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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fusion multimodale pour la cartographie sous-marine / Multimodal fusion for underwater mapping

Méline, Arnaud 31 January 2013 (has links)
Le but de ce travail est d'analyser des scènes sous-marines naturelles et en particulier cartographier des environnements sous-marins en 3D. Il existe aujourd'hui de nombreuses techniques pour résoudre ce problème. L'originalité de ce travail se trouve dans la fusion de deux cartes obtenues avec des capteurs de différentes résolutions. Dans un premier temps, un engin autonome (ou un bateau) analyse les fonds marins avec un sonar multifaisceaux et crée une première carte globale de la zone. Cette carte est ensuite décomposée en petites cellules représentant une mosaïque du fond marin. Une deuxième analyse est ensuite réalisée sur certaines cellules particulières à l'aide d'un second capteur avec une résolution plus élevée. Cela permettra d'obtenir une carte détaillée 3D de la cellule. Un véhicule autonome sous-marin ou un plongeur muni d'un système de vision stéréoscopique effectuera cette acquisition.Ce projet se décompose en deux parties, la première s'intéressera à la reconstruction 3D de scènes sous-marines en milieu contraint à l'aide d'une paire stéréoscopique. La deuxième partie de l'étude portera sur l'aspect multimodal. Dans notre cas, nous utilisons cette méthode pour obtenir des reconstructions précises d'objets d'intérêts archéologiques (statues, amphores, etc.) détectés sur la carte globale.La première partie du travail concerne la reconstruction 3D de la scène sous-marine. Même si aujourd'hui le monde de la vision a permis de mieux appréhender ce type d'image, l'étude de scène sous-marine naturelle pose encore de nombreux problèmes. Nous avons pris en compte les bruits sous-marins lors de la création du modèle 3D vidéo ainsi que lors de la calibration des appareils photos. Une étude de robustesse à ces bruits a été réalisée sur deux méthodes de détections et d'appariements de points d'intérêt. Cela a permis d'obtenir des points caractéristiques précis et robustes pour le modèle 3D. La géométrie épipolaire nous a permis de projeter ces points en 3D. La texture a été ajoutée sur les surfaces obtenues par triangulation de Delaunay.La deuxième partie consiste à fusionner le modèle 3D obtenu précédemment et la carte acoustique. Dans un premier temps, afin d'aligner les deux modèles 3D (le modèle vidéo et le modèle acoustique), nous appliquons un recalage approximatif en sélectionnant manuellement quelques paires de points équivalents sur les deux nuages de points. Pour augmenter la précision de ce dernier, nous utilisons un algorithme ICP (Iterative Closest Points).Dans ce travail nous avons créé une carte 3D sous-marine multimodale réalisée à l'aide de modèles 3D « vidéo » et d'une carte acoustique globale. / This work aims to analyze natural underwater scenes and it focuses on mapping underwater environment in 3D. Today, many methods exist to solve this problem. The originality of this work lies in the fusion of two maps obtained from sensors of different resolutions. Initially, an autonomous vehicle (or boat) analyzes the seabed with multibeam sonar and creates a first global map of the area. This map is then divided into small cells representing a mosaic of the seabed. A second analysis is then performed on some particular cells using a second sensor with a higher resolution. This will provide a detailed map of the 3D cell. An autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) or a diver with a stereoscopic vision system will make this acquisition. This project is divided into two parts; the first one focuses on the 3D reconstruction of underwater scenes in constrained environment using a stereoscopic pair. The second part investigates the multimodal aspect. In our study, we want to use this method to obtain accurate reconstructions of archaeological objects (statues, amphorae, etc.) detected on the global map. The first part of the work relates the 3D reconstruction of the underwater scene. Even if today the vision community has led to a better understanding of this type of images, the study of natural underwater scenes still poses many problems. We have taken into account the underwater noise during the creation of the 3D video model and during the calibration of cameras. A study of the noise robustness was performed on two methods of detection and matching of features points. This resulted into obtaining accurate and robust feature points for the 3D model. Epipolar geometry allowed us to project these points in 3D. The texture was added to the surfaces obtained by Delaunay triangulation.The second part consists of fusing the 3D model obtained previously with the acoustic map. To align the two 3D models (video and acoustic model), we use a first approximated registration by selecting manually few points on each cloud. To increase the accuracy of this registration, we use an algorithm ICP (Iterative Closest Point).In this work we created a 3D underwater multimodal map performed using 3D video model and an acoustic global map.

