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Puccini's treatment of the heroines' death in La bohème, Tosca and Madama Butterfly.January 1998 (has links)
by Cheung Ki Kitty. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1998. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 123-126). / Abstract also in Chinese. / Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 2 --- La boheme (Mimi) --- p.7 / Chapter 3 --- Tosca (Tosca) --- p.26 / Chapter 4 --- Madama Butterfly (Cio Cio San) --- p.45 / Chapter 5 --- Conclusion --- p.62 / Appendix --- p.68 / Bibliography --- p.123
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John A. Hobson; welfare economistEliot, Gerlad, 1922- January 1953 (has links)
No description available.
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"Their position[s] must be mined" : Charles W. Chesnutt's assault on racial thinkingGreenfield, Nathan M., 1958- January 1994 (has links)
This thesis argues that Charles W. Chesnutt's writings challenged the central assumptions of his America's racial thinking. An important part of this challenge is the difference between the two discourses which dominate The Conjure Woman. The first uses ethnographic discourse to create "the Other;" the second effaces the differences between himself and other Americans. Unlike most of the other writers of his period, Chesnutt shows African-American men and women to be fully developed moral, ethical and emotional individuals; in his works slave-holders and those who sought to "redeem" the South were morally and ethically underdeveloped. Both his writings and his career demonstrate that African-Americans were capable of prospering as independent actors in a free labor market. While critical of the actions of America's legal system, unlike many of his contemporaries, Chesnutt believed that injustice began when racial thinking led legal actors to deviate from the established rules of common law.
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The rebellion in Awadh, 1857-58 : a study in popular resistanceMukherjee, Rudrangshu January 1981 (has links)
This thesis studies the popular character of the revolt of 1857 in Awadh. It argues that in the pre-annexation rural world of Awadh talukdars and peasants had a symbiotic relationship which was destroyed by the first British revenue settlement of 1856-57. The sudden annexation together with the removal of the King from Lucknow and the dispossession and overassessment resulting from the revenue settlement created the basis for disaffection. The sepoys of the army - largely recruited from Awadh - sparked off the revolt but it quickly spread through the countryside. Certain similarities in the way the sepoys sought destruction are emphasized. A detailed study is attempted of the extent of mass participation, especially of talukdars and peasants. Lists are provided of all talukdars of southern Awadh who joined in the rebellion. As distinct from the extant literature on the subject, which emphasize British movements and forms of fighting, the present thesis studies how the rebels fought. It seeks to explore the ways in which the rebellion was organized, of the use that was made of religion as the rallying cry and of the attempts made to restore the traditional world.
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Johannes Müller und die pathologische Anatomie eine kommentierte Edition der Vorlesungsmitschrift von Jakob Henle (1830)Müller, Johannes Henle, Jakob Gágyor, Ildikó January 2001 (has links)
Zugl.: Göttingen, Univ., Diss. I. Gágyor, 2001
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Análise da ambiguidade discursiva em uma cooperativa popular na economia solidária - Brasil - 2000/2010Lisniowski, Simone Aparecida 27 August 2010 (has links)
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Departamento de Sociologia, 2010. / Submitted by Shayane Marques Zica (marquacizh@uol.com.br) on 2011-06-27T18:56:35Z
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2010_SimoneAparecidaLisniowski.pdf: 3476061 bytes, checksum: babcbb28b4d29765b80ac108cc382426 (MD5) / Esta pesquisa se propôs a analisar a ambigüidade na vida coletiva de uma cooperativa popular, identificando suas manifestações discursivas no processo de integração e indiferenciação de sentidos em torno das interações entre seus membros na busca de realização da proposta do grupo. A pesquisa buscou desenvolver um método empírico de análise da ambigüidade por meio de uma coleta de dados apoiada na narrativa da história de vida, com entrevistas individuais e em grupo, gravadas e degravadas, de 9 (nove) membros de uma cooperativa popular, 4 (quatro) membros da equipe da incubadora responsável pelo processo de formação e assessoramento da cooperativa pesquisada e 2 (dois) ex-integrantes da equipe da incubadora. A interpretação dos dados foi dividida em três etapas: análise semântica dos termos ambíguos; análise do discurso (Fairclough); e análise de conteúdo para categorização das ambigüidades apoiadas na literatura em Economia Solidária, em Simmel e na Sociologia Clínica. A análise do discurso possibilitou definir categorias para compreensão da ambigüidade como manifestação discursiva dos processos de interação grupal na busca de integração das multiplicidades e indiferenciação de sentidos (Simmel, Bleger) no processo de formação de uma cooperativa, resultando em três diferentes dimensões de manifestação: 1) psicossocial; 2) sócio-organizacional e; 3) sócio-política. A partir da análise semântica foram definidas as dinâmicas da ambigüidade na linguagem, neste processo de integração e indiferenciação: 1) a condensação de sentidos em um único termo; 2) o deslocamento de sentidos de outros contextos para o contexto da Economia Solidária e; 3) a sobreposição de sentidos que em momentos de conflitos foram dicotomizadas e sofreram oscilações de sentidos. A ambigüidade, como modo de integração de sentidos e indiferenciação das diferenças, se manifestou na interação grupal como forma de: 1) abrandar os conflitos, deixando-os latentes e implícitos no discurso; 2) manter práticas consideradas mais eficazes que se mantinham apoiadas em pressupostos heterogestionários; 3) transformar sentidos, diluindo seus significados anteriores e possibilitando a presença de novos sentidos no grupo; 4) encobrir intenções, objetivos e sentidos quando estes se revelam contrários à proposta do cooperativismo; 5) manifestar sentimentos, vontades e pensamentos ambivalentes. A ambigüidade possibilita um espaço propício, quando não indispensável, à elaboração dos sentidos subjacentes aos processos de conflito e de transição que convivem na proposta da Economia Solidária. Os impactos da ambigüidade no grupo revelam a importância da construção de espaços democráticos, de participação coletiva e do desenvolvimento de práticas autogestionárias, para que seus sujeitos encontrem espaço de explicitação e negociação das diferenças. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT / This study aimed to analyze the ambiguity in the collective life of a popular cooperative, identifying their discursive manifestations in the process of integration and differentiation on the interaction among its members in seeking implementation of group´s purposes. The research sought to develop an empirical analysis of the ambiguity through a collection of data based on the life history´s narratives, with individual and group interviews, recorded and transcribed. The subjects of the research group amounted to 9 (nine) members of a popular cooperative, 4 (four) members of the team responsible for the incubator process of training and advising the cooperative and two (2) ex-team members of the incubator. The interpretation of the data was organized into three stages: semantic analysis of ambiguous terms; discourse analysis (Fairclough); and content analysis to categorize the ambiguities based on Solidary Economy´ literature supported on Simmel and the Clinical Sociology. The discourse analysis enabled to define categories for understanding the ambiguity as a pursuit of differentiation and integration on the multiplicity of meanings (Simmel, Bleger), and as discursive manifestation of group interaction processes in the process of forming a cooperative. This analysis organized the manifestations of ambiguity in three different dimensions: 1) psychosocial, 2) socio-organizational and 3) socio-political. The semantic analysis defined the dynamics of ambiguity in language, on the process of integration and differentiation: 1) condensation of meanings in a single term; 2) the shifting of meanings from other contexts to the context of the Solidary Economy, and; 3) the overlap of meanings that, at times of conflict were dichotomized and suffered oscillations in its meaning. The ambiguity, as a way of integration of meanings and indifferentiation of differences, manifested on the group interaction as a way to: 1) mitigate the conflict, leaving them dormant and implicit in the speech; 2) keep practices considered most effective which remained supported by heterogestionary assumptions; 3) transforming meanings, dissolving previous meanings and allowing the presence of new meanings to the group; 4) conceal intentions, goals and meanings when they revealed themselves against the purposes of the cooperative, 5) express ambivalent feelings, wishes and thoughts. The ambiguity allows an attractive, if not indispensable environment, to the elaboration of the meanings that pervade the processes of conflict and transition within the Solidary Economy. The impacts of ambiguity in the group´s dynamics showed the importance of enhancing the democratic environments that support the development of self-management practices, collective participation, in the sense that its subjects find a forum to explain and negotiate their differences and conflicts within the cooperative.
