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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transport of moderately sorted gravels at low bed shear stress : impact of bed arrangement and fine sediment infiltration / Transport de graviers à faible contrainte : impact de l'arrangement et de l'infiltration du lit par des sédiments fins

Perret, Emeline 18 October 2017 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est de comprendre la dynamique des graviers au sein des rivières alpines à faible contrainte en utilisant des expériences en laboratoire. Ces rivières sont souvent composées d’une large gamme de sédiments, allant des argiles aux galets. Ces différentes classes sédimentaires peuvent interagir entre elles, ce qui peut rendre difficile l’estimation du transport solide. Des expériences en laboratoire ont été conduites en écoulements instationnaires dans un canal de 18m de long et 1m de large. Deux types de lits ont été étudiés : lits unimodaux et bimodaux. Une attention particulière a été portée sur la réalisation des lits de graviers dans notre canal. Ils ont été créés dans le but d’approcher au mieux la configuration des lits de rivières alpines, c’est-à-dire avec différents arrangements et degrés de colmatage du lit par des sédiments fins. Les lits unimodaux sont composés de graviers peu triés avec divers arrangements de surface. Les lits bimodaux sont composés d’une matrice de graviers peu triés dans laquelle des sédiments fins se sont infiltrés (sables ou limons). Les processus régissant le transport de graviers ont été mis en avant. Le transport de graviers est impacté par l’arrangement du lit, la concentration de sédiments fins dans la couche de charriage, et par le changement de propriétés du lit due à la présence de sédiments fins (cohésion, perméabilité du lit). Plus le lit est arrangé, plus le transport est difficile. Plus la couche de charriage est concentrée en sédiments fins, plus le transport est facile. La forme des sédiments fins est aussi un facteur important pouvant modifier le transport des graviers. La présence de sédiments fins cohésifs dans la matrice peut considérablement réduire le taux de graviers transportés. Un modèle conceptuel a été développé pour résumer les différents processus contrôlant le transport de graviers. Il décrit le comportement des graviers dans les différentes configurations étudiées. L’outil proposé peut aider à comprendre, estimer et interpréter le transport de graviers. Il a été appliqué et discuté sur un cas de terrain sur la rivière de l’Arc. Basé sur ce modèle, nous avons proposé une nouvelle analyse dimensionnelle pour la construction d’un modèle de prédiction de transport solide prenant en compte des paramètres décrivant l’arrangement du lit, les propriétés géotechniques du lit et la présence de sédiments fins / This PhD thesis aims to understand gravel dynamics in Alpine rivers at low bed shear stress using laboratory experiments. Alpine river beds are often poorly sorted and composed of sediments ranging from clay to pebble. To understand interactions between these classes is an issue for predicting bedload rate. Laboratory experiments were performed in a 18m long and 1m wide flume, under unsteady flows. Two types of bed were investigated: unimodal and bimodal beds. A particular attention was paid to the bed construction, which was conducted in order to obtain a nature-like bed 12with different bed arrangements and degrees of clogging. Unimodal beds were made of moderately sorted gravels with different bed surface arrangements. Bimodal beds were made of moderately sorted gravels in which fine sediments (sand or silt) were infiltrated. Gravel rate was found to be impacted by the bed arrangement degree, the fine sediment concentration within the bedload layer and the changes in bed properties due to fine sediment presence (bed cohesion, bed permeability). The more packed the bed is; the more difficult it is to move gravels. The more concentrated in fine sediment the bedload layer is; the easier the transport of gravels is. The shape of fine sediments can also be an important factor for modifying the gravel rate. The presence of cohesive fine sediments within the bed matrix reduces significantly the gravel rate. A conceptual model was developed to recap the different processes controlling gravel transport. It provides a phenomenological description of the overall bed responses to a hydrograph. This tool is designed to help understanding, estimating or interpreting gravel transport in Alpine rivers. The conceptual model was discussed and applied to a field case made on the Arc River. Using the model, we also suggest a new dimensionless analysis for the construction of a bedload predicting model involving parameters describing bed arrangement, bed properties and fine sediment presence

