg/L). Ces différences de sensibilité sont en partie expliquées par les traits mesurés, mais des mesures physiologiques et/ou des approches en transcriptomique devraient pouvoir expliquer de façon plus consistante la source de ces différences de sensibilité. Enfin, 3 expériences faisant varier respectivement la teneur en nutriments, l'intensité lumineuse et la préexposition au Cu, ont démontré que la plasticité phénotypique joue un rôle majeur dans la sensibilité au Cu chez L. minor. En effet, l'affaiblissement des individus, résultant des conditions environnementales défavorables, peut conduire au doublement de la sensibilité de L. minor au Cu. [...] / Intraspecific variability plays a pivotal role in short and long term responses of species to environmental fluctuations. This variability, expressed through different traits of individuals, can potentially influence species sensitivity to chemical contamination. This intraspecific variability is currently not taken into account in ecotoxicological risk assessment, whereas it can mislead its results. To examine this hypothesis, the importance of intraspecific variability in the response to copper (Cu) was quantified in controlled conditions for three aquatic macrophyte species, Lemna minor, Myriophyllum spicatum and Ceratophyllum demersum. Variations among genotypes of each of these 3 species were compared to interspecific variability. Results have highlighted a significant genotypic variability, whose importance depends on the species considered. Indeed, L. minor demonstrated a low variability, contrarily to M. spicatum whose variability in growth inhibition by Cu was higher than interspecific differences. In order to specify the extent and the mechanisms of genotypic variability in M. spicatum, other experiments involving measurements of life-history traits have been conducted on 7 genotypes exposed to Cu. Results showed that some genotypes were up to eightfold more sensitive to Cu than others (at concentrations ranging between 0.15 and 0.5 mg/L). These differences in sensitivity were partly explained by the traits measured, but physiological or transcriptomic endpoints may explain more precisely the source of these differences in sensitivity. Finally, 3 experiments with fluctuations in nutrient concentrations, light intensity and Cu pre-exposure have demonstrated that phenotypic plasticity plays an important role in L. minor sensitivity to Cu. Indeed, the weakening of individuals, as a result of unfavorable environmental conditions, can lead to a two-fold increase in sensitivity to Cu.[...]

Cirkulära vägmaterial och miljö : En studie om möjlig miljöbedömning av krossad betong / Circular road materials and the environment : A study on possible environmental assessment of crushed concrete

Hietala, Sofia January 2020 (has links)
Vid en rent praktisk tillämpning av cirkulär ekonomi krävs det att man har kunskaper kring hur man får ett uttjänt material att bli till en ny produkt. Detta kan innefatta lagstiftning, men det finns även ett behov att se till att det inte kan orsaka negativa konsekvenser för hälsa eller miljö. Swerock önskar kunna producera ett cirkulärt ballastmaterial av överskottsmaterial från olika projekt vilket leder till frågan hur man kan miljöbedöma detta. Genom en litteraturstudie har en kunskapssammanställning genomförts för att besvara frågeställningen om vilken eller vilka testmetoder Swerock kan använda sig av för att testa material med syfte att kunna användas i vägbyggen så att materialet inte kommer att utgöra en fara för människa och miljö. Litteraturstudien i detta examensarbete behandlar bland annat lagstiftning, rapporter, studier och myndighetsdokument för att bygga en grund till förslag på miljöbedömningsförfarande som slutligen sammanställts. En jämförelse har även gjorts mellan tillhandahållna testresultat av laktestade prover från Swerock mot sammanställda haltgränser från litteraturen. Detta för att illustrera dagsläget och få en uppfattning om halter och ämnen som olika aktörer gränssatt och på vilka vis. Studien har visat att laktester är vanligt förekommande som ett sätt att bedöma miljöpåverkan hos olika typer av material och också ett tillvägagångssätt bland End of Waste-kriterier. Ekotoxikologiska test har inte befunnits vara så vanligt tillämpade men har framhållits av studier som ett lämpligt komplement till laktester. Ur litteraturstudien framkom det svenska systemet BASTA som ett sätt att farobedöma byggmaterial, där det är grundat på CLP:s faroangivelser för hälso- och miljöfarlighet. Dessa tre delar har sammanställts i det förslag på miljöbedömning som presenteras i resultatdelen. En slutsats som kan göras är att arbetet med frågeställningen om produktifiering av cirkulära material är i sin linda och att det finns möjligheter till fortsatta studier på ämnet. / In a purely practical application of circular economics it is necessary to have knowledge of how to convert a used material into a new product. This may include legislation, but there is also a need to ensure that it cannot cause negative health or environmental consequences. Swerock strives to be able to produce circular aggregate material of surplus material from various projects, which leads to the question of how this can be environmentally assessed. Through a literature study, a compilation of knowledge was made to answer the question about which test methods Swerock can use to test materials for use in road constructions to ensure that danger to humans and the environment is avoided. The literature study in this thesis covers, inter alia, legislation, reports, studies and government documents to build a basis for a proposal for an environmental assessment procedure. A comparison was also made between the provided test results of leaching test samples from Swerock and compiled content limits from the literature. This was to illustrate the current situation and get an idea of the levels and substances that different actors have set limits for and in what ways. The study has shown that leaching tests are common for assessing the environmental impact of different types of materials and also as an approach among the End of Waste criteria. Ecotoxicological tests have not been found to be as commonly applied but have been highlighted by studies as a suitable complement to leaching tests. From the literature study, the Swedish system BASTA emerged as a way of assessing hazard in building materials, where it is based on CLP's hazard statements for health and environmental hazards. These three parts have been compiled in the environmental assessment proposal presented in the results section. One conclusion that can be made is that the work on the question of the production of circular aggregate materials is in its infancy and that there are opportunities for further studies on the subject.

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