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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Weeping at the grave, we make our song : Alleluia : lament and thanksgiving in Church of England funerals

Brooks, Jeremy January 2013 (has links)
The thesis considers the changing nature of funerals carried in England over the last twenty years and a possible response by Church of England ministers. Those changes are outlined in terms of the changes in venue of funerals, the changes in content and the changes in officials conducting funerals. As a theological basis for a response, the thesis examines the work of Hans Urs von Balthasar, and in particular his book Mysterium Paschale. Balthasar considers each of the three days of Easter in turn, finding particular power and importance in Holy Saturday. It is this weight that he gives to the day in which Jesus is actually dead that is important in forming a liturgical response in the carrying out of funerals. One commentator describes a Christian funeral as a remembrance of an individual’s death in the context of the Easter event: key to what we do as Christian ministers is remind people of the hope that we have because of Christ’s resurrection at Easter. However, whilst the proclamation of the meaning of Easter Sunday is vital in any Christian funeral, just as important is a taking seriously of Good Friday and Holy Saturday. These days remind us of the importance of grief and mourning in funerals. The thesis examines both the formal and informal content of funerals conducted by church ministers in England today to see how they give an appropriate understanding of the death and resurrection of Christ. The appropriate liturgical response to mourning is lament and, having considered how the three days of Easter are reflected in the actual content of the funeral, the final chapter considers the biblical notion of lament and how it may provide resources for funeral ministry.

Personality factors and their influence on group behavior : a questionnaire study

January 1953 (has links)
Genevieve O. Rogge. / "August 31, 1953." / Bibliography: p. 35. / Army Signal Corps Contract Da36-039- sc-100 Project 8-102B-0 Dept. of the Army Project 3-99-10-022

From penance to repentance : themes of forgiveness in the early English Reformation

Marquis, Todd A. January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is an examination of the historical thought of several key English reformers regarding the assimilation or rejection of different aspects of late medieval notions of the sacrament of penance during the Henrician phase of the English Reformation. It is a study primarily concerned with how notions of penance in the theology of these reformers were inherited from patristic, humanist, and continental reformers and how the evangelicals reworked them. While these reformers did not agree on all matters of theology, important points of contact can be found in how they understood the roles of contrition, confession, and satisfaction within a framework that denied the efficacy of human participation in the forgiveness of sins. There are three distinct sections. The two chapters of the first section are concerned with establishing the context of sacramental penance in the sixteenth century. The first chapter identifies distinct phases of the evolution of notions of sacramental penance from the early church through the scholastics, and the second chapter explores the theology of three important influences on the evangelicals—John Wycliffe, Desiderius Erasmus, and Martin Luther—and shows that while their views were unique, they shared important points of connection with the evangelicals in England. The second section consists of the next four chapters, which are dedicated to individual English exiled evangelicals from 1524-1535. Chapter three identifies Tyndale’s unique use of terminology in his redefining of the terms and rearranging of the formula of sacramental penance as he focused on the covenantal language of Christ’s blood as the satisfaction in place of human effort. Chapter four is concerned with Robert Barnes’ notion of the coexistence of contrition and confession, with oral confession occurring after forgiveness has been made. Chapter five details John Frith’s notion of repentance as related to an earthly purgation of sins and a passive, effortless turning from them. Chapter six examines George Joye’s notion of how an effective confession was to be made to God or to man. The third section comprises only one chapter (seven), and it contends that these exiles had significant influence on the later Henrician formularies, and that within them an evangelical notion of confession prevailed, particularly in the relationship of confession and purgatory, but also the understanding of the relationship between sorrow for sin and its forgiveness.

Foreign clientelae in Roman foreign policy and internal politics (264-70 B.C.)

Badian, E. January 1956 (has links)
No description available.

