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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ladies of the Lodge: a history of Scottish Orangewomen, c. 1909-2013

Butcher, Deborah January 2014 (has links)
This thesis focuses upon the under-researched history of the Ladies ' Orange Association of Scotland from 1909-2013 . Challenging prevalent assumptions that Orangewomen are overwhelmingly working-class, it demonstrates a small - yet significant - core of female luminaries to be occupationally middle-class. The desire to articulate dual Scottish and British patriotic - rather than diasporic Irish Protestant - identities is also acknowledged as an emergent subjective shift in women's motivations for joining. The sisters' apparent complicity with their unequal institutional standing is accounted for chiefly in terms of their desire to promote a unified public image of Orangeism as a ' family ' institution. Orangewomen however, also actively resisted gendered ' equal but different' organisational discourses by using familial networks to sway male voting, appropriation of charitable work to showcase their abilities, subversive contributions to organisational literature and mobilisation of national press to lobby for the reversal of their subordinate status. This thesis represents a rare academic exploration of gendered Orange ritual symbolism, interpreting female rites as both spiritual legitimation of patriarchal subordination and, conversely, as a celebration of sisterly love. Additionally, this study exposes the one-dimensionality of media representations of Orangewomen which obscure, rather than divulge, individual subjectivities. It is argued that Orangewomen adaptively prioritised their class, gender, and ethno-religious identities, according to the differing contexts in which they operated, to support a disparate profile of benevolent causes and political campaigns. Appropriating oral history testimony and archival sources, this work not only updates findings of existing research, but also engages unexplored aspects of female Orangeism to illustrate Orangewomen's considerable diversity.

Understanding the process and complex dynamics of mutual aid

White, Richard James January 2006 (has links)
In recent years, there has been a great deal of interest and commitment from both academic and wider policy-making circles in the meso and micro-levels of production and exchange in society. To this end, theoretical and empirical research has led to a more penetrative understanding of the cultural and social embeddedness of economic spaces. By bringing into focus the informal economic sphere, this in turn has placed activities conducted through mutual aid firmly under the academic and policy-making spotlight. From an academic perspective however, it is clear that comparatively little is known about mutual aid, though significant progress has been made on mapping its more quantitative dimensions, such as its extent, character, social embeddedness and the key barriers that obstruct greater participation. This particular focus has exposed many prejudices about exchange in society, not least by providing evidence that mutual aid is far from a marginal or residual realm of daily life in advanced economies, and has resulted in the emergence of mutual aid as both a legitimate and serious focus for research to explore. Through an in-depth case study of two urban areas in Leicester (England), the robustness of contemporary research will be tested by highlighting existing geographies of mutual aid. More fundamentally though, the discussion will depart from this into relatively uncharted territories by embracing the next significant phase of research on mutual aid. This involves engaging with a deeper and more qualitative understanding of the complex dynamics which underpin the geographies of mutual aid, and are themselves engaged through the process of mutual aid. By focusing on the social dynamics of mutual aid; the internal dynamics of mutual aid; the notion of space, place and mutual aid; and the question as to why aid is so pervasive in the advanced economies, a more complicated and dynamic understanding of mutual aid in advanced economies emerges.

Non-motorized Transport For Mobility Planning In City Centres: An Assesment Of Opportunities For Transforming Ankara, Tunali Hilmi Street Into A Pedestrian-friendly Area

Okulu, Senem Gokce 01 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Car dependency which corresponds to excessive and inappropriate usage of the car itself is becoming a major problem all around the world. It shapes urban areas in such a way that the overall urban form as well as individual activities all develop to accommodate cars. However, introducing nonmotorized modes is seen as a remedy to overcome the car dependency. It offers a chance for retrieving healthy urban environments and healthy social lives and also for revitalizing/enhancing public spaces in cities. This means increasing the quality and quantity of pedestrian areas which have been receiving increasing emphasis all around the world. In this thesis, it is intended to show that pedestrianization can be, and should be, a valid transport policy in growing metropolitan areas that are becoming more and more car-oriented, such as Ankara. As a case study, this study assesses potentials and possibilities for creating a pedestrian environment in Ankara, Tunali Hilmi Street. To do so, detailed pedestrian surveys/analyses including v pedestrian counts, pedestrian movement analysis, pedestrian static analysis and pedestrian space analysis throughout the street and questionnaires with potential stakeholders including pedestrians, shop-owners and taxi-drivers are carried out. Through these analyses, it is assessed whether Tunali Hilmi Street is suitable for such an arrangement in terms of pedestrianization or not. As a result, this thesis makes an emphasis on non-motorization and pedestrianization as a method of preventing increasing car-oriented arrangements and revitalizing city centre for the case of Tunali Hilmi Street.

