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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The indicative tenses and past time: form and usage in two varieties of the Norman dialect, Jersey (C.I.) and Val De Saire (Manche)

Mason, Ian January 1978 (has links)
No description available.

The Elema languages : a comparative study of Toaripi, Orokolo and their related dialects

Brown, H. A. January 1972 (has links)
It is now 35 years since I began studying the two languages, Toaripi and Orokolo, that are compared in this thesis. At that time I was doing an Honours Course in Anthropology at University College and the London School of Economics. It had then only just become possible for an Arts student to graduate in London in this subject, and I was, in fact, the only student taking the course during 1934-6, although there was also a fellow student doing a Special B. Sc. in Anthropology. For Linguistics we had the advantage of tuition by the late J. R. Firth. As there were only two of us students taking the course, his teaching was largely of an informal character. There were several occasions in our discussions when he paid generous tributes to the contributions to linguistic knowledge made by missionaries as a result of their work of Scripture translation. I say 'generous', because I am well aware that some Scripture translations into 'primitive' languages have shown little linguistic discernment. Those were the days before the Wycliffe Bible Translators 4 had begun their work. It would have been easy for a man of Firth's linguistic knowledge to have pointed out a few of the many errors made by missionary translators, but never did I hear him do this. It was these expressions of appreciation of linguistic work done by missionaries that encouraged me in my resolve to do all I could in the way of translation, whatever form my missionary duties might take. I further resolved I would set down in some systematic form such knowledge of Papuan languages as I might acquire. '-Towards the end of 1938 I left England for Papua, and there, apart from two furloughs in England and some shorter periods in Australia, I have been ever since. Prior to graduating, however, I made a start at investigating Papuan languages. I received an introduction to S. H. Ray, and at his suggestion I began a study of Orokolo, using as a basis the then recent translation of the Four Gospels and Acts, made by the Rev. H. P. Schlenker. The main reason for this choice was my anticipation that I would be appointed to a place somewhere in the Gulf of Papua. Ray told me that he had himself very little knowledge of Orokolo, but he knew it to be cognate with Toaripi.

The emergence of group stress in medieval French

Rainsford, Thomas Michael January 2011 (has links)
The thesis investigates the development of the group-stress system in French from the earliest textual records to 1500. Empirical work is based on a corpus compiled especially for the study, which comprises 87 extracts from medieval French texts totalling over 250,000 words, composed mainly of verse texts to make use of the extra phonological information provided by the form. A unique metrical and syntactic annotation is used in the corpus to permit studies of phonological phrasing and stress placement in lines of verse. Much octosyllabic narrative verse, in particular texts associated with oral performance, is shown to have an iambic rhythmic tendency in the pre-1250 period, which is particularly strong in the earliest texts. No such effect is found in lyric texts or plays, or in narrative from after 1250. Additionally, a phonological phrase boundary is commonly found in the middle of the line. Iambic rhythmic organization is argued to be incompatible with group stress and associated ‘stress deafness’ effects observed in modern French. From this data, group stress is argued to have developed between the mid-12th and mid- 13th centuries. Work on modern French (e.g. Post, 2000) suggests that the stress group is the phonological phrase. Through reconstruction of the phonological phrasing of medieval French, the thesis demonstrates that regular word-final stress, the phonological phrase internal process of stress clash resolution, and the frequency of monosyllabic words combine to favour reanalysis of the French stress system in the pre-1250 period. Finally, the hypothesis that prosodic change affected verb-second word order in medieval French is reconsidered. It is argued that light clause-initial constituents which do not form their own phonological phrase (i.e. short adverbs, subject pronouns) become unstressed, a development which triggers syntactic changes that lead to the introduction of non verb-second word orders.

Linguistic transfer and dialect levelling : a sociophonetic analysis of contact in the regional French of Béarn

