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Research in the development of promotion strategy of the hotel industry-Take ABC Hotel as the case studyLee, Yuan-Ching 28 August 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study aims at researching the development of promotion strategy of the hotel industry. Take ABC Hotel as the case study of this paper, and analyze it by external environment and internal conditions. The objective of this paper is to analyze and understand the industry environment and possible future situation, and then to provide attainable suggestions for the future development.
The case study explores the competitive formulation and the competitive strategies and should make a model case for hotel industry as a whole.
The conclusions drawn in this paper are as follows
1. Taiwan tourism has the advantage in the elements of abundant and diversified natural landscapes and the increasing volume of inbound tourist. The government can combine the civil power and under the cooperative mechanism of the leisure industry, the domestic tourism should be leaded to prosperity.
2. The tourism trends are as follows(1)Chain administration(2) Fundamental income is depended on Food and beverage (3)Brand diversity (4)Service diversity(5)Growing of the domestic tourism and the conference market(6)Integrated alliance with related sectors(7)Application of information technology
3. ABC Hotel is more aesthetic than other competitors through the value-chain and internal conditions analysis. In the Blue Ocean age ,ABC Hotel can create its own Blue ocean by connecting the art and promotion.
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Case study research on marketing personal Insurance through commercial bankHSU, YUEH-YUN 17 August 2004 (has links)
Due to trends in internationalization and free market developments, since 1980, the government has gradually deregulated its banking policies. On October 13, 2000, a new banking law number 74 was passed and allowed commercial banks to diversity into securities, bonds, options, insurance and other related finaicial businesses with governmental approval. This leads to a significant expansion of the banking industry and results in a decrease in competitive pressure and overall operating costs. The banking industry has taken advantage of this new regulation and now provides savings, trusts, foreign currencies, whole life insurance, and many other financial services to entice potential
customers. Whole life insurance has become a major focus for commercial banks, for they already have significant competitive advantage in customer resources, marketing channels, cost savings, and product innovations. Thus, developing insurance businesses have become a main developmental trend for commercial banks.
In 1993 and 1994, Taiwan banks and the insurance industry have develope many successful strategic alliances. Taishin insurance agent company,formed in 1996, has become the most profitable division of the Taishin group. Since then, commercial banks entering into the insurance businesses have increased dramatically. As of December of 2003, over 70% of the 52 commercial banks already provide whole life insurance services.
Know this significant developmental trend, this research intends to use a case study methodology to study a commercial bank's involvement in the operations and the 4P marketing of the whole life insurance business.
Discuess marketing product variety, customer acceptance, and selection of products from corporate strategic alliances.
Discuss product marketing in terms of price versus value
Discuss methods of promotion and the human factors in marketing
Discuss customers acceptance in terms of different marketing placement and distribution channels
KEY WORD :Bancassurance , Marketing 4P
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The effects of 3G strategies on the willingness of customer using MNP serviceHsu, Wen-hui 15 August 2008 (has links)
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A study of small angle differential and integral cross sections for k 4s-4p transitionOzimba, Peter A. 01 June 1994 (has links)
Measured and calculated differential cross sections(DCS) are contrasted through the generalized ocsillator strength for impact energies of 16, 20, 40, 54.4, 60, 75, 100 and 200 eV. The recently constructed universal formula by Msezane and Sakmar is used to compare these results. Most of the results require renormalization and also show inaccuracy at small scattering angles. By also using the cubic spline function and the constructed formula from the universal formula, for the integral cross section by Chen and Msezane, total cross sections are calculated. These integral cross sections which serve as a good check to the measured and calculated DCS indicated the importance and need for the integral cross section formula for small scattering angles as contribution from this region ranges from to of the total contribution. The need for the universal extrapolation formula is thus found to be crucially important for accurate extrapolation.
