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G. Puccini Turandot / Turandot by Giacomo PucciniLituhayu, Cahaya January 2015 (has links)
The complete process of Giacomo Puccini?s opera called Turandot for DAMU International Master Degree final tasks, that includes the analysis of the play, the characters studies, performance references, the design process and the result of the model making and the photographs The writer personal view on how the story influenced her to created the space.
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Lesní roh v operní tvorbě Giacoma Pucciniho / The French horn in operatic works of Giacomo PucciniBrogelová, Simona January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis „The French horn in operatic works of Giacomo Puccini focusing on operas Tosca, Madama Butterfly and Turandot“ deals with the composer’s life, his operas and instrumental treatment with the French horn. Part of the thesis is the analysis of selected three operas from player’s view on this royal instrument. This thesis aims to bring parts of the French horn from Puccini operas to common reader and help professional musician with their playing.
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The role of Landscape Photography in establishment of National Parks / Role krajinářské fotografie při zakládání národních parkůAslanidou, Georgia January 2016 (has links)
The first part of this paper examines the fundamental principles of landscape photography starting with the formation of landscape as a concept and a painting genre, up to landscape photography and its various identities as an art medium, a document, an imperialistic weapon, a tool of identification. The beginning of landscape photography is presented with special focus on mountain photography. The theme moves American West where the first National Park was born, an institution that can be both praised for bringing people closer to nature, and blamed for keeping people away from direct natural experience.
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Technická koordinace divadelního festivalu jako scénografická práce / TECHNICAL COORDITNATION OF THEATRE FESTIVAL AS SCENOGRAPHIC WORKGselman, Matic January 2017 (has links)
In my thesis I will analyse and present problems of adapting site-specific performances to new, alternative locations. As an example I will use Maribor Theatre Festival 2016 (FBS 2016), where I was involved as technical coordinator. My task was, to coordinate technical realisation of around 30 In my thesis I will analyse and present problematics of adapting site-specific performances to new, alternative locations. As an example I will use Maribor Theatre Festival 2016 (FBS 2016), where I was involved as technical coordinator.
My task was, to coordinate techical realisation of around 30 performances on festival venues. In the text, I will focus on 3 performances, that were somehow unique in their form and brought special challenges to our team.When dealing with technical coordination of theatre festival, one must use not only his technical knowledge and organisational skills but also knowledge of theatre theory, scenography and creative thinking. Problems and situations that happen have to be taken in careful consideration, since they can open new view points and bring solutions to existing problems.
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Anomie, egoisme, and the modern world : suicide, Durkheim and Weber, modern cultural traditions, and the first and second Protestant ethosMcCloskey, David Daniel, 1947- 06 1900 (has links)
5 v. (xliv, 1314 p.) A print copy of this title is available through the UO Libraries under the call numbers: KNIGHT HV6545.D84M3 / Few have perceived that Durkheim entertained two distinct
schemas of anomie and egoisme in his classic Suicide.
I shall demonstrate that Durkheim shifted on his analytical
axes from the notion that the absence of moral discipline
generates modern suicides, to the more significant insight
that anomie and egoisme are generated by the presence of extreme modern cultural sanctions. Absence/presence, too little/
too much--these are the key analytical axes around which
Durkheim's two schemas of suicide revolved.
Resting on his image of human nature (homo duplex) as inherently egoistic and insatiable, the first schema concerns
the absence of legitimate moral constraint over the pre-social
ego in the modern transitional crisis. The second schema,
which shifted the original burden of insatiability from the organic half of human nature to modern culture, concerns the
presence of cultural sanctions which absolutize individualism
and d.rives for "progress and perfection." Only selected parts
of the first schema have been perceived and pursued so far by sociologists.
In the second schema, all four suicidal types are seen
as the "exaggerated or deflected forms of virtues." Both anomie
and egoisme proceed from common sources; they differ in their prime mode of expression .. Anomie is active; egoisme
passive. When extreme individualism and drives for "progress
and perfection" are turned against the external world, we see anomie--the "infinity of desires'--and the collapse of the
will in frustration, as seen in suicides in the economic arena.
This ethos,is supported by what I shall call the "Anglo
Utilitarian Cultural Tradition." Further, when these twin
sanctions for absolute individualism and legitimate insatiability
are turned inward against the self, we witness egoisme--the "infinity of dreams'--and the collapse of the will
and imagination in frustration and exhaustion seen in suicides
of artists, poets, and intellectuals. This ethos of
angst and the "journey into the interior," in which suicide
becomes a vocation, is sanctioned by what I shall call the
"Romantic-Idealistic Cultural Tradition." Finally, these ironic and destructive outcomes of some
of our highest aspirations are then linked with Weber's work in the sociology of religion and culture. As an "infinity of
desires" sanctioned by a dominant modern cultural tradition,
anomie is interpreted as the secularized outcome of Protestant
"inner-light," "inner-worldly asceticism." As an "infinity of dreams" sanctioned by another dominant contemporary
cultural tradition, egoisme is interpreted as the secularized
outcome of Protestant "inner-light," "inner-worldly
mysticism." These twin expressions of our highest callings and heroic ideals are chronic forms of the "moral anarchy"
and "diseases of the infinite" plaguing the modern world.
