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Efectividad de los incentivos monetarios para el sistema judicial: el caso de las Cortes Superiores de Justicia del Callao y de San Martín (2010-2012).Alvarez Morales, Elvia Margot 01 June 2015 (has links)
El uso de incentivos monetarios en la administración pública ha sido aplicado en varios países desde la década de los noventa en el marco de los procesos de reforma del Estado, a fin de buscar resultados para mejorar la provisión de los servicios públicos. A pesar de la experiencia desarrollada, los resultados sobre la efectividad de los incentivos monetarios muestran ciertas limitaciones en los países en los cuales fue implementada esta política pública. / Tesis
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A dinamicidade lexical em textos de domínio político: ecos das eleições de 2010 / The lexical dinamicity on political media: echos from the 2010 electionsBruno Silva Lopes 22 March 2011 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, pretende-se estudar a dinamicidade lexical em textos de domínio político, veiculados pela imprensa escrita durante o período eleitoral de 2010. Para tal, selecionou-se um corpus adequado à pesquisa, fez-se o levantamento de neologismos lexicais nele ocorrentes e procedeu-se à sua descrição. Neste percurso, buscou-se demonstrar a riqueza e a vitalidade dos mecanismos de expansão lexical nos textos estudados, de modo a evidenciar que o léxico, como sistema dinâmico, configura-se como um dos subníveis linguísticos mais abertos à criatividade, revelando também crenças, valores, costumes e hábitos de uma comunidade linguística. Ademais, objetivou-se mostrar que a linguagem utilizada em contextos políticos, visto estar imersa em um ambiente de tensões e embates constantes, é marcadamente caracterizada pelo incessante nascer de novos signos, os quais, por motivações denominativas e/ou estilísticas, desvelam, não raras vezes, intenções e ideologias dos sujeitos-falantes que os criam. Por fim, elaborou-se um glossário com as novas formações encontradas, que oferece subsídios para a observação sistemática da neologia no âmbito do português brasileiro, além de traçar um perfil parcial das alterações político-culturais por que passamos no correr de 2010 / This paper intends to study the lexical dynamicity on political media, concerned to press during the recent elections occurred in the country (2010). An adequate corpus was selected to the research, a vast investigation of the presence of the lexical neologisms was made and their descriptions classification and semantical meanings were developed. As long as the construction took place, it turned crucial to point out the richness and vitality of the neologisms as mechanisms of lexical expansion on the selected articles, illustrating strongly how the lexicon, as a dynamical system, operates as one of the linguistical sublevels more acquainted to creativity, also able to reveal faiths, values, costumes and habits of a linguistical community. As a matter of fact, at last but not at least, it was also purpose demonstrating that the used current language on political contexts, considering its permanent environment of pressures, tensions and flights, is clearly marked by the birth of new signs, which, for denominative and/or stylistical motivations, are able to evidence, very often, intentions and ideologies of the creatures responsible for their enunciation. Finally, a glossary was elaborated with the brand-new terms found, that offers possibility for a longitudinal observation on neology, in Brazilian-Portuguese field, still visiting and underlining some political-cultural changes occurred to the country and its population in 2010
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Trendy ve spotřebě léčiv používaných k terapii diabetu za období 2005-2010 / Trends in the Consumption of Drugs Used for Treatment of Diabetes over the Period 2005-2010Štipčáková, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis presents an overview of current trends in the consumption of drugs for diabetes treatment in the Czech Republic, summarizes the current drug therapy recommendations in the context of professional medical societies and points to future developments and trends. Diabetes in recent years is referred as an epidemic of 21 century. Constantly increasing prevalence alarms professional society to active approach to address this issue. Cost of diabetes treatment grow every year and make 20 billion CZK a year. 10 to 15% from this amount are pharmacotherapy expenses. This amount represents about 7% of total expenditure on health. Total expenses for diabetes drugs reached CZK 2.4 billion in 2010, which represents 58 % growth compared to 2005. An average diabetic consumes about 10 packs of drugs per year, which is about two more than in 2005. Unhealthy lifestyle, increasing incidence of child's obesity, active screening of high-risk people and longer life expectancy of diabetics predispose to a growing trend in the consumption of drugs.
