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Études Structurales et Photophysiques de Polymères de Coordination de Thiolates de Métaux Monétaires / Structural and photophysical studies of coordination polymers of coinage metals thiolatesVeselska, Oleksandra 17 October 2019 (has links)
Les polymères de coordination (PCs) à base de thiolates de métaux monétaires sont bien connus pour leurs propriétés luminescentes. Cependant, leurs structures sont sous-explorées. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une étude pionnière visant la compréhension de la formation de la structure et de la corrélation ‘structure-propriétés’ des PCs homoleptiques neutres, [M(SR)]n, M = Cu(I), Ag(I), Au(I). Les composés avec les dérivés du thiophénolate étudiés dans ce travail, illustrent comment l'utilisation de certains ligands organiques fonctionnalisés conduit à la formation de réseaux 2D étendus ou de colonnes 1D par l'addition d'un encombrement stérique. De plus, la première étude structurelle comparative des PCs thiolées amorphes a été réalisée par analyse PDF. Les études photophysiques ont montré la diversité des propriétés luminescentes des PCs à base de thiolates de métaux monétaires. Des pics d'émission doubles ou multiples, un rendement quantique élevé, des émetteurs orange à proche infrarouge, des variations significatives de durée de vie en fonction de la température... toutes ces propriétés intrinsèques révèlent le potentiel élevé de ces composés pour diverses applications optiques / The coordination polymers (CPs) based on thiolates of coinage metals are well known for their luminescence properties. However, their structures stayed underexplored. In the thesis we present a pioneering study targeting the understanding of the structure formation and the ‘structure-properties’ correlation for neutral homoleptic CPs, [M(SR)]n, M = Cu(I), Ag(I), Au(I). The compounds with thiophenolate derivatives studied in the work, illustrate how the use of some functionalized organic ligands leads to the formation of extended 2D networks or 1D columns by addition of some steric hindrance. The first comparative structural study of amorphous thiolated CPs was performed by PDF analysis. The photophysical studies showed the diversity of luminescent properties of the CPs based on thiolates of coinage metals. Double or multiple emission peaks, high quantum yield of orange-toinfrared emitters, significant lifetime variation with temperature… all of these intrinsic properties reveal the high potential of these compounds for diverse optical applications
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Höjddata i översvämningsmodellering : En fallstudie om hur höjdmodellens upplösning kan förbättra precisionen hos den 1D/2D-kopplade hydrauliska modellen LISFLOOD-FP / Elevation data in inundation modelling : A case study about how the resolution of the digital elevation model can increase the precision for the 1D-2D coupled hydraulic model LISFLOOD-FPEkholm, Disa January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med fallstudien var att undersöka möjligheterna och nyttan med att implementera en höjdmodell med högre upplösning i SMHI:s översvämningsmodellering som tillämpar den hydrauliska modellen LISFLOOD-FP. SMHI utfärdar översvämningsvarningar och det är därför av vikt att översvämningsmodelleringen håller hög kvalitet. Samtidigt kräver modelleringen tid och resurser från Nationellt Superdatorcentrum i Linköping, NSC. Därför vägdes de potentiella fördelarna med högre upplösning mot förlängd körtid. Fallstudien bestod av två delar där en höjdmodell på två meters upplösning i xy-planet implementerades och jämfördes med den i dagsläget uppställda modellen på fem meters upplösning. Detta gjordes genom att återskapa översvämningstillfällen med dess flöden från S-HYPE och mätningar. I studiens första del hämtades satellitdata från Copernicus från två tidigare översvämningstillfällen för validering av över-svämningsmodelleringen. De tidigare översvämningstillfällena var dels i Emån i Småland år 2012 och dels i Västerdalälven i Dalarna år 2018. Ett index för passning beräknades mellan översvämningskartorna producerade med två respektive fem meters upplösning gentemot satellitbilderna för att kvantifiera överlappande ytor. Därtill beräknades vattendragens lutning för att undersöka om det fanns indikationer på något samband med förändring i index med ökad upplösning på höjdmodellen. Studiens andra del bestod i att undersöka hur