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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The use of Ground Penetrating Radar and alternative geophysical techniques for assessing embankments and dykes safety

Mori, Guido <1978> 11 June 2009 (has links)
The research is part of a survey for the detection of the hydraulic and geotechnical conditions of river embankments funded by the Reno River Basin Regional Technical Service of the Region Emilia-Romagna. The hydraulic safety of the Reno River, one of the main rivers in North-Eastern Italy, is indeed of primary importance to the Emilia-Romagna regional administration. The large longitudinal extent of the banks (several hundreds of kilometres) has placed great interest in non-destructive geophysical methods, which, compared to other methods such as drilling, allow for the faster and often less expensive acquisition of high-resolution data. The present work aims to experience the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) for the detection of local non-homogeneities (mainly stratigraphic contacts, cavities and conduits) inside the Reno River and its tributaries embankments, taking into account supplementary data collected with traditional destructive tests (boreholes, cone penetration tests etc.). A comparison with non-destructive methodologies likewise electric resistivity tomography (ERT), Multi-channels Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW), FDEM induction, was also carried out in order to verify the usability of GPR and to provide integration of various geophysical methods in the process of regular maintenance and check of the embankments condition. The first part of this thesis is dedicated to the explanation of the state of art concerning the geographic, geomorphologic and geotechnical characteristics of Reno River and its tributaries embankments, as well as the description of some geophysical applications provided on embankments belonging to European and North-American Rivers, which were used as bibliographic basis for this thesis realisation. The second part is an overview of the geophysical methods that were employed for this research, (with a particular attention to the GPR), reporting also their theoretical basis and a deepening of some techniques of the geophysical data analysis and representation, when applied to river embankments. The successive chapters, following the main scope of this research that is to highlight advantages and drawbacks in the use of Ground Penetrating Radar applied to Reno River and its tributaries embankments, show the results obtained analyzing different cases that could yield the formation of weakness zones, which successively lead to the embankment failure. As advantages, a considerable velocity of acquisition and a spatial resolution of the obtained data, incomparable with respect to other methodologies, were recorded. With regard to the drawbacks, some factors, related to the attenuation losses of wave propagation, due to different content in clay, silt, and sand, as well as surface effects have significantly limited the correlation between GPR profiles and geotechnical information and therefore compromised the embankment safety assessment. Recapitulating, the Ground Penetrating Radar could represent a suitable tool for checking up river dike conditions, but its use has significantly limited by geometric and geotechnical characteristics of the Reno River and its tributaries levees. As a matter of facts, only the shallower part of the embankment was investigate, achieving also information just related to changes in electrical properties, without any numerical measurement. Furthermore, GPR application is ineffective for a preliminary assessment of embankment safety conditions, while for detailed campaigns at shallow depth, which aims to achieve immediate results with optimal precision, its usage is totally recommended. The cases where multidisciplinary approach was tested, reveal an optimal interconnection of the various geophysical methodologies employed, producing qualitative results concerning the preliminary phase (FDEM), assuring quantitative and high confidential description of the subsoil (ERT) and finally, providing fast and highly detailed analysis (GPR). Trying to furnish some recommendations for future researches, the simultaneous exploitation of many geophysical devices to assess safety conditions of river embankments is absolutely suggested, especially to face reliable flood event, when the entire extension of the embankments themselves must be investigated.

Focalità e clonalità nei carcinomi in situ ed invasivo mammari, studio genetico e nuove tecniche di radioterapia

Baldissera, Antonella <1963> 15 June 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Regolamentazione dello status della discendenza in Mishnah e Tosefta: studio sull'unità del testo

Tavoloni, Marco <1978> 12 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Eguaglianza di genere e accesso alle cariche elettive. Spunti comparatistici

Rosa, Luisa Serena <1981> 18 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.

