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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Consumption in the home : cultural capital, family gift cultures and place

Money, Annemarie January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Configuration mixing and the effects of distributed nuclear magnetization on hyperfine structure in odd-A nuclei

January 1961 (has links)
H. H. Stroke, R. J. Blin-Stoyle and V. Jaccarino. / "August 15, 1961." "Reprinted from The Physical Review, vol. 123, no. 4, 1326-1348, August 15, 1961." / Includes bibliographical references. / Army Signal Corps Contract No. DA36-039-sc-78108. Dept. of the Army Task 3-99-20-001 and Project 3-99-00-000.

Die Tipis der alten Nordamerika-Sammlungen im Leipziger Museum für Völkerkunde

Engel, Frank, Usbeck, Frank January 2013 (has links)
Beitrag aus dem Jahrbuch der Staatlichen Ethnographischen Sammlungen Sachsen aus dem Jahre 2013.

Die Tipis der alten Nordamerika-Sammlungen im Leipziger Museum für Völkerkunde

Engel, Frank, Usbeck, Frank 14 March 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Beitrag aus dem Jahrbuch der Staatlichen Ethnographischen Sammlungen Sachsen aus dem Jahre 2013.

Dwelling and building in Ngamiland, Northern Botswana

Morton, Christopher A. January 2002 (has links)
This thesis is an investigation of the ways in which activities of house-building are woven into the histories and biographies of the people of Ngamiland in nothern Botswana. Criticising those approaches in anthropology that have tended to see forms of buildings as the symbolic expressions of (or metaphors for) aspects of social order, the thesis argues that building practices are themselves embedded in the current of social activity - that is, of dwelling - which, over time, is generative of both persons and places. Just as every inhabitant enfolds within his or her person a set of relations with others, which are played out in the manifold tasks of everyday dwelling (including building), so every place (including the buildings found there) embodies a set of relations with other places. The first set of relations, essentially social, are captured by the notion of the taskscape, the second set, essentially material, by the notion of landscape. The thesis seeks to demonstrate the dynamic interplay between taskscape and landscape, or between social and material relations over time. The thesis argues for several important ways in which this dynamic relationship can be considered anthropologically. The first is the notion of the 'otherplaceness' of dwelling, in which the inherent interconnectedness of the landscape is highlighted, describing the ways in which both personal biographies and the material biographies of places are mutually creative over time. This is extended to investigate the relationship between social and material permanence in the landscape through an analysis of the ways in which building with concrete has affected everyday dwelling. Another key notion is that dwelling involves a wide range of social practices that can be understood as containing both forces of a centrifugal (movement away from a centre) and centripetal (movement toward a centre) nature, being an important aspect of how social practice and homestead form are interrelated over time. This is also extended in the final chapter through an exploration of the ways in which the materiality of the homestead is interwoven with memory, biography and personal history.

L'évidente toilette, gestes de soin(s) face aux troubles de la maladie d'Alzheimer / The essential care-giving or the time of a relationship, in personal hygiene regarding Alzheimer's disease disorders

