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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Molekulare Untersuchung zweier Belebtschlammanlagen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der biologischen Phosphorelimination

Eschenhagen, Martin 29 June 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Aufgrund der ökologischen und ökonomischen Problematik der chemischen Phosphatfällung ist eine Optimierung der Effizienz und Stabilität der biologischen Verfahren zur Phosphat-elimination erforderlich. Hierfür ist jedoch ein fundiertes Wissen über die daran beteiligten Organismen eine entscheidende Vorraussetzung. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die mikrobielle Populationstruktur von zwei Belebtschlamm-anlagen im Labormaßstab mit Hilfe von drei unterschiedlichen 16S rDNA basierenden molekular-biologischen Methoden zu charakterisieren. Ein besonderer Schwer-punkt ist hierbei die Analyse der Bakterien, die mit der erhöhten biologischen Phosphat-elimination in Verbindung gebracht werden. Dies sind Vertreter der Rhodocyclus-Gruppe, der Gattung Tetrasphaera und der Gattung Acinetobacter. Als Untersuchungsobjekte wurden zwei Hauptstromverfahren zur erhöhten biologischen Phosphatelimination gewählt, die sich im Schlamm-alter, der Schlammbelastung und der sich daraus resultierenden Nitrifikationsleistung unterscheiden. Aufgrund der gewählten Verfahrensweisen wurde der Einfluss der Nitrifikation auf die Zusammensetzung der Belebtschlammbiozönose ebenfalls untersucht. Um praxisnahe Verhältnisse zu erreichen, wurden die Anlagen mit kommunalem Abwasser beschickt. Für einen Vergleich sollten Proben aus kommunalen Kläranlagen mit deutlich anderen Verfahrensweisen in die Untersuchungen mit einbezogen werden.

Molekularbiologische Analyse mikrobieller Gemeinschaften in Talsperrensedimenten

Bleul, Catrin 11 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Mikrobielle Prozesse spielen eine wichtige Rolle im Sediment von Talsperren und Seen. Demgegenüber stehen nur unzureichende Erkenntnisse über die Zusammensetzung mikrobieller Biozönosen in Sedimenten sowie deren Aktivität zur Verfügung. Das Ziel dieser Studie war die Untersuchung und der Vergleich der Zusammensetzung und der Struktur mikrobieller Gemeinschaften in Sedimenten um eine Abschätzung der mikrobiellen Diversität in Talsperrensedimenten unterschiedlicher Trophie zu erreichen. Durch die Kombination der in dieser Arbeit verwendeten Methoden (Vergleichende 16S rDNA Analyse, Fingerprinttechniken, klassische Methoden) konnte eine Charakterisierung der mikrobiellen Zusammensetzung der obersten 5 cm von den Talsperrensedimenten Neunzehnhain, Muldenberg, Quitzdorf und Saidenbach erzielt werden. Die vergleichende 16S rDNA Analyse offenbarte in 2541 analysierten rekombinanten Klonen 528 verschiedene Sequenztypen, welche zu 293 OTUs zusammengefaßt werden konnten. Obwohl die Gemeinschaften der verschiedenen Talsperren nur schwach auf der Ebene der phylogenetischen Gruppen differierten, konnte durch die Verwendung von Ähnlichkeitsindices gezeigt werden, dass jede Talsperre eine spezifische mikrobielle Sedimentgemeinschaft aufweist. Über 60% aller Klone zeigten Ähnlichkeiten von mehr als 97% zu 16S rDNA-Sequenzen kultivierter Organismen oder phylogenetisch eingeordneten Sequenzen (14 bekannte phylogenetische Gruppen). Alle anderen Klone zeigten hohe Sequenzhomologien zu unidentifizierten, phylogenetisch bisher nicht eingeordneten Bakterien. Diese Bakterien waren mit Anteilen zwischen 19,8% (Muldenberg) und 54,6% (Saidenbach) in den 16S rDNA Bibliotheken repräsentiert. Mittels Fingerprinttechniken (DGGE, T-RFLP, ARISA) konnten komplexe Muster der mikrobiellen Diversität erzeugt werden. Dabei konnten die Ergebnisse der 16S rDNA Analyse bestätigt werden. Durch die verwendeten Methoden konnte eine komplexe mikrobielle Diversität in den Sedimenten aufgedeckt werden und die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass die mikrobielle Diversität in Sedimenten wesentlich höher ist als bisher angenommen.