Mooney, Damien January 2014 (has links)
This thesis investigates the genesis and evolution of the regional variety of French spoken in Béarn, southwestern France, by considering phonetic and phonological changes taking place in two different contact situations: language contact between French and Béarnais, and dialect contact with other contemporary varieties of French. Through an examination of linguistic transfer, in a situation of bilingualism, and of levelling and diffusion during dialect contact, the thesis challenges two long-standing assumptions about regional French: that it results from ‘substrate residue’ and that this ‘residue’ is ephemeral and will therefore be lost over time. The methodology is sociophonetic, combining traditional Labovian data collection techniques with detailed acoustic phonetic analysis. The acoustic analyses focus on the mid-vowel and nasal unit systems of Béarnais and French, first examining L1-to-L2 transfer and subsequently investigating apparent-time changes taking place in regional French as a result of dialect contact. The findings show that, while this variety of regional French contains clear cases of ‘substrate residue’ from Béarnais, its formation during language contact is better accounted for by a combination of linguistic transfer, divergence and innovation, with structural correspondences between the surface phonologies of the languages influencing the outcomes of contact in each case, as predicted by Flege’s Speech Learning Model. The assumption that regional French features are transitory is refuted: the results of the apparent-time study show that young speakers in Béarn are not simply involved in the wholesale adoption of the northern French norm over time. Contemporary regional French in Béarn is shown to constitute a distinctive combination of local, supralocal and innovative features resulting primarily from the various mechanisms which constitute Kerswill’s model of Regional Dialect Levelling.

Old French synonymy, with special attention to the period before 1150

Hemming, T. D. January 1963 (has links)
No description available.

The dialect of the Vallée d'Aure (Hautes-Pyrénées)

Cremona, Joseph January 1956 (has links)
This monograph gives a synchronistic and diachronistic account of the present-day dialect of the Vallee d'Aure in the Frenoh department of the Hautes-Pyrenees. The territory investigated includes the higher and lower portions of the basin of the Neste (Weste d'Aure and Neate proper) and the subsidiary valley of T. Jouron (Neste de Lour-on). After a short introduction, the monograph deals with the Phonology, Morphology and, Vocabulary of the dialect and compares a study of the Linguistic Geography of the area under investigation. The text is accompanied by 14 maps and is followed by an extensive Index-Glossary of the patois with etymological notes.

Realizability conditions for new classes of three-element-kind networks

January 1967 (has links)
[by] Jonny Andersen. / "This report is based on a thesis submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering, M.I.T., June 1965, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy." / Includes bibliographical references. / Contract no. DA 36-039-AMC-03200(E).

Vergleich der Zugfestigkeit und der Versagensmechanismen der Einreihennahtankerversorgung („single-row-Technik“) und der Zweireihennahtankerversorung („double-row-Technik“) bei Rotatorenmanschettenrupturen am Schafmodell / Initial load-to-failure and failure analysis in single- and double-row repair techniques for rotator cuff repair.

Gilbert, Fabian 29 January 2013 (has links)
Rotatorenmanschettenrupturen (RM-Rupturen) haben eine hohe Prävalenz in der Bevölkerung und kommen mit zunehmendem Alter gehäuft vor (Ozaki et al. 1988, Milgrom et al.1995). Die operative Rekonstruktion der RM gilt als Goldstandard der Behandlung. Unbehandelt neigen RM-Rupturen zu Progression und zu fettiger Infiltration des Muskelbauchs und zu Abnahme der Sehnenqualität (Goutallier et al. 1994). Im weiteren Verlauf droht eine Defektarthropathie mit schmerzhafter Bewegungsseinschränkung und hochgradigem Funktionsverlust der Extremität. Eine zeitgerechte Rekonstruktion der RM kann diesen Verlauf günstig beeinflussen und die Funktion des Schultergelenkes signifikant verbessern (Deutsch et al. 1997, Gladstone et al. 2007). Mit zunehmendem Funktionsanspruch, auch noch im fortgeschrittenen Alter, gewinnt die Rekonstruktion der RM zunehmend an Bedeutung (Worland et al. 1999). Die Rerupturrate der operativen Rekonstruktion ist hoch und wird je nach Autor mit bis zu 94% angegeben (Boileau et al. 2005, Galatz et al. 2004). Uneinigkeit herrscht in der Literatur über die Art der Primärrefixation der Sehne im Knochen (Bishop et al. 2006, Boileau et al. 2005, Galatz et al. 2004). Mehrere Autoren berichten, dass die Nahtankerreparatur der transossären Refixation gleichwertig bzw. überlegen ist (Reed et al., 1996, Klinger et al. 2007). Des Weiteren wird die Anzahl und das Platzierungsmuster der Nahtanker, im Hinblick auf die Primärstabilität, kontrovers diskutiert (Apreleva et al. 2002, Craft et al. 1996, Rossouw et al. 1997). 52 Ziel des Schulterchirurgen sollte es sein, eine möglichst hohe Primärfestigkeit der Rekonstruktion zu erreichen, des Weiteren sollte die Refixationsmethode die spannungsfreie Einheilung der Sehne ermöglichen, den Patienten möglichst schnell einer aktiven Rehabilitation zuführen und die Rerupturrate möglichst gering halten (Kim et al. 2005). Ziel der Arbeit war es zu zeigen, ob eine weitere Reihe Nahtanker eine höhere Primärstabilität in Abhängigkeit des verwendeten Nahtmaterials bietet. Hierzu wurden 32 frische Schafsschultern in 4 Gruppen zu je 8 Präparaten aufgeteilt. Eine vollständige RM-Ruptur wurde simuliert und anschließend wurden die Rupturen entweder mit einer Einreihen-Nahtankerversorgung (single-row-Technik) oder mit einer Zweireihen-Nahtankerversorgung (double-row-Technik) refixiert. Dabei kamen 2 verschiedene Nahtmaterialien zum Einsatz (nicht resorbierbares Polyesterfadenmaterial (Ethibond®) und nicht resorbierbares Polyethylenfadenmaterial (HiFi®) der Stärke 2.0). Die Präparate wurden in einer Zugmaschine auf ihre Zugfestigkeit getestet. Die double-row-Technik in Kombination mit nicht-resorbierbarem Polyethylenfadenmaterial (HiFi®, Gruppe IV) erzielte hierbei eine signifikant höhere Ausreißfestigkeit als die anderen Versorgungen. Mehrere Fixationspunkte der Verbindung Knochen-Faden/Naht-Sehne bei der double- row-Technik erreichen so durch eine gleichmäßige Lastverteilung eine höhere Zugfestigkeit Inwieweit diese erhöhte Primärfestigkeit eine Verbesserung des klinischen Ergebnisses und eine Reduktion der Rerupturrate erbringen kann, muss durch zukünftige klinisch-prospektive Studien validiert werden. Der Einsatz dieser kostenintensiven und operativ anspruchsvollen Methode ist unseres Erachtens nur dann gerechtfertigt, wenn die Anzahl an Revisionseingriffen hierdurch signifikant gesenkt werden kann.

