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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pigments indicadors: estudi del senyal en estanys dels Pirineus i de la seva aplicació en paleolimnologia

Buchaca Estany, Teresa 25 April 2005 (has links)
L'objectiu general de la tesi era estudiar el senyal de pigments indicadors en diversos compartiments (columna d'aigua, sediment superficial i registre sedimentari) dels estanys d'alta muntanya dels Pirineus, per aprofundir en el seu valor com a marcadors de la composició taxonòmica i indicadors de processos en diverses escales.Per veure l'efecte local en el senyal de pigments de canvis en factors com la irradiància o el règim de barreja, es va dur a terme un estudi estacional en l'estany Redon. Els quocients entre un pigment marcador de grup i el biovolum del grup algal corresponent eren constants dins de la zona fòtica de l'estany per la major part de pigments i grups algals. En canvi, el quocient entre la violaxantina i el biovolum de crisòfits augmentava en disminuir la fondària de la mostra. Es va utilitzar el programa CHEMTAX per estimar la composició de grups algals i comparar-la amb l'obtinguda a partir de la microscòpia.Per veure la variabilitat regional es va fer un estudi extensiu de la columna d'aigua i el sediment superficial en més de 80 estanys representatius dels estanys d'alta muntanya dels Pirineus. Els crisòfits eren el grup algal que apareixia com a dominant en el màxim profund de clorofil·la en un nombre més gran d'estanys. El primer gradient de variació en la composició de grups algals era el definit per l'estat tròfic. Els criptòfits apareixien associats a estanys amb concentracions més altes de fòsfor i presència de peixos mentre que a l'extrem oposat del gradient predominaven els crisòfits. Els cloròfits apareixien correlacionats amb densitats més altes de macrozooplàncton. Un segon gradient de variació en la composició de grups algals era el definit per la concentració de calci. En el sediment, els pigments indicadors de grups algals planctònics eren l'al·loxantina, com a pigment indicador de criptòfits, i la luteïna com indicador de cloròfits. No es va trobar cap pigment indicador ni de crisòfits ni de dinoflagel·lades que persistís en el sediment. Els pigments indicadors de grups predominantment bentònics que persistien millor en el sediment eren la zeaxantina i mixoxantofil·la com a indicadors de cianobacteris i la diatoxantina com a indicador de diatomees. El gradient més pronunciat que es dibuixava a partir de la composició de pigments del biofilm de la superfície del sediment anava d'un senyal predominantment bentònic, estanys amb llum fins el fons, a un de planctònic, estanys profunds on la capa fòtica no arribava fins al fons. El valor del quocient entre l'al·loxantina (indicador grups planctònics) i la diatoxantina (indicador grups bentònics) era indicador de la contribució al senyal de producció primària de cadascun d'aquests dos ambients. El pH del medi i les característiques de la vegetació de la conca eren els factors amb una major influència en la preservació de la Chl-a. El senyal de pigments indicadors de bacteris fotosintètics era important en estanys poc profunds situats en conques grans amb boscos de coníferes.Finalment, l'aplicació dels pigments indicadors en paleolimnologia es va completar amb la reconstrucció de la producció primària de l'estany Redon al llarg de l'Holocè. El senyal de la producció a l'inici de l'Holocè tenia un origen predominantment bentònic mentre que durant els darrers 1500 anys era predominantment planctònic. Fins l'Holocè mitjà, la variabilitat en la producció primària de l'estany Redon es va atribuir a canvis en la càrrega interna i externa de fòsfor relacionats amb canvis en el clima durant aquest període. A partir de 1500 a. BP, la variabilitat es va atribuir principalment a canvis en la càrrega externa de fòsfor relacionats amb la pertorbació del sòl causada per una pastura ocasional de ramats de bens a la conca. / The general objective of the thesis was to study the marker pigment signal in different lake compartments (water column, superficial sediment and sedimentary record) of Pyrenean high mountain lakes in order to evaluate the value of pigments as taxonomic markers and as indicators of the processes occurring at different scales.Lake Redon was sampled seasonally and the CHEMTAX program used to estimate the algal group composition. The ratios between an algal group marker pigment and the biovolume of its respective algal group were constant within the photic zone of the lake for most of the pigments and algal groups. However the violaxanthin-chrysophyte biovolume ratio increased in inverse proportion to the depth of the sample.More than 80 Pyrenean lakes were sampled in different lake compartments. Chrysophytes were the algal group that dominated the deep chlorophyll maxima in a greater number of lakes. The first gradient in the variability of algal group composition along the Pyrenees was defined by the lake's trophic state. Criptophytes were associated with higher phosphorus lakes that also had fish presence, while chrysophytes dominated at the other extreme of the trophic gradient. Chlorophytes were correlated with higher macrozooplankton abundance. A second gradient was correlated with calcium concentration. Within the sediment, the ratio alloxanthin (planktonic signal) to diatoxanthin (benthic signal) was a good indicator of the relative contribution to the overall primary production of these two environments. The factors that had the highest influence in chlorophyll a preservation were pH and catchment vegetation characteristics. Photosynthetic bacteria indicator pigments were mainly found in relatively shallow lakes with large afforested catchment areas.Finally, the primary production of Lake Redon was reconstructed along the last ten thousand years. The production signal at the early Holocene had a predominantly benthic origin, while during the last 1500 years it was mainly planktonic. Until the end of the mid Holocene the variability in the primary production was attributed to the changes in the internal and external phosphorus loads associated with climate changes. Since 1500 y. BP, the variability was mainly attributed to changes in the external phosphorus loads related with soil perturbations.