Analyse des Vorkommens, der Morphologie und der genetischen Diversität von Biologischen Bodenkrusten extrazonaler Gebirgssteppenstandorte der nördlichen Mongolei / Analysis of appearance, morphology and genetic diversity of Biological Soil Crusts from extrazonal Mountain Dry Steppes in Northern Mongolia

Kemmling, Anne 27 October 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Molekulare Untersuchung zweier Belebtschlammanlagen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der biologischen Phosphorelimination

Eschenhagen, Martin 30 April 2004 (has links)
Aufgrund der ökologischen und ökonomischen Problematik der chemischen Phosphatfällung ist eine Optimierung der Effizienz und Stabilität der biologischen Verfahren zur Phosphat-elimination erforderlich. Hierfür ist jedoch ein fundiertes Wissen über die daran beteiligten Organismen eine entscheidende Vorraussetzung. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die mikrobielle Populationstruktur von zwei Belebtschlamm-anlagen im Labormaßstab mit Hilfe von drei unterschiedlichen 16S rDNA basierenden molekular-biologischen Methoden zu charakterisieren. Ein besonderer Schwer-punkt ist hierbei die Analyse der Bakterien, die mit der erhöhten biologischen Phosphat-elimination in Verbindung gebracht werden. Dies sind Vertreter der Rhodocyclus-Gruppe, der Gattung Tetrasphaera und der Gattung Acinetobacter. Als Untersuchungsobjekte wurden zwei Hauptstromverfahren zur erhöhten biologischen Phosphatelimination gewählt, die sich im Schlamm-alter, der Schlammbelastung und der sich daraus resultierenden Nitrifikationsleistung unterscheiden. Aufgrund der gewählten Verfahrensweisen wurde der Einfluss der Nitrifikation auf die Zusammensetzung der Belebtschlammbiozönose ebenfalls untersucht. Um praxisnahe Verhältnisse zu erreichen, wurden die Anlagen mit kommunalem Abwasser beschickt. Für einen Vergleich sollten Proben aus kommunalen Kläranlagen mit deutlich anderen Verfahrensweisen in die Untersuchungen mit einbezogen werden.

Molekularbiologische Analyse mikrobieller Gemeinschaften in Talsperrensedimenten

Bleul, Catrin 13 September 2004 (has links)
Mikrobielle Prozesse spielen eine wichtige Rolle im Sediment von Talsperren und Seen. Demgegenüber stehen nur unzureichende Erkenntnisse über die Zusammensetzung mikrobieller Biozönosen in Sedimenten sowie deren Aktivität zur Verfügung. Das Ziel dieser Studie war die Untersuchung und der Vergleich der Zusammensetzung und der Struktur mikrobieller Gemeinschaften in Sedimenten um eine Abschätzung der mikrobiellen Diversität in Talsperrensedimenten unterschiedlicher Trophie zu erreichen. Durch die Kombination der in dieser Arbeit verwendeten Methoden (Vergleichende 16S rDNA Analyse, Fingerprinttechniken, klassische Methoden) konnte eine Charakterisierung der mikrobiellen Zusammensetzung der obersten 5 cm von den Talsperrensedimenten Neunzehnhain, Muldenberg, Quitzdorf und Saidenbach erzielt werden. Die vergleichende 16S rDNA Analyse offenbarte in 2541 analysierten rekombinanten Klonen 528 verschiedene Sequenztypen, welche zu 293 OTUs zusammengefaßt werden konnten. Obwohl die Gemeinschaften der verschiedenen Talsperren nur schwach auf der Ebene der phylogenetischen Gruppen differierten, konnte durch die Verwendung von Ähnlichkeitsindices gezeigt werden, dass jede Talsperre eine spezifische mikrobielle Sedimentgemeinschaft aufweist. Über 60% aller Klone zeigten Ähnlichkeiten von mehr als 97% zu 16S rDNA-Sequenzen kultivierter Organismen oder phylogenetisch eingeordneten Sequenzen (14 bekannte phylogenetische Gruppen). Alle anderen Klone zeigten hohe Sequenzhomologien zu unidentifizierten, phylogenetisch bisher nicht eingeordneten Bakterien. Diese Bakterien waren mit Anteilen zwischen 19,8% (Muldenberg) und 54,6% (Saidenbach) in den 16S rDNA Bibliotheken repräsentiert. Mittels Fingerprinttechniken (DGGE, T-RFLP, ARISA) konnten komplexe Muster der mikrobiellen Diversität erzeugt werden. Dabei konnten die Ergebnisse der 16S rDNA Analyse bestätigt werden. Durch die verwendeten Methoden konnte eine komplexe mikrobielle Diversität in den Sedimenten aufgedeckt werden und die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass die mikrobielle Diversität in Sedimenten wesentlich höher ist als bisher angenommen.