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La construcción política de los mercados : variedades de neoliberalismo en el Chile post-dictadura (1990-2010) / La construction politique des marchés : variétés du néolibéralisme dans le Chili post-dictature (1990-2010) / The political construction of markets : varieties of neoliberalism in post-dictatorial Chile (1990-2010)Maillet, Antoine 13 December 2013 (has links)
Les marchés fonctionnent-ils indépendamment du pouvoir politique ? Cette étude comparée des politiques publiques dans six marchés créés durant les années 1980 au Chili analyse le rôle fondamental qu’ont les politiques publiques dans la construction des marchés. Pour rendre compte de la diversité de ces opérations, j’élabore un cadre conceptuel original, en définissant quatre « variétés du néolibéralisme ». A partir d’une étude de l’histoire de ce concept et de ses usages contemporains, je distingue les néolibéralismes orthodoxes, régulés, émulateurs et mixtes. Chaque néolibéralisme correspond à des réponses différentes de l’Etat face aux défaillances du marché. Dans le néolibéralisme orthodoxe, les organismes publics restreignent leur intervention. Dans le néolibéralisme régulé, les organismes publics interviennent pour promouvoir la concurrence et établir des obligations quant au produit lui-même. Dans le néolibéralisme émulateur, un organisme public organise la concurrence non pas dans le marché, mais pour le marché. Enfin, dans le néolibéralisme mixte, une ou des entreprises publiques entrent en concurrence avec les acteurs privés. Chaque variété fait l’objet de politiques publiques spécifiques, en particulier en termes d’instruments mobilisés. J’applique ce cadre théorique des variétés du néolibéralisme pour classer et analyser six politiques sectorielles : l’assurance-maladie, les retraites, les universités, la production d’électricité, la téléphonie et les transports publics à Santiago. Les six trajectoires sectorielles établies mettent en évidence l’existence d’un sentier néolibéral chilien. / Do markets operate independently of political power? This comparative study of policies in six markets created during the 1980s in Chile analyzes the fundamental part that public policies play in the construction of markets. To account for the diversity of these operations, I develop an original conceptual framework, defining four "varieties of neoliberalism." Building on a study of the history of this concept and its contemporary use, I distinguish orthodox, regulated, emulator and mixed neoliberalisms. Each neoliberalism is based on a different form of State answer to address market failures. In orthodox neoliberalism, public agencies restrict their intervention. In regulated neoliberalism, public agencies get involved in promoting competition and establish requirements on the product itself. In emulating neoliberalism, public agencies organize competition not in the market, but for the market. Finally, in mixed neoliberalism, one or more public companies compete with private players. Each variety is characterized by specific public policies, especially in terms of instruments. I apply this theoretical framework of varieties of neoliberalism to classify and analyze six sectoral policies: health insurance, pensions, universities, electricity production, telephone industry and public transport in Santiago. The six sectoral trajectories established highlight the existence of a Chilean neoliberal path.
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När taket rasade in : Analys av utvärderingar och reell erfarenhetsåterföring efter takrasen 2009/2010Rydstedt Nyman, Monika January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med denna rapport har varit att analysera den reella återkopplingen och utvärderingar som gjorts vid takras vintern 2009/2010. Metoden är en kvalitativansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer samt analys av utvärderingar och insatsrapporter gjorda under vintern 2009/2010. Genom intervjuer på den sociotekniska individnivån söks svaren kring hur individen upplevt erfarenhetsåterföringen, tillsyn, och egenkontroll vid takras inom den kommunala verksamheten. Insatsrapporter, arbetsmaterial och andra genomförda utvärderingar har även legat till grund för analysen. Frågeställningar som väglett i arbetet har varit: Hur togs erfarenheter från takrasen tillvara i samhället? Hur uppfattar individen som varit aktörer vid händelsen att erfarenheten hanterats? Urvalet är ett bekvämlighetsurval samt ett snöbollsurval. Avgränsningen sker tidsmässigt till vintern 2009/2010 och geografiskt inom tre mellansvenska kommuner där tak rasat in på kommunala byggnader. Gemensamt för respondenterna är att de alla arbetat många år inom sina yrkesområden, de är väl insatta i lagstiftning, befogenheter och ansvarsområden. Sammanfattningsvis ser respondenterna att återkopplingen till de högre hierarkierna i det sociotekniska systemet fallerar. De anser inte att deras erfarenheter genomsyrar den nya lagstiftningen kring byggnation eller i de förordningar som finns kring detta. Det är intressant att just återkopplingen syns vara den svagaste länken inom det hierarkiskt kopplade systemet. Förutsättningarna finns