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Strategier för differentiering i marknadsföring på den svenska elmarknaden : En kvalitativ studie om hur små elhandelsbolag arbetar strategiskt för att skapa konkurrensfördelarGårdbro, Gustav, Georgas, Robin January 2013 (has links)
Den 1 januari 1996 avreglerades den svenska elmarknaden och konkurrens infördes vid handeln med el. Målet med avregleringen var att genom ökad konkurrens nå ett mer rationellt utnyttjande av resurserna och att tillförsäkra kunderna flexibla leveransvillkor till lägsta möjliga priser. Avregleringen på elmarknaden medförde inte bara att spelplanen öppnades för nya aktörer, utan den nya konkurrenssituationen ändrade även spelets regler och förutsättningar. Beslut om produktion och pris flyttades i större grad över till aktörerna på marknaden och beslut om hur man skulle tävla om kunder på en marknad med konkurrens blev plötsligt viktiga för företagen på marknaden. För att elhandelsbolagen skulle kunna bli framgångrika på den nya marknaden krävdes det att de positionerade sig och utvecklade konkurrens- och marknadsföringsstrategier. Beslut om konkurrens- och marknadsföringsstrategier på elhandelsmarknaden görs mer komplext då företagen arbetar med en homogen produkt på en marknad som karaktäriseras av låga marginaler, lättrörliga kunder och där företagen har svårt att påverka produktens pris. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur små elhandelsbolag strategiskt arbetar med marknadsföring för att skapa konkurrensfördelar på den svenska marknaden. Undersökningen bygger på en komparativ fallstudie där intervjuer genomfördes med sex stycken elhandelsbolag på den svenska marknaden. Intervjuerna genomfördes med personer med god kännedom om företagets arbete med marknadsföringsstrategier. Det empiriska materialet analyserades med en teoretisk modell som bygger på Porters modell om de allmänna konkurrensstrategierna och McCarthys toeri om ett företags marknadsföringsmix. En markndsundersökning med sex centrala teman som visade sig vara viktiga vid beslut om val av elhandelsbolag integrerades även i den teoretiska modellen. Resultatet visade att företagen fäste olika vikt vid de sex centrala teman i vår undersökningen, beroende på företagets strategiska fokus i sin marknadsföring. De mer generella slutsatserna vi kan dra från vår undersökningen är att det verkar finnas en skillnad mellan kommunalt och privat ägda bolag. De regionalt förankrade bolagen tenderade att vara mer fokuserade i både differentiering och kostnadsöverlägsenhet. Miljö var den viktigaste faktorn i marknadsföringen där samtliga undersökta företag framhöll deras miljöprofilen som ett viktigt argument för att välja dem. Den marknadsföringsstrategi som företagen tillämpar beror på den bild företaget har av den svenska elmarknaden, där exempelvis företag som menar att kunder väljer elhandelsbolag efter pris fokuserar mer på pris i sin marknadsföring. Slutligen fann vi att företagen i allt högre grad försöker involvera kunderna i deras avtal. Ett exempel på detta är företagens försäljning av andelar i vindkraftskooperativ där kunden blir delägare och producerar sin egen el.
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外資美髮連鎖業於上海發展策略之研究王嘉鋒 Unknown Date (has links)
面對競爭激烈的市場環境,往往進入市場的行銷策略就是發展成敗的關鍵之一,而行銷策略深受環境和市場定位的影響,本研究期望能帶給剛進入或重返上海市場的美髮連鎖業者做為發展策略上的參考。 / Abstract
When hairdressing service industry was flourishing in Taiwan, many firms started to transform from individual studios or family-run businesses to chain operation. However, since 2000, market saturation and high competition have caused major hairdressing chains to show signs of stagnation, and even recession, and many of them have started to enter the Chinese market in recent years.
This research analyzes how foreign hairdressing chains entered Shanghai by three steps: first evaluate the impact of environment on the operations of foreign hairdressing chains and their STPs; second, how these chains utilize their marketing mixes; and third, how have them performed in the market.
By looking into three chains, the study finds that:
(1) For the choice of target market and business models, they tend to be influenced by their successful business models in Taiwan, and thus they adopted 70% of their operational approaches in Taiwan to the operations in Shanghai;
(2) When their business models appealed to and marched the needs of the market, they would be successful; on the contrary, a mis-match would lead to financial difficulties and even exit the market.
Facing a highly competitive market environment, entering a market with appropriate marketing mix (4Ps) often is critical and 4Psand market positioning are highly influenced by the environmental factors. By highlighting the linkages among environment, STP and 4Ps, this research hopes to offer suggestions to foreign hairdressing chains either planning to enter or re-enter Shanghai or other markets in China.