Supported metal catalysts for friedel-crafts alkylation

Hlatywayo, Tapiwa January 2013 (has links)
Doctor Educationis / The research focused on the synthesis, characterisation and activity of zeolite supported metal catalysts for the Friedel-Crafts alkylation of benzene with t-butyl chloride. Alkyl benzenes are traditionally produced via systems that employ the use of Lewis acids or strong mineral acids. There have been widespread concerns over these approaches based on their environmental impacts and separation difficulties. Recent approaches have endeavoured the much to use more environmentally eco-friendly systems and zeolites have proved to be versatile support materials. The use of zeolites has also shown to greatly improve product selectivity as well as easing separation constraints. However the adoption of zeolites on large scale Friedel-Crafts alkylation has been hampered by the high cost of zeolite production from commercial sources. On the other hand fly ash has been found to be a viable starting material for zeolite synthesis. Apart from that South Africa is faced with fly disposal challenges and there is continual accumulation of fly ash at the coal fired power stations, which provide about 77 % of the power produced in the country. In this light the use of fly ash will help to reduce the disposal constraints as well as providing a cheap starting material for zeolite synthesis. In this study the hierarchical Zeolite X has been successfully synthesised from fly ash via a hydrothermal treatment. The zeolite was then loaded with Fe/Mn via two approaches namely liquid phase ion exchange and incipient wetness impregnation. For comparison purposes seasoned commercial support materials namely HBEA and MCM- 41 were also loaded with the same metals and characterised with various techniques namely; HRSEM, EDS, HRTEM, XRD, SAED, ICP-OES and N2 adsorption analysis, It was found from the characterisation undertaken that the integrity of the respective supports was generally retained upon metal loading. Both the ICP-OES and the EDS proved that the desired metals were successfully introduced onto the zeolitic support materials. The calculated percentage metal loading for the catalysts prepared via incipient wetness impregnation was closely related to the actual values obtained from the ICP-OES analysis for both the monometallic and the bimetallic catalysts (Fe/Mn). It was observed that the amount of metal that can be introduced on a zeolite via liquid phase ion exchange is largely dependent on the cation exchange capacity of the zeolite Supported metal catalysts for FC alkylation Page v and of the catalysts prepared using 0.25 M Fe solution it was found that Zeolite X had the highest Fe wt% loading of 11.4 %, with the lowest loading of 2.2 % obtained with the MCM-41 supported catalyst. The XRD patterns for the both HBEA and the MCM-41 supported metal catalysts resembled the patterns of the respective prestine support materials except in the case of catalysts with anFe wt % of more than 10, which exhibited peaks due to the Fe2O3 crystallites. In the case of the hierarchical Zeolite X, the metal loaded support had a significant reduction in the XRD peak intensities. The prepared catalysts were tested for the alkylation of benzene with t-butyl chloride. The benzene was also used as the solvent. The alkylation reaction was carried out in a round bottomed flask under reflux conditions and stirring at a temperature of 45 oC over a period of 5 h. A total of 18 catalysts was tested and the highest percentage conversion of 100 % was obtained with the 10%FeH after a reaction time of 2 h. The general trend obtained with the majority of the catalysts was characterised with a rapid initial increase and then steady state was achieved. Generally after a reaction time of 3 h almost all the catalysts had reached steady state in terms of the percentage conversion obtained. The outcomes reflect that the inclusion of Mn does not enhance the conversion but rather decreases it. It was also found that the Mn was not active in the alkylation of benzene as shown by the inactivity of the 10%MnM, where 10% by weight Mn was loaded on MCM-41. However the other monometallic catalysts containing Mn supported on Zeolite X and HBEA were found to be active. The activity is attributed to the presence of Brønsted acid sites in these zeolites which are not present in MCM-41. The selectivity studies reflect that the inclusion of Mn does slightly improve the selectivity towards the formation of the monoalkylated product (t-butyl benzene). The highest selectivity of 91.1 % was obtained with the 10%FeMnM after a reaction time of 4 h. MCM-41 supported catalysts had a relatively higher selectivity compared to the other supports. Considering the Fe monometallic catalysts tested it generally can be said that the yield were in the order HBEA > MCM-41 > Zeolite X. It however should be noted that the percentage yield is calculated from the conversion and selectivity percentages, this implies that the factors affecting these parameters will consequently affect the percentage yield obtained. Supported metal catalysts for FC alkylation Page vi The alkylation reaction was found to be characterised by the formation of two intermediate products which could not be identified. These products were formed during the transient start up stages of the reaction and would disappear from the reaction mixture with longer reaction times, and after 3 h in almost all the reactions studied the intermediates were not detected in the reaction mixture. The main products found were the monoalkylated product (desired product) and the para isomer (1,4-t-di-butyl benzene). There were no other dialkylated isomers or trialkylated products detected. The formation of the para isomer was usually after a reaction time of 2 h in most reactions. The research managed to show that the hierarchical Zeolites X can be synthesised from fly ash and ion exchange and incipient wetness impregnation are appropriate approaches that can be used to introduce Fe/Mn onto the support materials studied. The catalysts prepared were active to varying degrees in the Friedel-Crafts alkylation of benzene with t-butylchloride, with the exception of the 10%MnM which was found to be inactive.

The effect of acid etching on remineralization of incipient caries lesions : a micro-ct study