Landscape fragmentation and resilience in seagrass meadows / Fragmentación del paisaje y resiliencia en praderas de fanerógamas marinas

Gera, Alessandro 21 June 2013 (has links)
Overall, this thesis is an attempt at approaching seagrass ecosystems from a landscape perspective, with the aim of increasing knowledge about the processes generating patterns at large spatial scales, and understanding how these patterns interact with other drivers of seagrass function. Specifically, we focus on (i) understanding the dynamics of habitat fragmentation (Chapter 1), (ii) how this fragmentation interact with other seagrass disturbances, such as hydrodynamism, sedimentation and herbivory (Chapter 2 and 3) and which are the consequences of such fragmentation to biodiversity and ecosystem processes (Chapter 4). The thesis is structured in five chapters, the first four focus on the different objectives outlined above. Additionally we have included another chapter (Chapter 5) that relates seagrass quality with photosynthetic performances. All chapters originated from field observations (Chapter 1, 2, 4 and 5) or experimental manipulative experiments (Chapter 3) that posed individual questions and general hypothesis within the frame of the dynamics of habitat fragmentation at patch-size and landscape scale. For the two first chapters, we take advantage of extreme storm events and in one of them we exploit long-term data series (15-20 years). Thus, we will first aim to integrate the different results related to the effects of habitat fragmentation and the interactions with external and internal disturbances. In this thesis we have observed how storms can be an important agent of fragmentation in shallow Posidonia oceanica meadows. One of the main causes is the limited capacity of this slowgrowing seagrass species to resist and recover from extreme storm events. This has been observed either by the response of the plant to a specific storm event (Chapter 1) than by the observed responses to storms in a long-term series (Chapter 2). Once the process of fragmentation was identified, we attempted to evaluate the resilience of the meadows to external and internal disturbances. In the case of the external disturbances we compared the storms effects on continuous and fragmented meadows in two congeneric species of Posidonia. The effect was much stronger in the fragmented meadows pointing out that fragmentation makes seagrass meadows less resilient and that the Mediterranean P. oceanica is particularly vulnerable due to its limited recovery potential. Evident limitation in this study was the low level of replication. This was not due to a design error, but to the rarity of the occurrence of extreme storm events and the limited availability of long data series. In spite of this, our results are consistent in stressing that fragmentation can be a critical factor for shallow seagrass maintenance. When we add to this disturbance the natural processes that ecosystems are facing, such as herbivory, fragmentation becomes even more critical as both factors are interacting in a combined way (Chapter 3). Consequently as both factors (fragmentation and herbivory) affect additively the same processes small fragmented patches tend to have lowest canopy height (i.e. less structure), less nutrient retention and lowest primary production. Interestingly, the influence of fragmentation on biodiversity and abundance of low mobility species, which was tested in chapter 4, showed opposite effects than expected. Specifically small fragments presented a much higher biodiversity of decapods, used as a model group, although it is not fully generalizable as the observed effect was site-specific. The apparently contradictory result could be in part explained by the low habitat use by predators observed in these small fragments. This final result points out the importance that small seagrass patches might have, as potential hotspots, for the maintenance of biodiversity. Finally we discuss the potential scenario that P. oceanica fragmented meadows might face under climate change. One of the clearest effects of climate change in several regions is that atmospheric and ocean regional conditions are expected to be modified, increasing the frequency of high-intensity cyclonic formations that can even strengthen the role of disturbances on these systems. / En general, la tesis pretende acercarse a los ecosistemas de fanerógamas marinas desde el punto de vista del paisaje, con el objetivo final de incrementar el conocimiento acerca de los procesos que generan los patrones a gran escala espacial, y entender como estos patrones interactúan con otros procesos funcionales de las fanerógamas marinas. Específicamente, a lo largo de la tesis nos hemos centrado en: (i) entender las dinámicas de la fragmentación del hábitat (capítulo 1), (ii) como esta fragmentación interactúa con otras perturbaciones, como el hidrodinamismo, la sedimentación y el herbivorismo (capítulos 2 y 3), y (iii) cual pueden ser las consecuencias de dicha fragmentación en la biodiversidad y los procesos del ecosistema (capítulo 4). Además de estos cuatro capítulos, se incluye un capítulo final (capítulo 5) que relaciona el estado de las praderas de fanerógamas marinas con las características fotosintéticas. Todos los capítulos se han redactado partiendo desde observaciones de campo (cap. 1, 2, 4 y 5) o experimentos manipulativos (cap. 3), y plantean tanto preguntas individuales como hipótesis generales en el marco de las dinámicas de fragmentación del hábitat a escala de manchas y de paisaje.

Global changes in headwater streams: effects of hydrological and nutrient fluctuations on the quality of basal resources = Canvis globals en rius de capçalera: efectes de les fluctuacions hidrològiques i dels nutrients en la qualitat dels recursos basals

