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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utilització de mascles enters per a la producció de carn: avaluació sensorial i estudis de consumidors

Font i Furnols, Maria 20 June 2000 (has links)
L'olor sexual és un defecte sensorial que es dóna sobretot en la carn de porcs mascles enters i és deguda principalment a dues substàncies, l'androstenona i l'escatol. Els objectius principals d'aquest estudi són conèixer la distribució d'androstenona i escatol dels porcs del nostre país respecte l'europea, descriure aquests dos compostos sensorialment mitjançant un panel entrenat, estudiar la resposta d'acceptabilitat dels consumidors europeus a la carn de porc mascle enter segons el seu nivell d'androstenona i escatol i veure la influència de la sensibilitat a l'androstenona en la resposta d'acceptabilitat dels consumidors espanyols. Es van medir els nivells d'escatol i androstenona en el greix subcutani de 4.313 mascles enters i 223 femelles, produïts en dues estacions de l'any en 6 països europeus. Per als posteriors estudis sensorials es va seleccionar una submostra de 42 lloms de femelles i 378 de mascles enters, classificats en nou grups segons nivells d'androstenona i escatol alts (>0.99 i >0.21 µg/g respectivament), mitjans o baixos (<0.5 µg/g i <0.10 µg/g). Els degustadors, prèviament seleccionats i entrenats van obtenir el perfil descriptiu pel mètode 'Checklist'. Van trobar per a l'olor els descriptors 'androstenona', 'escatol', 'porc', 'orina', 'suor', 'fems', 'dolç', 'ranci' i 'anormal' i per al flavor els anteriors excepte 'fems'. Van avaluar monàdicament 10 lloms, cuits al forn a 175°C durant 10', en cada una de les 6 sessions d'olor i flavor. Els consumidors (aproximadament 240 per país i rèplica) van valorar 5 mostres segons una escala hedònica de 7 nivells. L'acceptabilitat del flavor de la carn es va avaluar en lloms cuits a 180°C i rescalfats a 250°C i la de l'olor en lloms cuits pel mateix sistema i, a més, escalfats 1 minut en una planxa a 250ºC just abans de servir. En l'assaig espanyol es va fer la prova de la sensibilitat a l'androstenona. La mitjana dels nivells d'androstenona i escatol al nostre país es va situar per sobre de l'europea i va ser de 1.20 µg/g i de 0.19 µg/g respectivament. El percentatge de canals amb nivells d'androstenona superiors a 1.0 µg/g i d'escatol superiors a 0.21 µg/g va ser del 17% al nostre país i del 7% en el global de tots els països participants. En la descripció sensorial dels lloms es va observar una gran confusió dels atributs. Els lloms procedents de mascles enters amb nivells baixos o mitjans d'androstenona i escatol i els lloms procedents de femelles es van caracteritzar sensorialment per l'atribut 'dolç'. La resposta dels consumidors en general va ser sobretot de refús de l'olor de les mostres amb elevats nivells d'escatol, independentment del contingut d'androstenona. Els consumidors espanyols anòsmics o poc sensibles a l'androstenona van donar pitjor nota d'acceptabilitat només als lloms amb elevat nivell d'escatol independentment del nivell d'androstenona. Tanmateix aquest darrer nivell va influir en les notes d'acceptabilitat donades pels consumidors molt sensibles a aquesta substància (24% homes, 37% dones), essent pitjors quant el nivell era elevat o mitjà. Es pot concloure que caldria controlar els nivells d'androstenona i escatol sobretot en països com Espanya en què es consumeixen principalment lloms de mascles enters i es tenen els nivells d'androstenona i escatol elevats. L'olor sexual té una caracterització sensorial complexa, tanmateix, és causa del rebuig o baixa acceptabilitat dels lloms per part dels consumidors, especialment si aquests són sensibles a l'androstenona i, si no es té en compte la sensibilitat, es subestima la importància d'aquesta. Un possible llindar satisfactori per a la majoria de