Reconstrução e análise comparativa de canais de Volkmann e Havers utilizando redes complexas / 3D reconstruction and comparative analysis of Volkmann and Havers canals with complex networks

Doro Neto, Carlos 16 October 2015 (has links)
Ossos, estruturas essenciais para a proteção de órgãos internos, estrutura corporal e suporte mecânico nos vertebrados, possuem uma complexa rede de canais (canais de Volkmann e Havers) responsáveis por nutrir as células do tecido. Entretanto a falta de estudos quantitativos leva a uma carência de medidas e parâmetros para a caracterização dessas estruturas. Utilizando computação gráfica, técnicas de processamento de imagens, e redes complexas descreveremos a obtenção, reconstrução, representação, e análise dessas redes de canais. Para isso, duas falanges distais, uma de um galo e uma de uma galinha, passaram por um processo de corte histológico, as lâminas resultantes foram fotografadas e as imagens tratadas até serem reconstruídas em 3D. Os volumes foram convertidos em redes complexas, o que permitiu o uso de métodos de análise consagrados pela literatura. As redes foram comparadas entre si e com a rede do trabalho desenvolvido por Matheus P. Viana et al. (1–3) usando análise de grau, posicionamento dos nós, detecção de comunidades, e ataques (em cascata e aleatórios). Três resultados se destacam: 1) as redes apresentam diviões predominantemente dicotômica dos canais; 2) as redes apresentam uma alta modularidade, indicando que áreas específicas desempenham funções específicas; e 3) as redes são particularmente resistentes a ataques em cascata. / Bones are essential for the protection of internal organs, for body structure, and for mechanical support in vertebrates, and present a complex network of channels (Havers and Volkmann channels) required to nourish tissue cells. However, the lack of quantitative studies leads to scarce parameters and measures to characterize these structures. By using computational graphic, image processing, and complex networks we will describe the acquisitation, reconstruction, representation, and analysis of these channel networks. Two distal phalanges (one from a hen and one from a rooster) were submitted to hystological section processing; the resulting slices were photographed and the images were treated before 3D reconstruction. The volumes were converted into complex networks which allow us to use methods of analysis widely accepted in literature. Networks were compared with each other and with the network obtained in the study by Viana et al. (1–3) using degree analysis, node positioning, community detection, and random and systematic attacks. Three results stand out: (i) the networks show a predominantly dichotomic division of channels; (ii) the networks show high modularity, indicating that specific areas perform specific functions; and (iii) the networks are particularly resistant to cascate attacks.

Segmentação e reconhecimento de gestos em tempo real com câmeras e aceleração gráfica / Real-time segmentation and gesture recognition with cameras and graphical acceleration

