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李漁話本小說硏究. / Li Yu hua ben xiao shuo yan jiu.January 1994 (has links)
論文(哲學碩士)--香港中文大學硏究院中國語言及文學學部,1994. / 參考文獻: leaves 211-221 / 梁家榮. / 引言 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一章: --- 李漁生平述要與考辨 --- p.6 / Chapter (一). --- 家世 --- p.8 / Chapter (二). --- 名字別號 --- p.13 / Chapter (三). --- 生平槪要 --- p.18 / Chapter (四). --- 李漁其人的評價 --- p.29 / 注釋 --- p.31 / Chapter 第二章: --- 小說版本眞僞及流傳問題 --- p.46 / Chapter (一). --- 無聲戲 --- p.46 / Chapter (二). --- 十二樓 --- p.57 / Chapter (三). --- 合錦回文傳 --- p.62 / Chapter (四). --- 肉蒲團 --- p.64 / Chapter (五). --- 小結 --- p.72 / 注釋 --- p.75 / Chapter 第三章: --- 題材與主題 --- p.88 / Chapter (一). --- 題材上的特色 --- p.90 / Chapter (二). --- 各篇主題之分析 --- p.97 / Chapter (三). --- 主題具有「社會反論」的特點 --- p.103 / Chapter (四). --- 題材與主題的關係和得失 --- p.112 / 注釋 --- p.114 / Chapter 第四章: --- 人物 --- p.120 / Chapter (一). --- 喜劇化 --- p.121 / Chapter (二). --- 類型化 --- p.128 / Chapter (三). --- 自我寄托化 --- p.134 / Chapter (四). --- 世俗化 --- p.140 / Chapter (五). --- 小結 --- p.144 / 注釋 --- p.146 / Chapter 第五章: --- 情節結構 --- p.151 / Chapter (一). --- 設置情節的手法 --- p.151 / Chapter (二). --- 各篇結構的分析 --- p.158 / Chapter (三). --- 結構的特色和優劣 --- p.172 / 注釋 --- p.174 / Chapter 第六章: --- 敘事藝術 --- p.176 / Chapter (一). --- 敘事輕 --- p.177 / Chapter (二). --- 敘事語言 --- p.188 / Chapter (三). --- 敘事觀點 --- p.194 / Chapter (四). --- 小結 --- p.198 / 注釋 --- p.200 / 結論 --- p.207 / 徵引書目 --- p.211 / 附錄:(一)李漁小說版本敘錄 --- p.222 / Chapter (二) --- 《無聲戲》、《連城璧》各本回目一覽表 --- p.227 / Chapter (三) --- 《十二樓》回目表 --- p.228 / Chapter (四) --- 李漁小說硏究資料索引(1911-1994.3) --- p.229
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Os retábulos da cidade de Lamego e o seu contributo para a formação de uma escola regional : 1680-1780Queirós, Carla Sofia Ferreira January 2001 (has links)
Estudo dos retábulos existentes na cidade de Lamego que abrangem as épocas Maneirista, Nacional, Joanina e Rococó. Comparação ao nível da estrutura e morfologia e importância da escola regional de talha lamecense na cidade e a sua possível influência na região.
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Bernini's fountains : an illustration of how this art-form can be said to symbolize the emotional stability of its creator- the seventeenth century geniusMather, Jane Maynard January 1967 (has links)
The oft cited man on the street has never heard of Gian Lorenzo Bernini, although this great artist was perhaps the genius of the seventeenth century. Such ignorance, it is my contention in this thesis, arises from the myth that links creativity with illness, genius with insanity. The same man on the street often knows of other artists not so much, unfortunately, from their work, as from the much publicized idiosyncrasies of their personalities.
Bernini, as I have endeavoured to show in this paper, was a man of outstanding stability, vitality, discipline— and a man entirely committed to, and involved in, the time in which he lived. Symbolic of this balance and involvement, it is also my contention, are Bernini's Fountains in Rome. It is generally acknowledged that Bernini brought to this art-form new unity and life, and I have endeavoured here to show how this achievement in the art-form is, more than any other of his well-known accomplishments in Sculpture, Architecture, etc., closely connected to, if not completely a projection of, the emotional stability of its creator. / Arts, Faculty of / Art History, Visual Art and Theory, Department of / Graduate
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An analysis of the satires of John Wilmot, Earl of RochesterVenRooy, William John, 1940- January 1963 (has links)
No description available.
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Joseph Glanvill and the seventeenth century reaction against enthusiasmWaller, Marian Joan January 1968 (has links)
No description available.