L'Ostruzionismo Parlamentare

Perardi, Irene <1976> 18 June 2010 (has links)
Oggetto della ricerca è la tematica dell’opposizione parlamentare ed in particolare, il manifestarsi della stessa attraverso l’ostruzionismo praticato nelle assemblee legislative. La comprensione della funzione oppositoria è stata raggiunta assumendo come primigenio modello di riferimento l’esperienza presente nel sistema parlamentare inglese nel quale la dialettica democratica si svolge tra schieramenti nettamente contrapposti. L’approfondimento della figura oppositoria, poi, si è snodata nello studio delle diverse tipologie di opposizione conosciute nelle moderne democrazie, nonchè nella valutazione dei diversi livelli di riconoscimento che questa assume nei moderni contesti giuridici. Passando specificamente all’analisi dell’ostruzionismo parlamentare, la ricerca ha preliminarmente privilegiato lo studio dei soggetti che lo pongono in essere e del movente e delle finalità perseguite attraverso questa estrema forma di contestazione politica. Lo studio delle attività ostruzionistiche ha altresì valutato le modalità di esercizio ed i mezzi impiegati nella sua realizzazione, nonché le questioni di legittimità connesse a tale pratica. Ma è stata l’analisi dei regolamenti parlamentari, che com’è noto hanno subito le più incisive modificazioni quasi sempre in rapporto ad importanti episodi di ostruzionismo, a rappresentare il momento centrale del lavoro. Dopo la stagione di ostruzionismo esasperato degli anni settanta, all’interno del Parlamento sono cambiate le “regole del gioco” (considerate eccessivamente garantiste per le minoranze), in funzione dell’uso e non più dell’abuso del tempo da parte di tutti i soggetti istituzionali. L’effetto di tali riforme è stato quello di riqualificare la dialettica tra maggioranza ed opposizione, in particolare garantendo alla prima strumenti efficaci per conseguire il programma di Governo ed alla seconda strumenti che consentano di rendere visibili le proposte legislative alternative più qualificate. L’analisi dell’atteggiamento politico dell’opposizione parlamentare è stata altresì valutata alla luce degli effetti prodotti dalle ultime riforme elettorali e dalla loro incidenza sulle manifestazioni ostruzionistiche. La transizione (sia pure incompiuta) della forma di governo, attuata attraverso la trasformazione del sistema elettorale, ha segnato il passaggio da un sistema multipolare ad uno bipolare, con i conseguenti riflessi che si sono prodotti sui rapporti di forza tra maggioranza e opposizione. Nell’attuale logica bipolare, rimasta comunque immutata nonostante il ritorno ad un sistema elettorale nuovamente proporzionale caratterizzato dal premio di maggioranza, la riforma elettorale non ha lasciato indifferente l’atteggiarsi dell’ostruzionismo: il maggior potere, non solo numerico, che la maggioranza parlamentare è venuta ad assumere, ha spostato gli equilibri all’interno degli organi elettivi consentendo un’identificazione tra minoranza ed opposizione. Nel capitolo dedicato all’analisi dei regolamenti parlamentari è stata offerta una ricostruzione descrittiva dell’evoluzione subita dai regolamenti ed una di comparazione diacronica dei rimedi progressivamente adottati negli stessi per fronteggiare le possibili manifestazioni ostruzionistiche. Nella prospettiva di evidenziare le attuali dinamiche parlamentari, è stata affrontata una ricostruzione in chiave evolutiva subita dai regolamenti a partire dalla fase pre-repubblicana, fino ai regolamenti attualmente vigenti, ricomprendendo altresì le proposte di modifica allo stato in discussione in Parlamento. Dall’analisi complessiva è emerso che la debole razionalizzazione della forma di governo, il bicameralismo paritario ed indifferenziato, l’assenza di una riserva normativa a favore del governo e di strumenti giuridici per incidere sull’attività del Parlamento, hanno fatto sì che fossero i regolamenti parlamentari a dover supplire alla scarna disciplina costituzionale. A fronte della lenta ed incompiuta transizione della forma di governo parlamentare e dell’evolversi delle tecniche ostruzionistiche, si sono di conseguenza adeguate le misure di contenimento disciplinate nei regolamenti parlamentari. In questi ultimi dunque, è possibile rintracciare l’excursus storico delle misure adottate per regolare i possibili strumenti ostruzionistici previsti e disciplinati nelle procedure ed impiegati dalle minoranze per tentare di impedire la decisione finale. La comparazione, invece, ha evidenziato una progressiva opera di contenimento dei fenomeni ostruzionistici ottenuta essenzialmente con la razionalizzazione delle procedure parlamentari, l’introduzione del metodo della programmazione, del contingentamento dei tempi, nonché l’ampliamento dei poteri discrezionali dei Presidenti di assemblea nella loro opera di garanti della corretta dialettica parlamentare. A completamento del lavoro svolto è stato infine determinante la considerazione della concreta prassi parlamentare riscontrata nel corso delle legislature maggioritarie: la valutazione complessiva dei dati provenienti dal Servizio Studi della Camera, infatti, ha permesso di verificare come si sono manifestate in pratica le tecniche ostruzionistiche impiegate dall’opposizione per contrastare le politiche della maggioranza nel corso della XIII e della XIV Legislatura.

