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Comportamento do aco inoxidavel ABNT 304 a corrosao-sob-tensao em solucoes aquosas neutras de nacl a temperatura de ebulicao utilizando a tecnica de carga constanteCandido, Luiz Claudio January 1987 (has links)
Estudou-se o comportamento do aço inoxidável ABNT 304 à corrosão-sob-tensão (C.S.T.) em soluções aquosas com 0,1%, 3,5% e 20% de NaCl, na temperatura de 103°C, através de ensaios de carga constante. Com auxílio das técnicas e conceitos de Mecânica de Fratura Linear Elástica e das análises eletroquímicas procurou-se encontrar as condições em que ocorre C.S.T. no sistema aço inoxidável austenítico/solução aquosa de NaCl a 103°C. Utilizou-se o corpo-de-prova do tipo dupla viga em balanço (T-notch double cantilever beam: TN-DCB), com intuito de observar a influência do fator de intensidade de tensão, concentração da solução e potencial eletroquímico. Estimou-se o valor do fator de intensidade de tensão limite (KICST) e a velocidade de propagação das trincas; também foram analisadas outras importantes características em termos mecanísticos. Definiu-se faixas de potenciais e valores de intensidade de tensão a partir dos quais ocorre o surgimento de trincas por C.S.T.. Fêz-se análises metalográficas dos corpos-de-prova onde se pode constatar trincas transgranulares bem típicas do fenômeno de C.S.T.. Foram feitos alguns testes em solução aquosa saturada de MgCl2, em ebulição, para se comparar as diferentes soluções quanto ao fenômeno de C.S.T.. Alterou-se as dimensões do corpo-de-prova para avaliar a orientação da propagação das trincas por C.S.T.. / Stress-corrosion cracking behavior of ABNT 304 stainless steel in 0,1%, 3,5%, and 20% NaCl solutions at 103°C was analised through the constant charge method. With the help of the thedniques and concepts of fracture mechanics linear elastic and electrochemical methods the conditions in wich the SCC appeared in the system austenitic stainless steel/NaCl - aqueous solution (103°C) were determined. T-notch double cantilever beam (TN-DCB) specimen was used to observ the influence of the charge intensity, solution concentration and electrochemical potential. Values for KISCC and the velocity of crack propagation were estimated. Values of KI and potential ranges in wich SCC appears were defined. Typical transgranular fractures were observed. Some tests were made in saturated boiling MaCl2 solutions. Dimensions of TN-DCB specimens were modified to evaluated their influence on the direction of crack propagation.
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An analytical study of child survival using the Sudan, Egypt and Yemen PAP-CHILD surveysSiyam, Amani Abdel Fattah Mohamed January 2002 (has links)
The thesis is a comparative study of, Egypt, Sudan and Yemen, three countries with similar social and economic profiles, yet with a variable dynamic in achieving reductions in child mortality levels. The study begins with a consideration of the individual country backgrounds and then presents comparative findings on population health and child survival. Empirical results on the correlates of child survival are presented, together with a selective review of the related techniques of analysis. The analyses of survival to age five was based on data from the PAPCHILD surveys carried-out in Egypt (1991), Sudan (1992/93) and Yemen (1991/92). The aim was to investigate the determinants of child survival with the innovation of adjusting for the effect of a family's "child mortality background". Methods of analysis included life-table analysis, logistic (marginal and multilevel) and Cox regression models. The transition to better child survival could further benefit from the spacing of births, the avoidance of higher-order births, and the concentration of childbearing in the central reproductive ages. Unequivocally, deaths of older siblings prior to the birth of every index child were strong predictors of poor survival settings. Deaths of older siblings after the birth of the index child were rare, yet captured "immediate" risk spells. Events of conception, birth and death of a subsequent sibling entailed time-varying excess risks. Evidently, adjusting for measures of familial child losses explains much of the "between-households" variation in mortality risks and spell-out "within-households" inter-dependencies of survival. Households further correlate in risks to child survival when they belonged to the same geographical cluster. The novelty in representing the latter correlation with a "regional" component of unmeasured effects was in aid of pertinent policy recommendations. Further, the study makes recommendations on reducing reporting errors of demographic data collected from mothers. Critical findings and policy implications are: for Egypt, better child survival rates are achievable by narrowing "regional" socio-economic gaps and sustaining lower fertility rates; in Sudan, the slowing pace of declines in child mortality were not best explained by relations with observed correlates, and appears further underpinned by the country's economic crisis; in Yemen, child mortality levels can be reduced by a third if the timing between successive births could be extended to two years, net of key promotive socio-economic interventions.