höjdmodellens upplösning påverkar vattnets spridning kring översvämningsvallar i modellen. I undersökningen återskapades ett översvämningstillfälle från 2020 i Helige å i Småland. Ett antal delavrinningsområden visade sig instabila för den högre upplösta höjdmodellen och kunde därför endast simuleras med lägre flöden. Erhållna resultat visade dock på att översvämningskarteringen förbättrades med upplösningen två meter vid jämförelse med data från Copernicus. Körtiden ökade dock med över 12 gånger vid simulering av högre upplösning. Vidare visades tröskeleffekter i studiens resultat, då översvämnings-vallen stoppade vattnet i den högre upplösta höjdmodellen men inte i den med lägre upplösning. På grund av stabilitetsproblemet och studiens begränsade omfattning, kunde slutsats inte dras om huruvida SMHI bör implementera en höjdmodell med två meters upplösning i systemet för översvämningsvarningar. Däremot kunde konstateras att stabiliteten i modellen måste öka för att det ska vara möjligt. Slutligen drogs slutsatsen att det förekommer tröskeleffekter mellan de två höjdmodellerna och att prestandan ökar generellt för den högre upplösningen när det kommer till precisionen i översvämningsmodelleringen. / The purpose of this case study was to examine the possibilities and advantages of implementing a DEM with higher resolution in inundation modelling at SMHI, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, which uses the hydraulic model LISFLOOD-FP. The institute issues flood warnings and therefore it is of high importance that the innundation modelling gives adequate results. On the other hand, running the models at a higher spatial resolution takes more time and resources. Therefore, potentially improved modelling results were discussed in a context of prolonged runtime. The case study consisted of two parts where a Digital Elevation Model, DEM of two meter resolution was implemented and compared to the five meter DEM that is currently in use. This was done by recreating previous flooding events by using discharge data from S-HYPE. In the first part, satellite data from Copernicus from two previous flooding events in Sweden were used for model validation in comparison with the results from inundation models of SMHI for the different DEM:s. An index was calculated to quantify the overlapping inundation areas. The events were at the river Emån in 2012 and at Västerdalälven in 2018. Moreover, the slope of the rivers within each study area was calculated to investigate correlation between improved flood modelling results for higher DEM resolution and slope of the rivers. The second part of the study investigated flood embankments for the two different DEM:s around Helige å river. A flooding event which took place in 2020 was recreated and the water flow around the built embankments was compared for the two resolutions. Running the models, it turned out that simulations of several subcatchment areas were unstable with the two meter DEM, and could only be run with lower flow. The obtained results, however, revealed an improved inundation modelling for the DEM with a resolution of 2 m for all study areas in comparison to the data from Copernicus; however the runtime was increased by over 12 times. Moreover, the results also showed threshold effects, where the flooding was impeded by the flooding embankment with the two meter DEM but not at the lower resolution. Due to the stability issue and the limited scope of this study, it cannot be concluded whether SMHI should implement the two meter DEM in their flood warnings system. However, it was concluded that the stability has to be increased to make it feasible. It was also concluded that there are threshold effects between the two DEM:s and that the performance seems to increase overall for the higher resolution when it comes to precision of the modelling.
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Studie protipovodňových opatření v lokalitě Maloměřice na Svitavě v km 8,085 – 10,950 / Feasibility study of the flood protection measures in the locality of Maloměřice at the Svitava river at km 8,085 – 10,950Kavalírová, Anna January 2016 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with exploring present conditions in Maloměřice-Brno during floods which is followed by design of antiflood protective structures. Research uses coupled 1D/2D numerical model for flood discharges Q1, Q5, Q20 and Q100 computing. In the last step maps of hazard and draw documentation were made.
