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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An interdisciplinary approach to the prediction of pit lake water quality, Martha Mine pit lake, New Zealand

Castendyk, Devin N. January 2005 (has links)
Lakes resulting from open pit mining may be potential water resources or potential environmental problems, depending on their water quality. As the global abundance of pit mines and pit lakes increases, there is increasing pressure on the mining industry to create pit lakes that have environmental, social, and/or economical utility. This thesis uses an interdisciplinary approach involving mineralogy, physical limnology, and geochemistry to predict and improve the water quality of a proposed pit lake at the Martha gold mine, New Zealand. A mineral quantification method developed for this study measured the distributions and concentrations of wall rock minerals, and identified 8 relatively homogeneous wall rock regions, called mineral associations. Acid-base accounting using calcite and pyrite quantities identified 3 associations with acid-generating potential. Three physical limnology tools (relative depth, wedderburn number, and numerical modeling with DYRESM), predicted that the upper 2/3 of the lake will circulate annually during the winter turnover period, whereas the lower 1/3 will remain permanently isolated. Permanent stratification resulted from density differences between groundwater and river water inputs during lake filling, plus lake morphology. The geochemical model used the distribution of mineral associations to characterize the composition of pit wall runoff, and used the limnologic prediction to define the mixing frequency, mixing depth, and layer volumes. Initial modeling with the geochemical program PHREEQC indicated the lake will have a pH of 5, and Cu and Zn concentrations that exceed aquatic life protection guidelines. Sensitivity analyses showed that subaqueous water-rock reactions did not have a significant affect on lake pH, suggesting these reactions are less important geochemical factors in pyrite-bearing pit lakes. Surface adsorption onto ferrihydrite reduced concentrations of As, Pb, and Cu, suggesting these reactions are important geochemical factors in pit lakes. By covering the acid-generating mineral associations, lake pH increased above 6.5, allowing for future recreational use. Concentrations of Cu complied with aquatic life protection guidelines, however, Zn concentrations remained above these guidelines. This study demonstrates the value of interdisciplinary pit lake predictions in the design of closure plans for open pit mines. Such studies improve the ability of mining companies to sustainably develop mineral resources.

An interdisciplinary approach to the prediction of pit lake water quality, Martha Mine pit lake, New Zealand

Castendyk, Devin N. January 2005 (has links)
Lakes resulting from open pit mining may be potential water resources or potential environmental problems, depending on their water quality. As the global abundance of pit mines and pit lakes increases, there is increasing pressure on the mining industry to create pit lakes that have environmental, social, and/or economical utility. This thesis uses an interdisciplinary approach involving mineralogy, physical limnology, and geochemistry to predict and improve the water quality of a proposed pit lake at the Martha gold mine, New Zealand. A mineral quantification method developed for this study measured the distributions and concentrations of wall rock minerals, and identified 8 relatively homogeneous wall rock regions, called mineral associations. Acid-base accounting using calcite and pyrite quantities identified 3 associations with acid-generating potential. Three physical limnology tools (relative depth, wedderburn number, and numerical modeling with DYRESM), predicted that the upper 2/3 of the lake will circulate annually during the winter turnover period, whereas the lower 1/3 will remain permanently isolated. Permanent stratification resulted from density differences between groundwater and river water inputs during lake filling, plus lake morphology. The geochemical model used the distribution of mineral associations to characterize the composition of pit wall runoff, and used the limnologic prediction to define the mixing frequency, mixing depth, and layer volumes. Initial modeling with the geochemical program PHREEQC indicated the lake will have a pH of 5, and Cu and Zn concentrations that exceed aquatic life protection guidelines. Sensitivity analyses showed that subaqueous water-rock reactions did not have a significant affect on lake pH, suggesting these reactions are less important geochemical factors in pyrite-bearing pit lakes. Surface adsorption onto ferrihydrite reduced concentrations of As, Pb, and Cu, suggesting these reactions are important geochemical factors in pit lakes. By covering the acid-generating mineral associations, lake pH increased above 6.5, allowing for future recreational use. Concentrations of Cu complied with aquatic life protection guidelines, however, Zn concentrations remained above these guidelines. This study demonstrates the value of interdisciplinary pit lake predictions in the design of closure plans for open pit mines. Such studies improve the ability of mining companies to sustainably develop mineral resources.