där för god återkoppling, dels genom insatsrapporter som internt fungerar som underlag för förbättringar, dels genom den nationella bas IDA (Indikationer Data och Analys) på MSB (Myndigheten för Samhällsskydd och Beredskap) som ska ge ett underlag för fler aktörer inom det sociotekniska systemet att ta del av och genomföra förändringar och förbättringar. En viss eftersläpning i den nationella basen kan förstås då alla insatsrapporter återrapporteras till MSB. Återkopplingen inom lagstiftningen och dess eftersläpning kan bero på att det ska tas hänsyn till många olika intressen. Respondenterna kritiserar den egenkontroll som fortgår inom byggsektorn, de ser samstämmigt egenkontrollen som orsak till de tak som rasade. Respondenterna menar även att den tillsynskontroll som kommunerna har är urvattnad då protokoll delges från byggherren, fel kan vara inbyggda utan att de syns via protokoll eller vid efterkontroll och slutbesiktning. Den nya lagstiftningen (SFS 2010:900) innebär inga förändringar vad gäller egenkontrollen. Tillit och tilltro till den enskilde är fortsatt stor - där den enskilde byggherren ser andras säkerhet och välmående som en del av sitt eget handlande. Nyckelord: rapport, naturkatastrof, kommun, vinter, 2009/2010. / This reports aim has been analyzed the real feedback and evaluations of collapsed roofs at the winter 2009/2010. The method has been through semistructured interviews on socio-technical individual level has answers been sought about how the individual experienced the feedback, control, and self-control around collapsed roofs. Incident-reports and other completed evaluations have also been the basis for providing answers to my questions: How was real experience about caved roofs transfered back into the community; How did individuals who were participants at the event interpered their experience been handled? The sample is a convenience sample and a snowball sample. The respondents participating in the interview comes from the three municipalities located in ”mellan-Sverige” where the roof collapsed. Common to the respondents is that they all have worked many years in their professions, they are well versed in the laws, powers and responsibilities. To sum up the epitone of the response is that they see that feedback to the higher hierarchies of the socio-technical system fails. They do not believe that their experience permeates the new legislation surrounding the building or in the regulations that exist around this. It is interesting that the feedback seems to be the weakest link in the hierarchical interconnected system. The prerequisites are there for good feedback and through incident-reports, which serves as a basis for improvement at a locla level and within the work-group, and by the national base IDA (Indications Data and Analysis) to MSB (Federal Office for Civil Contingencies) to provide a basis for more players in the socio-technical system to share and implement changes and improvements. A lag in the national base can be understood as all incident reports reported back to the MSB. The feedback within the the socio-technical system may also taken other interests into account. Respondents criticize the self-monitoring is continuing in the construction industry, they see consistently self-control as the cause of the roof collapsed. Respondents also believe that regulatory control by municipalities is watered down when the protocol communicated by the client, errors can be built without being seen by protocol or by visual after controls. The new legislation (SFS 2010:900) does not change in terms of self-control. Trust and confidence in the individual remains high - where the individual client sees others' safety and wellbeing as part of their own actions. Keywords: report, natural disaster, county, winter 2009/2010.
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Does the Incoterms 2010 FOB and DDP guarantee the rights for the buyer in case of violation the delivery clause in the contract? / Ar pirkimo - pardavimo sutartyje nurodytos Incoterm 2010 sąlygos FOB ir DDP užtikrina šalių atsakomybės ir prievolių laikymąsi kilus konfliktui dėl pirkėjo teisių pažeidimo pristatant prekes?Jankauskas, Vilius 30 December 2014 (has links)
ICC – International Chamber of commerce in 1936 first time introduced Incoterms clause. The Incoterms in the most simply way that may be defined as delivery terms. It represents seller’s and buyer’s (manufacturer and customer) relationship in the sales of good contract regarding the goods delivery clause. There were more than one revision of Incoterms until the latest 2010 versions has been released. Incoterms 2010 separated delivery terms into two different transportation ways – sea and inland waterway (4 rules) and any mode of transport (7 rules). These rules mostly are combined with the contract of sales of goods and define the way how the goods will be delivered for the buyer. The most important thing that Incoterms represent is the liability separation between the seller and the buyer. It became clear what obligations and duties the contracting parties has. These rules led to have easier communication between the seller and the buyer when the delivery clause was negotiated.