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Sensitivity analysis of grate inlet representation and a comparison of two coupled hydraulic models for urban flood simulation / Känslighetsanalys av dagvattenbrunnars representation och en jämförelse mellan två kopplade hydrauliska modeller för simulering av urban översvämningLundqvist, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
Urban flood models are an important tool in designing and analyzing municipalities sewer drainage systems and predicting the effect of potential extent and depth of future floods. In urban areas, coupled 1D-2D flood models are particularly useful as they can represent the surface- and sewer system and their interactions. But it iss common practice to simplify the sewer system by only simulating water exchange between both systems at manholes while neglecting the effect of grate inlets. To investigate the effect grate inlet representations have in flood models, the simulation results of different models created in the software MIKE FLOOD with the number of nodes and inlet sizes adjusted according to the location of actual grate inlets were compared. In addition, a comparison between the flood modeling softwares MIKE FLOOD and FLO-2D was performed, based on a case study in Motala.. It was found that both MIKE FLOOD and FLO-2D can predict similar flood propagation and maximum water depths. The MIKE FLOOD models predicted larger amounts of drained water via the sewer system. This was likely caused by the extra water added through water level correction in the MIKE FLOOD models combined with numerical instabilities in the FLO-2D sewer models. Adjusting the number and dimensions of nodes according to actual grate inlets proved to have little effect on the predicted maximum surface water depths. But it did result in decreased drainage capacity together with less sewer inflow compared to the models neglecting grate inlets. The inlet representation did have a significant effect on predicted flood durations, with the models neglecting grate inlets having shorter flood durations in downstream areas and longer flood durations in upstream areas compared to the other models. It was also found that that the effect inlet node representations has on flood durations heavily depends on their locations with nodes located in water gathering areas such as depressions with ponding water having the most effect.
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Electron quantization and localization in metal films and nanostructures / Electron quantization and localization in metal films and nanostructuresRader, Oliver January 2005 (has links)
Es ist seit einigen Jahren bekannt, dass Elektronen unter bestimmten Bedingungen in dünne Filme eingeschlossen werden können, selbst wenn diese Filme aus Metall bestehen und auf Metall-Substrat aufgebracht werden. In Photoelektronenspektren zeigen diese Filme charakteristische diskrete Energieniveaus, und es hat sich herausgestellt, dass sie zu großen, technisch nutzbaren Effekten führen können, wie der oszillatorischen magnetischen Kopplung in modernen Festplatten-Leseköpfen.
In dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, inwieweit die der Quantisierung in zweidimensionalen Filmen zu Grunde liegenden Konzepte auf niedrigere Dimensionalität übertragbar sind. Das bedeutet, dass schrittweise von zweidimensionalen Filmen auf eindimensionale Nanostrukturen übergegangen wird. Diese Nanostrukturen sind zum einen die Terrassen auf atomar gestuften Oberflächen, aber auch Atomketten, die auf diese Terrassen aufgebracht werden, bis hin zu einer vollständigen Bedeckung mit atomar dünnen Nanostreifen. Daneben werden Selbstorganisationseffekte ausgenutzt, um zu perfekt eindimensionalen Atomanordnungen auf Oberflächen zu gelangen.
Die winkelaufgelöste Photoemission ist als Untersuchungsmethode deshalb so geeignet, weil sie das Verhalten der Elektronen in diesen Nanostrukturen in Abhängigkeit von der Raumrichtung zeigt, und unterscheidet sich darin beispielsweise von der Rastertunnelmikroskopie. Damit ist es möglich, deutliche und manchmal überraschend große Effekte der eindimensionalen Quantisierung bei verschiedenen exemplarischen Systemen zum Teil erstmals nachzuweisen. Die für zweidimensionale Filme wesentliche Rolle von Bandlücken im Substrat wird für Nanostrukturen bestätigt. Hinzu kommt jedoch eine bei zweidimensionalen Filmen nicht vorhandene Ambivalenz zwischen räumlicher Einschränkung der Elektronen in den Nanostrukturen und dem Effekt eines Übergitters aus Nanostrukturen sowie zwischen Effekten des Elektronenverhaltens in der Probe und solchen des Messprozesses. Letztere sind sehr groß und können die Photoemissionsspektren dominieren.
Abschließend wird der Effekt der verminderten Dimensionalität speziell für die d-Elektronen von Mangan untersucht, die zusätzlich starken Wechselwirkungseffekten unterliegen. Auch hierbei treten überraschende Ergebnisse zu Tage. / It has been known for several years that under certain conditions electrons can be confined within thin layers even if these layers consist of metal and are supported by a metal substrate. In photoelectron spectra, these layers show characteristic discrete energy levels and it has turned out that these lead to large effects like the oscillatory magnetic coupling technically exploited in modern hard disk reading heads.
