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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teoría de la personalidad de Hans Eysenck: una revisión de la literatura científica

Uchofen Chavez, Fernando Kiyoshi January 2023 (has links)
La personalidad se ha convertido en una de las materias de investigación más interesantes de estudiar en psicología, la popularidad de este constructo se debe a las diversas teorías e hipótesis que han intentado explicar los patrones de conductas y las formas de actuar de las personas; es por eso que, la presente revisión teórica tuvo como objetivo identificar las bases teóricas que sustentan la teoría de personalidad de Hans Eysenck, ya que esta, es uno de los modelos más sólidos y científicos en la actualidad. Para lograr este objetivo, se identificaron las definiciones propuestas por Hans Eysenck, así como, los elementos de su teoría de personalidad, las diversas adaptaciones de sus instrumentos psicológicos y las alteraciones mentales identificadas por las dimensiones de su modelo. El diseño de este estudio de investigación fue no experimental y de tipo teórico, examinándose diversos artículos de idioma español e inglés publicados entre los años 2022 hasta 2012 en repositorios académicos como Scielo, Dialnet, Redalyc, ProQuest y Scopus, con las palabras clave “Psicología”, “Personalidad”, “Hans Eysenck” y “Modelo psicobiológico”. Se encontró que la teoría de Hans Eysenck ha recibido diversas influencias a lo largo de su desarrollo por parte de otros postulados y modelos, como la teoría de los humores, la teoría temperamental, la psiquiatría alemana y las dimensiones de Carl Jung, gracias a estos paradigmas la teoría psicobiológica de Hans Eysenck se ha convertido en una de las más importantes en la psicología de la personalidad.

Indiana's 1988 Gubernatorial Residency Challenge

Hogsett, Joseph Hadden January 2007 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Durational residency requirements as a qualification for holding statewide elected office appear in most state constitutions. These requirements are said to promote legitimate state interests, such as giving voters an extended period of time to get to know the individuals who are interested in holding statewide public office. Indiana is no different. In Article 5, Section 7 of its 1851 constitution, Indiana requires governors to have been “a resident of” the state for five years preceding election. Because no governor’s satisfaction of this requirement had ever been questioned, the constitutional language had never been interpreted – until 1988. In November, 1987, Evan Bayh announced his intention to seek the Democratic Party’s nomination for governor in the 1988 election. However, for approximately thirteen months during the required five year period, Bayh worked in Washington, D.C. As a result, a question arose whether Bayh was “a resident of” Indiana while he lived and worked in Washington. His eligibility to serve as governor, if elected, was formally challenged by leaders of the Indiana Republican Party. Bayh argued that he had been “a resident of” Indiana his entire life even though he had temporarily lived elsewhere. Bayh argued that the constitution does not require physical presence in order to be a resident of the state. Rather, residency was akin to domicile, a legal concept meaning that place which, once established, an individual considers to be his/her permanent home. One’s domicile cannot be terminated absent evidence of a clear intention to do so. Those challenging Bayh maintained that continued physical presence for the entire five years was, in fact, constitutionally required. In the alternative, his opponents argued that the actions taken by Bayh during his time in Washington were sufficient to establish his intent to terminate his residency in Indiana and re-establish it there. For almost eight months, Bayh’s eligibility to serve was a focal point of public attention in the 1988 governor’s race. While Bayh and his opponents pursued answers in several legal forums, they also were competing for advantage in the most important forum of all – the court of public opinion. Finally, on April 28, 1988, the Indiana Supreme Court rendered a decision declaring Bayh eligible to serve, if elected. This thesis considers not only what happened, but why. Were those challenging Bayh’s residency motivated by constitutionalism, partisan advantage or both? What were the political implications of the challenge? What was the significance of the extensive “forum-shopping” in which both sides engaged. In the end, did the attempt to disqualify Bayh actually strengthen his candidacy and help propel him to victory in November, 1988?

