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The Relationship Between Magmatism and Deformation During the Acadian Orogeny: A Case Study from Eastern-Central VermontLagor, Samuel William 01 January 2016 (has links)
The Silurian-Devonian metasedimentary rocks of the Connecticut Valley-Gaspé trough (CVGT) were subjected to multiple deformational and metamorphic events during the Acadian orogeny in the Middle-Late Devonian. Plutons intruding the Devonian Waits River and Gile Mountain Formations have been considered post-tectonic, but microstructural studies of the intrusions and their metamorphic aureoles indicate some of these plutons intruded syntectonically. This study investigates the relationship between Acadian deformation and intrusion of the Knox Mountain pluton (KMP) of central Vermont. Structural and geochronological data were collected along a c. 15 km transect from the western limit of the CVGT, where the unconformable Richardson Memorial Contact coincides with the Dog River Fault Zone, into the margin of the KMP in the east. Field and microstructural observations indicate the KMP intruded syntectonically. Evidence for Acadian deformation post-dating intrusion includes folded and boudinaged granitic dikes at the margin of the KMP, and microstructures such as flame perthite, myrmekite, deformation twins, and textures associated with grain-boundary migration recrystallization in the granite. In the metamorphic aureole, biotite porphyroblasts overgrow S3, the earliest Acadian secondary foliation, and were deformed during S4 crenulation cleavage development. The KMP intruded at 377±5.2 Ma based on a U-Th-total Pb monazite crystallization age, which is concordant with the published age of the nearby Barre granite. The timing of S4 foliation development in the CVGT is constrained locally by 40Ar/39Ar geochronology at ~365 Ma, consistent with the microstructurally-inferred relative-age relationships. Plateau/weighted mean 40Ar/39Ar ages from across the transect and minimum ages from argon-loss profiles show a general trend of younging towards the east, suggesting these rocks have been affected by Alleghanian and Mesozoic deformation and exhumation.
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New 40AR/39AR Age Constraints on the Timing of Metamorphism and Deformation in the Western Nashoba Terrane, Eastern MassachusettsReynolds, Erin C. January 2012 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Yvette Kuiper / 40Ar/39Ar single-grain total-fusion ages of muscovite and biotite and one 40Ar/39Ar furnace step-heating age of hornblende from the Tadmuck Brook Schist, Nashoba Formation, and Ball Hill mylonite zone are used to reconstruct the late tectonic and metamorphic history of the Nashoba terrane in eastern Massachusetts. The data fall into three age populations. Age population I (~376-330 Ma) is interpreted as cooling after a migmatization event in the Nashoba terrane, population II (~300 Ma) may be associated with normal movement on the Clinton-Newbury fault, and population III (~267 Ma) is possibly related to cooling of the Rocky Pond Granite. No younger Alleghanian overprint was observed. / Thesis (MS) — Boston College, 2012. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Earth and Environmental Sciences.
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Tectonometamophic evolution of the Greater Himalayan sequence, Karnali valley, northwestern NepalYakymchuk, Christopher 21 September 2010 (has links)
In the Karnali valley of west Nepal, detailed mapping, thermobarometry, quartz-petrofabrics, vorticity analysis, and thermochronology delineate three tectonometamorphic domains separated by structural and metamorphic discontinuities. The lowest domain, the Lesser Himalayan sequence, is weakly metamorphosed and preserves evidence of primary sedimentary features and a polydeformational history. The Greater Himalayan sequence (GHS) is pervasively sheared and metamorphosed and overlies the Lesser Himalayan sequence along the Main Central thrust. The Greater Himalayan sequence is sub-divided into two tectonometamorphic domains that display contrasting metamorphic histories. The lower portion of the Greater Himalayan sequence contains garnet- to kyanite-grade rocks whose peak metamorphic assemblages developed during top-to-the-south directed shear and a metamorphic pressure gradient that increases up structural section. The upper portion of the Greater Himalayan sequence contains kyanite and sillimanite-grade migmatites that preserve polymetamorphic assemblages and a metamorphic pressure gradient that decreases up structural section. The upper and lower portions of the Greater Himalayan sequence are separated by a metamorphic discontinuity that roughly coincides with the bottom of the lowest migmatite unit. Vorticity estimates indicate roughly equal contributions of pure and simple shear during deformation of the upper and lower portions of the GHS. Quartz petrofabrics suggest deformation temperatures are equivalent to peak metamorphic temperatures in the lower Greater Himalayan sequence. These observations are consistent with channel flow tectonic models whereby the upper portion of the Greater Himalayan sequence is ductily extruded to the south while ductily accreting the subjacent lower portion of the Greater Himalayan sequence across a metamorphic discontinuity. 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology indicates Miocene homogeneous cooling of the Greater Himalayan sequence. Cooling rates of the GHS and the homogeneous cooling profile suggest east-west extensional exhumation followed peak-metamorphism and south-directed shearing and supports the hypothesis of the southeast propagation of the Gurla-Mandhata-Humla fault system into the Karnali valley. / Thesis (Master, Geological Sciences & Geological Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2010-09-20 09:23:07.103