Genotyp-Identifizierung und Wechselwirkungen an zwei Populus-Chimären

Hansen, Mario Jens 16 September 2005 (has links)
Zwei Populus-Pfropfchimären (MA und AI), die aus P. x canadensis ‘Marilandica’ (M), P. maximowizcii x P. trichocarpa ‘Androscoggin’ (A) and P. nigra L. ’Italica’ (I) aufgebaut sind, wurden für Untersuchungen zur Laub- und Blütenblattentwicklung genutzt. In MA bildet M die äußere Lage (L1) und ihr Derivat, die Epidermis, während die inneren Lagen (L2, L3 etc.) von A gebildet werden. Bei AI stammt die L1 von A und L2, L3 etc. werden von I gebildet. Die genotypisch andersartige Epidermis bedingt bei Periklinal-Chimären morphologische Effekte wie zum Beispiel einen Fruchtknoten in einigen MA-Blüten. Morphologische Besonderheiten verschiedener Gewebe sowohl von M und A als auch von MA wurden verglichen, um festzustellen, wie sie durch die Gewebetransplantation verändert oder beeinflusst wurden und, um mögliche Genotyp- Interaktionen oder -Wechselwirkungen in einem Gewebe ausfindig zu machen. Für die Genotypidentifizierung in verschiedenen Organen wurde die RAPD-PCR getestet. Einer von 20 getesteten 10mer Zufallsprimern (GGAGTGGACA) ermöglichte bei der Verwendung von DNA aus Blattmaterial die Erzeugung verschiedener Bandenmuster für M und A. Bei der Verwendung von MA-Blattmaterial zeigte sich eine Kombination der Muster von M und A, sodass ein Chimärennachweis für das MA-Blattmaterial erbracht wurde. Für ein übertragbares System wurde die spezifische PCR getestet. Unter Verwendung spezifischer Primer für die 16s-rDNA zeigten die PCR-Produkte einheitliche Banden und nach anschließender Sequenzierung eine weitgehende Übereinstimmung der phylogenetischen Verwandtschaft von I, M und A. Weiterhin wurden die kernkodierten rDNA Bereiche ITS 1 und ITS 2 zwischen 18S und 25S getestet. Für I, M und A konnten jeweils zwei Banden von unterschiedlicher Größe und Sequenz ermittelt werden, die vermutlich auf funktionierende rDNA aber auch auf Pseudogene (beschnitten) in niedriger Kopienzahl hinweisen. Die ITS-Regionen von I, M und A wurden charakterisiert, um einen Einblick in die Struktur und Phylogenie der Salicacaee-Familie zu erhalten. Aus den Sequenzunterschieden konnten für I und A spezifische Primerpaare abgeleitet werden, die für die Identifizierung von I und A in AI und MA verwendet werden können. Mittels A-Marker konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass Fruchtknoten aus MA-Blüten neben M-Gewebe auch den A-Genotyp enthalten. / Two Populus graft chimeras (MA and AI) produced of P. x canadensis ‘Marilandica’ (M), P. maximowizcii x P. trichocarpa ‘Androscoggin’ (A) and P. nigra L. ’Italica’ (I) were used for investigations of leaf and flower development. In MA the exogenous layer (L1) forms the epidermis and is derived from M while inner layers (L2, L3 etc.) descend from A whereas in AI L1 is formed by A while L2, L3 etc. descend from I. The exogenous epidermis of the periclinal chimeras imposes morphological effects such as an extra female sex in some of the MA flowers. The morphological characteristics of different plant tissues of parents and chimera were compared to determine how they were modified or altered by the tissue transplantation and possibly identify co-existing or interacting genotypes in one tissue. RAPD-PCR was tested for its usefulness to amplify polymorphic fingerprints including donor specific DNA fragments. One random 10mer primer (GGAGTGGACA) out of 20 tested revealed the amplification of patterns including donor specific DNA bands using extracts from leaf tissues of the M and A parents that were combined using extract from leaf tissue of the MA chimera. This indicates that the leaves of the MA chimera are formed by tissues of M and A. However, the inherent disadvantage of RAPD-PCR is the reproducibility of PCR product generation. Therefore the discriminative potential of the ITS region located between the rRNA genes was investigated. The application of specific 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) primers for amplification and sequencing of PCR products revealed a closely phylogenetic relationship between I, M and A. Consequently the ITS1 and ITS2 of nuclear rDNA between 18S and 25S were used. The amplified fragments were purified, cloned in E. coli and sequenced. Analyses of multiple clones demonstrated extensive paralogy within and between I, M and A ITS operons. For each parent were at least two rDNA operons as well as multiple paralogous sequences within operons identified. The use of PCR and sequence analyses showed that one of the operons encodes a putative expressed (functional) rDNA whereas the second encodes a pseudogen (truncated) in low copy number. We also characterized the ITS regions of I, M and A to gain insights into structure and phylogeny of the Salicacaee family. Based on sequence divergence primers were designed for A and I and used for the identification of A in MA carpels.