Mouvements sociaux et économie solidaire : penser les interactions à travers l'exemple de la consommation / Social movements and solidarity based initiatives : thinking interactions through the example of consumption

Zimmer, Magali 07 December 2016 (has links)
La dimension politique des réseaux d’économie solidaire est généralement abordée sous l’angle des relations avec l’État, délaissant les relations avec les mouvements sociaux. Notre thèse repose sur le postulat selon lequel l’une des caractéristiques majeures des réseaux d’économie solidaire tient à la recherche d’un changement social, cette recherche se traduisant par des actions orientées tant vers les adhérents que vers les institutions en place. De là découlent des liens forts avec les mouvements sociaux. Nous prenons comme objet d’étude deux types d’associations, Artisans du Monde et les Associations pour le Maintien de l’Agriculture Paysanne (AMAP), dont le point commun est d’établir des échanges économiques entre producteurs et consommateurs dans un but d’entraide. L’apparition de ces deux associations dans des contextes spécifiques marque un renouvellement des pratiques de consommation. L’objectif principal de notre thèse est alors d’étudier l’évolution des répertoires d’interprétation de ces deux associations au cours du temps. Cette évolution est saisie comme le résultat de leur inscription dans un réseau dense d’interactions. La thèse s’organise en trois parties. La première partie présente les outils conceptuels développés par la sociologie des mouvements sociaux en vue de choisir ceux qui nous semblent pertinents pour l’étude des liens entre les mouvements sociaux et les réseaux d’économie solidaire. Elle s’achève par la proposition d’un cadre théorique original adapté à notre objet. La deuxième partie et la troisième partie visent à mettre à l'épreuve du terrain ce cadre théorique à travers l'étude de deux cas : Artisans du Monde et les AMAP. Les outils conceptuels développés par la sociologie des mouvements sociaux s’avèrent pertinents pour l’étude des associations choisies, et en particulier les concepts de répertoire d’interprétation et de réseau. Nous montrons ainsi que les emprunts de cadres d’action collective entre réseaux d’économie solidaire et organisations du mouvement social sont des processus fréquents qui loin de se limiter à la phase d’émergence se poursuivent au cours de leur développement ultérieur. Les deux associations étudiées recourent, en effet, à tout un ensemble de pratiques et d’énoncés discursifs provenant des interactions propres au réseau dans lequel elles se trouvent insérées. Enfin, les concepts de cadrage diagnostique et pronostique se révèlent être des outils analytiques essentiels pour saisir les composantes de l'identité collective des associations étudiées. / The political dimension of solidarity economy networks is generally discussed interms of relations with the state, neglecting relations with social movements. Our dissertation aims to highlight those links with social movements by showing how the conceptual tools developed for the study of solidarity based initiative can be enhanced by the use of the concepts of sociology of social movements. More precisely, the main purpose is to study the repertoire of interpretations in the case of two solidarity initiatives to show how they have undergone profound renewal due to the interactions with social movements. The conceptual tools used in the sociology of social movements are found to be relevant for the study of solidarity initiatives, and in particular, the concepts of repertoire of interpretations, of collective identity, and of network. We have shown in both of the cases studied that the exchanges of frames or of types of action are common, reinforcing the need for further studies in this direction. The concepts of diagnostic frames and prognostic frames are also useful conceptual tools to understand how a situation perceived as unjust is constructed. They are also relevant for the understanding of the elaboration of the definition of proposals for action. The formation of a collective identity is studied as the result of this process of elaboration of diagnostic frames and prognostic frames. Far from being limited to their economic activities, the two solidarity initiatives studied here develop political activities that only the interactions produced in a specific network can explain. This dissertation focuses on two associations : Artisans du Monde and Associations pour le Maintien de l’Agriculture Paysanne. Both of them conduct economic activities with anobjective of mutual aid. Furthermore, these two associations share a political aim that can be observed through the claims about unjust situations drawn into the public sphere. The dissertation is organized in three parts. The first part highlights the conceptual tools used in the sociology of social movement sociology in order to choose the more relevant ones regarding our study of solidarity initiatives. This part also proposes a theoretical framework. The second and third parts focus on the two associations mentioned above.

