Spelling suggestions: "subject:". pavement"" "subject:". lavement""
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Análise dinâmica e verificação à fadiga de obras de arte rodoviárias mistas (aço-concreto) submetidas ao tráfego de veículos sobre o pavimento irregular. / Dynamic analysis and fatigue evaluation of steel-concrete composite highway bridges subjected to vehicles traffic on the irregular pavement surface.Guilherme Santana Alencar 28 May 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / As pontes rodoviárias metálicas e mistas (aço-concreto) são submetidas a um grande número de carregamentos repetitivos de diferentes magnitudes, ao longo do tempo. Estas ações dinâmicas podem causar a nucleação de fraturas ou mesmo a propagação destas sobre o sistema estrutural. A depender da magnitude, estes efeitos podem comprometer o sistema estrutural e a sua confiabilidade, além de reduzir a vida útil das pontes. Assim sendo, neste trabalho de pesquisa foi investigada a resposta dinâmica de uma ponte mista (aço-concreto), simplesmente apoiada, com vão de 40,0 m, submetida ao tráfego de veículos sobre a superfície irregular do pavimento. Para tal um modelo numérico representativo do sistema estrutural foi desenvolvido com base no emprego do programa ANSYS, por meio do uso de técnicas usuais de discretização, via método dos elementos finitos. Um estudo paramétrico foi desenvolvido para identificar, de forma qualitativa e quantitativa, o efeito das irregularidades do pavimento sobre o comportamento dinâmico da ponte mista investigada. Em seguida, a verificação do projeto à fadiga do sistema misto foi realizada, com base no emprego do algoritmo de contagem de ciclos Rainflow e em curvas S-N associadas às principais normas de projeto sobre o tema. As conclusões deste trabalho de pesquisa alertam aos engenheiros estruturais para a possibilidade concreta acerca do aumento do dano por fadiga, relacionado às ações dinâmicas de veículos trafegando sobre o tabuleiro de pontes em aço e mistas (aço-concreto). / Steel and steel-concrete composite highway bridges are currently subjected to dynamic actions with variable magnitudes due to the action of vehicles crossing on the deck. These dynamic actions can generate the nucleation of fractures or even their propagation in the structures. Depending on the magnitude, these effects can compromise the structural system response and the reliability, which may also lead to a reduction of the expected bridge service life. This way, the dynamic response of a steel-concrete composite bridge spanning 40 m was investigated in this work. The computational model, developed for the composite bridge dynamic analysis, adopted the usual mesh refinement techniques present in finite element method simulations, and was implemented in the ANSYS program. A parametric study was performed to identify the effect of vehicle speed and roughness pavement on the investigated bridge dynamic behaviour. The proposed methodology for evaluate the bridge service life to fatigue was based on a linear cumulative damage rule, Rainflow-counting algorithm and S-N curves from main design codes. Results of a parametric analysis are presented to verify the extension of the dynamical effects on highway bridges due to vehicles crossing on the irregular pavement surface. The main conclusions of this work focuses on alerting structural engineers to the possibility of increase of fatigue damage, related to steel and composite highway bridges when subjected to vehicle dynamic actions.
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Response of Geosynthetic Reinforced Granular Bases Under Repeated LoadingSuku, Lekshmi January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Key factors that influence the design of paved and unpaved roads are the strength and stiffness of the pavement layers. Among other factors, the strength of pavements depends on the thickness and quality of the aggregates used in the pavement base layer. In India and many other countries, there is a high demand for good quality aggregates and the availability of aggregate resources is limited. There is a need for the development of sustainable construction methods which can handle aggregate requirements with least available resources and provide good performance. Hence it is imperative to strive for alternatives to achieve improved quality of pavements using supplementary potential materials and methods. The strength of pavement increases with increase in the thickness of the base which has a direct implication on construction cost whereas decreasing the thickness of the base makes it weak which results in low load bearing capacity especially for unpaved roads. The use of different types of geosynthetics like geocell and geogrid are a potential and reliable solution for the lack of availability of aggregates and studies are conducted in this direction. To better understand the performance of any geosynthetically reinforced base layers, it is essential to characterize the pavement material by studying the behavior of these materials under static as well as repeated loading. For unpaved roads, the base layer, made of granular aggregates plays a crucial role in the reduction of permanent deformation of the pavements. The resilient modulus (Mr) of these materials is a key parameter for predicting the structural response of pavements and for characterizing materials in pavement design and evaluation.
Usually, during the design of flexible pavements, pavement materials are treated as homogeneous and isotropic. The use of rollers in the field during pavement construction leads to a higher compaction of material in the vertical direction which introduces stress-induced anisotropy in the base material. The effect of stress-induced anisotropy on the properties of the granular material is studied and discussed in the first part of the research by conducting repeated load triaxial tests. Isotropic consolidated and anisotropically consolidated samples were prepared to investigate the behavior of base materials under stress induced anisotropic conditions. An additional axial load was applied on the isotropically consolidated sample to create anisotropically consolidated sample. The axial loading was provided such that the stress ratio (σ1/σ3), during anisotropic consolidation was kept constant for all the tests at different confining pressures. The effect of repeated loading on the permanent deformation and the resilient modulus for both isotropically and anisotropically consolidated samples, at different confining pressure and loading conditions, are discussed. The behavior of both anisotropically and isotropically consolidated samples has been explained using the record of the excess pore pressures generated during the experiments. The experimental studies show that the permanent strains measured in the vertical direction of the anisotropically consolidated samples are less compared to the results obtained for isotropically consolidated samples. The resilient moduli of the anisotropically consolidated samples were also observed to be higher than that of the isotropically consolidated sample. The study conducted on the pore pressure of both the samples explains better performance of the anisotropically consolidated samples. The studies showed that the isotropically consolidated samples showed higher pore pressures compared to the anisotropically consolidated specimens.
