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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Roles of the DOG-1 and JRH-1 helicase-like proteins in DNA repair in Caenorhabditis elegans

Youds, Jillian L. 05 1900 (has links)
Helicases perform vital roles in the cell by unwinding D N A to make it accessible for the essential processes of replication, transcription and repair. In Caenorhabditis elegans, the DOG- 1 helicase-like protein is required for polyG/polyC-tract (G/C-tract) maintenance, as dog-l animals have a mutator phenotype characterized by deletions that initiate in G/C-tracts. DOG-1 may unwind secondary structures that form in polyguanine D N A during lagging strand replication. In order to more completely understand the role of dog-1, genetic interactors were identified, dog-1 functionally interacts with the him-6/BLM helicase. Absence of recombinational repair-implicated proteins in the dog-1 background, including HIM-6/BLM, RAD-51, BRD-1/BARD1 and HIM-9/XPF, as well as the trans-lesion synthesis polymerases polKMD po/7 increased the frequency of animals with G/C-tract deletions, indicating that these pathways are important mechanisms for repair at G/C-tracts in the absence of DOG-1. These data support the hypothesis that persisting D N A secondary structures can cause replication fork stalling, which can be resolved by deletion-free or deletion-prone mechanisms. DOG-1 has highest sequence identity to human BR1P1/FANCJ, which is mutated in patients from the Fanconi Anemia (FA) subgroup J. D N A damage sensitivity experiments indicated that, like chicken F A N C J cells, dog-1 mutants were not significantly sensitive to DNA damage from X-ray or UV-irradiation, but were extremely hypersensitive to the D N A interstrand cross-linking agent UVA-activated trimethylpsoralen. Thus, DOG-1 appears to have a conserved role in cross-link repair and is the C. elegans F A N C J homolog. Characterization of the dog-1/FANCJ-relatsd helicase, Jrh-1, revealed that mutants for this putative helicase are moderately sensitive to cross-linking agents, dog-1 jrh-1 double mutants displayed a synthetic lethal phenotype characterized by excessive recombination intermediates and mitotic catastrophe in the germline. However, absence of JRH-1 did not have any effect on G/C-tract deletions, indicating that JRH-1 does not have a redundant function with DOG-1 at G/C-tracts. Absence of JRH-1 reduced the fitness of eTl and nTl translocation hétérozygotes, but not translocation homozygotes, jrh-1 was synthetically lethal with him-6/BLM and with the endonuclease mus-81, suggesting a possible role for JRH-1 in regulating the balance between different types of repair.

