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Application of in-situ cosmogenic nuclide analysis to landform evolution in Dartmoor, south-west BritainHägg, Joseph Hunter January 2009 (has links)
Located beyond the southern limit of glaciation in Britain, the upland granitic terrain of Dartmoor, south-west England, has been exposed to long intervals of intense periglacial activity during the Pleistocene. This region has been significant in debates about appropriate models of long-term landscape change, most notably two-phase versus single-phase models of landform evolution, and the development of tors. However, given the previous lack of quantitative techniques capable of constraining denudation and specific process rates, and thereby testing developmental models for these features, there remains much uncertainty in the interpretation of the classic landforms of the region. This study measures concentrations of the cosmogenic nuclide 10Be produced in-situ in quartz within the upper few metres of the Earth surface. These reflect the history of near-surface exposure to cosmic radiation of sampled material, and allow for the interpretation of exposure age and/or erosion rates of the land surface. This research utilises these cosmogenic nuclide values to evaluate geomorphological processes and investigate key aspects of landform development. These include the formation of tors in non-glaciated regions, the development of regolith and boulderfields under periglacial conditions, and the derivation of catchment-averaged denudation rates. This study provides the first quantitative measurement of erosion on tor surfaces in Dartmoor, with typical rates of 14-45 mm ka-1. These are relatively high and comparable to other components of the landscape. In addition, there is no clear relationship of cosmogenic nuclide concentration to tor dimensions. It is shown that the tors are dynamic landforms and simple, two-stage development is an inappropriate model. Catchment-averaged denudation rates are derived and these long-term rates of 20-94 mm ka-1 are significantly higher than modern, short-term values. Finally, downslope transport in a palaeo-periglacial blockslope is investigated using 10Be concentrations. This variety of landforms and scale of investigation facilitates an integrated approach to the understanding of catchment-scale erosional dynamics. In addition, the complex nature of landform development that is evident in the area provides challenges to the application of in-situ cosmogenic nuclides and highlights both the potential and limitations of the technique.
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A Quaternary history of ice sheet dynamics in the Transantarctic Mountains.Joy, Kurt Richard January 2013 (has links)
The Antarctic Ice Sheets responded significantly to climatic conditions during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the subsequent warming that followed. Therefore, an understanding of how Antarctica reacted to past climates is necessary to predict the response of its ice sheets to current and future climate change.
This thesis presents new evidence about the timing and magnitude of East and West Antarctic ice sheet (EAIS & WAIS) changes during the Quaternary Period, from the Darwin Hatherton glacial system (DHGS, 79.5S, 158E). The DHGS drains the EAIS through the Transantarctic Mountains into the Ross Ice Shelf and glacial deposits have been used to constrain ice sheet thicknesses in this sector of the Ross Sea Embayment. At four sites along the length of the system, glacial deposits were mapped and 73 erratic and bedrock samples collected for ¹⁰Be and ²⁶Al surface exposure dating (SED). The exposure ages range from 0.01 to 2.2 Ma and generally show a trend of oldest ages at the highest elevations, thus suggesting an overall decrease of ice volume within the DHGS over the Quaternary. The older ages suggest that during the Plio-Pleistocene, DHGS ice was at least 800-1000 metres thicker than present, while in the mid to late-Holocene thickening was less than 50-80 metres. Four glacial advance and retreat events were described and mapped previously from the DHGS by Bockheim et al (1989). The Isca and Danum drifts, are ~1-2 and 0.6 Ma respectively. The Britannia-II Drift, previously assumed to mark the maximum extent of the Last Glacial Maximum advance is more complex, with clusters of ages at ~6.5, ~36 and ~125 ka. The youngest drift, the Hatherton is mid to late-Holocene (<4.5 ka) and suggests that the DHGS has been near its equilibrium position during this period.
Throughout the DHGS no unequivocal evidence of the LGM was observed and therefore poses questions about the past thickness of the Antarctic ice sheets during the LGM. Exposure ages from sites near the head of the Hatherton Glacier (Dubris Valley & Lake Wellman) suggest that at the LGM, the East Antarctic Ice Sheet may have been of similar size, or slightly smaller, than present. In stark contrast, at the confluence of the Darwin Glacier and the Ross Ice Shelf, a WAIS ~400-900 metres above the modern ice surface is tentatively suggested; A value in agreement with that proposed by modern glaciological models. Additionally, while the results from the Dubris and Bibra valleys show that the EAIS thins during glacial climates (i.e. the LGM), it also suggests thickening during interglacials. The Britannia-I and II drifts representing retreats at~6.5 and ~125 ka from glacial highstands.
A number of key findings related to the application of SED in Antarctic settings are also presented. The use of dual-nuclides (¹⁰Be & ²⁶Al) show that within the DHGS, the proportion of samples displaying a prior burial history increases with distance from the catchment. The spread of exposure ages observed in the dataset also show the complexity of the depositional processes occurring at cold-based glacial margins and therefore judicious sample selection is required to obtain exposure ages that are representative of the true deglaciation age.