Another factor which influences the resilient modulus of the pavement materials is the geosynthetic reinforcement. Geocell and geogrid reinforced triaxial samples were prepared to study the effect of reinforcement in the resilient modulus of the base materials. From the literature, it can be seen that most of the research in the triaxial testing equipment were carried out in the non-destructive range of confining pressure and deviatoric stress. Several studies have been conducted by the researchers to visualize the pavement response in the elastic range. However, the studies in the plastic creep range and incremental collapse range were highly limited. In the current study, testing is carried out on the triaxial samples for two different stress ranges. In the first sections, loading was applied in the elastic and elastic shakedown range as per AASTHO T-307. For various loading sequences, a comparative analysis has been done for the resilient modulus of the geogrid and geocell. In the next section, the loading was applied on the sample in the plastic shakedown range and incremental collapse range. The results of the permanent strains and resilient modulus of the sections are compared with the corresponding results of the unreinforced section. In the plastic shakedown and incremental collapse range also the permanent strains of reinforced samples were less than those observed in the unreinforced section.
The performance of geosynthetically reinforced pavement layers can be better understood by studying the samples prepared under realistic field conditions. In the case of triaxial experiments the sample size is very less compared to the field conditions and the effect of other pavement layers on the performance of the base layers cannot be studied on triaxial samples. Samples were prepared in the laboratory by modeling the pavement sections in a cuboidal tank, in which different pavement layers are laid one over the other, and a static loading or repeated loading is applied to overcome the bottleneck of small sample size in the triaxial setup. The experiments were conducted on the unreinforced section; geocell reinforced section and geogrid reinforced section placed above strong and weak subgrade. The results of the study are examined regarding the resilient deformation, permanent deformation, pressure distribution and strain measurements for different thicknesses of base layers under repeated loading. The initial parts of the study present the results of experiments and analysis of the results to understand the behavior of geocell reinforced granular base during repeated loading.
In this study, an attempt is made to understand the various factors which influence the behavior of geocell reinforced granular base under repeated loading by conducting plate load tests. The loads applied on the pavements are much higher than the standard axle loading used for the design of pavements. High pressure was applied on all the test sections to simulate these higher loading conditions in the field. The optimum width and height of the geocell to be provided, to get maximum reduction in permanent deformation is studied in detail. The effect of resilient deformation of reinforced and unreinforced base layers is quantified by calculating the resilient modulus of these layers. The studies showed that the geocell reinforcement was effective in reducing the permanent and resilient deformations of base layer when compared to the unreinforced samples. The resilient modulus calculated was higher for the reinforced sample with half of the thickness of the unreinforced sample. The effect of reinforcement in the stress distribution within the base layer is also studied by measuring the pressures at different depths of the base layer. The results showed that the pressure getting transferred to the subgrade level was much lower in the case of geocell reinforced base layer. The ultimate aim of any pavement design method is to reduce the distress in the subgrade level and thus leading to increased life of pavements. Pressures at the subgrade level for reinforced and unreinforced sections are studied in detail, the main parameter under study being the stress distribution angle, to investigate the distress in the subgrade level. It was observed that the geocell reinforced sample showed higher stress distribution angle when compared to its unreinforced counterpart. Another important factor that has to be studied is the strains at the subgrade level since it is the governing factor of causing rutting in the pavements. From the experiments conducted in the study, it was shown that the reinforcement is very effective in reducing the strains at the top of subgrades. The implications of the current study are brought out in terms of improved pavement performance as the carbon emission reductions. It is important to analyze the performance of reinforced section under realistic field conditions. To do that experiment were conducted on reinforced and unreinforced base layers placed on top of weak subgrade material. The study showed that the reinforcements are effective in reducing the deformations under weak subgrade conditions also but not as effective as it was under strong subgrade case. The experimental results were then validated with the two-dimensional mechanistic-empirical model for geocell reinforced unpaved roads for predicting the performance of pavements under a significant number of cycles. The modified permanent deformation model which incorporates the triaxial test results and strains measured directly from the base sections were used to model and validate.
Plate load experiments were also conducted on base layers reinforced with geogrid to understand the behavior of these reinforced samples under repeated loading. Several factors like the width of the geogrid to be provided and the depth of placing the geogrid in the base layer were studied in detail to achieve maximum reduction in deformations. Permanent and resilient deformation studies were carried out for both reinforced and unreinforced sections of varying thicknesses, and a comparison was made to understand the effect of reinforcement. The geogrid reinforcement could effectively reduce the permanent and resilient deformations when compared to the unreinforced sections. A study was also carried out on the resilient modulus, which explained the better performance of the geogrid reinforced samples by showing higher resilient modulus for reinforced samples than the unreinforced specimens. The performance of the geogrid reinforced base layers was further verified by studying the pressure distribution at the subgrade level and by calculating the stress distribution angle corresponding to the reinforced and unreinforced samples. The strains at the subgrade level were also studied and compared with the unreinforced sample which showed a better performance of geogrid reinforced samples. The results from the strain gauges fixed in the geogrid were further used to model and validate the permanent deformation model. Experiments were conducted on geogrid-reinforced base layer placed above weak subgrade conditions. The results showed that the reinforcement was effective in reducing the deformations under weak subgrade conditions also. Apart from conducting the laboratory studies, experimental results were numerically modeled to accurately back-calculate the resilient moduli of the layers used in the study. 3D numerical modeling of the unreinforced and honeycomb shaped geocell reinforced layers were carried out using finite element package of ANSYS. The subgrade layer, geocell material, and infill material were modeled with different material models to match the real case scenario. The modeling was done for
both static and repeated load conditions. The material properties were changed in a systematic fashion until the vertical deformations of the loading plate matched with the corresponding values measured during the experiment. The experimental study indicates that the geocell reinforcement distributes the load in the lateral direction to a relatively shallow depth when compared to the unreinforced section. Numerical modeling further strengthened the results of the experimental studies since the modeling results were in sync with the experimental data.
