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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Religione e Immigrazione: Uno Studio Comparativo tra Chiese Etniche in Europa / RELIGION AND IMMIGRATION: A COMPARATIVE STUDY AMONG ETHNIC CHURCHES IN EUROPE / Religion and Immigration: A Comparative Study Among Ethnic Churches in Europe

MOLLI, SAMUELE DAVIDE 25 May 2020 (has links)
Questa tesi di dottorato desidera contribuire ad un’emergente campo di ricerca che indaga le intersezioni tra la religione e la migrazione. Se l’Islam ha fin ora assorbito la maggior parte degli studi, questo lavoro si concentra invece sulle chiese etniche erette da migranti cattolici, sia nella città di Milano che di Londra. Negli ultimi decenni, i flussi migratori hanno infatti contribuito a modellare nuove forme di pluralismo religioso, anche all'interno delle denominazioni cristiane storiche, come nel caso della Chiesa cattolica. In particolare, questa tesi esamina come la religione diventa una componente significativa dell'esperienza della migrazione e analizza in che modo contribuisce ai processi di integrazione. Combinando differenti dati qualitativi, questo lavoro spiega inizialmente come le chiese etniche siano diventate importanti snodi urbani in entrambe le città, trasformando di fatto il panorama locale in un'arena transnazionale. Quindi, indaga le attività spirituali promosse internamente, ed esamina in che modo le chiese fungono da piattaforme di welfare. Infine, si discutono le sfide legate a questo nuovo cattolicesimo etnico. Pertanto, dettagliando le varie funzioni sociali svolte dalle chiese etniche, questa tesi di dottorato mostra come la religione rappresenti una forza alternativa e mediatrice in grado di supportare i processi di integrazione dei migranti, un ruolo che è ancora sottostimato nella letteratura europea. / This PhD thesis wishes to contribute to an emergent body of research that inquires into the intersections between religion and migration. Beyond the common target on Islam, this work focuses instead on ethnic churches established by catholic migrants both in the city of Milan and London. Over the last decades, migration flows have indeed contributed to shape new forms of religious pluralism, even inside the Historical Christian denominations, as in the case of Roman Catholic Church. In particular, this thesis examines how religion becomes a significant component of the experience of migration, and analyses in which ways it contributes to integration processes. By combining qualitative data, initially this work explains how ethnic churches have become significant urban hubs in both cities, de facto transforming local panorama in a transnational arena. Then, it investigates the types of spiritual activities promoted internally, and examines in which ways churches serve as welfare platforms. Finally, this work discusses the challenges related to such new ethnic Catholicism. Thus, by detailing the various social functions of ethnic churches, this PhD thesis shows how religion represents an alternative and mediating force able to support migrants’ integration processes, a role which is still understudied into European literature.

IL COORDINATORE NEI SERVIZI TUTELA MINORI. UNA RICERCA IN LOMBARDIA / The role of middle manager in child protection services. A research in Lombardy.

MALVESTITI, DANIELA 25 May 2020 (has links)
Lo scopo della ricerca è stato comprendere il ruolo dei coordinatori nei Servizi Tutela Minori lombardi. Questi middle managers sono il primo riferimento organizzativo e metodologico per gli assistenti sociali, ma allo stesso tempo hanno una responsabilità nei confronti del top management e delle comunità rispetto al buon andamento di questi Servizi. Attualmente la conoscenza scientifica prodotta sul ruolo è scarsa e sembra che esso abbia preso forma prevalentemente nella pratica. Lo studio ha avuto una duplice finalità, sia descrittiva che esplorativa: la prima parte della ricerca ha infatti indagato le caratteristiche socio-demografiche, la qualifica e la carriera dei managers, mentre la seconda ha esplorato la loro opinione sul loro ruolo in termini di competenze richieste, bisogni e risorse. La ricerca ha previsto un'indagine preliminare sui Servizi Tutela Minori lombardi, un questionario on-line indirizzato a tutti i coordinatori attivi in Lombardia, nonchè interviste semistrutturate indirizzate ad un campione di questi managers (18). Due approcci teorici hanno fatto da cornice agli approfondimenti, ovvero gli studi culturali delle organizzazioni e del management (Alvesson e Berg, 1993; Mintzberg, 1980, 2010; Gagliardi e Monaci, 2011) e il Relational Social Work (Folgheraiter, 1998, 2011, 2017). L’integrazione tra queste teorie e i dati raccolti dai managers hanno permesso di delineare le caratteristiche specifiche che il ruolo di coordinatore tutela minori assume nel sistema di Child Protection lombardo e di far emergere la prospettiva dei coordinatori sul proprio lavoro. / The aim of this study was to understand better the role of middle managers in lombard Child Protection services. This managers are the first organizational and methodological reference for social workers, but at the same time they have a responsability towards top management (and communities) in terms of a good service trend. There isn’t so much knowledge about their work and it seems that they have built their role in practice. The study explored the current characterization of managers that are active in lombard Child Protection system and collected their opinions about the role. The study consisted in a preliminary investigation about Child Protection services in Lombardy After this first investigation, the first step was a survey on-line addressed to all the managers that actually works in Lombardy; the second step consisted in semistructured interviews addressed to a sample of these managers (18). The aim of the first part of the research was descriptive (socio-demographic characteristics, qualification and career of the managers) while that of the second part was exploratory (managers opinion about their role in terms of competences requested, needs and resources). The research has combined two theoretical approaches, cultural studies of organizations/management (Alvesson e Berg, 1993; Mintzberg, 1980, 2010; Gagliardi e Monaci, 2011) and Relational Social Work (Folgheraiter, 1998, 2011, 2017): the integration of them allowed the identification of specific characteristics of child protection middle managers and their point of view about their job.