Durkheim's moral philosophy of "human finitude" and health
as the "golden mean,'" lead us to recognize, then, that when our virtues are pushed to extremes, they also become, ironically,
our special vices. / Adviser: G. Benton Johnson
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O desenvolvimento da noção de Verstehen em Georg SimmelDe Luca, Gabriela January 2017 (has links)
Tendo em vista uma contribuição para a discussão epistemológica sobre as ciências humanas e para o problema da objetividade do conhecimento científico que orientava os primeiros modelos filosóficos dirigidos à sustentação das Geistwissenschaften, esta dissertação procura reconstruir um modelo filosófico que teve papel ativo no debate, mas que ainda é pouco explorado em seu caráter epistemológico: o pensamento de Georg Simmel. Simmel fez parte de um grupo de filósofos alemães críticos ao nascimento naturalista das ciências humanas. Para eles, enquanto as naturais procuram explicar (erklären) a realidade por experimentação e análise causal, as ciências do espírito procuram compreender (verstehen) o fenômeno social através da interpretação das motivações dos indivíduos. Sua estratégia de penetração no fenômeno social recebeu o nome de Verstehen, ou compreensão. Devido à penetração no fenômeno social e aos diferentes pontos de vista abarcados, uma das críticas centrais enfrentada pelo grupo foi o perspectivismo, levantado como problema pelos positivistas. Simmel explorou o conceito de Verstehen partindo de uma crítica à visão mecanicista, circunscrita pelo realismo histórico e influenciada pelos pressupostos naturalistas e positivistas. Ademais, sua Verstehen sofreu modificações conceituais, as quais podem ser comparadas ao dividir o conjunto da obra simmeliana em dois grandes momentos epistêmicos: Idealista e Vitalista. Dada esta divisão, e tendo em mente o problema da objetividade e perspectivismo, a presente investigação é delineada a partir de três hipóteses iniciais. A primeira é, justamente, a existência de diferentes quadros conceituais em Simmel, os quais demonstram uma progressão intelectual madura e cada vez mais preocupada em explicar a natureza da Verstehen e como ela funciona. Esta hipótese contribui tanto para a discussão epistemológica das ciências, como para o melhor uso do autor, seja de seus escritos filosóficos ou sociológicos. A segunda hipótese refere-se especificamente ao conceito de Verstehen, admitindo-se a existência de duas noções de Verstehen, cada qual ligada a um dos períodos. Na fase Idealista, Simmel parece ter uma preocupação mais metodológica concernente à Verstehen. Na fase Vitalista, a Verstehen simmeliana surge como a relação fundamental entre indivíduos, ou seja, algo além de um conceito metodológico. De modo geral, a noção de compreensão perde o vínculo direto com a representação projetada e passa a vincular-se diretamente à noção de vida, como uma relação fundamental entre seres humanos. A terceira hipótese, por fim, vincula-se ao período Vitalista e tem como premissa um perspectivismo necessário para o conhecimento científico. Com o desenvolvimento intelectual da obra simmeliana, o perspectivismo deixa de ser um problema e passa a ser uma condição da investigação humana, uma condição que deve ser aceita com vistas a maior conhecimento científico da realidade social. Por fim, registram-se encaminhamentos para futuras investigações. / In order to contribute to the epistemological discussion about the human sciences and to the problem of the objectivity of scientific knowledge that guided the first philosophical models aimed at sustaining the Geistwissenschaften, this dissertation seeks to reconstruct a philosophical model that played an active part in the debate, but rather it is still little explored in its epistemological character: the thought of Georg Simmel. Simmel was part of a group of German philosophers critical of the naturalistic birth of the humanities. For them, while the natural sciences seek to explain (erklären) reality by experimentation and causal analysis, the human sciences seek to understand (verstehen) the social phenomenon through the interpretation of the inner motivations of individuals. Their strategy of penetrating into the social phenomenon was called Verstehen. Due to the penetration of the social phenomenon and the different points of view, one of the central criticisms faced by the group was the perspectivism, raised as a problem by the positivists. Simmel explored the concept of Verstehen from a critique of the mechanistic view, circumscribed by historical realism and influenced by naturalist and positivist assumptions. In addition, his Verstehen underwent conceptual modifications, which can be compared by dividing the whole of the Simmelian work into two great epistemic moments: Idealist and Vitalist. Given this division, and bearing in mind the problem of objectivity and perspectivism, the present investigation is delineated from three initial hypotheses. The first is precisely the existence of different conceptual frameworks in Simmel, which demonstrate a mature and increasingly preoccupied intellectual progression in explaining the nature of Verstehen and how it functions. This hypothesis contributes as much to the epistemological discussion of the sciences, as to the best use of the author, or of his philosophical or sociological writings. The second hypothesis refers specifically to the concept of Verstehen, admitting the existence of two notions of Verstehen, each connected to one of the periods. In the Idealist phase, Simmel seems to have a more methodological concern about Verstehen. In the Vitalist phase, the Simmelian Verstehen emerges as the fundamental relationship between individuals, that is, something beyond a methodological concept. In general, the notion of Verstehen loses the direct link with projected representation, and becomes directly linked to the notion of life as a fundamental relation between human beings. Finally, the third hypothesis is linked to the Vitalist period and is premised on the perspectivism as necessary for scientific knowledge. With the intellectual development of the Simmelian work, perspectivism ceases to be a problem and becomes a condition of human inquiry, a condition that should be accepted resulting in greater scientific knowledge of social reality. Finally, there are guidelines for future investigations.
