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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

CFD Modellierung einer partikelbelasteten Kühlmittelströmung im Sumpf und in der Kondensationskammer

Grahn, Alexander, Cartland-Glover, Greg, Krepper, Eckhard 31 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Der Bericht beschreibt die Arbeiten zur CFD-Modellentwicklung zur Beschreibung des Fasertransportes in einer Wasserströmung, die im Unterauftrag der Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz erfolgten. Während die experimentellen Arbeiten zu dieser Thematik in Zittau durchgeführt wurden, lag der Schwerpunkt der theoretischen Arbeiten in Rossendorf. Im Arbeitspunkt EZ 1 des Projektantrages ist die Erweiterung der Einzeleffektuntersuchungen vorgesehen. Die entsprechenden Modellansätze zum Partikeltransport sind im Kapitel 3.1. beschrieben. Die Modellanpassung und Validierung ist in 3.2 und 3.3 dargestellt. Der Fasertransport in einer Wasserströmung wird durch Jet-Phänomene bestimmt. Untersuchungen dazu sind im EZ3.1 des Projektantrages: 3D-Phänomene infolge Blasenmitriss vorgesehen und die Modellansätze und der Vergleich zu Experimenten in den Kapiteln 4.1 bis 4.3 dargestellt. Des Weiteren wird der Einfluss auf den Ausgleich der Temperatur für den Fall untersucht, dass der Jet kälter als die Wasservorlage im Tank ist. Dieser Abschnitt entspricht damit der EZ3.2 des Antrages: 3D-Phänomene infolge Temperaturdifferenzen. Im Kapitel 4.4 wird auf die Strömungsvorgänge in der Zittauer Strömungswanne eingegangen und damit der Punkt EZ4 des Antrages: Integraluntersuchungen bearbeitet. Kapitel 5 beschreibt die Entwicklung eines Sieb-Modells, das die Faser-Kompaktierung berücksichtigt und auf der Darcy-Gleichung basiert. Die Modellparameter werden an Experimenten in Zittau justiert. Diese Experimente wurden für verschiedene Materialien durchgeführt und mit deren Hilfe ein Koeffizientenkatalog erstellt. Das Modell wurde in den CFD-Code CFX implementiert und anhand einiger Anwendungsbeispiele demonstriert.

Evolution of Ion-Induced Ripple Patterns - Anisotropy, nonlinearity, and scaling

Keller, A. 16 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis addresses the evolution of nanoscale ripple patterns on solid surfaces during low-energy ion sputtering. Particular attention is paid to the long-time regime in which the surface evolution is dominated by nonlinear processes. This is explored in simulation and experiment. In numerical simulations, the influence of anisotropy on the evolution of the surface patterns in the anisotropic stochastic Kuramoto-Sivashinsky (KS) equation with and without damping is studied. For a strong nonlinear anisotropy, a 90 rotation of the initial ripple pattern is observed and explained by anisotropic renormalization properties of the anisotropic KS equation. This explanation is supported by comparison with analytical predictions. In contrast to the isotropic stochastic KS equation, interrupted ripple coarsening is found in the presence of low damping. This coarsening seems to be a nonlinear anisotropy effect that occurs only in a narrow range of the nonlinear anisotropy parameter. Ex-situ atomic force microscopy (AFM) investigations of Si(100) surfaces sputtered with sub-keV Ar ions under oblique ion incidence show the formation of a periodic ripple pattern. This pattern is oriented normal to the direction of the ion beam and has a periodicity well below 100 nm. With increasing ion fluence, the ripple pattern is superposed by larger corrugations that form another quasi-periodic pattern at high fluences. This ripple-like pattern is oriented parallel to the direction of the ion beam and has a periodicity of around one micrometer. Interrupted wavelength coarsening is observed for both patterns. A dynamic scaling analysis of the AFM images shows the appearance of anisotropic scaling at large lateral scales and high fluences. Based on comparison with the predictions of different nonlinear continuum models, the recent hydrodynamic model of ion erosion, a generalization of the anisotropic KS equation, is considered as a potentially powerful continuum description of this experiment. In further in-situ experiments, the dependence of the dynamic scaling behavior of the sputtered Si surface on small variations of the angle of incidence is investigated by grazing incidence small angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS). A transition from strongly anisotropic to isotropic scaling is observed. This indicates the presence of at least two fixed points in the system, an anisotropic and an isotropic one. The dynamic scaling exponents of the isotropic fixed point are in reasonable agreement with those of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation. It remains to be seen whether the hydrodynamic model is able to show such a transition from anisotropic to isotropic KPZ-like scaling.

