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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Managing households, making homes : a moral economy of migrant domestic and care work in Naples

Näre, Lena Margareta January 2009 (has links)
The DPhil thesis titled 'Managing Households, Making Homes - A Moral Economy of Migrant Domestic and Care Work in Naples' examines the organisation of migrant paid domestic and care work. It is based on 18 months of ethnographic fieldwork conducted among three migrant groups employed as domestic and care workers: Sri Lankan (men and women), Polish (women) and Ukrainian (women). The data consists of thematic, indepth interviews and participant observation. Moreover, it includes interviews with Neapolitan employers and experts dealing with migration matters.

Overseas labour migration form rural bangladesh: Livelihoods, capital and risk in two villages in Comilla

Rashid, Syeda Rozana January 2008 (has links)
Over the last three decades labour migration to the Gulf and South East Asian countries has emerged as an important source of livelihood for rural Bangladeshis. Households which have a small amount of land and/or good social and kinship networks send one or more members abroad to diversify the pattem of household earnings and activities. The context is one in which men migrate abroad to work in unskilled and semi-skilled jobs and women stay back in the villages to look after the households.

Experiencing staying behind: A study of women's lives during the temporary absence of migrant men in rural West Bengal, India

Massey, Deeptima January 2008 (has links)
This is a study of married women staying behind in rural West Bengal, India, in poor households often with dependent children during the temporary absence of the migrating men.

Policy analysis and network effects in an extended family model of rural-urban migration

Hussain, Turab S. M. January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Labour migration management as multidimensional border-drawing : a comparative interpretive policy analysis in the EU

Paul, Regine January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines and compares current labour migration management of non-EU workers in Germany, France and the United Kingdom. It aims to explain cross-national similarities and differences from an interpretive policy analysis perspective. The research entails analyses of 33 legal documents and in-depth interviews with 25 high-ranking policy-makers and is anchored in case contexts. In order to gain comparative explanations the analysis maps legal classifications and rights regimes governing incoming migrant workers, explores meanings policy-makers vest in these, and thereby reconstructs the economic, social and political normative references these meanings entail in comparative perspective. By conceptualising migration policy as border-drawing I challenge the main stream migration policy literature, offering an alternative approach which changes the parameters of policy analysis more generally. While most migration policy research concentrates on explaining the control gap between restrictive admission policies and de facto migratory flows, I shift the analytical focus towards states’ power to define legal and illegal positions through policy and allocate rights in a differential way. Empirically, I overcome partial policy accounts by contributing a multidimensional analysis of labour migration policy across its economic, social, and politico-formal dimension, and develop an innovative methodology to explain crossnational variation in the interaction of these aspects. By associating each dimension with a specific borderdrawing site – capitalist coordination system, welfare state regime, and citizenship model – the thesis utilises regime theories to develop benchmarks for the empirical analysis while at the same time testing the explanatory scope of these theories in the field of labour migration. Migrant workers are selected by skill level and labour scarcity in all three cases in line with widely shared economic values surrounding labour migration agendas. Yet, the analysis also pinpoints considerable divergences when selecting migrants by origin, social cohesion concerns or with annual caps. The variable labour geographies into which migrant workers are admitted – mainly relating to post-colonial relationships, distinct uses of EU free movement, and demographic context – are seized by policy actors to selectively contextualise economic border-drawing. It is this distinct socio-political contextualisation of a shared cultural political economy of labour migration which explains similarities and differences in European labour migration management. The thesis hence contributes an empirically detailed understanding of an integrating EU common market which coexists with persistently diverging labour geographies and societies. Findings bear considerable policy implications in terms of European integration and the unequal distribution of labour mobility rights for migrants in Europe.

