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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design Upgrades, Reliability Testing and Implementation of Engineering Grade Thermoplastics in Prusa MMU2s

Kannoth, Ajith January 2020 (has links)
This paper studies the two aspects of current problems that plagues the Prusa i3 MK3sprinters in possession of JTH and how to resolve them; to be able to get a reliable printoutputs from engineering grade materials apart from conventional materials like PLAand PETG. The second aspect being the implementation of multi material module 2.0S,hereafter referred to as MMU2s successfully by analyzing and testing the current modi-cations and upgrades currently in the community and suggest any further modications,if required, both in terms of hardware and software which is further discussed in theupcoming sections. At present, there are numerous design upgrades and modicationsover the stock parts in the community which claim to iron out the reliability issues ofthe multi material unit. But, the success rates of these modications and upgrades varywidely. We tend to look at some of these modications which helps in eliminating theissues associated with the unit while getting it to produce results in a consistent and reliablemanner. The engineering grade thermoplastics which the university plan to use werealso taken into account to implement in the printers once the MMU2s setup was testedfor reliability. The objective also to create a successful prole sets by tweaking variousparameters in the slicing software for the aforementioned engineering grade materials sothat a ready-to-print prole is available for the corresponding material. During the course of project work, the reliability of the multi material unit was increasedby upgrading few of the components such as idler barrel and selector. Fine tuningof software parameters led to the error free running of the MMU unit by which extensivetesting was possible. Furthermore, engineering grade thermoplastics was able to betested and implemented on the current setup by making use of these software and hardwarechanges. Finally, extensive testing of the multi material unit was done coupled withengineering grade thermoplastics which yielded successful results and the congurationsettings saved for future use in the university.

Návrh technologie výroby šnekového soukolí z plastu / Technology design manufacturing plastic worm gear

Petrucha, Roman January 2017 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the design of the injection mold for the production of a plastic two-part worm which is part of the worm gear set in the sleeve. From the beginning, an analysis of the assigned component was performed, specifying its function and specifying the criteria that must be met by the component. In addition, design of the production technology (injection molding) was carried out, followed by theoretical analysis of plastic materials, injection molding technology and mold design. Subsequently, in the practical part, a complete design of the injection mold was made on the basis of simulations and technological calculations. On the basis of the parameters of the injection mold, a machine was chosen, on which production should be carried out according to the proposed technological procedure. The conclusion of the thesis contains a technical and economic evaluation of the proposed technology for the production of Plastics splatter component.

Statické řešení vodovodního potrubí při bezvýkopové technologii / Static Solution of Water Pipes in Trenchless Technology

Mráčková, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The paper provides an overview of the most widely used trenchless technologies and the possibility of their utilization for laying new thermoplastic pipelines. It analyzes the static behavior of thermoplastic water pipes placed into the existing steel pipes using relining technology. The program system ANSYS is used as a tool for static solution of pipelines. Obtained results are compared with conventional approaches.

Koncepční návrh projektu vzorové lisovny plastů / Concept of pilot project for plastics manufacturing

Tůma, Martin January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is design of technology project for plastic manufacturing. The theoretical part is focused on the characteristics of plastics and plastics production, especially for injection molding of thermoplastics. In the practical part are presented the calculations needed to choice of the injection molding machines and the capacity calculations to determine consumption of granulate and productivity of injection molding machines. Part of this thesis is a list of optimal machinery, including the required peripherals and handling devices complying with the current requirements of a modern plastic manufacturing. The result of this thesis is an economic evaluation of investment costs of machinery for small and medium-sized plastic manufacturing.

Robotizované pracoviště pro opracování termoplastových dílů / Robotized workplace for treatment of thermoplastic parts

Sedláček, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to design a robotized workplace for treatment of thermoplastic products based on documentation from a real project announced by Form s. r. o. In order to understand a problematic of robots and robotized workplaces, the theoretic introduction in the beginning of work is reserved for. Besides a brief summary of robot history the introduction brings also some overview on present robot applications and it tries to classify robots into various groups according different standpoints. The main part of the theory however deals with optimized design of robotized workplaces by using a systematic approach. The topic covers also a robot safety. There are mentioned sources of safety risks and ways how to avoid them. The presented theory is at last used in the following, most crucial, part of the thesis – the final design itself. An attention is focused mainly to a design of a revolving positioner, which becomes a key element of whole workplace. Different design variants of inner most significant mechanisms are presented and by using sophisticated methods, the best solutions are chosen. Finally a simulation of whole robotized workplace is made and conclusions based on real implementation are summarized.

Technologie výroby plastového tělesa clony / Production technology of plastic body aperture

Dluhoš, Jan January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the production of a plastic body of the aperture by the method of injection moulding. The work includes a design of the injection mould for the given component. First, an appropriate material for the moulded piece was chosen and then the necessary calculations for the injection mould were made. A quadruplex injection mould with a heated inlet nozzle and pullout cores was designed based on these calculations. Modular components were chosen when designing the injection mould. The next part of the thesis contains the selection of the injection moulding machine for the given mould. The conclusion contains a technical-economical evaluation including the cost estimating for the injection mould and cost estimating for one moulded piece.