Pits, Pots and Prehistoric Fats : A Lipid Food Residue Analysis of Pottery from the Funnel Beaker Culture at Stensborg, and the Pitted Ware Culture from Korsnäs

Dimc, Nathalie January 2011 (has links)
Investigating Neolithic pottery and vessel use could elucidate the duality between the farming Funnel Beaker Culture and the hunter-gathering Pitted Ware Culture during the Neolithic. The two archaeological groups differ on several accounts that are of great importance when interpreting past societies. However, it is the suggested differential subsistence economies that are of specific interest for this particular investigation. A comparative study based on the absorbed fatty acids in the ceramic material from two different Neolithic sites addresses the food cultures of the farming subsistence and the contrasting, contemporary hunter-gatherer society and the differences in resource-use. The investigation argues that food acts as an active social binder, and stress the importance of incorporating this aspect when discussing past cultures. The results of the analyses display difference in vessel use between the two sites as well as an intra-site difference at Korsnäs. It is argued that these differences are indicative of deviating food-cultures and spatial organisation at Korsnäs respectively. These results are combined with the previously conducted osteological analyses and stable isotopic analyses an approach that contribute to a more dynamic understanding of the Neolithic food cultures than what has been available before. Investigating Neolithic pottery and vessel use could elucidate the duality between the farming Funnel Beaker Culture and the hunter-gathering Pitted Ware Culture during the Neolithic. The two archaeological groups differ on several accounts that are of great importance when interpreting past societies. However, it is the suggested differential subsistence economies that are of specific interest for this particular investigation. A comparative study based on the absorbed fatty acids in the ceramic material from two different Neolithic sites addresses the food cultures of the farming subsistence and the contrasting, contemporary hunter-gatherer society and the differences in resource-use. The investigation argues that food acts as an active social binder, and stress the importance of incorporating this aspect when discussing past cultures. The results of the analyses display difference in vessel use between the two sites as well as an intra-site difference at Korsnäs. It is argued that these differences are indicative of deviating food-cultures and spatial organisation at Korsnäs respectively. These results are combined with the previously conducted osteological analyses and stable isotopic analyses an approach that contribute to a more dynamic understanding of the Neolithic food cultures than what has been available before.

Therapie breitbasiger Adenome und der pT1-low-risk-Karzinome des Rektums / Ein Vergleich der radikalchirurgischen Verfahren mit der konventionellen Abtragung und der transanalen endoskopischen Mikrochirurgie / Therapy of sessile adenoma and pT1-low-risk-carcinoma of the rectum / A comparsion of radical surgery to conventional resection and transanal endoscopic microsurgery

Süß, Malte 30 May 2005 (has links)
No description available.

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