The current work asks in how far the concepts underlying quantization in two-dimensional films can be transferred to lower dimensionality. This problem is approached by a stepwise transition from two-dimensional layers to one-dimensional nanostructures. On the one hand, these nanostructures are represented by terraces on atomically stepped surfaces, on the other hand by atom chains which are deposited onto these terraces up to complete coverage by atomically thin nanostripes. Furthermore, self organization effects are used in order to arrive at perfectly one-dimensional atomic arrangements at surfaces.
Angle-resolved photoemission is particularly suited as method of investigation because is reveals the behavior of the electrons in these nanostructures in dependence of the spacial direction which distinguishes it from, e. g., scanning tunneling microscopy. With this method intense and at times surprisingly large effects of one-dimensional quantization are observed for various exemplary systems, partly for the first time. The essential role of bandgaps in the substrate known from two-dimensional systems is confirmed for nanostructures. In addition, we reveal an ambiguity without precedent in two-dimensional layers between spacial confinement of electrons on the one side and superlattice effects on the other side as well as between effects caused by the sample and by the measurement process. The latter effects are huge and can dominate the photoelectron spectra.
Finally, the effects of reduced dimensionality are studied in particular for the d electrons of manganese which are additionally affected by strong correlation effects. Surprising results are also obtained here.
Die Links zur jeweiligen Source der im Appendix beigefügten Veröffentlichungen befinden sich auf Seite 83 des Volltextes.
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Modelación del flujo en lámina libre sobre cauces naturales. Análisis integrado con esquemas en volúmenes finitos en una y dos dimensionesBladé Castellet, Ernest 01 July 2005 (has links)
El conocimiento del funcionamiento hidráulico de un río en avenida es fundamental para la resolución de gran variedad de problemas de ingeniería hidráulica y dinámica fluvial, como delimitación de zonas inundables, diseño de encauzamientos y estructuras hidráulicas, estabilización de márgenes, estudios de rotura de presa, proyectos de rehabilitación de ríos, o determinación del riesgo asociado a episodios extraordinarios de lluvia. Para ello es necesario el estudio del flujo de agua en lámina libre en régimen variable y con geometrías irregulares. En este trabajo se aborda este estudio mediante la puesta a punto de herramientas de modelación numérica. El objetivo es la puesta a punto de una herramienta para la modelación matemática del flujo de agua en lámina libre, en régimen variable, con geometrías irregulares como son los cauces naturales. Los esquemas que se desarrollan permiten modelar con precisión flujos de agua discontinuos o con singularidades (cambios de régimen, frentes de onda, resaltos hidráulicos), como ocurre en la realidad durante el transcurso de una avenida en gran parte de los ríos, sobretodo en los cauces torrenciales. Se desarrollan esquemas numéricos para la resolución de las ecuaciones de Saint Venant en forma conservativa, explícitos en volúmenes finitos. Este tipo de esquemas shock capturing son los más adecuados para la simulación de flujos con singularidades. Los esquemas desarrollados son de alta resolución, con segundo orden de precisión fuera de las discontinuidades mientras que en éstas no se producen oscilaciones espurias ni más disipación de la debida.La geometría de los ríos condiciona las características del flujo hidráulico. Cuando existe una dirección del flujo predominante se puede utilizar una aproximación unidimensional, pero en ocasiones (confluencias de ríos, flujos alrededor de estructuras, cauces compuestos, curvas, desbordamiento de cauces) esto no es así debiéndose recurrir a una aproximación bidimensional, más costosa en información, complejidad del modelo y tiempo de cálculo. Se desarrollan nuevas metodologías para la modelación en una y en dos dimensiones y se realiza la integración de ambas para disponer de modelos que permitan simular grandes áreas considerando una aproximación unidimensional donde ésta sea suficiente, y en dos dimensiones donde las características geométricas o del flujo así lo aconsejen, mejorando la eficiencia de las metodologías existentes actualmente.Las características de las ecuaciones de Saint Venant determinan que las metodologías válidas para otros sistemas de ecuaciones hiperbólicos presenten problemas que conducen a errores importantes en la solución. En una dimensión, y para geometrías irregulares, las ecuaciones presentan una variación espacial del vector de flujo debido a los cambios geométricos. Se desarrolla