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[pt] A pesquisa analisou o material concreto permeável visando a sua aplicação como revestimento de pavimentos permeáveis para atenuação de cheias urbanas. Desta maneira, diversas misturas foram estudadas experimentalmente, objetivando determinar suas características hidráulicas e mecânicas. Com base nos resultados experimentais e no uso pretendido em calçadas, foi definida a mistura mais adequada. A fim de analisar o impacto desta solução no escoamento superficial, foi escolhida a bacia hidrográfica do Rio dos Macacos localizada no Bairro Jardim Botânico no Rio de Janeiro a qual apresenta problemas recorrentes de inundação. Em função das características da bacia e em critérios mecânicos e hidráulicos do pavimento permeável de concreto, foram escolhidas as áreas para a sua aplicação e opavimento foi dimensionado. A bacia estudada foi modelada com auxílio dosoftware Storm Water Management Model para os cenários antes e após a aplicação dos pavimentos permeáveis de concreto em calçadas. Por fim, foi estimado o custo direto da solução proposta. Os resultados do estudo experimental do concreto permeável demonstraram que o material possui permeabilidade e resistências mecânicas adequadas para aplicação em calçadas. Os resultados do modelo computacional, obtidos através da comparação de hidrogramas de cheia, evidenciaram satisfatório amortecimento. A análise de custo demonstrou que a solução é economicamente viável. / [en] New techniques of urban drainage have emerged in order to mitigate the negative effects of urbanization. Initially, in the United States in 1970 denominated Best Management Practices (BMPs) and then in United Kingdom in 1980 as Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS). The goal of these techniques is to reproduce the natural hydrological cycle, mitigating flood peaks and reducing diffuse pollution through infiltration, retention and transport devices such as green roofs, percolation trenches and pervious pavements. (Canholi, 2014). Unlike traditional pavements, pervious pavements allow the infiltration of rainwater on the surface. The infiltrated water is stored temporarily before use, infiltration into the soil, or downstream controlled discharge. According to Field et al (1982) and Mullaney and Lucke (2013), all types of pervious pavement share the same objectives, which are: to allow the infiltration of water on its surface; reduce the increase in the rate and volume of runoff; and improve degradation of water quality resulting from urbanization and land use change. Depending on the soil permeability, they still have the advantage of allowing the recharge of the aquifers.
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Influência da temperatura e velocidade de operação no dimensionamento de pavimentos asfálticos de corredores de ônibus. / Temperature and traffic speed influence on evaluation of asphaltic pavements for bus lanes.Raphael Ferreira Daibert 16 March 2015 (has links)
No Brasil os pavimentos novos de rodovias e corredores de ônibus com tráfego pesado tem sido dimensionados empregando-se métodos empíricos e avaliados estruturalmente utilizando a análise mecanicista baseada na teoria da elasticidade. Nestes procedimentos as características de deformabilidade dos revestimentos de misturas asfálticas usualmente são consideradas fixas para uma determinada temperatura e uma velocidade de carregamento. Em campo, os pavimentos estão sujeitos a uma variedade de condições climáticas e operacionais diferentes daquelas preestabelecidas no dimensionamento. Considerando que os revestimentos asfálticos são constituídos de materiais visco-elásticos, dependentes das condições operacionais, o trabalho teve por objetivo, através de estudos paramétricos e utilizando modelos comportamentais constantes na bibliografia existente, verificar a influência da variação da temperatura e da velocidade dos veículos pesados no desempenho dos pavimentos dimensionados através dos procedimentos tradicionalmente adotados pelos principais órgãos rodoviários brasileiros. O trabalho verifica ainda, embasado na análise mecanicista, a adequabilidade estrutural das espessuras mínimas de revestimento asfáltico recomendadas pelos métodos empíricos para cada nível de solicitação do tráfego, em função de eventuais alterações nas condições climáticas e operacionais que possam ocorrer durante a vida útil do pavimento em campo. / In Brazil, the new highways pavements and bus lane with heavy traffics have been dimensioned by empirical methods and structurally evaluated using mechanistic elastic theory. In these procedures the characteristics of deformability of asphalt pavements courses are usually fixed to a specific temperature and loading speed. In the fields, the pavements are exposed to a variety of different climatic and operational conditions from those previous established. Considering that the asphalt layers are made from thermo-visco-elastic and depends on the operational conditions, the aim of this current study was to verify the influence of the temperature variation also the speed of heavy vehicles in the performance of pavements through procedures traditionally adopted by road agencies and parametric studies using behavioral models in existing literature. This academic work also notes, based on mechanistic criteria, structural adequacy of the asphaltic surface course minimum thickness recommended by empirical methods for each traffic demand, due to possible changes in climatic and operational conditions that may occur during the pavement area lifecycle.