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Nicolas Mavrocordatos, Discours contre le tabac : édition critique, traduction et commentairesTrudelle, Monique January 1992 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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"The Gospel in its Majesty" : the theology and ministry of Ebenezer ErskineMyers, Stephen Goodnight January 2008 (has links)
Traditionally, Ebenezer Erskine (1680-1754)- a leading Marrow Representer and 'founder' of the Secession Church- has been understood as either reclaiming a lost evangelical element of Scottish theology or portending a new factionalism that ultimately would splinter a formerly united Kirk. Such considerations of Erskine, however, have been undertaken without serious consideration being given to his theology and have been pursued in accordance with the historiographical interests of the later Secession Church. In the present work, Erskine is established within his own context- historical, ecclesiastical, and theological- and attention is given to the doctrinal system that shaped his ministry and his succession of controversial engagements. The picture that emerges is that of a man driven by two chief theological emphases- an evangelical federalism and a modified Covenantalism. In both of these doctrinal systems, Erskine was self-consciously drawing upon the complex inheritance of Scottish theology, particularly the systems of Westminster federalism and of Covenantal dissent within the Revolution Church, and was seeking to apply those systems to a contemporary Scotland that had been radically altered by the Union of 1707; the advent of toleration in 1712; and the theological commitments embodied in John Simson, Professor of Divinity at the University of Glasgow. When Erskine is thus understood as seeking to contextually apply a commonly-inherited body of Scottish theology, new understandings of his involvement in Kirk-shaping controversies arise, presenting a more coherent picture of a major figure in the history of the Kirk, bringing increased clarity to an obscure age, and proving instructive to a twenty-first century Church facing similar issues yet unaware of Erskine's sometimes contentious testimony to contextual fidelity.
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La formació d'un enclau industrial. La indústria tèxtil llanera de Béjar (1680-1850)Ros Massana, Rosa 16 June 1996 (has links)
La tesi estudia la trajectòria de la indústria tèxtil llanera de Béjar (Salamanca) durant els segles XVIII i XIX. La localitat objecte d'estudi, un important centre tèxtil, és un bon laboratori per a l'anàlisi dels processos d'industrialització i desindustrialització, ja que la seva trajectòria ambivalent -Béjar aconseguí eludir el procés de desindustrialització que patiren bona part dels nuclis tèxtils castellans durant el vuit-cents, però va perdre posicions respecte la puixant indústria llanera catalana- planteja la doble pregunta del perquè del seu èxit relatiu en el context castellà i, alhora, la seva progressiva marginalització en el context de la indústria llanera espanyola.En la primera part, s'estudien les transformacions experimentades per la draperia de Béjar durant el segle XVIII. S'hi analitzen els canvis en el sistema gremial, en l'estructura i funcions de les empreses i en les relacions laborals, així com el paper del règim senyorial i de les polítiques dels ducs de Béjar en la trajectòria de la indústria. En la segona part, s'aborden els canvis que tingueren lloc durant la primera meitat del segle XIX, en les dècades inicials de la mecanització de. S'analitza l'evolució durant aquest període de la producció i dels mercats, el canvi tècnic, l'estructura de la classe empresarial i el mercat de treball.Els resultats subratllen la transcendència dels canvis institucionals i econòmics del set-cents: la substitució de les tradicionals corporacions artesanes per un únic gremi de fabricants, l'intens procés d'estratificació entre aquests darrers i el creixent control directe del procés productiu per part dels "amos del drap". Aquests processos dotaren la indústria local de major capacitat d'adaptació, en relació a altres nuclis tèxtils castellans, a les transformacions de la primera etapa de la mecanització. D'altra banda, però, el caràcter extremadament localitzat d'aquest procés -la progressiva configuració de Béjar com un enclavament industrial- limità les realitzacions industrials de la localitat i contribueix decisivament a explicar el seu fracàs relatiu respecte els nuclis catalans que durant el vuit-cents lideraran el sector tèxtil llaner espanyol. / La tesis estudia la trayectoria de la industria textil lanera de Béjar (Salamanca) durante los siglos XVIII y XIX. La localidad objeto de estudio, un importante centro textil, es un buen laboratorio para el análisis de los procesos de industrialización y desindustrialización, puesto que su evolución ambivalente - Béjar logró eludir el proceso de desindustrialización que sufrieron buena parte de los núcleos textiles castellanos durante el ochocientos, pero perdió posiciones frente al empuje de la industria lanera catalana - plantea la doble pregunta del porqué de su éxito relativo en el contexto castellano y a la vez de su progresiva marginalización en el contexto de la industria lanera española.En la primera parte, se estudian las transformaciones que experimentó la pañería de Béjar durante el siglo XVIII. Se analizan los cambios en el sistema gremial, en la estructura y funciones de las empresas y en las relaciones laborales, así como el papel del régimen señorial y de las políticas de los duques de Béjar en la trayectoria de la industria.En la segunda parte, se abordan los cambios acaecidos en la primera mitad del siglo XIX, durante las primeras décadas de la mecanización. Se analiza la evolución durante este período de la producción y los mercados, el