Dantas, Daniel Oliveira 15 March 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é reconhecer gestos em tempo real apenas com o uso de câmeras, sem marcadores, roupas ou qualquer outro tipo de sensor. A montagem do ambiente de captura é simples, com apenas duas câmeras e um computador. O fundo deve ser estático, e contrastar com o usuário. A ausência de marcadores ou roupas especiais dificulta a tarefa de localizar os membros. A motivação desta tese é criar um ambiente de realidade virtual para treino de goleiros, que possibilite corrigir erros de movimentação, posicionamento e de escolha do método de defesa. A técnica desenvolvida pode ser aplicada para qualquer atividade que envolva gestos ou movimentos do corpo. O reconhecimento de gestos começa com a detecção da região da imagem onde se encontra o usuário. Nessa região, localizamos as regiões mais salientes como candidatas a extremidades do corpo, ou seja, mãos, pés e cabeça. As extremidades encontradas recebem um rótulo que indica a parte do corpo que deve representar. Um vetor com as coordenadas das extremidades é gerado. Para descobrir qual a pose do usuário, o vetor com as coordenadas das suas extremidades é classificado. O passo final é a classificação temporal, ou seja, o reconhecimento do gesto. A técnica desenvolvida é robusta, funcionando bem mesmo quando o sistema foi treinado com um usuário e aplicado a dados de outro. / Our aim in this work is to recognize gestures in real time with cameras, without markers or special clothes. The capture environment setup is simple, uses just two cameras and a computer. The background must be static, and its colors must be different the users. The absence of markers or special clothes difficults the location of the users limbs. The motivation of this thesis is to create a virtual reality environment for goalkeeper training, but the technique can be applied in any activity that involves gestures or body movements. The recognition of gestures starts with the background subtraction. From the foreground, we locate the more proeminent regions as candidates to body extremities, that is, hands, feet and head. The found extremities receive a label that indicates the body part it may represent. To classify the users pose, the vector with the coordinates of his extremities is compared to keyposes and the best match is selected. The final step is the temporal classification, that is, the gesture recognition. The developed technique is robust, working well even when the system was trained with an user and applied to another users data.

Caracterização da substância negra humana durante o envelhecimento / Caracterização da substância negra humana durante o envelhecimento