Mikrobielle Diversität in Biogasreaktoren

Souidi, Khadidja 20 May 2008 (has links)
Die Effizienz von Biogasreaktoren hängt im wesentlichen Maße von der Substratverwertung durch die beteiligte Mikroflora ab. Die genaue Zusammensetzung der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaft ist jedoch bislang nur oberflächlich charakterisiert. In dieser Studie wird daher eine Übersicht über die mikrobielle Diversität in verschiedenen Biogasreaktorentypen (Rührkesselreaktor, Leach-bed-Reaktor, Festbett-Anaerobfilter) während der Fermentation verschiedener pflanzlicher Substrate (Mais-, Rüben-, Triticum-Ganzpflanzensilage, teilweise in Kofermentation mit Rindergülle) gegeben. Die Charakterisierung der Mikrobiologie erfolgte mittels der Entwicklung und nachfolgenden bioinformatischen Analyse von 16S rDNA Bibliotheken. Es wurden insgesamt sechs 16S rDNA Bibliotheken konstruiert. Insgesamt umfassten diese sechs 16S rDNA Bibliotheken 627 Klone. Mittels der zugehörigen fingerprint-Muster (amplified rDNA restriction analysis, ARDRA) wurden innerhalb der sechs 16S rDNA Bibliotheken 223 taxonomische Gruppen (operational taxonomic units, OTU) detektiert. Zur Erfassung der Archaea wurden 402 Klone analysiert. Für die Erfassung der Bacteria wurden 283 Klone untersucht. Damit wurden 114 Archaea OTU sowie 109 Bacteria OTU detektiert. Die Dominanz von hydrogenotrophen Methanbildnern in den Archaeaspezifischen 16S rDNA Bibliotheken sowie deren große Diversität sind Indizien für eine verstärkte Bildung von Methan durch Oxidation von CO2. In diesem Falle würde die Verwertung des Acetats überwiegend durch syntrophe Bacteria erfolgen. Die Analyse der Diversität innerhalb der Domäne Bacteria ergab für den Rührkesselreaktor bei der Kofermentation von Maissilage und Gülle im Normalzustand eine hohe Diversität unter den Vertretern der Phyla Firmicutes mit dem Genus Clostridium. / The efficiency of biogas reactors depends on the substrate utilisation by the involved microbial community. However, the exact composition of the microbial biocoenosis was rudimental characterized. In this study an overview of the microbial diversity in different anaerobic biogas reactor types (completly stirred tank reactor, leach bed reactor, fixed bed anaerobic filter) is given for the fermentation of different substrates (corn-, carrots-, triticale whole crop silage as renewable raw materials, partly in co-fermentation with cattle liquid manure). The characterisation of the microbial community was conducted via the construction of 16S rDNA libraries for both, methanogenic Archaea and fermentative Bacteria. Individual taxonomic groups within the 16S rDNA libraries were determined by means of amplified rDNA restriction analysis (ARDRA). The taxonomic classification of these groups was performed via a phylogenetic analysis of representative 16S rDNA sequences. In total six 16S rDNA libraries with 627 clones were developed. Together 223 taxonomic groups were detected; from these 114 was assigned to the domain Archaea and further 109 was assigned to the domain Bacteria. Within the examined biogas reactors a high diversity was found within the hydrogenotrophic methane producing Archaea, acetotrophic methane producing Archaea appears only with a comparatively small diversity. From the domain Bacteria fermentative species of phylum Firmicutes especially of the genus Clostridium were found to be dominant in the microbial community.