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Deformation conditions and 40Ar/39Ar dating of fault activity registered by phyllosilicates (clay minerals) in a sedimentary environment : examples of the south-verging thrust faults in the Pyrenees / Conditions de déformation et datation 40Ar/39Ar de l'activité de failles enregistrées par les phyllosilicates (minéraux argileux) en environnement sédimentaire : exemples de failles chevauchantes du versant-sud PyrénéenAbd Elmola, Ahmed 21 December 2017 (has links)
La chaîne pyrénéenne présente des structures de déformation bien exposées et des roches sédimentaires syntectoniquesbien conservées qui en font un objet idéal pour étudier les failles. En effet, les textures, structures, compositions chimiques etisotopiques enregistrées par le coeur de la faille chevauchante peuvent renseigner sur les conditions et mécanismes de ladéformation et aussi contraindre dans le temps l’activité de la faille étudiée. Dans la présente thèse, trois chevauchements duversant sud Pyrénéen ont été étudiés pour mieux appréhender le comportement mécanique, chimique et isotopique desphyllosilicates dans des roches sédimentaires déformées. Ces roches sont d'âge éocène à triasique et sont impliquées dans degrand chevauchements (zone cisaillantes) à vergence sud. Ce travail combine observation pétrographique, analyse chimique,modélisation thermodynamique et technique de datation radiométrique 40Ar/39Ar sur des minéraux de moscovite/illite et dechlorite. La première faille étudiée est le chevauchement du Pic de Port Vieux (PPV), chevauchement de second ordre lié auchevauchement majeur de Gavarnie dans le sud-ouest de la Zone Axiale Pyrénéenne. Des mécanismes de pression-dissolutionet recristallisation, accompagnés d’interactions avec un fluide très réducteur sont les principaux paramètres responsables deschangements minéralogiques/chimiques observés dans la zone centrale de la faille. L'indice Kübler de la moscovite et lesdonnées thermométrique sur chlorite suggèrent des températures de 285°C ± 28°C pour l'activité de PPV. De plus, la datation40Ar/39Ar de la moscovite syn-cinématique indique que la faille a fonctionné il y a 36.9 ± 0.2 Ma, ce qui coïncide avec l’âge del'activité du chevauchement de Gavarnie. Les deux autres failles étudiées sont le chevauchement de Lakora qui est situé sur lebord sud de la zone Nord Pyrénéenne et celui de Monte Perdido (au niveau de Torla) situé dans la partie ouest de la zone Sud-Pyrénéenne. Ces deux chevauchements ont été affectés (déformés) par la mise en place de chevauchement de Gavarnie. Lesobservations pétrographiques et les analyses microstructurales ont démontré que la déformation est marquée par du plissement,du boudinage, par le développement d'une schistosité intense, de surfaces de cisaillement, de veines et par un enrichissement enphyllosilicates au coeur de la zone de faille des deux chevauchements. De manière similaire au chevauchement du Pic de PPV,les mécanismes de pression-dissolution et recristallisation sont les principaux mécanismes qui contrôlent la déformation et ilssont à l’origine de l'enrichissement en phyllosilicates néoformés dans les zones de failles des deux chevauchements. En se basantsur les mesures de l'indice de Kübler, il apparait que la déformation de Lakora et Torla s'est produite dans des conditions detempérature plus basse que celles enregistrées pour le chevauchement du PPV. Par ailleurs, es âges les plus jeunes obtenus parla technique 40Ar/39Ar ne peuvent être rattachés à l'âge de la déformation car ils sont plus vieux que les âges des sédimentsimpliqués dans les zones de faille. D'autres hypothèses sont proposées à la fin de cette thèse afin de comprendre les raisons decette incohérence dans les âges et afin de dater la déformation de Lakora et Torla. Ainsi l'ensemble des résultats de cette thèsemontrent que les minéraux phyllosilicatés peuvent être des outils thermochronologiques fiables permettant de dater avecprécision l'activité des failles lorsqu'ils ont été combinés avec des préparations d'échantillons précises et caractérisation détailléedes échantillons. / The Pyrenees belt features well-exposed deformation structures and well preserved syntectonic sedimentary rocksthat make it ideally suited to study thrust faults. The texture, structure and chemical-isotopic compositions of synkinematicphyllosilicates are widely used to estimate