Rated Tags as a Service - Konzept und Evaluierung

Kailer, Daniel 27 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Durch die wachsende Bedeutung des Onlinehandels und der Zunahme an Benutzer-generierten Inhalten werden neue Ansätze benötigt, um Konsumenten bei ihrer Entscheidungsfindung zu unterstützen. Wie Studien zeigen, werden im Onlinehandel häufig Kundenrezensionen und Gesamtbewertungen eingesetzt. Allerdings sind diese beiden Werkzeuge für die Entscheidungsfindung von Konsumenten nur begrenzt hilfreich. Gesamtbewertungen zeigen zwar eine oberflächliche Zufriedenheit der Kunden, geben jedoch keine Auskunft über die Bewertung bestimmter Produktaspekte, z.B. den Tragekomfort von Kopfhörern. Diese Aspekte werden von Kunden häufig in Rezensionen beschrieben, welche jedoch aufgrund ihrer unstrukturierten Weise nicht automatisiert aufbereitet werden können. Konsumenten sind daher gezwungen Rezensionen zu lesen und die darin diskutierten Merkmale manuell zu extrahieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit leistet mehrere Beiträge zur Adressierung des oben genannten Problems und beschäftigt sich dabei mit der Konzeptionierung, Evaluierung und Dienst-orientierten Bereitstellung einer interaktiven Entscheidungshilfe für den E-Commerce. Zunächst wird anhand einer empirischen Untersuchung der umsatzstärksten Onlineshops aus Deutschland der aktuelle Einsatz von Social Media Features analysiert. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die o.g. Problematik von keinem untersuchten Onlineshop adressiert wird. Ein weiterer Beitrag ist der Entwurf sowie die prototypische Implementierung einer interaktiven Entscheidungshilfe mit der Bezeichnung Rated Tags. Rated Tags erlaubt die Benutzer-generierte Definition von bewertbaren Schlagwörtern (Tags) und kombiniert dabei Methoden aus den Bereichen Social Tagging und Bewertungssysteme. Eine nachfolgende Evaluierung des Konzepts im Rahmen einer Anwenderstudie zeigt, dass der Einsatz von Rated Tags die Entscheidungsqualität verbessern sowie den Entscheidungsaufwand von Konsumenten reduzieren kann. Zur Optimierung des Lösungsansatzes wird dann ein Ensemble-Klassifikator aus dem Bereich des überwachten Lernens zur semiautomatisierten Vereinheitlichung von semantisch ähnlichen Tags entworfen, prototypisch implementiert und evaluiert. Die Ergebnisse der Evaluierung zeigen, dass die Leistung des Klassifikators den aktuellen Stand der Technik übersteigt. Als Abschluss der Arbeit wird ein Modell mit der Bezeichnung Rated Tags as a Service vorgestellt, welches die Service-orientierte Bereitstellung des Rated Tags-Ansatzes für Onlineshops oder Bewertungsportale beschreibt.

三國時期的地方勢力. / San guo shi qi de di fang shi li.

January 1974 (has links)
論文(碩士)--香港中文大學. / 參考文獻: l. 307-311. / Manuscript. / 引言 --- p.1-6 / Chapter 第一章 --- 地方勢力的成員及其政治活動 --- p.7-62 / Chapter 第一節 --- 地方勢力的成員及其身份的演变 --- p.7-21 / Chapter 第二節 --- 流民與流民集團 --- p.22-34 / Chapter 第三節 --- 地方勢力的政治活動 --- p.35-62 / Chapter 第二章 --- 地方勢力的動向 --- p.63-189 / Chapter 第一節 --- 曹操初起事時的基本武力與譙沛集團 --- p.63-90 / Chapter 第二節 --- 劉氏政權與豫、徐、荊、益等州的地方勢力 --- p.91-122 / Chapter 第三節 --- 江東的孫吳政權 --- p.123-144 / Chapter 第四節 --- 封建制度下双重君臣倫理關係與地方勢力選擇歸附的矛盾 --- p.145-165 / Chapter 第五節 --- 地方勢力的反覆 --- p.166-189 / Chapter 第三章 --- 群雄與地方勢力的關係 --- p.190-302 / Chapter 第一節 --- 曹操平定冀州前中原地區群雄勢力的消長與曹的妥協政策 --- p.190-217 / Chapter 第二節 --- 曹操平定冀州後政策的轉變 --- p.218-229 / Chapter 第三節 --- 袁紹、公孫瓚、公孫度、陶謙、劉備、劉表、劉焉等人的政策 --- p.230-244 / Chapter 第四節 --- 孫吳在江東的政策 --- p.245-267 / Chapter 第五節 --- 妥協政策的形成 --- p.268-288 / Chapter (一) --- 割地 / Chapter (二) --- 联婚 / Chapter (三) --- 質任 / Chapter 第六節 --- 壓制政策´ؤ´ؤ有漸進的分化到強制徙民 --- p.289-302 / 結論 --- p.303-306 / 參考書目 --- p.307-311