Ética y razon universal en el pensamiento de Santo Tomás de Aquino

Cayuela Cayuela, Aquilino 28 October 2002 (has links)
ÉTICA Y RAZÓN UNIVERSAQL EN EL PENSAMIENTO DE SANTO TOMÁS DE AQUINO(RESUMEN)Aquilino Cayuela CayuelaEl presente estudio se centra, en un primer momento, en el tema de la providencia, visto con detenimiento y en la complejidad de sus múltiples implicaciones desde la metafísica o la teología hasta la ética y la política, para ello partimos de un marco, desarrollado en esta Introducción, donde analizamos las distintas concepciones de la providencia desde los orígenes del pensamiento hasta bien entrada la época moderna. Se entrecruzan términos como logos, alma del mundo, destino, fortuna, azar, historia de salvación, razón y orden universal y pedagogía divina, entre otros, como voces sinónimas o cercanas al concepto de providencia. En un segundo momento nos centramos en estudiar las mutaciones que sufre la concepción cristiana de orden providencial en el despliege del pensamiento de la modernidad, desde sus orígenes, con la reforma protestante, el deísmo y el racionalismo, centrándonos en la figura de Baruc Spinoza. Concluimos con un breve estudio, al respecto, de los tres autores más emblemáticos de la Ilustración alemana: Lessing, Kant y Hegel, dejando en este punto el relato o la breve historia sobre las distintas concepciones de la providencia divina, convertida ya en el depliege interno de la historia y el pensamiento humana, una providencia ya no divina y trascendente sino humana e inmanente a la razón y la historia. Tras la introducción, pasamos al estudio que propiamente nos ocupa que se centra en Santo Tomás de Aquino y en exponer lo que es la providencia, entendida al modo cristiano, donde estudiamos el libro III de la Suma Contra los Gentiles, por encontrar en el autor no solo un clásico sino al más representativo autor del pensamiento cristiano en su vertiente católica. La elección de la obra se debe ante todo a tener esta primera Suma un contenido eminentemente filosófico y ser reflejo del ambiente cultural de occidente en el s. XIII. Una obra donde el Aquinate entra en diálogo filosófico con diversas tradiciones teístas del momento y concede un gran valor y consideración al pensamiento de Aristóteles y de Avicena, pretendiendo, además, mostrar la inteligibilidad de la fe respecto a otras tradiciones rivales. El libro III nos ofrece un amplio desarrollo sobre el tema insertado además en un marco moral, lo que nos permite estudiar que importancia tiene el concepto de providencia en la ética tomista. Una ética, en este caso, peculiar pues, aunque elaborada, se halla en un primer estadio respecto al posterior desarrollo que hará en la Suma Teológica. Una ética del bien en cuanto que se funda en Dios providente y en los bienes que Éste comunica a los hombres, y en el orden de bondad amor que ha establecido para conducir a los hombres a su finalidad última. No es aun, una ética de la virtud, como la de la segunda Suma, pero en ella se puede contemplar ya toda la riqueza de la ética tomista donde las relaciones humano divinas se fundan en la interpersonalidad en el amor.El primer capítulo es un estudio preliminar del libro III en su conjunto y contexto, donde defendemos que dicho libro tiene un claro carácter moral al estar enmarcado en una concepción teleológica, el sentido y la finalidad del hombre que es su bienaventuranza, son el punto de partida y de llegada de esta parte de la Contra Gentiles.Del capítulo segundo al capítulo cuarto desarrollamos el concepto de providencia en Santo Tomás, son capítulos por tanto eminentemente metafísicos, estamos exponiendo una concepción de la realidad y una cosmovisión donde el mundo, creado por Dios, es conducido por Éste, Razón universal e Inteligencia ordenadora que lo gobierna con sabiduría y bondad conduciéndole a su plenitud. Exponemos y comentamos en el capítulo segundo no solo los capítulos 64-76 de la Contra Gentiles, sino también, para una mejor clarificación en el conjunto de la obra del Aquinate desarrollamos el estdio de la cuestión 22, a. 1-4, de la Primera parte de la Suma Teológica. Tras esta exposición afrontamos dos problemas inherentes a la concepción de un Dios providente: la existencia del mal en el mundo y del mal moral, donde no vamos más allá de exponer la posción del Angélico al respecto, y la relación entre providencia divina como acción y gobierno libre de Dios en el mundo y en la historia con la libertad y autonomía humana, expresado de otro modo, analizamos, siguiendo a Tomás, si la realidad de un Dios providente implica determinación y necesidad al ser humano; nuestras conclusiones como se verá son negativas, es más, por el contrario, mostraremos cómo Dios providente es aliado y garante de la autonomía humana. El capítulo quinto pasamos de la metafísica a la ética sin perder de vista la primera. Defendemos que la ética tomista es en importante medida precursora del personalismo contemporáneo aunque no por ello reducimos toda la riqueza e importancia del anclaje teológico y metafísico del pensamiento ético tomista, es más reclamamos su recuperación para la ética actual. Lo que sí defendemos, por paracernos claro, es que la clave interpersonal juega un papel implícito pero primordial en la concepción ética del Aquinate. En