Study of nitrogen loss pathways in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) growing agro-ecosystems on volcanic ash soils in Papua New Guinea : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Soil Science at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Murom, Banabas January 2007 (has links)
Oil palm is the largest national crop produced in Papua New Guinea. It is grown on over 80,000 ha of young volcanic soils in five Provinces, employs over 12,000 workers and uses >12,000 tonnes of fertiliser to offset nitrogen deficiency which is the most limiting factor to production. Oil palms strip out 160 - 200 kg N ha-1 yr-1 from the soil. Nitrogen fertilisers account for 60-70 % of all variable production costs but 40-60 % of applied fertiliser cannot be accounted for. Few studies have investigated the amounts of nitrogen lost via leaching, denitrification, volatilisation or as surface runoff in tropical soils and none have been done in Papua New Guinea. Oil palm soils typically have extremely high infiltrabilities (80-8,500 mm hr-1) and receive high annual rainfall which throughfall makes spatially non-uniform. The objective of this study was to assess and quantify nitrogen losses and suggest strategies that might assist in reducing them and their impact on the environment. The modest facilities available at the two research sites, West New Britain (Dami) and Oro (Sangara) Provinces, meant that no analytical work could be done on-site, so simple but appropriate methods were used to evaluate losses, with samples collected, preserved and sent off-shore for analysis. Large four-palm plots were used to evaluate runoff; a gas trap was used to collect evolved nitrous oxide, and lysimeters, suction cups and finally an in situ destructive soil sampling procedure were all used to assess leaching losses and the rate of nitrification of ammonium fertiliser. Results suggest that under the extreme total annual rainfall at Dami (3,500-4,000 mm) and to a lesser extent at Sangara (2,500-3,000 mm), leaching is the dominant loss pathway, with the rate of loss depending, to some extent, on the rate of nitrate formation and the retentivity of the soil for ammonium, but mainly on the rate at which drainage water is generated. A leaching model was developed that indicated that the average residence time of nitrogen fertiliser in the root zone (0-50 cm) varied from 21 days in February, at Dami, to 190 days in May, at Sangara.

The fate of nitrogen in lactose-depleted dairy factory effluent irrigated onto land

Ford, Colleen D. January 2008 (has links)
A two-year lysimeter study was undertaken to compare the environmental effects (e.g. nitrate leaching and nitrous oxide emissions) of soil applied lactose-depleted dairy factory effluent (LD-DFE) with lactose-rich DFE. The aim of this experiment was to determine the fate of nitrogen from LD-DFE and dairy cow urine applied to a Templeton fine sandy loam soil (Udic Ustrochrept), supporting a herbage cover of ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and white clover (Trifolium repens). Measurements were carried out on the amount of nitrogen lost from the soil via leaching, lost by denitrification, removed by the pasture plants, and immobilized within the soil organic fraction. Further, a comparison between the fate of nitrogen in LD-DFE irrigated onto land under a "cut and carry" system, as opposed to a "grazed" pasture system was undertaken. Lactose-depleted dairy factory effluent was applied at three-weekly intervals during the summer months at rates of 25 and 50 mm, until nitrogen loading targets of 300 and 600 kg N ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹ had been achieved. Measured leaching losses of nitrogen averaged 2 and 7 kg N ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹ for Control 25 and Control 50 treatments; 21, 20 and 58 kg N ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹ for 25 and 50 mm "cut and carry" treatments respectively; and 96 kg N ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹ for the 25 mm "grazed" treatment. The range of nitrate-N leaching loss from LD-DFE plus urine is no different from the lactose-rich DFE nitrate leaching loss. Uptake of nitrogen by the growing pasture averaged 153, 184,340,352,483, and 415 kg N ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹ for Control 25, Control 50, LD-DFE 25 and LD-DFE 50 mm "cut and carry" treatments, and the LD-DFE 25 mm "grazed" treatment, respectively. Denitrification losses were 0.06, 4.4, 1.69, 19.70, and 7.4 kg N ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹ for Control 25, the LD-DFE 25 "cut and carry" treatments, the LD-DFE 25 mm "grazed" treatment, and calculated "paddock losses", respectively. Isotopic nitrogen studies found that 29.4 and 25.8% of applied LD-DFE nitrogen was immobilised in the LD-DFE 25 and LD-DFE 50 "cut and carry" treatments. The results of this experiment confirm the findings of the previous lactose-rich DFE study, in that the effects of grazing stock are of greater environmental concern than the removal of lactose from the effluent waste stream.