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Análise dinâmica e verificação à fadiga de obras de arte rodoviárias mistas (aço-concreto) submetidas ao tráfego de veículos sobre o pavimento irregular. / Dynamic analysis and fatigue evaluation of steel-concrete composite highway bridges subjected to vehicles traffic on the irregular pavement surface.Guilherme Santana Alencar 28 May 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / As pontes rodoviárias metálicas e mistas (aço-concreto) são submetidas a um grande número de carregamentos repetitivos de diferentes magnitudes, ao longo do tempo. Estas ações dinâmicas podem causar a nucleação de fraturas ou mesmo a propagação destas sobre o sistema estrutural. A depender da magnitude, estes efeitos podem comprometer o sistema estrutural e a sua confiabilidade, além de reduzir a vida útil das pontes. Assim sendo, neste trabalho de pesquisa foi investigada a resposta dinâmica de uma ponte mista (aço-concreto), simplesmente apoiada, com vão de 40,0 m, submetida ao tráfego de veículos sobre a superfície irregular do pavimento. Para tal um modelo numérico representativo do sistema estrutural foi desenvolvido com base no emprego do programa ANSYS, por meio do uso de técnicas usuais de discretização, via método dos elementos finitos. Um estudo paramétrico foi desenvolvido para identificar, de forma qualitativa e quantitativa, o efeito das irregularidades do pavimento sobre o comportamento dinâmico da ponte mista investigada. Em seguida, a verificação do projeto à fadiga do sistema misto foi realizada, com base no emprego do algoritmo de contagem de ciclos Rainflow e em curvas S-N associadas às principais normas de projeto sobre o tema. As conclusões deste trabalho de pesquisa alertam aos engenheiros estruturais para a possibilidade concreta acerca do aumento do dano por fadiga, relacionado às ações dinâmicas de veículos trafegando sobre o tabuleiro de pontes em aço e mistas (aço-concreto). / Steel and steel-concrete composite highway bridges are currently subjected to dynamic actions with variable magnitudes due to the action of vehicles crossing on the deck. These dynamic actions can generate the nucleation of fractures or even their propagation in the structures. Depending on the magnitude, these effects can compromise the structural system response and the reliability, which may also lead to a reduction of the expected bridge service life. This way, the dynamic response of a steel-concrete composite bridge spanning 40 m was investigated in this work. The computational model, developed for the composite bridge dynamic analysis, adopted the usual mesh refinement techniques present in finite element method simulations, and was implemented in the ANSYS program. A parametric study was performed to identify the effect of vehicle speed and roughness pavement on the investigated bridge dynamic behaviour. The proposed methodology for evaluate the bridge service life to fatigue was based on a linear cumulative damage rule, Rainflow-counting algorithm and S-N curves from main design codes. Results of a parametric analysis are presented to verify the extension of the dynamical effects on highway bridges due to vehicles crossing on the irregular pavement surface. The main conclusions of this work focuses on alerting structural engineers to the possibility of increase of fatigue damage, related to steel and composite highway bridges when subjected to vehicle dynamic actions.
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Reciclagem de pavimentos flexíveis com adição de cimento Portland : estudo de fadiga através do ensaio de flexão em viga quatro pontos / Full-depth reclamation of semi-rigid pavements with cement : contribution for the development of a mix design method / Reciclaje de pavimentos flexibles con adición de cemento Portland : estudio de fatiga a través del ensayo de flexión en viga cuatro puntosCastañeda López, Mario Alexander January 2016 (has links)
A reciclagem de pavimentos com adição de cimento Portland é uma técnica que permite reutilizar estruturas degradadas de pavimentos flexíveis na conformação de uma nova camada estabilizada. Seu dimensionamento, no Brasil, tem sido abordado de forma empírica. Entretanto, os métodos racionais desenvolvidos para pavimentos semirrígidos estão baseados principalmente na previsão da vida de fadiga das camadas cimentadas, associada ao nível de deformação atuante na sua fibra inferior. Com o intuito de contribuir no desenvolvimento de um método de dimensionamento de pavimentos com camadas recicladas com adição de cimento, a pesquisa relatada nesta dissertação teve como objetivo principal o estudo laboratorial do comportamento a fadiga de misturas constituídas por fresado asfáltico (20%, 50% e 70%), brita graduada e cimento Portland (teores de 2% e 4%). O programa experimental foi baseado no protocolo para caraterização de materiais cimentados da Austroads (2008; 2012), para ensaios estáticos e de fadiga, além de recomendações para caracterização flexural da JCI (1984), procurando-se avaliar a sua aplicabilidade. Os ensaios de fadiga foram realizados em vigotas com dimensões 10 cm x 10 cm x 40 cm, curadas por pelo menos 28 dias. O modo dos ensaios foi o de tensão controlada como função da resistência à tração na flexão, previamente determinada. O sistema de carregamento é conhecido como fadiga a 4 pontos. Foram obtidos modelos de fadiga em função da tensão de tração atuante, da deformação inicial e da energia dissipada inicial. Os resultados dos ensaios estáticos indicam a predominante influência do teor cimento na resistência a tração na flexão das misturas (valores entre 0,21 MPa e 1,53 MPa), enquanto a porcentagem de fresado tem efeito significativo na deformação de ruptura, tornando as misturas mais dúcteis, e no Módulo de Elasticidade Flexural (que variou entre 1483 MPa e 12800 MPa). No caso dos ensaios de fadiga, os Módulos de Resiliência Flexural iniciais (valores entre 2913 MPa e 7725 MPa) mostraram-se mais dependentes do teor de cimento e independentes do nível de tensão. Nos modelos de fadiga obtidos, os valores dos exponentes de dano por deformação variaram entre 7 e 15, sendo próximos aos relatados pela Austroads para materiais cimentados. Esses modelos foram empregados na modelagem de estruturas de pavimento com camadas de base reciclada, de espessura de 18 cm a 40 cm, visando quantificar o efeito do teor de cimento e da porcentagem de fresado na vida de fadiga, bem como das espessuras da camada reciclada e da nova camada asfáltica sobrejacente. Observou-se que