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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

RICOSTRUIRE IL PUZZLE DELLA PROPRIA STORIA Una ricerca partecipativa con le persone adottate / RICOSTRUIRE IL PUZZLE DELLA PROPRIA STORIA. UNA RICERCA PARTECIPATIVA CON LE PERSONE ADOTTATE / PUT TOGETHER THE PIECES OF OWN IDENTITY PUZZLE A participatory research on the challenge of Italian adoptees in searching for their origins

MALACRIDA, LAURA 25 May 2020 (has links)
Il presente lavoro di tesi, realizzato su mandato della cooperativa C.T.A. di Milano, discute i risultati di una ricerca partecipativa realizzata per approfondire il percorso di ricerca delle origini da parte di persone adottate con adozione nazionale. Per la realizzazione della ricerca, in accordo con i principi dell’approccio partecipativo, sono stati coinvolti quattro esperti per esperienza -adulti adottati che hanno fatto esperienza di ricerca delle proprie origini- i quali, lavorando in gruppo insieme al ricercatore, hanno definito le domande di ricerca, valutato la scelta dello strumento per la raccolta dei dati, costruito la traccia dell’intervista e infine analizzato i dati raccolti. Dalle 16 interviste realizzate sono emersi risultati che evidenziano la complessità del percorso di ricerca delle origini: quali significati assume per le persone adottate, le modalità con cui avviene, da parte di chi le persone adottate si sentono supportate nel corso delle ricerche, il rapporto con la famiglia adottiva, con altre persone adottate, con i Tribunali per i Minorenni e con gli operatori sociali. Questi risultati forniscono numerosi elementi utili non solo per approfondire la conoscenza del fenomeno, ma anche per immaginare l’attivazione di forme di sostegno specifiche per coloro che necessitano di ricostruire il puzzle della propria storia. / This thesis, carried out under the mandate of CTA Milan, shows the results of a participatory research on the process of reconstruction of pre-adoptive history by Italian adult adoptees. According to the participatory model, four experts by experience were involved in a research group (steering group), and work in tandem with the researcher on all the research project. Integrating researcher’ s technical skills with experiential skills of co-researchers, we defined the research question and decided to use semi-structured interviews to collect data. Text analysis of the transcripts of the 16 interviews carried out, was also made in the steering group, according to the literature review and to the personal experience of co-researchers. The interviews analysis shows the whole complexity of the origins’ research process: what is the meaning of origins’ research in the view of adoptees; how Italian adoptees try to find the identity of their birth family; by whom they have been supported during this research process; the relationships with adoptive family, with other people who live adoptive experiences, with the Juvenile Court and social workers. With these results we could learn more about origins’ research and provide significant suggestions on how adopted people could be supported in their experience of research.

Indigenous Peoples and Self-Determined Development: the Case of Community Enterprises in Chiapas

Giovannini, Michela January 2014 (has links)
Most exogenous developmental models have not provided satisfactory results in indigenous settings. The resulting development policies have contributed to the expropriation of indigenous territories and to the indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources, that have led to a generalized worsening of indigenous peoples’ living conditions. The expression “development aggression” has been coined to describe the violation of indigenous individual and collective rights during development processes that have been imposed top-down rather than shared and implemented with the communities involved. Against this background, several studies have pinpointed the role of indigenous entrepreneurship in sustaining endogenous development processes. Due to the low number of empirical studies supporting this proposition, this research aims at contributing to the debate, claiming that community enterprises are an effective vehicle for an indigenous self- determined process of development. More specifically, these grassroots entrepreneurial initiatives appear able to sustain an indigenous conception of well-being that has recently entered the Latin American debate on development. This conception, named buen vivir, emphasizes the importance of indigenous culture, the natural environment, and collective well-being. Based on a multidisciplinary approach that draws on entrepreneur- ship, economic sociology, anthropology, and development studies, the re- search combines theoretical and empirical approaches. An ethnographic study has been carried out in the first half of 2012 and has investigated sixteen self-managed community enterprises that have been founded by indigenous Mayan communities in the Mexican state of Chiapas. The fieldwork has been based on in-depth semi-structured interviews, as well as direct observation and analysis of secondary sources. The focus is on identifying the enabling factors that have supported the emergence of these enterprises and the impact they have had on improving indigenous peoples’ well-being. The main findings pinpoint the existence of some enabling factors for the emergence of community enterprises in the indigenous context, that have to be found in the indigenous cultural resources on which they are based, in the linkages they hold with social movements, and in the situation of social and economic stress of the context in which they are embedded. The research has also highlighted that in the context ana- lyzed community enterprises maintain some specific characteristics: they have a civic origin, thus they are not externally driven; they pursue a plurality of goals, which are not only social and economic, but also political, cultural and environmental; they have a participatory governance, based on equality among members and on democratic principles; and an entrepreneurial dimension that is explicitly aimed at pursuing social objectives through the continuous production of goods or services. These four characteristics explain the contribution that community enterprises can offer in supporting alternative approaches to development, where local communities are actors of their own development processes.