ULERI, FRANCESCA 07 April 2020 (has links)
Dagli anni '80 lo sviluppo del sistema agro-alimentare globale ha subito un processo di progressiva globalizzazione che ha interessato sia il complesso della produzione che i modelli di consumo. Questa tendenza ha innanzitutto portato a una crescente integrazione verticale dei produttori agricoli sui mercati globali. La loro azione è stata reciprocamente vincolata all'azione di altri attori specializzati operanti sui mercati di input e output. Allo stesso modo, le recenti trasformazioni dei comportamenti dei consumatori nei cosiddetti paesi occidentalizzati, hanno avuto un impatto su territoriali diversi da quelli che li hanno innescati, contribuendo così a rimodellare le modalità e le pratiche di produzione in quei complessi che entrano nel mercato al fine di soddisfare una nuova domanda agroalimentare diversificata. L'orientamento verso nuovi prodotti, come prodotti biologici, alimenti funzionali o prodotti "esotici" ricchi di proprietà nutrizionali, che fino a poco tempo fa appartenevano esclusivamente a nicchie di mercato specifiche, segna oggi il profilo dell'offerta sui grandi canali di distribuzione. L'evoluzione delle preferenze di consumo ha avuto, e continua ad avere, un'influenza decisiva nell'incorporare nuovi territori e gruppi di produttori nelle catene globali. Tuttavia questa integrazione non è esente da meccanismi deterritorializzazione del prodotto e rimodellamento del tessuto sociale agrario. La tesi, dopo aver descritto tale scenario in relazione al suo impatto generale sulle economie rurali latinoamericane, si concentra su un caso studio specifico riguardante l'evoluzione dell'economia contadina nell'Altiplano boliviano in seguito al boom internazionale della quinoa. Questa evoluzione viene analizzata alla luce dei cambiamenti nel sistema di accesso alla terra, nell'organizzazione del lavoro agricolo e nella sfera della sicurezza alimentare. Il contributo si basa su una ricerca empirica condotta in tre municiplaità rurali dell’altopiano meridionale boliviano attraverso una metodologia quali-quantitativa comprendente l'uso di interviste semi-strutturate, metodologie standardizzate specifiche per la valutazione del livello di sicurezza alimentare (FCS, ELCSA ) e la somministrazione di un questionario. I dati sono stati interpretati attraverso la lente di un complesso quadro teorico che coinvolge il pensiero marxista, la teoria Chayanoviana sull'economia contadina, l'istituzionalismo polanyiano e i recenti contributi della scuola di sociologia rurale di Wgeningen. Partendo dall'analisi del modo tradizionale in cui le comunità andine si sono organizzate storicamente per fornire alle famiglie contadine l'accesso sufficiente alla terra e al lavoro, la tesi segue presentando l'impatto sociale del quinoa-boom. Il lavoro evidenzia nuovi meccanismi di accaparramento e concentrazione della terra ed erosione dell'azione comunitaria, elementi i quali pongono l'economia contadina locale in un processo di erosione e differenziazione di fronte a emergenti conflitti sociali e vulnerabilità nell'ambito della sicurezza alimentare. / Since the 1980s the development of the global agro-food system has undergone a process of progressive globalization which has affected both complex of production and patterns of consumption. This trend has firstly resulted in a growing vertical integration of the agricultural producers on global markets. Their action has been mutually bound to the action of others specialized actors (e.g. input suppliers, intermediaries, marketers etc.) operating on the input and output markets. In the same way, the recent transformations of consumer behaviors, in the so-called westernized countries, have impacted on spatial and territorial contests different from the ones that have triggered them, thus contributing to reshape modes and practices of production in those complexes that enter the market in order to meet a new diversified agro-food demand. The orientation towards new products, such as organic products, functional foods, or “exotic” products rich in nutritional properties, that until recently belonged exclusively to specific market niches, marks today the profile of the supply on the large distribution channels. The evolution of the consumption preferences has had, and still continues to have, a decisive influence in incorporating new territories and groups of producers into the global value chain from which they had remained excluded during the previous Fordist period. Nonetheless, the integration into the global market has proceeded in connection to a process of commodification of the production cycle that, on the one hand, has detached the product from the territories of origin and (fetishization), on the other hand, has restructured the agrarian ground. This thesis after describing the above scenario in relation to its impact on the Latin American agrarian context, moves to focus on a specific case study regarding the evolution of the peasant economy in the Bolivian Altiplano sur under the international quinoa boom. This evolution is analyzed in the light of the changes in the land access system, agricultural labour organization and food security. The contribution is based on an empirical research carried out in three rural municipalities of the Bolivian Southern Highlands through a quali-quantitative methodology comprising the use of semi-structured interviews, specific standardized methodologies for the assessment of the food security level (FCS, ELCSA), and the administration of a questionnaire to a sample of local quinoa producers. Data have been interpreted through the lenses of a complex theoretical framework entailing the Marxist thought, the Chayanovian theorization on the peasant economy, the Polanyian institutionalism and the recent contributions of the Wgeningen Rural Sociology School. By starting from the analysis of the traditional way through which the Andean communities have historically organized themselves in order to provide the peasant households with the sufficient access to land and labour as to satisfy their reproduction needs, the thesis moves to present the social impact of the export boom. It shows new land-grabbing mechanisms, concentration of access to land and erosion of the community action which are now placing the local peasant economy in a pathway of erosion and differentiation in front of emerging social conflicts and vulnerabilities in the sphere of food security.