espessuras de camada reciclada inferiores a 30 cm terão curta vida de fadiga. Por outro lado, também ficou evidenciado que a vida de fadiga dessa camada depende significativamente da espessura da nova camada asfáltica sobrejacente, recomendando-se espessuras de no mínimo 10 cm. Finalmente, destaca-se que o volume de dados gerado durante os ensaios de fadiga, e seu processamento por meio de algoritmos desenvolvidos na pesquisa, permitiram abordar conceitos de energia dissipada, como aproximação à definição de critérios de micro e macrofissuração, o que mostrou a utilidade deste tipo de abordagem para futuras pesquisas. / Full-depth reclamation with Portland cement (FDR-C), is a technique allowing the reuse of flexible pavements damaged structures, in order to build a new stabilized layer. In Brazil, pavement design with FDR-C has been determined by empirical approaches. However, mechanistic approach developed for semi-rigid pavements mainly use fatigue relationships based on deformations occurring at the bottom of the cemented layer. In order to develop a pavement design method with FDR-C materials, this research work aimed to study, in laboratory, the fatigue behavior of FDR-C mixtures, for three cement grades (2 %, 4 % e 6 %) and three RAP (Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement) percentages (20 %, 50 % e 70 %).The experimental program was based on the protocol for the characterization of cemented materials of the Austroads (2008; 2012), for static and dynamic tests, and on the recommendations for flexural characterization of concrete reinforced with steel fibers, of the JCI (1984), evaluating the availability of these procedures. Fatigue tests were executed using beams (10 cm x 10 cm x 40 cm), static compacted and with a minimum curing time of 28 days. Stress controlled mode was used, based on flexural strength, previously determined. Loading system was a four-point bending test. Were developed fatigue strain, stress and dissipated energy relationships. Static tests results show that cement is the principal influence on the flexural strength of the mixtures (0.21 MPa up to 1.53 MPa), while the RAP have a major effect in the increasing of the tensile strains making it more ductile (flexural elastic modulus were 1483 MPa up to 12800 MPa). In the case of fatigue tests, flexural modulus were more dependent on the degree of cementation (2913 MPa up to 7725 MPa), and not on the applied stress level. About the fatigue models of FDR-C mixtures, strain damage exponents (7 up to 15) were similar to those reported by Austroads. Laboratory models based on strain were used in modeling of pavement structures, with a FDR-C base layer. Results showed benefits of thickness in FDR-C mixtures and asphalt layers (18 cm up to 40 cm), in order to evaluate the effect of the cement and RAP content on fatigue life, and FDR-C new asphalt thickness as well. This model highlights that FDR-C with a thickness inferior than 30 cm will have a shorter fatigue life. On the other side, was showed that the fatigue life of this layer mainly depends on new hot mix asphalt thickness layer (thickness recommended up to 10 cm). Finally, the volume of data generated during the fatigue tests and his processing through algorithms developed in research allowed using dissipated energy criteria as an approximation of the definition of micro and macro-cracking limits which indicate the utility of this methodology for future research. / El reciclaje de pavimentos con adición de cemento Portland es una técnica que permite la reutilización de estructuras degradadas de pavimentos flexibles para la conformación de una nueva capa estabilizada. Su diseño, en Brasil, ha sido abordado de forma empírica. Sin embargo, métodos racionales desarrollados para pavimentos semirrígidos están basados en la vida de fatiga de las capas cementadas, asociada al estado de deformaciones actuante en su base. Con el objetivo de contribuir al desarrollo de un método de dimensionamiento de pavimentos con capas recicladas con adición de cemento, la investigación relatada en esta disertación tuvo como objetivo principal el estudio laboratorial del comportamiento de fatiga de mezclas constituidas por fresado asfáltico (20%, 50% y 70%), base granular y cemento Portland (2%, 4 % y 6 %). El programa experimental fue basado en protocolos de caracterización de materiales cementados de la Austroads (2008, 2012), para ensayos estáticos y de fatiga, además de recomendaciones para caracterización flexural de concreto reforzado con fibras de acero de la JCI (1984), procurando evaluar su aplicabilidad. Los ensayos de fatiga fueron realizados en vigotas con dimensiones de 10 cm x 10 x cm x 40 cm, moldadas estáticamente y curadas por lo menos 28 días. El modo de carga fue de esfuerzo controlado en función de la resistencia de tracción en la flexión, previamente determinada. El sistema de carga es conocido como fatiga 4 puntos. Los resultados de los ensayos estáticos mostraron una influencia predominante del contenido de cemento respecto a la resistencia flexural de las mezclas (valores entre 0,21 MPa y 1,53 MPa), mientras que el material fresado tiene un efecto significativo en la deformación de tracción al tonar más dúctiles las mezclas, afectando módulo de elasticidad flexural (valores entre 1483 MPa y 12800 MPa). En el caso de los ensayos de fatiga, los Módulos de Resiliencia Flexural iniciales (valores entre2913 MPa y 7725 MPa) mostraron ser más dependientes del grado de cementación e independientes del nivel de esfuerzo aplicado. Los valores de los exponentes de daño por deformación en los modelos de fatiga, que variaron entre 7 y 15, fueron próximos a los relatados por la Austroads. Estos modelos fueron usados en la modelación de estructuras de pavimento con capas de base reciclada, de espesor entre 18 cm y 40 cm, buscando cuantificar el efecto del contenido de cemento y de fresado en la vida de fatiga. Se observó que espesores de la capa reciclada inferiores a 30 cm tendrán corta vida de fatiga. Por otro lado, fue evidenciado que la vida de fatiga de esta capa depende significativamente del espesor del nuevo revestimiento asfáltico, recomendándose espesores superiores a 10 cm. Finamente, se destaca que el volumen de datos generados durante los ensayos de fatiga y su procesamiento por medio de algoritmos desarrollados en la investigación permitieron abordar conceptos de energía disipada, como aproximación a la definición de criterios de micro y macro fractura que mostraron la utilidad de este tipo de metodologías para estudios futuros.