Feeding Distinction: Constrictions and Constructions of Dietary Compliance

Oncini, Filippo January 2018 (has links)
In this work, moving back and forth along complementary perspectives, I aim to provide an in-depth analysis of the social stratification of eating and feeding practices in an Italian context, with a special focus on the school canteen as a possible enhancer of children’s dietary compliance. Although the thesis cannot be read as a single monograph, the fil rouge that runs through the chapters presents new insights on the ways eating and feeding are organised, regulated, differentiated, and reproduced in Italy by adults and children. In fact, each chapter reads as an autonomous contribution, accompanied by a specific literature review, that distinctively adds to a branch of the research on food sociology, from health to consumption passing through childhood. Nevertheless, this does not imply that the chapters are disconnected, and the reader will often find cross references throughout the manuscript. The thesis is constructed on two different blocks, divided by methodology, but held together by the first chapter, in which I discuss the socio-philosophical foundation of the research. Here I initially draw from Bourdieu’s practice theory to discuss the theoretical and methodological foundations of the thesis, and I subsequently examine the concepts of eating and feeding practices, eventually outlining the contribution of each empirical chapter. Therefore, the first block seeks to identify theoretically informed empirical regularities using Bourdieu’s (2011) theory of capitals, and its adaptation to health behaviours as proposed by Abel (2007; 2008). This part aims to ‘quantify’ how capital constrictions shape food consumption and beyond. Chapter 2, focusing on gender differences in health behaviours among adults (Courtenay, 2000), analyses the determinants of dietary compliance, drinking behaviour and smoking, and how gender differentials change depending on the respondent’s levels of cultural capital. Chapter 3, however, which paves the way for the subsequent ethnography, focuses on the determinants of dietary compliance among Italian schoolchildren, and specifically on the role of the school canteen as an equaliser that can mitigate health inequalities by improving the diet of most disadvantaged children. In the second block, I focus on eating and feeding practices as social constructions. This part of the work allows me to go behind and beyond the empirical regularities shown in the previous chapters. Behind, because qualitative data provide an opportunity to consider the epistemological foundations and the political implications of the construction of dietary compliance, in school and at home; beyond, because they allow us to excavate in vivo how eating and feeding are part of a contested field of knowledge that depends on family endowments. The three chapters are hence based on the ethnographic fieldwork and the in-depth interviews conducted in four Italian primary schools. Chapter 4, partially rooted in the Foucauldian tradition of governmentality studies, uses the concept of strategy and tactics (de Certeau, 1984) to analyse the construction and implementation of a healthy meal and the resistances that arise around and within the school canteen. On a different note, chapter 5 makes use of the in-depth interviews with parents and the fieldnotes gathered in Poversano and Goldazzo school canteens to study how cultural and economic family resources shape parental feeding practices, their perception of the school meal and children’s knowledge of healthy food and cuisine. Finally, chapter 6 illustrates what happens to food education programs when they are applied in extreme contexts, such as the school of a poverty-stricken neighbourhood of Palermo. In the conclusions, I summarise the most important findings of the manuscript, and I draw attention to the possible implications for school food programs as well as for future directions for research.