Skeletal Markers of Activity: Methodological and Interpretative Reflections after the study of the whole Frassetto Sassari identified skeletal collection

Milella, Marco <1977> 22 April 2010 (has links)
Entheses (skeletal attachment sites of muscles and ligaments) and their pathologic modifications (enthesopathies) have long been used as skeletal markers of activity in bioarchaeological (reconstruction of past populations lifestyle) and forensic (personal identification) contexts. However, a functional interpretation of these markers have to deal critically with the multifactorial etiology of the same. Factors such as sex, age, genetic factors, mechanical stress, metabolic conditions, etc.. can compete to produce the observed morphological variability at each attachment site. The aim of this thesis has drawn on the ongoing debate about the informativeness of entheseal modifications as skeletal markers of activity and represent a deepening of the actual knowledge about the relationship between these characters and sex, age and physical activity. For this purpose, the whole "Frassetto” identified skeletal collection of Sassari (Sardinia, Italy) was analyzed. The collection includes the skeletal remains of about 600 individuals died in the late 19th and early 20th century for whom information regarding sex, age at death and, in many cases the occupation are known The results obtained highlight the great age importance on the entheseal modifications. The differences observed between sexes may reflect differences in the level or type of activity performed in life, but could also be related to a different bone tissue response to mechanical stress due to hormonal factors and different growth rates. The role of biomechanical stress related to professional activities remains doubtful. This is probably partly attributable to the analyzed sample characteristics (preponderance of farmers compared with other professions, different mean age of the considered professional subsamples), which has hampered the analysis of samples homogenous with regard to age, which is very influential on the entheses and enthesopathies expression.

Development of original analytical methods for the therapeutic drug monitoring of CNS druges: Antipsychotics, Antidepressants and Anxiolytics-hypnotics

