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The European Union, its member states & the Law of the Sea : an assessment of the relationship between the EU and its member states in european external relations law pertaining to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the SeaDiewitz, Ben-Jacob January 2012 (has links)
This thesis seeks to understand the nature of the legal relationship between the European Union and its Member States in their external relations regarding the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). It begins with an examination of the problems that the Union (at the time the European Economic Community) and its Member States encountered during the negotiations at the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea. In light of this, the thesis assesses the underlying reasons for the negotiation outcomes at the Conference. The thesis then considers declarations of competence, which were one of the major concessions that had to be made at the Conference for being allowed to become a member to UNCLOS. In doing so, it will assess the reasons for their introduction and the challenges that have been created as a result of having to declare competences to treaty partners. Having considered the relationship of Member States and the Union in relation to UNCLOS itself, the thesis will move on to examine their relationship in regard to the implementation of the external elements of UNLCOS obligations. First fisheries matters will be examined as an area, in which the Union has exclusive competence. This is followed by a consideration of matters of maritime safety, an area for which competence is shared by the Union and its Member States. In both areas the thesis will assess the elements required for the success of the Union's external relations. The final part of the thesis will further examine the role of the Court for the relationship between the Union and its Member States by examining the MOX Plant case and recent case law. They duty of cooperation will be a particular feature of this analysis.
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The legality of the Libyan sovereignty over the Gulf of Sirte in the Law of the SeaNage, Farag S. January 2008 (has links)
Libya laid a claim to the Gulf of Sirte, based on historical and vital interests in 1973. The claim stated that the Gulf of Sirte was a part of Libya's internal waters over which Libya exercises full control and that the Gulf of Sirte was a historical and vital bay. The purpose of this study is to discuss and analyse the Libyan claim over the Gulf of Sirte as a historical and vital bay and determine whether this claim is supported by international law.
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Evolution of the law of the sea : developments in law-making in the wake of the 1982 Law of the Sea ConventionHarrison, James January 2008 (has links)
It is no exaggeration to say that the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea was one of the most important law-making events of the twentieth century. It heralded the beginning of a revolution in international law by introducing a new law-making technique based on consensus decision-making and universal participation. It also produced a comprehensive treaty on the law of the sea. The resulting Law of the Sea Convention is commonly claimed to provide a universal legal framework for all ocean activities. Upon this background, it is pertinent to ask, what is the future for the LOS Convention and the law of the sea in the twenty-first century? How does the Convention evolve to take into account changing values, policies and preferences of the international community? How have developments in law-making techniques influenced the way in which the law of the sea is created and changed? This thesis initially establishes the legal basis for the LOS Convention as a universal framework for the law of sea. It shows how the negotiation of the Convention substantially influenced customary international law so that it is possible to speak of a universal law of the sea. Yet, the status of the Convention as universal law poses problems for its future development because it cannot be considered solely from the perspective of the law of treaties. The thesis will therefore consider the mechanisms for change contained within the Convention alongside other law-making processes out-with the formal treaty framework. Central to this analysis is the role of institutions in modern international law-making. The thesis looks at the part played by political and technical institutions in developing the law of the sea through interpretation, modification, and amendment, as well as at the ways in which these institutions have utilised and developed the consensus decision-making techniques first seen at UNCLOS III. It will also analyse the role of courts and tribunals in maintaining and developing the legal order of the oceans. This analysis shows that the Convention provides the legal framework for the modern law of the sea for all states. In this context, institutional processes have largely replaced unilateral state practice in law-making. Moreover, states have shown a preference for flexibility and pragmatism over formal amendment procedures. The greatest achievement of the LOS Convention is the creation of a stable legal order for the oceans. To ensure this stability is maintained, continued discussion, deliberation and compromise through international institutions is vital.
