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Análisis y evaluación del marco normativo del Programa Reactiva Perú a partir de la experiencia comparada (2020-2021)De la Torre Obregón, Mayra Paola 25 September 2023 (has links)
La investigación se enfoca en el método comparado, considerando que es importante evaluar el
impacto económico y la forma como se han regulado los programas similares otorgados en
diferentes países como Suiza y Ecuador; y el método de riesgos legales, al considerar desde la
perspectiva de las empresas beneficiarias, de las entidades del sistema financiero y del Estado
Peruano, cuáles han sido las dificultades que surgieron en la aplicación práctica del Programa
Reactiva Perú.
En virtud de lo antes indicado, el tema de la presente investigación es el Análisis y evaluación
del marco normativo del Programa Reactiva Perú a partir de la experiencia comparada (2020-
2021). En ese sentido, la pregunta principal de la investigación es ¿El Programa Reactiva Perú está
adecuadamente diseñado?
A lo largo de los tres capítulos de la investigación se discutirán las siguientes preguntas
específicas: ¿Qué características poseen los créditos para contrarrestar los efectos económicos de
la pandemia en la experiencia comparada? ¿Qué aspectos de las experiencias comparadas
analizadas pueden ser emuladas por el programa Reactiva Perú? ¿Cuáles son los aciertos y
desaciertos del Programa Reactiva Perú? ¿Qué aspectos podrían ser mejorados en el Programa
Reactiva Perú para que cumpla con su finalidad?
La hipótesis de la presente investigación es la siguiente: “El Programa Reactiva Perú no ha sido
diseñado adecuadamente, debido a que presenta un conjunto de falencias desde diversos ángulos,
tales como imprecisiones en la técnica legislativa en su elaboración y una escasa claridad en su
finalidad, entre otros. Sin embargo, se debe resaltar que se trata de una adaptación de la experiencia
comparada que ha permitido inyectar liquidez a la economía en el contexto de la pandemia y evitar
la ruptura de la cadena de pagos.
Las principales falencias identificadas son las siguientes:
● Imprecisiones en la formulación de criterios para la selección y exclusión de las empresas
beneficiarias de los créditos, dado que no se cumple la finalidad del Programa de poder
otorgar créditos a las empresas más afectadas por la pandemia del COVID- 19.
● Escasa claridad en las restricciones que las empresas beneficiarias deben mantener durante
la vigencia del crédito, dado que estas han sido estructuradas de forma muy genérica, lo
que posibilita el mal uso de los fondos provistos por el Programa.
● La falta de delimitación de las atribuciones y responsabilidades por parte del MEF, BCRP,
COFIDE y las Empresas del Sistema Financiero, lo que dificulta que puedan velar por el
adecuado cumplimiento del Programa.
● Complejidad en la estructura del crédito; dada la intervención del MEF, BCRP, COFIDE,
Empresas del Sistema Financiero, lo cual implica la suscripción de contratos, informes,
reportes que retrasaran la colocación de los créditos .
