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Mary Shelley's monstrous patchwork : textual "grafting" and the novelKibaris, Anna-Maria January 1995 (has links)
No description available.
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Contributos para o estudo do ensino industrial em Portugal : 1851-1910Alves, Luís Alberto Marques January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Life and work of James Alexander HaldaneWallace, D. E. January 1955 (has links)
Never before in the past century has there been such an active interest in evangelism, not only in the English speaking countries but on the Continent and in some sections of the Far East. Over ten of the leading graduate schools of theology in the United States are in the process of establishing or enlarging their departments of evangelism. One item conspicuous by its absence is the lack of material in the field of church history covering the subject of evangelism. These schools are handicapped at the very outset by a lack of research in this field. The following thesis is a study of the life and work of the one man who, above all others, led the way in establishing evangelism as a legitimate and necessary means of propagating the Gospel in Scotland. This work is neither an apology nor a vindication of this phase of church history. It is the product of research - diversified occurrences and facts - presented in narrative form. The delineation of the material requires more than a critical spirit; it is imperative that one possess a sympathetic understanding to see, in its proper perspective, the contribution of James Haldane to the improvement of the religious life of Scotland. The subject was marred by the defects caused by the taints of the times. He was dubbed narrow, purist, fanatic. We, however, would say after over a century has tried his works that he was a man of strong conviction, a Christian idealist, a man upon whom the spiritual destitution of the nation and the world lay heavy.
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The Ballad of Sam BassEvarts, William J. (William Johnson) 08 1900 (has links)
The Ballad of Sam Bass is an original. play based on the life of Sam Bass the outlaw. Cowboys camped on the Chisholm trail are entertained by a stranger who sings a song about Sam Bass. Bass was a good-hearted individual who was seduced by his vices, drinking and gambling, and fell into the life of an outlaw. He was successful in eluding the law until he was betrayed by one of his own men, Jim Murphy. In the course of his song, the stranger reveals himself to be Frank Jackson, the only surviving member of Bass's gang. Jackson had talked Bass out of killing Murphy when Bass became suspicious. Creating the song serves as a catharsis for Jackson's guilt.
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The theology of Petar Petrović Njegoš, Prince-Bishop of Montenegro (1813-1851)Prvulovich, Žika Rad January 1956 (has links)
No description available.
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The constitutional and administrative development of South Australia from responsible government to Strangways' Act of 1868O'Donoghue K. K. (Kenneth K.) January 1950 (has links) (PDF)
Includes bibliographical references (p. 432-433) and index.
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La desamortització eclesiàstica a la província de Lleida (1838-1851)Solsona i Sorrosal, Carme 02 December 1994 (has links)
Tot i que som davant d'un tema en què el nombre de treballs és força abundant, cal reconèixer que el panorama ha canviat força en els darrers anys. Concretament des de la celebració de les jornades "Desamortización y Hacienda Pública" publicades el 1986, s'han aconseguit estudis més aprofundits sobre aspectes que en principi no preocupaven. Ara interessa més saber com es va transferir la propietat, la seva modificació o les seves conseqüències en l'estructura agrària. I, sobretot, hem superat la idea d'unes lleis desamortitzadores poc revolucionàries. El canvi de l'antic règim a la societat liberal començava a gestar-se al segle XVIII, però necessitarà tot el segle XIX per a consolidar-se.És clar que altres mesures com la desvinculació o la dissolució del règim senyorial, suposaren una transformació més important (pel seu abast) de l'agricultura contemporània. Però no hem d'oblidar que la desamortització és l'única mesura de la revolució burgesa que implica una transferència de propietats d'unes mans a altres. La propietat ara serà total i directa.A més, sovint quan es parla de desamortització hom pensa ràpidament en Mendizàbal. De fet, el procés desamortitzador és força dilatat en tot el segle XIX i cada període gaudeix d'unes característiques diferents. Cal establir cronològicament dues parts dins el període estudiat: en un primer període prevalen les lleis de Mendizàbal -amb les formes de venda i pagament establertes per ell-; i en el període d'Espartero, sovint