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A liberdade de navegação e as medidas de restrição e controle do tráfego marítimo na proteção de infraestruturas críticas/Charles Pacheco Piñon; orientador André Panno BeirãoPiñon, Charles Pacheco. January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Orientador: André Panno Beirão. / Dissertação (mestrado) - Escola de Guerra Naval, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Marítimos (PPGEM), Rio de Janeiro, 2016. / Inclui Lista de Abreviaturas e siglas / Bibliografia: f.173-184 / O objetivo desta dissertação é apresentar as possibilidades e limitações do uso de medidas de restrição e controle da navegação para proteger a infraestrutura crítica offshore localizada nas bacias do Espírito Santo, Campos e Santos. Por meio do método hi / This thesis aims to present possibilities and limitations for using maritime traffic restriction and control measures to protect offshore critical infrastructure assets located at Espírito Santo, Campos and Santos Basin. Through the hypothetical-deductive / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-14T18:06:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
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Sistema de informações sobre o tráfego marítimo - SISTRAM:uma contribuição dos sistemas analíticos visuais para a análise de comportamentos anômalos/Ana Lucia Mesiano Porthun; orientador : Nival Nunes de Almeida.Porthun, Ana Lucia Mesiano January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Orientador: Nival Nunes de Almeida / Inclui Listas de ilustrações; e lista de abreviaturas e siglas. / Inclui Glossário. / Dissertação (mestrado) - Escola de Guerra Naval, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Marítimos (PPGEM), Rio de Janeiro, 2016. / Bibliografia: f.122-127 / O objetivo desta dissertação é apresentar as possibilidades e limitações do uso de medidas de restrição e controle da navegação para proteger a infraestrutura crítica offshore localizada nas bacias do Espírito Santo, Campos e Santos. Por meio do método hi / This thesis aims to present possibilities and limitations for using maritime traffic restriction and control measures to protect offshore critical infrastructure assets located at Espírito Santo, Campos and Santos Basin. Through the hypothetical-deductive / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-14T18:06:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2016. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2019-02-13T18:01:10Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
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Les autoroutes de la mer : aspects juridiques / Motorways of the sea : legal aspectsHappi, Alvine Bélise 28 September 2015 (has links)
Dans une perspective de réalisation du marché unique européen, la libéralisation des différents secteurs d'activités en Europe dont celui des transports au courant des années 1990, entraîne le développement des différents modes et une surcroissance du transport routier avec certes de réels avantages en terme de développement économique, de compétitivité et d'emploi, mais aussi de sérieux inconvénients : congestion des grands axes routiers et augmentation du taux d'émissions de C02. Encourager l'intermodalité et promouvoir le développement des modes alternatifs à la route, rééquilibrer les différents modes de transport, constituent désormais l'une des principales priorités de l'Europe. Sous les auspices du Livre Blanc de 2001 relatif à la politique européenne des transports, les autoroutes de la mer naquirent sous un jour insuffisamment éclairé, et, actuellement, elles essaient de se frayer un véritable chemin. Elles présentent néanmoins des caractéristiques essentielles : considérées à la fois comme des infrastructures et des services de transport, elles constituent des lignes régulières de transport maritime à haute fréquence et à haute qualité de service, assurant des liaisons entre deux ou plusieurs ports d'au moins deux États membres de l'Union Européenne. Issues de la nouvelle politique européenne des transports, elles répondent aux impératifs de décongestion des grands axes routiers saturés, de sécurité routière, de développement durable et de protection de l'environnement, favorisant ainsi le développement et la croissance du marché intérieur. Or, l'absence d'un statut juridique initial applicable aux autoroutes de la mer a de réels impacts sur l'émergence de ce concept, qui évolue en s'adaptant aux nouvelles contraintes, en relevant de nombreux défis. Le bilan actuellement mitigé des autoroutes de la mer en Europe conduit à s'interroger sur les perspectives de leur pérennisation. Dès lors, notre réflexion est orientée vers deux aspects juridiques essentiels. D'une part l'impact réel de l'absence d'un régime juridique initial sur l'émergence des autoroutes de la mer et sur les mécanismes de financement qui l'accompagnent. D'autre part, la détermination d'un cadre juridique favorable au développement des autoroutes de la mer dans une perspective d'assurer leur meilleure intégration dans la chaîne logistique globale, et leur émergence comme véritable alternative durable, crédible et efficace à la route intégrale. / With the prospect to achieve the European single market, liberalization of various sectors in Europe including transport in the 1990s decade, leads to the development of different means of transport and the increase of road transport activities, certainly with real benefits such as economic development, competitiveness and employment; but also serious drawbacks : congestion of highways and increase in C02 emissions. Encouraging intermodality and promote the development of road alternatives, adjusting the balance between means of transport, is considered as one of European Union key priorities. Under the auspices of 2001 White Paper European transport policy, Motorways of the Sea concept were insufficiently informed, and currently, looking for his own way. Nevertheless they do present essential characteristics: both transport infrastructures and services, Shipping line services which are regular, frequent and of good quality , inbound to two or more sea ports to at least two states member of European Union. From the new European transport policy, they meet the requirements : road safety, sustainable development, safe environment, promoting growth in European Union internal market. However, the absence of an initial legal status applicable to the Motorways of the Sea has a real impact on the emergence of this concept, which evolves by adapting to new constraints, raising many challenges. The current mixed picture of Motorways of the Sea in Europe raises questions about the prospects for their sustainability. Our focus is directed towards two key legal aspects. On one hand the real impact of the absence of an initial legal status on the emergence of motorways of the sea and the funding mechanisms that accompany it. On the other hand, the determination of legal framework favourable to the development of Motorways of the sea which will contribute to a better integration into the global Supply Chain and emerge as truly sustainable alternative, credible and effective to the integral road transport.