La creazione dell'assistenza basata sul valore attraverso il ridisegno dei processi / CREATING VALUE-BASED HEALTHCARE THROUGH PROCESS REDESIGN / Creating value-based healthcare through process redesign

LARATRO, SIMONE 11 May 2021 (has links)
La tesi vuole porre l’attenzione su uno dei dilemmi dei moderni sistemi sanitari: garantire buoni servizi di cura a costi contenuti. La tesi affronta tale questione attraverso l’implementazione del modello value-based (cfr. medicina basata sul valore), dove per “valore” si intende il risultato di salute conseguito per risorse impiegate. L’obiettivo della tesi è quello di dedurre, attraverso tre differenti punti di analisi, le condizioni e i fattori che stanno inducendo le aziende sanitarie a migliorare i loro modelli di erogazione di cura al fine di incrementare il valore per i pazienti. Nello specifico, la tesi focalizza l’attenzione sui processi sanitari (cfr. operations management) mettendo in risalto le modalità con cui le aziende sanitarie tendono a ridisegnare i processi sanitari per rispondere meglio ai bisogni dei pazienti.La tesi tocca diverse prospettive del modello teorico del value-based. I primi due capitoli analizzano la creazione di valore e le condizioni di implementazione analizzando il fenomeno dalla prospettiva aziendale. Al contrario, l’ultimo capitolo punta ad analizzare tale questione dalla prospettiva del paziente. La tesi da spunti su come le aziende sanitarie debbano intraprendere tali cambiamenti operativi e supportare l’implementazione del modello value-based attraverso tre differenti prospettive: percorsi clinici, efficienza operativa, prospettiva del paziente. / The current thesis tries to shed a light on one of the dilemmas concerning healthcare systems: delivering good care at affordable costs. Therefore, this thesis addresses the issues related to the implementation of the value-based healthcare theory, where “value” is the clinical outcome achieved per resources used. The scope of the thesis is to deduce, through three different viewpoints of analysis, the conditions and drivers that are leading healthcare organizations to enhance their healthcare delivery system in order to create more value for patients. In particular, the thesis stresses the perspective of healthcare operations highlighting how providers tend to redesign healthcare processes to better meet patients’ needs. The thesis touches on different perspectives with regard to the value-based theoretical model. The first two chapters analyze value creation and the conditions of its implementation, looking at these phenomena from the provider’s point of view. In contrast, the last chapter aims to analyze this issue from the patient’s perspective. The thesis makes suggestions on how healthcare organizations should undertake operational changes and deals with value-based healthcare implementation through three different fronts: clinical pathways, operational efficiency, patient’s perspective.