Mercolini, Laura <1979> 15 April 2010 (has links)
Great strides have been made in the last few years in the pharmacological treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders, with the introduction into the therapy of several new and more efficient agents, which have improved the quality of life of many patients. Despite these advances, a large percentage of patients is still considered “non-responder” to the therapy, not drawing any benefits from it. Moreover, these patients have a peculiar therapeutic profile, due to the very frequent application of polypharmacy, attempting to obtain satisfactory remission of the multiple aspects of psychiatric syndromes. Therapy is heavily individualised and switching from one therapeutic agent to another is quite frequent. One of the main problems of this situation is the possibility of unwanted or unexpected pharmacological interactions, which can occur both during polypharmacy and during switching. Simultaneous administration of psychiatric drugs can easily lead to interactions if one of the administered compounds influences the metabolism of the others. Impaired CYP450 function due to inhibition of the enzyme is frequent. Other metabolic pathways, such as glucuronidation, can also be influenced. The Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) of psychotropic drugs is an important tool for treatment personalisation and optimisation. It deals with the determination of parent drugs and metabolites plasma levels, in order to monitor them over time and to compare these findings with clinical data. This allows establishing chemical-clinical correlations (such as those between administered dose and therapeutic and side effects), which are essential to obtain the maximum therapeutic efficacy, while minimising side and toxic effects. It is evident the importance of developing sensitive and selective analytical methods for the determination of the administered drugs and their main metabolites, in order to obtain reliable data that can correctly support clinical decisions. During the three years of Ph.D. program, some analytical methods based on HPLC have been developed, validated and successfully applied to the TDM of psychiatric patients undergoing treatment with drugs belonging to following classes: antipsychotics, antidepressants and anxiolytic-hypnotics. The biological matrices which have been processed were: blood, plasma, serum, saliva, urine, hair and rat brain. Among antipsychotics, both atypical and classical agents have been considered, such as haloperidol, chlorpromazine, clotiapine, loxapine, risperidone (and 9-hydroxyrisperidone), clozapine (as well as N-desmethylclozapine and clozapine N-oxide) and quetiapine. While the need for an accurate TDM of schizophrenic patients is being increasingly recognized by psychiatrists, only in the last few years the same attention is being paid to the TDM of depressed patients. This is leading to the acknowledgment that depression pharmacotherapy can greatly benefit from the accurate application of TDM. For this reason, the research activity has also been focused on first and second-generation antidepressant agents, like triciclic antidepressants, trazodone and m-chlorophenylpiperazine (m-cpp), paroxetine and its three main metabolites, venlafaxine and its active metabolite, and the most recent antidepressant introduced into the market, duloxetine. Among anxiolytics-hypnotics, benzodiazepines are very often involved in the pharmacotherapy of depression for the relief of anxious components; for this reason, it is useful to monitor these drugs, especially in cases of polypharmacy. The results obtained during these three years of Ph.D. program are reliable and the developed HPLC methods are suitable for the qualitative and quantitative determination of CNS drugs in biological fluids for TDM purposes.

New insights into methodology and interpretation of osteoarthritis. The study of Frassetto identified skeletal collection.

Zampetti, Stefania <1981> 22 April 2010 (has links)
Osteoarthritis (OA) or degenerative joint disease (DJD) is a pathology which affects the synovial joints and characterised by a focal loss of articular cartilage and subsequent bony reaction of the subcondral and marginal bone. Its etiology is best explained by a multifactorial model including: age, sex, genetic and systemic factors, other predisposing diseases and functional stress. In this study the results of the investigation of a modern identified skeletal collection will be presented. In particular, we will focus on the relationship between the presence of OA at various joints. The joint modifications have been analysed using a new methodology that allows the scoring of different degrees of expression of the features considered. Materials and Methods The sample examined comes from the Sassari identified skeletal collection (part of “Frassetto collections”). The individuals were born between 1828 and 1916 and died between 1918 and 1932. Information about sex and age is known for all the individuals. The occupation is known for 173 males and 125 females. Data concerning the occupation of the individuals indicate a preindustrial and rural society. OA has been diagnosed when eburnation (EB) or loss of morphology (LM) were present, or when at least two of the following: marginal lipping (ML), esostosis (EX) or erosion (ER), were present. For each articular surface affected a “mean score” was calculated, reflecting the “severity” of the alterations. A further “score” was calculated for each joint. In the analysis sexes and age classes were always kept separate. For the statistical analyses non parametric test were used. Results The results show there is an increase of OA with age in all the joints analyzed and in particular around 50 years and 60 years. The shoulder, the hip and the knee are the joints mainly affected with ageing while the ankle is the less affected; the correlation values confirm this result. The lesion which show the major correlation with age is the ML. In our sample males are more frequently and more severely affected by OA than females, particularly at the superior limbs, while hip and knee are similarly affected in the two sexes. Lateralization shows some positive results in particular in the right shoulder of males and in various articular surfaces especially of the superior limb of both males and females; articular surfaces and joints are quite always lateralized to the right. Occupational analyses did not show remarkable results probably because of the homogeneity of the sample; males although performing different activities are quite all employed in stressful works. No highest prevalence of knee and hip OA was found in farm-workers respect to the other males. Discussion and Conclusion In this work we propose a methodology to score the different features, necessary to diagnose OA, that allows the investigation of the severity of joint degeneration. This method is easier than the one proposed by Buikstra and Ubelaker (1994), but in the same time allows a quite detailed recording of the features. Epidemiological results can be interpreted quite simply and they are in accordance with other studies; more difficult is the interpretation of the occupational results because many questions concerning the activities performed by the individuals of the collection during their lifespan cannot be solved. Because of this, caution is suggested in the interpretation of bioarcheological specimens. With this work we hope to contribute to the discussion on the puzzling problem of the etiology of OA. The possibility of studying identified skeletons will add important data to the description of osseous features of OA, enriching the medical documentation, based on different criteria. Even if we are aware that the clinical diagnosis is different from the palaeopathological one we think our work will be useful in clarifying some epidemiological as well as pathological aspects of OA.