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Práce operního interpreta / Work of the opera PerformerBijok, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
This work begins with an introduction where I explain the goal of this text. I continue with an overview of my beginnings with work on Il Tabarro from Puccini. I shortly discuss some historical details concerning the opera and give a synopsis of the plot.Then I discuss, in some deatil, the working processes of learning the opera, and give practical suggestions in regards to systematic technigues for learning an opera. I discuss the importance of very soecific work with the breath during the study process. Then I shift the conversation to the dramatic content of the opera which is followed by an interview with Zdeňka Sajfertova. I then offer my own interpretation of the characters, their relationships, and conflicts.The text continuer with a discussion about how our work largely depends on co-working with others, I end with interviews which I conducted as an informational basis for this thesis, followed by a few closing words.
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O desenvolvimento da noção de Verstehen em Georg SimmelDe Luca, Gabriela January 2017 (has links)
Tendo em vista uma contribuição para a discussão epistemológica sobre as ciências humanas e para o problema da objetividade do conhecimento científico que orientava os primeiros modelos filosóficos dirigidos à sustentação das Geistwissenschaften, esta dissertação procura reconstruir um modelo filosófico que teve papel ativo no debate, mas que ainda é pouco explorado em seu caráter epistemológico: o pensamento de Georg Simmel. Simmel fez parte de um grupo de filósofos alemães críticos ao nascimento naturalista das ciências humanas. Para eles, enquanto as naturais procuram explicar (erklären) a realidade por experimentação e análise causal, as ciências do espírito procuram compreender (verstehen) o fenômeno social através da interpretação das motivações dos indivíduos. Sua estratégia de penetração no fenômeno social recebeu o nome de Verstehen, ou compreensão. Devido à penetração no fenômeno social e aos diferentes pontos de vista abarcados, uma das críticas centrais enfrentada pelo grupo foi o perspectivismo, levantado como problema pelos positivistas. Simmel explorou o conceito de Verstehen partindo de uma crítica à visão mecanicista, circunscrita pelo realismo histórico e influenciada pelos pressupostos naturalistas e positivistas. Ademais, sua Verstehen sofreu modificações conceituais, as quais podem ser comparadas ao dividir o conjunto da obra simmeliana em dois grandes momentos epistêmicos: Idealista e Vitalista. Dada esta divisão, e tendo em mente o problema da objetividade e perspectivismo, a presente investigação é delineada a partir de três hipóteses iniciais. A primeira é, justamente, a existência de diferentes quadros conceituais em Simmel, os quais demonstram uma progressão intelectual madura e cada vez mais preocupada em explicar a natureza da Verstehen e como ela funciona. Esta hipótese contribui tanto para a discussão epistemológica das ciências, como para o melhor uso do autor, seja de seus escritos filosóficos ou sociológicos. A segunda hipótese refere-se especificamente ao conceito de Verstehen, admitindo-se a existência de duas noções de Verstehen, cada qual ligada a um dos períodos. Na fase Idealista, Simmel parece ter uma preocupação mais metodológica concernente à Verstehen. Na fase Vitalista, a Verstehen simmeliana surge como a relação fundamental entre indivíduos, ou seja, algo além de um conceito metodológico. De modo geral, a noção de compreensão perde o vínculo direto com a representação projetada e passa a vincular-se diretamente à noção de vida, como uma relação fundamental entre seres humanos. A terceira hipótese, por fim, vincula-se ao período Vitalista e tem como premissa um perspectivismo necessário para o conhecimento científico. Com o desenvolvimento intelectual da obra simmeliana, o perspectivismo deixa de ser um problema e passa a ser uma condição da investigação humana, uma condição que deve ser aceita com vistas a maior conhecimento científico da realidade social. Por fim, registram-se encaminhamentos para futuras investigações. / In order to contribute to the epistemological discussion about the human sciences and to the problem of the objectivity of scientific knowledge that guided the first philosophical models aimed at sustaining the Geistwissenschaften, this dissertation seeks to reconstruct a philosophical model that played an active part in the debate, but rather it is still little explored in its epistemological character: the thought of Georg Simmel. Simmel was part of a group of German philosophers critical of the naturalistic birth of the humanities. For them, while the natural sciences seek to explain (erklären) reality by experimentation and causal analysis, the human sciences seek to understand (verstehen) the social phenomenon through the interpretation of the inner motivations of individuals. Their strategy of penetrating into the