una metodología para considerar dicha variación que, junto con un correcto tratamiento del término independiente, permite desarrollar un esquema de alta resolución en una dimensión de aplicación a ríos con convergencia a la solución estacionaria correcta.Para la aproximación bidimensional también se consigue un correcto balance del término independiente discretizado, así como el mojado y secado del dominio, y se permite la incorporación de agua de lluvia al modelo. Así se dispone de un modelo hidrológico distribuido de transformación lluvia - escorrentía totalmente integrado en un modelo hidráulico. En la discretización se pueden utilizar tanto elementos triangulares como cuadriláteros. El sistema se ha implementado en una interfaz amigable de preproceso y postproceso.Se realiza una exhaustiva verificación de la metodología desarrollada, mediante la comparación con problemas con solución analítica, otros modelos numéricos, y experiencias de laboratorio. Se presentan también aplicaciones de la herramienta desarrollada, para la resolución de problemas reales de ingeniería y dinámica fluvial. / Understanding the hydraulic behaviour of rivers during floods is crucial for the resolution of a variety of problems of hydraulic engineering and river dynamics as flood areas mapping, embankments and hydraulic structures design, streambank stabilization, dam break studies, river rehabilitation, or risk assessment in extraordinary precipitation events. That is the reason for studying unsteady open channel flow in irregular geometries through the development of numerical simulation tools.The main objective of this work is generating mathematical modelling tools for unsteady open channel flow in irregular geometries, as natural rivers are. The developed numerical schemes are aimed to be able to properly simulate discontinuous flows (front waves, hydraulic jumps, transcritical flows) as occurs during a real flood in most rivers, especially those in Mediterranean areas. Explicit numerical schemes, based on the finite volumes technique, for the resolution of the Saint Venant equations in conservative form, are developed. This shock capturing schemes are most suitable for the simulation of flows with discontinuities. The developed schemes are high resolution schemes: second order precision away from flow discontinuities, no spurious oscillations and no extra dissipation (as with first order schemes) around them.Flow patterns in rivers depend on their geometry. When there exists a predominant flow direction a one dimensional approach can be used, but other times (river confluences, flow around structures, compound channels, river channel overflow) a two dimensional approach is needed. This last one is more expensive as needs more topographic information, model development is complex, and computational time is greater. New methodologies for one and two dimensional modelling are developed, but also both approaches have been integrated in order to be able to model big areas using a one dimensional approach when it is enough, and a two dimensional one when it is required by flow or geometry characteristics. In that way the efficiency of existing modelling methodologies is improved.Due to the special characteristics of Saint Venant equations, modelling methods that work for other hyperbolic equations can lead to important errors. In one dimension and irregular geometries, the flux vector of the equations has a spatial dependency on the geometry variations. A methodology that takes into account that dependency is developed. That, together with a correct treatment of the equations source term, allows a correct balance with the discretised term of the rest of the equations, leading to one dimensional high resolution schemes for irregular geometries. Similar schemes in known previous works were not able to converge to steady state solutions or, if they did, they did not converge to the correct one.A correct balance of the discrtetised source term is also achieved in two dimensions. Also, wetting and drying of the domain and precipitation inputs are implemented. In such way, the developed model can also be seen as a hydrological distributed rainfall-runoff transformation model fully integrated in a hydraulic model. The domain discretisation can be done using triangles or quadrilaterals, and the whole system has been integrated in a user friendly pre-process and post-process interface.High resolution schemes are based in a mathematical theory which is only valid for hyperbolic equations much simpler than Saint Venant equations. For that reason an exhaustive verification of the methodology is carried out. Verification is done with comparison against problems with analytical solution, other numerical models and laboratory experiments. Finally, some real applications of the methodology to engineering and river dynamics problems are presented.