Sanpera Calbet, Isis 11 April 2014 (has links)
Streams are complex and highly diverse ecosystems. Within the stream network, headwater streams (1st to 3rd order) are highly important. Headwaters represent most of the total length, influence the structure and functioning of higher order streams, generate most of the water flow and support higher rates of biogeochemical processing, with a higher rate of nutrient removal. Moreover, they offer high habitat diversity, both within and among streams. From all the drainage basin, it is the riparian zone which has the greatest influence in the structure and functioning of these streams. The in-fall of vegetation and leaching from plant litter are major sources of energy for stream food webs. All energy available to consumers originates from primary producers from either out- or in-stream and food webs are fuelled by a complex mixture of allochthonous and autochthonous resources. In headwaters, allochthonous basal resources are generally larger than autochthonous energy sources. However, both the quantity and quality of allochthonous and autochthonous resources influence the stream structure and functioning. Quality of resources determines their potential nutritional value for the invertebrates feeding on them. The nutritional quality of organic matter (OM) can be assessed by measuring the elemental or biomolecule composition (polysaccharide, protein and lipid content). Lipids are the most efficient energy-storing compounds, and within lipids, fatty acids and sterols include essential molecules for consumers. In a context of global change, streams are highly affected by multiple direct and indirect anthropic impacts, such as climate change, land use changes and water course alterations, affecting hydrology and nutrient and light availability, which in turn affect the quality and quantity of basal resources. The aim of this thesis was to determine how environmental factors influence the quantity and quality (biochemical composition) of basal resources in headwater streams. Of the multiple environmental factors affected by global change, the present study focused on changes in hydrology and nutrient and light availability, with particular reference to headwater Mediterranean streams. This study has been mainly performed in Fuirosos, a Mediterranean stream in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, but also in the Mayfly creek artificial channels, in the Pacific Coast Mountains of Canada. Several methods were used, such as the measure of particulate and dissolved OM fluxes, elemental composition of OM, nutrient addition; chlorophyll content, bacterial density and extracellular enzymatic activities of biofilms, and the measurement of the biochemical quality of the basal resources. (i.e., epilithic and epipsammic biofilms, leaves and, transported particulate and dissolved OM). We have demonstrated that the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) affected riparian inputs to the stream through teleconnections that alter average precipitation (during El Niño periods, average annual precipitation was lower than in other periods, causing higher riparian inputs, due to the hydric stress of riparian trees while, during La Niña periods, precipitation was higher than at other times, leading to decreased riparian inputs). Drought periods caused a bimodal distribution of annual riparian inputs and reduced the quality of basal resources, whereas accumulated drought events diminished the riparian inputs. Floods decreased the benthic OM, increased the amount of transported OM and modified its quality. The addition of nutrients led to a decrease in carbon content, and higher light availability led to a decrease in protein content of allochthonous resources. Biofilm quality was generally higher with the addition of nutrients when light availability was higher. We consider that the nutritional quality of basal resources is a complex parameter. Whilst elemental and biochemical composition can sometimes be related, knowledge on the latter enables a better understanding of the mechanism by which abiotic changes affect the quality of resources. However, the complexity of measuring elemental composition, biochemical composition and fatty acid composition gradually increases. Hence, we suggest that the choice of the indicators of quality used would depend on the goal of the study that want to be performed and on the trade-off between analysis effort and information that wants to be obtained. Because food webs are fuelled by a complex mixture of allochthonous and autochthonous resources, the quantity and quality of these resources are limiting factors for stream secondary production. Hence, the changes observed in this study, will probably affect stream food webs. / Els rius són ecosistemes complexes i molt diversos. Dins la xarxa fluvial, les rius de capçalera (de 1er a 3er ordre) tenen una gran importància. Els rius de capçalera representen la major part de la longitud total, influencien l’estructura i el funcionament dels rius d’ordre més gran, generen la major part del cabal i donen suport a taxes altes de processament biogeoquímic, amb una alta taxa d’eliminació de nutrients. A més a més, contenen un gran diversitat d’hàbitats, tant dins dels rius com entre ells. De tota la conca, és la zona ripària la que té una més gran influència en l’estructura i el funcionament d’aquests rius. La caiguda de la vegetació i el lixiviat de les fullaraca són importants fonts d’energia per les xarxes tròfiques. Tota l’energia disponible pels consumidors prové dels productors primaris tant de dins com de fora del riu i les xarxes tròfiques estan sustentades per una complexa barreja de recursos al•lòctons i autòctons. En els rius de capçalera, els recursos basals al•lòctons són generalment més importants que les fonts d’energia autòctones. Tot i això, tant la quantitat com la qualitat dels recursos al•lòctons i autòctons influencies l’estructura i el funcionament d’aquests rius. La qualitat dels recursos determina el seu valor nutritiu potencial pels invertebrats que s’alimenten d’ells. La qualitat nutritiva de la matèria orgànica (MO) es pot ser avaluada mesurant la composició elemental o de biomolècules (contingut de polisacàrids, proteïnes i lípids). Els lípids són els components d’emmagatzematge d’energia més eficients, i dins dels lípids, els àcids grassos I els esterols inclouen molècules essencials pels consumidors. En un context de canvi global, els rius estan afectats de forma molt important per múltiples impactes antròpics directes i indirectes, tals com el canvi climàtics, els canvis d’usos del sòl i les alteracions dels cursos fluvials; els quals afecten la hidrologia i la disponibilitat de nutrients i llum, els quals al seu torn, afecten la quantitat i la qualitat dels recursos basals en els rius de capçalera. Dels múltiples factors ambientals afectats pel canvi global, aquest estudi es centra en els canvis en la hidrologia i la disponibilitat de llum i nutrients, en particular als rius de capçalera Mediterranis. Aquest estudi ha estat realitzat principalment a Fuirosos, un riu Mediterrani al nord-est de la Península Ibèrica, però també als canals artificials de Mayfly creek, a les muntanyes de la costa Pacífica de Canadà. En aquest estudi s’han utilitzat diversos mètodes, tal i com la mesura dels fluxos de MO particulada i dissolta, la composició elemental de la MO, l’addició de nutrients; el contingut de clorofil•la, la densitat bacteriana i les activitats enzimàtiques extracel•lulars del biofilm i la mesura de la qualitat bioquímica dels recursos basals (és a dir, els biofilms epilítics i epipsàmics, les fulles i la MO particulada i dissolta transportada). Hem demostrar que El Niño/Oscil•lació del Sud (ENOS) va afectar les aportacions ripàries al riu a través de teleconnexions que van alterar la precipitació mitjana (durant els períodes de El Niño, la precipitació mitjana anual era més baixa, provocant un augment de les aportacions ripàries, degut a l’estrès hídric dels arbres, mentre que durant els períodes de La Niña, la precipitació era més alta que en altres moments, portant a una disminució de les aportacions ripàries). Els períodes de sequera van causar una distribució bimodal de les aportacions ripàries anuals i van reduir la qualitat dels recursos basals, mentre que els episodis de sequera acumulats van provocar la disminució de les aportacions ripàries). Les avingudes van provocar la disminució de la MO bentònica, van augmentar la quantitat de MO transportada i van modificar la seva qualitat. L’addició de nutrients va portar a una disminució del contingut de carboni, i una disponibilitat més alta de llum va provocar una disminució del contingut de proteïnes dels recursos al•lòctons. La qualitat del biofilm era generalment més alta amb l’addició de nutrients quan la disponibilitat de llum era més alta. Considerem que la qualitat nutritiva dels recursos basals és un paràmetre complex. Tot i que la composició elemental i bioquímica poden estar relacionades en alguns casos, el coneixement d’aquesta última permet una millor comprensió dels mecanismes a través dels quals els canvis abiòtics afecten la qualitat dels recursos. Tot i això, la complexitat de mesurar la composició elemental, la composició bioquímica i els àcids grassos, augmenta gradualment. Així doncs, suggerim que la tria dels indicador de qualitat utilitzats dependrà de l’objectiu de l’estudi que es vulgui realitzar i en el balanç entre l’esforç d’anàlisi i la informació que es vol obtenir. Com que les xarxes tròfiques estan sustentades per una complexa barreja de recursos al•lòctons i autòctons, la quantitat i la qualitat d’aquests recursos són factors que limiten la producció secundària en el riu. Així doncs, els canvis observats en aquest estudi, afectaran probablement les xarxes tròfiques fluvials.

Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes

Alós Crespí, Josep 17 July 2013 (has links)
Humans can induce contemporary evolution through harvesting wild animals. This thesis provides evidence of this process for recreational fishing at surprisingly small geographical scales. Marine fish populations are characterized by high variability in heritable individual life‐history traits which are exposed to biased fishing mortality. The life histories strategies of actual populations, which collectively reduce adult body size, mirror such biased mortality in populations exposed to limited gene flow. Because the relationship between life history and behaviour, it is very likely that fishing also induces adaptive responses in behavioural traits. Due the potential negative effects of fishing selection the productivity and quality of the fishery, this thesis recommend considering the evolutionary impacts of fishing in the management plans of species exploited by the recreational fishing. / El humans poden produir evolució contemporània a través de la recol∙lecció de animals salvatges. Aquesta tesis proporciona evidencies d’aquest procés per la pesca recreativa a una sorprenent escala espacial petita. Les poblacions marines de peixos tenen una alta variabilitat individual en caràcters heretables de la història exposada a una mortalitat selectiva per pesca. Les estratègies vitals de les poblacions actuals de peixos costaners, les quals conjuntament produeixin una reducció en la mida del individu, són el reflexa d’aquesta pesca selectiva en poblacions amb baixa connectivitat. Degut a la correlació entre història vital i comportament, la pesca pot induir també respostes adaptatives en cert caràcters comportamentals. Considerant els efectes negatius de la selecció per pesca en la productivitat i la qualitat de les pesqueries, aquesta tesis recomana considerar els possibles efectes evolutius produïts per la pesca en les estratègies de gestió d’espècies explotades per la pesca recreativa / El hombre puede producir evolución contemporánea por la recolección de animales salvajes. La presente tesis proporciona evidencias de este proceso por la pesca recreativa en una sorprendente escala espacial pequeña. Las poblaciones de peces marinos presentan una alta variabilidad en caracteres heredables de la historia vital expuesta a mortalidad selectiva por pesca. Las estrategias vitales de las poblaciones actuales de los peces costeros, las cuales conjuntamente producen una reducción en el tamaño del individuo, son el reflejo de esta mortalidad selectiva en poblaciones con baja conectividad. Debido a la relación entre historia vital y comportamiento, la pesca puede también inducir cambios adaptativos en ciertos rasgos de comportamiento. Considerando los efectos negativos de la selección por pesca en al productividad y calidad de la pesquería, esta tesis recomienda considerara los posibles efectos evolutivos inducidos por la pesca en la estrategias de gestión de especies explotadas por la pesca recreativa.

Effects of human activities on nitrogen cycling in Mediterranean streams: contrasts between nitrate and ammoniun dynamics

Ribot Bermejo, Miquel 27 March 2015 (has links)
Tesi realitzada al Centre d'Estudis Avançats de Blanes (CEAB-CSIC) / Human activities have increased dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) availability and modified the relative proportion of DIN as NO3- or NH4+ in running waters. Because nitrogen (N) is an essential element for in-stream biota, increases in DIN availability derived from human activity can alter biological N demand as well as dominant biogeochemical uptake pathways. Ultimately, this may have relevant implications for in-stream nutrient cycling and downstream transport. The general goal of the present Thesis was to understand how in-stream DIN uptake is affected by changes in DIN availability and speciation induced by human activities. We hypothesized that DIN uptake in streams will be influenced by the relative availability of NO3- and NH4+ because biotic assimilatory uptake demand and dissimilatory uptake processes differ between the two DIN species. Results from this Thesis indicated that microbial communities developing on inorganic streambed substrata (biofilms) mostly rely on NO3- as an N source, likely due to the general higher ambient availability of NO3-. However, while NH4+ concentration only accounted for 6% of total DIN (sum of NO3- and NH4+), biofilm assimilation of NH4+ accounted for 27% of total DIN uptake (sum of NO3- and NH4+ assimilatory uptake), suggesting preference for NH4+ with respect to NO3-. Biofilm assimilatory N uptake response to acute (i.e., hours) and chronic (i.e., weeks) enrichments in either NO3- or NH4+ were different. Acute NO3- enrichments did not enhance or even decreased biofilm assimilatory uptake of this DIN species, whereas biofilms responded in conformity to Michaelis-Menten kinetics to acute increases in NH4+ concentration. These results suggest that biofilm N uptake was already at saturation under ambient NO3- concentration, whereas it was below saturation in relation to ambient NH4+ concentration. In contrast to acute enrichments, chronic enrichments of both DIN species had a general inhibitory effect on biofilm N assimilatory uptake, being more relevant for assimilatory uptake of NO3- in those treatments enriched in NH4+. The most plausible explanation for this result was that chronic NH4+ enrichments favour the development of nitrifiers which have a high demand of NH4+ to support their growth. Besides biofilms developing on inorganic substrata, other in-stream uptake compartments (PUCs) may also contribute to assimilate in-stream DIN. In general PUCs had higher uptake rates for NH4+ than for NO3-, and biofilms developing on detritic compartments such as fine benthic organic matter (FBOM), leaves and wood accounted for the largest part of total assimilatory uptake at whole-reach scale. Dissimilatory uptake pathways associated with NO3- (i.e., denitrification and DNRA) have a low incidence on total whole-reach NO3- uptake, whereas those associated to NH4+ (i.e., nitrification) account for a remarkable fraction of total NH4+ uptake. Moreover, the study streams were clearly more efficient taking up NH4+ than NO3- regardless of the ambient DIN concentrations. However, likely due to the higher NO3- availability, uptake fluxes of this DIN species tended to be higher than those of NH4+. This pattern was further supported by results from an extensive literature survey across streams worldwide. Overall, results from this Thesis show that increases in each of the two DIN species will result in distinct responses of in-stream N uptake capacity and related biogeochemical pathways. In general, streams are more reactive for NH4+ whereas NO3- reaching the streams tends to be transported downstream without much processing. / La actividad humana ha aumentado las concentraciones de nitrógeno inorgánico disuelto (NID) en los ríos. Además, la proporción relativa de las dos formas principales de NID (nitrato y amonio) depende del tipo de actividad humana en la cuenca (urbana, agrícola, industrial). El objetivo de esta Tesis ha sido el estudio de los efectos del incremento de NID sobre la captación de nitrato y amonio en ríos. Los resultados indicaron que las comunidades microbianas (biofilms) que se desarrollan en los sustratos inorgánicos del lecho de los ríos mostraron preferencia por el amonio pero asimilaron principalmente nitrato debido a la mayor disponibilidad de este. Los biofilms respondieron de forma positiva a incrementos puntuales de amonio, mientras que la respuesta frente a incrementos de nitrato fue nula o negativa. Incrementos sostenidos de la concentración de nitrato y amonio provocaron una inhibición de las tasas de asimilación de N de los biofilms. La inhibición más relevante se observó en las tasas de asimilación de nitrato en aquellos tratamientos enriquecidos con amonio, probablemente debido a la proliferación de microorganismos nitrificantes que se caracterizan por tener una alta demanda de amonio. En los experimentos a escala de tramo, los biofilms que crecen sobre sustratos orgánicos del lecho de los ríos presentaron las mayores tasas de asimilación de NID siendo más altas para el amonio que para el nitrato. Una parte importante de la captación de NID en los ríos se produjo a través de procesos no asimilatorios tales como la desnitrificación y la nitrificación. La recopilación de estudios mostró que las tasas de captación son muy variables entre ríos y que las concentraciones de las dos formas de NID podrían controlar estas tasas. En general, se observó que los ríos presentan mayor demanda de amonio, no obstante, las tasas de captación fueron parecidas para las dos formas de NID. Los resultados de esta Tesis muestran que los ríos tienen una capacidad importante de procesar los aportes de amonio procedentes de su cuenca mientras que en el caso del nitrato esta capacidad se ve reducida y tiende a ser exportado aguas abajo.