《三六九小報》通俗小說中的女性形象——文學敘事與文化視域的探討 / The female images of the popular fictions in 369 Tabloid - the investigation of literary narrative and cultural vision

曾婉君 Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在掘發《三六九小報》(以下簡稱《小報》)中「通俗小說」之女性造型的書寫及相關敘事模式,並廓清三O年代《小報》創作社群觀看女性的文化視域;且進一步與日治時期其他小說文本並列比較,從而顯豁《小報》通俗小說中的「女性」圖像意義,全文共計五章,簡述如下: 第一章緒論。本章為全文論述框架之簡述,第一節中說明研究動機,第二節進行研究現況之檢討,第三節在分析相關先行研究之基礎下,思考本文可能之論述發展,並指出本文研究範圍,及援用之研究方法。 第二章「女性」造型——《小報》通俗小說中「女性形象」的書寫與敘事。本章根據通俗小說類型的歸納、整理,分析《小報》通俗小說的「程式化」現象;第一節「小說敘事模式」,指出通俗小說中的程式化情節,傳達大量重複的訊息,反映通俗創作社群取材的興味;而作者聲音對文本故事干預程度的強弱,則可由作者/敘事者的相對關係進行觀察;再者,《小報》多以旁觀者的視角,取用全知敘事或限制敘事的敘事觀點,也開展了不同的敘事風格。第二節「女性造型書寫」,由命名意義、身體描摹、形象設計及意象隱喻等角度,對《小報》小說中女性形象的塑造,作形式上的探求。 第三章書寫女性的文化視域。文本中女性被書寫的文化意涵,呈顯出性別、文化的關係;第一節「父權體制的壓迫」,說明傳統價值觀影響所及,男尊女卑,女性地位低落,一方面面臨被「物化」的命運,一方面受到「婦德」的規範,從而建構了錯誤的自我認知;第二節「對社會的控訴」,挾帶資本主義而來的殖民社會,女性面對生活的窘迫,其處境的艱難、命運的悲慘,是社會中多重壓迫的犧牲者;第三節「婚戀問題的省思」,在新/舊文化的衝激下,受教育新女性/童養媳,大多在自由戀愛中失敗、在傳統婚姻中不幸,顯見《小報》創作社群處於文化過渡時期,對於傳統婚戀與新式婚戀,均懷隱憂、質疑與不安。 第四章「女性」圖像的書寫策略差異——《小報》與其他通俗小說中「女性」敘事的比較。經過第二、三章小說文本的討論,已為《小報》小說中女性形象定調,本章則據此展開與其同時或前後的文言、白話通俗小說作品之比較研究;第一節「與《小報》之前文言通俗小說作品的比較」,與李逸濤發表於《漢文臺灣日日新報》(1905-1911),以淺近文言文寫成的46篇通俗小說作品,進行對話;第二節「與《小報》同時或其後白話通俗小說作品的比較」的討論參照系前衛出版社所發行《臺灣大眾文學系列》,以及四O年代的《風月報》、《南方》中的白話長篇通俗小說。藉此掌握《小報》書寫載體文言、白話兼有,作品的選材、小說敘事者聲音的不盡相同的現象,並突顯出風味各異的書寫策略取向。 第五章結論。總結前文,指出本文研究的要點及其意義,最終呈顯出《小報》乃置於一個通俗小說創作的過渡期,在文言與白話通俗小說發展史上,別具遞變、糾葛的交混面貌;且在三O年代特殊的現代化情境中,《小報》通俗小說的文學敘事與文化視域,有著鮮明的文化氛圍及歷史語境,而其所建構的饒富時代意義的女性圖像,更具耐人玩味的性別視野。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the written description of female appearance and related narrative mode in “popular fictions” of 369 Tabloid, and to figure out the cultural vision of the writers of 369 Tabloid toward females in the 1930s; moreover, there were comparisons between 369 Tabloid and other novels during the Japanese-ruled period to show forth the significance of “female” images of popular fictions in 369 Tabloid. There are five chapters in this thesis, and the brief previews are as follows: Chapter one is the introduction part. This chapter showed the frame of this study. The first section provided the motivation of this study, the second section contained the aspects of problem already studied by other researchers, and the third section presented the need for more investigation based on the previous research, pointing out the realm of this study as well as the research method being used. Chapter two was titled “female” appearance—the description and narration of “female images” in popular fictions of 369 Tabloid. According to the collection of different types of popular fictions, this chapter displayed the phenomenon of the fixed patterns in popular fictions of 369 Tabloid; the first section, “Narrative mode of fictions”, indicated that the phenomenon of the fixed patterns in popular fictions showed a great number of repetitive messages, reflecting an interesting angle in choosing the material among common writers; and the intensity of interference from the writer’s viewpoint to the story could be observed through the relative position of the writer/narrator; furthermore, 369 Tabloid was mostly written through the view of an onlooker, employing the narrative technique of 全知敘事 or 限制敘事,and thus developed a totally different narrative style. The second section, “Description of female appearance”, explored the formation of female image in the fictions of 369 Tabloid according