the deformation conditions-mechanisms and timing of fault activities. Therefore, inthe present thesis, three thrusts from the Pyrenean orogen have been studied to better understand the mechanical, chemical andisotopic behavior of phyllosilicates from deformed sediments of Eocene-Triassic age that have been involved in large southvergingshear zones. This work combined petrographic observation, chemical analyses, and thermodynamic modeling with40Ar/39Ar geochronology on muscovite/illite and chlorite. The first studied fault is the Pic de Port Vieux thrust (PPVT), a secondorderthrust related to the major Gavarnie thrust (GT) in the south-western part of the Pyrenees Axial Zone. The dissolutionrecrystallization,pressure solution mechanisms, and interaction with highly reductive fluids are the main parameters responsiblefor the mineralogical and chemical changes in the fault core zone. The Kübler index and chlorite thermometry suggest upperanchizoneto epizone conditions with a temperature of 285°C ± 28°C for the PPVT activity. Moreover, the 40Ar/39Ar step-heatingdating of synkinematic muscovite indicates that the fault activity occurred at 36.9 ± 0.2 Ma which coincides with the activity ofthe GT. The two other faults are: Lakora thrust that is located on the southern edge of the North Pyrenean Zone, and the MontePerdido thrust (Torla location) situated on the western part of the South Pyrenean Zone. The two thrust are affected (deformed)by the emplacement of the Gavarnie thrust. The petrographic-microstructural analyses on these faults demonstrated thatdeformation is marked by folding, boudinage, intense cleavage, shear surfaces/veins and enrichment of phyllosilicates in thefault zone of both thrusts. Similar to the PPVT, pressure-solution and dissolution-recrystallization mechanisms are the mainmechanisms that control deformation and enhanced the enrichment of the newly-formed phyllosilicates in the fault zones ofboth thrusts. Based on the Kübler index measurements, the deformation in the Lakora and Torla faults occurred at relativelylower temperature compared to the PPVT. The youngest total gas ages obtained by the 40Ar/39Ar technique are very old for theactivity time of both thrusts as they are older than the depositional ages of the sediments in the fault zones. Further investigationsare proposed at the end of this dissertation in order to better understand this anomaly in age and to successfully obtain the rightage of the two thrusts activity.Based on the results of this thesis, phyllosilicate minerals proved to be reliable thermochronological tools for fault activity atlow-grade metamorphism, when such tools are combined with careful sample preparations and detailed sample characterization.
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Apport de la datation 40Ar/39Ar à la compréhension de l'évolution culturelle des pré-néanderthaliens en Italie centrale et méridionale entre 750 et 250 ka / Contribution of the 40Ar/39Ar on single crystal dating method to the understanding of the cultural evolution of the pre-Neanderthal populations in central and southern Italy between 750 and 250 kaPereira, Alison 17 October 2017 (has links)
Ma recherche doctorale avait pour but la construction d'un cadre chronologique robuste pour un quinzaine de sites archéologiques italiens du Pléistocène moyen illustrant la tradition acheuléenne (Paléolithique inférieur) et la transition vers le Paléolithique moyen. L'Italie est une région qui géologiquement est propice à la préservation des sites de plein air et vestiges de cette époque. Ces sites sont souvent associés à des dépôts volcaniques, ce qui permet de les dater par la méthode 40Ar/39Ar en parallèle d'autres techniques principalement paléodosimétriques, faisant ainsi de la péninsule italienne un territoire unique en Europe. Les sites étudiés durant ces trois ans sont tous situés en Italie centrale et méridionale. Leur datation m'a permis de construire une chronologie robuste dans le but de contraindre les évolutions culturelles et morphologiques des populations pré-néanderthaliennes de cette région tout en les replaçant dans un contexte climatique et environnemental régional couvrant une grande partie du Pléstocène moyen (700-250 ka). / My doctoral research aimed at the construction of a robust chronological framework for fifteen Middle Pleistocene Italian archaeological sites, illustrating the Acheulean tradition (Lower Palaeolithic) and the Middle Palaeolithic transition. Thanks to its geodynamical context, the Italian territory has preserved numerous open-?air sites and vestiges of this period. These sites are often associated with volcanic deposits allowing the use of the 40Ar/39Ar dating method, in parallel of other technics (mainly palaeodosimtric), making the Italian peninsula a unique territory in Europe. Studied sites are all located in Central and Meridional Italy. Their dating allowed me to build a robust chronology in order to replace the pre-neanderthalian population's cultural and morphological evolutions into a well documented regional climatic and environmental context covering most of the Middle Pleistocene (700-250 ka).