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Necesidad o Egoísmo: Representaciones sociales de la transgresión durante la pandemia del COVID-19 en jóvenes de LimaSaavedra Chunga, Fernanda Natalia 30 January 2024 (has links)
La transgresión es una de las principales problemáticas del Perú, basada en un pensamiento
social y expresada en un amplio espectro de comportamiento transgresor, que en el contexto de
pandemia del COVID-19 podría haber puesto en peligro la salud del país. Por ello se considera
importante conocer los elementos psicosociales que forman las representaciones sociales
asociadas a ella, para así obtener una mayor comprensión de la problemática. El objetivo del
estudio fue identificar los elementos que conforman la representación social que jóvenes de clase
media poseen con respecto a la transgresión de las normas en el contexto de pandemia del
COVID-19 en Lima. El diseño fue cualitativo desde una metodología fenomenológica con una
lógica inductiva, realizando cuatro grupos focales de 3 participantes cada uno. En total
participaron 6 adultas y 6 adultos jóvenes de nivel socioeconómico medio y alto seleccionados
intencionalmente. Se identificaron dos tipos de transgresiones: transgresiones necesarias, y
transgresiones que ponen en riesgo la salud de otros, las cuales varían en gravedad. Los
resultados indicaron que la percepción de una falta de coherencia de las normas, la falta de
castigo de la transgresión, y la desigualdad en la aplicación y sanción de las normas son
percibidas como elementos que caracterizan y definen el concepto de transgresión en el contexto
de pandemia del covid-19. Al respecto, los resultados muestran que se atribuye la transgresión
principalmente a la necesidad o al egoísmo, dependiendo del conjunto de características
sociodemográficas de quién transgrede. Se propone que esto promueve la creación de normas
alternativas y aumenta la desconfianza institucional. / Transgression is one of the main problems in Peru, based on social thought and expressed in a
wide spectrum of transgressive behavior, which in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic could
have endangered the health of the country. For this reason, it is considered important to know the
psychosocial elements that form the social representations associated with it, in order to obtain a
better understanding of the problem. The objective of the study was to identify the elements that
make up the social representation that middle-class youth have regarding the transgression of the
rules in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Lima. The design was qualitative from a
phenomenological methodology with an inductive logic, carrying out four focus groups of 3
participants each. A total of 6 female and 6 male young adults of medium and high
socioeconomic level intentionally selected participated. Two types of violations were identified:
necessary violations, and violations that put the health of others at risk, which vary in severity.
The results indicated that the perception of a lack of coherence of the norms, the lack of
punishment of the transgression, and the inequality in the application and sanction of the norms
are perceived as elements that characterize and define the concept of transgression in the context
of the covid-19 pandemic. In this regard, the results show that the transgression is attributed
mainly to necessity or selfishness, depending on the set of sociodemographic characteristics of
who transgresses. It is proposed that this promotes the creation of alternative norms and
increases institutional mistrust.
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Aporte de Reactiva Perú para que los pequeños negocios como bodegas de Lima Metropolitana logren mantenerse en 2020 durante la pandemia del COVID-19Shimabukuro Kanashiro, Iris 23 January 2024 (has links)
La presente investigación analiza en qué medida el programa Reactiva Perú ha
contribuido a que los pequeños negocios que atienden directamente al público se
mantengan durante la pandemia de la enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19). Se
analiza específicamente los casos de las bodegas en Lima Metropolitana en el año
El objeto de estudio (las bodegas) se enfoca en uno de los sectores más afectados
por la pérdida de empleo, que es el comercio, que tuvo una reducción de 633 mil
empleos (el segundo después de servicios).
Las bodegas atienden a la población de menores recursos y están insertas en la
dinámica local (barrio). Durante la pandemia de la COVID-19, cumplieron un rol
importante al brindar atención durante el periodo más difícil de la crisis, proveyendo
de productos de primera necesidad de la población. Se resalta, además, que más del
70% de las bodegas son conducidas por mujeres.
El objetivo de la presente investigación es conocer el aporte del programa Reactiva
Perú, para que los pequeños negocios como las bodegas en Lima Metropolitana se
logren mantener en el 2020 durante la pandemia del COVID-19. Se analizan los
mecanismos de difusión que se utilizaron, el acceso a la liquidez por parte de las
bodegas, el uso de las herramientas tecnológicas y la percepción de los principales
Este análisis nos permite proponer medidas de mejora que fortalecerán la
implementación del programa Reactiva Perú. Se formulan recomendaciones para
mejorar la eficacia de los instrumentos de política aplicados para contrarrestar los
efectos de la pandemia. Además, se presentan recomendaciones para potenciar los
resultados en las MYPEs, estrato empresarial cuya relevancia está asociada a su
peso gravitante en el ámbito empresarial y en la generación de empleo. De esta
forma, la presente investigación responde a uno de los grandes retos de la
investigación en Gerencia Social relacionado con el desarrollo endógeno del país. / This research analyzes to what extent the Reactiva Peru program has helped small
businesses that directly serve the public to maintain themselves during the -19
pandemic. The cases of the grocery stores in Metropolitan Lima in the year 2020 are
specifically analyzed.