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Comportement thermo-mécanique de structures de chaussées bitumineuses / Thermomechanical behaviour of bituminous pavement structuresGaborit, Philippe 19 June 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse CIFRE a été réalisée dans le cadre d'un partenariat entre l'ENTPE Université de Lyon, AREA et EIFFAGE Travaux Publics. Les méthodes actuelles de détermination et de prévision de l'endommagement des structures de chaussées autoroutières sont peu fiables et nécessitent d'être améliorées. L'objectif de la thèse est de mettre en place une procédure d'analyse inverse donnant accès aux paramètres de comportement des matériaux de chacune des couches de chaussées à partir des mesures de déflexion. Une première étape vise à définir plus précisément les états de contraintes et de déformations existants dans les différentes couches de chaussées. Pour cela, une instrumentation de chaussée autoroutière située proche d'Aix les Bains a été réalisée. 47 capteurs de déformation et de température ont été implantés dans la structure à trois niveaux différents lors de travaux d'entretien effectués en août 2012. En parallèle, des matériaux de chaussée ont été prélevés sur autoroutes pour caractériser leur comportement en laboratoire. Des essais de module complexe ont permis de déterminer les propriétés thermo-visco-élastiques des matériaux. Ces résultats ont permis de modéliser la déformation de la chaussée et de la comparer avec les mesures. Des mesures de déflexion ont également été réalisées sur la chaussée instrumentée à l'aide d'un curviamètre. Les résultats ont pu être comparés à la modélisation. Les différences observées ont permis de proposer une analyse critique des mesures de déflexion. / This thesis was conducted into a parnership between ENTPE university of Lyon, AREA and Eiffage Travaux Publics. Current methods of determination and prediction of damage to highway pavement structures are unreliable and need to be improved. The aim of the thesis is to establish an back analysis procedure from the deflection measurements fiving access to material behavior parameters of each pavement layers. A first step is to define more precisely the states of stress and deformation existing in the different layers of pavement. For this reason, a motorway pavement instrumentation was performed near Aix les Bains in France. 47 strain sensors and temperature were implanted into the structure in three layers during maintenance works in August 2012.In parallel, pavement materials were collected on motorways to characterize their behavior. Complex modulus tests were used to determine the thermo-viscoelalstic properties of materials. These results were used to modeling the deformation of the pavement and compared with measurements. Deflection measurements were also performed on the instrumented pavement with a curviameter device. The reseults were compared to modeling. The observed differences have helped to provide a critical analysis of deflection measurements.
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Aproveitamento de resíduos da extração de micaxisto em pavimentos flexíveis / Institutional assessment and teaching practice in education Utilization of waste from the extraction of mica in flexible pavementsARAUJO, Weliton Eduardo Lima de 24 June 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-06-24 / The recycling of materials has been strengthened as an efficient mechanism to minimise the
problems caused by improper disposal of solid waste from human activities. Accordingly, the
search for mechanisms able to absorb the waste from quarry, coming from the production of
aggregates for construction, it becomes an important tool for mitigating externalities
generated by the accumulation of such material. So the main objective of this research was to
study the use of waste material from quarry as the basic constituent of layers and sub-base of
flexible pavements. The residue studied comes from the processing of micaxist, and then
called the dust of micaxist, coming from the quarry of the Department of Roads Rodagem the
city of Goiania (DERMU-COMPAV). To assess the mechanical behavior, laboratory tests
have been conducted (specific weight, Limits of consistency, size, compression, expansion
and California Bearing Ratio) for samples: 1 (100% of micaxist powder), 2 (20% of powder
micaxist and 80% soil), 3 (30% of powder micaxist and 70% only), 4 (soil), 5 (gravel) and 6
(30% crushed 1 and 70% soil). To assess the performance on the field of materials studied,
was built in August and September 2007, a trial with a sentence of 300 meters, located at
Amélia Rosa street, the site of Ipês, in Goiânia-Goiás, being divided into three sub-sections
(soil + micaxisto of dust, soil + 1 and crushed gravel). The behaviour of these sub-sections
were examined by means of testing the vial of sand, Speedy, proof of cargo on board, and
dynamic cone penetromet, made during the execution of the sentence trial. With the data
collected can be verified that the materials studied, with the exception of Sample 1, have
shown properties physical and mechanical satisfactory, reflecting in a good technical
performance in the laboratory and in field. The gravel had better results both in the laboratory
to the field, proving the efficiency of such material has traditionally used in flooring. In
general, concluded that for the dust of micaxist, the best performance was obtained for dosing
20% (Sample 2), comparable to traditional materials, thus demonstrating the possibility of
using such waste in layers of sub-base and base of flexible pavements. / A reciclagem de materiais tem se fortalecido como um eficiente mecanismo para minimização
dos problemas gerados pela disposição inadequada de resíduos sólidos das atividades
antrópicas. Neste sentido, a busca por mecanismos capazes de absorver os resíduos de