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Roches du faciès des schistes bleus du Complexe de Malpica-Tui (NO du Massif Ibérique) / Blueschist-facies rocks from the Malpica-Tui Complex (NW Iberian Massif) / Rocas en facies de esquistos azules del complejo de Malpica-tui (NO del Macizo Ibérico)López Carmon, Alicia 14 November 2013 (has links)
Les terrains en faciès des schistes bleus dans l'Arc Ibéro-Armoricain sont rares et limités à de petits domaines. Un de ces exemples est l'unité de Ceán qui constitue l'affleurement le plus occidental de l'Allochtone moyen dans le NO du Massif Ibérique et dans la chaîne varisque de l'Europe occidentale. L'unité de Ceán est interprétée comme une séquence volcanosédimentaire qui représente probablement la couverture d'une croûte transitionnelle ou océanique. Les informations sur l'évolution P–T de roches de ce terrain sont donc essentielles pour comprendre les caractéristiques et les mécanismes de la subduction de cette marge. L'unité de Ceán forme la partie supérieure du Complexe de Malpica-Tui (MTC) et comprend des proportions variables de métapélites à glaucophane-chloritoïde et de roches mafiques avec d'abondants pseudomorphes de lawsonite automorphe bien préservés. L'objectif principal de cette recherche est une étude détaillée de l'évolution métamorphique de ces lithologies à l'aide de diagrammes de phases . L'analyse pétrologique montre que l'unité de Ceán a enregistré une évolution métamorphique en trois étapes. (i) Un métamorphisme précoce (M1), lié à la subduction (ii) Un métamorphisme prograde dans le faciès des schistes bleus (iii) Un métamorphisme lié à l'exhumation (M3, post-M3). Les résultats obtenus à partir de la modélisation numérique des effets du H2O et Fe2O3 dans l'évolution des roches du faciès des schistes bleus ont donné des contraintes de premier ordre pour les modèles géodynamiques qui peuvent avoir une application générale. (i) Cette étude propose que le métamorphisme des zones de subduction peut se développer dans des conditions de sous-saturation en H2O, liées à la cristallisation de la lawsonite. La transition entre le faciès schistes bleus à lawsonite et le faciès des amphibolites / schistes verts produit une hydratation significative qui est principalement le résultat de la déstabilisation de la lawsonite. (ii) La proportion du fer ferrique à une forte influence sur les équilibres de phases. Les valeurs analysées du Fe2O3 ne reflètent pas nécessairement l'état d'oxydation pendant les principales étapes de l'évolution métamorphique et sont probablement facilement modifies par l'altération superficielle, même dans les échantillons frais en apparence. L'utilisation des pseudosections P/T–X(H2O/Fe2O3) avec une analyse pétrographique détaillée (incluant une bonne connaissance de la composition chimique des minéraux et de leurs relations texturales) est alors nécessaire pour estimer le degré de saturation en fluide et l'état réel oxydation afin d'évaluer correctement les conditions P–T pendant le métamorphisme de subduction. L'âge du pic du métamorphisme dans le faciès des schistes bleus a été contraint à environ 363±2 Ma par la méthode 40Ar/39Ar sur muscovite phengitique des schistes pélitiques. Les datations sur les muscovites des mylonites quartzo-feldspathiques du détachement de Bembibre-Ceán, à la base de l'unité de Ceán a donné un âge d'environ 337±3 Ma. Cet âge est interprété comme le début de la tectonique en extension qui mène au collapse gravitationnel de l'orogène. Les différences entre l'événement HP/BT et le début de la tectonique post-nappes suggèrent une vitesse d'exhumation de 2–2,5 mm/an pour le complexe de Malpica-Tui. Ces âges supportent l'équivalence de l'unité de Ceán avec l'unité supérieure de l'Ile de Groix dans le Massif Armoricain et suggèrent que les deux terrains partagent le même événement en faciès des schistes bleus vers 360–370 Ma qui peut représenter la subduction tardi-dévonienne carbonifère précoce de la marge nord du Gondwana sous le Laurussia, au début de la tectonique varisque. / Blueschist-facies (BSF) terranes in the Ibero-Armorican Arc are restricted to scarce and relatively small areas. One of these examples is the Ceán Unit (CU), the westernmost exposure of the Middle Allochthon in the NW Iberian Massif, and in the European Variscan belt. The CU is a volcano-sedimentary sequence interpreted as a part of the cover of a transitional (continental to oceanic) crust of the north Gondwana margin during its subduction below Laurussia. Thus, constraints on the pressure–temperature (P–T) evolution of rocks from this terrain are essential to understand the subduction of this margin. The CU forms the upper tectonic sheet of the Malpica-Tui Complex (MTC) and comprises variable proportions of glaucophane-chloritoid-bearing metapelites and mafic rocks with abundant well-preserved pseudomorphs after euhedral lawsonite. The main objective of this research consists in a detailed study