Characterisation of herbicide behaviour in some innovative growing media : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Soil Science at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

James, Trevor Kenneth January 2008 (has links)
An abundance of waste products from the forestry industry (sawdust and paper pulp) lead to the concept of using them as growing media for high value crops on a field scale. However, management of subsequent weed growth posed a problem as the impact of these novel media on the performance and fate of herbicides was unknown. Three aspects of sawdust and paper pulp waste were examined and compared to two cropping soils, viz. their effect on herbicide behaviour with regard to crop selectivity, weed control efficacy and the environmental fate of selected chemicals. Cropping species such as lettuce and onions were more susceptible to alachlor and chlorpropham in sawdust than in paper pulp. The two cropping soils evaluated (Horotiu sandy loam and Mangateretere silt loam) tended to be intermediate although the former was often close to the sawdust and the latter to the paper pulp in terms of herbicide phytotoxicity to the crop plants. For the less water soluble herbicide pendimethalin, the differences in crop selectivity in the different media were not significant. The effect of the media on the efficacy of weed control was evaluated through plant species with a much lower tolerance to the herbicides evaluated in contrast to the above species. For these plants the efficacy of the herbicides was generally lower in both the sawdust and paper pulp than in the two soils. The effect was more pronounced with the more soluble alachlor, where efficacy was reduced by factors of 5 – 10, compared to pendimethalin where efficacy reduction was by factors of 0 – 3. The two high organic media had contrasting effects on the various environmental behaviour indices evaluated. Herbicide adsorption as quantified by distribution coefficient (Kd) was higher in the two novel media compared to both the Horotiu and Mangateretere soils. However, when the Kd was normalised to organic carbon (Koc), there was less variation amongst the media indicating that organic matter is an important factor in controlling sorption in these media. However, despite the high level of adsorption in the sawdust, herbicides were most prone to leaching in this medium. Conversely the paper pulp tended to be more retentive while the two soils were intermediate. The degradation as quantified by half-lives (t½) of the herbicides was generally slower in the two novel media, probably reflecting the higher sorption in these two media but also due to the lower level of microbial activity in the sawdust and paper pulp. The study shows that herbicide behaviour in these carbon based media differs significantly from that expected from soil organic matter, mainly due to the non-humified nature of the organic matter in the media and its poor biological activity.