Today the Incoterrms 2010 suggest 11 delivery terms, where the parties may choose the most suitable term for them. All terms are divided into 4 groups and each of them has its own features. In this paper are discussed 2 of it: F group and D group. F and D groups consist from 3 terms each. In the work is analyzed FOB and DDP terms. First of it are suitable for the water and inland transport and second one for any mode of transport.
In this paper is analyzed the seller’s responsibility when he agrees... [to full text] / 1936 m. ICC – Tarptautiniai komercijos rūmai (angl. International Chamber of Commerce) pirmą kartą pristatė Incoterms sąlygas. Incoterms sąlygas galima apibūdinti kaip prekių pristatymo sąlygas. Incoterms apibūdina pardavėjo ir pirkėjo (gamintojo ir kliento) pareigas pristatant prekes kai yra pasirašyta pirkimo – pardavimo sutartis. Incoterms buvo ne kartą tobulintos iki buvo išleista paskutinė – 2010 m. versija. Incoterms 2010 išskiria du prekių pristatymo būdus: vienas jų, kai prekės gabenamos jūromis ar vidaus vandens keliais (4 taisyklės), antras – terminai tinkamai bet kuriai transport rūšiai (7 taisyklės). Šios taisyklės yar naudojamos kartu su pirkimo – pardavimo sutartimis, kur nusako, kaip prekės bus pristatytos pirkėjui. Labai svarbu paminėti tai, kad Incoterms taisyklės leidžia atskirti pardavėjo ir pirkėjo atsakomybę gabenant krovinius. Taisyklės apibūdina, už ką yra atsakinga kiekviena šalis. Šios taisyklės leido supaprastinti tarptautinę prekybą ir santykius tarp pardavėjo ir pirkėjo.
Šiandien Incoterms pateikia 11 prekių pristatymo taisyklių, kurias šalys gali laisvai rinktis pagal savo poreikius ir galimybes. Visos taisyklės, pagal jų bruožus yra suskirstytos į 4 grupes. Šiame darbe yra aptariamos F ir D grupės, kurias sudaro po 3 terminus. Darbo metu yra analizuojamos FOB ir DDP taisyklės. FOB terminas taikomas kai prekės yra gabenamos vandens transportu, o DDP – bet kuria transporto rūšimi. Darbe aiškinama, kokią atsakomybę įgija pardavėjas, kai prekių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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PapiergeschreiMarschner, Heike, Pulla, Ralf 15 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In der Bereichsbibliothek Dre•punct der SLUB Dresden wird in Kooperation mit dem Lehrstuhl für Technik- und Technikwissenschaftsgeschichte der TU Dresden bis Oktober 2010 die Ausstellung „Papiergeschrei – Ein Material für alle Fälle“ zu sehen sein.
Auf dem Tresen, dem Schreibtisch und in der Küche wird gezeigt, was man mit dem „Alleskönner“ alles machen kann.
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Agenda presidencial en política exterior de los presidentes chilenos 1990-2010Alamos Fuenzaliza, Soledad 04 December 2012 (has links)
Magíster en Estudios Internacionales / No autorizada por el autor para ser publicada a texto completo / La política exterior de Chile ha sufrido grandes transformaciones a lo largo de las décadas, estas se encuentran insertas dentro del contexto de los cambios de gran magnitud que se produjeron en el escenario internacional a escala global, a raíz del desmoronamiento del Muro de Berlín, lo que de una u otra forma influyeron en la configuración de la política exterior tanto latinoamericana como chilena.
Esta tesis va a estudiar la agenda presidencial en materia de política exterior de los presidentes de una coalición llamada Concertación de Partidos por la Democracia, la cual, estuvo en el poder desde marzo de 1990 hasta marzo del año 2010. A lo largo de este periodo, el país tuvo que insertarse nuevamente en el plano internacional, luego de una etapa de aislamiento producida por el gobierno militar, en donde, se quebraron las relaciones con muchos países, por otra parte, se perdió el prestigio internacional que había construido el país durante décadas.