of the metamorphic evolution of these lithologies using pseudosection approach. Petrological analysis shows that the CU recorded a three-stage metamorphic evolution comprising (i) early subduction-related MP/LT metamorphism (ca. 350–380 ºC, 12–14 kbar), which is only preserved in the basal part of the sequence. (ii) Subduction-related blueschist/LT-eclogite-facies prograde metamorphism characterized by a H2O-undersaturated prograde P–T path peaking at 19–22 kbar, corresponding to a maximum burial of ca. 65–70 km. (iii) Exhumation-related metamorphism occurred in two stages (1) a slower nearly isothermal decompression and a phase of fast cooling once the rocks have reached an upper crustal level. Furthermore, thermodynamic modelling of the effects of H2O and Fe2O3 in the metamorphic evolution of BSF rocks shows that (i) subduction zone metamorphism may occur in H2O-undersaturated conditions induced by the crystallization of a significant modal amount of lawsonite, and (ii) the analysed values of Fe2O3 may not reflect the oxidation state during the main metamorphic evolution and are probably easily modified by superficial alteration even in apparently fresh samples. Then, the use of P–T–X(H2O/Fe2O3) pseudosections together with a thorough petrographic investigation, and an extensive knowledge on the mineral chemistry and the textural relationships is necessary to estimate the extent of fluid-saturation during subduction zone metamorphism and the real oxidation state of the rocks to correctly evaluate the P–T conditions. The age of the peak BSF metamorphism has been constrained at ca. 363±2 Ma by 40Ar/39Ar step-heating of phengitic muscovite from the pelitic schists, supporting the equivalence of the CU and its counterpart in the Armorican Massif, the Upper Unit of Ile de Groix. This suggest that both terranes share a BSF event constrained at ca. 360–370 Ma, that may represent the Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous subduction of the northern margin of Gondwana beneath Laurussia, at the onset of the Variscan collision.
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Évolution géodynamique du Tien-Shan (ceinture orogénique d’Asie Centrale) au Paléozoïque et réactivation tectonique / Paleozoic geodynamic evolution of Tien-Shan (Central Asia Orogenic Belt) and tectonic reactivationLoury, Chloé 09 December 2016 (has links)
La chaîne du Sud Tien-Shan (STS) en Asie Centrale est une des plus grandes chaînes intracontinentales et résulte de la réactivation de structures héritées de son histoire Paléozoïque lors de la formation de la Ceinture Orogénique d’Asie Centrale (CAOB). La compréhension de la tectonique actuelle du STS repose donc sur une bonne connaissance de sa structuration au Paléozoïque qui reste néanmoins largement débattue. La partie kirghize de la chaîne a été moins étudiée que la partie chinoise et cette thèse propose donc une étude détaillée du STS kirghize. En particulier, l’étude des massifs métamorphiques situés le long de la suture du STS permet de contraindre l’histoire de subduction. L’approche utilisée est pluridisciplinaire, basée sur une étude de terrain, puis une analysethermobarométrique utilisant des micro-cartographies chimiques couplées à de la modélisation thermodynamique, et enfin une étude géochronologique.Nous montrons que la faille de Talas-Fergana, faille active de 2000 km de long, est une discontinuité majeure dès le Carbonifère supérieur puisqu’elle délimite deux domaines à l’évolution distincte. A l’ouest, une subduction à vergence nord de l’océan Turkestan a conduit à la formation d’un arc magmatique important. Autour de ca. 301 Ma, la collision entre le Kazakhstan et le craton Alai entraine un épaississement crustal important associé à des nappes. A l’est, une subduction à vergence sud de ce même océan est suggérée par une structure à pendage sud présentant des unités de haute-pression océanique et continentale exhumées au sein d’un paléo-prisme d’accrétion de plus bas degré métamorphique le long de chevauchements à vergence nord et de détachements à vergence sud.La fermeture de l’océan Turkestan est marquée par l’exhumation de l’unité de haute-pression continentale à ca. 320-330 Ma. Au Permien, une première phase de réactivation dans un régime transpressif, est associée à un magmatisme intense. En bordure de la chaîne, ce magmatisme interagit avec un panache mantellique sous le craton du Tarim. Cette phase permienne a conduit d’une part à l’initiation de chevauchements à vergence sud, au sud du STS et d’autre part à la modification de la structure thermique de la lithosphère sous le Tarim.Le modèle d’évolution proposé pour le STS kirghize s’intègre bien dans un modèle d’évolution global de la CAOB. De plus, on voit que la structuration Paléozoïque, de la collision carbonifère à la première phase de réactivation permienne, permet d’expliquer la tectonique actuelle du STS qui est une chaîne à double vergence s’élevant