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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Real-Time Linux Testbench on Raspberry Pi 3 using Xenomai

Johansson, Gustav January 2018 (has links)
Test benches are commonly used to simulate events to an embedded system for validation purposes. Microcontrollers can be used for making test benches and can be programmed with a bare-metal style, i.e. without an Operating System (OS), for simple cases. If the test bench would be too complex for a microcontroller, then a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) could be used instead of a more complex hardware. A RTOS has limited functionalities to guarantee high predictability. A General-Purpose Operating System (GPOS) has a vast number of functionalities but has low predictability. The literature study looks therefore into approaches to improve the real-time predictability of Linux. The result of the literature study finds an approach called Xenomai Cobalt to be the optimal solution, considering the target usecase and project resources. The Xenomai Cobalt approach was evaluated on a Raspberry Pi (RPi) 3 using its General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins and a latency test. An application was written using Xenomai's Application Programming Interface (API). The application used the GPIO pins to read from a function generator and to write to an oscilloscope. The measurements from the oscilloscope were then compared to the measurements done by the application. The result showed the measured dierences between the RPi 3 and the oscilloscope. The result of the measurements showed that reading varied 66:20 μs, and writing varied 56:20 μs. The latency test was executed with a stress test and the worst measured latency was 82 μs. The resulting measured dierences were too high for the project requirements. However, the majority of the measurements were much smaller than the worstcases with 23:52 μs for reading and 34:05 μs for writing. This means the system could be used better as a rm real-time system instead of a hard real-time system. / Testbänkar används ofta för att simulera händelser till ett inbyggt system för validering. Till simpla testbänkar kan mikrokontroller användas. För mer avancerade testbänkar kan RTOS användas på mer komplex hårdvara. RTOS har begränsad funktionalitet för att garantera en hög förutsägbarhet. GPOS har stora mängder funktionaliteter men har istället en låg förutsägbarhet.Litteraturstudien undersökte därför möjligheterna till att få Linux att hantera realtid. Resultatet av litteraturstudien fann ett tillvägagångssätt vid namn Xenomai Cobalt att vara den optimala lösningen för att få Linux till Real-Time Linux.Xenomai Cobalt utvärderades på en RPi 3 med hjälp av dess GPIO-pinnar och ett fördröjningstest. En applikation skrevs med Xenomai’s API. Applikationen använde GPIO-pinnarna till att läsa från en funktionsgenerator och till att skriva till ett oskilloskop. Mätningarna från oskilloskopet jämfördes sen med applikationens mätningar.Resultatet visade mätskillnaderna mellan RPi 3 och oskilloskopet med systemet i viloläge. Resultatet av mätningarna visade att läsningen varierade med 66.20 µs och skrivandet med 56.20 µs. Fördröjningstestet utfördes medstresstestning och visade den värsta uppmätta fördröjningen, resultatet blev82 µs.De resulterande mätskillnaderna blev dock för höga för projektets krav. Majoriteten av mätningarna var mycket mindre än de värsta fallen med 23.52 µs för läsning och 34.05 µs för skrivning. Detta innebar att systemet kan användas med bättre precision som ett fast realtidssystem istället för ett hårt realtidssystem.

Real-Time Failure Event Streaming of Continuous Integration Builds / Realtidsströmning av Felhändelser i Kontinuerlig Integration