Interação entre bactérias endofíticas e do rizoplano com Eucalyptus / Interaction between endophytic and rhizoplane bacteria with Eucalyptus

Ferreira, Anderson 15 February 2008 (has links)
Os microrganismos endofíticos são aqueles, cultiváveis ou não, que habitam o interior da planta hospedeira sem causar danos aparentes ou estruturas externas visíveis. Essa interação microrganismos-planta é intrínseca a determinadas espécies de plantas e/ou bactérias. Nas últimas décadas os estudos de microrganismos endofíticos têm sido realizados em diversas plantas hospedeiras, sendo esses estudos direcionados principalmente para a diversidade e características benéficas induzidas, inclusive o controle biológico de doenças. A doença causada pelo fungo Ceratocystis fimbriata é considerada emergente no setor florestal. O Brasil está entre os maiores produtores mundiais de eucalipto e a expansão do setor juntamente com o cultivo clonal tem acarretado o aumento da incidência de patógenos. O surgimento de novas doenças exige estudos relacionados tanto a interação do agente patogênico com hospedeiro quanto de todos os componentes do patossistema. Neste contexto, os microrganismos endofíticos têm sido descritos como potenciais controladores biológicos de doenças. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho teve por objetivos avaliar a interação de C. fimbriata com a comunidade bacteriana associada à Eucalyptus sp. Adicionalmente, foi estudada a possível transferência desses endófitos via sementes e o padrão de colonização de Pantoea agglomerans em plântulas. Foi observado que plantas não infestadas por C. fimbriata apresentaram maior densidade bacteriana no rizoplano (20,66 x 104 UFC.cm2 -1 de raiz), enquanto que para a comunidade endofítica, a maior densidade foi observada em plantas infectadas pelo fungo (25,13 x 104 UFC.g-1 de raiz). As análises por ARDRA possibilitaram a obtenção de 8 e 13 ribotipos nas comunidades endofítica de raiz e do rizoplano, respectivamente. Os ribotipos mais freqüentes foram identificados como Bacillus cereus. As análises de diversidade por meio de DGGE das comunidades do rizoplano e endofítica de raiz mostraram que a infestação pelo fungo interfere na colonização de Eucalyptus. Foi observado também que bactérias endofíticas estão presentes no interior de sementes de Eucalyptus spp. em uma densidade de 0,33 a 1,83 X 102 UFC.g-1, para as espécies E. camandulensis e E. urophylla, respectivamente. A densidade bacteriana endofítica de plântulas obtidas de sementes desinfectadas superficialmente variaram entre 0,27 X 102 a 0,87 X 102 UFC.g-1, para E. citriodora e o híbrido E. robusta x E. grandis, respectivamente. Em algumas espécies de Eucalyptus não foram isoladas bactérias endofíticas das sementes e plântulas. Os resultados mostraram que algumas espécies de bactérias endofíticas podem ser transmitidas verticalmente por sementes. P. agglomerans inoculada nas sementes foi capaz de colonizar as plântulas após a germinação da semente, indicando que esta pode ser uma das formas utilizadas pelos microrganismos para colonizar e se estabelecer na planta hospedeira. Assim, os resultados obtidos neste trabalho mostram ainda que possa existir interação entre a presença de C. fimbriata e a comunidade bacteriana endofítica e do rizoplano de Eucalyptus. Foi possível