Alho, Ana Tereza Di Lorenzo 05 September 2011 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A presença e extensão da perda neuronal no encéfalo dos idosos ainda é controversa. A substância negra (SN) é uma região localizada no mesencéfalo e caracterizada macroscopicamente pela coloração escura, devido à presença neuromelanina. O envelhecimento da SN ainda é um mistério, mas existem grandes quantidades de estudos relativos às modificações sofridas por essa região com o passar dos anos. Alguns estudos detectaram perda neuronal na SN durante o envelhecimento, enquanto outros afirmam que não há alteração significativa durante esse processo. OBJETIVO: Caracterizar as alterações que ocorrem na SN durante o envelhecimento humano, em indivíduos sem sintomas da doença de Parkinson, do ponto de vista citoarquitetônico em 3D. CASUÍSTICA E METODOLOGIA:O presente projeto faz parte do Projeto Envelhecimento Cerebral (PEC) do Grupo de Estudos em Envelhecimento Cerebral (GEEC) da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP). Foram utilizados 18 casos, classificados em quatro faixas etárias. Quinze casos foram analisados estereológicamente e recontruídos tridimensionalmente. Para estes, foram determinados número de neurônios, volume da SN e densidade neuronal e submetidos à testes estatísticos não paramétricos. Três casos foram imunocorados com quatro diferentes anticorpos: anti tirosina-hidroxilase (TH), anti proteína tau hiperfosforilada, anti proteína alfa-sinucleína e anti calbindina D28k (Calb) e analisados qualitativamente. RESULTADOS: As lâminas imunocoradas com anticorpo anti -sinucleína e anti-tau, foram negativas. As lâminas imunocoradas com anticorpo anti- TH e anti-Calb D28k foram positivas. Dos quinze casos analisados estereologicamente, Para o número de neurônios, encontrou-se: mediana de 504.575 células, valor mínimo de 348.662 células e valor máximo de 672.172 células. Para o volume, encontrou-se mediana de 190,8mm3; valor mínimo de 134,1 mm3 e valor máximo de 267,3mm3. Para a densidade total média, encontrou-se a mediana de 2.517,4 cel/mm3, valor mínimo de 1.603,1 cel/mm3 e valor máximo de 5.015,7 cel/mm3. Realizou-se o teste de correlação de Spearman para as três variáveis neuronais, correlacionando hemisfério direito e esquerdo, encontrou-se uma correlação moderada para número de neurônios e volume, e correlação forte para densidade. Com o mesmo teste, realizou-se análise das variáveis neuronais em função da idade, e não houve alteração estatisticamente significativa. Apenas uma tendência à diminuição no volume total da SN em relação à idade. Também verificou-se a relação entre as variáveis neuronais, por gênero em função da idade e não houve alteração estatisticamente significativa. Nas reconstruções tridimensionais, verificou-se uma grande variabilidade interpessoal entre as 15 SN reconstruídas. DISCUSSÃO: Diversos estudos estereológicos foram feitos, mas poucos deles com análise estereológica sem viés e a maior parte deles demonstra diminuição no número de neurônios, discordando dos achados atuais. A reconstrução tridimensional também não descreve alterações decorrentes do envelhecimento, mas aparentemente modificações interpessoais. CONCLUSÃO: As características da substância negra se mantém ao longo dos anos, porém, ainda devem ser muito mais estudadas / INTRODUTION: Some aspects about maco and micro braischanges are suffering modifications along the years. The presence and extension of neuronal lost in elderly still a big and polemic issue. The SUBSTANTIA NIGRA (SN) is located at the midbrain and characterized by the dark color due to the pigmented neurons, which contain neuromelanin. The SNs aging is still a mystery, nevertheless, there are great researches related to these changes suffered in this region by the years. Some of the researches noticed that neuronal lost in SN during the aging, while others claim that there are no significant modifications through this process.OBJECTIVE: Describing SN changes during the human aging in individuals with no Parkinsons disease symptoms, from the 3D cytoarchitectonic point of view. METHODS: This project is part of the Brain Aging Project of Brain Aging Study Group, in University of São Paulo Medical School. Eighteen cases had been analyzed and classified into four ages groups. Fifteen cases had been analyzed with stereological methos and 3D reconstructed. During the stereological analysis, were determinate the neuronal number, SN volume, neuronal density and submitted to nonparametric statistics test. Three cases had been immunostained with 4 different antibodies anti tyrosine-hydroxylase (TH), anti hyperphosphorylated tau (anti-tau), anti alfa-synuclein (alpha-syn) e anti calbindin D28k (Calb) and qualitatively analyzed. RESULTS: The immunostained slices with the anti alpha-syn and anti-tau antibodies were negative. The immunostained slices with anti TH and anti calb D28K antibodies were positive. From the 15 cases estereologically analyzed, 53,3% were female and 46,7% male. Had been analyzed neuron numbers, SN volume and neuronal density. For the neural numbers were found median of 504.575 cells, minimum value of 348.662 cells and maximum value of 672.172 cells. For the volume were found median of 190,8mm³; minimum value of 134,1mm³ and maximum value of 267,3mm³. For the total density, was found median of de 2.517,4 cel/mm³, minimum value of 1603,1 cel/mm³ , maximum value of 5015,7 cel/mm³. The Spearmans correlation test had been done to the three neuronal variable correlating the right and left hemispheres and was a moderated correlation between neuron numbers and neuron volume and strong correlation to density. Using the same test, the rate neuron by the age analysis had been concluded and there was no significant change.There was noticed just one trend to the reduction in the SN total volume related to aging. It was also checked the relation between the neurons variety by gender considering aging and there was no significant changes. In the 3D reconstruction, was possible to notice a great interpersonal variability between the 15 SN rebuilt. DISCUSSION: Many stereological researches had been done, however, a few of them used the unbiased stereological analysis and most of them show a reduction in the neuron number, disagreeing from the current conclusions. The 3D reconstruction also dont describe changes as aging result, but apparently interpersonal changes. CONCLUSION: The Substantia Nigra maintain the same characteristics along the years, however, it must be much more explored