Development of field techniques to predict soil carbon, soil nitrogen and root density from soil spectral reflectance : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Soil Science at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Kusumo, Bambang Hari January 2009 (has links)
The objectives of this research were to develop and evaluate a field method for in situ measurement of soil properties using visible near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (Vis-NIRS). A probe with an independent light source for acquiring soil reflectance spectra from soil cores was developed around an existing portable field spectrometer (ASD FieldSpecPro, Boulder, CO, USA; 350-2500 nm). Initial experiments tested the ability of the acquired spectra to predict plant root density, an important property in soil carbon dynamics. Reflectance spectra were acquired from soil containing ryegrass roots (Lolium multiflorum) grown in Allophanic and Fluvial Recent soils in a glasshouse pot trial. Differences in root density were created by differential nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization. Partial least squares regression (PLSR) was used to calibrate spectral data (pre-processed by smoothing and transforming spectra to the first derivative) against laboratory-measured root density data (wet-sieve technique). The calibration model successfully predicted root densities (r2 = 0.85, RPD = 2.63, RMSECV = 0.47 mg cm-3) observed in the pots to a moderate level of accuracy. This soil reflectance probe was then tested using a soil coring system to acquire reflectance spectra from two soils under pasture (0-60 mm soil depths) that had contrasting root densities. The PLSR calibration models for predicting root density were more accurate when soil samples from the two soils were separated rather than grouped. A more accurate prediction was found in Allophanic soils (r2 = 0.83, RPD = 2.44, RMSECV = 1.96 mg g-1) than in Fluvial Recent soils (r2 = 0.75, RPD = 1.98, RMSECV = 5.11 mg g-1). The Vis-NIRS technique was then modified slightly to work on a soil corer that could be used to measure root contents from deeper soil profiles (15- 600 mm depth) in arable land (90-day-old maize crop grown in Fluvial Recent soils). PLSR calibration models were constructed to predict the full range of maize root densities (r2 = 0.83, RPD = 2.42, RMSECV = 1.21 mg cm-3) and also soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) concentrations that had been determined in the laboratory (LECO FP- 2000 CNS Analyser; Leco Corp., St Joseph, MI, USA). Further studies concentrated on improving the Vis-NIRS technique for prediction of total C and N concentrations in differing soil types within different soil orders in the field. The soil coring method used in the maize studies was evaluated in permanent and recent pastoral soils (Pumice, Allophanic and Tephric Recent in the Taupo-Rotorua Volcanic Zone, North Island) with a wide range of soil organic matter contents resulting from different times (1-5 years) since conversion from forest soils. Without any sample preparation, other than the soil surface left after coring, it was possible to predict soil C and N concentrations with moderate success (C prediction r2 = 0.75, RMSEP = 1.23%, RPD = 1.97; N prediction r2 = 0.80, RMSEP = 0.10%, RPD = 2.15) using a technique of acquiring soil reflectance spectra from the horizontal cross-section of a soil core (H method). The soil probe was then modified to acquire spectra from the curved vertical wall of a soil core (V method), allowing the spectrometer’s field of view to increase to record the reflectance features of the whole soil sample taken for laboratory analysis. Improved predictions of soil C and N concentrations were achieved with the V method of spectral acquisition (C prediction r2 = 0.97, RMSECV = 0.21%, RPD = 5.80; N prediction r2 = 0.96, RMSECV = 0.02%, RPD = 5.17) compared to the H method (C prediction r2 = 0.95, RMSECV = 0.27%, RPD = 4.45; N prediction r2 = 0.94, RMSECV = 0.03%, RPD = 4.25). The V method was tested for temporal robustness by assessing its ability to predict soil C and N concentrations of Fluvial Recent soils under permanent pasture in different seasons. When principal component analysis (PCA) was used to ensure that the spectral dimensions (which were responsive to water content) of the data set used for developing the PLSR calibration model embraced those of the “unknown” soil samples, it was possible to predict soil C and N concentrations in “unknown” samples of widely different water contents (in May and November), with a high level of accuracy (C prediction r2 = 0.97, RMSEP = 0.36%, RPD = 3.43; N prediction r2 = 0.95, RMSEP = 0.03%, RPD = 3.44). This study indicates that Vis-NIRS has considerable potential for rapid in situ assessment of soil C, N and root density. The results demonstrate that field root densities in pastoral and arable soil can be predicted independently from total soil C, which will allow researchers to predict C sequestration from root production. The recommended “V” technique can be used to assess spatial and temporal variability of soil carbon and nitrogen within soil profiles and across the landscape. It can also be used to assess the rate of C sequestration and organic matter synthesis via root density prediction. It reduces the time, labour and cost of conventional soil analysis and root density measurement.