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Assessing the anthropogenic impact on soil redistribution processes using radionuclides (10Be, 210Pb, 137Cs and 7Be) : a case study from the Christina River Basin, USAMarquard, Julia January 2015 (has links)
Anthropogenic driven soil erosion has increased drastically within the last few centuries. Accelerated removal of topsoil degrades soil characteristics, decreasing the agricultural capacity to sustain food production for future human generations. In order to reduce sediment erosion to a minimum, soil movement dynamics have to be understood over relevant timescales. Emphasis is required on human land use, which has changed over time, altering erosion and deposition processes in the landscape. This thesis aims to understand the development of erosion with time and studies the effects of the anthropogenic impact on the Earth’s surface. A case study was conducted in the Christina River Basin in south-eastern Pennsylvania (USA) to evaluate the anthropogenic impact on sediment redistribution before and during European colonisation of the US East Coast. The Christina River Basin is focus of the Christina River Basin Critical Zone Observatory, where researchers of many disciplines (e.g. hydrology, geochemistry, geology, biology, geomorphology, soil science) study the interactions of the water, mineral and carbon cycle in relation to different land uses. This site is particularly suitable for this study due to the sudden change in land use with the arrival of European Settlers and the well-recorded history of land use in the area since. Besides sediment processes related to the European colonisation, special emphasis was placed on the last century and the particular impact of land management practices on the landscape. For the approach of this study, upland and depositional sediment profiles, as well as suspended sediment collected from rivers at different times were analysed for radionuclide activity. In particular, a combination of the short-lived radionuclides 7Be, 210Pb, and 137Cs with the long-lived meteoric nuclide 10Be was used to allow detection of sediment erosion as well as tracing of sediment source to streams over different time frames. Natural sediment processes were studied by investigating meteoric 10Be in different upland and valley hollow soil profiles in the Christina River Basin. Natu-ral sediment erosion rates of 17 to 18 mm per 1000 years and soil residence time of 26,000 to 57,000 years in upland sites classify the region to be characterised by slowly eroding soils. Valley hollow study sites indicate an alteration in sediment supply due to climate change within the last 80,000 years. Analysis of meteoric 10Be on suspended sediment in rivers with time (from pre-colonial to present times) and a comparison to the historical background of land use management indicated drastic changes in the sediment sources to the streams during the colonisation of the US East Coast. Such profound changes in the soil movement dynamics can be tied to a complete deforestation of the watershed during that time. However, a slow recovery of sediment sources to pre-colonial conditions within the last 100 years was observed, which may be related to the afforestation in parts of the watershed and change in farming practises. Examination of floodplains in recent history (last 100 years) using 210Pb and 137Cs identified a correlation between changes in land use and floodplain development. In particular, deforestation led to channel migration within the watershed, whereas afforestation reduced the flood magnitude. A discrimination of different sediment sources (agricultural and forest surface, channel migration) was detected on present suspended sediment by using a combination of tracers: 7Be, 137Cs, 210Pb and 10Be. About 50 % of sediment in the stream was attributed to channel migration classifying the stream as relatively unstable, whereas the second major sediment contribution was agricultural soil (32 %). As both sources are closely related to human activity in the study area, appropriate land management practices and stream channel stabilisation are of great importance for a hydro- and morphodynamic balance in future times. Results presented in this study provide evidence of the powerful impact anthropogenic land use has had on sediment movement in the Christina River Basin. More importantly, this study has shown the usefulness of combining long- and short-lived radionuclides to identify soil redistribution at different time periods and scales. Radionuclide data does not only reflect the drastic impact during European colonisation but also detects gradual changes that occur due to human action to limit soil erosion within the last century. This study indicates that some of the best management practices may minimise anthropogenic induced soil erosion, whilst simultaneously signifying the need to further improve land use management and reduce sediment erosion.
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Pre-agricultural Soil Erosion Rates in the Midwestern U.S.Lauth Quarrier, Caroline 28 June 2022 (has links)
Soil erosion undermines agricultural productivity, limiting the lifespan of civilizations. For agriculture to be sustainable, soil erosion rates must be low enough to maintain fertile soil, as was present in many agricultural landscapes prior to the initiation of farming. However, there have been few measurements of long-term pre-agricultural erosion rates in major agricultural landscapes. We quantified geological erosion rates in the Midwestern U.S., one of the world’s most productive agricultural areas. We sampled soil profiles from 14 native prairies and measured concentrations of the cosmogenic nuclide 10Be and chemically immobile elements to calculate physical erosion rates. We used the erosion rates and measurements of topographic curvature to estimate a pre- agricultural topographic diffusion coefficient. We find pre-agricultural erosion rates of 0.0001–0.1 mm yr-1 and a site-averaged diffusion coefficient of 0.005 m2 yr-1. The pre- agricultural erosion rates and diffusion coefficient we measured are both orders of magnitude lower than anthropogenic values previously measured in adjacent agricultural fields. The pre-agricultural erosion rates are one to four orders of magnitude lower than the 1 mm yr-1 soil loss tolerance value assigned to these locations by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Hence, as currently defined, tolerable soil loss will lead to unsustainable erosion of Midwestern soils. However, quantifying natural erosion rates via cosmogenic nuclides provides a means for more robustly defining rates of tolerable soil loss and developing management guidelines that promote soil sustainability.