consumidors en les condicions d'aquest estudi seria el refús de canals amb (a) >0.21 µg/g d'escatol, (b) >0.99 µg/g d'androstenona o (c) >0.10 µg/g d'escatol i >0.5 µg/g d'androstenona. / Boar taint is a sensory defect mainly detected in boar meat, mainly due to two substances, androstenone and skatole. The main objectives of this study are to ascertain the androstenone and skatole distribution in the pig population of our country with respect to the group of the other European countries; to obtain the sensory characterisation of both compounds by means of a trained panel; to study the acceptability of the boar meat by the European consumers depending on the levels of androstenone and skatole; and to ascertain the sensitivity to androstenone as an influence on the acceptability of boar to Spanish consumers. The levels of androstenone and skatole in subcutaneous fat were measured in 4313 boars and 223 gilts, produced in 6 European countries during two seasons (replicates). In the sensory studies, 42 loins from gilts and 378 loins from boars were selected and the boars were classified in 9 groups depending on the levels of androstenone and skatole (high:>1.0 and >0.21 µg/g respectively, medium and low: <0.5 µg/g and <0.10 µg/g). Panellists previously selected and trained obtained the profile by the checklist method. 'Androstenone', 'skatole', 'pig', 'urine', 'sweat', 'manure', 'sweet', 'rancid' and 'abnormal' were found as odour attributes. The flavour attributes were the same except for 'manure'. Panellists evaluated in a monadic way 10 loins, cooked at 175ºC in the oven for 10 minutes, in each of the 6 sessions of odour and flavour assessment. Consumers (approximately 240 per country and replicate) evaluated 5 samples in a 7 level hedonic scale. The acceptability of the meat flavour was evaluated in loins cooked at 180ºC and re-cooked at 250ºC and the acceptability of the meat odour was evaluated in loins cooked in the same way and kept for 1 minute on a hot plate at 250ºC just before serving. In our country, consumers' sensibility to androstenone was tested. Mean levels of androstenone and skatole in our country (1.20 µg/g and 0.19 µg/g respectively) were above the European mean. The percentage of carcasses with androstenone and skatole levels higher than 1.0 µg/g and 0.21 µg/g was 17% in our country and 7% in all the European countries studied. In the sensory characterisation of the androstenona and the skatole there was a lot of confusion among attributes.. Boar loins with low and medium levels of androstenone and skatole and gilt loins were sensory characterised by the same attribute 'sweet'. Consumers mainly refused the odour of the loins with high levels of skatole, regardless of the androstenone content. The anosmics or less sensitive to androstenone Spanish consumers gave the worst note of acceptability to the loins with high skatole level, independently of the androstenone level. The androstenone level influence in the notes of acceptability given by the highly sensitive consumers to androstenone (24% men, 37% women), are worse when the level of this substance is high or medium. It can be concluded that the androstenone and skatole levels should be controlled, especially in the countries like Spain, where boar meat is consumed and where there are high levels of androstenone as well as with skatole. Boar taint has a complex sensory characterisation. Loins with boar taint have a low level of acceptability with consumers, especially if they are sensitive to androstenone and, if the sensitivity is not taken into account, the importance of androstenone is underestimated. A possible threshold that satisfies the most important part of the consumers in the conditions of this study would be the rejection of carcasses with (a) >0.21 µg/g of skatole, (b) >0.99 µg/g of androstenone or (c) >0.10 µg/g of skatole and >0.5 µg/g of androstenone.