observar também que estas bactérias endofíticas que são transmitidas por meio de sementes, permitindo que plântulas previamente inoculadas com bactérias benéficas possam ser produzidas antes de serem levadas a campo. / The endophytic microorganisms are those, cultivated or not, that inhabit the interior of the plant host without causing apparent damages or visible external structures. This interaction microorganisms-plant is specific to certain species of plants and/or bacteria. In the last few years studies of endophytic microorganisms have been carried out in several plant hosts, being these studies focused mainly to diversity and biotechnological potential, such as biological control of disease. The disease caused by the phytopathogenic fungi Ceratocystis fimbriata is considered emerging by the reforestation companies. Brazil is one of the largest world eucalyptus producers and the increasing of the eucalyptus production associated to clonal reproduction has allowed the increase in pathogen incidence. Studies that evaluate the interaction between pathogens and the microbial community associated to the host plant may allow understanding how disease symptoms come up. Endophytic microorganisms have been described as potential biological control of diseases and therefore, the aims of the present work were to i) study the interaction between C. fimbriata and the bacterial community associated to the Eucalyptus sp.; ii) evaluate the bacterial dissemination by seeds; iii) evaluate the colonization profile of Pantoea agglomerans in seedlings after seed inoculation. It was observed that the highest bacterial density on the rhizoplane (20.66 x 104 CFU.cm2 -1 of root) was observed in C. fimbriata uninfectedplants, while for endophytic community the highest density was observed in C. fimbriata infected plants (25.13 x 104 CFU.g-1 of root). The ARDRA analyses showed that the bacterial community of eucalyptus is composed by 8 and 13 ribotypes on rhizoplane and inside the roots (endophytic), respectively. The most frequent ribotypes were identified as Bacillus cereus. The DGGE analyses of diversity of endophytic and rhizoplane community showed that fungi infection shift the colonization of Eucalyptus associated bacteria. The bacterial community inside Eucalyptus spp. seeds ranged from 0.33 to 1.83 X 102 CFU.g-1, for E. camandulensis and E. urophylla, respectively. After seed germination the endophytic bacterial density in seedlings ranged from 0,27 X 102 to 0,87 X 102 CFU.g-1, for E. citriodora and the hybrid E. robusta x E. grandis, respectively. Although, endophytic bacteria have been isolated from seeds, for some plant species, bacteria were not isolated from seedlings. Also, some bacteria may be vertically transmitted from seed to seedlings, but some is specific for seeds. Seed inoculation of P. agglomerans resulted in seedlings colonized by these bacteria, suggesting that these bacteria could be seed transmitted. The results obtained in the present study show that the fungi C. fimbriata inside the Eucalyptus host can shift the endophytic and rhizoplane bacterial diversity. Also, these endophytic bacteria could be transmitted vertically by seeds, allowing that seeds previously inoculated with beneficial bacteria may result in protected plants before planting in the field.