Phase separation in carbon:transition metal nanocomposite thin films

Berndt, M. 16 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
kein Abstract vorhanden

Annual Report 2009 - Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research

22 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research (IIM) is one of the six institutes of the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (FZD), and contributes the largest part to its Research Program \"Advanced Materials\", mainly in the fields of semiconductor physics and materials research using ion beams. The institute operates a national and international Ion Beam Center, which, in addition to its own scientific activities, makes available fast ion technologies to universities, other research institutes, and industry. Parts of its activities are also dedicated to exploit the infrared/THz free-electron laser at the 40 MeV superconducting electron accelerator ELBE for condensed matter research. For both facilities the institute holds EU grants for funding access of external users.

Validierung von Software-Komponenten zur Voraussage der strahleninduzierten Schädigung von RDB-Stahl

Bergner, F., Ulbricht, A. 22 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die skalenübergreifende Modellierung der strahleninduzierten Schädigung von RDB-Stahl von den Primärschäden auf der atomaren Skala bis zu den Änderungen der mechanischen Eigenschaften auf der Makroskala trägt wesentlich zu einem ver¬besserten Verständnis des Phänomens der Neutronenversprödung bei. Sie kann sich zukünftig zu einem Bestandteil der Sicherheitsbewertung des RDB entwickeln. Der gewählte zweistufige Modellierungsansatz beruht auf der Kopplung eines ratentheoretischen Moduls zur Voraussage der Größenverteilung der strahlen¬induzierten Defekt-Fremdatom-Cluster mit einem Härtungs-Modul zur Voraussage der strahleninduzierten Streckgrenzenerhöhung. Gegenstand der Untersuchungen sind die Weiterentwicklung und Validierung entsprechender Software-Komponenten. Die Validierung erfolgt durch Gegenüberstellung der Berechnungsergebnisse mit Resultaten von Neutronenkleinwinkelstreumessungen und Zugversuchen an neutronenbestrahlten RDB-Stählen. Der entwickelte ratentheoretische Modul ermöglicht es, die Größe, Konzentration und Zusammensetzung gemischter Cu-Leerstellen-Cluster über die für RDB-Stähle relevanten Größenbereiche von bis zu 10000 Atomen und Zeitbereiche von bis zu mehreren 10 Jahren zu verfolgen. Die Verbindung der Ratentheorie zur Härtungs¬modellierung beruht auf der Übergabe von berechneten mittleren Hindernis¬abständen und -stärken. Die Validierung der numerischen Werkzeuge hat ergeben, dass wesentliche Tendenzen der strahleninduzierten Streckgrenzenerhöhung von Cu-haltigen und Cu-armen RDB-Stählen richtig wiedergegeben werden. Erste Ansätze zur Erfassung des Einflusses des Legierungselements Nickel im Rahmen der Ratentheorie und der Härtungsmodellierung wurden verwirklicht.