Testing and modeling of a two-phase ejector

Harrell, Greg S. 08 August 2007 (has links)
The ejector expansion refrigeration cycle is a modified vapor compression cycle in which a two phase ejector is used to recover a portion of the work otherwise lost in the expansion valve. The ejector improves cycle performance by increasing compressor inlet pressure and by lowering the quality of the fluid entering the evaporator. Theoretically, a cooling COP improvement of approximately 21 % is achievable for a typical refrigerating cycle and an ideal ejector. If the ejector performed as well as typical single-phase ejectors, an improvement of 12% could be achieved. Previous tests have demonstrated a smaller 3.7% improvement; the difference is in the poor performance of the two-phase ejector. The purpose of this research is to understand the operating characteristics of the two phase ejector and to improve design. A two-phase ejector test rig has been constructed and tested. Preliminary data show performance superior to previously tested two-phase ejectors, but still inferior to single phase ejectors. Ejector performance corresponds to refrigeration cycle COP improvements ranging from 3.9010 to 7.6%. This performance was obtained with an ejector designed from single-phase ejector and wet steam ejector design methods. The poor performance indicates the design methods must be improved for two-phase ejectors. This research has begun the development of design methods for the two-phase ejectors and this research has developed models to describe the fluid dynamics and thermodynamics of the ejector. / Ph. D.

Aircraft Multidisciplinary Design Optimization using Design of Experiments Theory and Response Surface Modeling Methods

Giunta, Anthony A. 01 May 1997 (has links)
Design engineers often employ numerical optimization techniques to assist in the evaluation and comparison of new aircraft configurations. While the use of numerical optimization methods is largely successful, the presence of numerical noise in realistic engineering optimization problems often inhibits the use of many gradient-based optimization techniques. Numerical noise causes inaccurate gradient calculations which in turn slows or prevents convergence during optimization. The problems created by numerical noise are particularly acute in aircraft design applications where a single aerodynamic or structural analysis of a realistic aircraft configuration may require tens of CPU hours on a supercomputer. The computational expense of the analyses coupled with the convergence difficulties created by numerical noise are significant obstacles to performing aircraft multidisciplinary design optimization. To address these issues, a procedure has been developed to create two types of noise-free mathematical models for use in aircraft optimization studies. These two methods use elements of statistical analysis and the overall procedure for using the methods is made computationally affordable by the application of parallel computing techniques. The first modeling method, which has been the primary focus of this work, employs classical statistical techniques in response surface modeling and least squares surface fitting to yield polynomial approximation models. The second method, in which only a preliminary investigation has been performed, uses Bayesian statistics and an adaptation of the Kriging process in Geostatistics to create exponential function-based interpolating models. The particular application of this research involves modeling the subsonic and supersonic aerodynamic performance of high-speed civil transport (HSCT) aircraft configurations. The aerodynamic models created using the two methods outlined above are employed in HSCT optimization studies so that the detrimental effects of numerical noise are reduced or eliminated during optimization. Results from sample HSCT optimization studies involving five and ten variables are presented here to demonstrate the utility of the two modeling methods. / Ph. D.

Tidal sedimentation in the mid-Pennsylvanian Breathitt Group, eastern Kentucky

Adkins, Rhonda M. 20 August 2008 (has links)
The Magoffm Member (Four Comers Formation, Breathitt Group) outcrops in eastern Kentucky as a coarsening-upward succession of rhythmically interstratified sandstone, siltstone, and mudstone. Primary sedimentary structures, trace fossils, vertical successions of facies, and sediment body geometries suggest that these sediments were deposited in a delta-front/distributary-mouth-bar setting. Within the study area, the Magoffin Member ranges in thickness from 20 to 40 m. Where thickest, the Magoffm Member tends to be sandier and contain rhythmite intervals that are thicker and more complete than where it is thin. The member displays several orders of cycles that are consistent with semi-diurnal, diurnal, semi-monthly, and monthly tidal periodicities. Half-synodic (semi-monthly) and anomalistic (monthly) lunar periodicities are manifested by the systematic thickening and thinning of shorter duration cycles. The rhythmite interval records up to 4 months of deposition. Accumulation rates for the rhythmites typically ranged from 1 to 7 cm per day, but reached rates of over 30 cm per day where the Magoffin Member is thickest and the most proximal deltaic facies are preserved. Tidal cyclicity was also studied within the Betsie Shale and Kendrick Shale Members of the Breathitt Group. The Betsie Shale Member displays semi-diurnal through monthly tidal cycles. The Kendrick Shale Member displays semi-diurnal through semi-monthly tidal cycles. The nature of tidal bundling within the Breathitt Group rhythmite successions suggests that they accumulated in mixed, predominantly semi-diurnal tidal systems where lunar phases and declination influenced tidal cyclicity. / Master of Science