Structure from Motion Using Optical Flow Probability Distributions

Merrell, Paul Clark 18 March 2005 (has links)
Several novel structure from motion algorithms are presented that are designed to more effectively manage the problem of noise. In many practical applications, structure from motion algorithms fail to work properly because of the noise in the optical flow values. Most structure from motion algorithms implicitly assume that the noise is identically distributed and that the noise is white. Both assumptions are false. Some points can be track more easily than others and some points can be tracked more easily in a particular direction. The accuracy of each optical flow value can be quantified using an optical flow probability distribution. By using optical flow probability distributions in place of optical flow estimates in a structure from motion algorithm, a better understanding of the noise is developed and a more accurate solution is obtained. Two different methods of calculating the optical flow probability distributions are presented. The first calculates non-Gaussian probability distributions and the second calculates Gaussian probability distributions. Three different methods for calculating structure from motion are presented that use these probability distributions. The first method works on two frames and can handle any kind of noise. The second method works on two frames and is restricted to only Gaussian noise. The final method works on multiple frames and uses Gaussian noise. A simulation was created to directly compare the performance of methods that use optical flow probability distributions and methods that do not. The simulation results show that those methods which use the probability distributions better estimate the camera motion and the structure of the scene.

Laserskanning och 3Dmodellering för rekonstruktion av ett medeltida kyrkorum / Laser scanning and 3D-modeling for reconstruction of a medieval church.

Wiberg, Frida, Rindberg, Agnes January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie beskriver en 3D rekonstruktion av en medeltida kyrka belägen 25 km söder om Växjö. Kyrkan som är byggd under 1200-talet är speciell då den fortfarande har kvar mycket av sitt ursprungliga utseende. Kyrkan har även en välbevarad takkonstruktion som speciellt uppmärksammas i detta arbete. Problemet är dock att konstruktionen i dagsläget är dold bakom ett senare tillbyggt undertak. Syftet och målet med 3D rekonstruktionen är att återskapa kyrkorummet till sitt ursprungliga utseende och jämföra det med det nutida utifrån tre aspekter; ljusinsläpp, rumsupplevelse och rörelsemöjligheter. Resultatet av projektet visade att kyrkorummet var mycket mörkare förr på grund av att endast ett fåtal mindre fönster fanns. Kyrkorummet var däremot mer öppet under 1200-talet då det troligtvis inte fanns någon inredning i kyrkan, samt att det var öppet upp till nock innan undertaket byggts till. Idag har kyrkan fler och större fönster och den är även inredd med bänkar utmed långsidorna, vilket har påverkat rörelsemönstret. Framtida projekt som handlar om äldre kyrkor och konstruktioner kommer att kunna använda studien. Detta genom att behandla den som en riktlinje samt ett stöd för sitt projekt. Denna studien kan också ligga till grund för vidare och mer fördjupande studier inom detta område, då 3D-modellen kan användas till bland annat VR-teknik. Användning av VR-teknik kan möjliggöra för människor att uppleva det ursprungliga kyrkorummet precis som om de vore på plats. / This study is describing a 3D reconstruction of a medieval church located 25 kilometers south of Växjö. The church is very special as the appearance of the building is still very original. The church also has an unusual roof construction that this project wants to point out. However, the roof structure once visible from the church room, is today hidden by a ceiling which was erected later in an indefinite time. The purpose and goal with the 3D reconstruction is to recreate the original church hall and compare it with the contemporary interior design based on three aspects; experiences of light, - the room in general and the experiences of movement patterns in the church. The result of the project showed that the church hall earlier on was much darker inside due to the lack of windows, but the church hall was on the other hand very spacious in the middle ages because the interior was not furnished during this time. Today the church has received more and larger windows and the hall is furnished with pews and a pulpit, which have led the movement pattern to an aisle from west to east in the middle of the church hall. In future projects, about churches and older constructions, this study can be used as guideline and support for further studies. It is also a study that is open for additional development, as for example the 3D reconstruction can be translated into VRtechnology, so that people can experience the medieval church as it was in the 13th century, almost like they were there.