Yeslam, Hanin E. January 2009 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Etching of enamel caries lesions has been demonstrated to enhance remineralization. However, this effect reaches a plateau after a period of time. This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of additional acid etching on remineralization. Forty 1 mm × 2 mm human enamel blocks with chemically induced artificial incipient lesions were used. Ten specimens were randomly selected at the end of demineralization for transverse microradiography (TMR) analysis. The remaining specimens were then divided into three groups (n = 10). Group A was remineralized by a pH cycling system with 1100 ppm sodium fluoride for 20 days. In group B, the specimens were etched with 35-percent phosphoric acid for 30 s and then remineralized. Group C was remineralized by same procedure as group B plus and given an additional acid etch after 10 days of remineralization. Mineral density was measured by x-ray microtomography (µ-CT). The volumetric mineral content [VM (µm3×105)] was determined between 91 and 0-wt%. The µ-CT % mineral recovery (%) was calculated using the formula 100×(remineralize VM - demineralization VM) / (sound VM - demineralization VM). One-hundred-μm sections of demineralized and remineralized specimens were used to assess the mineral loss (IML: vol%×µm) and lesion depth (µm) using TMR. The three groups showed no significant difference in mineral change or mineral content for µ-CT or TMR lesion depth. The TMR IML showed a significant difference between the demineralized specimens and the three remineralized groups. The correlation between TMR IML and TMR lesion depth was 0.66 (p < 0.0001). The µ-CT percent mineral recovery from demineralization was correlated with neither TMR IML nor TMR lesion depth. When evaluated with µ-CT, the twice-acid-etched group presented lower mineral gain values than the group etched only once with acid. Also, the twice-etched group presented lower mineral gain and greater TMR IML compared with the non-acid etch group. TMR images revealed reduction of surface layer in the acid-etched groups, especially in the twice-etched group, in which significant reduction or loss of surface layer occurred. Based on these results, we conclude that additional acid etching with 35-percent phosphoric acid does not enhance remineralization compared with a single application of acid etching. We believe that the viable existence of the surface layer is essential for remineralization of the lesion. Further investigations into the accuracy of µ-CT to detect minute mineral changes in incipient caries lesions are probably needed.

Localização de faltas incipientes em sistemas de distribuição de energia elétrica com cabos subterrâneos

Herrera-Orozco, Andrés Ricardo January 2017 (has links)
Nos sistemas de distribuição de alta e média tensão tem-se aumentado a utilização de linhas de distribuição de energia subterrâneas ou cabos subterrâneos. A ocorrência de faltas nas linhas afeta negativamente a qualidade da energia e o correto funcionamento da rede. O processo que leva a uma falta nos cabos é gradual e está caracterizado por uma série de subciclos de faltas incipientes associadas a uma tensão de arco. Estas, muitas vezes, passam despercebidas e, eventualmente, resultam em uma falta permanente. Os métodos clássicos de localização de faltas como as metodologias baseadas no cálculo da impedância aparente, as baseadas na inteligência artificial e as baseadas nas ondas viajantes são, habitualmente, aplicadas ao sistema depois de uma falta permanente acontecer e precisam de um ou mais ciclos do sinal para entregar uma resposta razoável. No entanto, as faltas nos cabos são um processo gradual, de curta duração (entre ¼ e ½ ciclo do sinal) e seria desejável localizar a falta incipiente antes de tornar-se permanente. Nesse contexto, esta pesquisa aborda o problema de localização de faltas incipientes. Assim, nesta tese propõe-se uma nova técnica de localização de faltas incipientes usando medições em um terminal, no domínio do tempo e que utiliza componentes de fase. Desta forma, são desenvolvidas duas novas formulações do modelo elétrico do sistema de distribuição com cabos subterrâneos durante uma falta incipiente. A abordagem proposta considera simultaneamente na sua formulação características da falta incipiente e dos sistemas de distribuição de energia, como a tensão de arco, o modelo Π nominal de parâmetros concentrados do cabo subterrâneo, o desequilíbrio do sistema e a condição da carga. A estimativa da distância da falta, junto com os parâmetros da falta incipiente, é obtida a partir da solução de um sistema sobredeterminado de equações lineares pela aplicação do método de mínimos quadrados ponderados não negativos. As formulações propostas permitem estimar a distância da falta em termos da reatância da linha até a falta. Além disso, é proposto um processo de compensação de corrente para estimar a corrente de falta; é aplicado um pré-processamento dos dados de entrada para suavizar o efeito do ruído que pode conter o sinal e, é aplicado um pós-processamento dos resultados para refinar e entregar a melhor estimativa obtida durante o processo de localização da falta. O desempenho da técnica proposta é avaliado mediante estudos de casos simulados em um circuito real de distribuição no Alternative Transients Program (ATP/EMTP) considerando análises de sensibilidade e comparativa. Também, o modelo da falta incipiente foi programado utilizando a ferramenta de MODELS do ATP/EMTP. Os resultados obtidos, considerando faltas incipientes simuladas que avaliam a influência da variação da magnitude de tensão de arco, do ruído aleatório inserido na tensão de arco, da distância da falta, da taxa de amostragem, do carregamento do sistema, do modelo de tensão de arco e de incertezas nas medições, indicam claramente que a abordagem proposta possui validade como técnica de localização de faltas incipientes, apresentando erros médios globais de 1,60% e 0,93%, respectivamente para cada formulação proposta. / The use of underground power distribution lines or underground cables in the high and medium voltage distribution systems has increased dramatically in recent years. The fault occurrence in the distribution lines negatively affects the power quality and the correct network operation. The process which leads to a fault in underground cables is gradual and is characterized by a series of sub-cycles of incipient faults associated with an arc voltage. These often are unnoticed and, eventually, results in a permanent fault. Classical fault localization methods such as the based-impedance, the based on artificial intelligent and the based on traveling waves are, usually, applied to the system after a permanent fault occurrence and need one or more signal cycles for providing a reasonable response. However, the faults in cables are a gradual process, with short duration (between ¼ to ½ of signal cycle) and would be desirable to locate the fault before this becomes a permanent fault. In this context, this research approaches the incipient faults location problem. Thus, in this thesis is proposed a new incipient fault location technique using single-end terminal measurement, in time-domain and employing phase components. In this way, two new formulations of the electrical model of the distribution system with underground cables during an incipient fault are developed. The proposed approach considers simultaneously in its formulation, incipient fault type and power distribution systems characteristics as arc voltage, unbalanced operation, load conditions and complete line model. The fault distance estimation, together with the incipient fault parameters, it is obtained from the solution of an overdetermined linear system of equations by the application of the non-negative weighted least squares estimator method. The proposed formulations allow estimating the fault distance in terms of the line reactance up to the fault. In addition, a load current compensation strategy is proposed to reduce its effect in the fault current estimation; an input data pre-processing is applied to smooth out the noise effect and a post-processing of the results is performed for estimation refinement and to provide the best estimate obtained during the fault location process. The proposed technique performance is evaluated through simulated cases studies in a real-life distribution network with underground cable data in the Alternative Transients Program (ATP/EMTP) considering sensitivity and comparative analyzes. Also, the fault model was programmed using the MODELS tool of ATP/EMTP. The obtained results, considering simulated incipient faults, which evaluate the influence of variations in the arc voltage magnitude, random noise percentage inserted in the arc voltage, fault distance, sampling rate, load dynamics, the arc voltage model and uncertainties in measurements, indicate clearly that the proposed approach is valid as incipient faults location technique, showing overall average errors of 1,60% and 0,93%, respectively for each proposed formulation.