pedreira, oriundo da produção de agregados para a construção civil, torna-se uma importante
ferramenta para mitigação das externalidades geradas pelo acúmulo desse material. Portanto,
o objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi estudar a utilização de resíduo de pedreira como
material constituinte das camadas de base e sub-base de pavimentos flexíveis. O resíduo
estudado é oriundo do processamento da rocha do tipo micaxisto, sendo então denominado de
pó de micaxisto, oriundo da pedreira do Departamento de Estradas de Rodagem do Município
de Goiânia (DERMU-COMPAV). Visando avaliar o comportamento mecânico, foram
realizados ensaios laboratoriais (Peso específico, Limites de consistência, Granulometria,
Compactação, Expansão e California Bearing Ratio ) para as Amostras: 1 (100% pó de
micaxisto), 2 (20% pó de micaxisto e 80% solo), 3 (30% pó de micaxisto e 70% solo), 4
(solo), 5 (cascalho) e 6 (30% brita 1 e 70 % solo). Para avaliar o comportamento em campo
dos materiais estudados, foi construído nos meses de agosto e setembro de 2007, um trecho
experimental com uma extensão de 300 metros, situado à Rua Amélia Rosa, no Sítio dos Ipês
em Goiânia-Goiás, sendo subdividido em três sub-trechos (solo + pó de micaxisto, solo +
brita 1 e cascalho). O comportamento desses sub-trechos foi analisado por meio dos ensaios
de frasco de areia, Speedy, prova de carga sobre placa e penetrômetro dinâmico de cone,
realizados durante a execução do trecho experimental. Com os dados obtidos pode-se verificar
que os materiais estudados, com exceção da Amostra 1, demonstraram possuir propriedades
físicas e mecânicas satisfatórias, refletindo em um bom desempenho técnico em laboratório e
em campo. O cascalho apresentou melhores resultados tanto em laboratório como em campo,
comprovando a eficiência desse material já tradicionalmente utilizado na pavimentação. De
maneira geral, conclui-se que para o pó de micaxisto, o melhor desempenho foi obtido para
dosagem de 20 % (Amostra 2), comparáveis a materiais tradicionais, comprovando assim a
possibilidade do uso desse resíduo em camadas de base e sub-base de pavimentos flexíveis.
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ESTUDO LABORATORIAL DE MISTURAS DE FOSFOGESSO, SOLO TROPICAL E CAL PARA FINS DE PAVIMENTAÇÃO / Laboratory study of mixtures of gypsum, lime and tropical soil for pavimentRUFO, Rosely Costa 21 August 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-08-21 / The phosphogypsum, subproduct of the manufacture of the phosphoric acid, became the
objective of studies, due that it requires the availability of large areas to be stored. The
disposal this waste increases the cost of generating company and can even cause a series of
environmental problems. In this context, It has been arisen the interest to study the application
of phosphogypsum in pavement construction, to minimized environmental damage caused by
its storage and to obtained low-cost pavement with satisfactory performance. The objective of
this research was analyzed the behavior of mixtures composed of phosphogypsum (produced
in Catalão-GO region), regional tropical soils and lime, to the implementation of waste in
pavement. Laboratory tests of specific gravity of solids, consistency limits, grain size,
compaction in the intermediate energy, expansion and California Bearing Ratio - CBR,
Methodology Miniatura Compactada Tropical - MCT, were performed for evaluation of the
soil, phosphogypsum, soil-mixtures of phosphogypsum, soil-lime and soil-phosphogypsumlime
behavior. Additional tests of simple compression strength, permeability and chemical
analysis were also performed. The mixture was called Mixture 1 (90% soil + 10%
phosphogypsum), Mixture 2 (80% soil + 20% phosphogypsum), Mixture 3 (70% soil + 30%
phosphogypsum) Mixture 4 (97% soil + 3% limestone lime CHIII), Mixture 5 (94% soil + 6%
limestone lime CHIII), Mixture 6 (91% + 9% limeston lime CHIII), Mixture 7 (81.9%
Catalão-GO soil + 9.1% phosphogypsum + 9% lime CHIII), Mixes 8 (81.9% Catalão-GO soil
+ 9.1% phosphogypsum+ 9% dolomitic lime), Mixes 9 (84.6% Goiânia-GO soil + 9.4%
phosphogypsum + 6% lime CHI). The results are valid for phosphogypsum generated through
the dihydrate process obtained in Catalão-GO city. The results were concluded that between
the soil-phosphogypsum mixtures, the mixture 2 showed the best performance and can be
used in sub-base of pavements. For the lime-soil mixtures, the mixture 6 showed the
possibility to be use on base of pavement with low traffic volume, by presenting CBR greater
than 60%. Soil, lime and phosphogypsum mixtures showed no resistance to be used in layers
of pavement due to the occurrence of chemical reactions between the three materials. These
reactions cause the appearance of mineral etringita. They increase the plasticity and the values
of expansion. In principle, the risk of contamination occurs in the subsoil or groundwater if
the soil-phosphogypsum mixtures are used in works is minimum. However, when waste is
used in pavement construction is necessary to adopt preventive measures and carry out
monitoring. The use of unconventional materials, i.e. phosphogypsum and tropical soil
mixtures, can be considered an interesting alternative from a technical, environmental and
economic point of view / O fosfogesso, subproduto da fabricação do ácido fosfórico, por ser um resíduo que necessita
da disponibilidade de grandes áreas para ser estocado, tornou-se objeto de estudos, uma vez
que sua disposição eleva os custos da empresa geradora e pode, ainda, acarretar numa série de
problemas ambientais. Neste contexto, tem surgido o interesse de estudar a aplicação do
fosfogesso em obras de pavimentação, visando minimizar os danos ambientais causados pela
sua estocagem, além da obtenção de pavimentos de baixo custo com desempenho satisfatório.