esta parte de nuestro trabajo partimos de desarrollar la ética que aparece en Contra Gentiles y defendemos que es un ética del "bien" o de los bienes que aun no se ha hecho explícita como una "ética de las virtudes" que aparecerá claramente en la Suma Teológica.En continuidad con lo expuesto y fundamentada así la ética pasamos a estudiar el primero y más importante de los bienes que es Dios mismo, fin último de la persona, y tratamos de este modo la religión y la fe que consisten en la relación adecuada, relación de amor interpersonal, del hombre con Dios y que recogen los primeros preceptos de la Ley divina: Amar a Dios sobre todas las cosas. Indiatamente después la Ley divina y la ética cristiana entienden que el amor a Dios conlleva necesariamente el amor al prójimo, lo que desarrollamos en el capítulo séptimo, comenzando por el amor humano dado en la carne y concretado en el matrimonio, maximo vínculo de este amor y definido por Santo Tomás como "amistad máxima" con una explícita influencia aristotélica. Para finalizar vemos los bienes materiales y su uso.En los capítulos octavo y noveno estudiamos cómo la moralidad, la ley moral, es un bien para el hombre y cómo se da ese bien. La ley moral es la comunicación, por parte de Dios providente, del orden de bondad existente en la realidad,es la orientación intrínseca, ley natural, y extrínsica, ley divina, necesaria para que la persona humana constituya su vida en "vida buena" y alvcance su plena realización, su fin último. Analizamos la "Ley evangélica" y sus consejos así como sus distinciones cualitativas: orden y desorden moral, y sus consecuencias, premios y sanciones.La bondad absoluta de la persona no solo viene definida por su perfección de naturaleza y su moralidad sino también por el fin al que está destinado que es Dios mismo, dicho fin está más allá de la naturaleza, está en Dios, por ello el hombre necesita una ayuda especial sobrenatural para llegar a Él, esta ayuda es la Gracia que estudiamos en el capítulo décimo. Defendemos que para Santo Tomás no hay dos fines sino un solo fin para la persona, el fin sobrenatural, y que por tanto hay una sucesión de continuidad entre naturaleza y gracia, desde esta perspectiva, analizamos no solo los capítulos correspondientes de Contra Gentiles, sino además la polémica suscitada en el tomismo posterior en referencia a este tema. Con esto concluimos el estudio de la Suma.Por último, en el capítulo undécimo, situándonos ya en el panorama contemporáneo y siguiendo a autores como Charles Taylor o A. MacIntyre exponemos la necesidad y urgencia actual de articular la ética en torno a bienes sustantivos y horizontes de sentido, intentando resaltar el valor y la vigencia de la propuesta tomista, de la concepción de una Providencia divina que ordena inteligente y significativamente el cosmos y conduce suavemente a las personas a su máximo bien. La moral aquí aparece como comunicación de bienes por parte de Dios al hombre y como especial cuidado que tiene Dios del ser humano para que este alcance su sentido pleno. En esto consiste el núcleo central de nuestro estudio. / ETHICS AND UNIVERSAL REASON IN THE THOUGHT OF ST. THOMAS AQUINAS (English summary)Aware as we are of the historical situation of crisis that the cultural world currently finds itself in, a fundamental, metaphysical crisis, that affects our global vision of the world and, ultimately, of human existence, a crisis characterised by scepticism and discouragement in the face of the big questions, it is our opinion that the Christian concept of divine providence constitutes a valid and hopeful reply within contemporary thought. It is a way of sense and rationality that stimulates and enriches the values of justice that modern man has established, such as the dignity, freedom and rightful independence of the individual. At the same time, as indicated by Charles Taylor, to regain a concept of "significant order", and to articulate it with thought, rectifies one of the causes of the malaise felt by modern man. This study focuses, firstly, on the subject of providence, examined carefully and in all the complexity of its many implications, from the metaphysical or the theological to the ethical and the political. After this introductory framework, we go on to examine the main subject of our study, which is focused on St. Thomas Aquinas, and to explain what providence is, understood in the Christian sense. We examine Book III of the Summa contra Gentiles, and find the author to be not only an authority, but also the most representative author of Christian thought in its Catholic manifestation. This work was chosen mainly as this first Summa is particularly philosophical in content, and reflects the cultural world of the West in the 13th century. It is a work in which Aquinas enters into a philosophical dialogue with various theistic traditions of his time, and attributes great value to, and shows great respect for, the thought of Aristotle and Avicenna, aiming, moreover, to demonstrate the intelligibility of faith with respect to other competing traditions. In Book III he provides us with an in depth study of the subject, within the framework, moreover, of morality, which thus enables us to study the importance that the concept of providence has in Thomist ethics.