On agonism and design: dialogues between theory and practice

Willis, Max January 2019 (has links)
Design has the potential to disrupt the status quo, yet disruption inevitably introduces new conflicts. One of the challenges of Social Design is to navigate the social, political and material conflicts that define contemporary lives and find new ways to transform them into creative resources. In addressing that challenge this thesis investigates agonism, a multifaceted theory that explicates conflict and grounds the need for such an investigation in design activism. The political implications, practical considerations and design potentials of agonism are examined in detail, and three core principles of agonism are defined: Identities, Dialogues and Agonistic Space. These principles are elaborated through their relation to intersubjectivity as a fundamental aspect of human experience, its interactional role in identity formation and communication, and its influence on the production and performance of space. A Constructive Design Research methodology is employed that contributes to the understanding agonism through a series of research trajectories and interventions. Design strategies to enact agonism are proposed around game, play and interaction design: Identities can be investigated through Role-Playing, Dialogues can be initiated through Storytelling, and Agonistic Space can be manifested as a Third Place. These strategies are field tested to examine various communities and the conflicts within them. A game intervention Mind the Gap confronts the endemic problem of the gender gap in academic and professional communities of ICT and STEM. A research intervention takes agonistic perspectives to elucidate conflicts of European migration and participatory urban planning in a neighbourhood community in the U.K. A digital intervention applies agonism towards engaging a platform community that has no material form, in the online project of commonfare.net. These interventions experiment with creative inquiry, game and play as design speculations, sketching and constructing playful inerventions that engage participants in agonism, to enact challenges to the status quo and illuminate potential solutions to complex societal issues. The utility and outcomes of the principles and strategies are evaluated with a focus on emergent intersubjectivity through Dialogic Syntax and Critical Discourse Analyses of gameplay, narratives and design artifacts. The main contributions of this thesis are its shift from empathic perspectives to intersubjectivity in design research, and its operationalization of the theory of agonism for Social Design. Secondary contributions include the elaboration of game and play as design speculation that includes critical reflections on their real-world practices, and the artifact Mind the Gap which has evolved from prototype to a co-created, community driven experience that continues to engage people in meaningful dialogues that challenge the status quo of the gender gap.

Making Sense of Users Participation in Open Source Projects: The case of a Mature Video Game

Poderi, Giacomo January 2013 (has links)
Through a cyberethnographic informed approach applied to a mature Free and Open Source Software video game collective this research addressed a central issue in contemporary information age: the increasing place taken by users in creating and maintaining innovative public goods thanks to the distributed carrying capacity of the Internet. The empirical work is based on an ethnographic immersion in the field and on interviews and it is theoretically informed by Actor-Network Theory and integrated with insights coming from Action Nets.

Structural and Cultural Determinants of Fertility and Female Labour Market Participation in Italy and Europe

Guetto, Raffaele January 2012 (has links)
The thesis contributes to the explanation of two well-documented phenomena: the strong decline in fertility rates and the parallel increase in female labour market participation which occurred in the last decades in most OECD countries. The argument is studied by means of a European comparison and an in-depth analysis of the Italian case. An innovative aspect of the work is the combination of cultural and structural explanations. In fact, the main argument of the thesis is that cross-national differences and the puzzling Italian and Southern European pattern of low fertility and low female labour market participation should be understood as stemming from the interplay between different factors, related to a structural – Welfare Regimes and the Economic Theory of the Family – and a cultural theoretical framework – the Second Demographic Transition and the distinction between “strong” and “weak” family systems. In detail, the thesis shows empirically how both women’s opportunity-costs and households’ economic resources as well as family values and preferences are useful to understand fertility and female labour market participation behaviours. ILFI (Indagine Longitudinale sulle Famiglie Italiane, 1997-2005) data have been used to demonstrate how individual- and household-level mechanisms, connected with social stratification, underlying the transition to parenthood and female labour market participation around childbirths are coherent with the Italian familialistic institutional setting. Italy is an interesting case not least because of its strong regional heterogeneity, which concerns also the family formation process. Adopting an epidemiological approach, ILFI and IARD data on the condition of youth (2004) are exploited to show how the regional heterogeneity in family behaviours within Italy, such as the lower age at parenthood and the higher fertility rates in Southern regions in the selected cohorts, may be largely explained by differences in family values. This first hint suggesting the role of culture on demographic behaviours is developed further in a comparative setting using EVS (European Values Study, 1990-2008) data. The latter allowed to assess directly the importance of values and attitudes for women’s labour market participation and fertility decisions in 15 European countries. Finally, the comparison between the different paths followed by Italy and the Netherlands in the last thirty years is discussed as an example of how changes in the institutional settings in order to foster work-family reconciliation are deeply embedded within wider processes of social change. Based on the developed theoretical framework and the results of the mentioned empirical analyses, the author attempts to integrate different streams of the literature and presents an argumentation about the complex interplay between interests, ideas and institutions underlying fertility and female labour market participation trends and patterns.