In terms of relevance, the object of the study (grocery stores) focuses on one of the
sectors most affected by the loss of employment, which is commerce, with a reduction
of 633 thousand jobs (the second after services).
Added to all this is the fact that the grocery stores serve the population with fewer
resources and are inserted in the local dynamics (neighborhood), having played an
important role during the Covid-19 pandemic, by providing care during the most
difficult period of the crisis, providing basic necessities for the population. Last but not
least, is the fact that more than 70% of the grocery stores are manage by women.
The objective of this research is to know the contribution of the Reactiva Peru
program, so that small businesses such as grocery stores in Metropolitan Lima can
maintain themselves in 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, analyzing the
dissemination mechanisms that were used, access to liquidity by grocery stores, the
use of technological tools and the perception of the main actors, to propose
improvement measures that strengthen their implementation, which It will allow us to
formulate recommendations to improve the effectiveness of policy instruments such
as Reactiva applied to counteract the effects of the pandemic, and enhance the
results in MYPEs, a business stratum whose relevance is associated with its
gravitating weight in the business fabric and in the generation of employment, thus
responding to one of the great challenges of research in Social Management related
to the endogenous development of the country.
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Addressing Urban Sustainability Challenges in a Changing Environment: Insights into Park Usage, Heat Mitigation and Green Space SensingZhao, Haokai January 2023 (has links)
Cities are home to more than half of the world’s population, and this figure is set to continue to rise amidst ongoing global urbanization trends. Against this backdrop, urban development is increasingly confronted with multifaceted challenges. These range from public health emergencies, exemplified by the COVID-19 global pandemic, to the environmental hazards driven by climate change, including extreme heat waves and more frequent severe storms. Confronted with these substantial risks, the urgency of devising and implementing strategies for sustainable and resilient urban development has become paramount. Given this context, the work presented in this thesis aims to advance understanding of some critical urban sustainability challenges, and to develop models, tools, and sensing systems that can support progress towards a more sustainable and resilient urban future.
The first part of the thesis focuses on the role and usage of urban parks during a global public health emergency. Urban parks became critical for maintaining the well-being of urban residents during the COVID-19 global pandemic. To examine the impact of COVID-19 on urban park usage, New York City (NYC) was selected as a case study, and SafeGraph mobility data, which was collected from a large sample of mobile phone users, was used to assess the change in park visits and travel distance to a park based on park type, the income level of the visitor’s census block group (visitor CBG) and that of the park census block group (park CBG). All analyses were adjusted for the impact of temperature on park visitation, and the research work was focused primarily on park visits made by NYC residents.
Overall, for the eight most popular park types in NYC, namely – Community Park, Flagship Park, Jointly Operated Playground, Nature Area, Neighborhood Park, Playground, Recreation Field/Courts and Triangle/Plaza – visits dropped by 49.2% from 2019 to 2020. The peak reduction in visits occurred in April 2020. Visits to all park types, excluding Nature Areas, decreased from March to December 2020 as compared to 2019. Parks located in higher-income CBGs tended to have lower reductions in visits, with this pattern being primarily driven by visits to large parks, including Flagship Parks, Community Parks and Nature Areas. All types of parks saw significant decreases in distance traveled to visit the park, with the exception of the Jointly Operated Playground, Playground, and Nature Area park types. Visitors originating from lower-income CBGs traveled shorter distances to parks and had less reduction in travel distances compared to those from higher-income CBGs. Furthermore, both before and during the pandemic, people tended to travel a greater distance to parks located in high-income CBGs compared to those in low-income CBGs. Finally, multiple types of parks proved crucial destinations for NYC residents during the pandemic.
These included Nature Areas to which the visits remained stable, along with Recreation Field/Courts which had relatively small decreases in visits especially for lower-income communities. Results from this particular research study can support future park planning by shedding light on the different users of certain park types before and during a global crisis, where access to green spaces can help alleviate the human well-being consequences associated with mitigating the crisis, including the type of “lockdown” or limited mobility policies implemented in 2020 during the COVID-19 global pandemic.