Moras, Delphine 06 October 2017 (has links)
À partir de deux enquêtes au sein d’établissements pour personnes âgées dépendantes, une ethnographie de la relation soignant-soigné tente de décrypter la cinétique relationnelle durant l’acte de la toilette. Loin de l’évidence, le refus exprimé parfois violemment par des personnes atteintes de maladie d’Alzheimer, est ressenti par les équipes comme une offense à l’aide proposée. Pourtant ce geste quotidien de bien-être et de confort, par sa fonction de modelage et d’apprivoisement corporel devient un espace de communication sensible permettant de renouer un lien identitaire en cours d’amoindrissement. La présente recherche propose une analyse sur les formes de contractualisation relationnelle des intimes en situation de maladie et d’accompagnement. Dégageant les influences sécuritaires d’une organisation médico-sociale, le temps de la toilette devient un soin protégé relevant d’un espace transitionnel. L’étude particulière d’un soin de toilette permettra de comprendre les processus relationnels dans le temps et l’espace à partir du travail des émotions. L’intime s’intersubjective dans des présences jusqu’au bout de la vie, interrogeant des interactions de reconnaissances mutuelles en mouvement.La méthodologique adoptée traduit ce parcours aux frontières des intimes d’un sujet et d’une démarche dans un contexte de configuration gérontologique. / From two surveys in institutions for the elderly, an ethnography of the doctor-patient relationship attempts to decipher the relational dynamic during the act of personal hygiene for the patient. Not at all obvious, the sometimes violent refusal from people with Alzheimer's disease, is interpreted as offensive to the proposed care. Yet this daily gesture of care-giving and comfort by the creation of familiarity and trust becomes a moment of communication that can strengthen a weakening bond.This research presents an analysis of the types of relationships in the personal context of the disease and of accompaniment. Setting aside the safety imperatives of a medico-social organization, the moment of personal hygiene is a priviledged transistional act. This particular approach to care-giving in personal hygiene can, over time, identify the relational processes from an emotional perspective. The intimate inter-subjectivity lasting until the end of life creating a dialogue of mutual respect and acknowledgement.An appropriate methodology traces this journey to the beginnings of intimacy, a topic and an approach in a context of a gerontological structure.

Die Öffentlichkeitsfunktion des Deutschen Bundestages angesichts der neueren Parlamentspraxis

Klipper, Lukas 07 January 2019 (has links)
Wesentliche Funktion der sich aus Art. 42 Abs. 1 und 3 GG ergebenen Öffentlichkeitsfunktion des Deutschen Bundestages ist die Gewährleistung einer umfassenden und effektiven Teilhabe, Kontrolle und Repräsentation des Volkes. Abzuleiten ist dies insbesondere aus dem Demokratieprinzip und dem Prinzip der Volkssouveränität. Ausgehend vom Wortlaut von Art 42 Abs. 1 GG sowie § 19 GOBT („Bundestag“) und unter Berücksichtigung des Wechselspiels zwischen öffentlichen Lesungen im Plenum und nichtöffentlichen Ausschussberatungen erstreckt sich die verfassungsrechtlich zu gewährleistende Parlamentsöffentlichkeit grundsätzlich nur auf das Plenum und nicht auch auf die (grundsätzlich nichtöffentlich tagenden) Ausschüsse des Deutschen Bundestages. Der Bundestag verhandelt im Sinne von Art. 42 Abs. 1 GG nur dann im Sinne einer allgemeinen Zugänglichkeit öffentlich, wenn der Bundestag dem deutschen Staatsvolk sowie der Presse als relevantes Publikum einen allgemeinen, freien und auch tatsächlichen Zugang zu seinen Verhandlungen ermöglicht. Die Parlamentsöffentlichkeit gemäß Art. 42 Abs. 1 und 3 GG umfasst neben einer formellen, auch eine materielle Komponente im Sinne einer hinreichenden Vorlaufzeit, Verständlichkeit und Nachvollziehbarkeit. Schließlich verlangt eine materielle Parlamentsöffentlichkeit eine hinreichende Beratung und Erörterung der Verhandlungsgegenstände sowie Einbeziehung der verschiedenen Interessen und Bedürfnisse des Volkes. Die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit des Bundestages ist ebenfalls Teil der Öffentlichkeitsfunktion des Bundestages gemäß Art. 42 Abs. 1 und 3 GG. Dem Bundestag ist es insofern grundsätzlich gestattet, alle Arten von Kommunikationsmitteln (Printmedien, Rundfunk, Telemedien bis zu modernen Kommunikationstechniken wie Chats, Twitter oder Facebook) für seine Öffentlichkeitsarbeit zu verwenden. / The essential function of the public function of the German Bundestag arising from Art. 42 (1) and (3) GG is the guarantee of effective participation, checks and representation of the people. Based on the wording of Art. 42 (1) GG and § 19 GOBT ("Bundestag"), parliamentary committees are in principle not obliged to meet in public. Only the meetings and negotiations of the plenary have to be public. Within the meaning of Art. 42 (1) GG, the Bundestag is obliged to give the German people and the press free access to his negotiations and meetings. Art. 42 (1) and (3) GG Basic Law includes not only a formal but also a material component of public in the sense that meetings and negotiation of parliament have to be comprehensible, transparent and include timewise a reasonable lead time. Next to this, there is a material parliamentarian public which requires parliament to reasonably negotiate the topics placed on the agenda. In this sense parliament is obliged to consider the various interests and needs of the people. Also, public relations of the Bundestag is part of the public function of Art. 42 (1) and (3) GG. The Bundestag may use all kinds of communication for its public relations.

