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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The International Committee on the Christian Approach to the Jews and its role in ecumenical Protestant understanding of Antisemitism and the Jewish problem during the Hitler years

Sanzenbacher, Carolyn January 2016 (has links)
This thesis describes a framework of ecumenical Protestant aspirations for world expansion of Jewish evangelization in the years before, during, and after Nazi extermination of European Jewry. It uses extensive archival documentation to reconstruct and analyze the developmental path of the International Committee on the Christian Approach to the Jews from inception in 1927 to its major collaboration on the World Council of Churches founding statement on Jews, antisemitism, and Jewish conversion in 1948. It examines the centrally informing role of the Jewish problem on a landscape of ideas, perceptions, and beliefs which ground organizational theories about relations between the Jewish problem, escalating antisemitism, and what was deemed to be a Christian imperative to evangelize Jews. The research unfolds around textual analysis of two categories of key texts in five chronologically structured chapters: ideas about Jews, the Jewish question, antisemitism, and Jewish missions, in the first, and protests against Nazi persecution of Jews, in the second. The study tracks and analyzes developing trends and patterns in organizational thought as well as cross-connections and cross-influence between key ecumenical leaders in order to explain why this principal rallying body for ecumenical emphasis on conversion of Jews was, by the eve of Hitler's rise, also the self-proclaimed 'responsible' body for making known to Protestant audiences the causes of discrimination, prejudice and race-hatred. The thesis examines the presences and absences of official ecumenical voices on behalf of Jews from 1933 to the end of the war, as well as the background internal dynamics of arriving at official organizational responses to the escalating persecution of Jews. It examines in detail the collaborative effort which led from a 1927 International Missionary Conference in Budapest and Warsaw to the 1948 World Council of Churches statement that called attention, in the embers of the Holocaust, to the continuing existence of a people who did not acknowledge Christ.

Nonconformity, theology and reunion, c. 1870-1910

Wood, Stella Margaret January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

Le ministère, nœud gordien de l'œcuménisme ? : la question des ministères dans les dialogues théologiques internationaux entre les Églises luthériennes et réformées et l'Église catholique / The ministry, Gordian knot of the ecumenism? : the question of ministries in the international theological dialogues between the Lutheran and the reformed Churches and the Roman Catholic Church

Baccuet, Christian 11 September 2017 (has links)
Les relations œcuméniques se cristallisent autour du ministère et un blocage semble avoir été atteint sur ce point. Depuis cinquante ans, les Églises luthériennes et réformées dialoguent au plan international avec l’Église catholique sur cette question et de nombreux rapports ont été édités. Cette étude analyse les convergences fortes, les légitimes différences et les divergences qui apparaissent dans ces dialogues au sujet de l’apostolicité de toute l’Église, de l’importance du sacerdoce commun des baptisés, de la nécessité d’un ministère ordonné au service de la prédication et de l’administration des sacrements, de l’importance constitutive pour l’Église d’un ministère d’episkopè en charge de veiller à sa fidélité à l’Évangile et à son unité au plan supra-local. Elle montre que le ministère n’est pas la question ultime mais révèle des enjeux ecclésiologiques fondamentaux qui apparaissent dans le lien entre communion eucharistique et communion ecclésiale, la structuration de l’Église sur le plan universel et son rapport aux Églises locales, la présence en plénitude de l’Église de Jésus-Christ dans une ou plusieurs Églises particulières. Elle pose des jalons de réflexion pour avancer vers une reconnaissance mutuelle des ministères qui, si elle n’est à l’ordre du jour, demeure encore possible. / Ecumenical relations tend to crystallize around the question of ministry, a subject on which current dialogue seems to be blocked. For fifty years, the Lutheran and Reformed Churches have been engaged in dialogue at the international level with the Roman Catholic Church on this question. Numerous reports have been produced. This study analyzes the strong convergences, the legitimate differences and the divergences which appear in these dialogues on the apostolicity of the Church, the importance of the common priesthood of the baptized, the necessity of a special ministry conferred by ordination for the service of preaching and administration of the sacraments and the essential importance for the Church of a ministry of episkopè to protect the integrity of the faith and preserve the unity of the church. The study demonstrates that ministry is not the ultimate question, but one that reveals fundamental ecclesiological issues which appear in the connection between eucharistic and ecclesial communion, the structuring of the Church on a universal level and its relationship with local Churches, the presence in fullness of the Church of Jesus Christ in one or several particular Churches. The study offers a reflexion which prepares the ground for moving forward to a mutual recognition of ministries which, although not currently on the agenda, nevertheless still remains possible.