Advanced emitters and detectors for terahertz time-domain spectroscopy

Peter, F. 22 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The idea of terahertz-time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) is to exploit a single cycle, spectrally broad THz radiation pulse to gain insight into the response of matter. Photoconductive devices and nonlinear crystals are utilized in both the generation as well as the coherent detection of THz radiation. The relatively high cost and the complexity of commonly used titanium-sapphire lasers hinder a more widespread use of pulsed THz systems for commercial applications. Er-doped femtosecond fiber lasers operating at 1.55 μm could offer a viable alternative. In this thesis nonlinear crystals and photoconductive emitters are discussed for excitation in the near infrared (NIR) window of between 800 nm to 1550 nm. The main focus of this thesis is a detailed study of substrate materials for an interdigitated photoconductive antenna. Photoconductive antennas with microstructured electrodes provide high electric acceleration fields at moderate voltages because of small electrode separations. The scalability of these devices allows for large active areas in the mm^2 range, which are sufficient for excitation at large optical powers. In comparison with conventional emitter structures, these antennas have more favourable characteristics regarding THz power, spectral properties, and ease of handling. Depending on the utilized substrate material, photoconductive antennas can then be operated using different excitation wavelengths. By employing substrates with short carrier trapping times these antennas can be operated as THz-detectors. Moreover the design of electrode structures for generating radially and azimuthally polarized THz waves are presented. A second topic deals with the signal analysis and signal interpretation of THz pulses transmitted through several material systems. These experiments show the potential for tomographic and spectroscopic applications. The third part deals with THz emission by frequency mixing in nonlinear organic and inorganic crystals. Hereby the focus is on polaritonic phase matching in GaAs. Furthermore, indications of THz tunability by the excitation wavelength were found by utilizing waveguide structures. However, the observed tuning range is much lower then theoretically predicted. Specific reasons for this are discussed.

Realization of radiobiological in vitro cell experiments at conventional X-ray tubes and unconventional radiation sources

Beyreuther, Elke 24 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
More than hundred years after the discovery of X-rays different kinds of ionizing radiation are ubiquitous in medicine, applied to clinical diagnostics and cancer treatment as well. Irrespective of their nature, the widespread application of radiation implies its precise dosimetric characterization and detailed knowledge of the radiobiological effects induced in cancerous and normal tissue. Starting with in vitro cell irradiation experiments, which define basic parameters for the subsequent tissue and animal studies, the whole multi-stage process is completed by clinical trials that translate the results of fundamental research into clinical application. In this context, the present dissertation focuses on the establishment of radiobiological in vitro cell experiments at unconventional, but clinical relevant radiation qualities. In the first part of the present work the energy dependent biological effectiveness of photons was studied examining low-energy X-rays (≤ 50 keV), as used for mammography, and high-energy photons (≥ 20 MeV) as proposed for future radiotherapy. Cell irradiation experiments have been performed at conventional X-ray tubes providing low-energy photons and 200 kV reference radiation as well. In parallel, unconventional quasi-monochromatic channeling X-rays and high-energy bremsstrahlung available at the radiation source ELBE of the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf were considered for radiobiological experimentation. For their precise dosimetric characterization dosimeters based on the thermally stimulated emission of exoelectrons and on radiochromic films were evaluated, whereas just the latter was found to be suitable for the determination of absolute doses and spatial dose distributions at cell position. Standard ionization chambers were deployed for the online control of cell irradiation experiments. Radiobiological effects were analyzed in human mammary epithelial cells on different subcellular levels revealing an increasing amount of damage for decreasing photon energy. For this reason, the assumed photon energy dependence was reconfirmed for a cell line other than human lymphocytes, an important finding that was discussed on the 2007 Retreat of the German Commission on Radiological Protection. After successful finalization of the photon experiments the focus of the present dissertation was directed to the realization of in vitro cell irradiation experiments with laser-accelerated electrons. This research was carried out in the frame of the project onCOOPtics that aims on the development of laser-based particle accelerators, which promise accelerators of potentially compact size and more cost-effectiveness suitable for a widespread medical application, especially for high precision hadron therapy. The unique properties, i.e., the ultrashort bunch length and resultant ultrahigh pulse dose rate, of these unconventional particle accelerators demand for extensive investigations with respect to potential effects on the dosimetric and radiobiological characterization. Based on the experiences gained at ELBE first experiments on the radiobiological characterization of laser-accelerated electrons have been performed at the Jena Titanium:Sapphire laser system. After beam optimization, a sophisticated dosimetry system was established that allow for the online control of the beam parameters and for the controlled delivery of dose to the cell sample. Finally, worldwide first systematic in vitro cell irradiation experiments were carried out resulting in a reduced biological effectiveness for laser-accelerated electrons relative to the 200 kV X-ray reference, irrespectively on the biological effect and cell lines examined. These successful results are the basis for future in vivo studies and experiments with laser-accelerated protons.

