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Near wake hydrodynamics of a horizontal axis tidal turbineGood, Andrew Raymond January 2013 (has links)
The thesis describes a programme of velocity measurement within the flow field of a horizontal axis tidal turbine model by particle image velocimetry (PIV). These measurements were analysed to aid the understanding of near wake processes and to provide data of high quality and resolution for the validation of numerical models which represented a second area of the research. The commercial package Ansys-CFX was used for the systematic development of Reynolds-Averaged Navier Stokes computational fluid dynamics (RANS-CFD) models which replicated each of the experimental cases. These models were systematically verified and validated in light of the experimental measurements. Aside from local areas of discrepancy, the experimental measurements were largely well predicted by the models. This has resulted in a modelling methodology which could be applied with increased confidence to investigate the wake of larger scale turbines, thus providing an alternative to expensive, difficult and sometimes dangerous field experiments
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The development of an eddy current dynamometer for evaluation of steady and pulsating turbocharger turbine performanceSzymko, Shinri January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Performance quantification of tidal turbines subjected to dynamic loadingGalloway, P. W. January 2013 (has links)
The behaviour of Tidal Stream Turbines (TST) in the dynamic flow field caused by waves and rotor misalignment to the incoming flow (yaw) is currently poorly understood. The dynamic loading applied to the turbine could drive the structural design of the power capture and support subsystems, device size and its proximity to the water surface and sea bed. In addition, the strongly bi directional nature of the flow encountered at many tidal energy sites may lead to devices omitting yaw drives; accepting the additional dynamic loading associated with rotor misalignment and reduced power production in return for a reduction in capital cost. For such a design strategy it is imperative to quantify potential unsteady rotor loads so that the TST device design accommodates the inflow conditions and avoids an unacceptable increase in maintenance action or, more seriously, suffers sudden structural failure. The experiments presented as part of this work were conducted using a 1:20th scale 3-bladed horizontal axis TST at a large towing tank facility. The turbine had the capability to measure rotor thrust and torque, blade root strain, azimuthal position and speed. The maximum outof- plane bending moment was found to be as much as 9.5 times the in-plane bending moment, within the range of experiments conducted. A maximum loading range of 175% of the median out-of-plane bending moment and 100% of the median in-plane bending moment was observed for a turbine test case with zero yaw, scaled wave height of 2m and intrinsic wave period of 12.8s. A Blade Element Momentum (BEM) numerical model has been developed and modified to account for wave motion and yawed flow effects. This model includes a new dynamic inflow correction which is shown to be in close agreement with the measured experimental loads. The gravitational component was significant to the experimental in-plane blade bending moment and was included in the BEM model. Steady yaw loading on an individual blade was found to be negligible in comparison to wave loading (for the range of experiments conducted), but becomes important for the turbine rotor as a whole, reducing power capture and rotor thrust.
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Studies into the technical feasibility of the Transverse Horizontal Axis Water TurbineMcAdam, Ross January 2011 (has links)
The Transverse Horizontal Axis Water Turbine (THAWT) has been proposed as a tidal device which can be easily scaled and requires fewer foundations, bearings seals and generators than a more conventional axial-flow device. The THAWT device is a horizontally deployed variant of the Darrieus cross-flow turbine, in which the blades can be oriented into a truss configuration to produce long, stiff multi-bay rotors. This thesis establishes and combines a set of numerical models, which predict the hydrodynamic and structural performance of the THAWT device, with sufficient confidence to assess the feasibility of such a device at a full scale installation and to optimise its performance. Tests of 1/20th scale experimental models of the THAWT device have demonstrated that the truss configured device is capable of producing power with an efficiency close to that of the parallel configured turbine. In addition, variations in the configuration of the scale models have indicated how several design parameters affect the hydrodynamic performance of the device. A two-dimensional Navier-Stokes blade element model has been developed, in which the THAWT device is represented using an actuator cylinder. The addition of a hydrostatic free surface deformation correction has resulted in a model which is capable of matching experimental results with sufficient fidelity and accuracy. Blade loads from the numerical hydrodynamic model have been applied to a beam finite element analysis, to predict the stresses induced in the hydrofoils of the THAWT device. The numerical and hydrodynamic models are combined with a Linear Channel Momentum model to predict the performance of the THAWT device at a full scale tidal location. The effect that the device has on the channel flow indicates how much energy is available for extraction and how this energy might be most efficiently obtained. When considering material fatigue the analysis suggests that the structural design considerations dominate over the hydrodynamic considerations.