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Integrated hydrodynamic and socio-economic damage modelling for assessment of flood risk in large-scale basin : The case study of Lower Chao Phraya River Basin in ThailandPumchawsaun, Phat January 2018 (has links)
Thailand has been often affected by severe flood events over the past century. The 2011’s Thailand Flood Catastrophe was the costliest in country’s history, and it was ranked to be the second most damaging natural hazard in the world in terms of economic losses. The Chao Phraya River Basin was noted to be the most vulnerable area prone to flooding in Thailand. The dynamics of flood risk in the river basin have changed drastically over the past fifty years. In particular, flood exposure increased due to rapid urbanization and population growth. Since 2012, integrated flood risk management has been addressed to be the major framework of water-related disasters with the goal of losses and damage reductions. However, there is currently little research in Thailand on how to quantify flood risks and mitigate flood inundation damage on the relation between the occurrence of flood events and their consequential socio-economic implications. In this study, a tradition method in flood risk assessment is implemented by integrating 2D hydrodynamic modelling and the assessment of socio-economic impact of floods into the Chao Phraya River Basin. More specifically, the fully 2D version of the LISFLOOD-FP model code was used to model flood inundation processes. The output of the model was then used to map inundation depth and assess the levels of physical/environmental risk associated to flood hazards on multiple receptors/elements at risk. The European Flood Directive and the KULTURisk methodology were applied to quantify flood risks in monetary terms for residential, industrial, and agricultural sectors. The 2011 flood event was used for model calibration, while a hypothetical flood event with a return period of 100 years was simulated to identify the potential flood losses. Depth-damage functions comprising of JRC-ASIA, the Flemish, and JICA models were used to estimate potential damage for residential and industrial structures. The results showed that LISFLOOD-FP could satisfactorily reproduce the flood inundation extent obtained from satellite imagery in 2011. The model performance (Critical Success Index or F1) was of 56%, with a Bias of 112%. The latter meant the total inundated area was 12% larger than flood extent’s observation. Moreover, the model could simulate flood levels with overall Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 2.03 m a.s.l. and 1.78 m a.s.l., respectively. For the estimation of flood damage and losses, the Flemish model showed the strongest agreement with the reported flood damage in the residential sector, while JICA-ASIA model underestimated flood damage for industrial sector by just 1%. The KULTURisk methodology also well-estimated crop losses in the 2011 event which an overestimation about 21% from the reported value. Apart from that, fully 2D numerical method could not perfectly represent 1-in-100 year flood inundation due to non-consideration of important features such as the precise river channel topography, hydraulic infrastructures, and flood protection schemes in the river basin. Lack of such features results in an overestimation of flood damage and losses for 1-in-100 year flood comparing to the national flood hazard map and damage assessment which are simulated and estimated by JICA’s study. Such features can be better handled by using a coupled 1D/2D numerical method in order to simulate flood inundation extent more realistically and estimate flood losses. This could help the Thai government to better prepare a budget for flood risk prevention. In addition, even if the Flemish model indicates a good representation of relative flood damage to housing structures, the government should establish depth-damage curves specific for Thailand.
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The influence of storm movement and temporal variability of rainfall on urban pluvial flooding : 1D-2D modelling with empirical hyetographs and CDS-rainOlsson, Jimmy January 2019 (has links)
Pluvial floods are formed directly from surface runoff after extreme rain events. Urban areas are prone to suffer from these floods due to large portions of hardened surfaces and limited capacity in the stormwater infrastructure. Previous research has shown that catchment response is influenced by the spatio-temporal behaviour of the rainstorm. A rainstorm moving in the same direction as the surface flow can amplify the runoff peak and temporal variability of rainfall intensity generally results in greater peak discharge compared to constant rainfall. This research attempted to relate the effect of storm movement on flood propagation in urban pluvial flooding to the effect from different distributions of rainfall intensity. An additional objective was to investigate the flood response from recent findings on the temporal variability in Swedish rain events and compare it to the flood depths produced by a CDS-rain (Chicago Design Storm), where the latter is the design practice in flood modelling today. A 2D surface model of an urban catchment was coupled with a 1D model of the drainage network and forced by six different hyetographs. Among them were five empirical hyetographs developed by Olsson