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Détermination des paléo-taux d'érosion par l'utilisation des isotopes cosmogéniques. Cas de la transition pliocène-pleistocène / Paleo-erosion rates from cosmogenic nuclidesPuchol, Nicolas 06 December 2013 (has links)
L'analyse dans des dépôts anciens des isotopes cosmogéniques in-situ, déjà largement employés dans les sédiments de rivières actuelles, a le potentiel de fournir des enregistrements haute résolution, sur des échelles de temps de 10 Ma, de taux de dénudations intégrés sur des bassins versant entiers. Nous avons étendu avec succès cette méthode à des sédiments des piedmonts du Tian-Shan (Chine) et de l'Himalaya (collines Siwaliks, Népal). Ces deux zones sont au coeur de débats sur l'évolution des relations climat/érosion/tectonique depuis ~10 Ma. Quatre sections au Tian-Shan, couvrant ~9 Ma, et une large étendue spatiale autour de cette chaîne, ne montrent pas de brusque accélération de l'érosion il y a ~3-5 Ma. Au contraire, nous observons à l'échelle régionale une augmentation progressive (x 4 entre 9 et 4 Ma) puis une stabilisation entre 4 Ma et l'actuel. Ces résultats suggèrent une influence limitée des cycles glaciaires quaternaires sur les taux d'érosion dans cette zone. Un enregistrement dans les sédiments himalayens ne montre également pas d'augmentation significative de l'érosion depuis ~6.5 Ma. Il est en revanche probablement le témoin de réorganisation des systèmes de drainages et d'évolutions tectoniques dans cette région. Avec ces études, nous avons ainsi pu produire pour la première fois des enregistrements haute résolution de taux d'érosion depuis ~10 Ma, grâce aux isotopes cosmogéniques. Cette méthode étant potentiellement applicable dans de nombreux contextes géologiques et climatiques, elle permettra indubitablement des avancées importantes dans la compréhension des processus de surface actuels et passés / In-situ cosmogenic nuclides analysis in ancient sediment could potentially provide high-resolution records of denudation rates, integrated over whole drainage basins, and on several million-year time scales. We successfully extended this method to sediments from the Tianshan (China), and the Himalayas (Nepal) piedmonts. These two areas are at the core of ongoing debates on climate-erosion-tectonics relationships since ~10 Ma. Four sections in the Tianshan, covering ~9 Myr and a broad spatial extent around this range, do not display a brutal increase in denudation at 3-5 Ma. On the other hand, they show at the regional scale a progressive increase (x4 between 4-9 Ma) and a subsequent stabilization since ~4 Ma. These results suggest a limited influence of Quaternary glaciations on erosion in this region. One section in the Himalayan piedmont (Siwaliks hills), neither display any significant increase since ~6.5 Ma that would be link to a major climatic shift. It has nevertheless probably recorded reorganizations of the drainage system and tectonics evolutions in this region. With these studies, we were able to produce the first cosmogenic nuclides-based high resolution records of denudation rates over 10 Myr. This method being potentially applicable in many geological and climatic settings, it will indubitably allow further advances in our understanding of past and present surface processes
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Corridas de detritos e as taxas de denudação a longo-termo da Serra do Mar/SP / Debris flows and long-term denudation rates in the Serra do Mar (SP)Gomes, Maria Carolina Villaça 07 November 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como hipótese que as corridas de detritos são os principais processos responsáveis pela evolução do relevo da Serra do Mar (SP), esperando-se, portanto, uma relação direta entre as taxas de denudação a longo-termo mais elevadas e a maior magnitude das corridas de detritos, sendo esta fortemente controlada pela morfometria das bacias de drenagem. Acredita-se que as características morfométricas das bacias, por serem determinantes na dinâmica hidrológica das bacias de drenagem, são fundamentais para a compreensão da geração e da propagação de corridas de detritos em ambiente tropical úmido. Desta forma, o objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi verificar as relações existentes entre a magnitude das corridas de detritos, a morfometria das bacias e as taxas de denudação a longo-termo em relevo escarpado de margem passiva em ambiente tropical