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Caractérisation du fonctionnement d'une hydrolienne à membrane ondulante pour la récupération de l'énergie des courants marins / Characterization of the functioning of an undulating membrane to recover energy from marine currentsDéporte, Astrid 14 June 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse présente les trois approches : analytique, expérimentale et numérique développées pour étudier le comportement d'une hydrolienne à membrane ondulante. Cette technologie, portée par l'entreprise EEL Energy, est basée sur les déformations périodiques d'une structure flexible pré-contrainte. Des convertisseurs d'énergie, positionnés de part et d'autre du système, sont actionnés par le mouvement d'ondulation.Analytiquement, la membrane est représentée par un modèle linéaire de poutre à une dimension et l'écoulement par un fluide potentiel 3D. L'action du fluide sur la membrane est évaluée par la théorie des corps élancés. L'énergie est dissipée de façon continue sur la longueur de la membrane. Expérimentalement, un prototype à l'échelle 1/20ième a été développé, des micro-vérins permettent de simuler l'énergie produite. Les essais avec le prototype1/20ième ont permis de valider le concept d'hydrolienne à membrane ondulante et le mode de récupération d'énergie. Un modèle numérique 2D éléments finis a été mis au point. Chaque élément constitutif de la membrane y est reproduit, la dissipation d'énergie est réalisée par des éléments dissipatifs mais la loi d'amortissement est limitée à un amortissement linéaire en vitesse.La comparaison des résultats issus de ces trois modèles a permis de valider leur bonne capacité à reproduire le comportement de la membrane sans conversion d'énergie. La dissipation d'énergie appliquée avec le modèle analytique se distingue clairement des deux autres modèles de part sa localisation mais aussi par la loi d'amortissement utilisée. Les autres modèles sont cohérents entre eux et si on ne parvient pas à corréler les résultats de puissance dissipée, le comportement du système et la répartition de la puissance dissipée le long de la membrane sont semblables. Ces trois approches ont permis de mettre en avant les paramètres clés dont dépend le comportement de la membrane et l'étude paramétrique démontre la complémentarité et l'intérêt du développement conjoint des modèles dans un souci industriel d'optimisation du système. Le développement d'un prototype à l'échelle supérieure (1/6ème), devant faire le lien entre les essais en bassin et les essais en mer, a permis de travailler sur les effets d'échelle. Des différences de comportements sont observées entre ces deux prototypes mais elles sont dues en partie à des différences de conditions aux limites et en partie à des effets de confinements très importants. Pour évaluer la tenue sur le long terme du prototype, ses composants (composite, élastomère) ont été caractérisés précisément et des essais de vieillissement accéléré par température ainsi que des essais de fatigue ont été mis en place sur des échantillons de matière. / This manuscript presents three approaches : analytical, experimental and numerical, to study the behavior of a flexible membrane tidal energy convertor. This technology, developed by the EEL Energy company, is based on periodic deformations of a pre-stressed flexible structure. Energy convertors, located on each side of the device, are set into motion by the wave-like motion.In the analytical model, the membrane is represented by a linear beam model at one dimension and the flow by a 3 dimensions potential fluid. The fluid forces are evaluated by the elongated body theory. Energy is dissipated all over the length of the membrane. A 20th scale experimental prototype has been designed with micro-dampers to simulate the power take-off. Trials have allowed to validate the undulating membrane energy convertor concept. A numerical model has been developed. Each element of the device is represented and the energy dissipation is done by dampers element with a damping law linear to damper velocity.Comparison of the three approaches validates their ability to represent the membrane behavior without damping. The energy dissipation applied with the analytical model is clearly different from the two other models because of the location (where the energy is dissipated) and damping law. The two others show a similar behavior and the same order of power take off repartition but value of power take off are underestimated by the numerical model. These three approaches have allowed to put forward key-parameters on which depend the behavior of the membrane and the parametric study highlights the complementarity and the advantage of developing three approaches in parallel to answer industrial optimization problems.To make the link between trials in flume tank and sea trials, a 1/6th prototype has been built. To do so, the change of scale was studied. The behavior of both prototypes is compared and differences could be explained by differences of boundary conditions and confinement effects. To evaluated membrane long-term behavior at sea, a method of aging accelerated by temperature and fatigue tests have been carried out on prototype materials samples immerged in sea water.