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar o comportamento mecânico de misturas compostas de
fosfogesso (produzido na região de Catalão-GO), solos tropicais regionais e cal, visando à
aplicação desse resíduo em pavimentação. Para avaliar o comportamento do solo, fosfogesso,
das misturas solo-fosfogesso, solo-cal e solo-fosfogesso-cal foram realizados ensaios
laboratoriais de peso específico dos grãos, limites de consistência, granulometria,
compactação na energia intermediária, expansão e California Bearing Ratio CBR,
Metodologia Miniatura Compactada Tropical MCT. Também foram realizados a
caracterização química das amostras, difração de raios-X e ensaios complementares de
compressão simples e permeabilidade. As misturas foram denominadas Misturas 1 (90% solo
+ 10% fosfogesso), Misturas 2 (80% solo + 20% fosfogesso), Misturas 3 (70% solo + 30%
fosfogesso), Misturas 4 (97% solo + 3% cal calcítica CHIII), Misturas 5 (94% solo + 6% cal
calcítica CHIII), Misturas 6 (91% solo + 9% cal calcítica CHIII), Mistura 7 (81,9% solo
Catalão-GO + 9,1% fosfogesso + 9% cal CHIII), Mistura 8 (81,9% solo Catalão-GO + 9,1%
fosfogesso + 9% cal dolomítica), Mistura 9 (84,6% solo Goiânia-GO + 9,4% fosfogesso + 6%
Cal CHI). Os resultados encontrados nesta pesquisa são válidos para o fosfogesso gerado
através do processo dihidratado obtido no município de Catalão-GO. Com base nos resultados
obtidos pôde-se concluir que dentre as misturas solo-fosfogesso, a Mistura 2 apresentou
melhor desempenho podendo ser utilizada em sub-base de pavimentos. Para as misturas solocal,
a Mistura 6 apresentou possibilidade de aplicação em bases de pavimento para vias de
baixo volume de tráfego, por apresentar CBR superior a 60%. As misturas de solo, fosfogesso
e cal não apresentaram resistência para serem utilizados em camadas de pavimentos devido à
ocorrência de reações químicas entres os três materiais, provocando o surgimento do mineral
etringita, causando aumento de plasticidade e elevados valores de expansão. Em princípio, o
risco de ocorrer contaminação do subsolo ou do lençol freático caso misturas de solofosfogesso
sejam utilizadas em obras é mínino. No entanto, sempre que for utilizar um
resíduo em obras de pavimentação, torna-se importante adotar medidas preventivas e realizar
monitoramentos. Tem-se, então, que utilização de materiais não convencionais, como
misturas de fosfogesso e solo tropical, pode ser considerada uma alternativa interessante do
ponto de vista técnico e ambiental.
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Propuesta de diseño de pavimentos rígidos para subrasantes arenas limosas susceptibles a erosión en el proyecto Vía de Evitamiento del bajo PiuraDiaz Asencios, Edgar, Espinoza Martinez, Gustavo Adolfo 09 November 2020 (has links)
En el presente trabajo de investigación se expone una propuesta de diseño de pavimentos rígidos para subrasantes limo-arenosas susceptibles a erosión con la finalidad de determinar el espesor óptimo de la losa de concreto hidráulico. Este procedimiento fue desarrollado para actuar en zonas donde se presentan fenómenos periódicos y extremos (fenómeno del niño), que ocasionan que el suelo de subrasante pierda su capacidad de soporte hasta alcanzar valores insuficientes (3%≤CBR<6%) a inadecuadas (CBR<3%). La propuesta metodológica usa la guía de diseño AASHTO 1993, resultados de ensayos de métodos de prueba estándar para la relación de soporte de california de laboratorios de suelos compactados y los resultados de ensayos de campo (densidad del suelo por el cono de arena). El procedimiento se desarrolla determinando las propiedades físicas y mecánicas de suelos de subrasantes en su condición operante o natural y evaluando la influencia de los resultados de C.B.R. medidas a densidad natural y al 95%MDS del ensayo de Proctor Modificado como inputs en el diseño. Estos son analizados y comparados en términos de pérdida de capacidad de soporte experimentada en subrasantes en esa condición extrema o crítica y demostrar si en esta condición tiene impacto significativo en el espesor de la losa de concreto hidráulico en términos técnico-económicos. La propuesta es dada como soporte técnico o recomendación técnica para mejorar la práctica de la ciencia del diseño y construcción de caminos viales en el Perú en condiciones similares de fundación y climáticos. / In the present work of investigation, a proposal of design of rigid pavements is exposed with subbasement sandy silts susceptible to erosion to determine the optimum thickness of the slab of hydraulics concrete. This procedure was developed to act in areas where extreme periodic phenomena occur (child phenomenon) that cause the subgrade soil to lose its support capacity until reaching insufficient values (3% ≤CBR <6%) to inadequate (CBR <3 %). The methodological proposal uses the AASHTO 1993 methodology, the test results of standard test methods for the California support relationship of compacted soil laboratories and the results of field tests (soil density by the sand cone). The procedure is developed by determining the physical and mechanical properties of subgrade soils in their operating or natural condition and evaluating the results as inputs in the design. This is analyzed in terms of loss of support capacity experienced in subgrades in that extreme or critical condition and to demonstrate if the impact is significant on the thickness of the hydraulic concrete slab in economic technical terms. The proposal is given as technical support for the practice in road engineering in Peru before the possible problems that could arise due to ignorance in supervisors and designers in similar conditions of foundation and climate. / Tesis
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