úmido, como a Serra do Mar. Para tanto, foram definidos os seguintes objetivos específicos: (i) avaliar o potencial de geração de corridas de detritos das bacias de drenagem; (ii) avaliar a relação entre a morfometria das bacias e a magnitude das corridas de detritos; (iii) discutir a evolução a longo-termo do relevo a partir das taxas de denudação em escala de bacia de drenagem e; (iv) avaliar a importância das corridas de detritos como os principais processos exógenos para a evolução do relevo em margens passivas de ambiente tropical úmido. Os procedimentos adotados para desenvolvimento da pesquisa foram (i) seleção das bacias de drenagens; (ii) amostragem de sedimento aluvial; (iii) mapeamento dos depósitos de corridas de detritos; (iv) aplicação dos índices morfométricos; (v) aplicação dos Índices Adimensionais para determinação do potencial de geração de corridas de detritos; (vi) preparação das amostras e análise da concentração de 10Be e; (vii) análise integrada dos resultados obtidos. As bacias possuem características morfométricas que lhes confere alta capacidade erosiva, conforme o elevado Índice de Rugosidade e Relação de Relevo. A partir da aplicação dos índices Adimensionais, as bacias classificadas com maior potencial de geração de corridas foram a Rio Claro 1 e a Massaguaçu. A identificação dos depósitos de corridas em superfície e a dimensão dos blocos subsidiaram a classificação de cinco bacias com maior magnitude e cinco com menor magnitude. As taxas de denudação médias a longo-termo variaram entre 10,9 m/My e 35,2 m/My, com média de 25 m/My. Observou-se que as variações litológicas e a rede de lineamentos estruturais pôde explicar melhor a distribuição das taxas, em detrimento das características morfométricas das bacias de drenagem. Acredita-se que as taxas de denudação elevadas para algumas bacias com menor magnitude indicaram que estes processos seriam os processos responsáveis pelo maior trabalho geomorfológico e, consequentemente, pela evolução a longo-termo da Serra do Mar (SP). / This research has the hypothesis that debris flows are the major processes related to landforms evolution of the Serra do Mar (SP), and we expected therefore a direct relationship between long-term denudation rates and higher magnitude debris flows events, which is strongly controlled by drainage basin morphometry. We believe that morphometric characteristics, fundamental to drainage basins hydrological dynamics, are determinant to debris flows initiation and propagation in humid tropical environments. Thus this research aims to verify the relationships between debris flows magnitude, basin morphometry and long-term denudation rates in escarped reliefs such as Serra do Mar. Therefore, specific goals are: (i) evaluate the potential to debris flows generation; (ii) evaluate the relationship between drainage basin morphometry and debris flows magnitude; (iii) discuss long-term landforms evolution from denudation rates at drainage basin scale and; (iv) evaluate the importance of debris flows like the main exogenous processes to landforms evolution in passive margins in humid tropical environment. The procedures adopted to the research development were: (i) selection of drainage basins; (Ii) alluvial sediment sampling; (Iii) mapping debris flows deposits; (Iv) application of morphometric parameters; (V) application of Dimensionless Indices to measure the potential to debris flow generation; (Vi) sample preparation and analysis of 10Be concentration; (Vii) integrated analysis of the results. The basins have morphometric characteristics which gives them high erosive power, as the high Ruggedness Index and Relief Ratio. From the Dimensionless Indices application, the basins classified with higher potential to debris flows generation were Rio Claro 1 and Massaguaçu. The identification of superficial debris flows deposits and boulders size subsidized the classification of five basins with higher magnitude and five with lower magnitude. Long-term denudation rates ranged between 10.9 m/My and 35.2 m/My, averaging 25 m/My. We observed that lithological variations, fractures and folds could explain better rates distribution, instead of morphometrics characteristics of drainage basins. We believe that high long-term denudation rates for some basins with lower magnitude indicates that such processes would be the main processes for the geomorphological work and consequently for the long-term evolution of the Serra do Mar (SP).