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Julio Bañados Espinosa: escritura y exégesis. Modernidad e intelectuales criollosVigneaux Delporte, Pilar January 2014 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado de Doctor en Literatura Hispanoamericana y Chilena / La presente tesis tiene por objetivo hacer un análisis de la escritura de Julio Bañados
Espinosa, intelectual de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. En estas páginas, se analizará la
construcción del intelectual decimonónico y se hará una exégesis de la escritura de Julio Bañados.
Así, se identificará cómo es que el autor construye su subjetividad como intelectual a través de la
escritura y cómo es que la escritura también conforma la nación.
Se analizarán los siguientes libros del autor: Ensayos i bosquejos (1884), Letras i política
(1888), Cartas del Destierro (1891-1894, publicadas en 2006), y Balmaceda, su gobierno y la
Revolución de 1891 (1894).
Luego, se verá cómo, de la literatura, es preciso llegar al hacer en el cargo público y cómo
este puesto en el Estado vuelve a las letras, cuando el intelectual se transforma en el escritor de la
Se analizará también el concepto estético de Bañados de orden y cómo es que lo aplica a
la nación.
Finalmente, se hará un análisis de las causas de la Revolución de 1891 y se verá cómo
Julio Bañados enfrenta este quiebre del orden nacional, desde el destierro. Una vez en el
extranjero, Bañados vuelve a escribir para rememorar el gobierno de Balmaceda, para contar la
verdad, como le pide el Presidente, y escribe también para rearmar su subjetividad y la de la
nación, haciendo uso de los antiguos valores intelectuales, cuando la modernidad ya ha cambiado
la sociedad chilena de fin de siglo.
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President Theodore Roosevelt and United States foreign policy, 1901-1907Roy, Reginald Herbert January 1951 (has links)
During the most active years of his life, Theodore Roosevelt lived in an age which was characterized by imperialism. From the time of his youth until the time of his retirement, the Great Powers of Europe were busily engaged extending their political domination over large areas of the world with a view of exploiting these areas economically and otherwise. The United States had been practicing a similar form of imperialism within the limits of North America as its frontier moved westwards. At the turn of the century the country turned from expansion on the American continent to expansion overseas. Roosevelt participated in this latter wave of American imperialism, and the terms of his presidency were wedged in between this and a minor wave of American imperialism in the Caribbean area which took place in the decades following his period. For this reason many people have come to regard Roosevelt as an imperialist and his presidency as an era of imperialism also. The purpose of this thesis is to prove that, although not untainted by the spirit of Manifest Destiny himself, as President of the United States, Roosevelt pursued a nationalist course in his relations with the other nations of the world. Roosevelt's aims in foreign affairs were basically simple. An ultra-nationalist and super-patriot, he believed that his country had a mission in life. This mission was to serve as the beacon of light of progressive civilization in a world of states struggling to better themselves and so reach the goal so happily attained by the United States. The methods he employed in foreign affairs were dominated by this belief. Thus he felt it not improper to use, at times, unethical means to achieve his idealistic ends. The main instrument he employed in this field was his 'big stick' which served him in as many ways as the occasion warranted. And since the 'stick' was used in defence of the 'honor', security and prestige of the United States, Roosevelt assumed that it was of little moment if heads were knocked within the area the 'big stick' was wielded. As a nationalist, and from a short-range and rather narrow point of view, Roosevelt's foreign policy was successful. But viewed from the standpoint of two generations later, his success was mediocre. / Arts, Faculty of / History, Department of / Graduate
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La Bohème : a designJanson, Astrid January 1972 (has links)
This thesis is a design for Puccini's opera, La Boheme, which I have set in the 1890’s instead of the l830's in which Puccini originally set it. The main reason for this period change is based on the fact that the music, the spirit, and the characters themselves, seem to fit naturally
and appropriately into the glitter, the charm, and the artistic mood of the "gay nineties".