The role of inhibitors in mitigating nitrogen losses from cattle urine and nitrogen fertiliser inputs in pastures : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) in Soil Science at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Singh, Jagrati January 2006 (has links)
The major land use in New Zealand is pastoral farming of sheep and cattle. In intensively grazed dairy-pasture systems, animals graze on nitrogen (N)-rich legume-based pastures, but do not efficiently utilize the N they ingest. On average only 10.5% of the N in forage-based animal feed is converted into milk and the remainder is excreted in dung and urine. In the pastures, a cow urine patch can typically contain up to 1000 kg N ha-1. Nitrogen input, either in the form of cow urine or fertilizer, often exceeds immediate plant requirements and hence is susceptible to losses as ammonia (NH3) volatilisation and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and removal in drainage water through nitrate (NO3-) leaching. This loss of N from grazed pastures causes detrimental environmental impacts in the form of acidification and eutrophication of the soil and water bodies, global warming, destruction of stratospheric ozone, and NO3- toxicity. Various approaches have been attempted to mitigate the economic and environmental impacts of N losses. One such approach is the use of Urease (UIs) and Nitrification (NIs) inhibitors. There have been extensive studies on the value of UIs in arable farming and NIs in grazed pastures. However, only limited work on the impact of UI and NI alone and in combination in influencing the N dynamics, and thus mitigating N gaseous losses from pastures, has been conducted. This thesis examines the impact of UI (Agrotain; N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide) and NI (Dicyandiamide, commonly known as DCD), when applied alone or in combination to cow urine and urea fertiliser, on N losses through NH3 and N2O emissions and NO3- leaching, and on herbage production under glasshouse conditions and a field-plot study. The degradation rate of DCD, and its effect on nitrification and on N2O emissions from four soils varying in their physical and chemical properties was also examined under laboratory incubations. The results from the field-plot study were then used to predict the effect of DCD on N2O emissions reductions from urine by adapting the process-based NZ-DNDC model. Both NH3 and N2O emissions have common sources in agriculture. Therefore, chambers were adapted to measure their emissions simultaneously using active and passive gas sampling. Active sampling involved continuous air flow and the use of acid (0.05 M H2SO4 and 2% H3BO3) traps for NH3 measurements and passive sampling involved collecting three gas samples over a one-hour period from a static chamber used for N2O emissions. The first glasshouse experiment used UI with urine or urea to assess its effect on NH3 and N2O emissions, changes in soil mineral-N and N uptake by pasture plants. The UI treatments also involved two commercial products, Sustain Yellow (urea coated with Agrotain and elemental S) and Sustain Green (urea coated with Agrotain). The use of UI effectively decreased total NH3 emissions, as well as delaying the time of maximum NH3 emissions from both urea (600 kg N ha-1) and urine (476 kg N ha-1) by 27% and 22%, respectively. The UI-induced decrease in NH3 volatilization ranged from 42-48% when urea was applied @ 100 kg N ha-1. Urease inhibitor was also effective in decreasing N2O emissions significantly from urine and urea applied @ 100 kg N ha-1. The addition of UI increased dry matter yield by 13-19% as compared to the urea-alone treatment. In the second glasshouse study, NI (DCD) was added @ 25 kg ha-1 to urea (@ 25, 50 and 75 kg N ha-1) and urine (@ 144, 290 and 570 kg N ha-1) applied at different rates. Addition of DCD reduced N2O emissions from both urea and urine and NO3- leaching from urine. Dicyandiamide reduced N2O emissions by 34-93% from the added urea and 33-80% from the added urine. However, its use increased the amount of ammonium (NH4+) present in the soil by 3 to 13% both in the urea and urine treatments, and this NH4+ was susceptible to leaching and volatilisation losses. The addition of DCD, however, resulted in a 60-65% reduction in NO3- leaching from urine applied to pasture soil cores. It also caused a significant reduction in NO3- -induced cation leaching. Leaching of K+, Mg+2 and Ca+2 ions was reduced by 36-42%, 33-50% and 72%, respectively, with DCD applied to cattle urine (290 and 570 kg N ha-1). The combined use of UI and NI was more effective in controlling N gaseous losses than using them individually. The combination of UI and NI retarded NH3 emissions by 70% in the urea treatment and by 4% in the urine treatment (field-plot study). It also considerably reduced N2O emissions (50-51%) following the application of urea and urine (field-plot study) to pasture soil. With the combined inhibitors, there was a 14 and 38% increase in herbage yield from added urea and urine (field-plot study), respectively. A laboratory incubation experiment was undertaken to study the effect of soil types and the rate of DCD application on the degradation kinetics of DCD. The rate of degradation of DCD varied among the four soils studied. The degradation was slowest (half-life period of 6 to 11 days) in an allophanic soil with a high concentration of organic matter. The effectiveness of DCD in inhibiting nitrification also varied depending on the nature and amount of soil organic matter and clay content. The maximum inhibition was observed in a soil with low organic matter and high clay content. Finally, 'NZ-DNDC', a process-based model, was adapted and used to simulate the effect of DCD on emissions reduction using DCD inhibition values that vary according to different soil types. This model effectively simulated the effect of DCD on N2O emissions reductions in Tokomaru silt loam following urine application. However, more field data are required from a range of pasture soils with contrasting amount of soil organic matter and clay content under differing climatic conditions to further test this model modification to predict emission-reductions with DCD application in different soil types.