Les dissensions ecclésiales, un défi pour l'Église catholique : histoire et actualité / Church dissents : a challenge for the Catholic Church in past and present times

Berthe, Pierre-Marie 17 April 2018 (has links)
Depuis l’origine du christianisme, l’unité de l’Église fondée sur la foi, le culte et la communion hiérarchique avec le successeur de Pierre est confrontée à des dissensions doctrinales ou disciplinaires qui entraînent parfois des ruptures institutionnelles. Aujourd’hui, les catholiques peinent à parler d’une seule voix sur des thèmes essentiels, tandis que le dialogue œcuménique tarde à restaurer l’unité parfaite entre chrétiens. Ces deux problématiques sont abordées à la lumière de l’histoire. A travers un long parcours chronologique qui mène le lecteur de l’Antiquité à l’époque contemporaine, cette étude évoque les solutions doctrinales, canoniques et pastorales mises en œuvre au fil des siècles pour résoudre les crises qui ont surgi dans l’Église, puis répond à trois questions en lien avec l’actualité. Que faire pour éviter de nouvelles ruptures dans l’Église ? Comment réagir face aux situations conflictuelles ? Quel chemin emprunter pour réconcilier les chrétiens ? Si la promotion de l’unité réclame audace et courage, elle ne saurait être envisagée en dehors de la vérité révélée par le Christ et de la tradition. / Ever since the inception of Christianity, the Church’s unity based on faith, worship and hierarchical communion with Peter’s successor has been faced with doctrinal or disciplinary dissents which entail institutional severances at times. Today, Catholics have difficulty speaking with one voice about essential questions, while at the same time the ecumenical dialogue is late inrestoring perfect unity between Christians. Those two sets of problems are tackled here in the light of history. Leading the reader on a long chronological path from Antiquity to modern times, this study examines the doctrinal, canonical and pastoral solutions applied along the centuries in order to deal with the crises arising inside the Church ; then it answers three questions in connection with present circumstances : What should be done to avoid new severances within the Church? How to react in front of conflictual situations? What way should be followed to reconcile Christians? While it takes courage and boldness to promote unity, the latter cannot be contemplated outside the truth revealed by Christ and tradition.

Marie : une lecture comparée de "Redemptoris Mater" (Jean-Paul II) et du "Commentaire du Magnificat" (Luther) à la lumière des dialogues œcuméniques / Mary : a comparative study of "Redemptoris Mater" (John-Paul Il) and the "Commentary on the Magnificat" (Luther) in the light of ecumenical dialogues

Graber, Anne-Cathy 19 December 2015 (has links)
Ce travail a pour objectif de vérifier, à partir du thème Marie (souvent compris comme un des obstacles au rapprochement des Églises), la cohérence du mouvement œcuménique contemporain et la consonance des résultats de ces dialogues avec les enseignements officiels des Églises. Le point de départ de la réflexion est une lecture comparée de Redemptoris Mater de Jean-Paul II et du Commentaire du Magnificat de Luther. Cette comparaison est vérifiée ensuite par des dialogues œcuméniques (luthéro-catholiques, mais aussi pentecôtistes-baptistes, catholiques…) dans une perspective d'interpellations réciproques à propos de la compréhension de Marie dans le mystère de l'Église et du salut. La théologie mariale s’avère être un lieu de vérification œcuménique fécond : elle met en exergue les consensus et clarifie les questions encore ouvertes de la recherche œcuménique, en particulier celle de l’instrumentalité de l’Église. / The role of Mary is often understood as an obstacle to reconciliation between Churches. Using this theme, the dissertation has as its objective the verification of the coherence of the contemporary ecumenical movement aswell as to how the results of the various dialogues correspond to the official teaching of the Churches. The starting point is a comparative study of John-Paul II’s Redemptoris Mater and Luther’s Commentary on theMagnificat. This comparison is then examined in the light of results from various ecumenical dialogues (between Lutherans and Catholics as well as Evangelicals, Pentecostals and Catholics…). Out of the dialogues come reciprocal questions concerning how Mary is understood in the mystery of the Church and of salvation. Marian theology shows itself to be a very fertile method of ecumenical verification, revealing both new consensuses and clarifying issues that remain open for ecumenical research, especially in relation to the instrumentality of the Church.

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