LA MOTIVAZIONE NELLE ORGANIZZAZIONI NONPROFIT: UNO STUDIO SULLE ASSOCIAZIONI DI VOLONTARIATO / Motivation in Nonprofit organizations: a study on voluntary associations

PALUMBO, SONIA 09 June 2014 (has links)
La tesi affronta la questione delle motivazioni che possono spingere la persona a donare gratuitamente il proprio tempo a favore di un’organizzazione di volontariato. Tanto la tematica del nonprofit quanto quella della motivazioni al lavoro (che costituiscono i due punti focali dell’elaborato) sono trattati in un’ottica multidisciplinare presentando una breve rassegna dei principali contributi di studiosi afferenti ad ambiti scientifici eterogenei. Nell’ultima parte del lavoro viene presentata una ricerca condotta su 292 volontari della provincia di Monza e Brianza provenienti da tre associazioni di volontariato diverse per ambito di intervento e target di riferimento: ABIO, AUSER, Protezione Civile. Tramite un questionario, costruito partendo dallo studio di Carpenter e Myers (2007), si è analizzata la rilevanza di diverse categorie motivazionali che, secondo le precedenti ricerche condotte, possono avere una qualche influenza sulla scelta di essere un volontario (e di continuare ad esserlo): l’altruismo puro e impuro, la reputazione, la carriera, la socialità, la propensione al rischio e al risparmio, la religiosità, la familiarità, l’essere stato invitato esplicitamente da amici e conoscenti. L’ultima parte presenta i risultati dell’analisi dei dati da cui si evince la presenza di fattori self-oriented ed other-oriented che sostengono ed alimentano l’impegno prestato dai lavoratori non retribuiti . / This thesis deals with the volunteers's motivations and their effort in NGO. Through a survey we have analysed some motivational variables which could have a certain influence on the decision of being a volunteer. Referring to previous researches on this topic, We have inquired into: altruism and impure altruism, reputation , career, social concerns, risk, religiosity , familiarity , having been expressly invited by friends.


GARAVAGLIA, EMMA 09 June 2014 (has links)
Adottando l’approccio della sociologia del corso di vita allo studio delle traiettorie occupazionali, la ricerca analizza comparativamente i percorsi di fine carriera di individui 50-67enni in Europa. Lo studio si focalizza su un’analisi esplorativa dei percorsi di fine carriera e sull’analisi delle influenze esercitate dai contesti istituzionali, da comportamenti e attitudini gestionali di imprenditori e manager, dalle caratteristiche individuali sui late-career pattern. Dunque, la ricerca nel complesso include tre livelli: a) macro-sociale, sistemi di welfare e di produzione; b) micro-sociale, caratteristiche individuali; c) meso-sociale, pratiche gestionali d’impresa. La mia ipotesi è che le pratiche di age management si sviluppino secondo logiche coerenti con le strategie macro di gestione dell’occupazione degli anziani e che siano tipiche a livello di regimi di welfare/di produzione. Per rispondere alle domande di ricerca sono state applicate tecniche di analisi statistica monovariata e multivariata ai dati: 1) SHARE: Survey sulla salute, l’invecchiamento e il pensionamento in Europa, che analizza le biografie occupazionali di individui over50 in 19 paesi europei; 2) ASPA: Survey Activating Senior Potential in Europe che analizza attitudini comportamenti dei datori di lavoro nei confronti del lavoratori anziani. I paesi inclusi nello studio sono: Germania, Polonia, Svezia, Danimarca, Italia e Olanda. / By adopting the institution and agency-centered approach of the sociological life-course theories, the research analyses late career patterns of 50-67 years old individuals across Europe. I am in particular interested in understanding the prevalent late-career patterns in different countries and the influences exerted on them by institutional contexts, employers’/managers’ attitudes and behaviors and individual characteristics. So, overall, I consider three levels: the macro-social level (institutional context: welfare and productive regime), the micro-social level (individual characteristics) and the meso-social level (companies practices). My hypothesis is that age management practices are in line with macro institutional employment strategies for the older workforce and that they are typical at the level of welfare/production regimes. The empirical analysis consists of mono e multivariate statistical analysis using these data sources: 1) the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, on 50 years old individuals’ life courses in 19 countries all over Europe; 2) the Activating Senior Potential in Europe survey, on employers’ attitudes and behavior towards older workers in different EU countries. The countries included in my comparative study are: Germany, Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Italy and the Netherlands.