The second part of the thesis investigates the role of urban greening and other land surface features in influencing the urban heat island effect in NYC. The urban heat island (UHI) effect describes the phenomenon whereby cities are generally warmer than surrounding rural areas. UHI effects can exacerbate extreme heat events, leading to an increase in heat-related illness and mortality. Here, the runoff coefficient was used as a numerical surrogate for urban greening, with lower runoff coefficients being associated with higher fractions of urban greening. Using a high-resolution landcover GIS dataset developed for New York City (NYC), which classified the city into more than 13 million land patches, the runoff coefficient of land use across the entire city was mapped down to a resolution of 30m×30m, along with five other variables including surface albedo, distance to water bodies, land surface elevation, building density and building height.
Daytime land surface temperature (LST) in summer was used as a surrogate for the UHI effect in NYC, and the work investigated the relationship between the runoff coefficient and LST. The work also examined the relationship between LST and the variables of surface albedo, distance to a water body, land surface elevation, building density and building height. Results indicate that runoff coefficient can explain a large portion of variability related to urban LST, with lower runoff coefficients (more greenery) being associated with lower LST. Use of the five other variables improves the predictability of LST, although the influence each variable has on LST varies with urban setting and context. The research work presented in this part of the thesis also shows the disproportionately higher exposure to urban heat in lower-income communities in NYC. The findings can be used to develop strategies to mitigate UHI effects in NYC and other cities around the world.
In the third part of the thesis, a wireless environmental sensing system is developed for monitoring urban green spaces, with demonstrated application for stormwater management. The monitoring of urban green spaces, including monitoring of soil conditions and soil health, is crucial for sustainable urban development and ecological resilience. Leveraging advances in wireless environmental sensing, a LoRaWAN-based system capable of measuring air temperature/humidity, soil temperature and moisture, and soil moisture dynamics is designed and deployed across seven diverse urban green spaces for a full year at Columbia University’s Morningside Campus in New York City.
The data collected by this sensing network reveals notable variations in soil moisture across the seven monitored sites, which are influenced by a combination of vegetation type, soil conditions, and physical settings. Monitored lawns consistently showed higher soil moisture levels due to their slower draining soil type, underlying concrete structures, and lower canopy rainfall interception and transpiration loss, whereas one monitored tree pit site with a more rapidly draining soil type showed significantly lower soil moisture throughout the study period, despite having comparable physical settings with another monitored site. Seasonal trends indicated lower summer moisture in some monitored areas due to increased evaporation and transpiration under high temperatures, while others areas maintained higher soil moisture as a result of frequent irrigations. Models were developed to quantify soil moisture response to rainfall events. It was found that the increase in soil moisture at each monitored site was highly dependent on the rainfall depth and the initial soil moisture. Overall, the results show that a range of diverse green spaces can help retain and drain storms up to certain sizes of 30-50mm.
However, proactively designed soil drainage systems are needed to handle extreme storm events above 50mm. The study highlights the effectiveness of LoRaWAN technology in urban environmental monitoring and provides valuable insights into how different urban green spaces can contribute to stormwater management. The findings presented in this portion of the thesis demonstrate the instrumental role that monitoring, data analysis and modeling can play in helping city planners and environmental managers optimize urban green spaces for ecological benefits and enhance urban resilience, including in the face of stressors such as climate change.
Overall, with its data-driven, evidence-based insights, this work contributes to the understanding of the multifaceted urban sustainability challenges in a changing environment, including public health emergencies such as the COVID-19 global pandemic, and climate change induced environmental hazards such as extreme heat events and more frequent severe storms. Alongside deepening understanding, the developed quantitative models and sensing technologies presented in this thesis offer practical solutions to support urban development towards a more sustainable and resilient future.