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Exploitation durable des ressources énergétiques et minérales marines : aspects juridiques / Sustainable exploitation of marine energy and mineral resources : legal aspectsWillemez, Alix 17 May 2018 (has links)
L'exploitation des ressources énergétiques et minérales terrestres rencontre des limites face à l'augmentation rapide de la population mondiale. Ce n'est qu'après la seconde guerre mondiale que les États ont compris qu'ils devaient maîtriser l'océan pour pouvoir en extraire ses ressources. 1982 marque l'adoption de la Convention des Nations-Unies sur le droit de la mer. L'espace maritime fut alors découpé en zones, sur lesquelles les États côtiers avaient le plus souvent des droits. Ce découpage permettait une meilleure exploitation des ressources maritimes. Ainsi, en mer territoriale, les États pouvaient mettre en place des systèmes de production d'électricité à partir de sources renouvelables. Plus loin, dans la zone économique exclusive, les États peuvent autoriser l'exploration et l'exploitation des hydrocarbures. Enfin, sur le plateau continental, l'évolution de la technologie nous permettra bientôt d'aller exploiter les ressources minérales marines. La question centrale qui se pose est de savoir s'il est possible d'exploiter ces ressources de façon durable sans détruire l'environnement marin. La protection de l'environnement ne peut exister sans un droit fort et appliqué. Il doit constituer un rempart contre les agissements d'entreprises ou d’États peu soucieux de l'impact à long terme de leurs actions. L'Océan, immense, aux fonds invisibles et mystérieux, est vulnérable. Sa protection ne pourra avoir lieu que lorsque le grand public, les États et les entreprises, auront compris son importance pour la survie de l'Humanité. C'est le devoir des hommes et des femmes de droit de rendre cette protection effective. / The exploitation of terrestrial energy and mineral resources is limited by the rapid increase of the world's population. It was only after the Second World War that States realised that they had to control the ocean in order to extract its resources. 1982 marks the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The maritime are: was then divided into zones, over which coastal States most often had rights. This division allowed for a better exploitation of maritime resources. In the territorial sea, for example, States could set up electricity production systems from renewable sources. Further, in the exclusive economic zone, States could allow the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons. Finally, on the continental shelf, the evolution of technology will soon allow us to exploit marine mineral resources. The central question is whether it is possible to exploit these resources in a sustainable way without destroying the marine environment. The protection of the environment cannot exist without a strong and applied legislation. It must be a bulwark against the actions of companies or States that have little regard for the long-term impact of their actions. The ocean, immense, with invisible and mysterious bottoms, is vulnerable. Its protection can only take place when the general public, States and companies understand its importance for the survival of Humanity. It is the duty of the men and women of law to render this protection effective.