Development of field techniques to predict soil carbon, soil nitrogen and root density from soil spectral reflectance : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Soil Science at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Kusumo, Bambang Hari January 2009 (has links)
The objectives of this research were to develop and evaluate a field method for in situ measurement of soil properties using visible near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (Vis-NIRS). A probe with an independent light source for acquiring soil reflectance spectra from soil cores was developed around an existing portable field spectrometer (ASD FieldSpecPro, Boulder, CO, USA; 350-2500 nm). Initial experiments tested the ability of the acquired spectra to predict plant root density, an important property in soil carbon dynamics. Reflectance spectra were acquired from soil containing ryegrass roots (Lolium multiflorum) grown in Allophanic and Fluvial Recent soils in a glasshouse pot trial. Differences in root density were created by differential nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization. Partial least squares regression (PLSR) was used to calibrate spectral data (pre-processed by smoothing and transforming spectra to the first derivative) against laboratory-measured root density data (wet-sieve technique). The calibration model successfully predicted root densities (r2 = 0.85, RPD = 2.63, RMSECV = 0.47 mg cm-3) observed in the pots to a moderate level of accuracy. This soil reflectance probe was then tested using a soil coring system to acquire reflectance spectra from two soils under pasture (0-60 mm soil depths) that had contrasting root densities. The PLSR calibration models for predicting root density were more accurate when soil samples from the two soils were separated rather than grouped. A more accurate prediction was found in Allophanic soils (r2 = 0.83, RPD = 2.44, RMSECV = 1.96 mg g-1) than in Fluvial Recent soils (r2 = 0.75, RPD = 1.98, RMSECV = 5.11 mg g-1). The Vis-NIRS technique was then modified slightly to work on a soil corer that could be used to measure root contents from deeper soil profiles (15- 600 mm depth) in arable land (90-day-old maize crop grown in Fluvial Recent soils). PLSR calibration models were constructed to predict the full range of maize root densities (r2 = 0.83, RPD = 2.42, RMSECV = 1.21 mg cm-3) and also soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) concentrations that had been determined in the laboratory (LECO FP- 2000 CNS Analyser; Leco Corp., St Joseph, MI, USA). Further studies concentrated on improving the Vis-NIRS technique for prediction of total C and N concentrations in differing soil types within different soil orders in the field. The soil coring method used in the maize studies was evaluated in permanent and recent pastoral soils (Pumice, Allophanic and Tephric Recent in the Taupo-Rotorua Volcanic Zone, North Island) with a wide range of soil organic matter contents resulting from different times (1-5 years) since conversion from forest soils. Without any sample preparation, other than the soil surface left after coring, it was possible to predict soil C and N concentrations with moderate success (C prediction r2 = 0.75, RMSEP = 1.23%, RPD = 1.97; N prediction r2 = 0.80, RMSEP = 0.10%, RPD = 2.15) using a technique of acquiring soil reflectance spectra from the horizontal cross-section of a soil core (H method). The soil probe was then modified to acquire spectra from the curved vertical wall of a soil core (V method), allowing the spectrometer’s field of view to increase to record the reflectance features of the whole soil sample taken for laboratory analysis. Improved predictions of soil C and N concentrations were achieved with the V method of spectral acquisition (C prediction r2 = 0.97, RMSECV = 0.21%, RPD = 5.80; N prediction r2 = 0.96, RMSECV = 0.02%, RPD = 5.17) compared to the H method (C prediction r2 = 0.95, RMSECV = 0.27%, RPD = 4.45; N prediction r2 = 0.94, RMSECV = 0.03%, RPD = 4.25). The V method was tested for temporal robustness by assessing its ability to predict soil C and N concentrations of Fluvial Recent soils under permanent pasture in different seasons. When principal component analysis (PCA) was used to ensure that the spectral dimensions (which were responsive to water content) of the data set used for developing the PLSR calibration