Statistical Incipient Fault Detection and Diagnosis with Kullback-Leibler Divergence : from Theory to Applications / Détection et diagnostic de défauts naissants en utilisant la divergence de Kullback-Leibler : De la théorie aux applications

Harmouche, Jinane 20 November 2014 (has links)
Les travaux de cette thèse portent sur la détection et le diagnostic des défauts naissants dans les systèmes d’ingénierie et industriels, par des approches statistiques non-paramétriques. Un défaut naissant est censé provoquer comme tout défaut un changement anormal dans les mesures des variables du système. Ce changement est imperceptible mais aussi imprévisible dû à l’important rapport signal-sur défaut, et le faible rapport défaut-sur-bruit caractérisant le défaut naissant. La détection et l’identification d’un changement général nécessite une approche globale qui prend en compte la totalité de la signature des défauts. Dans ce cadre, la divergence de Kullback-Leibler est proposée comme indicateur général de défauts, sensible aux petites variations anormales cachées dans les variations du bruit. Une approche d’analyse spectrale globale est également proposée pour le diagnostic de défauts ayant une signature fréquentielle. L’application de l’approche statistique globale est illustrée sur deux études différentes. La première concerne la détection et la caractérisation, par courants de Foucault, des fissures dans les structures conductrices. La deuxième application concerne le diagnostic des défauts de roulements dans les machines électriques tournantes. En outre, ce travail traite le problème d’estimation de l’amplitude des défauts naissants. Une analyse théorique menée dans le cadre d’une modélisation par analyse en composantes principales, conduit à un modèle analytique de la divergence ne dépendant que des paramètres du défaut. / This phD dissertation deals with the detection and diagnosis of incipient faults in engineering and industrial systems by non-parametric statistical approaches. An incipient fault is supposed to provoke an abnormal change in the measurements of the system variables. However, this change is imperceptible and also unpredictable due to the large signal-to-fault ratio and the low fault-to-noise ratio characterizing the incipient fault. The detection and identification of a global change require a ’global’ approach that takes into account the total faults signature. In this context, the Kullback-Leibler divergence is considered to be a ’global’ fault indicator, which is recommended sensitive to abnormal small variations hidden in noise. A ’global’ spectral analysis approach is also proposed for the diagnosis of faults with a frequency signature. The ’global’ statistical approach is proved on two application studies. The first one concerns the detection and characterization of minor cracks in conductive structures. The second application concerns the diagnosis of bearing faults in electrical rotating machines. In addition, the fault estimation problem is addressed in this work. A theoretical study is conducted to obtain an analytical model of the KL divergence, from which an estimate of the amplitude of the incipient fault is derived.


