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Critical evaluation of the psychological treatment of personality : with special reference to Gordon W. Allport's 'Personality'Knauerhase, O. C. January 1943 (has links) (PDF)
Typewritten Includes bibliography.
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Barnmorskor 1897 : En undersökning av barnmorskornas livs- och arbetsvillkor i Falu provinsialläkardistriktJulin, Lena January 2005 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att klargöra livs- och arbetsförhållandena för barnmorskorna i Falu provinsialläkardistrikt under senare delen av 1800-talet. Det finns forskning som menar att landsortsbarnmorskorna från förra sekelskiftet och bakåt oftast var gifta och/eller hade egna barn, och denna slutsats har inspirerat till föreliggande arbete. Med utgångspunkt i samtliga distriktsbarnmorskors civilstånd, ev. moderskap, ålder och ursprung år 1897, har sedan ett mindre antal valts ut för en djupare granskning. Undersökningen har alltså varit tudelad. Resultatet som helhet visar bl.a. att de flesta barnmorskorna var ogifta och barnlösa år 1897. Den djupare granskningen visar dessutom stor variation i livs- och arbetsvillkor, där exempelvis löner och arbetsbörda var mycket olika. Vidare forskning kring frågor som t. ex. beräkningsgrunderna för kontantlönerna, skulle nyansera bilden ytterligare.
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Beitrag zur Konflikt- und Allianzforschung vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg : die Politik Österreich-Ungarns gegenüber dem osmanisch-griechischen Krieg von 1897 /Moutafidou, Ariadni. January 2003 (has links)
Diss.--Universität Wien, 1999. Titre de soutenance : Die Politik Österreich-Ungarns gegenüber dem osmanisch-griechischen Krieg von 1897. / Bibliogr. p. 263-270.
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Lecteurs et lectures des "Communistes" d'AragonGrenouillet, Corinne. January 2000 (has links)
Version remaniée d'une thèse de doctorat. / Numérotation dans la coll. principale : 697. Bibliogr. p. 293-313. Index.
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Histoires labyrinthiques et littérature combinatoire proposition de lecture comparée du Fou d'Elsa, d'Aragon, de La prise de Gibraltar, de Rachid Boudjedra et de L'amour, la fantasia d'Assia Djebar /Le Duff, Nadine Bonn, Charles. January 2007 (has links)
Reproduction de : Thèse de doctorat : Lettres et arts : Lyon 2 : 2007. / Titre provenant de l'écran-titre. Bibliogr.
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The Fairhope Single Tax Corporation: an analysis of the efforts of a single tax colony to apply the ideas of Henry GeorgeBeggs, George Henry, 1935- January 1967 (has links)
No description available.
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T. E. Brown as revealed in his letters and poemsFelmley, Mildred H. January 1931 (has links)
No description available.
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Toward a systematic theory of symbolic actionMcKercher, Patrick Michael 05 1900 (has links)
Though Kenneth Burke has often been dismissed as a brilliant but idiosyncratic
thinker, this dissertation will argue that he is actually a precocious systems theorist.
The systemic and systematic aspects of Burke’s work will be demonstrated by
comparing it to the General Systems Theory (GST) of biologist Ludwig von
Bertalanffy. Though beginning from very different starting points, Bertalanffy and
Burke develop similar aims, methods, and come to remarkably similar conclusions
about the nature and function of language.
The systemic nature of Burke’s language philosophy will also become evident
through an analysis of the Burkean corpus. Burke’s first book contains several
breakthrough ideas that set him irrevocably upon the path of a systemic theory of
symbolic action. Burke’s next book, influenced by GST-inspired biology, seeks to
understand the nature of associative networks by employing an organic metaphor.
Burke’s interest in systems comes from his desire to repair the cultural system
crumbling around him as a result of the Depression. Consequently his next book,
Attitudes Toward History, studies what happens to such “orientations” (i.e., the
systems by which humans classify and evaluate the world) during epistemological
crises. The Philosophy of Literary Form is concerned primarily with the function of
these orientations.