Multi-target-directed ligands: application to the Alzheimer's disease

Simoni, Elena <1979> 15 April 2010 (has links)
The MTDL (multi-target-directed ligand) design strategy is used to develop single chemical entities that are able to simultaneously modulate multiple targets. The development of such compounds might disclose new avenues for the treatment of a variety of pathologies (e.g. cancer, AIDS, neurodegenerative diseases), for which an effective cure is urgently needed. This strategy has been successfully applied to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) due to its multifactorial nature, involving cholinergic dysfunction, amyloid aggregation, and oxidative stress. Despite many biological entities have been recognized as possible AD-relevant, only four achetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEIs) and one NMDA receptor antagonist are used in therapy. Unfortunately, such compounds are not disease-modifying agents behaving only as cognition enhancers. Therefore, MTDL strategy is emerging as a powerful drug design paradigm: pharmacophores of different drugs are combined in the same structure to afford hybrid molecules. In principle, each pharmacophore of these new drugs should retain the ability to interact with its specific site(s) on the target and, consequently, to produce specific pharmacological responses that, taken together, should slow or block the neurodegenerative process. To this end, the design and synthesis of several examples of MTDLs for combating neurodegenerative diseases have been published. This seems to be the more appropriate approach for addressing the complexity of AD and may provide new drugs for tackling the multifactorial nature of AD, and hopefully stopping its progression. According to this emerging strategy, in this work thesis different classes of new molecular structures, based on the MTDL approach, have been developed. Moreover, curcumin and its constrained analogs have currently received remarkable interest as they have a unique conjugated structure which shows a pleiotropic profile that we considered a suitable framework in developing MTDLs. In fact, beside the well-known direct antioxidant activity, curcumin displays a wide range of biological properties including anti-inflammatory and anti-amyloidogenic activities and an indirect antioxidant action through activation of the cytoprotective enzyme heme oxygenase (HO-1). Thus, since many lines of evidence suggest that oxidative stess and mitochondria impairment have a cental role in age-related neurodegenerative diseases such as AD, we designed mitochondria-targeted antioxidants by connecting curcumin analogs to different polyamine chains that, with the aid of electrostatic force, might drive the selected antioxidant moiety into mitochondria.

Variabilità del genoma mitocondriale in una popolazione Omotica nella regione Dawro, Etiopia sud-occidentale. / Mitochondrial genome variability in an Omotic population in Dawro region, South Western Ethiopia.

Cioffi, Manuela <1978> 22 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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