What Women Want: parlano le donne. L'esperienza di consumo e la costruzione della corporeità / WHAT WOMEN WANT: PARLANO LE DONNE. L'ESPERIENZA DI CONSUMO E LA COSTRUZIONE DELLA CORPOREITA' / What Women Want: women talk. The consumption experience and the body construction

RANA, ITALIA 24 March 2017 (has links)
L’obiettivo di questa tesi è di analizzare la relazione fra l’esperienza di consumo e la costruzione della corporeità. Il lavoro si sviluppa all’ interno di un frame teorico che ha previsto lo studio integrato di tre discipline: sociologia, filosofia e marketing esperienziale. In particolare, l’analisi sociologica dei consumi ha messo in luce la complessità del consumo postmoderno collocandolo all’ interno del più ampio contesto socio culturale contemporaneo. Un consumo dove si evidenziano nuove modalità di espressione dell’identità dell’individuo attraverso l’uso degli oggetti, innovativi spazi di comunicazione e condivisione (offline e online) e una pluralità di stili di consumo che di volta in volta il consumatore cambia in base agli stili di vita, gusti, preferenze e contesti sociali. In questo quadro, allora, è emersa la necessità di studiare il consumo da una seconda prospettiva teorica che chiama in causa il marketing esperienziale, al fine di comprendere le modalità e le strategie attraverso cui il marketing veicola la propria offerta commerciale. Pertanto, si è inteso approfondire il concetto di esperienza di consumo, fornendo una definizione teorica e le sue principali caratteristiche. Da queste analisi si è evidenziato il ruolo del corpo nel processo di costruzione dell’esperienza; partendo da questo assunto si è proceduto allo studio della filosofia per fare chiarezza sulla contrapposizione fra corpo soggetto agente dell’esperienza e corpo agito dall’intelletto. Inoltre, attraverso l’analisi della letteratura sociologica, si è approfondito la contrapposizione fra una visione della corporeità intesa come progetto individuale e quella che la intende come oggetto sociale. Infine si è analizzata una terza chiave di lettura (Featherstone 2010) che identifica nel ‘soggetto’ una sua possibile ricomposizione. La base empirica della tesi si fonda sull’uso della netnografia per l'analisi di un forum (Ciao.it) dove sono stati rilevati i post di consumatori di cosmetici e offline attraverso 15 interviste semistrutturate. La tesi mette chiarisce quali sono le categorie di consumo comunicate dai consumatori, se sono presenti nuove categorie non individuate dalla letteratura e la differenza fra la comunicazione online e offline dell’esperienza. Inoltre, l’analisi consentirà di delineare i processi sottostanti la costruzione della corporeità nell’esperienza di consumo e se il ‘soggetto’ si configura quale effettivo elemento di ricomposizione fra corpo come progetto individuale e corpo come oggetto culturale. / The aim of this thesis is to analyze the relationship between the experience of consumption and body construction. The work is developed within a theoretical framework that provides for the integrated study of three disciplines: sociology, philosophy and experiential marketing. In particular, the sociological analysis of consumption has highlighted the complexity of postmodern consumption by placing within the broader socio-cultural context of the contemporary. A consumer wherever there are new ways of individual expression of identity with objects, innovative communication and sharing spaces (offline and online), and a plurality of styles of consumption that the consumer changes according lifestyles, tastes, preferences and social settings. In this context, then, it is important to study the consumption by a second theoretical perspective that involves experiential marketing, in order to understand the ways and strategies through which conveys marketing its product offering. Therefore, it was necessary to deepen the concept of consumer experience, providing a theoretical definition and its main characteristics. From these analyses it is highlighted the role of the body within the process of construction of experience. So, the study of philosophy was important to clarify the contrast between the body as an agent of experience and a vision that considers the body as an object of the intellect . In addition, through the analysis of the sociological literature, it has deepened the contrast between a vision of corporeality as an individual project, and one that considers the body as a cultural object. Finally, we examined a third interpretation (Featherstone 2010) that identifies the 'subject' a possible third interpretation of this phenomenon. The empirical basis of the thesis is based on the use of netnography for analysing a forum (Ciao.it) where the post of consumers of cosmetics and offline through 15 semi-structured interviews were detected. The thesis clarifies the categories of consumption reported by consumers, if there are new categories not identified in the literature and the difference between the online and offline communications experience. In addition, the analysis will outline the processes underlying the construction of corporeality in the experience of consumption and whether the 'subject' is presented as an effective third interpretation of the conflict between the vision of the body as an individual project and the body as a cultural object.