La pregunta de investigación que va a guiar el presente trabajo será ¿Cuáles son las prioridades en la agenda de cada presidente en el ámbito de la política exterior? A su vez se trabajará en torno a otras interrogantes tales como: ¿los mandatarios cumplen los desafíos en política exterior que prometen a lo largo de su programa electoral? ¿Qué cantidad de proyectos de ley se envían cada año en esta materia y a que temáticas corresponden? Finalmente se buscará responder ¿Cuáles son las principales áreas geográficas que han tenido mayor importancia en la política la política exterior chilena durante los diversos periodos presidenciales?
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Proposta para acreditação da divisão de produção de painéis sorológicos de Bio-Manguinhos / Fiocruz na norma ISO / IEC 17043 - Conformity Assessment – General Requirements for Proficiency TestingPessanha, Vinicius Alves January 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Priscila Nascimento (pnascimento@icict.fiocruz.br) on 2013-01-03T12:29:40Z
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vinicius-pessanha.pdf: 1097097 bytes, checksum: 49b411720ede1d2270a30a02d8b7c9a1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-01-03T12:29:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
vinicius-pessanha.pdf: 1097097 bytes, checksum: 49b411720ede1d2270a30a02d8b7c9a1 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto de Tecnologia em Imunobiológicos. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. / A acreditação de provedores de ensaios de proficiência (EP) é um instrumento legal de
reconhecimento por uma entidade, do atendimento a requisitos previamente definidos, bem como
a demonstração de competência na condução da avaliação do desempenho das instituições
participantes, por meio de comparações interlaboratoriais. Para essa finalidade foi publicada em
2010 a ISO/IEC 17043 – Conformity Assessment – General Requirements for Proficiency
Testing. Com o objetivo de implementar um modelo de Gestão da Qualidade na Divisão de
Produção de Painéis Sorológicos (DIPPS) de Bio-Manguinhos/FIOCRUZ e a sua futura
acreditação foi realizada a interpretação da norma ISO/IEC 17043 e uma análise qualitativa e
quantitativa da aderência do Programa AEQ-Sorologia aos seus requisitos. Estes foram
caracterizados como implementados, implementados parcialmente ou não implementados de
acordo com as evidências de cumprimento observadas. Em seguida, foi proposto um Plano de
Ação visando à implementação de todos os requisitos e o estabelecimento das etapas para a
acreditação da DIPPS junto ao Inmetro. Apesar da norma ISO/IEC 17043 ser uma referência
recente e ainda não implementada pelo Inmetro no Brasil, o Programa AEQ-Sorologia,
coordenado pela DIPPS, demonstrou um bom índice de aderência à maioria dos requisitos dessa
norma, considerando-se o total de itens implementados e parcialmente implementados. A
acreditação da DIPPS proporcionará aos participantes do Programa AEQ-Sorologia evidências de
que o mesmo é planejado e conduzido conforme procedimentos legais estabelecidos em normas e
atende a padrões de qualidade definidos por regulamentos para a realização de testes com
material biológico humano. Além disso, a integração da ISO/IEC 17043 permitirá a melhoria
contínua do Sistema da Qualidade de Bio-Manguinhos por meio da ampliação de seu escopo
normativo, contribuindo para a construção de um modelo referencial no campo de Gestão da
Qualidade e para o aumento de sua auto-sustentabilidade. Após o cumprimento do Plano de Ação
a próxima etapa a ser realizada será uma pré-auditoria visando a detecção e correção de possíveis não-conformidades, antes da solicitação da auditoria final do Inmetro. / The accreditation of proficiency testing (PT) providers is a legal instrument for the recognition by
an entity's compliance with requirements previously defined, and the demonstration of
competence in conducting the performance evaluation of participating institutions, by means of
interlaboratory comparisons. For this purpose it was published in 2010 the ISO / IEC 17043 -
Conformity Assessment - General Requirements for Proficiency Testing. Aiming to build a
model of Quality Management at the Production Division of Serological Panels (DIPPS), Bio-
Manguinhos/FIOCRUZ and its accreditation in the future it was performed the interpretation of
ISO / IEC 17043 and a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the adhesion of the External
Quality Assessment (AEQ) Program in Serology with its requirements. These were characterized
as implemented, partially implemented or not implemented according to the evidence of
compliance observed. It was then proposed an Action Plan aimed to implement all the
requirements and the steps for the establishment of accreditation of the DIPPS by Inmetro.