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Internal migration and the transformation of Republican ItalyBroadhead, William Michael January 2002 (has links)
This thesis argues that the scale of independently motivated geographical mobility within Italy during the 3rd-1st centuries BC was much greater than is usually thought, and that the impact of this type of movement on political developments was correspondingly more significant. The study of this private phenomenon, affecting the demographic face of Italy independently of Roman state control, also provides a new perspective on the wider process of transformation in this period, restoring as it does the element of individual choice. The thesis begins by distinguishing the type of independent mobility in which it is interested from other types of population movement in the same period, before providing a brief review of work on mobility in Roman Italy and other parts of the Mediterranean world. Chapter 2 examines the various types of evidence for the phenomenon: literary, epigraphical, and archaeological. Two central chapters exemplify the phenomenon - and its connection to economic change - using the full range of literary, epigraphical, and archaeological evidence to reveal patterns of mobility in two chosen areas: southern Latium, with the focus on the two important sites of Minturnae and Fregellae, and the region of the Po Valley. The final section examines the relationship between the picture of a high level of mobility, as revealed in the case studies, and the political context of Roman rule in Italy in the middle Republic. First, it is argued that the so-called ius migrandi never existed as a privilege of the Latins, but was instead a restriction placed on colonies to maintain their demographic stability. Second, it is suggested that the difficulty of preventing individual migration had seriously disruptive consequences, especially for communities suffering from emigration in the 2d century, which in turn contributed significantly to the strain on Rome's middle Republican framework of control in Italy.
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Influência do pH, temperatura e tratamento térmico na corrosão localizada do açoSAE 304 em soluções cloretadasKonrad, Irene Bender January 1982 (has links)
Foi observado o comportamento eletroquímico e a morfologia das trincas resultantes da aplicação de uma deformação constante no aço SAE 304 homogeneizado e sensitizado, em solução de 3% NaCl, pH = 7,0 e pH = 2,0, em temperatura ambiente e a 100°C. Foram utilizadas curvas de polarização, além de ensaios galvanostáticos e potenciostáticos. Concluiu-se que o aumento da temperatura e o abaixamento do pH favorece a formação de fissuras transgranulares, e que o aumento do grau de sensitização diminui o tempo de fratura e favorece o aparecimento de fissuras intergranulares. Pequenos tempos de sensitização podem provocar fissuras transgranuleres, mesmo à temperatura ambiente, condições em que o material homogeneizado não apresenta corrosão sob tensão. / The electrochemical behaviour and fracture morphology of homogenized and sensetized type SAE 304 stainless steel U bent specimens, in 3% NaCl solution, at pH = 2,0 and pH = 7,0 both at room temperature and 100°C was studied. Polarization curves and galvanostatic and potentiostatic experiments were run . It could be observed that high temperature and low pH favour transgranular cracking and longer sensitization times lower fracture time and tend to promove intergranular fracture. Light sensitization can produce transgranular cracking even at room temperature, when the homogenized alloy does not present stress-corrosion cracking for the same conditions.