Discrezionalità  e condizionamento organizzativo nella pratica professionale di servizio sociale

Cappello Rizzarello, Fabio January 2014 (has links)
Il lavoro affronta il tema delle tensioni fra organizzazione e professione nel servizio sociale; il frame teorico di riferimento utilizzato é quello delle "street level bureaucracies" elaborato da Michael Lipsky (1980). Nella tesi viene evidenziato come la discrezionalità degli assistenti sociali possa essere fortemente condizionata dalle pressioni e dalle priorità organizzative grazie ad una strategia dissimulatamente managerialistica ("Power. A radical view" Lukes, 1973). In particolare, in uno studio di caso realizzato all'interno di un servizio sociale territoriale genovese, si delinea come gli operatori possano essere indotti a mettere in atto pratiche di razionamento degli interventi a causa della carenza di risorse umane e finanziarie. Tutto ciò coerentemente con l'impostazione teorica di Lipsky. In termini di politiche d welfare emerge come un servizio, a prescindere dalla sua impostazione universalistica, possa lentamente ridimensionarsi - in riferimento al lavoro con i minori - in una child protection agency, rinunciando tendenzialmente ad interventi secondo una logica preventiva e promozionale.

A New Design For the Support of Collaborative Care Work in Nursing Homes

Ceschel, Francesco January 2018 (has links)
Nursing homes are complex healthcare settings that take care of older adults with sever cognitive and physical impairments. Given the conditions of the patients, nursing homes can be considered end-of-life contexts. There, the care work that aim to mitigate and treat the conditions of the patients it is the result of the collaboration between the care professionals and the relatives of the patients. Indeed, when the patients are very old adults in a end-of-life situation, the provision of care often involves a family caregiver as the main point of contact for the healthcare service. However, caring for institutionalized older adults is known to be a complex issue both for the families of the older adults and the care professionals. Over the last few years, there has been an increasing interest in this topic primarily due to a growing older population and, hence, a heightened need of research contributions in this area. Previous studies on caregiving for older adults living in nursing homes recognize the necessity to support professionals’ work practices to ameliorate their working conditions, and decrease the risk of burnout and job dissatisfaction, as well as to relieve the families of the patients from the burden of caring for their loved ones. Yet, the literature shows a lack of solutions in terms of technologies for this kind of environments. In this thesis we report an extensive study and analysis we performed within a network of six and nursing homes located in the northern Italy.We investigated the practice of caregiving within the nursing homes. In particular, we focused on the work practices of care professionals, and on the relational issues between the care professionals and the families of the patients. We conducted, first, an exploratory study to comprehend the nature of our research context. Afterwards, we carried out a series of participatory design sessions and validation workshops to elicit the requirements for the development of a new technology platform to support the collaboration between care professionals and relatives of older patients. The outcomes of this work shed new light on the opportunities of using ICT solutions to improve relations and information sharing among caregivers. Indeed, our findings state that the organizational and relational complexity of nursing homes emphasize how poor communication practices hinder the collaboration and the mutual understanding between the relatives of the patients and the care professional. As a result, we deliver a series of functional requirements for the development of a technology platform that aims to support relationships, communication, and coordination among care professionals, and between care professionals and families of the patients.