Modeling OF Self-Assembly of Charged Polymers

Huang, Beibei 13 July 2015 (has links)
El auto-acoblament és l'organització espontània i reversible d'unitats moleculars en estructures ordenades. El procés d'auto-acoblament compleix un paper important en la ciència de materials i de la vida, per exemple descriu la formació de cristalls moleculars, col•loides, bicapes de lípids, polímers en fases separades, i monocapes auto-acoblades. Dos factors principals en el procés d'auto-acoblament són considerats en aquest treball. El primer és l'Efecte Hidrofòbic, que produeix l'auto-acoblament espontani de les molècules en micel•les, i el segon es refereix a les Interaccions electrostàtiques. En el nostre model es consideren grups de caps polars carregats, alhora que la interacció electrostàtica té dues causes. La primera són les repulsions càrrega-càrrega entre els grups de caps carregats el que limita el nombre de monòmers de surfactants agregats. L'altra causa prové de la interacció entre els grups de caps carregats i els ions lliures en la solució, la qual cosa usualment afecta afecta la mida de l'agregat. El auto-acoblament per polielectròlits alineats i de càrregues oposades és estudiat a través de la teoria de Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) i implementat amb el paquet IPEC, que pot ser usat per analitzar l'estabilitat dels complexos inter-polielectròlit nucli-capa formats per la complexació de blocs de copolímers de càrregues oposades. Així mateix, en combinació amb la teoria de Single Chain Mean Field (SCMF), adoptem un model d'esferes per simular les estructures químiques de surfactants iònics i el seu procés de micelización. En aquesta simulació no només es consideren les repulsions càrrega-càrrega entre surfactants carregats, sinó també els efectes d'apantallament electrostàtic deguts als ions lliures de sal. / El auto-ensamblaje es la organización espontanea y reversible de unidades moleculares en estructuras ordenadas. El proceso de auto-ensamblaje cumple un papel importante en la ciencia de materiales y de la vida, por ejemplo describe la formación de cristales moleculares, coloides, bicapas de lípidos, polímeros en fases separadas, y monocapas auto-ensambladas. Dos factores principales en el proceso de auto-ensamblaje son considerados en este trabajo. El primero es el Efecto Hidrofóbico, que produce el auto-ensamblaje espontaneo de las moléculas en micelas, y el segundo se refiere a las Interacciones Electrostáticas. En nuestro modelo se consideran grupos de cabezas polares cargados, a la vez que la interacción electrostática tiene dos causas. La primera son las repulsiones carga-carga entre los grupos de cabezas cargados lo que limita el número de monómeros de surfactantes agregados. La otra causa proviene de la interacción entre los grupos de cabezas cargados y los iones libres en la solución, lo cual usualmente afecta afecta el tamaño del agregado. El auto-ensamblaje por polielectrolitos alineados y de cargas opuestas es estudiado a través de la teoría de Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) e implementado con el paquete IPEC, que puede ser usado para analizar la estabilidad de los complejos ínter-polielectrolito núcleo-capa formados por la complejación de bloques de copolímeros de cargas opuestas. Asimismo, en combinación con la teoría de Single Chain Mean Field (SCMF), adoptamos un modelo de esferas para simular las estructuras químicas de surfactantes iónicos y su proceso de micelización. En esta simulación no sólo se consideran las repulsiones carga-carga entre surfactantes cargados, sino también los efectos de apantallamiento electrostático debidos a los iones libres de sal. Por otra parte. / Self-assembly is a spontaneous and reversible organization of molecular units into ordered structures. The self-assembly process plays an important role in materials science and life science, for example it includes the formation of molecular crystals, colloids, lipid bilayers, phase-separated polymers, and self-assembled monolayers. Two principle factors in the self-assembly process are considered in this work. First is the Hydrophobic Effect, which leads to the spontaneous self-assembly of the molecules into micelles, and second is the Electrostatic Interactions. The surfactant with charged polar head group is considered in our model, and the electrostatic interaction originates from two sources. One is the charge-charge repulsions between the charged head groups which limit the number of surfactant monomers aggregated, another source comes from the interaction between the charged head groups and free ions in the solution, which affects the size of the aggregated complex usually. Self-assembly by linear oppositely charged polyelectrolytes is studied through Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) theory and implemented into software IPEC, which can be used to analyze the stability of core–shell inter-polyelectrolyte complexes formed by complexation of oppositely charged block copolymers. Secondly, combined with single chain mean field (SCMF) theory, we adopt coarse grained model to simulate chemical structures of ionic surfactants and their micellization process. In this simulation not only the charge-charge repulsions between charged surfactant are considered, but also the electrostatic screening effects by free salt ions are taken into account. Furthermore, the 2D SCMF theory is incorporated with PB theory to explore the electrostatic effect in the shape transition behavior of the micelles composed by ionic surfactant molecules.