model embraced those of the “unknown” soil samples, it was possible to predict soil C and N concentrations in “unknown” samples of widely different water contents (in May and November), with a high level of accuracy (C prediction r2 = 0.97, RMSEP = 0.36%, RPD = 3.43; N prediction r2 = 0.95, RMSEP = 0.03%, RPD = 3.44). This study indicates that Vis-NIRS has considerable potential for rapid in situ assessment of soil C, N and root density. The results demonstrate that field root densities in pastoral and arable soil can be predicted independently from total soil C, which will allow researchers to predict C sequestration from root production. The recommended “V” technique can be used to assess spatial and temporal variability of soil carbon and nitrogen within soil profiles and across the landscape. It can also be used to assess the rate of C sequestration and organic matter synthesis via root density prediction. It reduces the time, labour and cost of conventional soil analysis and root density measurement.

Development of field techniques to predict soil carbon, soil nitrogen and root density from soil spectral reflectance : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Soil Science at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Kusumo, Bambang Hari January 2009 (has links)
The objectives of this research were to develop and evaluate a field method for in situ measurement of soil properties using visible near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (Vis-NIRS). A probe with an independent light source for acquiring soil reflectance spectra from soil cores was developed around an existing portable field spectrometer (ASD FieldSpecPro, Boulder, CO, USA; 350-2500 nm). Initial experiments tested the ability of the acquired spectra to predict plant root density, an important property in soil carbon dynamics. Reflectance spectra were acquired from soil containing ryegrass roots (Lolium multiflorum) grown in Allophanic and Fluvial Recent soils in a glasshouse pot trial. Differences in root density were created by differential nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization. Partial least squares regression (PLSR) was used to calibrate spectral data (pre-processed by smoothing and transforming spectra to the first derivative) against laboratory-measured root density data (wet-sieve technique). The calibration model successfully predicted root densities (r2 = 0.85, RPD = 2.63, RMSECV = 0.47 mg cm-3) observed in the pots to a moderate level of accuracy. This soil reflectance probe was then tested using a soil coring system to acquire reflectance spectra from two soils under pasture (0-60 mm soil depths) that had contrasting root densities. The PLSR calibration models for predicting root density were more accurate when soil samples from the two soils were separated rather than grouped. A more accurate prediction was found in Allophanic soils (r2 = 0.83, RPD = 2.44, RMSECV = 1.96 mg g-1) than in Fluvial Recent soils (r2 = 0.75, RPD = 1.98, RMSECV = 5.11 mg g-1). The Vis-NIRS technique was then modified slightly to work on a soil corer that could be used to measure root contents from deeper soil profiles (15- 600 mm depth) in arable land (90-day-old maize crop grown in Fluvial Recent soils). PLSR calibration models were constructed to predict the full range of maize root densities (r2 = 0.83, RPD = 2.42, RMSECV = 1.21 mg cm-3) and also soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) concentrations that had been determined in the laboratory (LECO FP- 2000 CNS Analyser; Leco Corp., St Joseph, MI, USA). Further studies concentrated on improving the Vis-NIRS technique for prediction of total C and N concentrations in differing soil types within different soil orders in the field. The soil coring method used in the maize studies was evaluated in permanent and recent pastoral soils (Pumice, Allophanic and Tephric Recent in the Taupo-Rotorua Volcanic Zone, North Island) with a wide range of soil organic matter contents resulting from different times (1-5 years) since conversion from forest soils. Without any sample preparation, other than the soil surface left after coring, it was possible to predict soil C and N concentrations with moderate success (C prediction r2 = 0.75, RMSEP = 1.23%, RPD = 1.97; N prediction r2 = 0.80, RMSEP = 0.10%, RPD = 2.15) using a technique of acquiring soil reflectance spectra