cambio tecnológico, la estructura de la clase empresarial y el mercado de trabajo.Los resultados subrayan la trascendencia de los cambios institucionales y económicos del setecientos: la substitución de las tradicionales corporaciones artesanas por un único gremio de fabricantes, el intenso proceso de estratificación entre estos últimos y el creciente control directo del proceso productivo por parte de los "dueños del paño". Estos procesos dotaron a la industria local de mayor capacidad de adaptación, en relación a otros núcleos textiles castellanos, a las transformaciones de la primera etapa de la mecanización. Pero por otra parte, el carácter extremadamente localizado de este proceso -la progresiva configuración de Béjar como un enclave industrial- limitó las realizaciones industriales de la localidad y contribuye decisivamente a explicar su fracaso relativo respecto a los núcleos catalanes que durante el ochocientos liderarán el sector textil lanero español. / This dissertation focuses on the evolution of the woollen industry of Béjar (Salamanca) during the 18th and 19th centuries. The locality under study, an important textile centre, is a good laboratory where to analyze the Spanish processes of textile industrialization and deindustrialization. This is particularly due to Béjar's ambivalent evolution: although it was able to circumvent the process of deindustrialization that affected most of the Castilian textile centres during the 18th century, the city ended up loosing leadership against the raising Catalan woollen industry. This evidence raises a double question, one related to the factors explaining the relative success in the Castilian textile environment and another one, referring to its gradual marginalization in the context of the global Spanish wool textile industry. The first part of the dissertation studies the changes experienced by the clothing industry of Béjar during the 18th century. In particular, we analyze and discuss the changes observed in the guild system, in the structure and functions of enterprises and in the labour relationships. We consider as well the role played by the manorial system and by the political actions promoted by the Duke of Béjar in the global trajectory of the city's textile industry. The second part deals with changes in the first half of the nineteenth century, during the first decades of mechanization. During this period, we analyze the evolution of textile output and the markets, the technological change, the structure of the entrepreneurial class and the labour market. The results underline the significance of institutional and economic changes of the 18th century: the substitution of the traditional craft corporations by a single guild of manufacturers, the intensive process of stratification undertaken by the latter and the growing direct control of the production process from the "owners of the cloth". On one hand, these processes provided the local industry with a greater resilience, in relation to other Castilian textile sites, to transformations imposed by the first stage of mechanization process. But, on the other hand, the highly localized nature of this process -the gradual setting of Béjar as an industrial enclave- limited the industrial achievements of this little town and contributed decisively to explain its relative failure with respect to the Catalan cities that led the Spanish woollen industry during the 19th century.
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王時敏《杜陵詩意圖冊》研究. / 王時敏杜陵詩意圖冊研究 / Wang Shimin "Du Ling shi yi tu ce" yan jiu. / Wang Shimin Du Ling shi yi tu ce yan jiuJanuary 2010 (has links)
陳冠男. / "2010年7月". / "2010 nian 7 yue". / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 113-140). / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Chen Guannan. / 謝辭 --- p.3 / 論文摘要 --- p.4-6 / 序言 --- p.7-10 / Chapter 第一章 --- 王時敏及其《杜陵詩意圖冊》 --- p.11-37 / Chapter 第一節 --- 生平簡述 --- p.11-15 / Chapter 第二節 --- 畫冊名稱與主人 --- p.15-18 / Chapter 第三節 --- 作品內容與表現 --- p.18-36 / 小結 --- p.36-37 / Chapter 第二章 --- 詩意圓的定義、流變與分類 --- p.38-66 / Chapter 第一節 --- 何謂詩意圖? --- p.38-44 / Chapter 第二節 --- 詩畫關係發展與詩意圖流變 --- p.45-58 / Chapter 第三節 --- 詩意圖之分類 --- p.58-64 / 小結 --- p.64-66 / Chapter 第三章 --- 《杜陵詩意圖冊》的背後 --- p.67-101 / Chapter 第一節 --- 對杜詩之推崇 --- p.68-71 / Chapter 第二節 --- 正統的喻示 --- p.71-79 / Chapter 第三節 --- 遺民生活 --- p.79-88 / Chapter 第四節 --- 藝術展示 --- p.88-102 / 結語 --- p.103-106 / 附件一王時敏《杜陵詩意圖冊》內容一覽表 --- p.107-110 / 附件二王時敏《杜陵詩意圖冊》資料統計表 --- p.111 / 附件三詩意圖之分類示意表 --- p.112 / 參考資料 --- p.113-124 / 圖錄 --- p.125-214 / 圖片資料表 --- p.125-140 / 圖版 --- p.141-214
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The pastoral ministry in the Church of Scotland in the eighteenth century, with special reference to Thomas Boston, John Willison and John ErskineWoodruff, Stephen Albert January 1965 (has links)
Seward Hiltner has written that 'to a greater degree than in any other theological discipline, we lack in pastoral theology a sense of identification with our pastoral roots and heritage. This situation demands that we inquire into some significant orders of shepherding data from the past as well as from the present. My desire to understand the image and practice of the pastoral ministry in history and my interest in the heritage of Presbyterianism was heightened by the quadricentennial of the Scottish Reformation, which was being observed when I considered beginning research in church history. After the Very Rev. Principal Emeritus Hugh Watt suggested reading about Scottish pastors in the eighteenth century, I realized that there was an opportunity to explore the thought of men whose conception of the ministry influenced and was like that of Scotsmen, such John Witherspoon, who contributed much to the establishment and growth of the United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., of which I am a minister.
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