Trophic ecology of small pelagic fish in the northwestern Mediterranean / Ecología trófica de peces pelágicos pequeños en el Mediterráneo noroccidental

Costalago Meruelo, David 10 December 2012 (has links)
In the northwestern Mediterranean anchovy and sardine are among the most ecologically and economically important species. Both species are planktivorous during all their life stages, which could alledgedly lead to expect an overlap of trophic niches. However, trophic interactions between the two species had been, until now, poorly studied. This thesis aims to examine and compare the feeding behaviors of sardine and anchovy at different stages of their development, and during different seasons, in the Gulf of Lions. In this work we have shown, through a detailed analysis of their diets and trophic dynamics, how these two species may interact with each other and with the environment, also considering the possibility of being affected by future climatic changes. We explained that in the sardine, withan almost strictly carnivorous diet at the end of their larval stage and shortly after metamorphosis, the development of their gill rakers and pyloric caeca allow a change in the diet when sardines reach 4 cm standard length (SL), and at 7 cm SL, with these structures already fully developed, they are able to feed on phytoplankton with total effectiveness. Juveniles of both species showed no interspecific trophiv competition, due to their marked differences in their gill rakers and pyloric caeca. We also showed, with the analysis of stable isotopes, that there is dietary change along the development of sardine and anchovy, and that the analysis of stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) is essential to identify potential prey, such as appendicularians, whose contribution to the diet is often underestimated when stomach contents are directly analysed. We assessed differences in the nutritional status of anchovy larvae found in summer and in December and estimated their growth rates. The nutritional condition of larvae in December was no different from the condition of larvae with the same size captured in summer. However, the higher daily growth rate of summer larvae suggests that sea temperature significantly influences the development of anchovy larvae. This thesis showed that anchovy and sardine have adapted their abilities and ecological habits in the northwestern Mediterranean to avoid interspecific competition, not just by shuffling their reproductive periods but also adapting their trophic behavior. / En el Mediterráneo noroccidental, anchoa, Engraulis encrasicolus, y sardina, Sardina pilchardus, son las especies más importantes en términos de biomasa y de toneladas capturadas. La anchoa y la sardina son especies planctívoras que consumen, durante todas sus fases de desarrollo, un amplio rango de especies, lo que podría esperarse que se tradujera en un posible solapamiento de sus nichos tróficos. Sin embargo, las interacciones tróficas entre las dos especies habían sido, hasta el momento del inicio de esta tesis, escasamente estudiadas. Esta tesis tiene la finalidad de examinar y comparar, de manera exhaustiva, los comportamientos alimenticios de sardinas y anchoas en diferentes fases de su desarrollo, y durante distintas épocas del año, en el golfo de León, a la vez que pretende mostrar el análisis de algunos de los caracteres morfológicos relacionados con la alimentación de estas especies, como son las branquispinas y los ciegos pilóricos. En este trabajo hemos mostrado, a través de un detallado análisis de sus dietas y de sus dinámicas tróficas, de qué manera estas dos especies pueden interactuar entre ellas y con el medio, considerando especialmente la posibilidad de que se vean afectadas por las perturbaciones derivadas del cambio climático. El primer capítulo expone que en la sardina, con una dieta casi estrictamente carnívora al final de su etapa larvaria y hasta poco después de la metamorfosis, el desarrollo de sus branquispinas y ciegos pilóricos la habilitan para empezar a efectuar un posible cambio de dieta cuando alcanzan los 4 cm de longitud estándar (LE), y que al alcanzar los 7 cm LE ya ha desarrollado por completo dichas estructuras, por lo que es capaz de alimentarse de fitoplancton con total efectividad. En el segundo capítulo se observa que los juveniles de ambas especies no presentan competencia alimenticia interespecífica debido a sus ya marcadas diferencias en el número y disposición de sus branquispinas y en el número de ciegos pilóricos. El tercer capítulo muestra que , por un lado, que existe un cambio de dieta a lo largo del desarrollo de sardina y anchoa y, por otro, que el análisis de isótopos estables (en particular δ13C y δ15N) es esencial para identificar presas potenciales, como por ejemplo las apendicularias, cuya contribución a la dieta cuando se observan directamente los contenidos estomacales suele subestimarse. La aparición en diciembre de larvas de anchoa nos sugirió la idea de realizar un estudio que nos permitiera determinar la influencia del ambiente en el desarrollo y posterior reclutamiento de esta especie. Se evaluaron diferencias en la condición nutricional de ambas cohortes de larvas comparando su composición lipídica y se estimaron sus tasas de crecimiento a partir del análisis de los otolitos. La condición nutricional de las larvas de diciembre no difería de la condición de las larvas de igual tamaño capturadas en verano. Sin embargo, el hecho de que la tasa de crecimiento diario de las larvas de verano sí sea mayor que en diciembre induce a pensar que, ante una probable extensión del periodo de puesta debido a un calentamiento de las aguas superficiales, la temperatura sí influiría de manera significativa en el desarrollo de las larvas de anchoa. Esta tesis demuestra que anchoa y sardina han adaptado sus facultades y hábitos ecológicos en el Mediterráneo noroccidental con el fin de evitar la competencia interespecífica, no sólo alternando sus periodos reproductivos sino también adaptando sus comportamientos tróficos.