Seifert, Felix January 2022 (has links)
An application build describes compiling and linking the source code of a developed application to libraries and executables. A Continuous Integration (CI) build executes such a build after the source code has been changed and tries to integrate the changes into the existing application. Such CI builds are executed automatically and include automated software tests, which give the developer the assurance that the changes are technically correct. When the time between the discovery of a test failure and the notification to the developer about it is too long, the development process will be impacted negatively and the beneficial effects of CI decrease. Even though several companies already have CI systems that display all events of a single CI build on a terminal during runtime, bigger applications often involve several CI builds in a single CI pipeline to integrate code changes. Observing the events of these CI builds during runtime might require concurrent monitoring of several different terminals. This thesis overcomes this issue by developing a Proof of Concept (PoC) which streams the test failures of a whole CI pipeline in real-time to the developer. To show the feasibility of real-time failure event streaming of CI builds, the PoC is implemented within Spotify’s CI for clientfacing applications. The issues highlighted by this initial PoC will help to refine the whole CI practice. Furthermore, the faster feedback cycles realised by this PoC will lead to a productivity, efficiency and happiness increase for the involved developers and, eventually, higher quality of the developed software. / Ett applikationsbygge beskriver kompilering och länkning av källkod för en utvecklad applikation till bibliotek och körbara filer. Ett Kontinuerlig Integrerings (CI)-bygge kör en sådan bygge efter att källkoden har ändrats och försöker integrera ändringarna i den befintliga applikationen. Sådana CIbyggen exekveras automatiskt och inkluderar automatiserade mjukvarutester, som ger utvecklaren en försäkran om att ändringarna är tekniskt korrekta. När tiden mellan upptäckten av ett testfel och meddelandet till utvecklaren om det är för lång kommer utvecklingsprocessen att påverkas negativt och de fördelaktiga effekterna av CI minskar. Även om flera företag redan har CIsystem som visar alla händelser av ett enskilt CI-bygge i en terminal under körning, involverar större applikationer ofta flera CI-byggen i en och samma CI-pipeline för att integrera kodändringar. Att observera händelserna i dessa CI-byggen under körning kan kräva jämlöpande övervakning av flera olika terminaler. Den här avhandlingen övervinner detta problem genom att utveckla en PoC som strömmar testfelen för en hel CI-pipeline i realtid till utvecklaren. För att visa genomförbarheten av strömning av felhändelser i realtid av CIbyggnader implementeras PoC i Spotifys CI för klientvända applikationer. De problem som lyfts fram av denna första PoC kommer att bidra till att förfina hela CI-praxisen. Dessutom kommer de snabbare återkopplingscyklerna som realiseras av denna PoCatt leda till ökad produktivitet, effektivitet och glädje för de inblandade utvecklarna och, så småningom, högre kvalitet på den utvecklade mjukvaran.

Dynamic Deployment strategies in Ad-Hoc Sensor networks to optimize Coverage and Connectivity in Unknown Event Boundary detection

Venkataraman, Aparna 23 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Stability of a Vision Based Platooning System

Köling, Ann, Kjellberg, Kristina January 2021 (has links)
The current development of autonomous vehiclesallow for several new applications to form and evolve. One ofthese are platooning, where several vehicles drive closely togetherwith automatic car following. The method of getting informationabout the other vehicles in a platoon can vary. One of thesemethods is using visual information from a camera. Having acamera on-board an autonomous vehicle has further potential, forexample for recognition of objects in the vehicle’s surroundings.This bachelor thesis uses small RC vehicles to test an example ofa vision based platooning system. The system is then evaluatedusing a step response, from which the stability of the systemis analyzed. Additionally, a previously developed communicationbased platooning system was tested in the same way and it’sstability compared. The main conclusion of this thesis is that it isfeasible to use a camera, ArUco marker and an Optimal VelocityRelative Velocity model to achieve a vision based platoon on asmall set of RC vehicles. / Forskningsframsteg inom området autonoma fordon möjliggör utveckling av ett flertal nya tillämpningar. En av dessa är platooning, som innebär att flera fordon kör nära varandra med automatisk farthållning. Metoden för att erhålla information om de andra fordonen i platoonen kan variera. En av dessa metoder är att använda visuell information från en kamera. Att ha en kamera ombord på ett autonomt fordon har stor potential, exempelvis för detektering av objekt i fordonets omgivning. Det här kandidatexamensarbetet använder små radiostyrda bilar för att testa ett exempel av ett kamerabaserat platooning-system. Systemet är sedan utvärderat med hjälp av ett stegsvar, från vilket stabiliteten av systemet är analyserat. Dessutom testas ett tidigare utvecklat kommunikationsbaserat platooning-system, hittills bara testat i simulering, på samma uppsättning bilar. Den huvudsakliga slutsatsen av detta arbete är att det är möjligt att använda en kamera, ArUco markör och en Optimal Velocity Relative Velocity modell för att uppnå kamerabaserad platoon med en liten uppsättning radiostyrda bilar. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2021, KTH, Stockholm