Diversidade genética de enterobactérias endofíticas de diferentes hospedeiros e colonização de Catharantus roseus por endófitos expressando o gene gfp. / Genetic diversity of endophytic enterobacteria from different hosts and colonization of Catharantus roseus by endophytes expressing gfp gene.

Torres, Adalgisa Ribeiro 02 May 2005 (has links)
Bactérias endofíticas são aquelas que habitam o interior de tecidos vegetais, sem causar dano aparente aos mesmos, além de desempenhar funções importantes no processo de adaptação das plantas. Especial interesse tem sido dado a tais bactérias devido ao seu potencial no controle biológico. Por isso, é muito importante estudar a diversidade genética de endófitos, além de avaliar o impacto da introdução de endófitos geneticamente modificados no ambiente. Estudos vêm sendo feitos nesse sentido, mas não com bactérias endofíticas da família Enterobacteriaceae. Desta forma, o presente trabalho teve como objetivos estudar a diversidade genética de bactérias endofíticas da família Enterobacteriaceae isoladas de plantas de cacau, cana-de-açúcar, citros, eucalipto e soja, utilizando diferentes técnicas moleculares. Análises por ARDRA e seqüenciamento do rDNA 16S identificaram 20 haplótipos e revelaram que os isolados pertenceram aos gêneros Enterobacter, Erwinia e Pantoea, sendo este último o mais freqüente. Tais estudos revelaram ainda que a diversidade dos isolados variou de acordo com a planta hospedeira. A técnica de BOX-PCR foi também utilizada para avaliar a diversidade dos isolados. Um total de 23 diferentes OTUs (operational taxonimic units) obtidas indicaram que o total de isolados avaliados compreenderam pelo menos 23 espécies diferentes. Dois isolados foram transformados com pPAgfp, um plasmídio contendo os genes de resistência ao antibiótico ampicilina e o gene gfp, que codifica a proteína verde fluorescente. Tais isolados foram inoculados em plântulas de Catharantus roseus (vinca) e foi feito reisolamento de bactérias endofíticas em dois períodos diferentes após a inoculação. O impacto desta inoculação na diversidade da comunidade microbiana natural de vinca foi avaliado utilizando-se a técnica de ARDRA, a qual mostrou que os endófitos expressando gfp colonizaram as raízes e caules das plantas inoculadas, sem causar qualquer sintoma de doença. Além disso, os colonizadores endofíticos não levaram à diminuição da diversidade da população microbiana natural de vinca. Os resultados obtidos poderão contribuir para a compreensão sobre a interação entre Enterobacteriaceae endofítica e planta hospedeira, além de ajudar a responder questões sobre o papel ecológico dos endofíticos e seu potencial biotecnológico. / Endophytic bacteria have been defined as those that reside within living plant tissues, or extracted from inner plant parts without causing apparent damage to them. They also are able to play an important role in the process of plant adaptation. There is an increasing interest to endophytic bacteria and its potential in the biological control and many studies has been done in order to evaluate the diversity and the impact of endophytes and genetically modified endophytes (GME) released into environment. In this way, information about the diversity of endophytic bacteria has been obtained, except for bacteria exclusively from Enterobacteriaceae family belonged to different host plants. Thus, the aim of the present work was study the diversity of Enterobacteriaceae bacteria isolated from citrus, cocoa, eucalypti, soybean and sugar cane by different molecular approaches. The 16S rDNA of each isolate was amplified by PCR and the isolates were grouped into 20 clusters by analysis of restriction patterns of the PCR-amplified 16S rDNA (ARDRA). These analysis showed a variety of organisms, with 5 different genera encountered: Pantoea was most frequently encountered followed by Enterobacter and Erwinia, which isolates presented the great bacterial diversity according to host plants. Through cluster analysis of the BOX-PCR technique profiles, 23 different OTUs (Operational Taxonomic Units) were distinguished, the presence of 23 OTUs could indicate that isolates comprised at least 23 different species. Two isolates were transformed with pPAgfp, a plasmid harboring the ampicillim resistance gene and the gfp gene, which encodes for the green fluorescent protein. These two isolates were inoculated in seedlings of Catharantus roseus (vinca) and re-isolation of endophytic was performed in two times after inoculation. The impact of endophytes inoculation was evaluated by using the ARDRA technique. It showed that endophytes expressing gfp colonized roots and shoots of inoculated plants without causing any symptom of disease. Besides, the endophytes colonizers do not decreased the diversity of the vinca’s natural microbiota. The results obtained here provided important insights into the endophytic Enterobacteriaceae-host relationship that will be useful for further answer basic questions about the ecological role of the endophytes and its biotechnological potential.

A model system using insects to vector Fusarium tumidum for biological control of gorse (Ulex europaeus)