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El rol docente en el desarrollo de la Conciencia Fonológica en un aula de 4 años de una institución educativa del distrito de San Miguel en el contexto de educación remotaQuispe Palacios, Caroline Graciela Corina 15 February 2024 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo general describir el rol docente
como facilitador del desarrollo de la conciencia fonológica de niños de 4 años en el
contexto de educación remota de una Institución Educativa Pública del distrito de San
Miguel, pues estimular la conciencia fonológica permitirá el desarrollo del lenguaje oral
y la lectoescritura en los niños y niñas de Educación inicial. Los objetivos específicos
planteados son: (i) Conceptualizar el desarrollo de la conciencia fonológica en niños
de 4 años e (ii) Identificar el rol docente en el desarrollo de la conciencia fonológica
en el contexto de educación remota. Esta investigación resulta viable ante la coyuntura
actual de emergencia sanitaria por la COVID-19, por cuanto dicho proceso educativo
ha tenido que desarrollarse por los docentes de manera virtual con sus estudiantes.
De esta manera, nos permite obtener información sobre el rol que cumple el docente,
así como identificar el conocimiento que poseen los educadores sobre la conciencia
fonológica. Se sigue un enfoque cualitativo y se utiliza como instrumento la entrevista
semiestructurada. Se concluye finalmente que las docentes entrevistadas identifican
su rol como mediadoras del aprendizaje, en específico, en el desarrollo de la
conciencia fonológica. A su vez, reconocen los conceptos de conciencia fonológica y
educación remota lo cual ha permitido el máximo desenvolvimiento e involucramiento
de las docentes en su quehacer pedagógico en trabajo conjunto con padres de familia
y estudiantes del aula de 4 años en un contexto de emergencia sanitaria. / The general objective of this research is to describe the role of the teacher as a
facilitator of the development of phonological awareness in 4-year-old children in the
context of remote education in a public educational institution in the district of San
Miguel, since stimulating phonological awareness will generate the development of the
oral language and literacy in children of initial education. The specific objectives set
The specific objectives are: (i) to conceptualize the development of phonological
awareness in 4-year-old children and (ii) to identify the role of teachers in the
development of phonological awareness in the context of remote education. This
research is feasible in view of the current health emergency due to COVID-19, since
this educational process has had to be developed by teachers virtually with their
students. In this way, it allows us to obtain information about the role of the teacher,
as well as to identify the knowledge that educators have about phonological
awareness. A qualitative approach is followed and a semi-structured interview is used
as an instrument. It is finally concluded that the teachers interviewed identify their role
as mediators of learning, specifically in the development of phonological awareness.
At the same time, they recognize the concepts of phonological awareness and remote
education, which has allowed the maximum development and involvement of the
teachers in their pedagogical work together with parents and students of the 4-yearold classroom in a context of health emergency.
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Limitaciones para la participación efectiva de las organizaciones indígenas de la Comisión de Gestión Intercultural Indígena Amazónica, en el monitoreo de la implementación del Plan Amazónico en la región Ucayali 2020Bravo Castañeda, Zarela Yacenia 19 January 2024 (has links)
La presente investigación busca conocer las limitaciones que tuvieron los
integrantes de la Comisión de Gestión Intercultural Indígena Amazónica para
participar en el Plan Amazónico. Está enfocada, sobre todo, en la participación
de las organizaciones indígenas, toda vez que esta comisión se conformó a
solicitud de sus líderes.
Si bien la pandemia afectó a todo el país, las atenciones de salud se han
brindado de manera deficiente, tanto en zonas urbanas como en ciudades
intermedias y pueblos alejados. A nivel nacional, Ucayali ha sido la región con
el peor manejo de la pandemia debido a la demora en la respuesta para
contener los brotes y los escasos recursos humanos. Las comunidades más
alejadas fueron las más afectadas, tanto por la ausencia de la atención del
Estado, como por la falta de información en su idioma.
El Plan Amazónico se formula y se implementa para abordar los problemas en
las comunidades indígenas, con el objetivo de contener y prevenir los contagios
de COVID-19. Al 26 de abril de 2020, se presentaron 7 casos confirmados en
la población indígena y a fines del mismo mes se identificaron 282 casos más.
Durante las semanas 19 a la 31 en que se empieza a implementar el Plan
Amazónico, en las provincias de la región Ucayali ya se habían presentado
10,080 casos.