Advanced Real-Time Battery State Estimation for a Hybrid Aircraft

Hosseininejad, Reza January 2025 (has links)
Canada's aviation industry aims to reduce its carbon footprint while maintaining safety and operational standards. Hybrid and electric aircraft offer a promising solution to reducing the environmental impact of conventional aviation. However, current limitations in battery technology and the robustness of battery management systems in monitoring and estimating battery states cause significant challenges for their adoption in aviation applications. This research focuses on developing an advanced state of charge (SoC) estimation method for Li-ion batteries used in hybrid aircraft. A new approach is proposed that integrates a merged set of equivalent circuit models capable of simulating battery dynamics at both the cell and module levels. In addition, an innovative dual filter involved in interactive multiple model (IMM) frameworks is introduced, equipped with advanced filtering approaches such as smooth variable structure filter (SVSF). This framework ensures accurate SoC estimation even under varying and harsh operating conditions by testing all developed algorithms in real-time. The developed model is much more accurate than the existing SoC estimation algorithms in the aircraft battery management system. These findings increase the understanding of battery performance in specific aviation conditions and help develop safer and more advanced condition monitoring and estimation methods for hybrid and electric aircrafts. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)

Jämförelse och utvärdering av FastQ B*27 direct och LAMP Human HLA-B27 direct detection KIT för HLA-B27 allel detektion : Två kit utvärderas mot nuvarande metod på Länssjukhuset Ryhov för utbyte av rutindiagnostik / Comparison and evaluation of FastQ B*27 direct and LAMP Human HLA-B27 direct detection KIT for HLA-B27 allele detection

Sollerbrant, Hanna, Suleiman, Joude January 2024 (has links)
Autoimmunitet är ett tillstånd där kroppens immunsystem felaktigt attackerar och skadar sina egna vävnader och celler. HLA-B27 är en genvariation som kan kopplas till autoimmun sjukdom som ankyloserande spondylit med en prevalens på 2-4% i världens befolkning. Denna studie syftade till att utvärdera och jämföra två kit för HLA-B27 alleler mot den nuvarande metoden på Länssjukhuset Ryhov i Region Jönköpings län. De metodprinciper som användes var realtids-PCR samt LAMP.  Totalt analyserades 37 avidentifierade blodprover med vardera av kiten samt med nuvarande metod. Resultatet visade en överensstämmelse med avseende på förväntade positiva och negativa resultat för HLA-B27 för de två kiten jämfört med nuvarande metoden. De tre metoderna/kiten detekterar de vanligaste HLA-B27 allelerna. Utifrån studiens resultat visade sig båda kiten vara effektiva, lättanvända samt ha stabila reagenser. Dessutom uppnådde båda kiten de IVD-krav som ställs inom EU. / Autoimmunity is a condition where the body's immune system mistakenly attacks and damages its own tissues and cells. HLA-B27 is a genetic variation that can be linked to autoimmune diseases such as ankylosing spondylitis, with a prevalence of 2-4% in the world’s population. This study aimed to evaluate and compare two kits for HLA-B27 alleles against the current method at Ryhov County Hospital in Region Jönköping County. The methodological principles used were real-time PCR and LAMP. A total of 37 anonymized blood samples were analyzed using each of the kits and the routine method. The results showed concordance with the expected positive and negative results for HLA-B27 between the two kits compared to the current method. The three methods/kits detect the most common HLA-B27 alleles.  Based on the study’s results, both kits proved to be effective, user friendly, and have stable reagents. Additionally, both kits met the IVD requirements set within the EU.

Real-time Business Intelligence through Compact and Efficient Query Processing Under Updates