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Corridas de detritos e as taxas de denudação a longo-termo da Serra do Mar/SP / Debris flows and long-term denudation rates in the Serra do Mar (SP)Maria Carolina Villaça Gomes 07 November 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como hipótese que as corridas de detritos são os principais processos responsáveis pela evolução do relevo da Serra do Mar (SP), esperando-se, portanto, uma relação direta entre as taxas de denudação a longo-termo mais elevadas e a maior magnitude das corridas de detritos, sendo esta fortemente controlada pela morfometria das bacias de drenagem. Acredita-se que as características morfométricas das bacias, por serem determinantes na dinâmica hidrológica das bacias de drenagem, são fundamentais para a compreensão da geração e da propagação de corridas de detritos em ambiente tropical úmido. Desta forma, o objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi verificar as relações existentes entre a magnitude das corridas de detritos, a morfometria das bacias e as taxas de denudação a longo-termo em relevo escarpado de margem passiva em ambiente tropical úmido, como a Serra do Mar. Para tanto, foram definidos os seguintes objetivos específicos: (i) avaliar o potencial de geração de corridas de detritos das bacias de drenagem; (ii) avaliar a relação entre a morfometria das bacias e a magnitude das corridas de detritos; (iii) discutir a evolução a longo-termo do relevo a partir das taxas de denudação em escala de bacia de drenagem e; (iv) avaliar a importância das corridas de detritos como os principais processos exógenos para a evolução do relevo em margens passivas de ambiente tropical úmido. Os procedimentos adotados para desenvolvimento da pesquisa foram (i) seleção das bacias de drenagens; (ii) amostragem de sedimento aluvial; (iii) mapeamento dos depósitos de corridas de detritos; (iv) aplicação dos índices morfométricos; (v) aplicação dos Índices Adimensionais para determinação do potencial de geração de corridas de detritos; (vi) preparação das amostras e análise da concentração de 10Be e; (vii) análise integrada dos resultados obtidos. As bacias possuem características morfométricas que lhes confere alta capacidade erosiva, conforme o elevado Índice de Rugosidade e Relação de Relevo. A partir da aplicação dos índices Adimensionais, as bacias classificadas com maior potencial de geração de corridas foram a Rio Claro 1 e a Massaguaçu. A identificação dos depósitos de corridas em superfície e a dimensão dos blocos subsidiaram a classificação de cinco bacias com maior magnitude e cinco com menor magnitude. As taxas de denudação médias a longo-termo variaram entre 10,9 m/My e 35,2 m/My, com média de 25 m/My. Observou-se que as variações litológicas e a rede de lineamentos estruturais pôde explicar melhor a distribuição das taxas, em detrimento das características morfométricas das bacias de drenagem. Acredita-se que as taxas de denudação elevadas para algumas bacias com menor magnitude indicaram que estes processos seriam os processos responsáveis pelo maior trabalho geomorfológico e, consequentemente, pela evolução a longo-termo da Serra do Mar (SP). / This research has the hypothesis that debris flows are the major processes related to landforms evolution of the Serra do Mar (SP), and we expected therefore a direct relationship between long-term denudation rates and higher magnitude debris flows events, which is strongly controlled by drainage basin morphometry. We believe that morphometric characteristics, fundamental to drainage basins hydrological dynamics, are determinant to debris flows initiation and propagation in humid tropical environments. Thus this research aims to verify the relationships between debris flows magnitude, basin morphometry and long-term denudation rates in escarped reliefs such as Serra do Mar. Therefore, specific goals are: (i) evaluate the potential to debris flows generation; (ii) evaluate the relationship between drainage basin morphometry and debris flows magnitude; (iii) discuss long-term landforms evolution from denudation rates at drainage basin scale and; (iv) evaluate the importance of debris flows like the main exogenous processes to landforms evolution in passive margins in humid tropical environment. The procedures adopted to the research development were: (i) selection of drainage basins; (Ii) alluvial sediment sampling; (Iii) mapping debris flows deposits; (Iv) application of morphometric parameters; (V) application of Dimensionless Indices to measure the potential to debris flow generation; (Vi) sample preparation and analysis of 10Be concentration; (Vii) integrated analysis of the results. The basins have morphometric characteristics which gives them high erosive power, as the high Ruggedness Index and Relief Ratio. From the Dimensionless Indices application, the basins classified with higher potential to debris flows generation were Rio Claro 1 and Massaguaçu. The identification of superficial debris flows deposits and boulders size subsidized the classification of five basins with higher magnitude and five with lower magnitude. Long-term denudation rates ranged between 10.9 m/My and 35.2 m/My, averaging 25 m/My. We observed that lithological variations, fractures and folds could explain better rates distribution, instead of morphometrics characteristics of drainage basins. We believe that high long-term denudation rates for some basins with lower magnitude indicates that such processes would be the main processes for the geomorphological work and consequently for the long-term evolution of the Serra do Mar (SP).