DANIEL MARINHO LAKS 12 August 2016 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo do presente trabalho é discutir as propostas estéticas dos modernismos de Mário de Andrade e de Almada Negreiros como respostas específicas a uma experiência de crise civilizacional. Este entendimento do seu tempo como período de viragem histórica suscitou diferentes propostas baseadas em expectativas diversas de futuro. Esta abordagem parte do pressuposto de que a representação artística se apresenta de forma intimamente relacionada à percepção do espaço e sua relação com os corpos. O modernismo, como forma simbólica, está intimamente relacionado com uma alteração significativa da percepção espaço temporal. Entretanto, essa dialética entre movimento artístico (modernismo) e experiência de espaço (modernidade) produziu na crítica literária uma avaliação do modernismo como uma resposta cultural à experiência da modernidade. Essa leitura relaciona-se com uma visão da modernidade como uma linha contínua de avanços tecnológicos, sociais, econômicos, etc., que surgem em centros e se espalham em direção à periferia. A partir desta interpretação produziram-se conceitos como modernismo tardio, modernismo periférico ou atraso cultural. A análise se propõe a situar as doutrinas e práticas estéticas agrupadas sob o conceito de modernismo em relação a conjunturas internas de cada país e a conjunturas internacionais num complexo mapa de coordenadas geopolíticas. Para isso, a Tese se estrutura em quatro pilares fundamentais de sustentação: Modernos, modernidades e modernismos; Futurista?! Em busca de uma expressão moderna de nacionalidade; Modernismos em modernidades incipientes: a insuficiência de invenções características da segunda revolução industrial nas narrativas romanescas de Mário de Andrade e Almada Negreiros; Modernismos e Estados Novos: os projetos de transformação cultural na esfera política do Salazarismo e do Varguismo. A partir destes pontos, o trabalho se pretende a associar o modernismo, não como uma dinâmica que surgiu no centro e se espalhou pela periferia como aplicação de um discurso estrangeiro, mas antes como a constituição de uma problemática impulsionadora de questionamentos diversos nas instâncias de entrecruzamento da cultura, da política e da arte. / [en] Modernisms in incipient modernities: Mário de Andrade and Almada Negreiros. The objective of the present work is to discuss the modernist aesthetical proposals from Mário de Andrade and Almada Negreiros as specific responses to an experience of civilizational crisis. This understanding of the time as a period of historical shift produced different proposals based on diverse expectations of future. This approach is based on the prerogative that the artistic representation presents itself intimately related to the perception of space-time and its relations with the bodies. The modernism, as symbolic form, is intimately related to a significant change in space-time perception. However, the dialetic between artistic movement (modernism) and experience of space (modernity) produced in the literary critique an evaluation of modernism as a cultural response to the experience of modernity. This reading in related to a understanding of modernity as a continuous line of technological, social and economical advances that occurred in centers and spread to the peripheries. From this interpretation concept such as late modernism, peripheral modernism and cultural delay were produced. The present analysis intend to situate the doctrines and aesthetical practices grouped under the concept of modernism in relation to the internal conjunctures of each country and the international conjunctures in a complex map of geopolitical coordinates. Thereunto, the Thesis structure itself in four fundamental supporting pillars: Moderns, modernities and modernisms; Futurist?! Searching for a modern expression of nationality; Modernisms in incipient modernities: the insufficiency of characteristic inventions from the second industrial revolution in the prosaic narratives from Mário de Andrade and Almada Negreiros; Modernism and New States: the projects of cultural transformation in the political field of Salazarism and Varguism. From these topics the work intends to associate modernism, not with a dynamic that rise in the centers and spread to the peripheries as application of a foreign speech, but rather as the constitution of a problematic that produced e diverse investigations in the lathing among culture, politics and arts.

Intéractions sociales et stratégies de fondation chez deux termites européens invasif et natif / Social interactions and foundation strategies in two invasive and native european termites

Brossette, Lou 03 October 2017 (has links)
Les interactions interindividuelles permettent la transmission de l’information, la dispersion des pathogènes et la mise en place des comportements dans une population. Cette thèse a permis d’évaluer l’influence des interactions sociales sur le succès de fondation colonial des différents reproducteurs de deux termites européens, l’invasif Reticulitermes flavipes et le natif R. grassei. Les résultats révèlent (i) un meilleur succès de fondation des reproducteurs primaires de R. flavipes, (ii) une organisation biparentale des soins aux jeunes toutes espèces confondues et (iii) une communication et des soins aux oeufs propres aux caractères invasif et natif des espèces d’étude. Pour finir, (iv) une meilleure survie et communication a été observée dans les colonies fondées avec reproducteurs secondaires tandis (v) qu’une communication supérieure et une survie moindre sont observées pour R. flavipes. Les origines évolutives de l’organisation biparentale et des variations de succès de fondations sont discutées. / Individual interactions permit information transmission, pathogen dispersion and shape behavioral strategies in a population. This thesis has permit to explore the influence of social interactions on the colonial foundation success of two European termites, the invasive Reticulitermes flavipes and the native R. grassei. The overall results revealed (i) a better foundation success of primary reproductives of R. flavipes, (ii) a biparental organisation of parental care in both species (iii) a level of communication and egg care reflecting native and invasive status of the two species studied. To finish, (iv) better survival and communication rates were observed in colonies founded with secondary reproductives than in colonies without any and (v) a better communication rate and a weaker survival rate for R. flavipes foundations with or without secondary reproductives. Evolutive origins of biparental care and of the variations of foundation success observed are discussed.

Localização de faltas incipientes em sistemas de distribuição de energia elétrica com cabos subterrâneos