Os processos repetitivos e a celeridade processual / I processi seriali e la celerità processuale

Mollica, Rogerio 31 May 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho procura identificar os problemas ocasionados pelos processos repetitivos e buscar meios de compatibilizar a celeridade processual com o grande aumento do número de ações ajuizadas, sendo que grande parte dessas ações discutem teses idênticas. A preocupação com o atraso na prestação jurisdicional não pode ser tida como uma exclusividade brasileira, mas um problema que afeta diversos países, sejam eles mais ou menos desenvolvidos. Vários países europeus passaram a prever em suas constituições e leis que a tramitação dos processos deve ocorrer num prazo razoável, sem dilações indevidas, e promoveram diversas reformas processuais, visando a diminuir a grande demora na tramitação dos processos judiciais. O estudo mostra que os feitos repetitivos tratam principalmente de relações de consumo, de funcionários públicos em busca de reajustes passados, de contribuintes buscando afastar a cobrança de algum imposto, ou de ações visando à obtenção de benefícios na Previdência Social. Nesse pequeno quadro de ações repetitivas, pode-se verificar que os entes governamentais estão presentes direta ou indiretamente em todos eles. Os feitos repetitivos envolvendo a Fazenda Pública acabam por prejudicar a celeridade processual e essa demora parece interessar aos entes públicos que assim ganham tempo para efetuar pagamentos ou conceder benefícios. Muitos dos problemas levados pelos particulares ao Poder Judiciário poderiam e deveriam ser resolvidos administrativamente, pois o judiciário não pode se tornar uma extensão do balcão dos entes públicos. Procura-se mostrar que o incentivo aos meios alternativos de solução de controvérsia pode ser uma melhor opção à celeridade processual do que o aumento do investimento no Poder Judiciário que, muitas vezes, acaba por gerar mais processos e saturação de nossos fóruns. Como, muitas vezes, não se mostra possível a diminuição dos feitos em tramitação, ou o aumento da estrutura judiciária para fazer frente à demanda crescente, é preciso que os escassos recursos sejam otimizados para que se possa aproveitar bem a estrutura disponível, para que se tenha uma prestação mais célere e com o emprego de menos recursos. Ademais, os precedentes devem ser valorizados, pois somente com a previsibilidade de julgamentos uniformes e que respeitem a segurança jurídica é que poderemos racionalizar o trabalho do judiciário e dar vazão aos milhões de processos que atolam as nossa Cortes. Em seguida, passa-se ao estudo das novas técnicas do processo para que se consiga obter celeridade processual nos processos repetitivos. São revistas novidades legislativas como o artigo 285-A do CPC, a súmula vinculante e a impeditiva de recursos, o julgamento por amostragem, a ênfase no julgamento monocrático, bem como a informatização e os processos coletivos, como meios de assegurar uma rápida tramitação processual dos processos repetitivos. Por fim, antes de alinhar as conclusões obtidas no decorrer do estudo, são analisados alguns projetos de lei e idéias apresentadas por doutrinadores de alterações legislativas, para a verificação de sua utilidade para equalizar a relação dos processos repetitivos com a celeridade que se busca na tramitação processual. Por fim, chega-se à conclusão de que é necessário que se dê um tratamento especial para os processos repetitivos para não inviabilizar o processo