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Comportamento do aco inoxidavel ABNT 304 a corrosao-sob-tensao em solucoes aquosas neutras de nacl a temperatura de ebulicao utilizando a tecnica de carga constanteCandido, Luiz Claudio January 1987 (has links)
Estudou-se o comportamento do aço inoxidável ABNT 304 à corrosão-sob-tensão (C.S.T.) em soluções aquosas com 0,1%, 3,5% e 20% de NaCl, na temperatura de 103°C, através de ensaios de carga constante. Com auxílio das técnicas e conceitos de Mecânica de Fratura Linear Elástica e das análises eletroquímicas procurou-se encontrar as condições em que ocorre C.S.T. no sistema aço inoxidável austenítico/solução aquosa de NaCl a 103°C. Utilizou-se o corpo-de-prova do tipo dupla viga em balanço (T-notch double cantilever beam: TN-DCB), com intuito de observar a influência do fator de intensidade de tensão, concentração da solução e potencial eletroquímico. Estimou-se o valor do fator de intensidade de tensão limite (KICST) e a velocidade de propagação das trincas; também foram analisadas outras importantes características em termos mecanísticos. Definiu-se faixas de potenciais e valores de intensidade de tensão a partir dos quais ocorre o surgimento de trincas por C.S.T.. Fêz-se análises metalográficas dos corpos-de-prova onde se pode constatar trincas transgranulares bem típicas do fenômeno de C.S.T.. Foram feitos alguns testes em solução aquosa saturada de MgCl2, em ebulição, para se comparar as diferentes soluções quanto ao fenômeno de C.S.T.. Alterou-se as dimensões do corpo-de-prova para avaliar a orientação da propagação das trincas por C.S.T.. / Stress-corrosion cracking behavior of ABNT 304 stainless steel in 0,1%, 3,5%, and 20% NaCl solutions at 103°C was analised through the constant charge method. With the help of the thedniques and concepts of fracture mechanics linear elastic and electrochemical methods the conditions in wich the SCC appeared in the system austenitic stainless steel/NaCl - aqueous solution (103°C) were determined. T-notch double cantilever beam (TN-DCB) specimen was used to observ the influence of the charge intensity, solution concentration and electrochemical potential. Values for KISCC and the velocity of crack propagation were estimated. Values of KI and potential ranges in wich SCC appears were defined. Typical transgranular fractures were observed. Some tests were made in saturated boiling MaCl2 solutions. Dimensions of TN-DCB specimens were modified to evaluated their influence on the direction of crack propagation.
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Influência do pH, temperatura e tratamento térmico na corrosão localizada do açoSAE 304 em soluções cloretadasKonrad, Irene Bender January 1982 (has links)
Foi observado o comportamento eletroquímico e a morfologia das trincas resultantes da aplicação de uma deformação constante no aço SAE 304 homogeneizado e sensitizado, em solução de 3% NaCl, pH = 7,0 e pH = 2,0, em temperatura ambiente e a 100°C. Foram utilizadas curvas de polarização, além de ensaios galvanostáticos e potenciostáticos. Concluiu-se que o aumento da temperatura e o abaixamento do pH favorece a formação de fissuras transgranulares, e que o aumento do grau de sensitização diminui o tempo de fratura e favorece o aparecimento de fissuras intergranulares. Pequenos tempos de sensitização podem provocar fissuras transgranuleres, mesmo à temperatura ambiente, condições em que o material homogeneizado não apresenta corrosão sob tensão. / The electrochemical behaviour and fracture morphology of homogenized and sensetized type SAE 304 stainless steel U bent specimens, in 3% NaCl solution, at pH = 2,0 and pH = 7,0 both at room temperature and 100°C was studied. Polarization curves and galvanostatic and potentiostatic experiments were run . It could be observed that high temperature and low pH favour transgranular cracking and longer sensitization times lower fracture time and tend to promove intergranular fracture. Light sensitization can produce transgranular cracking even at room temperature, when the homogenized alloy does not present stress-corrosion cracking for the same conditions.