Idris, Muhammad 10 April 2019 (has links)
Responsive analytics are rapidly taking over the traditional data analytics dominated by the post-fact approaches in traditional data warehousing. Recent advancements in analytics demand placing analytical engines at the forefront of the system to react to updates occurring at high speed and detect patterns, trends and anomalies. These kinds of solutions find applications in Financial Systems, Industrial Control Systems, Business Intelligence and on-line Machine Learning among others. These applications are usually associated with Big Data and require the ability to react to constantly changing data in order to obtain timely insights and take proactive measures. Generally, these systems specify the analytical results or their basic elements in a query language, where the main task then is to maintain these results under frequent updates efficiently. The task of reacting to updates and analyzing changing data has been addressed in two ways in the literature: traditional business intelligence (BI) solutions focus on historical data analysis where the data is refreshed periodically and in batches, and stream processing solutions process streams of data from transient sources as flow (or set of flows) of data items. Both kinds of systems share the niche of reacting to updates (known as dynamic evaluation); however, they differ in architecture, query languages, and processing mechanisms. In this thesis, we investigate the possibility of a reactive and unified framework to model queries that appear in both kinds of systems. In traditional BI solutions, evaluating queries under updates has been studied under the umbrella of incremental evaluation of updates that is based on relational incremental view maintenance model and mostly focus on queries that feature equi-joins. Streaming systems, in contrast, generally follow the automaton based models to evaluate queries under updates, and they generally process queries that mostly feature comparisons of temporal attributes (e.g., timestamp attributes) along-with comparisons of non-temporal attributes over streams of bounded sizes. Temporal comparisons constitute inequality constraints, while non-temporal comparisons can either be equality or inequality constraints, hence these systems mostly process inequality joins. As starting point, we postulate the thesis that queries in streaming systems can also be evaluated efficiently based on the paradigm of incremental evaluation just like in BI systems in a main-memory model. The efficiency of such a model is measured in terms of runtime memory footprint and the update processing cost. To this end, the existing approaches of dynamic evaluation in both kind of systems present a trade-off between memory footprint and the update processing cost. More specifically, systems that avoid materialization of query (sub) results incur high update latency and systems that materialize (sub) results incur high memory footprint. We are interested in investigating the possibility to build a model that can address this trade-off. In particular, we overcome this trade-off by investigating the possibility of practical dynamic evaluation algorithm for queries that appear in both kinds of systems, and present a main-memory data representation that allows to enumerate query (sub) results without materialization and can be maintained efficiently under updates. We call this representation the Dynamic Constant Delay Linear Representation (DCLR). We devise DCLRs with the following properties: 1) they allow, without materialization, enumeration of query results with bounded-delay (and with constant delay for a sub-class of queries); 2) they allow tuple lookup in query results with logarithmic delay (and with constant delay for conjunctive queries with equi-joins only); 3) they take space linear in the size of the database; 4) they can be maintained efficiently under updates. We first study the DCLRs with the above-described properties for the class of acyclic conjunctive queries featuring equi-joins with projections and present the dynamic evaluation algorithm. Then, we present the generalization of thiw algorithm to the class of acyclic queries featuring multi-way theta-joins with projections. We devise DCLRs with the above properties for acyclic conjunctive queries, and the working of dynamic algorithms over DCLRs is based on a particular variant of join trees, called the Generalized Join Trees (GJTs) that guarantee the above-described properties of DCLRs. We define GJTs and present the algorithms to test a conjunctive query featuring theta-joins for acyclicity and to generate GJTs for such queries. To do this, we extend the classical GYO algorithm from testing a conjunctive query with equalities for acyclicity to test a conjunctive query featuring multi-way theta-joins with projections for acyclicity. We further extend the GYO algorithm to generate GJTs for queries that are acyclic. We implemented our algorithms in a query compiler that takes as input the SQL queries and generates Scala executable code – a trigger program to process queries and maintain under updates. We tested our approach against state of the art main-memory BI and CEP systems. Our evaluation results have shown that our DCLRs based approach is over an order of magnitude efficient than existing systems for both memory footprint and update processing cost. We have also shown that the enumeration of query results without materialization in DCLRs is comparable (and in some cases efficient) as compared to enumerating from materialized query results.