Este rápido crecimiento motivó el estudio de las organizaciones indígenas y el
análisis de las acciones de fortalecimiento de capacidades que se dieron para
un adecuado ejercicio de sus funciones, su participación en el monitoreo y el
logro de sus expectativas con autonomía, tal como estaba previsto del Plan
Dada la importancia de la intervención de los líderes de los indígenas en el
control social para el monitoreo, las conclusiones a que llega este estudio han
permitido elaborar propuestas para mejorar intervenciones similares que el
Estado realiza para atender las necesidades de estos pobladores por ser
sujetos de derechos. / This research seeks to know the limitations that the members of the Amazon
Indigenous Intercultural Management Commission had to participate in the
implementation of the Amazon Plan. It is focused, above all, on the participation
of indigenous organizations, since this commission was formed at the request
of its leaders
While the pandemic affected the entire country, health care has been poorly
delivered, both in urban areas and in intermediate cities and remote towns. At
the national level, Ucayali has been the region with the worst handling of the
pandemic due to the delay in the response to contain outbreaks and scarce
human resources. The most remote communities were the most affected, both
by the absence of state attention and by the lack of information in their
The Amazon Plan is formulated and implemented to address problems in
indigenous communities, with the aim of containing and preventing COVID-19
infections. As of April 26, 2020, there were 7 confirmed cases in the indigenous
population and at the end of the same month 282 more cases were identified.
During weeks 19 to 31 in which the Amazon Plan begins, 10,080 cases had
already been presented in the provinces of the Ucayali region.
This rapid growth motivated the study of indigenous organizations and the
analysis of capacity-building actions for the adequate exercise of their functions,
their participation in monitoring and the achievement of their expectations with
autonomy, as foreseen in the Amazon Plan.
Given the importance of the intervention of indigenous leaders in social control
for monitoring, the conclusions reached in this study have made it possible to
develop proposals to improve similar interventions that the State carries out to
meet the needs of these inhabitants because they are subjects of rights.
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Burnout académico y somnolencia diurna en estudiantes de Medicina en el contexto de la pandemia del COVID-19Pinto Olivos, Johanna Lucía 24 January 2024 (has links)
Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo conocer la relación entre el burnout académico
y la somnolencia diurna en estudiantes de medicina. Para ello, se contó con la participación de
83 estudiantes de medicina de distintas universidades privadas, entre el 1er y 6to año de la
carrera. Para la medición del burnout se usó la adaptación colombiana del Maslach Burnout
Inventory - Student Survey (MBI-SS) y para la medición de la somnolencia diurna se utilizó la
adaptación peruana del Epworth Sleepiness Scale. Los hallazgos indican que existe una
relación directa entre la somnolencia diurna y las dimensiones de agotamiento emocional y
cinismo y, una relación inversa entre la somnolencia diurna y la dimensión de eficacia
académica. Los resultados demuestran que hay una problemática latente en los estudiantes de
medicina que es necesario detectar y atender para un mayor bienestar en esta población y que
asegure que su formación no se vea afectada. / The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between academic burnout and
daytime sleepiness in medical students. To do this, 83 medical students from different private
universities participated, between the 1st and 6th year of the degree. The Colombian adaptation
of the Maslach Burnout Inventory - Student Survey (MBI-SS) was used to measure burnout,
and the Peruvian adaptation of the Epworth Sleepiness Scale was used to measure daytime
sleepiness. The findings indicate that there is a direct relationship between daytime sleepiness
and the dimensions of emotional exhaustion and cynicism, and an inverse relationship between
daytime sleepiness and the academic efficacy dimension. The results show that there is a latent
problem in medical students that needs to be detected and attended for a greater well-being in
this population and ensures that their formation is not going to be affected.