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Comportamento do aco inoxidavel ABNT 304 a corrosao-sob-tensao em solucoes aquosas neutras de nacl a temperatura de ebulicao utilizando a tecnica de carga constanteCandido, Luiz Claudio January 1987 (has links)
Estudou-se o comportamento do aço inoxidável ABNT 304 à corrosão-sob-tensão (C.S.T.) em soluções aquosas com 0,1%, 3,5% e 20% de NaCl, na temperatura de 103°C, através de ensaios de carga constante. Com auxílio das técnicas e conceitos de Mecânica de Fratura Linear Elástica e das análises eletroquímicas procurou-se encontrar as condições em que ocorre C.S.T. no sistema aço inoxidável austenítico/solução aquosa de NaCl a 103°C. Utilizou-se o corpo-de-prova do tipo dupla viga em balanço (T-notch double cantilever beam: TN-DCB), com intuito de observar a influência do fator de intensidade de tensão, concentração da solução e potencial eletroquímico. Estimou-se o valor do fator de intensidade de tensão limite (KICST) e a velocidade de propagação das trincas; também foram analisadas outras importantes características em termos mecanísticos. Definiu-se faixas de potenciais e valores de intensidade de tensão a partir dos quais ocorre o surgimento de trincas por C.S.T.. Fêz-se análises metalográficas dos corpos-de-prova onde se pode constatar trincas transgranulares bem típicas do fenômeno de C.S.T.. Foram feitos alguns testes em solução aquosa saturada de MgCl2, em ebulição, para se comparar as diferentes soluções quanto ao fenômeno de C.S.T.. Alterou-se as dimensões do corpo-de-prova para avaliar a orientação da propagação das trincas por C.S.T.. / Stress-corrosion cracking behavior of ABNT 304 stainless steel in 0,1%, 3,5%, and 20% NaCl solutions at 103°C was analised through the constant charge method. With the help of the thedniques and concepts of fracture mechanics linear elastic and electrochemical methods the conditions in wich the SCC appeared in the system austenitic stainless steel/NaCl - aqueous solution (103°C) were determined. T-notch double cantilever beam (TN-DCB) specimen was used to observ the influence of the charge intensity, solution concentration and electrochemical potential. Values for KISCC and the velocity of crack propagation were estimated. Values of KI and potential ranges in wich SCC appears were defined. Typical transgranular fractures were observed. Some tests were made in saturated boiling MaCl2 solutions. Dimensions of TN-DCB specimens were modified to evaluated their influence on the direction of crack propagation.
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Zum Einfluss der Wahrnehmung von Unordnung auf das SicherheitsempfindenMühler, Kurt 06 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Interpreting variation in environmental opinions : explanations and implicationsDavidson, Sara January 2002 (has links)
There is considerable variation in public opinion data on the environment. While very general items suggest concern is strong, measures focusing on steps that might be taken to promote environment protection suggest weaker public commitment to green issues. Moreover, in open-ended most important problem polls - i.e. items that measure the relative important of different issues in the public mind - concern for the environment has barely registered at all over recent years. Different poll and survey items also provide varying impressions regarding <i>trends</i> in environmental concern. Whereas some suggest this is one the increase, others indicate that it has fluctuated and still others that it is in decline. This thesis seeks to develop an understanding of these paradoxical findings. While in the first instance it considers ways in which the survey instrument itself promotes variation, the central focus is on the nature and origins of environmental opinions. Contrary to dominant approaches to conceptualising environmentalism, including Inglehart’s Postmaterialist thesis, it is argued that concern for the environment is not a product of individual volition but rather is externally constructed by ‘environmental meaning producing institutions’, particularly interest group and the media. Only by seeing concern in this way, it is suggested, can we begin to understand the variation summarised above. The remainder of the study explores the significance of arguments presented for wider paradigmatic debates in political science. It suggests that the constructionist perspective advanced undermines key assumptions of rational choice theory - the pre-eminent theoretical perspective in the discipline. The thesis concludes by considering implications of arguments presented for the future of environmentalism. It also considers implications for the study of public opinion and for the related field of democratic theory. On the latter point, the key argument advanced is that the conception of the individual developed in the thesis raises doubts about current calls for more public involvement in political decision making and, in particular, the new and widespread interest in deliberative democracy.