Analyse des qualités métrologiques de l'inventaire d'organisation de la personnalité

Poitras, Karine 28 June 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Avoir à être

Bérubé, Réjean 10 November 2021 (has links)
Mon intention a été de réaliser un travail d'exploration, de décryptage, de «forage» de l'œuvre philosophique de Gabriel Marcel afin d'y observer par quel processus d'incubation advient l'éthique. J'espère très modestement avoir pu éveiller le fait que notre transformation intérieure passe par une relation intersubjective authentique et créatrice qui est librement participative à l'Être absolu qui en est la source. Faire surgir l'autre dans toute sa richesse concrète, devenir par là même pleinement soi-même, c'est conférer une valeur véritable à l'être fini que nous sommes et invoquer l'Être infini qui nous féconde. Éthiquement, le chemin qui nous mène vers un autre passe par nos propres profondeurs, tout comme le chemin qui mène à soi-même passe par autrui. Chez Gabriel Marcel, il semble exister un cursus, une démarche vers le progrès spirituel qui commence par une interrogation; cela nous conduit à une transformation de la vision du monde par une réflexion à la seconde puissance, puis à la métamorphose de l'être. Sa philosophie a donc une valeur hautement éthique. Il s'agit d'une conversion au sens le plus fort du terme qui engage tout l'esprit et qui nos purifie. Notre conduite ne peut pas ne pas être influencée, transformée par cette nouvelle attitude intérieure, cette découverte d'une authenticité à travers une expérience au sein de laquelle se révèle cette authenticité.

The 1997 Thai Financial Crisis: Causes and Contentions

Ranttila, Kelly E. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Polls, the Media and the 1997 Canadian Federal Election

Andersen, Robert C. 03 1900 (has links)
<p>I examined coverage of the 1997 Canadian federal election by 14 media organizations (including three 1television networks and 11 regionally important newspapers), analysing the relative importance of major election issues, and evaluating the reporting of the technical details of pre-election polls. The media played a passive role in covering the election, seldom evaluating party platforms, and emphasizing only those issues that the leaders of the major political parties introduced into the campaign. National unity dominated media coverage despite public opinion polls initially showing that voters had little interest in the issue. Only the NDP stressed health care and job creation -issues that the electorate considered most important -but the NDP was afforded less coverage than the other major parties, and coverage of these issues suffered as a result.</p> <p>Election coverage was also characterised by an emphasis on pre-election polls, where recently released poll results set the tone of coverage for other election stories. An analysis of the methods of 17 Canadian polling firms showed that there was much similarity in their survey practices. All firms used some form of probability sampling, and none used substandard methods, lending legitimacy to the media's reporting of preelection polls. The emphasis on polling results was accompanied by poor technical reporting, however.</p> <p>Finally, I examined published polling data for the five month period prior to the election to chart the dynamics of the campaign. I found that two events -the election call and the televised leaders' debates-apparently affected trends in voting intentions. During the course of the campaign, the Liberals and Bloc Quebecois experienced a decline in support, while the Reform Party and PC Party enjoyed increases in support. PC support seems to have been buoyed by the popularity of its leader, Jean Charest, following his performance in the English-language leaders' debate.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Aldo Rossi: From Modern to Post-Modern Architecture, 1960-1990

Vleck, Treena Marie 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the stylistic development of the Italian architect Aldo Rossi from Modern to Post-Modern design. A summary of the Modern architectural movement is presented along with an analysis of the developments in Post-Modern architecture since 1960. The influence of Italian culture on Rossi's career is discussed through a brief survey of Ancient Roman archetypal motifs and Italian architecture of the early 20th century. Several key buildings proposed or constructed by Rossi from 1960-1990 are discussed based on his concepts of analogy, typology, morphology and rationalism.

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