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Reconstitution des fluctuations glaciaires holocènes dans les Alpes occidentales : apports de la dendrochronologie et de la datation par isotopes cosmogéniques produits in situ / Holocene glacier fluctuations reconstruction in the Western Alps : contribution of dendrochronology and Cosmic Ray Exposure DatingLe Roy, Melaine 02 May 2012 (has links)
Les glaciers de montagne sont l'un des meilleurs indicateurs des changements climatiques du fait de leur réponse rapide à de faibles variations des paramètres de forçage et de leur large distribution sur la planète. Les chronologies glaciaires représentent de ce fait des enregistrements de référence parmi les reconstitutions paléo-environnementales. Dans le contexte actuel de réchauffement et de retrait glaciaire accéléré, le développement de telles chronologies est nécessaire afin de mettre en perspective ces changements rapides et de grande ampleur avec ceux du Quaternaire récent. Si les fluctuations glaciaires holocènes sont relativement bien contraintes dans les Alpes centrales et orientales, les données sont en revanche extrêmement fragmentaires dans les Alpes occidentales avant la seconde moitié du Petit Age Glaciaire ss (1570-1850 AD). Pour pallier ce manque, nous avons conduit une étude sur plusieurs sites répartis dans trois massifs des Alpes françaises (Mont Blanc, Belledonne, Ecrins), en mettant en œuvre une approche multi-proxies basée sur plusieurs méthodes de datation (dendrochronologie, datation cosmogéniques 10Be, lichénométrie, datations radiocarbone) – dont certaines utilisées pour la première fois à cette échelle spatiale et temporelle. Tandis que les potentialités de chacune de ces méthodes sont discutées, notre étude a permis de proposer une chronologie des variations glaciaires couvrant la période holocène, dont les résultats sont comparés à d'autres enregistrements paléoclimatiques régionaux à haute résolution. Les résultats révèlent un schéma des fluctuations glaciaires holocènes comparable à celui généralement admis dans le reste des Alpes, avec la mise en évidence de récurrences glaciaires importantes au début de l'Holocène, antérieures à 9.3 ka, et la datation du début de la période du Néoglaciaire dès 4.2 ka. Une contrainte précise des différents stades de la seconde moitié de l'Holocène a pu être obtenue sur le site de la Mer de Glace grâce à l'approche dendroglaciologique sur bois subfossiles (Pinus cembra). Ce site apparaît d'ores et déjà comme l'un des plus importants pour l'étude de cette période puisque la chronologie établie couvre les 4000 dernières années et représente le quatrième enregistrement de cette précision à être développé dans les Alpes. Les datations obtenues indiquent en outre un synchronisme marqué des maxima glaciaires à l'échelle régionale, ce qui suggère une similarité des forçages sur la frange occidentale des Alpes. Les différences observées avec les chronologies du reste de la chaine s'expliqueraient principalement par les caractéristiques des glaciers étudiés, en particulier leur temps de réponse différent. / Mountain glaciers are one of the most reliable climatic proxy on Earth through their rapid response to slight changes in forcing and their wide distribution. For these reasons glacial chronologies constitutes reference series against which other paleoenvironmental reconstructions are evaluated. In the current context of global warming and glacier withdrawal worldwide, the building of such records is increasingly needed to assess these rapid and dramatic changes on the longer Late Quaternary timescale. The Holocene glacier fluctuations are now fairly well known in the Central and Eastern Alps, but datas from the Western Alps are extremely sparse, and the chronology of glacier fluctuations before the second half of the Little Ice Age (LIA) ss (1570-1850 AD) is thus poorly constrained. To fill this gap, we carried out a study on several sites distributed in three glaciated range of the French Alps (Mont Blanc, Belledonne, Ecrins). We choose a multi-proxies approach based on the implementation of several dating methods (dendrochronology, Cosmic Ray Exposure dating with 10Be, lichenometry, radiocarbon) – some of which were used for the first time on these spatial- and time-scales. This approach allowed us to propose a glacial chronology spanning the Holocene. Moreover, strength and weakness of the different methods used are discussed, and the results are compared to other high resolution proxies from the Great Alpine Region. Our results shows a picture broadly similar to the Holocene glacier variations model currently accepted in the European Alps : we shows evidence for large Early-Holocene advances prior to 9.3 ka and for the beginning of the Neoglacial period from 4.2 ka onwards. An accurate dating of the Neoglacial stadials was possible at Mer de Glace through the use of a dendroglaciological approach on subfossil woods (Pinus cembra). This site already appears as one of the most interesting in the whole Alps to study the Neoglacial period, as the chronology established there spans the last 4 ka and is the 4th record of this kind builds in the Alps. The datings presented here reveals a marked synchroneity for Neoglacial maxima at the Alpine scale, which could indicate similar forcing on glaciers from the Western fringe. Main discrepancies between the records could be explained by topographic and size characteristics of the studied glaciers, as expressed by their response time.