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Zur Leistungsrelevanz des situativen Flow-Erlebens bei Nachwuchsfußballerinnen / The performance relevance of situational flow-experience among youth female soccer playersRudingsdorfer, Jonathan January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit untersucht die Leistungsrelevanz allgemeiner psychischer Leistungsfaktoren im Kontext der Talentförderung im weiblichen Nachwuchsfußball. Hierbei werden die Zusam- menhänge zwischen drei psychischen Dispositionen sowie einem psychischen Zustand und der aktuellen Spielkompetenz untersucht, wobei folgende Leistungsfaktoren fokussiert werden: die dispositionelle Handlungsorientierung, die dispositionelle Lageorientierung, die grundsätzliche Entscheidungskompetenz sowie das situative Flow-Erleben.
Auf Grundlage der Flow-Theorie und der Theorie der Handlungskontrolle sowie dem aktu- ellen Forschungsstand wird angenommen, dass mit steigendem Flow-Erleben eine Zunahme der aktuellen Spielkompetenz einhergeht und dieser psychische Zustand zudem den Zusam- menhang zwischen den ausgewählten Dispositionen und der aktuellen Spielkompetenz voll- ständig vermittelt. Die beiden Theorien und der aktuelle Forschungsstand lassen für eine aus- geprägte dispositionelle Handlungsorientierung sowie eine hohe Entscheidungskompetenz eine Zunahme und für eine ausgeprägte dispositionelle Lageorientierung eine Abnahme des Flow- Erlebens vermuten. Die Zusammenhänge werden mit und ohne vorheriger Stressinduktion und unter Berücksichtigung theoretisch abgeleiteter Kontrollvariablen untersucht.
Der Arbeit liegt eine quantitative Querschnittsstudie zugrunde, die bei 139 Nachwuchsspie- lerinnen aus acht verschiedenen Vereinen in Deutschland durchgeführt wurde. Die Datenaus- wertung erfolgt mittels multipler linearer Regressionsanalysen und linearer Strukturgleichungs- modelle.
Das Flow-Erleben erweist sich als leistungsförderlicher Zustand und verlässlicher Mediator des Zusammenhangs zwischen beiden dispositionellen Arten der Handlungskontrolle und der Spielkompetenz. Die dispositionelle Handlungsorientierung stellt einen positiven und die dis- positionelle Lageorientierung einen negativen Prädiktor für das Flow-Erleben dar. In Bezug auf die Entscheidungskompetenz können die theoretischen Annahmen nicht bestätigt werden. Auf dieser Grundlage erfolgen Implikationen für die sportpädagogische Praxis und die zukünftige Forschungsarbeit zum Flow-Erleben im weiblichen Nachwuchsfußball. / The present work examines the performance relevance of general psychological performance factors in the context of talent development in youth female soccer. The relationships between three psychological dispositions as well as one psychological state and the individual soccer- specific competencies are investigated. The following performance factors are covered: the dis- positional action-orientation, the dispositional state-orientation, the competence in decision- making and the situational flow experience.
Based on the flow-theory and the theory of action-control as well as the current state of research, it is assumed, that increasing situational flow experience is associated with an increase in current soccer skills and that this psychological state completely mediates the relationship between the selected dispositions and the current soccer-specific competences. The current state of research suggests an increase in flow experience for players with a strong dispositional ac- tion-orientation and with a high level of competence in decision-making. For players with a strong dispositional state-orientation a decrease in flow experience is suggested. The relation- ships are examined with and without prior stress induction and under consideration of theoret- ically based control variables.
The work is based on a quantitative cross-sectional study. The study is carried out among 139 young female soccer players from eight different clubs in Germany. Data analysis is con- ducted using multiple linear regression analyses and linear structural equation models.
The flow experience proves to be a performance-enhancing state and a reliable mediator of the relationship between both dispositional types of action control and soccer-specific compe- tencies. Dispositional action-orientation represents a positive predictor and dispositional state- orientation a negative predictor of situational flow experience. With respect to competences in decision-making, the theoretical assumptions cannot be confirmed. On this basis, implications for sports pedagogical practice and future research on this topic are made.
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