to the meaning of the characters’ names, description of their body, image design, imagery metaphor and so on. Chapter three was about the female status in culture. In light of the way women were presented in the text, we could see the relationship between gender and culture; the first section “Oppression from the fatherhood system”, illustrated that due to traditional values, the concept that male was better than female, and female had a lower status than male had on the one hand made female face the destiny of being materialized and on the other made them construct a false self-recognition because of being confined by “female virtues”; the second section, “The accusation toward society”, showed that living in a colonial society which advocated capitalism, women faced difficulties in life, and the difficult situations and miserable destiny surrounding them let them become victims of multiple oppression; the third section, “Reflection on marriage and love”, pointed out that under the impact of new/old culture, new women with education/ child bride, had mostly failed in free love or been distressful in traditional marriage, and these all revealed that writers of 369 Tabloid were in a transitional stage—they felt worried, suspicious, and uneasy whether in traditional love and marriage or new love and marriage. Chapter four consisted of different writing strategies used in displaying “female” images—the comparison between 369 Tabloid and other popular fictions. In chapter two and three, the discussion about the text itself had already made the female images of the fictions in 369 Tabloid clear, and to go a step further, this chapter included the comparison between 369 Tabloid and other classical Chinese and vernacular Chinese popular fictions, no matter at the same period or other times; in the first section, “The comparison between 369 Tabloid and previous classical Chinese popular fictions”, the compared target were 46 popular fictions written in simple classical Chinese and published in 漢文台灣日日新報 by 李逸濤(1905-1911); in the second section, “The comparison between 369 Tabloid and contemporary or later vernacular Chinese popular fictions”, the compared target were台灣大眾文學系列published by 前衛publisher, and the vernacular Chinese popular fictions in Feng-yue-bao and Nan-fang in the 1940s. After these research, the results that there were both classical Chinese and vernacular Chinese used in 369 Tabloid, and that various materials as well as narrator voices were employed in it were shown. This also revealed that different writing strategies were used in different popular fictions. Chapter five is the conclusion part. This chapter summarized the previous chapters, pointing out the gist and significance of this study, finally showing that 369 Tabloid is at the transitional stage of popular fictions; that is, we can see the changing, entangled, and blended phase in the developmental history of classical Chinese and vernacular Chinese popular fictions in 369 Tabloid; besides, under the special modernized condition in the 1930s, the literary narrative and cultural vision in 369 Tabloid made it distinctive in its cultural atmosphere and historical background. And the female images it had constructed during that time had provided us with an interesting view toward the gender issue.

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