au-dessus de bassin intramontagneux au nord et au-dessus du craton du Tarim au sud qui se comporte comme un bloc rigide / The South Tien-Shan (STS) belt, in Central Asia, is one of the largest intracontinental orogens. It results from the reactivation of Paleozoic structures inherited from the Central Asia Orogenic Belt (CAOB) building. Understanding the current tectonics of STS requires the knowledge of the Paleozoic history which is, however, still debated. As the Kyrgyz part of STS has been less studied than the Chinese one, this thesis aims to provide a detailed study of the Kyrgyz STS. Studying metamorphic ranges along the STS suture allows constraining the subduction history. A pluri-disciplinary approach was used, firstly based on field observations, then on thermobarometric studies combining X-ray micro-mapping and thermodynamic modeling and finally on geochronological studies.Results show that the Talas-Fergana fault, which is a 2000 km long active fault, was an important discontinuity from Upper Carboniferous times as it separated two areas with distinct geodynamic evolutions. To the west, a north-dipping subduction of the Turkestan Ocean led to the development of an important magmatic arc. Around ca. 301 Ma, the collision of Kazakhstan and Alai blocks resulted in crustal thickening and nappe stacking. To the east, a south-dipping subduction is suggested by south dipping structures exhibiting both oceanic and continental high-pressures units exhumed in a lower-grade paleo-accretionnary prism along top-to-the-north thrusts and top-to-the-south detachments. The continental high-pressure unit was exhumed at ca. 320-330 Ma just after the Turkestan Ocean closure. During Permian times, a first reactivation phase was associated to transpressive tectonics and intense magmatism. At the southern boundary of STS, interactions between transpressive tectonics and a mantle plume beneath the Tarim craton are reported. This Permian history led to the initiation of top-to-the-south thrusting to the south of STS and to the modification of thermal state of the lithosphere beneath the Tarim.The geodynamic model proposed for the Kyrgyz STS fits well with proposed models of global CAOB evolution. Moreover, is shows that the Paleozoic structuration, from the Carboniferous collision to the Permian reactivation, explains the current tectonics of STS which is a doubly vergent mountain belt thrusting intramontane basins to the north and the Tarim craton to the south. This latter acts as a rigid block since the Paleozoic
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Geocronologia (40Ar/39Ar e U-Pb), petrografia e litogeoquímica da intrusão alcalina do Marapicu RJ / Geochronology (40Ar/39Ar e U-Pb), petrography and lithogeochemistry from the Marapicu Alkaline Intrusion - Rio de JaneiroDaniel Adelino da Silva 23 February 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A intrusão alcalina do Marapicu é uma intrusão localizada no maciço Marapicu-Gericinó-Mendanha situado na região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro. Este maciço é formado por dois corpos alcalinos: Marapicu e Mendanha que fazem parte do lineamento magmático Poços de Caldas-Cabo Frio. Este lineamento inclui dezenas de corpos ígneos alcalinos de idade Cretácea com uma direção preferencial WNW-ESE. Os litotipos mais abundantes do Maciço Marapicu são representados por nefelina sienitos e sienitos de caráter plutônico, além de, fonolitos caracterizados por intrusões rasas geralmente em forma de diques. Além desses litotipos foram amostradas duas rochas com características químicas de magma parental (lamprófiro e fonolito tefrítico), porém, essas duas amostras não apresentam relação genética com as demais. Também foi amostrado um nefelina sienito que possui sodalita azul como feldspatóide, sendo assim, chamado de nefelina sodalita sienito. Entre os fonolitos coletados para esse trabalho, uma amostra apresenta granada melanita em sua assembleia mineralógica, e esta foi então denominada melanita fonolito. Quimicamente as rochas do Marapicu formam uma série alcalina predominantemente insaturada em sílica, miaskítica e metaluminosa. Dentro desta série se observam duas suítes sendo uma potássica (predominante) e outra sódica. A evolução química do corpo se deu por processo de cristalização fracionada com ou sem assimilação de crosta continental provavelmente dentro de uma fonte mantélica enriquecida. Duas idades de cristalização foram obtidas para o Maciço do Marapicu sendo uma idade 40Ar/39Ar de 80,46 0,58 Ma em hornblenda, e uma idade U-Pb em zircão bastante concordante de 78,0 2,1 Ma. Os dados apresentados aqui em conjunto com dados da literatura apontam para dois modelos geodinâmicos de geração dos corpos alcalinos do sudeste brasileiro, um considera a existência de uma pluma mantélica gerada na astenosfera, o outro tem por base a hipótese de flexura crustal e considera que a carga de sedimentos depositados na