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Détermination de la concentration des radionucléides à vie longue 129I, 41Ca et 10 Be par spectrométrie de masse par accélérateur dans les résines usées de l'industrie nucléaire / Determination of long-lived radionuclides (129I, 41Ca, 10Be) concentrations by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry in spent resins from the nuclear industryNottoli-Lepage, Emmanuelle 19 September 2013 (has links)
La détermination de la concentration des RadioNucléides à Vie Longue (RNVL) dans les déchets de l'industrie nucléaire est essentielle pour la gestion sur le long terme des sites de stockages. Cette étude se focalise sur la détermination de la concentration de trois RNVL : 129I, 41Ca et 10Be dans les résines échangeuses d'ions utilisées pour la purification du fluide primaire des Réacteurs à Eau Pressurisée (REP). Afin d'exploiter les potentialités de la Spectrométrie de Masse par Accélérateur (SMA) pour mesurer ces radionucléides présents en de très faibles concentrations, des procédures analytiques spécifiques ont été développées incluant : 1) la minéralisation des échantillons, 2) l'extraction sélective des analytes, 3) le conditionnement pour la mesure par SMA. Appliquées à des échantillons de résines usées provenant d'une centrale EDF (REP 900 MWe), les procédures développées ont permis l'extraction quantitative et sélective des RNVL d'intérêt vis-à-vis des émetteurs β-γ et des isobares avant leur mesure par SMA sur l'instrument national ASTER (CEREGE, Aix-en-Provence). L'iode 129, le calcium 41 et le béryllium 10 ont été mesurés dans les résines usées à des concentrations de l'ordre de 10 ng/g, 20 pg/g et 4 ng/g de résine sèche, respectivement. Pour ce qui concerne l'iode 129 et le calcium 41, ces concentrations sont en accord avec celles estimées à partir de facteurs de corrélation établis relativement à des émetteurs gamma facilement mesurables (137Cs et 60Co). Dans le cas du béryllium 10, les résultats obtenus différent significativement des valeurs attendues mais sont cohérents avec de précédentes mesures réalisées par ICP-MS. / Determining the concentration of Long-Lived RadioNuclides (LLRN) in nuclear waste is fundamental for the long term management of storage sites. This study focuses on the determination of three LLRN concentrations, i.e. 129I, 41Ca and 10Be, in ion exchange resins used for primary fluid purification in Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR). To benefit from the Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) technique allowing to measure extremely low levels of nuclide concentrations, analytical procedures including: 1) sample dissolution; 2) selective and quantitative extraction of the analyte; and, 3) analyte conditioning for AMS measurements, were developed. Applied on spent resin samples collected at a 900 MW PWR, the procedures developed for each studied LLRN allowed their quantitative recovery and their selective extraction from β-γ emitters and isobars. The concentration measurements of the LLRN of interest were then performed on the Accelerator Mass Spectrometry national facility ASTER housed by the Centre Européen de Recherche et d'Enseignement des Géosciences de l'Environnement (CEREGE, Aix-en-Provence). 129I, 41Ca and 10Be concentrations in spent resins were measured to be about 10 ng/g, 20 pg/g and 4 ng/g of dry resin, respectively. Considering 129I and 41Ca, the measured concentrations agree with those assessed from scaling factors established relatively to easily measured gamma emitters (137Cs and 60Co). For 10Be, the presented results are significantly different from expected values but are in agreement with previous ICP-MS results.
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Chronologie et dynamique de la formation des terrasses fluviales dans des chaînes des montagnes avec une surrection modéré : l'exemple du Vénézuéla et de l'Albanie / Timing and dynamics of river terraces formation in moderate uplifted ranges : the example of Venezuela and AlbaniaGuzman Gutierrez, Oswaldo 30 October 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur les interactions entre la tectonique, le climat et les processus géomorphologiques de la surface de la Terre à travers l'étude des terrasses fluviales au Venezuela et l’Albanie. Ces deux domaines ont été soumis à une surrection modérée, aux variations climatiques du Quaternaire et fournissent un large registre de terrasses fluviales. Ces contextes donnent l’opportunité d’étudier la dynamique de la formation des terrasses fluviales à l'échelle de temps 102-105 ans. Ainsi, une approche morpho-chronologique a été appliquée afin de parvenir à une meilleure compréhension de cette dynamique dans les rivières du Venezuela et de l’Albanie.Dans le système des rivières Pueblo Llano et Santo Domingo situé sur le flanc sud-est des Andes de Mérida au Venezuela, douze terrasses fluviales ont été identifiées pour les derniers 200 ka. Les mesures des concentrations du 10Be réalisées sur les dépôts fluviatiles et glaciaires ont permis d'estimer l'âge d’exposition de sept terrasses et d’un complexe de moraines frontales. Un modèle dynamique de terrasses soutenues par ces datations et des données géomorphologiques, stratigraphiques et sédimentologiques, indique que la formation de terrasses est principalement contrôlée par des variations climatiques de haute fréquence (103 à 104 ans) qui induisent un déséquilibre entre capacité de transport de l'eau et apport des sédiments. Néanmoins, le type de réponse a été très lié à l'altitude du site et l'influence des glaciers en amont. En effet, dans la partie supérieure du système, la succession des phases d'aggradation et d’incision a été synchronisée avec la succession des périodes froides-sèches et chaudes-humides, tandis