Etalonnage d'un système de lumière structurée par asservissement visuel / Structured light system calibration using visual servoing

Mosnier, Jérémie 12 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre d'un projet national nommé SRDViand dont le but fut de développer un système robotisé pour le désossage et la découpe des animaux de boucherie. Afin de déterminer les trajectoires de découpe de manière intelligente, un système de lumière structurée a été développé. Il se réfère à des systèmes de vision qui utilisent des modèles de projection de lumière pour des tâches de reconstruction 3D. Afin d'obtenir les meilleurs résultats, la définition d'une nouvelle méthode d'étalonnage pour les systèmes de lumière structurée a été établie. Basé sur un large état de l'art et également sur la proposition d'une classification de ces méthodes, il a été proposé d'étalonner une paire caméra projecteur en utilisant l'asservissement visuel. La validité et les résultats de cette méthode ont été éprouvés sur la base de nombreux tests expérimentaux menés dans le cadre du projet SRDViand. Suite à l'élaboration de cette méthode, un prototype permettant la découpe des bovins a été réalisé. / This thesis is part of a national project named SRDViand whose aim was to develop a robotic system for the deboning and cutting of animals meat. To determine the cut paths, a structured light system has been developed. It refers to vision systems that use light projection models for 3D reconstruction tasks. To achieve best results, the definition of a new calibration method for structured light systems was established . Based on a large state of the art and also with a proposed classification of these methods, it has been proposed to calibrate a camera projector pair using visual servoing . The validity and the results of this method were tested on the basis of numerous experimental tests conducted under the SRDViand project. Following the development of this method, a prototype bovine cutting was performed .

3D Reconstruction of Human Faces from Reflectance Fields

Johansson, Erik January 2004 (has links)
<p>Human viewers are extremely sensitive to the appearanceof peoples faces, which makes the rendering of realistic human faces a challenging problem. Techniques for doing this have continuously been invented and evolved since more than thirty years. </p><p>This thesis makes use of recent methods within the area of image based rendering, namely the acquisition of reflectance fields from human faces. The reflectance fields are used to synthesize and realistically render models of human faces. </p><p>A shape from shading technique, assuming that human skin adheres to the Phong model, has been used to estimate surface normals. Belief propagation in graphs has then been used to enforce integrability before reconstructing the surfaces. Finally, the additivity of light has been used to realistically render the models. </p><p>The resulting models closely resemble the subjects from which they were created, and can realistically be rendered from novel directions in any illumination environment.</p>

Opti-acoustic Stereo Imaging

Sac, Hakan 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, opti-acoustic stereo imaging, which is the deployment of two-dimensional (2D) high frequency imaging sonar with the electro-optical camera in calibrated stereo configuration, is studied. Optical cameras give detailed images in clear waters. However, in dark or turbid waters, information coming from electro-optical sensor is insufficient for accurate scene perception. Imaging sonars, also known as acoustic cameras, can provide enhanced target details under these scenarios. To illustrate these visibility conditions, a 2D high frequency imaging sonar simulator as well as an underwater optical image simulator is developed. A computationally efficient algorithm is also proposed for the post-processing of the returned sonar signals. Where optical visibility allows, integration of the sonar and optical images effectively provides binocular stereo vision capability and enables the recovery of three-dimensional (3D) structural information. This requires solving the feature correspondence problem for these completely different sensing modalities. Geometrical interpretation of this problem is examined on the simulated optical and sonar images. Matching the features manually, 3D reconstruction performance of opti-acoustic system is also investigated. In addition, motion estimation from opti-acoustic image sequences is studied. Finally, a method is proposed to improve the degraded optical images with the help of sonar images. First, a nonlinear mapping is found to match local the features in opti-acoustical images. Next, features in the sonar image is mapped to the optical image using the transformation. Performance of the mapping is evaluated for different scene geometries.

3D Reconstruction of Human Faces from Reflectance Fields

Johansson, Erik January 2004 (has links)
Human viewers are extremely sensitive to the appearanceof peoples faces, which makes the rendering of realistic human faces a challenging problem. Techniques for doing this have continuously been invented and evolved since more than thirty years. This thesis makes use of recent methods within the area of image based rendering, namely the acquisition of reflectance fields from human faces. The reflectance fields are used to synthesize and realistically render models of human faces. A shape from shading technique, assuming that human skin adheres to the Phong model, has been used to estimate surface normals. Belief propagation in graphs has then been used to enforce integrability before reconstructing the surfaces. Finally, the additivity of light has been used to realistically render the models. The resulting models closely resemble the subjects from which they were created, and can realistically be rendered from novel directions in any illumination environment.

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