como um todo. / Questo lavoro cerca di identificare i problemi causati dai processi analoghi e di trovare i mezzi di compatibilizzare la celerità processuale con il grande aumento di azxioni agiudicate, essendo che gran parte di queste azioni discutono tesi identiche. La preoccupazione con il ritardo nella prestazione giurisdizionale non può essere considerata come un\'esclusività brasiliana, ma un problema che coinvolge diversi Paesi, siano loro più o meno sviluppati. Diversi Paesi dell\'Europa hanno cominciato a prevedere nelle loro costituzioni e leggi che il tramite dei processi deve accadere in una durata ragionevole, senza dilazioni indovute e hanno promosso diverse riforme processuali con lo scopo di diminuire il grande ritardo nella tramitazione dei processi giudiziali. Lo studio mostra che i fatti analoghi trattano inanzitutto di rapporti di consumo, di funzionari pubblici cercando arretratti dovuti, di contribuenti cercando di allontanare la riscossione di qualche tassa, o di azioni che mirano l\'ottenimento di benefici nella Previdenza Sociale. In questo piccolo quadro di azioni analoghi, ci si può verificare che gli enti governativi sono presenti diretta od indirettamente in tutti loro. I fatti analoghi coinvolgendo la Pubblica Finanza finiscono per dannegiare la celerità processuale e questo ritardo pare interessare agli enti pubblici che così hanno tempo per effetuare pagamenti o concepire benefici. Molti dei problemi portati dai privati al Potere Giudiziario potrebbero e dovrebbero essere risolti amministrativamente, giacché il giudiziario non può diventare una estensione dei balconi degli enti pubblici. Si cerca di mostrare che l\'incentivo ai mezzi alternativi di soluzione di controversia può essere una opzione migliore alla celerità processuale anziche l\'aumento dell\'investimento nel Potere Giudiziario che, molte volte, finisce per scaturire più processi la saturazione dei fori. Come, molte volte, non si mostra possibile la diminuzione dei fatti in tramitazione, o l\'aumento della struttura giudiziaria per far fronte alla domanda crescente, è necessario che le scarse risorse siano ottimizate affinché si possa approffitare bene la struttura disponibile, perché si abbia una prestazione più celere e con l\'impiego di meno risorse. Inoltre, i precedenti devono essere valutati, sicché soltanto con la previsibilità di giudizi uniformi e che rispettino la sicurezza giuridica fa sì che potremo razionalizzare il lavoro e smaltire i milioni di processi che colmano le nostre Corti. In seguito si passa allo studio delle nuove tecniche del processo affinché si riesca as ottenere celerità processuale nei processi analoghi. Sono reviste novità legislative come l\'articolo 285-A del CPC, la sumola vincolante e la impeditiva di risorse, il giudizio per campione, l\'enfasi nel giudizio monocratico, così come l\'informatizzazione ed i processi colettivi, come mezzi di assicurare una rapida tramitazione processuale dei processi analoghi. Infine, prima di allineare le conclusioni ottenute nel trascorso dello studio, sono analizzati alcuni disegni di legge e idee presentate da dotrinatori di alterazioni di legge per la verifica della loro utilità per equalizzare il rapporto dei processi analoghi con la celerità che si cerca nel tramite processuale. Alla fine, si arriva alla conclusione che è necessario che si dia una attenzione speciale ai processi analoghi per non inviabilizzare il processo come un tutto.

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