oblidat, però que d'alguna manera beneficià el petit pagès perquè posava en venda les finques més petites (que la burgesia no volia) alhora que permetia el pagament en metàl.lic i en vint terminis. Així doncs, Mendizàbal potser afavoria més el pagament en títols de deute públic, mentre que Espartero premiava els sectors menys afortunats econòmicament. / Aun cuando estamos en frente de un tema en qué el número de trabajos es fuerza abundante, hay que reconocer que el panorama ha cambiado fuerza en los últimos años. Concretamente desde la celebración de las jornadas "Desamortización y Hacienda Pública" publicadas el 1986, se han conseguido estudios más profundizados sobre aspectos que en principio no preocupaban. Ahora interesa más saber como se transfirió la propiedad, su modificación o sus consecuencias en la estructura agraria. Y, sobre todo, hemos superado la idea de unas leyes desamortitzadoras poco revolucionarias. El cambio del antiguo régimen a la sociedad liberal empezaba a gestarse al siglo XVIII, pero necesitará todo el siglo XIX para consolidarse.Claro está que otros medidas como la desvinculación o la disolución del régimen señorial, supusieron una transformación más importante (por su alcance) de la agricultura contemporánea. Pero no tenemos que olvidar que la desamortitzación es la única medida de la revolución burguesa que implica una transferencia de propiedades de unas manos a otros. La propiedad ahora será total y directa.Además, a menudo cuándo se habla de desamortitzación se piensa rápidamente en Mendizàbal. De hecho, el proceso desamortizador es bastante dilatado en todo el siglo XIX y cada periodoperíodo disfruta de unas características diferentes. Hay que establecer cronológicamente dos partes dentor del período rebuscado: en un primer período prevalecen las leyes de Mendizàbal -con las formas de venta y pago establecidas por él-; y en el periodoperíodo de Espartero, a menudo olvidado, pero que de alguna manera benefició el pequeño labrador porque ponía en venta las fincas más pequeñas (que la burguesía no quería) a la vez que permitía el pago en metálico y en veinte plazos. Así pues, Mendizàbal quizás favorecía más el pago en títulos de deuda pública, mientras que Espartero premiaba los sectores menos afortunados económicamente.
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Adolf von Harnack, das Wesen des Christentums eine methodologische Analyse /Kim, Sung-Wook January 2003 (has links)
Thèse - Universität, Münster, 2003. / Bibliogr. p. 184-201. Notes bibliogr.
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The Sokoto constitution : a synthesis of Islamic constitutional theory and local political practicesAhmed, Gutbi Al-Mahdi. January 1984 (has links)
No description available.
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Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, notes on a divided mythPatterson, Mary Katherine 03 June 2011 (has links)
The Sentimental/Gothic myth, which dominates much of English and American literature during the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, represents a cultural attempt to achieve unity, but the attempt is foredoomed because the essence of the myth is division. The myth's metaphor is sexual. The division that forms the acknowledged basis of the myth is that between two modes of being, seen as sexual modes: masculinity (power, aggression, violence, energy, dominance, etc.) and femininity (attraction, passivity, submissiveness, etc.). The unity sought by the myth on its acknowledged level is domestic harmony, the infusion of masculine strength into feminine passivity, the taming of masculine power by feminine submissiveness. Thus the myth regardsmarriage as the perfect state and the family as the perfect model of cultural unity. But the myth itself is flawed by a further division, of which the masculine/feminine division is actually a reflection: this is a division of the conscious, Sentimental myth from the largely unconscious Gothic myth. The Gothic, reversing the acknowledged direction of the myth (or carrying it full-circle to its inevitable conclusion), seeks the destruction of femininity by masculinity, the throwing off of feminine submissiveness by masculine violence. Thus it regards death(the "marriage" of murderer and victim) as the perfect state, and sterility, the blasted family, as the perfect model of unity.Mary Shelley's Frankenstein reflects both mythic divisions and their close interrelationship. Its hero seeks to establish his Sentimental masculinity and to achieve domestic unity, but in doing so creates the Gothic Monster who destroys the creator's beloved, his family, and finally drains life from the hero himself. Frankenstein, in form, themes, and characterization, reflects the ironies by which the Sentimental/Gothic myth is divided against itself, and shows the tragic consequences of its divisions.
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