plataforma continental exerceria esforços que provocariam fraturas profundas permitindo a ascenção desses magmas. O presente trabalho vem para contribuir no entendimento do alojamento dos corpos alcalinos do sudeste brasileiro através do estudo especifico do Maciço Marapicu em conjunto com dados da literatura / The Marapicu Alkaline intrusion is an intrusion into the Marapicu-Gericinó-Mendanha massif. This massif is formed by two alkaline bodies: Marapicu and Mendanha both making part of the Cretaceous Poços de Caldas-Cabo Frio magmatic lineament located in the Southeastern region of Brazil. This lineament includes tens of Cretaceous alkaline bodies and has a WNW-ESE trend. The most abundant rocks in the massif are plutonic nepheline syenites and syenites and also phonolitic rocks characterized for shallow intrusions as a dike. Besides these rocks were sampling two rocks with chemistry characteristcs of parental magma (basanite tefrite and phonolitic tefrite), nevertheless, this samples have not relationship with the others. There is also a nepheline syenite having blue sodalite as a feldspatoid called nepheline sodalite syenite. Between sampled fonolites to this work there is only sample including melanita garnet in his mineralogy assemblage and them called melanita fonolite. Chemically the Marapicu massif rocks forming an alkaline series SiO2-undersatured predominantly miaskitic and metaluminous. This series presents both potassic and sodic suites being the first one in greater content. Geochemistry data shows that evolution process involved fractional crystallization with or without continental crust assimilation and also indicates that this alkaline magma was generating into the enriched mantle source. Two crystallization age were obtained for Marapicu: 40Ar/39Ar age in hornblende of 80.46 0.58 Ma and U-Pb age in zircon of 78.0 2.1 Ma. The presented data together with literature data pointing for two geodynamic models responsible by the generation of Brazilian alkaline bodies. The first one consider there is a mantellic plume from asthenosphere, the second is based on the hypotheses of crustal flexure and consider that sedimentary charge on the continental platform would make deep fails which the magma ascending. The present work came to contribute on understanding of Brazilian alkaline bodies emplacement through the specific study of Marapicu in conjunct with literature data
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Geocronologia (40Ar/39Ar e U-Pb), petrografia e litogeoquímica da intrusão alcalina do Marapicu RJ / Geochronology (40Ar/39Ar e U-Pb), petrography and lithogeochemistry from the Marapicu Alkaline Intrusion - Rio de JaneiroDaniel Adelino da Silva 23 February 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A intrusão alcalina do Marapicu é uma intrusão localizada no maciço Marapicu-Gericinó-Mendanha situado na região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro. Este maciço é formado por dois corpos alcalinos: Marapicu e Mendanha que fazem parte do lineamento magmático Poços de Caldas-Cabo Frio. Este lineamento inclui dezenas de corpos ígneos alcalinos de idade Cretácea com uma direção preferencial WNW-ESE. Os litotipos mais abundantes do Maciço Marapicu são representados por nefelina sienitos e sienitos de caráter plutônico, além de, fonolitos caracterizados por intrusões rasas geralmente em forma de diques. Além desses litotipos foram amostradas duas rochas com características químicas de magma parental (lamprófiro e fonolito tefrítico), porém, essas duas amostras não apresentam relação genética com as demais. Também foi amostrado um nefelina sienito que possui sodalita azul como feldspatóide, sendo assim, chamado de nefelina sodalita sienito. Entre os fonolitos coletados para esse trabalho, uma amostra apresenta granada melanita em sua assembleia mineralógica, e esta foi então denominada melanita fonolito. Quimicamente as rochas do Marapicu formam uma série alcalina predominantemente insaturada em sílica, miaskítica e metaluminosa. Dentro desta série se observam duas suítes sendo uma potássica (predominante) e outra sódica. A evolução química do corpo se deu por processo de cristalização fracionada com ou sem assimilação de crosta continental provavelmente dentro de uma fonte mantélica enriquecida. Duas idades de cristalização foram obtidas para o Maciço do Marapicu sendo uma idade 40Ar/39Ar de 80,46 0,58 Ma em hornblenda, e uma idade U-Pb em zircão bastante concordante de 78,0 2,1 Ma. Os dados apresentados aqui em conjunto com dados da literatura apontam para dois modelos geodinâmicos de geração dos corpos alcalinos do sudeste brasileiro, um considera a existência de uma pluma mantélica gerada na astenosfera, o outro tem por base a hipótese de flexura crustal e considera que a carga de sedimentos depositados na plataforma continental exerceria esforços que provocariam fraturas profundas permitindo a ascenção desses magmas. O presente