In A Grammar of Motives Burke seeks to understand the basis for transformation of these evaluative systems, and in A Rhetoric of Motives he demonstrates
how these transformations are used to persuade. Burke next turns his attention to
understanding a small part of the system, a theological doctrine, in The Rhetoric of
Burke’s theory appears plausible when compared to and supplemented by GST
and the related self-organizing system theory. Furthermore, a paradigm shift to non-mechanistic
cognitive theory allows us to refine and extend Burke’s intuitive theory of
symbolic action. The final chapter will argue that symbolic action is the manipulation
of the quality space, which is a
multi-dimensional model for the super-system
composed of mental, linguistic and cultural sub-systems. In mental systems, skeletal
information structures called schemas combine to form simple models, which in turn
combine to form a model of the world. Similarly, a culture can be seen as a system
of schemas held in common by the group. The linguistic system labels, transmits and
thus evokes these schemas. The primary means by which the quality space becomes
reconfigured is through metaphor, which creates new schemas, and modifies the
connections between schemas (and thus the position and relative value of a schema).
Metaphor, therefore, is the basis of symbolic action.
This systemic theory of symbolic action may be modeled by Connectionist
networks. These analogical neural networks provide a model for how brains form
and associate categories and support Burke’s assertion that thought is primarily
analogical and categorical, thus affording the means for refining Burke’s theory of
symbolic action. Ultimately, such a theory may provide a unified field theory for
rhetoric, showing how various symbolic action strategies work and interrelate.
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Women in Faulkner : a structural and thematic studyFreiwald, Bina. January 1976 (has links)
No description available.
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Kenose et alterite : Therese de Lisieux et Dietrich BonhoefferDestrempes, Sylvain. January 2001 (has links)
'Sola gratia' is the core of 'spiritual childhood' for Therese of Lisieux (1873--1897) as an existential theology centered on the redemptive work of God. This theological aspect is shared both by Therese's spirituality and by Dietrich Bonhoeffer's (1906--1945) theology. This study offers for the first time a comparison between their thought, mainly with regard to the Lutheran doctrine of justification by faith, analysed through the notion of kenosis and the question of otherness. The first part (chapters 1 to 3) is more philosophical. It deals with Bonhoeffer's theology in its early stage and analyses his debate with Erich Przywara (1889--1972) concerning the 'analogy of being' ('analogia entis'). The second part (chapters 4 and 5) expatiates on the proper basis for the comparison between Bonhoeffer and Therese offered by the notion of kenosis (chapter 4) and by the communicative structure of faith experience (chapter 5). This part is the pivotal one, from the first phase of Bonhoeffer's theology---his discussion with Przywara's philosophical and theological endeavour---to the second and third phases of Bonhoeffer's theology then compared to Therese's spirituality. The third part (chapters 6 to 9) deals with the kenotic structure common to Bonhoeffer and Therese, and basic for a genuine understanding of justification by faith. / Justification by faith is thus the unifying aspect of this study, whose three-parts structure reflects the evolution of Bonhoeffer's theology traditionally divided up in three different periods. This study deepens the way Bonhoeffer understands otherness and the shifted emphasis in his thinking from the subject/object scheme, through otherness as exteriority, and finally to otherness as interiority. / The many cultural and thematic differences between the Roman-Catholic nun and the Lutheran pastor are being taken into account, along with the common elements central to their thinking. The emphasis on the kenotic structure sheds light on questions never asked in theresian studies so far, e.g. the relationship between 'faith' and 'works'. Through the gratuitousness of redemption implied in justification and in sanctification as well, Therese's teaching and Bonhoeffer's theology are on the same line: the freeing of the self does imply the conformation to Christ's kenotic existence. / This study pertains to the following three major concerns: oecumenical (doctrine of justification by faith), philosophical (otherness), and spiritual (authentic self-accomplishment). This study offers a polyphonic analysis pertaining to issues christological (kenosis), theological (grace and freedom), and spiritual (maturity in faith). Thus, it shows how theological discourse can be developed in a new way mainly with regard to the anthropological foundation of spiritual experience and the relevance of it for systematic theology; this cannot be achieved without a more critical use of the philosophical argumentation in theology.
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