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Características vocales y percepción de la voz de los colaboradores de la Municipalidad de Lurigancho al utilizar mascarilla de protección facial de tela en tiempos de COVID-19Huamán Prado, Nelva Elizabet, Angeles Zamudio, Susana Milagros 31 October 2023 (has links)
Esta investigación tiene el propósito identificar las características
vocales y la percepción de la voz de los colaboradores de la Municipalidad
de Lurigancho – Chosica al utilizar mascarilla de protección facial de tela
en tiempos de COVID-19, para detectar alguna dificultad en la voz y
desarrollar programas preventivos. Se utiliza un diseño no experimental de
tipo descriptivo con 64 colaboradores, donde se valida un cuestionario, se
usa el PRAAT, el IDV y el protocolo de Análisis Perceptivo Auditivo. En
cuanto a las conclusiones, no existe relación entre la autopercepción de la
voz que tienen los colaboradores y el análisis perceptivo-auditivo.
Asimismo, el 72% presenta una voz adecuada, el tipo de respiración
prevalente es clavicular y el modo, nasal. La incoordinación
pneumofonoarticulatoria es de 22 % y prevalece la resonancia oral. El Pitch
medio predomina en ambos géneros y las frecuencias en varones es de
promedio 130 Hz sin mascarilla y 132 Hz con mascarilla, con la diferencia
de 2 Hz; y, en las mujeres con 203 Hz sin mascarilla y 204 Hz con
mascarilla, con 1 Hz de diferencia. La intensidad en varones es 71 dB sin
mascarilla y 68 dB con mascarilla; y en mujeres es 70 dB sin mascarilla y
67 dB con mascarilla, diferenciándose en 3 dB en ambos. El 17 % de los
colaboradores evaluados no percibe ninguna sintomatología en su voz y
según el IDV, la funcional es de mayor prevalencia. / The purpose of this research is to identify the vocal characteristics
and voice perception of the collaborators of the Municipality of Lurigancho -
Chosica when using fabric face masks in times of COVID-19, in order to
detect any difficulty in the voice and develop preventive programs. A nonexperimental
design of descriptive type is used with 64 collaborators, where
a questionnaire is validated, the PRAAT, the IDV and the protocol of
Auditory Perceptive Analysis are used. As for the conclusions, there is no
relationship between the collaborators' self-perception of voice and the
perceptual-auditory analysis. Likewise, 72% present an adequate voice, the
prevalent type of breathing is clavicular and the mode, nasal.
Pneumophonoarticulatory incoordination is 22% and oral resonance
prevails. The average Pitch predominates in both genders and the
frequencies in males are on average 130 Hz without mask and 132 Hz with
mask, with the difference of 2 Hz; and, in females with 203 Hz without mask
and 204 Hz with mask, with 1 Hz of difference. The intensity in men is 71
dB without mask and 68 dB with mask; and in women it is 70 dB without
mask and 67 dB with mask, with a difference of 3 dB in both. Seventeen
percent of the evaluated collaborators do not perceive any symptomatology
in their voice and according to the VDI, the functional one is more prevalent.
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Mindfulness y regulación emocional en adultos trabajadores durante el COVID-19De Azambuja Guerinoni, Kiana 25 January 2024 (has links)
La pandemia del COVID-19 supuso una serie de cambios en el mercado laboral, lo cual afectó
de manera particular a las y los adultos jóvenes y medios que trabajaban (Tušl et al., 2021). La
incertidumbre sobre la estabilidad del trabajo durante la pandemia se ha asociado con ansiedad
y depresión en trabajadores (Basyouni & El Keshy, 2021; Khudaykulov et al., 2022; Restubog
et al., 2020). Frente a esta situación, es pertinente conocer las habilidades para manejar las
emociones de la manera más adaptativa (Gross, 2013). Brown y Ryan (2003) sostienen que el
mindfulness juega un rol fundamental en la autorregulación y en las experiencias emocionales.