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La conservation des milieux marins en droit international et droit de l'union européenne / Marine areas conservation in international law and European union lawGarcía Cáceres, Danilo Vicente 15 June 2015 (has links)
À l’heure de la monétarisation de chacun des éléments de notre société, la présente recherche relative à la conservation des milieux marins en droit international et droit de l’Union européenne opère une incursion holistique en droit de l’environnement, notamment axée sur l’analyse juridique, et plus largement socio-éco-systémique, de la conservation et de la gestion durables des milieux marins.Notre étude analyse, au regard du droit, les principales problématiques telles que les délimitations maritimes, les ressources des milieux marins et la gestion des zones marines protégées, mettant ainsi en exergue la nécessité d’une nouvelle gouvernance des océans et sous-tendant de fait la participation accrue de l’ensemble des acteurs socio-politiques concernés. En effet, la participation ainsi que l’accès à l’information et à la justice en matière environnementale apparaissent aujourd’hui comme des outils de conservation des milieux marins aux fins d’une garantie efficiente des droits de l’Homme.L’analyse de la lutte contre la pollution des milieux marins en droit international et droit de l’Union européenne permet d’envisager tant les causes (pollutions opérationnelles, accidentelles ou encore telluriques) que les conséquences de ce qui est communément admis comme une source majeure de pollution des mers. Est alors menée une réflexion sur les moyens potentiels susceptibles de mieux garantir la sécurité et la sûreté maritime, notamment à travers le cas de la piraterie maritime, à la faveur d’un éclairage, circonstancié et prospectif, sur quelques-unes des législations internationales et européennes en matière de lutte contre les actes illicites maritimes et les atteintes à l’environnement marin. / In an era when every element in our society can be monetized, this research examining the conservation of marine environment in European union and International Law will lead a holistic incursion in environmental law which will include a legal and a socio-eco-systemic approach to the conservation and the sustainable management of marine areas.This study provides a legal analysis of key issues: maritime boundary delimitations, marine resources and management of protected marine areas. It will underline the need for a new type of ocean governance involving an increased implication of socio-political stakeholders. Participation, access to information and environmental justice appear, now more than ever, as the main tools to ensure marine areas conservation and, ultimately, to safeguard human rights.The analysis of international efforts to fight the pollution of marine areas, through recourse to international and European union law is led against its various causes (operational, accidental or telluric pollutions) as well as their consequences. An analysis of available tools to better guarantee maritime security and safety - including through a study of maritime piracy - will allow for a comprehensive and prospective view of some of the international and European union legislations regarding illicit maritime acts and harmful acts against marine environment.
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L'intervention du Conseil de sécurité en matière de sécurité maritime. / Security Council intervention in maritime securityMinko Mi Nze, Igor Kevin 17 December 2018 (has links)
Les espaces maritimes font l’objet de nombreuses atteintes qui mettent en péril leur sécurité. Les faits illicites des États d’une part, et l’accroissement de la criminalité d’autre part, sont de nature à faire peser des risques dommageables importants pour la sécurité de la navigation, du milieu marin et des utilisateurs de la mer. Le Chapitre VII de la Charte des Nations Unies, qui n’a pas en principe pour vocation la protection de la sécurité maritime, est régulièrement mis en oeuvre par le Conseil de sécurité en mer au cours de ses missions de maintien de la paix. A cet effet, il arrive parfois qu’il participe indirectement par ricochet à la protection des espaces maritimes contre les faits illicites des États à cette occasion. Au cours de cette dernière décennie le Conseil de sécurité utilise également le Chapitre VII pour directement protéger les espaces maritimes contre les actes de criminalité qui s’y produisent. Il se dégage ainsi une pratique ambivalente du Conseil de sécurité de mise à disposition du Chapitre VII au service de la sécurité maritime qui est révélatrice d’une contribution du droit de la sécurité collective à la consolidation du droit de la mer. / Maritime areas are subject to many violations that represent real threats to them. Wrongful Acts of States on the one hand, and the increasing number of crimes on the other hand, contribute to endanger the safety of the navigational system, but also of the marine environment and of the sea users. Although, its main purpose is not to take care of the maritime security, the Chapter VII from the Charter of the United Nations is often used by the Security Council, when they implement peace-keeping missions.Therefore, it can sometimes indirectly participate and protect maritime areas from the wrongful acts committed by some States. During the last ten years, the Security Council has also resorted to Chapter VII in order to protect the maritime areas from the criminal acts that take place there. The impression which emerges from this is that of an ambivalent policy, which is indicative of the collective security’s contribution to the Law of the Sea.
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