Teknikämnets utveckling i GY11 : En analys av läromedel och lärares planering av den nya kursen Teknik 1 utifrån kursmålen

Widström, Stefan January 2012 (has links)
Kursplanering är en av lärarens viktigaste arbetsuppgifter. Uppsatsen har undersökt hur fem olika lärare har planerat kursen Teknik 1 som är ny i och med GY11. Uppsatsen utgår och analyserar ingående läroplanen och de nya läroböcker som kommit ut anpassade för kursen. Studien visar att det är svårt att få med alla moment som ska ingå i kursen. Studien definierar också elva kunskapsområden och fem förhållningssätt som ingår i målen för kursen. Dessa kan användas vid kursplanering för att se till att alla moment inkluderas. Uppsatsen ger slutligen ett förslag på kursplanering som kan användas i kursen.

Processing of high quality mango chips

Nunez Gallegos, Yolanda 2009 May 1900 (has links)
Potato chips are very popular in the United States. Recently, an enormous interest in developing snacks from fruits and vegetables with high quality has been assessed. Mango, due to its characteristic flavor and nutritional value, is excellent for snack production. Osmotic dehydration (OD) as a pre-treatment and vacuum frying (1.33 kPa) processes were proposed to obtain high quality mango chips. Mango ?Tommy Atkins? slices were pre-treated with different OD concentrations (40, 50, and 65w/v), times (45, 60, and 70 min), and temperatures (22, 40, and 57oC). Physical and chemical properties (aw, pH, oBrix, sugar gain, water loss, and shrinkage) after OD were studied. The pre-treated slices were vacuum fried (1.33 kPa) at 120, 130, and 138oC and product quality attributes (PQA) (oil content, texture, porosity, color, microstructure, and carotenoid content) were determined. Microstructure of the chips was analyzed using an environmental scanning electron microscope. Effect of frying temperatures at optimum OD (65 w/v at 40oC) times was tested. The consumer tests showed that samples were all acceptable. The best mango chips process was the one with 65 w/v concentration for 60 min (pre-treatment) and vacuum frying at 120oC. Kinetic studies on oil content, texture, porosity, color, and carotenoid retention were performed. Oil absorption was modeled by a fractional conversion kinetic model. Absorption rate constant increased with frying temperature. Diameter changes in the chips, although not significant (P>0.05), followed an initial expansion to later decrease. Thickness of the slices increased (puffed) (around 60%) with time for all frying temperatures. Texture changes were for two frying periods: (1) water removal and crust formation and (2) slices became tougher and crispier and the end of frying. Porosity in the samples increased with frying, and a fractional conversion best described this phenomenon. Color *a (redness) increased with frying time and temperature and was modeled using a logistic model. Color *b (yellowness) increased up to 30 s of frying and then decreased. Carotenoids degradation followed a first order model, with a significant (P<0.05) decrease with frying temperature. Mango chips fried under atmospheric fryer had less carotenoid retention (25%) than with a vacuum fryer.

