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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La langue des « gwerzioù » à travers l’étude des manuscrits inédits de Mme de Saint-Prix (1789-1869) / The language of the "gwerzioù" through the study of the Mme de Saint-Prix's (1789-1869) unpublished manuscripts

Le Rol, Yvon 05 July 2013 (has links)
L’une des composantes de la littérature orale (chants, contes, proverbes,…) de langue bretonne est la gwerz, chanson traditionnelle à caractère souvent historique et fantastique, se transmettant principalement oralement d’une génération à l’autre.L’étude de la langue utilisée dans ces chants permet de mettre en évidence des niveaux de langues différents : si la marque dialectale du chanteur est généralement bien présente, celle de l’utilisation d’un breton standard, se rapprochant du breton littéraire par ses caractéristiques, l’est tout autant.Quelques personnes en Bretagne, principalement issues de la petite noblesse rurale, se sont adonnées au collectage de sa littérature orale (de langue bretonne), à l’instar des autres pays européens, et ceci dès le début du XIXe siècle. Mme de Saint-Prix (1789 -1869) figure parmi ces précurseurs. Les deux manuscrits inédits qui constituent l’essentiel de sa collection (Manuscrit 1 : 97 folios ; Manuscrit 2 : 45 folios), sont actuellement conservés à la bibliothèque de Landévennec / One of the major forms of oral literature in the Breton language – which includes songs, tales, proverbs and sayings- is the gwerz. This form of traditional song, passing on from one generation to another, most often evidences a historical as well as a fantastic character.Studying the language used in these songs helps highlight the existence of several standards or levels of language; indeed, while the dialectal mark of the interpreter generally makes no doubt, the presence of a form of standard Breton can also be noticed.In the early XIXth century, people in Brittany - similarly to what was taking place throughout Europe - started collecting oral literature in the Breton language. Most of the time they came from the lower rural aristocracy. Mme de Saint-Prix (1789-1869) was among these precursors. The two unpublished manuscripts which make the most part of her collection (MS 1 : 97 folios ; MS 2 : 45 folios) are currently kept in the Landevennec library / Ul lodenn eus al lennegezh dre gomz (kanaouennoù, kontadennoù, lavarennoù,…) brezhonek a zo ar gwerzioù anezhi : da lâret eo kanaouennoù hengounel savet alies a-walc’h diwar fedoù istorel ha burzhudus, ha legadet a-c’henoù a-rummad da rummad.Studiañ ar yezh a gaver implijet er gwerzioù-se a laka war-wel liveoù yezh disheñvel : ma kaver roud eus brezhoneg rannyezhel ar ganerien warni, e weler splann ivez an implij a vez graet gante eus ur yezh all, tostoc’h ouzh ur « standard lennegel ».Ken abred ha deroù an XIXvet kantved, diwar skouer ar broioù europat all, e kroge un nebeut tud e Breizh, o tont peurliesañ eus an noblañs vihan diwar ar maez, da zastum ar pezh a oa da vezañ anvet « lennegezh dre gomz » pelloc’h. En o zouesk e kaver ur plac’h, an Itron de Saint-Prix (1789-1869), a orin eus Kallag, e Kerne-Uhel. An daou dornskrid a ra ar lodennvrasañ eus he dastumadenn (Ds. 1 : 97 f° ; Ds. 2 : 45 f°) a zo miret e levraoueg abati Landevenneg hiziv an deiz

Cànain agus Cultar ann am Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig : Neartan, Duilgheadasan agus am Buaidh air Comasan is Seasamhan Cànain na h-Òigridh

Landgraf, Julia (Sìleas) January 2014 (has links)
Chaidh sùil mhionaideach a thoirt air a' cheangal eadar cànain agus cultar ann am foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig (FMG), a rèir dàta a thogadh ann an naoi diofar sgoiltean ann an sgìrean eadar-dhealaichte ann an Alba, le fòcas sònraichte air neartan agus duilgheadasan a thaobh fios a-steach do chloinn ann am FMG, agus mar a dh'fhaodas buaidh a bhith aig sin air comasan agus seasamhan cànanach nan sgoilearan. Chumadh agallamhan leth-structarail ri 80 sgoilear (eadar BS 5 agus AS 2), 32 phàrant agus 16 luchd-teagaisg. Tro sgrùdadh nan agallamhan rinneadh measadh air comasan cànain na cloinne, air am misneachd a thaobh na Gàidhlig, an cuid sheasamhan mu choinneimh na cànain agus air an tuigse air eachdraidh agus cultar na Gàidhlig. Chaidh ceist eile a chumail ann am fòcas ceangailte ris gach puing, agus b' i cò às a thàinig am fiosrachadh a bh' aig a' chloinn: dè an seòrsa fios a-steach a fhuair iad tro FhMG agus dè thàinig bhon dachaigh fhèin. Dh'obraicheadh a-mach na ceanglaichean eadar am fios a-steach sin agus am fios a-mach a fhuaireadh, .i. eòlas na cloinne air na cuspairean ainmichte. Chuireadh beachdan nan agallaichean (gu lèir) air FMG ris an fhiosrachadh sin gus measadh farsaing a dhèanamh air an t-siostam foghlaim sin. Stèidhichte air toraidhean an sgrùdaidh, nochdadh molaidhean airson leasachadh FMG san àm ri teachd, gu h-àraidh a thaobh fios a-steach agus àrainneachd ionnsachaidh na cloinne agus a thaobh an ceangal eadar cànain agus cultar a shìor neartachadh san teagasg.

Social aspects of language and education in Brittany, France

McDonald, Maryon January 1983 (has links)
No description available.

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