Yamoah, Emmanuel January 2007 (has links)
The overall objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that insects can vector F. tumidum conidia to infect gorse plants with the aim of developing an alternative approach to mycoherbicide delivery to control weeds. Four potential insect species (Apion ulicis, Cydia ulicetana, Epiphyas postvittana and Sericothrips staphylinus) were assessed for their ability to vector F. tumidum conidia. To achieve this, the external microflora (bacteria and fungi) and the size and location of fungal spores on the cuticle of these insect species were determined. In addition, the ability of the insects to pick up and deposit F. tumidum conidia on agar was studied. Based on the results from these experiments, E. postvittana was selected for more detailed experiments to determine transmission of F. tumidum to infect potted gorse plants. The factors promoting pathogenicity of F. tumidum against gorse and the pathogen loading required to infect and kill the weed were also determined. The external microflora of the four insect species were recovered by washing and plating techniques and identified by morphology and polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and sequencing of internally transcribed spacer (ITS) and 16S rDNA. A culture-independent technique (direct PCR) was also used to assess fungal diversity by direct amplification of ITS sequences from the washings of the insects. All insect species carried Alternaria, Cladosporium, Nectria, Penicillium, Phoma, Pseudozyma spp. and entomopathogens. Ninety four per cent of the 178 cloned amplicons had ITS sequences similarity to Nectria mauritiicola. E. postvittana carried the largest fungal spores (mean surface area of 125.9 ìm2) and the most fungal CFU/insect. About 70% of the fungi isolated from the insects were also present on the host plant (gorse) and the understorey grass. The mean size of fungal spores recovered from the insect species correlated strongly with their body length (R² = 85%). Methylobacterium aquaticum and Pseudomonas lutea were common on all four insect species. Pseudomonas fluorescens was the most abundant bacterial species. In the pathogenicity trials, the effectiveness of F. tumidum in reducing root and shoot biomass of 16 and 8 wk old gorse plants was significantly increased with wounding of the plants. Older plants (32 wk old) which were wounded and inoculated were significantly shorter, more infected and developed more tip dieback (80%) than plants which were not wounded (32%). This indicates that damage caused by phytophagous insect species present on gorse through feeding and oviposition may enhance infection by F. tumidum. Wounding may release nutrients (e.g. Mg and Zn) essential for conidia germination and germ tube elongation and also provide easier access for germ tube penetration. Conidial germination and germ tube length were increased by 50 and 877%, respectively when incubated in 0.2% of gorse extract solution for 24 h compared with incubation in water. Inoculum suspensions amended with 0.2% of gorse extract caused more infection and significantly reduced biomass production of 24 wk old gorse plants than suspensions without gorse extract. A minimum number of about 900 viable conidia/infection site of F. tumidum were required to infect gorse leaves. However, incorporation of amendments (which can injure the leaf cuticle) or provision of nutrients (i.e. gorse extract or glucose) in the formulation might decrease the number of conidia required for lesion formation. Scanning electron micrographs showed that germ tube penetration of gorse tissue was limited to open stomata which partly explain the large number of conidia required for infection. The flowers and leaves were more susceptible to F. tumidum infection than the spines, stems and pods. An experiment to determine the number of infection sites required to cause plant mortality showed that the entire plant needs to be inoculated in order for the pathogen to kill 10 wk old plants as F. tumidum is a non systemic pathogen. The number of infection sites correlated strongly with disease severity (R² = 99.3%). At least 50% of the plant was required to be inoculated to cause a significant reduction in shoot dry weight. F. tumidum, applied as soil inoculant using inoculated wheat grains in three separate experiments, significantly suppressed gorse seedling emergence and biomass production. In experiments to determine the loading capacity of the insect species, E. postvittana, the largest insect species studied, carried significantly more (68) and deposited significantly more (29) F. tumidum conidia than the other species. Each E. postvittana, loaded with 5,000 conidia of F. tumidum, transmitted approximately 310 conidia onto gorse plants but this did not cause any infection or affect plant growth as determined by shoot fresh weight and shoot height. E. postvittana on its own did not cause any significant damage to gorse and did not enhance F. tumidum infection. It also failed to spread the pathogen from infected plants to the healthy ones. There was no evidence of synergism between the two agents and damage caused by the combination of both E. postvittana and F. tumidum was equivalent to that caused by F. tumidum alone. This study has shown that E. postvittana has the greatest capacity to vector F. tumidum since it naturally carried the largest and the most fungal spores (429 CFU/insect). Moreover, it naturally carried Fusarium spp. such as F. lateritium, F. tricinctum and Gibberella pulicaris (anamorph Fusarium sambucinum) and was capable of carrying and depositing most F. tumidum conidia on agar. Coupled with the availability of pheromone for attracting the male insects, E. postvittana may be a suitable insect vector for delivering F. tumidum conidia on gorse using this novel biocontrol strategy. Although it is a polyphagous insect, and may visit non-target plants, F. tumidum is a very specific pathogen of gorse, broom and a few closely related plant species. Hence, using this insect species to vector F. tumidum in a biological control programme, should not pose a significant threat to plants of economic importance. However, successful control of gorse using this "lure-load-infect" concept would depend, to a large extent on the virulence of the pathogen as insects, due to the large size of F. tumidum macroconidia, can carry only a small number of it.

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