et al. (2017) and one a CDS-rain. The rainstorms were simulated to move in different directions: along and against the surface flow direction, perpendicular to it and with no movement. Maximum flood depth was evaluated at ten locations and the model results show that storm movement had negligible effect on the flood depths. The impact from the movement was likely limited by the big difference in speed between the rainstorm and the surface flow. All evaluated locations showed a considerable sensitivity to changes in the hyetograph. The maximum flood depth increased at most with a factor of 1.9 depending on the hyetograph that was used as model input. The CDS-rain produced higher flood depths compared to the empirical hyetographs, although one of the empirical hyetographs produced a similar result. Based on the results from this case study, it was concluded that storm movement was not as critical as the temporal variability of rainfall when evaluating maximum flood depth. / Pluviala översvämningar skapas från ytavrinning vid intensiva nederbördstillfällen. De uppstår ofta i urbana miljöer till följd av den höga andelen hårdgjorda ytor och ledningsnätets begränsade kapacitet. Forskning har visat att ett regnmolns rörelseriktning och hastighet påverkar avrinningsförloppet. Om molnet rör sig längs med flödesriktningen i terrängen kan en ökning i vattenlödet nedströms ett avrinningsområde uppstå. Denna effekt har visat sig vara störst om hastigheten hos regnmolnet och vattenflödet är likvärdiga. Ytterliggare en faktor som påverkar avrinningsförloppet är hur regnintensiteten är fördelad över tid. Olsson et al. (2017) har tagit fram fem empiriska regntyper som speglar tidsfördelning inom ett Svenskt regntillfälle. Inom översvämningsmodellering är det vanligt att använda ett så kallat CDS-regn (Chicago Design Storm), vilken har en given tidsfördelning. Med anledning av detta är det intressant att jämföra översvämningar genererade av ett CDS-regn och av de empiriska regntyperna. Syftet med denna studie var att utreda hur regnmolns rörelse påverkar urbana pluviala översvämningar med avseende på vattendjup, samt att jämföra denna påverkan med effekten från olika tidsfördelningar av regnintensiteter. En kombinerad dagvattenmodell (1D) och markavrinningsmodell (2D) av en mindre svensk tätort användes för att simulera olika regnscenarier. De fem empiriska regntyperna och ett CDS-regn simulerades med en rörelseriktning längs med, emot och vinkelrätt i förhållande till flödesriktningen. Även scenarier med stationära regnmoln simulerades. Maximala översvämningsdjup utvärderades i tio punkter spridda över hela modellområdet. Resultatet från simuleringarna visade att regnmolnets rörelse hade försumbar påverkan på översvämningsdjupen. De olika tidsfördelningarna av regnintensitet hade däremot betydande påverkan på de maximala översvämningsdjupen. Som mest var det det maximala översvämningsdjupet 1.9 gånger större beroende vilken regntyp som användes som indata. CDS-regnet genererade i regel de största översvämningsdjupen, även om utfallet från en av de fem empiriska regntyperna var förhållandevis likvärdigt. Regnintensitetens tidsfördelning var därmed en kritisk parameter vid den hydrauliska modelleringen av urbana pluviala översävmningar, till skillnad från molnrörelse som hade försumbar påverkan.
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Návrh opatření na horním toku Svratky / Proposal measures at upper reaches Svratka RiverKlepárníková, Radka January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the proposal of measures on the Svratka stream in the cadastral area Český Herálec and Herálec na Moravě. The aim of the diploma thesis is to propose appropriate flood protection in the Herálec urban area and to elaborate proposals of nature friendly measures outside the municipality’s built up area, which will enable the renewal of the ecological functions of Svratka in the spring area. In the diploma thesis the assessment of the current state of the watercourse in the analyzed locality was caried out and also the assessment of the capacity of the watercourse and the objects on there. Furthermore, the flood levels and its areas were determined. Hydraulic water flow calculations were performed using the 1D and 1D/2D numerical model. For calculation, HEC-RAS 5.0.3 was used. When processing a 1D/2D numerical model, a manual describing the progress of work in the HEC-RAS 5.0.3 program was also created. On the basis of the results from the numerical model, a proposal for flood protection measures in the urban area and nature friendly measures in the extravilan was carried out.
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Hydraulická analýza toku Bečvy / Hydraulic analysis of the Bečva riverGřegoř, Adam Unknown Date (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is a comparison between two river hydraulics modeling approaches, the first one being combined 1D and 2D modeling, and the second one being solely 2D modeling. Both models are located at Bečva river, between its 17,282 and 28,419 river kilometer. The outputs of the simulations are water flow velocity maps, water depth maps, maps that show differences between flood areas calculated in both models, tables comparing channel water surface elevations and schematic long sections. In conclusion of the thesis, the outputs of the simulations are compared.
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