Akan witchcraft and the concept of exorcism in the Church of Pentecost

Onyinah, Opoku January 2002 (has links)
Witchcraft and "exorcisms" have dominated African cultures and posed problems for African people. This thesis is a study of the current exorcistic ministry within a Pentecostal church in Ghana with reference to the Akan culture. The general opinion gathered from current anthropological studies on witchcraft is that the ultimate goal of exorcism is to become modernised. However, using interdisciplinary studies with a theological focus, the thesis departs from this, and contends that it is divinatory-consultation or an inquiry into the sacred and the search for meaning that underlies the current "deliverance" ministry, where the focus is to identify and break down the so-called demonic forces by the power of God in order to "deliver" people from their torment. It represents a further attempt to contextualise the gospel to African people. However, its preoccupation with demonisation and its exorcistic practices are found to bring Christianity into tension with the Akan culture, family ties and other religions. Therefore, to develop a properly safeguarded ministry of exorcism in an African context, the thesis examines contextualisation and suggests that it includes the integration of divinatory-consultation, which the thesis claims underlies the biblical concept of prayer, into African Christianity.

Přístupnost a další zákonné povinnosti webů veřejné správy

Plotěný, Luboš January 2007 (has links)
Cílem diplomové práce je detailně analyzovat zákonné povinnosti týkající se webů veřejné správy, které vyplývají z novely zákona č. 365/2000 Sb., o informačních systémech veřejné správy. V rámci této detailní analýzy je vymezen základní právní rámec a jeho dopady na webové stránky veřejnosprávních institucí. Nutnost legislativního ukotvení přístupnosti webových stránek je podložena sociálně i statisticky zaměřenými argumenty. Je věnována pozornost legislativě v České republice i ve světě. Detailně je popsána oblast přístupnosti webových stránek. Mimo samotné definice přístupnosti jsou vymezeny základní skupiny hendikepovaných uživatelů internetu, způsob, jakým používají internet, a jejich potřeby z pohledu přístupnosti informací prezentovaných na webu. V rámci práce jsou dále popsány uznávané metodiky týkající se tvorby přístupných webových stránek v českém i celosvětovém měřítku. Praktická část práce vychází z české metodiky pro tvorbu přístupného webu. Postupně je provedena detailní analýza jednotlivých pravidel v rámci této metodiky. U každého pravidla je popsán jeho význam, konkrétní techniky pro jeho splnění, jeho důležitost z pohledu jednotlivých skupin uživatelů a metody, které lze využít pro ověření splnění pravidla.

The opposition to Sulla

Morgan, Margaret Frances. January 1973 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Performance analysis of transmission protocols for H.265 encoder

UMESH, AKELLA January 2015 (has links)
In recent years there has been a predominant increase in multimedia services such as live streaming, Video on Demand (VoD), video conferencing, videos for the learning. Streaming of high quality videos has become a challenge for service providers to enhance the user’s watching experience. The service providers cannot guarantee the perceived quality. In order to enhance the user’s expectations, it is also important to estimate the quality of video perceived by the user. There are different video streaming protocols that are used to stream from server to client. In this research, we aren’t focused on the user’s experience. We are mainly focused on the performance behavior of the protocols. In this study, we investigate the performance of the HTTP, RTSP and WebRTC protocols when streaming is carried out for H.265 encoder. The study addresses for the objective assessment of different protocols over VoD streaming at the network and application layers. Packet loss and delay variations are altered at the network layer using network emulator NetEm when streaming from server to client. The metrics at the network layer and application layer are collected and analyzed. The video is streamed from server to a client, the quality of the video is checked by some of the users. The research method has been carried out using an experimental testbed. The metrics such as packet counts at network layer and stream bitrate at application layer are collected for HTTP, RTSP and WebRTC protocols. Variable delays and packet losses are injected into the network to emulate real world. Based on the results obtained, it was found at the application layer that, out of the three protocols, HTTP, RTSP and WebRTC, the stream bitrate of the video transmitted using HTTP was less when compared to the other. Hence, HTTP performs better in the application layer. At the network layer, the packet counts of the video transmitted were collected using TCP port for HTTP and UDP port for RTSP and WebRTC protocols. The performance of HTTP was found to be stable in most of the scenarios. On comparing RTSP and WebRTC, the number of packet counts collected were more in number for RTSP when compared to WebRTC. This is because, the protocol and also the streamer are using more resources to transmit the video. Hence, both the protocols RTSP and WebRTC are performing better relatively.

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