Návrh technologie výroby tělesa světlometu / Design of manufacturing technology for headlamp body

Pytlík, Radek January 2015 (has links)
The project developed within the Master's degree is proposing a technology of manufacturing a headlight housing from the high temperature polycarbonate Apec 1695 with wall thickness of 1.8 mm. The batch size is set at 100,000 units / year. Based on literature studies of injection moulding and also on the calculation method, the injection moulding tool with the heated injector has been proposed. The injection moulding machine Allrounder 630 S 2500-800 from Arburg is used for the production of the plastic headlight housing.

Analysis of Thermoplastic Polyimide + Polymer Liquid Crystal Blends

Gopalanarayanan, Bhaskar 05 1900 (has links)
Thermoplastic polyimides (TPIs) exhibit high glass transition temperatures (Tgs), which make them useful in high performance applications. Amorphous and semicrystalline TPIs show sub-Tg relaxations, which can aid in improving strength characteristics through energy absorption. The a relaxation of both types of TPIs indicates a cooperative nature. The semicrystalline TPI shows thermo-irreversible cold crystallization phenomenon. The polymer liquid crystal (PLC) used in the blends is thermotropic and with longitudinal molecular structure. The small heat capacity change (ACP) associated with the glass transition indicates the PLC to be rigid rod in nature. The PLC shows a small endotherm associated with the melting. The addition of PLC to the semicrystalline TPI does not significantly affect the Tg or the melting point (Tm). The cold crystallization temperature (Tc) increases with the addition of the PLC, indicating channeling phenomenon. The addition of PLC also causes a negative deviation of the ACP, which is another evidence for channeling. The TPI, PLC and their blends show high thermal stability. The semicrystalline TPI absorbs moisture; this effect decreases with the addition of the PLC. The absorbed moisture does not show any effect on the degradation. The addition of PLC beyond 30 wt.% does not result in an improvement of properties. The amorphous TPI + PLC blends also show the negative deviation of ACP from linearity with composition. The addition of PLC causes a decrease in the thermal conductivity in the transverse direction to the PLC orientation. The thermomechanical analysis indicates isotropic expansivity for the amorphous TPI and a small anisotropy for the semicrystalline TPI. The PLC shows large anisotropy in expansivity. Even 5 wt. % concentration of PLC in the blend induces considerable anisotropy in the expansivity. Thus, blends show controllable expansivity through PLC concentration. Amorphous TPI + PLC blends also show excellent film formability. The amorphous TPI blends show good potential for applications requiring high thermal stability, controlled expansivity and good film formability.

Micropitting Testing and Failure Analysis of High-Performance Gear Thermoplastics and Bearing Steel

Chockalingam, Mano January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Continuous Fibre Reinforcements in Injection Moulded Composites / Kontinuerlig Fiberarmering i Formsprutade Kompositer

Björkqvist, Erik January 2023 (has links)
The use of continuously reinforced thermoplastics have increased in recent years andoffer some significant advantages over their thermoset counterparts. The utilizationof these materials is however still limited due to the labour intensive processingand manufacturing. In the first part of this thesis, the aim is to investigate howcontinuously reinforced thermoplastics can be used in high volume manufacturingof complex components, specifically when combined with injection moulding. Thesecond part will attempt to develop a conceptual manufacturing process and designof a demonstrator part and perform a structural analysis of the component.To answer the first question, an extensive literature study on continuous fibre materialsand thermoplastics was conducted along with research on established and newlydeveloped manufacturing methods such as automated tape laying and fibre placement,tailored fibre placement and 3D printing combined with injection overmoulding. Theconceptual manufacturing process of the demonstrator part was then based on thisresearch and the design was modeled in using finite element analysis.The results shows that continuously reinforced thermoplastics can be used forhigh volume manufacturing of complex components when combined with injectionmoulding. While some of the processing methods are still in an early developmentstage, the techniques have been tested and implemented. The structural analysis of thedemonstrator part shows that the design can withstand the maximum external loadsthus and provide proof of concept. / Användningen av kontinuerligt fiberarmerade termoplaster har ökat under de senasteåren och erbjuder en del betydande fördelar jämfört med armerade härdplaster.Användningen av dessa material är dock fortfarande begränsad på grund av dearbetsintensiva bearbetnings- och tillverkningsmetoderna. I den första delen av dettaexamensarbete är syftet att undersöka hur kontinuerligt fiberarmerade termoplasterkan användas vid tillverkning med hög volym av komplexa komponenter , speciellti kombination med formsprutning. Den andra delen av arbetet kommer att försökautveckla en konceptuell tillverkningsprocess och design av en exempeldel och utföraen strukturell analys av komponenten.För att besvara den första frågan genomfördes en omfattande litteraturstudie omkontinuerliga fibermaterial och termoplaster samt om etablerade och nyutveckladetillverkningsmetoder som automatiserad tejpläggning och fiberplacering,skräddarsydd fiberplacering och 3D-skrivning kombinerat med formsprutning.Den konceptuella tillverkningsprocessen av exempeldelen baserades sedan pålitteraturstudien och designen modellerades och analyserades med finitaelementmetoden.Resultaten visar att kontinuerligt fiberarmerade termoplaster kan användas förhögvolymtillverkning av komplexa komponenter i kombination med formsprutning.Medan några av bearbetningsmetoderna fortfarande är i ett tidigt utvecklingsskede såhar teknikerna testats och implementerats. Den strukturella analysen av exempeldelenvisar att konstruktionen kan motstå de maximala belastningarna och påvisar på så sättgenomförbarhet.

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