Ecology of the macroinvertebrate communities in Mediterranean rivers at different scales and organization levels

Bonada i Caparrós, Núria 02 April 2003 (has links)
The main objective of this work has been to determine the structure of the macroinvertebrate communities in mediterranean rivers at different scales, organization and taxonomical levels. To achieve that, an appropriated sampling methodology for macroinvertebrate studies has been developed. Physical and chemical data and riparian and habitat characteristics have been also recorded in each sampling site. At regional scale it has been studied the macroinvertebrate composition at family level in all mediterranean regions around the world: California, Mediterranean Basin, Chile, South Africa and South and South-western Australia. Convergences and divergences between regions have been established pointing out the influence of the historical and ecological factors. At local scale the effect of the temporality (differences between permanent and temporary rivers) and habitat (differences between riffles and pools) over the macroinvertebrate community in mediterranean rivers of the world have been studied. The results demonstrate a degree the convergence in the responses to temporality and habitat, being this last factor more convergent that the former. Moreover, the effects of the temporality over habitat and vice versa have been analyzed, indicating that both are strong correlated: temporality change the habitat and habitat influence over the temporality of the reach. Both aspects have an important effect over the macroinvertebrate community at different levels of observations from richness or composition to biological traits. Moreover, at a lower taxonomical level, caddisfly community from Spanish mediterranean rivers has been studied. A total of 91 species have been identified using larvae, pupae and adults. The distribution patters displayed by these organisms indicate that historical factors may be important for some species, although most of them have a distribution limited by ecological variables. In that sense, ecological factors associated to large (basin) or small (reach or habitat) scale are important in the caddisfly distribution. Finally, because the importance of the caddisfly as bioindicators, optimums and tolerances to several chemical variables have been obtained for all species. Moreover, a study of the effect of the pollution over the fluctuating asymmetry of Hydropscyhe exocellata populations have demonstrated that at this level, there is a strong relatio.

Processos heterotròfics microbians a l'embassament de Sau / Heterotrophic microbial processes in the Sau reservoir

Comerma Gómez, Marta 24 March 2003 (has links)
We studied the planktonic food web in the eutrophic Sau Reservoir (Catalonia, NE Spain) taking account of both spatial as well as temporal scales. We have analysed several longitudinal transects (sampling from the river to the dam) during 1996-2000 period, covering a wide range of both seasonal and spatial water circulation patterns.The longitudinal circulation of the River Ter across the Sau Reservoir is the result of the difference between inflow and epilimnion water temperatures along the year. Horizontal patterns of stratification and river circulation in this reservoir can be combined to explain its hydrodynamics. Therefore, from these observations, an empirical annual pattern of longitudinal circulation in the Sau Reservoir was obtained for the 1996-2000 period. The general river circulation model is characterized by underflow in winter, overflow-interflow in spring and interflow in summer-autumn.We observed decreasing chemical gradients from river to dam in the epilimnion of the Sau Reservoir, caused by the inflow of River Ter, a river highly polluted with organic matter. Sau works as an efficient purification system, improving water quality from inflow to outflow. The efficiency of this system depends on nutrient loads, nutrient concentrations in the reservoir, sedimentation rates, biological activity and water flow. Water flow in the reservoir, flowing in bottom (underflow), middle (interflow) or top layers (overflow) through greatly influences the degree of mixing between river and reservoir waters.Enhanced abundances and activities of microbes were detected during the spring and summer periods. Applying a model of geometric distances, we analysed all samplings together from a longitudinal perspective (from the River Ter downstream to the dam). Along the longitudinal gradient, we characterized a downstream food-chain succession with spatial dominance of bacteria, heterotrophic nanoflagellates, ciliates, phytoplankton, and zooplankton. The river circulation pattern through the reservoir controlled this longitudinal gradient. The amplitude of microbial peaks was related to nutrient and organic carbon loads in the river inflow and the percentage of river water mixed to the epilimnion. Ciliates, not HNF, were the major consumers of the bacterial production and showed two conspicuous abundance maxima. From almost 1500 ciliates inspected, Halteria grandinella was the most abundant and the most significant bacterivore.The role of microbial and classical food chains (i. e. based directly on phytoplankon) were compared in the Sau Reservoir by analysing river-to-dam gradients in biomass and carbon and their temporal changes. The detritic metabolic pathway was more important near to the inflow, due to high allochthonous organic matter loads allowing the rapid development of the microbial food web. Protozoans (HNF and ciliates) consumed most of the bacterial production (i.e. >50 %) in the reservoir. As opposed to the systems of lower trophic status ciliate carbon biomass and bacterivory contributions were larger than those of the HNF. We estimated species-specific ciliate growing rates on bacteria and distinguished several periods with high importance of distinct ciliate communities.An experiment with differently top-down and bottom-up manipulated microcosms was conducted during spring 2000 to estimate growth rates of heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) and of main groups of ciliates in the epilimnion of the lacustrian area of the Sau Reservoir (not directly influenced by the polluted river). Along with the major factors controlling the growth of protozoan populations we also studied the impact of metazooplankton on the structure of the microbial food web. Results clearly documented that, in the lacustrian area, HNF and ciliate growth rates were controlled mainly by zooplankton predation while only a limited effect of the food resource limitation could be detected in this eutrophic reservoir.