Cosmologies of destinations: rootes and routes of Eritrean forced migration towards Europe

Belloni, Milena January 2015 (has links)
Cosmologies of destinations investigates some commonly neglected dimensions of forced migration. It examines the key symbolic structures and social mechanisms which encourage and sustain the mobility trajectories of Eritreans from their home country to Ethiopia, Sudan, Italy and beyond. The central argument is that, in refugee-producing countries which suffer from protracted crisis and livelihood disruption, refugee movements become much more than a form of reactive mobility. Within these communities, becoming a refugee is not only a way to escape oppressive conditions but also the outcome of socially and symbolically embedded strategies aimed at personal realization and family well-being. Building on a multi-sited ethnography of the everyday life of Eritrean refugees in a number of settings (including homes, refugee camps, urban squats, and other settings of sociability) in their home country as well as in Ethiopia, Sudan and Italy, the thesis explores the range of social and economic resources needed to circumvent legal and geographic borders, and the moral and cultural norms that underpin these practices. It contributes to the theorization of refugee mobility, which is currently somewhat underdeveloped, by providing a framework to analyse high-risk forced migration, based on an emic understanding and systematic description of the living conditions, life aspirations and risk perceptions of Eritreans in their home country and in transit to Europe. The study feeds into the broader debate on the blurring boundaries between labour and forced migration by emphasising the social and cultural, along with the structural, determinants of mobility and immobility. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first analyses the conditions that make exit a widespread and legitimate, albeit controversial, option for young people in Eritrea. The second chapter provides accounts of refugees' everyday lives in the first safe countries (Ethiopia and Sudan), chronicling the dynamics that trigger secondary movements towards Europe. The third analyses the lives of Eritrean refugees in Italy, documenting the conditions that activate further mobility within Europe. The fourth chapter describes the migratory infrastructures that allow for these refugee movements, including the role played by transnational marriages, smugglers and family networks. The final chapter provides a micro-analysis of decision-making, aimed at explaining the willingness of refugees to take great risks at different stages of the migration process. A methodological note narrates how the research was carried out in the various sites and analyses the implications of multi-sited ethnographic fieldwork with refugees.

Carers and Careers. Grandparental care investment and its labour market consequences in Europe

Zanasi, Francesca 24 April 2020 (has links)
As life expectancy increases, grandparents spend a longer part of their life with grandchildren, which opens opportunities for sharing time, resources, and affection. The present dissertation aims at investigating the content of the grandparent-grandchild relationship and, at the same time, the consequences that becoming a grandmother could have on mid-life women’s labour market participation. It revolves around three main contributions. First, it approaches grandparenting from a stratification perspective, putting forward that grandparents could perform different activities with grandchildren according to their educational levels. Second, it investigates grandmothers’ transition to retirement as driven by the institutional context, which shapes both the extent to which grandparental childcare is needed as support for the younger generations (measured through the availability of childcare services) and the extent to which it is easy and attractive to withdraw early from the labour force for old-age individuals (measured through the generosity of the pension system). Finally, it considers grandmothers’ labour market withdrawal as enabled, or constrained, by women’s previous work history, with two case-studies: England and Italy. In fact, decisions taken earlier in life on work-family reconciliation, on the one hand, could be reproduced in late-life upon the grandchild’s birth; on the other hand, years worked, and kind of job held open different routes for retirement. Taken together, the present dissertation unveils that grandparenthood is a multifaceted phenomenon, which must be studied in a multi-generational framework and by considering demographic, social, and institutional trends of current European societies.

LE NUOVE CITTADINE ED IL CONSUMO DI NOTIZIE: UN'INDAGINE SU PARTECIPAZIONE, APPARTENENZE E TRASMISSIONE CULTURALE DELLE GIOVANI DI ORIGINE ARABA A MILANO / New citizens and news consumption: a research about participation, belonging and cultural transmission of young women of Arab origin in Milan