Experimentos y modelos en sistemas que presentan transiciones de fase de primer orden con dinámica de avalanchas

Pérez Reche, Francisco José 29 April 2005 (has links)
En esta tesis se han estudiado algunos aspectos de sistemas que presentan transiciones de fase. Para ello se ha empleado tanto un enfoque experimental como teórico. En particular, se han investigado algunas transiciones de fase de primer orden que tienen lugar con una dinámica de avalanchas. Tal dinámica se observa en numerosas transiciones de fase (efecto Barkhausen en sistemas magnéticos o transición martensítica en sólidos) en que los efectos de las fluctuaciones térmicas no son muy importantes. La tesis se estructura básicamente en tres partes. La primera (capítulos 1 y 2) es una introducción a diversos aspectos generales que son importantes para el resto de la tesis. En el capítulo 1 se hace una introducción general de las transiciones de fase más comunes y también de aquellas en que los efectos del desorden presente son importantes. Esto lleva de forma natural a la definición del concepto de avalancha. Dentro de este mismo capítulo se dedica un apartado a conceptos generales de la transición martensítica ya que es una de las transiciones que se ha estudiado experimentalmente en esta tesis. El capítulo 2 introduce algunos conceptos fundamentales sobre el comportamiento de los sistemas que se encuentran cerca de una transición de fase de segundo orden. En dicho capítulo se introduce el Grupo de Renormalización y los métodos de escalado de tamaño finito que son importantes para analizar los resultados de nuestras simulaciones numéricas.En la segunda parte (capítulos 3-5) se presentan los resultados teóricos de la tesis. En primer lugar, en el capítulo 3 se estudia el efecto de las fluctuaciones térmicas en las transiciones de primer orden y se establece en qué condiciones se puede considerar que las fluctuaciones no son relevantes en la transición (transiciones atérmicas). En los dos capítulos siguientes (capítulos 4 y 5) se presenta un análisis extenso de las propiedades de las avalanchas observadas en el modelo de Ising con campos aleatorios en condiciones atérmicas.En la tercera parte de la tesis (capítulos 6-10) se estudian diversos aspectos relacionados con la cinética de las transiciones estructurales en estado sólido (básicamente la transición martensítica en aleaciones con memoria de forma). Antes de presentar los resultados experimentales propiamente dichos, en el capítulo 6 se describen las técnicas experimentales utilizadas, haciendo especial hincapié en la emisión acústica ya que ésta es la técnica que más se ha utilizado en nuestro caso para caracterizar las transiciones estructurales. Tras esta descripción introductoria, en el capítulo 7 se analiza, sobre la base de los modelos propuestos en el capítulo 3, el efecto de las fluctuaciones térmicas en la transición martensítica en aleaciones con memoria de forma. En el capítulo siguiente se estudia el efecto del ciclado térmico en la transición martensítica en el mismo tipo de aleaciones. En el capítulo 9 se analiza cuál es el efecto del ritmo al que se inducen las transiciones de fase de primer orden sobre las avalanchas que se observan. En este mismo capítulo se analiza también el efecto que tienen las fluctuaciones térmicas sobre dichas avalanchas. Finalmente, en el capítulo 10, se presentan los resultados de un estudio sobre la cinética de las transiciones martensítica y premartensítica que se observan en aleaciones de Ni-Mn-Ga.Como conclusión general de la tesis, podríamos decir que los resultados obtenidos han aclarado algunos aspectos de las transiciones de fase de primer orden y han permitido entender algunas propiedades de dichas transiciones con mayor profundidad. / OF THE THESISThis thesis have been devoted to study some aspects of systems exhibiting phase transitions. In particular, we have focused our analysis on those systems in which the transition involves an avalanche dynamics (some magnitudes evolve in a discontinuous way during the phase transition). Such a dynamics has been observed to occur in several phase transitions (Barkhausen effect in magnetic systems or martensitic transition in solids) in which thermal fluctuations does not play a relevant role. The analyzed issues in this thesis can be classified into two groups: study of the kinetics of structural phase transitions (mainly martensitic transition in shape memory alloys) and analysis of first-order phase transitions in disordered systems. Concerning the study of the structural phase transitions, we have analyzed (i) the effect of thermal fluctuations, (ii) the effect of thermal cycling, and (iii) the driving rate effects on the observed avalanches. Our results indicate that (i) thermally activated effects are difficult to observe under certain conditions, (ii) thermal cycling induces a learning process towards a reproducible behaviour, and (iii) the exponents characterizing the power-law distributions in first-order phase transitions show a non-monotonous dependence with the driving rate. Concerning the study of disordered systems, we have analysed in a detailed way the behaviour of the random field Ising model obeying a metastable dynamics (athermal and adiabatic) when an external applied field changes. We have performed numerical simulations to study the model and the obtained data have been analysed in terms of sophisticated finite-size scaling hypothesis. The studied model shows a disorder-induced continuous phase transition on the metastable phase diagram. Our study has allowed for a better understanding of several aspects of this model as, for example, the geometrical properties of the avalanches in the thermodynamic limit and the identification of the order parameter.