Herrera-Orozco, Andrés Ricardo January 2017 (has links)
Nos sistemas de distribuição de alta e média tensão tem-se aumentado a utilização de linhas de distribuição de energia subterrâneas ou cabos subterrâneos. A ocorrência de faltas nas linhas afeta negativamente a qualidade da energia e o correto funcionamento da rede. O processo que leva a uma falta nos cabos é gradual e está caracterizado por uma série de subciclos de faltas incipientes associadas a uma tensão de arco. Estas, muitas vezes, passam despercebidas e, eventualmente, resultam em uma falta permanente. Os métodos clássicos de localização de faltas como as metodologias baseadas no cálculo da impedância aparente, as baseadas na inteligência artificial e as baseadas nas ondas viajantes são, habitualmente, aplicadas ao sistema depois de uma falta permanente acontecer e precisam de um ou mais ciclos do sinal para entregar uma resposta razoável. No entanto, as faltas nos cabos são um processo gradual, de curta duração (entre ¼ e ½ ciclo do sinal) e seria desejável localizar a falta incipiente antes de tornar-se permanente. Nesse contexto, esta pesquisa aborda o problema de localização de faltas incipientes. Assim, nesta tese propõe-se uma nova técnica de localização de faltas incipientes usando medições em um terminal, no domínio do tempo e que utiliza componentes de fase. Desta forma, são desenvolvidas duas novas formulações do modelo elétrico do sistema de distribuição com cabos subterrâneos durante uma falta incipiente. A abordagem proposta considera simultaneamente na sua formulação características da falta incipiente e dos sistemas de distribuição de energia, como a tensão de arco, o modelo Π nominal de parâmetros concentrados do cabo subterrâneo, o desequilíbrio do sistema e a condição da carga. A estimativa da distância da falta, junto com os parâmetros da falta incipiente, é obtida a partir da solução de um sistema sobredeterminado de equações lineares pela aplicação do método de mínimos quadrados ponderados não negativos. As formulações propostas permitem estimar a distância da falta em termos da reatância da linha até a falta. Além disso, é proposto um processo de compensação de corrente para estimar a corrente de falta; é aplicado um pré-processamento dos dados de entrada para suavizar o efeito do ruído que pode conter o sinal e, é aplicado um pós-processamento dos resultados para refinar e entregar a melhor estimativa obtida durante o processo de localização da falta. O desempenho da técnica proposta é avaliado mediante estudos de casos simulados em um circuito real de distribuição no Alternative Transients Program (ATP/EMTP) considerando análises de sensibilidade e comparativa. Também, o modelo da falta incipiente foi programado utilizando a ferramenta de MODELS do ATP/EMTP. Os resultados obtidos, considerando faltas incipientes simuladas que avaliam a influência da variação da magnitude de tensão de arco, do ruído aleatório inserido na tensão de arco, da distância da falta, da taxa de amostragem, do carregamento do sistema, do modelo de tensão de arco e de incertezas nas medições, indicam claramente que a abordagem proposta possui validade como técnica de localização de faltas incipientes, apresentando erros médios globais de 1,60% e 0,93%, respectivamente para cada formulação proposta. / The use of underground power distribution lines or underground cables in the high and medium voltage distribution systems has increased dramatically in recent years. The fault occurrence in the distribution lines negatively affects the power quality and the correct network operation. The process which leads to a fault in underground cables is gradual and is characterized by a series of sub-cycles of incipient faults associated with an arc voltage. These often are unnoticed and, eventually, results in a permanent fault. Classical fault localization methods such as the based-impedance, the based on artificial intelligent and the based on traveling waves are, usually, applied to the system after a permanent fault occurrence and need one or more signal cycles for providing a reasonable response. However, the faults in cables are a gradual process, with short duration (between ¼ to ½ of signal cycle) and would be desirable to locate the fault before this becomes a permanent fault. In this context, this research approaches the incipient faults location problem. Thus, in this thesis is proposed a new incipient fault location technique using single-end terminal measurement, in time-domain and employing phase components. In this way, two new formulations of the electrical model of the distribution system with underground cables during an incipient fault are developed. The proposed approach considers simultaneously in its formulation, incipient fault type and power distribution systems characteristics as arc voltage, unbalanced operation, load conditions and complete line model. The fault distance estimation, together with the incipient fault parameters, it is obtained from the solution of an overdetermined linear system of equations by the application of the non-negative weighted least squares estimator method. The proposed formulations allow estimating the fault distance in terms of the line reactance up to the fault. In addition, a load current compensation strategy is proposed to reduce its effect in the fault current estimation; an input data pre-processing is applied to smooth out the noise effect and a post-processing of the results is performed for estimation refinement and to provide the best estimate obtained during the fault location process. The proposed technique performance is evaluated through simulated cases studies in a real-life distribution network with underground cable data in the Alternative Transients Program (ATP/EMTP) considering sensitivity and comparative analyzes. Also, the fault model was programmed using the MODELS tool of ATP/EMTP. The obtained results, considering simulated incipient faults, which evaluate the influence of variations in the arc voltage magnitude, random noise percentage inserted in the arc voltage, fault distance, sampling rate, load dynamics, the arc voltage model and uncertainties in measurements, indicate clearly that the proposed approach is valid as incipient faults location technique, showing overall average errors of 1,60% and 0,93%, respectively for each proposed formulation.