Etude en vue de la multirésolution de l’apparence

Hadim, Julien 11 May 2009 (has links)
Les fonctions de texture directionnelle "Bidirectional Texture Function" (BTF) ont rencontrés un certain succès ces dernières années, notamment pour le rendu temps-réel d'images de synthèse, grâce à la fois au réalisme qu'elles apportent et au faible coût de calcul nécessaire. Cependant, un inconvénient de cette approche reste la taille gigantesque des données : de nombreuses méthodes ont été proposées afin de les compresser. Dans ce document, nous proposons une nouvelle représentation des BTFs qui améliore la cohérence des données et qui permet ainsi une compression plus efficace. Dans un premier temps, nous étudions les méthodes d'acquisition et de génération des BTFs et plus particulièrement, les méthodes de compression adaptées à une utilisation sur cartes graphiques. Nous réalisons ensuite une étude à l'aide de notre logiciel "BTFInspect" afin de déterminer parmi les différents phénomènes visuels dans les BTFs, ceux qui influencent majoritairement la cohérence des données par texel. Dans un deuxième temps, nous proposons une nouvelle représentation pour les BTFs, appelées Flat Bidirectional Texture Function (Flat-BTFs), qui améliore la cohérence des données d'une BTF et donc la compression des données. Dans l'analyse des résultats obtenus, nous montrons statistiquement et visuellement le gain de cohérence obtenu ainsi que l'absence d'une perte significative de qualité en comparaison avec la représentation d'origine. Enfin, dans un troisième temps, nous démontrons l'utilisation de notre nouvelle représentation dans des applications de rendu en temps-réel sur cartes graphiques. Puis, nous proposons une compression de l'apparence grâce à une méthode de quantification sur GPU et présentée dans le cadre d'une application de diffusion de données 3D entre un serveur contenant des modèles 3D et un client désirant visualiser ces données. / In recent years, Bidirectional Texture Function (BTF) has emerged as a flexible solution for realistic and real-time rendering of material with complex appearance and low cost computing. However one drawback of this approach is the resulting huge amount of data: several methods have been proposed in order to compress and manage this data. In this document, we propose a new BTF representation that improves data coherency and allows thus a better data compression. In a first part, we study acquisition and digital generation methods of BTFs and more particularly, compression methods suitable for GPU rendering. Then, We realise a study with our software BTFInspect in order to determine among the different visual phenomenons present in BTF which ones induce mainly the data coherence per texel. In a second part, we propose a new BTF representation, named Flat Bidirectional Texture Function (Flat-BTF), which improves data coherency and thus, their compression. The analysis of results show statistically and visually the gain in coherency as well as the absence of a noticeable loss of quality compared to the original representation. In a third and last part, we demonstrate how our new representation may be used for realtime rendering applications on GPUs. Then, we introduce a compression of the appearance thanks to a quantification method on GPU which is presented in the context of a 3D data streaming between a server of 3D data and a client which want visualize them.

Metody pro zobrazení měkkých stínů / Methods for Soft Shadows Rendering

Ondruška, Jiří Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis discusses two different methods for creating soft shadows. Shadow volumes and shadow mapping, more accurately Variance Soft Shadow Mapping. It presents theory for these shadow algorithms as well as theory for few others which are necessary for understanding. Further it describes how to implement these methods and evaluates these implementations. Shadow volumes are based on creating additional geometry to the scene which serves for specifying region of penumbra. VSSM algorithm is a improved version of classic shadow mapping.

Compressed Convolutional Neural Network for Autonomous Systems

Durvesh Pathak (5931110) 17 January 2019 (has links)
The word “Perception” seems to be intuitive and maybe the most straightforward problem for the human brain because as a child we have been trained to classify images, detect objects, but for computers, it can be a daunting task. Giving intuition and reasoning to a computer which has mere capabilities to accept commands and process those commands is a big challenge. However, recent leaps in hardware development, sophisticated software frameworks, and mathematical techniques have made it a little less daunting if not easy. There are various applications built around to the concept of “Perception”. These applications require substantial computational resources, expensive hardware, and some sophisticated software frameworks. Building an application for perception for the embedded system is an entirely different ballgame. Embedded system is a culmination of hardware, software and peripherals developed for specific tasks with imposed constraints on memory and power. Therefore, the applications developed should keep in mind the memory and power constraints imposed due to the nature of these systems.Before 2012, the problems related to “Perception” such as classification, object detection were solved using algorithms with manually engineered features. However, in recent years, instead of manually engineering the features, these features are learned through learning algorithms. The game-changing architecture of Convolution Neural Networks proposed in 2012 by Alex K, provided a tremendous momentum in the direction of pushing Neural networks for perception. This thesis is an attempt to develop a convolution neural network architecture for embedded systems, i.e. an architecture that has a small model size and competitive accuracy. Recreate state-of-the-art architectures using fire module’s concept to reduce the model size of the architecture. The proposed compact models are feasible for deployment on embedded devices such as the Bluebox 2.0. Furthermore, attempts are made to integrate the compact Convolution Neural Network with object detection pipelines.

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