Morfometría de lagos. Una aplicación a los lagos del Pirineo.

Castillo Jurado, Marcos del 16 December 2003 (has links)
Se estudia por vez primera la morfología de todas las superficies de agua con al menos media hectárea de todo el Pirineo. Caracterizamos morfométricamente estos lagos en base a variables tradicionales, medidas en la cartografía y ortofotos a escala 1:25000. En particular, el área permite estimar la profundidad máxima, y ésta la profundidad media.Asimismo se relacionan los tamaños y formas de los lagos con diversas variables limnológicas, topoclimáticas, y morfoestructurales. Existe una correlación muy significativa entre la profundidad media y la concentración de clorofila a, la cual sugiere que la producción primaria podría estar controlada en parte por la morfometría de estos lagos. Se confirma la observación de otros autores de que los lagos situados en la vertiente norte del Pirineo se hallan a una altitud media inferior a la de aquellos situados en la vertiente sur. Se observan unas orientaciones preferentes de los circos lacustres -la N y la NE-, las cuales se suelen considerar como las más favorables a la acumulación de hielo. Aun siendo menos frecuentes, sorprende el elevado número de circos orientados a sur.Los lagos con mayor profundidad relativa se hallan en circos con orientaciones favorables a la acumulación del hielo (septentrionales). Los que están en circos con orientaciones desfavorables (S, SO, O) se hallan a una mayor altitud, y los circos están más sobrexcavados y tienen una forma bastante más ancha que larga.En el conjunto de los lagos aparecen dos clases de direcciones dominantes (O-NO), las cuales coinciden con las direcciones predominantes de algunas de las fallas principales del Pirineo, con la de encabalgamientos y pliegues pirenaicos, y en general con la dirección de la propia cordillera. La mayoría de los lagos del Pirineo están situados en sustratos granitoides, y son en promedio más alargados, tienen una mayor área de la cuenca de drenaje, y sus litorales son más irregulares que los situados en el resto de litologías.Aunque hemos contado en todo el Pirineo 1035 lagos con 0.5 ha o más, la densidad lacustre de la región es sorprendentemente baja, y similar a la de las regiones áridas del mundo, siendo muy inferior a la de otras regiones de montaña que conocieron los efectos de las glaciaciones. Observamos que la mayor parte de la superficie lacustre del Pirineo ha sido ya colmatada.Se estudia por vez primera la forma del contorno de los lagos mediante el análisis de Fourier. Los coeficientes elípticos de los primeros 12 a 24 armónicos proporcionan una reconstrucción aceptable del contorno de la mayoría de lagos del Pirineo, y por lo tanto sirven como una descripción abreviada de dichos contornos en relación a la habitual mediante coordenadas cartesianas. Su aplicación a una muestra de lagos con formas alargadas permite agruparlos en base a las formas de sus litorales. Aunque los litorales de los lagos del Pirineo presentan valores bajos de la dimensión fractal, suman una longitud total de 800 km a escala 1:25000, es decir, una enorme longitud de costa; ello da una idea de la importancia de los procesos y entradas potenciales que tienen lugar en la interfase que representa el litoral, y que compensarían en pequeña medida la oligotrofia edáfica. Una parte de los lagos presentan litorales con un carácter fractal autosimilar aleatorio.El estrecho rango de valores en que es lineal la gráfica de frecuencias acumuladas de áreas de todos los lagos del Pirineo impide interpretarla como fractal. Un análisis fractal de la distribución de los lagos en tres regiones lacustres de origen glacial (Boí (Pirineo); Hardanger (Noruega); Isla Riesco (Chile)) sugiere que estos sistemas podrían hallarse en un punto crítico con una una autoorganización próxima a una transición de fase. / Lake morphometry: An application to the lakes of the Pyrenees.All the water surfaces of the Pyrenees with at least 0.5 hectares are morphologically studied. First, they are characterized through traditional morphometric variables measured on maps and aerial orthophotographs; these include surface area, shoreline length, maximum and mean depth, volume, maximum length, as well as shape indexes such as the relative depth, the ratio of mean to maximum depth, the ratio of maximum length to mean width, shoreline development, insulosity, drainage area to lake area ratio, and limnic ratio. In particular, maximum depth can be predicted from surface area.Their sizes and shapes are then related to several limnological, topoclimatic and morphostructural variables, among which geographical situation, cirque aspect and form, and geology (structure and lithology).The lakes show a dominant orientation, which is coincident with that of some of the main faults, folds, thrusts, and the orientation of the range itself. Most lakes are on granitoid substrates; these are more elongated, have more irregular shorelines, and have larger drainage areas than lakes on other lithologies.Although our census yields a figure of 1035 lakes, the limnic ratio of the region is surprisingly low, and cannot be accounted for only by the disappearance of most of its original lacustrine extension due to basin infilling.Also, the shapes of the littorals are characterized through Fourier and fractal analyses.A classification with elliptic Fourier coefficients clusters together lakes with similar shapes, as well as lakes on granitoids, and dammed lakes.Although the littorals of the Pyrenean lakes have low degrees of irregularity, they sum up a total length of 800 km at a scale of 1:25000. Some of them are random self-similar fractals.The cumulative size distribution of the lakes shows scale invariance only in a narrow range of sizes, so that we could not conclude that it is fractal. Moreover, the variation of the value of the divider and box-counting dimensions of contour lines with altitude suggests that the relief may be multifractal.A fractal analysis of the distribution of lakes in three districts of glacial origin suggests that they are in a state of self-organized criticality.KEYWORDS: lake morphometry, Pyrenees, fractal, elliptic Fourier analysis, self-organized criticality