I have set the opera on the Metropolitan Opera House stage, and have included-photographs of the half-inch scale model constructed for this purpose. The actual settings are simple, suggesting only the basic architectural necessities, in order to allow the background - a system of projection screens and mirrors, to predominate and filter through the action constantly. In designing the costumes, I have adhered closely to the silhouette
of the 1890's, exaggerating, simplifying, or emphasizing particular elements in order to heighten their dramatic effect. I have assigned specific,
restricted colour schemes to the characters which I considered appropriate
and in character.
Although I did not rely entirely on artistic works, the majority of the research into the period is centred around the paintings of Toulouse-Lautrec, Degas, and Utrillo, as well as the lithographs and posters of Lautrec, Cheret, and other turn-of-the-century artists.
The thesis also includes technical drawings and a lighting layout, section, and instrument schedule. Generally speaking, charm, simplicity, and a romantic mood, are the qualities for which I strove in the design of the opera. / Arts, Faculty of / Theatre and Film, Department of / Graduate
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Sikhs and the rebellion of 1857Sara, Harkirpal Singh January 1970 (has links)
This thesis investigates the relation of the Sikhs to the Indian rebellion of 1857. References to the Sikhs have invariably been made in the histories of the sepoy mutiny, but none of them, not even the celebrated Sepoy War of Sir John Kaye, tackles this problem in detail. As a result, the student of the mutiny at best gets from these histories disjointed,
and often inadequately explained, impressions about the role of the Sikhs during the great upheaval. This thesis accordingly sets out to analyze the effects of the sepoy mutiny
on the history of the Sikhs.
I have examined four main aspects of the problem: (1) the annexation of the Sikh kingdom by the British in 1849 and conditions in the Punjab between annexation and the outbreak of the rebellion of 1857; (2) the actual help given by the Sikhs to the British during the rebellion; (3) the motives of the Sikhs for giving their help; and (4) the rewards
of the Sikhs for supporting the British during the crisis of 1857.
The Sikhs established their political ascendancy in the Punjab on the ruins of the Mughal empire. During the first two decades of the 19th century most of the twelve misls or confederacies of the Sikhs were conquered and united into one kingdom by Ranjit Singh. However, the timely
protection given by the British in 1809 to the Sikh chiefs of the Cis-Sutlej checked Ranjit Singh's expansionist designs beyond the Sutlej River.
During his lifetime Ranjit Singh wisely remained on friendly terms with the British, but after his death the factious intrigues of his successors and the Sikh army plunged
the Sikh kingdom into hostilities with the British. The defeat of the Sikhs in the wars of 1845-46 and 1848-49 resulted
in the annexation of their kingdom by the British.
After annexation the British showed moderation in dealing with the Sikhs and did not degrade them to the position
of a landless class. Meanwhile the Sikhs, resigned to their fate, quickly adapted themselves to the new institutions which were established in the Punjab between 1849 and 1857. But the indifference of the British toward the interests of the Sikhs, and the Government's policy of extending patronage to Hindustanis, hurt both their feelings and their interests.
The rebellion of 1857 provided the Sikhs with a unique opportunity to secure a change of attitudes by the British. They seized that opportunity and gave every help to the British, whose military power they believed was unchallengeable.
After the suppression of the mutiny the Sikhs received generous rewards from their rulers. They were also given the one reward that would satisfy them most--British indifference gave way to British interest in their welfare.
My investigation of the problem leads me to the conclusion
that the outbreak of the sepoy mutiny unexpectedly ushered in brighter days for the Sikhs and laid the foundation
for their future growth and strength in the Punjab. / Arts, Faculty of / History, Department of / Graduate
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