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Komunikační strategie podniku / Comunication strategy of companyPokorná, Martina January 2008 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to make profitable communication strategies in an economic way. This will increase publicity and take the best effect on people. It will also improve standing of a firm ARAVER CZ on a market.
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Marketing Strategies For Antipsychotic Drugs¡G The Case Of Risperidone In TaiwanLiang, Jui-Lin 22 July 2011 (has links)
Schizophrenia is a chronic and degenerative mental disease. Patients suffer from this disease for a whole life. It`s not clear the causes of schizophrenia. Correct diagnosis and treatment are essential for disease recovery, helping patients return home or community as early as possible. Up to now medicine has been the most effective treatment for schizophrenia. Antipsychotic drug has experienced the first generation and the second generation stages. The second generation antipsychotics are significantly more effective and with less side effects compared with the first generation drugs.
This study focused on schizophrenia marketing strategies in Taiwan. A detailed case study of Risperdal® was undertaken to analyze the marketing strategies and marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion). The study illustrated a successful implementation of marketing plans regarding antipsychotic drugs, shed light on how to launch new products and accelerate new product introductions.
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The Research and Analysis of Brand Positioning and Its Strategy ¡Ð Take Japanese A company as an exampleShih, Chih-Chi 08 August 2011 (has links)
Business Market is like battlefield. In order to occupy the market quickly, good merchandise with definite brand position and marketing strategy is essential. Brand managers must think how to obtain customers and keep customers, which also means that how to evaluate target, select target and obtain target from customers by using limited resources in the shortest time.
The object of this research is a fashion brand represented by a Japanese company. The purpose is to discuss how a transnational fashion brand promotes its popular brand to other countries. How to utilize marketing strategies and customer relationship management to maintain brand position under keen competition in internationalized and liberalized Taiwan market is the research data. Analysing the consumption data to select target customers and analysing the transaction frequencies of customers are the research method. Customers are differentiated from ages respectively and the market strategy is driven based on Marketing 4P combination analysis. This method helps to develop brand management and brand development strategy, also expects to clarify brand position of each brand, keep target customer and know customer growth.
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Non-Invasive PAOD (Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease) Screen Instrument Marketing Strategy and Integrated Strategy Study ¡V for Company ACHEN-JUNG, YANG, 10 July 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to find the relationship between PAOD (Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease) and the major human diseases based on various statistics and literatures. The findings will facilitate the promotion of PAOD instrument at district clinics and hospitals where health and hygiene lessons are taught, these lessons will instruct people the idea of ¡¥prevention is better than cure¡¦ and ¡¥early discover early cure¡¦ on PAOD. Through analysis of data collected from hospital questionnaires to find an effective marketing strategy of universal installation of PAOD instrument which will make it more popular and convenient to screen potential PAOD patients and to realize the idea of ¡¥early discover early cure¡¦.
Another approach of this study will focus on marketing strategy and corporate wide management strategy, the methods applied such as:
1. STP (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning) marketing strategy
2. 4P (Product¡BPrice¡BPlace¡BPromote) theory, definition, features, advantages and disadvantages.
3. 4C (Customer benefit¡BCost to customer¡BConvenience¡BCommunication) theory, definition, features, advantages and disadvantages.
4. The comparisons and crossed applications of 4P and 4C theory.
5. Vertical integration strategy.
Through the above methods and the analysis of PAOD questionnaires, it decides a marketing strategy and execution approach. Besides, according to the current industry environment and health insurance system, this paper gives practical advices to company ¡¥A¡¦ facing exit strategy.
In an era of extremely competitive of free market, how to customize products, to differentiate services, to increase the customer loyalty and to buildup good brand image are the cores of competition to a company. Based on the result of this study, it purposes company ¡¥A¡¦ the short, medium and long term running plan individually. The core of the best marketing strategy always considers the highest guideline ¡¥the needs and benefits of customers¡¦. For a company, besides its profits consideration for continuous operation, how to step into a virtuous cycle which constantly puts the benefits of customers (such as hospitals, clinics, and patients) as its first priority is the major topic of sustainability and differentiation.
Key words: PAOD¡ASTP marketing strategy¡A4P theory¡A4C theory¡Avertical integration
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