Migrants de saison : les camps de travailleurs agricoles étrangers comme problème public : le cas de Saluzzo (Italie) / Season of migrants : agricultural workers' camps as a public problem : the case of Saluzzo (Italy)

Brovia, Cristina 28 May 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche s’intéresse aux processus de construction d’un problème public à une échelle locale, en partant des différentes questions nées autour de campements de travailleurs saisonniers migrants dans des régions d’agriculture intensive en Italie. Il est principalement basé sur une recherche empirique menée entre 2013 et 2017 dans la zone rurale de Saluzzo (Piémont) avec une méthodologie qualitative croisant entretiens sociologiques, observation participante au sein de collectifs militants et à l’intérieur des campements de migrants et analyse d’articles de presse locale. L’objectif principal était celui d’étudier la façon dont la présence de migrants dans ce contexte spécifique est perçue comme un problème public, de quelle manière ce dernier est défini et construit dans un jeu de mobilisations et contremobilisations par une multitude d’acteurs aux intérêts divergents, puis d’analyser les conséquences de ces dynamiques sur les actions mises en places pour tenter de le résoudre. La thèse démontre en particulier comment la construction du problème se focalise progressivement sur le caractère temporaire de la présence des migrants, au détriment d’autres possibles cadrages, en justifiant la mise en place de dispositifs d’accueil provisoires et précaires, conduisant au confinement spatial et temporel des migrants. On verra également comme la création de camps de plus en plus institutionnalisés et contrôlés, gérés par une association humanitaire bénéficiant d’un large consensus, a favorisé un apaisement des conflits autour de cette question et un éloignement du problème au sein du débat politique public. D’une façon plus générale, ce travail, en analysant une question inhérente aux faits migratoires par le prisme de la sociologie politique, invite à une réflexion plus ample sur le traitement politique des migrants et sur la construction collective de la place qu’ils occupent aujourd’hui au sein de la société italienne. / This thesis examines how the presence of seasonal migrant workers’ camps in intensive agricultural areas in Northern Italy is framed and addressed as a public problem. It draws on fieldwork carried out between 2013 and 2017 in the rural area of Saluzzo (Piedmont). The qualitative methodology includes sociological interviews, participant observation with organizations and in migrants’ camps, and the analysis of the local press. The thesis aims to understand how the presence of seasonal migrants is defined and constructed by a range of actors with divergent interests. In particular, it examines a set of public mobilisations and counter-mobilisations, analysing how they have influenced the actions undertaken to solve “the problem” of migrants’ camps in the Saluzzo area. The main argument is that the problem has been progressively constructed around the temporariness of migrants’ presence in the area. This has justified the setting up of temporary and precarious reception systems, leading to the spatial and temporal confinement of the migrants. In particular, the thesis shows how the organisation of institutionalised and controlled camps, managed by a major humanitarian organization and benefiting from wide public consensus, resulted in a decrease of conflict around seasonal labour migration, and to the sidelining of the issue in the political debate. Contributing to literature on migration in the field of political sociology, the monograph represents a timely intervention in highly topical debates on the politics of migrants’ presence in the Italian society. / Questa ricerca riguarda i processi di costruzione di un problema pubblico ad un livello locale, partendo da diverse problematiche scaturite intorno ad accampamenti di lavoratori migranti stagionali in alcune zone di agricoltura intensiva in Italia. Lo studio è principalmente basato su una ricerca empirica svolta tra il 2013 e il 2017 nell’area rurale di Saluzzo (Piemonte) utilizzando una metodologia qualitativa che comprende interviste sociologiche, osservazione partecipante con associazioni militanti e all’interno degli accampamenti di migranti e l’analisi di articoli della stampa locale. L’obiettivo principale era quello di studiare il modo in cui la presenza di lavoratori migranti, in questo contesto specifico, è percepita come un problema pubblico, in che modo quest’ultimo è definito e costruito da una serie di attori animati da interessi contrastanti in un gioco di mobilitazioni e contro-mobilitazioni, poi di analizzare le conseguenze di tali dinamiche sulle azioni messe in atto per la risoluzione del problema. La tesi dimostra in particolare che la costruzione del problema si è progressivamente focalizzata sul carattere temporaneo della presenza dei migranti, a scapito di altri possibili frame, andando a giustificare la messa in atto di dispositivi di accoglienza precari e provvisori, finalizzati al confinamento spaziale e temporale dei migranti. Inoltre, l’instaurazione di campi sempre più istituzionalizzati e controllati, gestiti da un’organizzazione umanitaria riconosciuta, ha favorito la riduzione dei conflitti intorno alla questione e un accantonamento del problema sul piano del dibattito politico pubblico. Più in generale, questo lavoro, analizzando una questione inerente a dinamiche migratorie attraverso il prisma della sociologia politica, invita ad una più ampia riflessione sul trattamento politico dei migranti e sulla costruzione collettiva della posizione che essi occupano all’interno della società italiana di oggi.

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