Limnología del embalse de Sau. Relaciones del zooplancton, la clorofila y los sólidos en suspensión con el clima lumínico del agua

Ordóñez Salinas, Jaime 21 September 2010 (has links)
La disponibilidad y calidad del agua que se encuentra en los embalses depende de factores relacionados directamente con las características de la cuenca a la que pertenece el río embalsado, como las cargas de nutrientes que lleva, de la variabilidad de los aportes hidrológicos y obviamente de la gestión que se realice de los embalses. Este último punto es de suma importancia, especialmente si se trata de embalses de suministro, como es el caso del embalse de Sau.Parte de la gestión de los embalses está basada en el seguimiento de sus características limnológicas. Los patrones de cambio de las diferentes variables implicadas en la limnología de estas masas de agua, bien sean anuales, mensuales, diarios o incluso horarios ayudan a tomar decisiones en cuanto a su gestión. En este documento se describe y analiza la dinámica de algunas de estas variables en el embalse de Sau en el periodo 1999-2007. Por otra parte, en este documento se realiza un análisis de de las poblaciones de zooplancton y su efecto sobre la transparencia del agua en el periodo 1997-2005. La transparencia en el embalse de Sau ha sufrido cambios en este período y, además, se ha observado una disminución en el tamaño promedio de los cladóceros y en la abundancia del genero Daphnia. Adicionalmente, en el embalse de Sau y en 21 embalses Catalanes, se ha realizado un análisis de la variabilidad de la transparencia del agua, en función de la concentración de algunos de sus componentes que afectan a la penetración de la luz. Paralelamente se ha aplicado un método empírico, para establecer la importancia relativa de cada uno de dichos componentes. Dentro de este mismo análisis se hace un análisis crítico sobre la importancia del disco de Secchi como medida de la transparencia del agua. Los principales resultados presentados en este documento indican la importancia de la estacionalidad, el volumen del embalse y el caudal del río Ter como variables explicativas de la dinámica de las variables físicas, químicas y biológicas en el embalse de Sau. Durante los años en lo que hubo importantes aportes de caudal del río Ter las concentraciones de oxígeno y nitrato fueron mayores en el agua del embalse. Mientras que en los años en los que los aportes fueron menores las concentraciones de amonio y clorofila fueron más elevadas. Tanto la variabilidad del nitrato como la del oxígeno en el fondo del embalse explican gran parte de la variabilidad en la concentración de fósforo reactivo soluble (SRP) en la columna de agua del embalse.La variabilidad de la transparencia del agua durante la fase clara en el embalse de Sau, en el periodo 1997-2005, esta explicada por la variabilidad en el tamaño del zooplancton. Este efecto de tipo top-down que ejerce el zooplancton en el embalse de Sau, podría haberse visto afectado por el efecto que un predador, ubicado un peldaño más alto en la cadena trófica, ha ejercido en los últimos años de la serie sobre la población de zooplancton, especialmente en Daphnia. A partir de la metodología de regresión lineal múltiple paso a paso propuesta por Reynolds (1984), se concluyó que la fracción inanimada de los sólidos en suspensión (Tripton) es la mejor variable predictora de la transparencia del agua en los embalses catalanes. Por otra parte, se encontró que la relación entre la profundidad del disco de Secchi (DS) y el coeficiente de extinción de a luz (K) es significativa tanto para los embalses catalanes como para la serie correspondiente al embalse de Sau. Esto nos indica la importancia de DS como estima de la transparencia del agua. / The availability and quality of water found in reservoirs depends on factors directly related to the characteristics of the dammed river watershed, as the nutrient loads from the river, on the hydrological variability and obviously on the management is carried out in reservoirs. This last point is crucial, especially if it is a water supply reservoir, as is the case of the Sau reservoir.Part of the reservoir management is based on monitoring of limnological characteristics. The patterns of change of different variables involved in the limnology of these water bodies, whether annual, monthly, daily or even hourly help make decisions regarding its management. This paper describes and analyzes the dynamics of some of these variables in the Sau reservoir in the period 1999-2007.Moreover in this document is shown an analysis of populations of zooplankton and its effect on water clarity in the period 1997-2005. Transparency in the Sau reservoir has changed in this period, and also has been observed a decrease in the average size of cladocerans and the abundance of the genus Daphnia. Also in the Sau reservoir and 21 Catalonia reservoirs, has been conducted an analysis of the variability of water clarity, as a function of the concentration of some components that affect light penetration. In parallel, an empirical method has been applied to establish the relative importance of each of these components. Within this analysis it has been done a critical analysis of the importance of Secchi disk as a measure of water clarity.The main results presented in this paper indicate the importance of seasonality, the volume of the reservoir and the flow of the Ter River as explanatory variables of the dynamics of physical, chemical and biological variables in the Sau reservoir. In Years with important Ter river flows, the oxygen and nitrate concentration were higher in the water reservoir. While in the years in which the contributions were lower concentrations of ammonium and chlorophyll were higher. Both the variability of nitrate as the oxygen in the bottom of the dam explain much of the variability in the concentration of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) in the water column of the reservoir.The variability of water transparency during the clear-water phase in Sau reservoir in the period 1997-2005, is explained by the variability of the zooplankton body size. The top-down effect which exerts zooplankton in Sau reservoir, could has been affected by the effect that a predator, one step higher on the food chain, has had in recent years of the series on zooplankton population, particularly on Daphnia.From the multiple linear regression methodology proposed by Reynolds (1984) it was concluded that the inanimate fraction of suspended solids (Tripton) is the best predictor of water transparency in Catalonia reservoirs. Moreover, it was found that the relationship between Secchi disk depth (SD) and light attenuation coefficient (K) is significant both for the Catalonia reservoirs as for the Sau reservoir series. This indicates the importance of SD as a measurement of water clarity.

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