Seepage Effects on Stream Power, Resistance, Incipient Motion and Regime of Sand Bed Channels including Its Design

Sreenivasulu, Gopu January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Common behavioral trends and characteristics of alluvial channels including rivers are extensively discussed in the literature. However, little is known about the hydrodynamic effects of seepage on alluvial channels. Factors like sand bed resistance, stream power of the channel, incipient motion of bed particles, and geometry of the channel cross section are significantly affected by seepage. This thesis presents the experimental investigations that are aimed to find out the quantitative effect of seepage, through a sand bed in downward (suction) direction, on the above mentioned factors. The problem in the sediment transport analysis is that the knowledge of complex interaction of several parameters with seepage cannot be fully obtained. In order to generalize the results, experiments are conducted in four rectangular smooth walled sand bed flumes under steady and fairly uniform flow conditions. Among the four, one is the Large Tilting Flume (LTF), which is 25 m long, 1.80 m wide and 1.00 m deep and with a seepage length of up to 20 m. This LTF is specially built at hydraulic laboratory, Indian Institute of Science exclusively for the present research work especially on alluvial channel regime. The experimental channels are designed to apply controlled amounts of uniform seepage flow in either direction in one flume (Flume-2), and only in downward direction to other three flumes (Flumes 1, 3 and 4). The application of seepage is perpendicular to the sand bed thickness over a sufficient length of the main channel. Appropriate instruments are used to accurately measure the basic experimental variables such as discharge in the main channel, seepage discharge, flow depth, water surface and bed slope, seepage gradients and cross sectional profiles. Experiments are carried out at different conditions (plane beds and curved shape channels) as explained below: Plane sediment beds Series – 1: Experiments to determine incipient motion of bed particles under no-seepage condition. Series – 2: Experiments on the non-transporting condition of the bed particles under both no-seepage and seepage condition. Series – 3: Experiments on the transporting condition of the bed particles under both no-seepage and seepage condition. Curved shape channels Series – A: Experiments to verify Lane’s (1953) geometric profile against higher discharge than prescribed by Lane (1953). Series – B: Experiments to verify the Lane’s (1953) geometric profile by allowing the discharge prescribed by Lane (1953). Series – C: Experiments to predict the final geometric profile by applying suction to Series – B experiments. A wide range of sediment particles are tested. Five different sized uniform sands (d50 = 1 mm, 0.56 mm, 0.65 mm, 1.00 mm and 1.77 mm) and gravel of size d50 = 8.00 mm are used for experimentation. Among the six sizes, three sizes (d50 = 0.56 mm, 0.65 mm, 2 mm) are used for seepage experimentation. The experimental data from the present experiments along with the available data from other sources on more sizes of sand are analyzed, thus covering a wide range of sand sizes. The following important results are obtained from the analysis. A new resistance equation has been developed for plane sediment beds (with little or no-transport) such that the average velocity in the channel depends on the shear velocity Reynolds number. A careful study has been done on incipient motion and concluded that incipient motion is better explained by critical stream power criterion for plane sediment beds. With the help of critical stream power criterion, a straightforward design procedure using design tables/design curves and analytical methods are presented to solve six possible design problems. For plane and non-transporting beds, in general, the stream power in the channel increases with suction and decreases with injection. The increase and decrease depend on the seepage power intensity parameter (NP), initial value of stream power (Ωbo), and critical stream power of the particles under no-seepage condition (Ωco). An expression relating all the influencing parameters is established to quantitatively estimate the stream power (Ωbs) variation with both the types of seepages, i.e., with suction and injection. It is found that the seepage has a significant influence in changing critical stream power for incipient motion of the bed material and the value is significantly different from the no-seepage critical value. An expression is established to quantitatively estimate the critical stream power with seepage (upward and downward) for a given critical stream power (Ωco) of the bed material under no-seepage conditions and initial stream power (Ωbo). It has been established that critical stream power curve used to define incipient motion is valid only for no-seepage condition of the bed and it cannot be used for sand beds under seepage condition, as seepage effects significantly alters the stream power. From the wide range of experimental data (including the observations from LTF) it is found that suction (downward seepage through the sand bed) enhances the transport or aids the incipient motion of bed particles which are initially at rest. Thus, suction reduces the stability and increases the erosion of bed particles when compared to no-seepage conditions. However, it is found that injection (upward seepage) affects in an opposite way, i.e., it can reduce the transport rate or even inhibit the incipient motion. Thus, injection increases the stability and reduces the erosion of bed particles when compared to no-seepage conditions. Therefore, it is concluded that suction increases the mobility of sand particles where as injection decreases their mobility. An expression to find the incipient motion with seepage (both suction and injection) is established in terms of stream power’s (Ωco, Ωbo and Ωbs) based on the present experimental data along with others' data. With the help of these expressions design procedure is developed for ten types of possible problems. A numerical model for spatially varied flow has been developed with the help of the seepage governing equations, developed in this thesis, to compute flow profiles along the channel length. A methodology of predicting the location of incipient motion section in sand bed channels affected by seepage is also presented. Channel geometry affected by seepage (suction) is established in the form of regression relationships for perimeter, flow depth and slope of the channel. Different combinations (bi-variate and tri-variate) of dimensional and non-dimensional regression relationships are developed. An approach to channel design has been developed based on the application of functional analysis of the salient variables that control the channel behavior. And also, it has been established that, Lane’s (1953) profile almost matches with experimental profile for no-seepage condition. The present investigation clearly shows the significance of seepage in altering the hydraulic and sediment transport behavior of sand bed channels. From the practicing engineer’s point of view it is hoped that present design procedures will be helpful in safe guarding the seepage affected channels.