social phenomenon was called Verstehen. Due to the penetration of the social phenomenon and the different points of view, one of the central criticisms faced by the group was the perspectivism, raised as a problem by the positivists. Simmel explored the concept of Verstehen from a critique of the mechanistic view, circumscribed by historical realism and influenced by naturalist and positivist assumptions. In addition, his Verstehen underwent conceptual modifications, which can be compared by dividing the whole of the Simmelian work into two great epistemic moments: Idealist and Vitalist. Given this division, and bearing in mind the problem of objectivity and perspectivism, the present investigation is delineated from three initial hypotheses. The first is precisely the existence of different conceptual frameworks in Simmel, which demonstrate a mature and increasingly preoccupied intellectual progression in explaining the nature of Verstehen and how it functions. This hypothesis contributes as much to the epistemological discussion of the sciences, as to the best use of the author, or of his philosophical or sociological writings. The second hypothesis refers specifically to the concept of Verstehen, admitting the existence of two notions of Verstehen, each connected to one of the periods. In the Idealist phase, Simmel seems to have a more methodological concern about Verstehen. In the Vitalist phase, the Simmelian Verstehen emerges as the fundamental relationship between individuals, that is, something beyond a methodological concept. In general, the notion of Verstehen loses the direct link with projected representation, and becomes directly linked to the notion of life as a fundamental relation between human beings. Finally, the third hypothesis is linked to the Vitalist period and is premised on the perspectivism as necessary for scientific knowledge. With the intellectual development of the Simmelian work, perspectivism ceases to be a problem and becomes a condition of human inquiry, a condition that should be accepted resulting in greater scientific knowledge of social reality. Finally, there are guidelines for future investigations.
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Ideologia bolivariana : as apropriações do legado de Simón Bolívar em uma experiência de povo em armas na Venezuela : o caso da Guerra Federal (1858-1863)Ferreira, Carla Cecilia Campos January 2006 (has links)
This research analyzes the Bolivarian historical ideology since the Simon Bolívar death in 1830 until the end of the 20th Century, focusing on the development of what we shall call social consciousness practices in an experience of popular armed confrontation: The Venezuela’s Federal War of 1858-1863. Our aim was to understand and evaluate the potentialities of the historical memory as a social and emancipatory mobilization practice. In order to conduct the research and guided by the available documents and other historical sources, we did characterized "bolivarianism" as a revolutionary-romantic ideology, with a special and contradictory unity between revolution and conciliation. The research has revealed that Bolivar’s project of creating Gran Colombia was a relevant part of the Federal War political proposal. Bolivarianism was also a general ideological reference to important individuals during the Federal War. Finally, the study brought new evidence and insight regarding the nexus between historical memory and ideology as an activity of remembrance in an operative present, which helps to explain how the past is selected through conflicting projects of future.
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Ideologia bolivariana : as apropriações do legado de Simón Bolívar em uma experiência de povo em armas na Venezuela : o caso da Guerra Federal (1858-1863)Ferreira, Carla Cecilia Campos January 2006 (has links)
This research analyzes the Bolivarian historical ideology since the Simon Bolívar death in 1830 until the end of the 20th Century, focusing on the development of what we shall call social consciousness practices in an experience of popular armed confrontation: The Venezuela’s Federal War of 1858-1863. Our aim was to understand and evaluate the potentialities of the historical memory as a social and emancipatory mobilization practice. In order to conduct the research and guided by the available documents and other historical sources, we did characterized "bolivarianism" as a revolutionary-romantic ideology, with a special and contradictory unity between revolution and conciliation. The research has revealed that Bolivar’s project of creating Gran Colombia was a relevant part of the Federal War political proposal. Bolivarianism was also a general ideological reference to important individuals during the Federal War. Finally, the study brought new evidence and insight regarding the nexus between historical memory and ideology as an activity of remembrance in an operative present, which helps to explain how the past is selected through conflicting projects of future.
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