Although ISO / IEC 17043 is recent and not yet implemented by Inmetro in Brazil, the AEQ
Program in Serology, coordinated by DIPPS showed a good adherence rate for most of the
requirements of this standard, considering the total items implemented and partially implemented
ones. The accreditation of DIPPS will provide the participants of the AEQ Program in Serology
evidence that it is planned and conducted according to procedures established in legal standards
and meets quality patterns set by regulations for carrying out tests with human biological
material. Furthermore, the integration of the ISO / IEC 17043 will enable the continuous
improvement of the Quality System of Bio-Manguinhos by expanding its scope of standards,
helping to build a reference model in the field of quality management and for increasing its selfsustainability.
After completion of the Action Plan the next step will be a pre-audit aimed at
detecting and correcting potential non-conformities, before to request the final audit of Inmetro.
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Para uma avaliação da Política Estadual de Turismo do Ceará : a SETUR e suas ações na transformação da realidade socioespacial dos destinos indutores do Ceará /Falcão, Marcius Tulius Soares. January 2013 (has links)
Orientador: Silvia Aparecida Guarnieri Ortigoza / Banca: Mario Carlos Beni / Banca: Auro Aparecido Mendes / Banca: Enéas Rente Ferreira / Banca: Antonio Carlos Sarti / Resumo: O turismo é uma atividade que vem crescendo a cada ano no Estado do Ceará, sendo uma das mais relevantes para a economia cearense, e por isso exige cada vez maior atenção do Governo do Estado na medida em que envolve a aplicação de recursos públicos, necessita constante avaliação de suas realizações. Foi neste contexto que se desenvolveu esta pesquisa, com a temática: para uma avaliação da Política Estadual de Turismo do Ceará: a SETUR e suas ações na transformação da realidade socioespacial dos destinos indutores do Ceará, delimitada na Gestão Estadual de 2007 a 2010 e 2010 a 2012. Ressaltamos que paramos na metade do segundo governo Cid Gomes pelos limites de tempo de realização da Tese. A problemática levantada nesta pesquisa foi a de saber se tal política estadual atendeu aos critérios de eficiência, eficácia e efetividade social a partir de suas ações na transformação da realidade socioespacial das comunidades receptoras. Seu objetivo geral foi avaliar a Política de Turismo do Governo Cid Gomes quanto a estes critérios, a partir de suas ações na transformação da realidade social das comunidades receptoras e do entorno. Para a consecução deste objetivo e de outros mais específicos, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica em busca de referenciais teóricos, estudos e documentos oficiais relacionados com a temática. Em seguida, foi feita a aplicação de formulários junto às comunidades receptoras e seu entorno, nos quatro destinos indutores do Ceará. Com isso se pode avaliar a Política Estadual de Turismo quanto aos critérios de eficiência, eficácia e efetividade social. Ficou constatada a necessidade de melhora no processo de formulação e execução das políticas públicas de turismo do Estado do Ceará, as quais devem ser focadas nas necessidades das comunidades receptoras. Para... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract:Tourism is an activity that is growing every year in the State of Ceará, being one of the most relevant for the state economy. Therefore, it requires more and more attention from the State Government. As it involves the application of public budget, such activity needs constant evaluation of its actions. Within this context, the present research - For an Evaluation of the State of Ceará Tourism Policy: its actions for the transformation of the socio-spatial reality occurred in the State Administration from 2007 to 2012 - was developed. This research aimed to know whether such state policy met the criteria of efficiency, efficacy, and social effectiveness, starting from its actions for the transformation of the receiving communities' social-spatial reality. This research main purpose was to evaluate the Governor Cid Gomes' Tourism Policy under the said criteria, starting from his actions in the transformation of the social reality of such communities and their surroundings. In order to attain its objective and further specific goals, a bibliographical research on theoretical reference, studies, and official documents related to its theme was carried out. Afterwards, forms were applied to the receiving communities and their surroundings from the four inductive destinations of Ceará. It made possible to evaluate the Tourism State Policy under the criteria of efficiency, efficacy, and social effectiveness. It was verified a need for improvement in the process of formulation and execution of the tourism public policies of the State of Ceará, which should be focused on the receiving communities' needs. This research contributed for the Geography by having adapted and applied an evaluation methodology for the tourism public policies based on the criteria... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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