Objetivo: El objetivo principal fue analizar la relación entre el mindfulness y la regulación
emocional en adultos trabajadores durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Como objetivo
específico, se comparó el mindfulness y las estrategias de regulación emocional de acuerdo al
sexo y la edad. Método: 104 participantes completaron el Cuestionario de las Cinco Facetas
de Mindfulness (Baer et al., 2006) y el Cuestionario de Regulación Emocional (Gross & John,
2003). Resultados y discusión: Se halló una relación negativa entre mindfulness y la estrategia
de supresión emocional, mas no reevaluación cognitiva. Las mujeres puntuaron más alto que
los hombres en la faceta de observación mientras que los hombres mostraron un mayor puntaje
en supresión emocional que las mujeres. Se halló una relación positiva y pequeña entre la edad
y la faceta de conciencia del mindfulness. Finalmente, se resalta la importancia del mindfulness
en las personas que les permiten atender y responder a lo que sucede a su alrededor, así como
de las estrategias adecuadas al regular las emociones. / The COVID-19 pandemic has created significant changes in the labor market, which has
particularly impacted young adults (Tušl et al., 2021). This population is dealing with job
instability, which was associated with anxiety and depression during the pandemic (Basyouni
& El Keshy, 2021; Khudaykulov et al., 2022; Restubog et al., 2020). In this context, it is
important to identify resources such as emotion regulation to cope with these stressors in the
healthiest way (Gross, 2013). Brown and Ryan (2003) mention that mindfulness plays a
fundamental role in emotion regulation. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the
relationship between mindfulness and emotion regulation in young adult workers during the
COVID-19 pandemic. A specific objective was to examine if there were significant differences
in mindfulness and emotion regulation based on age and gender. Method: For this purpose,
104 participants completed the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (Baer et al., 2006), and
the Emotion Regulation Inventory (Gross & John, 2003). Results and discussion: the results
show that there is a negative relationship between mindfulness and emotional suppression, but
no relationship between mindfulness and cognitive reappraisal. Men scored higher than women
on use of emotional suppression. Finally, there was a small positive relationship between age
and the consciousness facet of mindfulness. The results highlight the importance of
mindfulness that allows the person to attend and respond to what happens around her, as well
as of the appropriate strategies to regulate one’s emotions.
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Informe de experiencias en el área de psicología de una institución educativa nacional de nivel secundaria para varones en Lima MetropolitanaHilario Bazan, Karla Valeria 25 January 2024 (has links)
El presente Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional describe los logros de aprendizaje en las
competencias diagnostica, interviene y evalúa en el periodo de prácticas llevadas a cabo en una
institución educativa nacional de nivel secundaria para varones ubicada en Lima Metropolitana
y en actividades desarrolladas como parte del curso integrador Psicología y Salud. Durante este
periodo de prácticas se pudo identificar necesidades de los estudiantes, apoderados y docentes,
así como brindar estrategias que respondan a las mismas, tomando en cuenta consideraciones
éticas a lo largo del desarrollo de las actividades realizadas. En esta línea, se presenta como
evidencia para la competencia diagnostica el diagnóstico general que se realizó en colaboración
de otros practicantes a los estudiantes de la institución en las últimas semanas de clase. Para la
competencia interviene, se presenta como evidencia la descripción de un taller sobre
reconocimiento de las emociones que se realizó como parte de las actividades que abordan las
necesidades de los estudiantes durante el contexto COVID-19. Finalmente, para la competencia
evalúa, se presentan el monitoreo y evaluación de procesos de dos actividades realizadas en una
facultad de una universidad privada en Lima Metropolitana, como parte del curso integrador de
Psicología y Salud. / This Professional Proficiency Work describes the learning achievements in the diagnostic,
intervenes and evaluates competencies in the internship period carried out in a national secondary
educational institution for men located in Metropolitan Lima and in activities developed as part of
the integrative course Psychology and Health. During this internship period, it was possible to
identify the needs of students, parents and teachers, as well as provide strategies that respond to
them, taking into account ethical considerations throughout the development of the activities
carried out. Along these lines, the general diagnosis that was carried out in collaboration with other
practitioners to the students of the institution in the last weeks of class is presented as evidence for
the diagnostic competence. For the intervening competition, the description of a workshop on
emotion recognition that was carried out as part of the activities that address the needs of students
during the COVID-19 context is presented as evidence. Finally, for the evaluates competence, the
monitoring and evaluation of processes of two activities carried out in a faculty of a private
university in Metropolitan Lima as part of the integrative course of Psychology and Health is
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