The cardiovascular effects of insulin-like growth factor-1 in the nucleus tractus solitarii of rats

Lin, Shin-shue 26 August 2005 (has links)
Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) was considered as a factor potentially involved in arterial hypertension because of its effects on vascular tone. Several studies have suggested that IGF-1 might play an important role in the cardiovascular system for regulation of blood pressure. Previously, microinjection of insulin into the NTS of rats preceded prominent depressor and bradycardic and activates the PI3K downstream Akt. The aims of this study was to compare the cardiovascular responses induced by IGF-1 and to investigate the mechanisms of IGF-1induced signaling pathway in the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) between spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rat (WKY) at 8/16 weeks old. The results indicate that microinjection of IGF-1 into the NTS of WKY and SHR produced dramatically depressor and bradycardic effects. The cardiovascular effects evoked by IGF-1 are less in SHR than WKY rats. The defect in IGF-1 vascular action is also present in young spontaneously hypertensive rats (age 8 weeks). Pretreatment with the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitor LY294002 significantly attenuated the responses evoked by microinjection of IGF-1 in both SHR and WKY at 8/16 weeks old. Moreover, mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (p44/p42MAPK) inhibitor PD98059 administration attenuated the cardiovascular effects of IGF-1 in WKY at 8/16 weeks old but had no effect in SHR at age matched. In conclusion, both IGF-1/PI3K and p44/p42MAPK signal transduction pathways are involved in controlling central cardiovascular effects in WKY, whereas PI3K but not p44/p42MAPK signaling pathway is involved in SHR. This different condition suggests that such insensitive pathway may play a causative role in the development of hypertension.

Exploring the effect of ETF and ETS-1 binding site mutation on the activity of TSG101 promoter

Huang, man-yi 06 September 2005 (has links)
TSG101 is a tumor susceptibility gene, which exhibits many biological functions including the regulation of transcription, cell growth and differentation, protein trafficking and receptor recycling. Recent studies have revealed overexpression of TSG101 in human cancers of papillary thyroid carcinoma and breast cancer, whereas downregulation in the periphery of cancer tissue. These data indicated that the amount of TSG101 gene products might be relevant to tumor formation. Understanding the detail regulation of TSG101 gene expression might advance our knowledge on the processes of neoplastic conversion. In this regard, our lab have cloned and characterized upstream sequence of TSG101 transcription start site, and defined the region of -1~-436 as proximal promoter by luciferase reporter assay. Sequence analysis of this region using NSITE program on Softberry web site has revealed several transcription factor binding sites including MAZ, Sp1, ETF and ETS-1. Using EMSA and luciferase assay, we have demonstrated MAZ and Sp1 as major transcription factors regulate TSG101 proximal promoter. In this thesis, we advance our study to further explore the role of ETF and ETS-1 sites in regulation TSG101 promoter. We first cloned the region encompassing two ETS-1 sites in ¡V190~-1 region into pGL3-basic( -190/pGL3-basic ). The luciferase reporter assay of wildtype and mutant ¡V190/pGL3-basic plasmids further demonstrated important role of these ETS-1 sites. To explore detail contribution of the above mentioned transcription factor binding sites in regulation TSG101 promotor, we have made mutant reporter constructs containing different assortment of mutations in these binding sites, and assayed the effect of mutant on TSG101 promoter activity. The results showed that in cancer cell lines (COS-1, ARO and WRO) tested, Sp1, ETF, and ETS-1 binding sites are essential and they act co-operatively in regulating the activity of TSG101 proximal promoter. The results also indicated that Sp1 and ETS-1 were positive regulators, while ETF worked as a negative regulator.