Evaluación del efecto del glicerol como subproducto derivado de la producción del biodiésel,sobre la calidad de la canal y de la carne en diferentes especies

Egea Clemenz, Macarena 19 February 2015 (has links)
En la presente Tesis Doctoral se estudió el efecto de la inclusión de glicerina cruda en la dieta de cerdos y terneros sobre parámetros de calidad de la canal y la carne, así como su efecto profiláctico en su administración antes del sacrificio. Para ello se llevó a cabo cuatro experiencias: (1) 60 cerdos castrados Large White x Landrace fueron divididos en tres grupos y alimentados con 0 (control), 2,5 (G2,5) o 5% (G5) de glicerina cruda en sustitución de maíz, (2) 90 cerdos (45 hembras y 45 machos castrados, 95 kg peso vivo inicial) cruce Ibérico con Duroc fueron divididos en tres grupos para recibir tres dietas diferentes: 0 (control), 5 (G5) o 10% (G10) de glicerina cruda en sustitución de trigo (160 kg peso vivo final), (3) 306 toros jóvenes (7 meses, 273 kg) de raza Limousin fueron divididos en tres grupos y alimentados con 0 (control), 2 (G2) o un 4% (G4) de glicerina en sustitución de cebada durante 240 días (peso final 644 kg), (4) 36 toros jóvenes de raza Limousin fueron divididos en tres grupos de manera aleatoria y se les administró uno de los siguientes tratamientos 24 hs antes del sacrificio: sin glicerina (control), glicerina cruda (2 g kg-1 peso vivo) administrada por sonda naso-gástrica (GS) o en el agua de bebida (GA). La inclusión de glicerina cruda en la alimentación de los animales no tuvo efecto sobre las medidas realizadas con ultrasonidos ni en ninguno de los parámetros de calidad de la canal estudiados. Tampoco se vieron afectados el contenido de humedad, proteína, pH, pérdidas por goteo por la adición de glicerina cruda. Los resultados de calidad del músculo Longissimus dorsi de los cerdos Large White x Landrace alimentados con hasta un 4 % de glicerina cruda fue similar en todos los grupos (experiencia I). En la experiencia II, la inclusión de un 10% de glicerina cruda en la dieta de cerdos Ibérico x Duroc disminuyó las pérdidas por cocción y aumentó los valores de a* y C*. Hubo un descenso del contenido de C18:2 y un aumento de C20:0 y de ácidos grasos saturados (SFA) en la grasa subcutánea del grupo G10. Los machos castrados presentaron valores más altos del espesor de tocino dorsal y contenido grasa, además de un contenido mayor en SFA en la grasa subcutánea en comparación con las hembras enteras. La experiencia III, se obtuvieron resultados similares para los datos productivos y de calidad de carne de los tres grupos de toros jóvenes (control, G2 y G4). La adición de glicerina cruda modificó ligeramente el perfil de ácidos grasos de la grasa intramuscular, aumentando el porcentaje de ácidos grasos deseables. Además, en el análisis sensorial, las muestras de carne del grupo G4 presentaron valores más altos de jugosidad. Finalmente, en la experiencia IV, el transporte tuvo un efecto significativo sobre los parámetros plasmáticos (proteína total, albúmina, glucosa, sodio, potasio, cloro y lactato). Los parámetros plasmáticos, el glucógeno en hígado, la composición proximal, pH, color y parámetros sensoriales no se vieron afectadas por el glicerol, mientras que la CRA se vio aumentada en los grupos que se les administró glicerina curda antes del sacrificio. / In the present Thesis the effect of crude glycerine inclusion in pigs and young bulls diet on carcass and meat parameters was studied. In addition, the effect of the pre-slaughter administration of glycerol as carbohydrate precursor and osmotic agent to improve carcass and beef quality. For this purpose the following research works were carried out: (1) Sixty crossbreed (Large White x Landrace) barrows were subdivided into three groups according to the crude glycerine concentration administered in feed: C, control diet, no crude glycerine; G2.5 and G5 with 2.5 and 5% added crude glycerine, respectively; (2) Ninety (45 barrows and 45 gilts) Iberian x Duroc pigs (95kg initial body weight) were divided in three groups and received 0 (control), 5 (G5) or 10% (G10) of crude glycerine in replacement for wheat (160 kg slaughter body weight); (3)Three hundred and six Limousin young bulls (7±1 months of age, initial bodyweight 273±43 kg) were assigned to three different diets: Control (0% of crude glycerine), G2 and G4 (2 and 4% of crude glycerine, respectively) in replacement for barley for 240 days (final body weight 644 ± 24 kg); (4) thirty six young bulls were divided into three groups and were randomly assigned to one treatment: no crude glycerine administration (control) or administering crude glycerine (2 g kg-1 body weight) via nasogastric tube (GS) or in drinking water (GA) 24 h prior to the slaughter. The inclusion of crude glycerine in animals diet had no effect on ultrasound measurements or carcass parameter studied in any of the four experimental works. Neither moisture, protein content, pH nor DL were affected by crude glycerine inclusion in all studies. The meat quality parameters of Large White x Landrace pigs fed crude glycerine up to 4% was similar for all groups (experimental I). In experimental II, the inclusion up to 10% of crude glycerine in Iberian x Duroc pigs decreased the cooking losses and increased a* and C* when animals were fed 10% crude glycerine. There was a decrease in C18:2 and an increase in C20:0 and saturated fatty acid (SFA) in subcutaneous fat of G10. Castrated males presented higher back fat thickness and fat content. Castrated males had higher SFA content in subcutaneous fat than intact females. In experimental III performance and meat quality from young bulls were not affected by diets. Crude glycerine addition modifies slightly fatty acid profile of intramuscular fat, increasing desirable fatty acid percentages. In addition, samples from G4 group presented higher values of juiciness. Finally, in experimental IV, transport had a significant effect of on total protein, albumin, glucose, sodium, potassium, chloride, and lactate plasma levels. The plasma parameters, liver glycogen, proximal composition, pH, colour and sensory attributes were not affected by glycerol treatment, only WHC was increased by glycerine treatment.