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Modeling and power control of a marine current turbine system with energy storage devices / Modélisation et commande de la puissance d’un système hydrolien avec stockage d’énergieZhou, Zhibin 17 October 2014 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse concernent l’étude de l’ensemble de la chaîne de puissance d’un système hydrolien utilisant des systèmes de stockage d’énergie pour améliorer la qualité de la puissance produite et la capacité de gestion des échanges d’énergie. Dans un premier temps, les différentes technologies de stockage d’énergie et leurs applications pour lisser les fluctuations de la puissance produite par le système hydrolien sont étudiées et comparées. Ensuite, une stratégie de lissage des fluctuations de la puissance, dues à l’effet de houle (fluctuations de courte durée), est proposée : elle associe une stratégie MPPT avec filtrage (au niveau de la génératrice) à l’utilisation de supercondensateurs pour lisser la puissance injectée au réseau. Puis il est proposé d’utiliser des batteries à circulation d’électrolyte pour la gestion quotidienne de la puissance d’une hydrolienne dans le contexte d’un réseau électrique isolé. Un système hybride hydrolien/batteries/diesel est étudié pour deux configurations simples : le cas d’une alimentation avec une hydrolienne comme sources principales et le cas où les générateurs diesels sont considérés comme sources dominantes. Enfin, des stratégies de limitation de puissance basées sur le défluxage de la génératrice pour contrôler la puissance de l’hydrolienne dans le cas de vitesses de courants marins élevées sont proposées. Dans ce contexte, le contrôle à puissance constante et à puissance maximale en cours de défluxage sont comparés. L’influence des paramètres de la génératrice sur les caractéristiques de fonctionnement commun de la turbine et la génératrice est également étudiée. / This PhD thesis models the whole power chain of a marine current turbine (MCT) system and investigates the use of energy storage devices to improve power quality and energy management capability. First, various energy storage technologies concerning their applications to address the power fluctuation phenomena in tidal current generation system are reviewed and compared. Then, a two-stage power smoothing control strategy for compensating swell-induced short-time fluctuations is proposed. The proposed control strategy uses a modified MPPT with filter strategy on the generator-side and supercapacitors on the grid-side for injecting a smoothed power to the grid. Afterwards, a flow battery system for daily energy management of a hybrid MCT/battery/diesel system is proposed. The MCT dominant power supply case and an island power supply (with diesel generators as the main source) are investigated. Finally, power limitation controls with a robust flux-weakening strategy for a PMSG-based non-pitchable MCT system are proposed for over-rated marine current speed periods. In this context, the constant power control and maximum power control modes at the flux-weakening stage are compared; and the influence of the generator parameters on the joint operating characteristics of the turbine and generator are also discussed.
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Etude des tuyères composites pour une conception optimale d'une hydrolienne à axe horizontal / Study of composites ducts for optimal design of an horizontal axis tidal turbineAit Mohammed, Mahrez 13 January 2017 (has links)
La raréfaction des ressources fossiles non renouvelables et le dérèglement climatique font de la question énergétique un enjeu d’envergure mondiale. L’exploitation de nouvelles sources d’énergie renouvelable devient alors un objectif de première importance. L’énergie produite à partir des courants marins suscite depuis quelques années un intérêt particulier. Le concept de turbine sous-marine, appelée hydrolienne, désigne le dispositif permettant de convertir l’énergie cinétique des courants marins en énergie électrique. Ce travail de recherche traite les problématiques que pose la conception des hydroliennes à axe horizontal. Il sera mis en évidence que le monde des hélices marines présente une piste intéressante pour l’étude du comportement hydrodynamique des hydroliennes. Certains concepteurs d’hydroliennes avancent que l’ajout d’un système de carénage est favorable pour améliorer le rendement hydrodynamique. L’étude du gain hydrodynamique à encombrement constant que pourrait procurer l’ajout d’un carénage a donc été choisie comme point de départ de ce travail de recherche. Pour répondre au besoin des industriels lié à une problématique de gain de masse, les matériaux composites présentent un atout considérable en raison de leurs excellents rapports «masse/résistance» et «masse/rigidité». Une réalisation d’un carénage en matériaux composites présentant le meilleur ratio «puissance/masse» a été obtenue. Un carénage d’hydrolienne est de par sa position particulièrement confronté à des chocs. Ceci peut s’avérer très délicat car la structure composite en question est soumise à des sollicitations sévères liées à l’environnement marin. L’impact sur un carénage d’hydrolienne a été traité en détail dans ce travail de recherche. / Against the backdrop of the increasing scarcity of non-renewable fossil resources and climate change, the energy problem has become a worldwide issue. Hence, the exploitation of new renewable energy sources becomes a worldwide goal of primary importance. The concept of the underwater turbine, called tidal current turbine, designates the device which allows the conversion of the kinetic energy produced by marine currents in electric energy. This research study examines the problems related to the design of horizontal axis tidal current turbines. The present study shows that the world of marine propellers, sometimes entirely left out by the designers of tidal current turbines, presents an interesting avenue of research with regard to the hydrodynamic behaviour of tidal current turbines. Certain designers of tidal current turbines use a duct and hold that the addition of the duct contributes to the improvement of the hydrodynamic performance. Therefore, the study of the hydrodynamic benefits of ducted turbine using a constant overall cross-section than the bare turbine was the starting point of the present research work. In order to meet the needs of the manufacturers of tidal current turbines, which is generally linked to a problem of mass gain, composite materials present a considerable asset on account of their excellent «mass/resistance» and «mass/rigidity» relations. A structural design of ducted tidal current turbines using composite materials has therefore been examined. Hence, the design of a composite duct which yields the best «power/mass» ratio has been proposed. The duct of the tidal current turbine is especially confronted by the impacts due to its particular position. The impact damage aspect has also been examined in detail in the present research study.
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