Alteration of Innate Immune Reaction in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Chuang, Hua 22 June 2006 (has links)
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is the 4th leading cause of mortality in Taiwan. Chronic persistent inflammation as demonstrated by higher proinflammatory mediators in blood has been correlated to cardiovascular complications of type 2 DM. The cellular and molecular mechanism of chronic inflammation in type 2 DM remains to be determined. This study was conducted to explore altered innate immunity in toll-like receptor (TLR) expression and signaling of monocytes from type 2 DM patients. Blood leukocytes from type 2 DM patients were counted and studied for TLR2 and TLR4 expression and signaling. Each experiment was run with 1 to 2 type 2 DM patients, simultaneously with 1 to 2 age-matched normal adults as controls. 31 type 2 DM patients and 37 normal age-matched controls completed the study. Results showed that blood monocytes from type 2 DM patients had a significantly higher TLR4 but not TLR2 expression. Using a TLR4 ligand, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), to trigger TNF£\ production, a significantly higher TNF£\ production by blood leukocytes from type 2 DM patients than age-matched controls was found. The higher TNF£\ production by blood leukocytes from type 2 DM patients was associated with down-regulation of suppressor of cytokine signaling 1and 3 (SOCS-1 and SOCS-3) expression. We have further postulated that increase of oxidative stress or decrease of IFN-£\ production in type 2 DM patients was related to the alteration of TLR-4 response. Correction of SOCS-1 expression by addition of antioxidant, superoxide dismutase (SOD), but not IFN-£\, significantly decreased TNF£\ production in blood leukocytes from type 2 DM patients. This study is the first in the literature to identify an alteration of TLR4 expression associated with depressed SOCS-1 expression in leukocytes of type 2 DM patients. Results from this study highlight a potential pathway to improve chronic inflammation of type 2 DM patients via modulation of TLR4 expression and SOCS-1 mRNA expression of leukocytes.

Effect of Interleukin-1 £] on Myofibroblasts from subacromial bursa in Rotator Cuff Lesions with Shoulder Stiffness

Tseng, Hsin-Ling 01 February 2007 (has links)
Previous investigations have indicated that shoulder stiffness was related with the degree of inflammation and the number of myofibroblasts in subacromial bursa tissue of rotator cuff lesions. But the interaction mechanism between inflammatory cytokines and myofibroblasts induced shoulder stiffness has not been fully explored. The purpose of this research is to study the effect of IL-1 £] on myofibroblasts in rotator cuff lesions with shoulder stiffness. Myofibroblasts from subacromial bursa tissue of rotator cuff lesions were cultured with or without IL-1 £]. The gene and protein expression of £\-smooth muscle actin (£\-SMA) and prolyl 4-hydroxylase (PH-4) were determined. The results showed that high levels of PH-4 and low levels of £\-SMA were expressed in myofibroblasts cultured with IL-1 £]. PH-4 gene had higher expression in tissue of stiff patients than non-stiff patients, but £\-SMA gene expression had no significant difference. According to the results, myofibroblasts cultured with extra IL-1 £] showed increased PH-4 expression and decreased £\-SMA expression. This indicates myofibroblasts might transdifferentiate into fibroblasts via IL-1 £] effect.

The role of SUMO-1 on the signaling pathway of H. pylori induced apoptosis

Lin, Chia-hui 09 February 2008 (has links)
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) causes peptic ulcer or gastric cancer through different virulence factors including lipopolysaccharides (LPS), the cytotoxin-associated gene A product (CagA), and vacuolating cytotoxin A (VacA) etc. It stimulated mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase signaling cascades. Small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO) is a member of ubiquitin-related protein modifiers. However, the mechanisms of the involvement of SUMO-1 on H. pylori induced apoptosis were not clear. Our previous study showed that the expression of RFP-SUMO-1 and apoptosis were increased significantly by fluorescence microscopy assays on RFP-SUMO-1 transfectants during H. pylori infection. In addition, the cytoplasmic SUMO-1 was increased during infection and positively associated with apoptosis. Here, how SUMO-1 was involved in the apoptotic signaling enhancement during H. pylori infection was studied. Results showed that H. pylori infection enhanced MAP kinase activation and the effects were stronger on the SUMO-1 overexpressed cells. However, it was not affected by the secretion of CagA or VacA toxins of H. pylori. To investigate the possible role of SUMO-1 on MAPKs mediated signaling pathways, three selective MAPKs inhibitors were used on RFP-SUMO-1 overexpressed cells. Only p38 inhibitor decreased the levels of apoptosis during H. pylori infection and the expression of p53 was increased on RFP-SUMO-1 1 overexpressed cells. Thus, p38 and p53 pathways were suggested to be involved in SUMO-1 enhanced apoptosis during H. pylori infection. In addition, the nuclear localization of NF-£eB and expression of COX-2 were enhanced on RFP-SUMO-1 overexpressed cells. Moreover, more nuclear NF-£eB and cytoplasmic as well as nuclear RFP-SUMO-1 were observed during H. pylori infection. Our data suggest that H. pylori infection enhances SUMO-1 expression which activates MAPKs on both the pro-apoptotic p38-p53 pathway and the anti-apoptotic ERK-NF-£eB-COX2 pathway. The detail mechanisms on how cells making the final decision on the survival or apoptosis were still not clear and deserving to investigate.