AIANI, MARINA 20 February 2015 (has links)
Sebbene la presenza dei figli degli migranti stia assumendo sempre maggior rilievo anche in Italia la ricerca ha posto poca attenzione alle loro scelte di consumo mediale e all’appropriazione dei media come risorse sociali ed ambientali. La tesi si focalizza sul caso delle giovani donne di origine araba per indagare il ruolo giocato dal consumo di notizie nella cornice più complessa dei processi di negoziazione di identità. Un focus è riservato alle tre dimensioni di appartenenze, partecipazione e trasmissione culturale tra generazioni – in relazione alle madri e ai coetanei. Un’indagine, a livello più “macro”, indaga le possibili implicazioni per il dialogo interculturale. Attraverso la raccolta di quarantotto storie di vita un primo livello di analisi diacronico indaga presenza e intensità del consumo di news nelle fasi della vita per comprendere se possa rappresentare un rito di passaggio all’età adulta, mentre una seconda pista cerca di comprendere come esso si leghi alla questione del sentirsi “cittadini”, in termini di riconoscimento, appartenenza e per scoprire se il consumo di news possa diventare una risorsa per essere soggetti attivi nella sfera pubblica. Tutte le giovani donne di origine araba vivono a Milano, hanno tra i diciotto e i trentadue anni e differiscono per le variabili di 1) nascita o arrivo in Italia dopo i 6 anni; 2) attivismo e 3) religiosità (musulmane, copte ortodosse, atee). / Although the presence of migrants’ sons and daughters is gaining more and more importance also in Italy, the research have not given special attention to their choices concerning media consumption and to the appropriation of the media as social and environmental resources. This thesis is focused on the case of young women of Arab origin in order to investigate the intersections between news consumption and the negotiation of the social identity. A first focus is on three dimensions: participation, belonging and cultural transmission – in comparison with mothers and peers. A second “macro” level of the research investigates the implications as regard to intercultural dialogue. Through the collection of forty-eight life histories, a first level of diachronic analysis investigates the presence and the intensity of news consumption in different stages in order to understand if it could be a rite of passage to the adulthood, while a second track tries to understand how this is connected to the feeling of being “citizens”, in terms of identification, belonging and to investigate if news consumption may be a resource to be active citizens in the public sphere. All young women of Arab origin live in Milan, they are between eighteen and thirty-two years old, and differ in variables 1) they were born or arrived in Italy since they were 6 years old, 2) activism and 3) religion (Muslims, Coptic Orthodox or atheists).

La produttività sociale delle organizzazioni di terzo settore in reti associative multilivello / The Social Productivity of Third Sector Organizations in Multilevel Associative Networks

DELLISANTI, FRANCESCO 02 March 2007 (has links)
La tesi indaga il ruolo specifico agito dalle organizzazioni di terzo settore in reti associative multilivello, dal punto di vista della capacità di generare e valorizzare le relazioni con gli altri membri e con l'ambiente esterno. Per reti multilivello si intendono quegli organismi, a diversi gradi di formalizzazione, che riuniscono al loro interno entità locali, di secondo livello, ed eventualmente di livelli coordinativi superiori, con lo scopo di fornire supporto all'attività dei gruppi affiliati o di coordinarne le risorse materiali e immateriali per il benessere sociale della comunità. Le indagini condotte hanno incluso nel campo di osservazione sia le reti che comprendono esclusivamente organizzazioni di terzo settore le organizzazioni multilivello di terzo settore sia i network di partnership miste con enti pubblici. La dimensione della produttività sociale delle reti è stata letta attraverso la lente del concetto di capitale sociale, inteso come la dotazione, da parte di una rete, di relazioni caratterizzate da codici normativi e prassi di fiducia, reciprocità e collaborazione. I risultati delle tre indagini presentate, di carattere sia quantitativo che qualitativo, mostrano che: a) esiste uno specifico capitale sociale prodotto da organizzazioni multilivello di terzo settore che è in grado di connetterle sia all'interno del network (funzione bonding) che all'esterno (funzione bridging); b) che tale capitale sociale di terzo settore possiede delle sue proprie qualità che lo distinguono dalla relazionalità agita in reti di servizio pubbliche; c) che la relazionalità delle organizzazioni di terzo settore è in grado, in certe condizioni, di svilupparsi verso l'esterno in reti di partnership miste con soggetti del settore pubblico, determinando nuove dinamiche relazionali ed esiti societari peculiari. / The dissertation deals with the specific role played by third sector organizations in multilevel associative networks in terms of capacity to generate and foster relationships with other members and with the outer context. Multilevel associative networks are defined as those entities that gather local agencies, second level and higher coordination level entities with the aim of providing support for the affiliated groups and/or coordinating material and immaterial resources for the benefit of the community. The research field included networks comprising third sector organizations only so-called third sector multilevel organizations as well as plural partnership networks with other public agencies. The social productivity dimension was studied through the lenses of the social capital concept, defined as that specific set of resources possessed by those networks endowed with relationships of trust, reciprocity and collaboration. The results of the three research projects presented, carried out with quantitative and qualitative techniques, show that: a) there is a specific social capital produced by third sector multilevel organizations which connects actors both within the network (bonding function) and with the outer world (bridging function); b) the third sector's social capital presents some distinctive characteristics compared with the relational properties of public service networks; c) third sector organizations are able, under certain circumstances, to develop social capital networks also with public agencies, setting new dynamics and peculiar social outcomes.

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