que la partie inférieure du système montre une tendance opposée. Basé sur la restauration temporelle du taux d'incision de la partie inférieure du système, un taux de surrection de 1.1 mm/an au cours des dernières 70 ka a été estimé pour le flanc sud-est des Andes de Mérida. En outre, l'identification et la datation d'un complexe de moraines frontales situé à l'altitude de 2300 m au dessus du niveau de la mer met en évidence le fait que l'avancée glaciaire au cours du Dernier Maximum Glaciaire, dans d'autres domaines des Andes de Mérida, pourrait également avoir atteint des élévations inférieures à celles déjà signalés entre 2900 et 3500 m au dessus du niveau de la mer.En Albanie, les six principales rivières ont été analysées. De nouvelles données géomorphologiques et géochronologiques ont été intégrées aux données publiées afin de proposer un cadre stratigraphique et chronologique homogène à l’échelle régional pour les derniers 200 ka. Sur la base de ce cadre, l’âge de la formation de onze terrasses fluviales régionales a été établi. En Albanie, les processus de formation des terrasses ont également été principalement contrôlés par des variations climatiques de haute fréquence (103 à 104 ans). Néanmoins, les résultats montrent également que la réponse géomorphologique du système fluvial était probablement modulée par la taille des bassins versants et par les variations eustatiques. En effet, pour la période précédant le MIS 2, les terrasses de remplissage et d’abrasion ont été formées respectivement dans les grands et petits bassins versants. Pour la période après le début du MIS 2, une relation complexe entre les variations climatiques et eustatiques a favorisé le développement de terrasses d’abrasion partout en Albanie. Malgré des différences entre les réponses des rivières, la succession de phases d’aggradation ou d'abrasion latérale et de phases d'incision a été synchronisée avec la succession des périodes froides-sèches et chaudes-humides dans toutes les rivières de l'Albanie. / This research addresses interactions between tectonics, climate and geomorphic processes at the surface of the Earth through the study of river terraces in Venezuela and Albania. Both areas have been exposed to moderate uplift, to Quaternary climatic variations and provide a wide record of river terraces. These contexts furnish opportunities to investigate the dynamics of terraces formation at 102-105 year time scale. Thus, a morphochronologic approach was applied in order to achieve greater understanding about this issue for the Venezuelan and Albanian rivers. In the Pueblo Llano and Santo Domingo rivers system located in the Southeastern flank of the Mérida Andes in Venezuela, twelve river terraces were identified for the last 200 ka. Analysis of 10Be concentration provides for the first time exposure ages for seven terraces and for one frontal moraine complex. A terraces model supported by these dating and geomorphologic, stratigraphic and sedimentologic data indicates that the formation of terraces was mainly controlled by high frequency (103-104 years) climatic variations through unsteady discharge of water and sediments. Nevertheless, the type of response was highly related to the altitude of the site and the influence of usptreams glaciers. As a matter of fact, in the upper reaches of the system, the succession of aggradation and incision phases were synchronized with the succession of cold-dry and warm-humid periods, while the lower reaches of the system show the opposite pattern. Based on the temporal restoration of the incision rate of the lower reaches of the system an uplift rate at 1.1 mm/a for the last 70 ka was estimated for the Southeastern flank of the MA. Additionally, the identification and dating of a frontal moraine complex located at elevation of 2300 m a.s.l. in the Pueblo Llano valley highlights the fact that the glacier advance during the Last Glacial Maximum, in other areas of the MA could have also reached lower elevation than those reported between 2900 and 3500 m a.s.l. In the Albania domain, the terrace records of the six main Albanian rivers were analyzed. New geomorphologic and geochronological data were integrated with published data in order to propose a regional homogeneous stratigraphic/chronologic framework for the last 200 ka. Based on this framework the timing of formation of eleven regional river terraces was established. In Albania, the processes of terraces formation were also mainly controlled by high frequency (103-104 years) climatic variations. Nonetheless, the results also show that the geomorphic responses of the fluvial systems were probably modulated by the size of the catchments and by eustatic variations. Indeed, for the pre-Marine Isotope Stage 2 (MIS 2) period, fill and strath terraces were formed in the large and small catchments, respectively. After the beginning of the MIS 2, a complex relation between climatic and eustatic variations only favored the development of strath terraces in large and small catchments. Despite of the differences between the rivers responses, the succession of aggradation or lateral erosion and incision phases were synchronized with the succession of cold-dry and warm-humid periods in all the rivers of Albania. Finally, the restoration of spatial and temporal variation of incision rate allowed: 1) identify the spatial variation of the mean long-term incision rate. It varies from less than 0.1 mm/a in Southern Albania to 1 mm/a in Northern Albania; 2) estimate vertical slip rates for eight active faults for the last 19 ka in Southern Albania. These vertical slip rates appear to decrease from ~2 to ~0.1 mm/a from the extensional domain in the Eastern Albania to the compressional domain in Western Albania.
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