Role of the Sp1-pVHL- HIF-1 £\

Lee, Yi-Chern 01 September 2008 (has links)
Introduction: Since the era of Marshall, H. pylori has been to be implicated in many upper digestive tract diseases, such as gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, mucosa- associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma, and even gastric adenocarcinoma. In 1994, WHO recognized H. pylori as a definite carcinogen for gastric cancer. Many study had shown that microbial pathogens may induce oxidative stress in infected host cell. And this may also represent an important mechanism leading to epithelial injury in H. pyloric infection. Oxidative stress plays a role in altering epithelial cell turnover, accelerating apoptosis and increasing oxidative DNA damage. One of the evidences for this phenomenon is increasing level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) measured in the mucosa of infected stomach. ROS may activate HIF-11£\ transcription. HIF-1£\ overexpression had been detected in several human cancers. Furthermore its overexpression correlates significantly with highly aggressive disease, lymph node metastasis, clinicopathological status and poor prognosis in some cancer types. It may up regulate hypoxia-induced gene, such as the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) transcription and angiogenesis. Therefore we propose Sp1-pVHL-HIF-1£\ pathway may play a role the carcinogenesis in Hp -associated gastric cancer. Material and methods: We took Paraffin-embedded specimens from 89patients, who had undergone UGI endoscopy and gastric mucosa biopsy. We assessed the Sp1, pVHL, HIF-1£\ in all cases by immunohistochemistry and then evaluated their correlation with the H pylori infection. Chi-square and Fisher¡¦s exact test was performed to determine the significance of the difference between Sp1, pVHL, HIF-1£\. Results: There are not significant difference in nuclear Sp1 expression and H. pylori different (p=0.59). Sp1 expression was not significant, (p=0.91, 0.93, 0.36, 0.42, 0.51) with sex, age, location, TNM stage and cell differentiation. pVHL protein was mainly expressed in the cytoplasm. There are no significant difference with H. pylori infection (p=0.14). The relationship pVHL protein expression between with sex, age, lesion site, TNM stage and cell differentiation were not significant (p=0.39, 0.70, 0.69, 0.83, 0.70). HIF-1£\ protein was mainly expressed in the nuclei. There are not significant association with H. pylori infection (p=0.49). There were no significant differences between HIF-1£\ protein expression with sex, age, location, TNM stage and cell differentiation (p=0.94, 0.32, 0.75, 0.35, 0.60). Furthermore, In normal tissue the expression of HIF-1£\ had significant association with pVHL(p=0.0002), and the expression also had no a mariginally significant association with Sp1(p=0.096). Expression of Sp1 had significant association with pVHL(p=0.0016)in tumor tissue, Therewas a significant association between normal and tumor tissue expression of the pVHL and Sp1(p=0.038, 0.019), but the expression of HIF-1£\ had no significant(p=0.23). Conclusion: In this study, we attempt to determine the association between Sp1-pVHL -HIF-1£\ pathway and a role in the carcinogenesis in H. pylori infection. Although we didn¡¦t confirm the hypothesis Sp1-pVHL -HIF-1£\ pathway playing an critical role in the mechanism of gastric cancer. We concluded that there is no significance between the expression of Sp1, pVHL and HIF-1£\ and gastric cancer, but the role of this pathway in the Hp infection associated carcinogenesis is still to be clarified.

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