from the horizontal cross-section of a soil core (H method). The soil probe was then modified to acquire spectra from the curved vertical wall of a soil core (V method), allowing the spectrometer’s field of view to increase to record the reflectance features of the whole soil sample taken for laboratory analysis. Improved predictions of soil C and N concentrations were achieved with the V method of spectral acquisition (C prediction r2 = 0.97, RMSECV = 0.21%, RPD = 5.80; N prediction r2 = 0.96, RMSECV = 0.02%, RPD = 5.17) compared to the H method (C prediction r2 = 0.95, RMSECV = 0.27%, RPD = 4.45; N prediction r2 = 0.94, RMSECV = 0.03%, RPD = 4.25). The V method was tested for temporal robustness by assessing its ability to predict soil C and N concentrations of Fluvial Recent soils under permanent pasture in different seasons. When principal component analysis (PCA) was used to ensure that the spectral dimensions (which were responsive to water content) of the data set used for developing the PLSR calibration model embraced those of the “unknown” soil samples, it was possible to predict soil C and N concentrations in “unknown” samples of widely different water contents (in May and November), with a high level of accuracy (C prediction r2 = 0.97, RMSEP = 0.36%, RPD = 3.43; N prediction r2 = 0.95, RMSEP = 0.03%, RPD = 3.44). This study indicates that Vis-NIRS has considerable potential for rapid in situ assessment of soil C, N and root density. The results demonstrate that field root densities in pastoral and arable soil can be predicted independently from total soil C, which will allow researchers to predict C sequestration from root production. The recommended “V” technique can be used to assess spatial and temporal variability of soil carbon and nitrogen within soil profiles and across the landscape. It can also be used to assess the rate of C sequestration and organic matter synthesis via root density prediction. It reduces the time, labour and cost of conventional soil analysis and root density measurement.

Rhizosphere processes influencing soil and fertilizer phosphorus availability to Pinus radiata : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Soil Science at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Liu, Qianhe January 2005 (has links)
Production of Pinus radiata is a major contributor to New Zealand's economy and new plantings are a valuable carbon sink. Phosphorus (P) deficiency and high P fixing capacity of some volcanic ash soils (e.g. Allophanic Soil) may constrain radiata productivity. This thesis investigates the role of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) root processes in the acquisition of P by P. radiata fiom native soil and soil fertilised with two reactive phosphate rock (RPR) fertilisers. The application of finely-divided RPRs to a P deficient Allophanic Soil significantly increased P. radiata seedling growth and P uptake in 10 month pot trials. RPR dissolution was high in this soil, and it was further enhanced by the radiata rhizosphere processes. The development and formation of ECM in radiata seedlings was stimulated by low rates of RPR application but was hindered in unfertilised soils and high rates of RPR application. The P. radiata ECM roots induced acidification and increased oxalate concentration and phosphatase activities in the rhizosphere soil. These changes in rhizosphere biochemical properties were associated with enhanced solubilisation of fertiliser and soil inorganic P and increased mineralisation of organic P, leading to increased P bioavailability in the rhizosphere. ECM inoculation of P. radiata roots with Rhizopogen rubescens and Suillus luteus stimulated production of phosphatase enzymes and oxalate and induced acidification in the rhizosphere. The extent of root-induced changes in the rhizosphere soils was associated with ECM hyphae length density. A technique using pulse labelling of radiata shoots with 14CO2 showed promise in estimating the active ECM hyphae density. The 14C activity was highly correlated with ECM hyphae density measured by an agar film technique. Overall, observations made in this thesis indicate that sparingly soluble forms of organic and inorganic P in soils low in plant-available P are readily solubilised and utilised for P. radiata growth through ECM rhizosphere processes.

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