Spontaneous generation of geometry and its possible consequences

Puigdomènech Bourgon, Daniel 06 November 2012 (has links)
In this thesis a viable theory of gravity resulting from the spontaneous symmetry breaking of some more fundamental theory is developed. This fundamental theory does not include any notion of a metric or geometry. All the corresponding degrees of freedom are obtained dynamically from the symmetry breaking. The low energy effective theory corresponds to the Einstein-Hilbert theory naturally equipped with a cosmological term. The appearance of such term makes the cosmological constant interpretable as an intrinsic property of space time rather than an effective description valid at cosmological scales. The effect of this cosmological constant different from zero in the propagation of gravitational waves is assessed. In the presence of an cosmological constant gravitational waves propagate in a de Sitter space time and not in a minkoskian at space time. This fact brings about noticeable effects in the propagation of the waves. Finally we study the relevance of such effects due to the cosmological constant in the gravitational waves targeted at the PTA (Pulsar Timing Array) projects. We conclude that the effects can be measured in local systems (low redshits). This could represent an alternative way to set bounds to the value of the cosmological constant and at the same time could even facilitate the first detection of gravitational. / Generació espontània de la gravetat i possibles conseqüències observacionals. En aquesta tesi hem desenvolupat una teoria en què la gravitació d'Einstein s'obté dinàmicament mitjançant el mecanisme de ruptura espontània de simetria d'una altra teoria més fonamental. En aquesta teoria fonamental no existeix cap noció mètrica o de geometria. Tots els graus de llibertat associats a la geometria de l'espai temps emergeixen tan sols després del trencament de la simetria. El resultat final correspon a la teoria d'Einstein-Hilbert naturalment equipada amb una constant cosmològica. El fet d'obtenir aquesta constant ens porta a la seva interpretació com a una propietat intrínseca de l'espai temps en contraposició a la interpretació com a descripció efectiva tan sols vàlida a escales cosmològiques. Aprofitant el fet d'obtenir una constant cosmològica diferent de zero estudiem l'efecte que aquesta té en la propagació d'ones gravitatòries. En la seva presència les ones es propaguen en un espai temps de De Sitter i no en un espai temps pla de Minkowski. Els efectes poden, en principi, ésser mesurats en observacions en sistemes locals (“redshifts” petits). Finalment estudiem la rellevància que poden tenir aquestes modificacions, degudes a la constant cosmològica, en les ones gravitatòries que podrien ser detectades mitjançant els “pulsar timing arrays” en un futur proper. La conclusió és que la inclusió de la constant cosmològica té efectes notables que podrien significar un mètode alternatiu a la mesura del valor mateix de la constant cosmològica. De fet, aquests efectes podrien facilitar la primera detecció de les ones gravitatòries.

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