Le Banquet et la "transformation du monde romain": entre Romanitas, Barbaritas et Christianisme :espace romain occidental, IVe-VIe siècle / Banquet and the "Transformation of the Roman World": between Romanitas, Barbaritas and Christianity :Western Roman World, 4th to 6th century

Raga, Emmanuelle 24 June 2011 (has links)
Ma thèse se concentre sur la question de la transformation de la pratique du banquet classique face, d’une part, à la nouvelle situation sociopolitique découlant de l’installation des royaumes dits successeurs et de la dissolution des structures politiques classiques ;et d’autre part, face à l’intensification de ce que l’on appelle communément la « christianisation » du monde romain. Mes recherches concernent le monde romain occidental (Gaule, Italie et Espagne) à partir du moment où le discours ascétique oriental se diffuse massivement en occident dans la seconde moitié du IVe siècle, mettant fin à ce que Robert Markus appelle le « christianisme antique ». La question principale de ma thèse concerne le discours chrétien et ascétique qui porte sur les questions alimentaires et les réponses données par les groupes sociaux dont l’usage du banquet classique est suffisamment documenté. En l’occurrence les aristocrates (en ce compris les évêques), les communautés cénobitiques et le mouvement anachorétique. La seconde question abordée dans mes recherches est celle posée par la présence « barbare » et l’image du mangeur barbare en ces siècles de transition socioculturelle. Le terminus ante quem de mes recherches se situe à la fin du VIe siècle, en un monde romain désormais indubitablement transformé.<p><p><p> <p>La mia tesi si incentra sulla questione della trasformazione della pratica classica del banchetto nel confronto, da una parte con la nuova situazione sociale e politica dovuta all’insediamento dei regni post-romani, e, dall’altra, con l’intensificazione della cosiddetta “cristianizzazione” del mondo romano. La tesi riguarda lo spazio romano occidentale (cioè Gallia, Italia, Spagna) a partire dal momento in cui si diffonde la grande moda dell’ascetismo orientale dalla seconda metà del IV secolo. La questione principale della tesi, che occupa i capitoli tre e quattro, riguarda il discorso cristiano e ascetico sull’alimentazione e poi le risposte date dai gruppi sociali il cui uso del banchetto è documentato a sufficienza, in fatti specie gli aristocratici, il mondo monastico, e gli eremiti. I due primi capitoli riguardano, rispettivamente, la pratica del banchetto classico nella tarda antichità e la questione della presenza “barbara” e dell’immagine del mangiatore barbaro in quei secoli. La conclusione della tesi si colloca alla fine del VI secolo, in un momento in cui il mondo romano è indubbiamente trasformato.<p><p><p>My doctoral thesis concentrates on the question of the transformation of the classical banquet through the encounter with, on the one hand, the new sociopolitical situation due to the migration and installation of the new successor kingdoms ;and on the other hand, with the intensification of the Christianization of the Roman world. My research focuses on the Western Roman world (Gaul, Italy and Spain) from the moment in which the eastern ascetic discourse spreads widely in the West in the second half of the 4th century, causing what Robert Markus calls “The end of Ancient Christianity”. The main question of my thesis regards the Christian and ascetic discourse on food practices and the answers given by the social groups who’s uses of the banquet is documented enough. In this case, the aristocrats (within which the bishops), the monastic communities and the hermits. The second question taken into consideration in my thesis is the one presented by the “barbarian” presence and the literary image of the barbarian eater in these centuries of socio cultural transformation. The terminus ante quem of my research is placed at the end of the 6th century, in a undoubtly transformed Roman world. / Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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