trabalho vem para contribuir no entendimento do alojamento dos corpos alcalinos do sudeste brasileiro através do estudo especifico do Maciço Marapicu em conjunto com dados da literatura / The Marapicu Alkaline intrusion is an intrusion into the Marapicu-Gericinó-Mendanha massif. This massif is formed by two alkaline bodies: Marapicu and Mendanha both making part of the Cretaceous Poços de Caldas-Cabo Frio magmatic lineament located in the Southeastern region of Brazil. This lineament includes tens of Cretaceous alkaline bodies and has a WNW-ESE trend. The most abundant rocks in the massif are plutonic nepheline syenites and syenites and also phonolitic rocks characterized for shallow intrusions as a dike. Besides these rocks were sampling two rocks with chemistry characteristcs of parental magma (basanite tefrite and phonolitic tefrite), nevertheless, this samples have not relationship with the others. There is also a nepheline syenite having blue sodalite as a feldspatoid called nepheline sodalite syenite. Between sampled fonolites to this work there is only sample including melanita garnet in his mineralogy assemblage and them called melanita fonolite. Chemically the Marapicu massif rocks forming an alkaline series SiO2-undersatured predominantly miaskitic and metaluminous. This series presents both potassic and sodic suites being the first one in greater content. Geochemistry data shows that evolution process involved fractional crystallization with or without continental crust assimilation and also indicates that this alkaline magma was generating into the enriched mantle source. Two crystallization age were obtained for Marapicu: 40Ar/39Ar age in hornblende of 80.46 0.58 Ma and U-Pb age in zircon of 78.0 2.1 Ma. The presented data together with literature data pointing for two geodynamic models responsible by the generation of Brazilian alkaline bodies. The first one consider there is a mantellic plume from asthenosphere, the second is based on the hypotheses of crustal flexure and consider that sedimentary charge on the continental platform would make deep fails which the magma ascending. The present work came to contribute on understanding of Brazilian alkaline bodies emplacement through the specific study of Marapicu in conjunct with literature data
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High Spatial Resolution 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of Lunar Impact Melt RocksJanuary 2017 (has links)
abstract: Impact cratering has played a key role in the evolution of the solid surfaces of Solar System bodies. While much of Earth’s impact record has been erased, its Moon preserves an extensive history of bombardment. Quantifying the timing of lunar impact events is crucial to understanding how impacts have shaped the evolution of early Earth, and provides the basis for estimating the ages of other cratered surfaces in the Solar System.
Many lunar impact melt rocks are complex mixtures of glassy and crystalline “melt” materials and inherited clasts of pre-impact minerals and rocks. If analyzed in bulk, these samples can yield complicated incremental release 40Ar/39Ar spectra, making it challenging to uniquely interpret impact ages. Here, I have used a combination of high-spatial resolution 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and thermal-kinetic modeling to gain new insights into the impact histories recorded by such lunar samples.
To compare my data to those of previous studies, I developed a software tool to account for differences in the decay, isotopic, and monitor age parameters used for different published 40Ar/39Ar datasets. Using an ultraviolet laser ablation microprobe (UVLAMP) system I selectively dated melt and clast components of impact melt rocks collected during the Apollo 16 and 17 missions. UVLAMP 40Ar/39Ar data for samples 77135, 60315, 61015, and 63355 show evidence of open-system behavior, and provide new insights into how to interpret some complexities of published incremental heating 40Ar/39Ar spectra. Samples 77115, 63525, 63549, and 65015 have relatively simple thermal histories, and UVLAMP 40Ar/39Ar data for the melt components of these rocks indicate the timing of impact events—spanning hundreds of millions of years—that influenced the Apollo 16 and 17 sites. My modeling and UVLAMP 40Ar/39Ar data for sample 73217 indicate that some impact melt rocks can quantitatively retain evidence for multiple melt-producing impact events, and imply that such polygenetic rocks should be regarded as high-value sampling opportunities during future exploration missions to cratered planetary surfaces. Collectively, my results complement previous incremental heating 40Ar/39Ar studies, and support interpretations that the Moon experienced a prolonged period of heavy bombardment early in its history. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Geological Sciences 2017
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