Localização de faltas incipientes em sistemas de distribuição de energia elétrica com cabos subterrâneos

Herrera-Orozco, Andrés Ricardo January 2017 (has links)
Nos sistemas de distribuição de alta e média tensão tem-se aumentado a utilização de linhas de distribuição de energia subterrâneas ou cabos subterrâneos. A ocorrência de faltas nas linhas afeta negativamente a qualidade da energia e o correto funcionamento da rede. O processo que leva a uma falta nos cabos é gradual e está caracterizado por uma série de subciclos de faltas incipientes associadas a uma tensão de arco. Estas, muitas vezes, passam despercebidas e, eventualmente, resultam em uma falta permanente. Os métodos clássicos de localização de faltas como as metodologias baseadas no cálculo da impedância aparente, as baseadas na inteligência artificial e as baseadas nas ondas viajantes são, habitualmente, aplicadas ao sistema depois de uma falta permanente acontecer e precisam de um ou mais ciclos do sinal para entregar uma resposta razoável. No entanto, as faltas nos cabos são um processo gradual, de curta duração (entre ¼ e ½ ciclo do sinal) e seria desejável localizar a falta incipiente antes de tornar-se permanente. Nesse contexto, esta pesquisa aborda o problema de localização de faltas incipientes. Assim, nesta tese propõe-se uma nova técnica de localização de faltas incipientes usando medições em um terminal, no domínio do tempo e que utiliza componentes de fase. Desta forma, são desenvolvidas duas novas formulações do modelo elétrico do sistema de distribuição com cabos subterrâneos durante uma falta incipiente. A abordagem proposta considera simultaneamente na sua formulação características da falta incipiente e dos sistemas de distribuição de energia, como a tensão de arco, o modelo Π nominal de parâmetros concentrados do cabo subterrâneo, o desequilíbrio do sistema e a condição da carga. A estimativa da distância da falta, junto com os parâmetros da falta incipiente, é obtida a partir da solução de um sistema sobredeterminado de equações lineares pela aplicação do método de mínimos quadrados ponderados não negativos. As formulações propostas permitem estimar a distância da falta em termos da reatância da linha até a falta. Além disso, é proposto um processo de compensação de corrente para estimar a corrente de falta; é aplicado um pré-processamento dos dados de entrada para suavizar o efeito do ruído que pode conter o sinal e, é aplicado um pós-processamento dos resultados para refinar e entregar a melhor estimativa obtida durante o processo de localização da falta. O desempenho da técnica proposta é avaliado mediante estudos de casos simulados em um circuito real de distribuição no Alternative Transients Program (ATP/EMTP) considerando análises de sensibilidade e comparativa. Também, o modelo da falta incipiente foi programado utilizando a ferramenta de MODELS do ATP/EMTP. Os resultados obtidos, considerando faltas incipientes simuladas que avaliam a influência da variação da magnitude de tensão de arco, do ruído aleatório inserido na tensão de arco, da distância da falta, da taxa de amostragem, do carregamento do sistema, do modelo de tensão de arco e de incertezas nas medições, indicam claramente que a abordagem proposta possui validade como técnica de localização de faltas incipientes, apresentando erros médios globais de 1,60% e 0,93%, respectivamente para cada formulação proposta. / The use of underground power distribution lines or underground cables in the high and medium voltage distribution systems has increased dramatically in recent years. The fault occurrence in the distribution lines negatively affects the power quality and the correct network operation. The process which leads to a fault in underground cables is gradual and is characterized by a series of sub-cycles of incipient faults associated with an arc voltage. These often are unnoticed and, eventually, results in a permanent fault. Classical fault localization methods such as the based-impedance, the based on artificial intelligent and the based on traveling waves are, usually, applied to the system after a permanent fault occurrence and need one or more signal cycles for providing a reasonable response. However, the faults in cables are a gradual process, with short duration (between ¼ to ½ of signal cycle) and would be desirable to locate the fault before this becomes a permanent fault. In this context, this research approaches the incipient faults location problem. Thus, in this thesis is proposed a new incipient fault location technique using single-end terminal measurement, in time-domain and employing phase components. In this way, two new formulations of the electrical model of the distribution system with underground cables during an incipient fault are developed. The proposed approach considers simultaneously in its formulation, incipient fault type and power distribution systems characteristics as arc voltage, unbalanced operation, load conditions and complete line model. The fault distance estimation, together with the incipient fault parameters, it is obtained from the solution of an overdetermined linear system of equations by the application of the non-negative weighted least squares estimator method. The proposed formulations allow estimating the fault distance in terms of the line reactance up to the fault. In addition, a load current compensation strategy is proposed to reduce its effect in the fault current estimation; an input data pre-processing is applied to smooth out the noise effect and a post-processing of the results is performed for estimation refinement and to provide the best estimate obtained during the fault location process. The proposed technique performance is evaluated through simulated cases studies in a real-life distribution network with underground cable data in the Alternative Transients Program (ATP/EMTP) considering sensitivity and comparative analyzes. Also, the fault model was programmed using the MODELS tool of ATP/EMTP. The obtained results, considering simulated incipient faults, which evaluate the influence of variations in the arc voltage magnitude, random noise percentage inserted in the arc voltage, fault distance, sampling rate, load dynamics, the arc voltage model and uncertainties in measurements, indicate clearly that the proposed approach is valid as incipient faults location technique, showing overall average errors of 1,60% and 0,93%, respectively for each proposed formulation.

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