The use of analytical techniques for the rapid detection of microbial spoilage and adulteration in milk

Nicolaou-Markide, Nicoletta January 2011 (has links)
Milk is an important nutritious component of our diet consumed by most humans on a daily basis. Microbiological spoilage affects its safe use and consumption, its organoleptic properties and is a major part of its quality control process. European Union legislation and the Hazard Analysis and the Critical Control Point (HACCP) system in the dairy industry are therefore in place to maintain both the safety and the quality of milk production in the dairy industry. A main limitation of currently used methods of milk spoilage detection in the dairy industry is the time-consuming and sometimes laborious turnover of results. Attenuated total reflectance (ATR) and high throughput (HT) Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy metabolic fingerprinting techniques were investigated for their speed and accuracy in the enumeration of viable bacteria in fresh pasteurized cows' milk. Data analysis was performed using principal component-discriminant function analysis (PC-DFA) and partial least squares (PLS) multivariate statistical techniques. Accurate viable microbial loads were rapidly obtained after minimal sample preparation, especially when FTIR was combined with PLS, making it a promising technique for routine use by the dairy industry. FTIR and Raman spectroscopies in combination with multivariate techniques were also explored as rapid detection and enumeration techniques of S. aureus, a common milk pathogen, and Lactococcus lactis subsp cremoris, a common lactic acid bacterium (LAB) and potential antagonist of S. aureus, in ultra-heat treatment milk. In addition, the potential growth interaction between the two organisms was investigated. FTIR spectroscopy in combination with PLS and kernel PLS (KPLS) appeared to have the greatest potential with good discrimination and enumeration attributes for the two bacterial species even when in co-culture without previous separation. Furthermore, it was shown that the metabolic effect of L. cremoris predominates when in co-culture with S. aureus in milk but with minimal converse growth interaction between the two microorganisms and therefore potential implications in the manufacture of dairy products using LAB. The widespread and high consumption of milk make it a target for potential financial gain through adulteration with cheaper products reducing quality, breaking labeling and patent laws and potentially leading to dire health consequences. The time consuming and laborious nature of currently used analytical techniques in milk authentication enabled the study of FTIR spectroscopy and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-ToF-MS) as rapid analytical techniques in quantification of milk adulteration, using binary and tertiary fresh whole cows', goats' and sheep's milk mixture samples. Chemometric data analysis was performed using PLS and KPLS multivariate analyses. Overall, results indicated that both techniques have excellent enumeration and detection attributes for use in milk adulteration with good prospects for potential use in the dairy industry.

Psychosocial Correlates Of Breast Self Examination And Mammography

Yilmaz, Tugba 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between psychosocial correlates (big 5 personality traits, dispositional optimism, the Health Belief Model, breast cancer fear, mammography self efficacy, and social support) and breast self examination (BSE) and mammography in breast cancer-free women. In order to measure the social support of the participants, the MOS social support survey was adapted to Turkish culture in the scope of study 1. The sample of the study 1 included 241 participants. The analyses showed that Turkish version of the MOS social support survey had satisfactory psychometric properties. The sample of the study 2 was composed of 230 asymptomatic women for breast cancer. Independent samples t-test results indicated that among the Health Belief Model notions, perceived benefit, barrier, confidence, and health motivation significantly differentiated women who practiced BSE and who did not. However, the HBM notions were not able to differentiate women who had mammography and who did not have. Instead, social support significantly clarified the difference between v women who had mammography and women who did not have. Two hierarchical logistic regression analyses were carried out for BSE and mammography. Big 5 personality traits and dispositional optimism were entered at the first step. The HBM factors and self efficacy were entered at the second step. Breast cancer fear was added at the third step / and for the last step social support measures were added to the equation. For BSE, hierarchical logistic regression yielded no significant predictors but BSE confidence and susceptibility from the HBM. For mammography, the hierarchical logistic analysis resulted that only functional support, which was entered at the fourth step was significant. The strengths and limitations, as well as the implications of the findings, were discussed.

An Experimental Study On Abstract Anaphora Resolution In Turkish Written Discourse

Ergin Somer, Rabiye 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis provides an experimental approach to abstract anaphora resolution in Turkish written discourse. The core of this work consists of identifying various manifestations of abstract anaphoric expressions &ndash / bu vs. bu durum, bu olay, bu is, bu ger&ccedil / ek (bu as the bare abstract object anaphor vs. bu+label abstract anaphors)- in Turkish discourse, and investigating whether any difference is observed in their processing. To this end, two offline experiments are conducted with human subjects, and the results indicate that label anaphors, compared to the bare anaphor bu, have a tendency to disambiguate the antecendent in some cases.

An Experimental Study On Abstract Anaphora Resolution In Turkish Written Discourse

Ergin Somer, Rabiye 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis provides an experimental approach to abstract anaphora resolution in Turkish written discourse. The core of this work consists of identifying various manifestations of abstract anaphoric expressions &ndash / bu vs. bu durum, bu olay, bu is, bu ger&ccedil / ek (bu as the bare abstract object anaphor vs. bu+label abstract anaphors) - in Turkish discourse, and investigating whether any difference is observed in their processing. To this end, two offline experiments are conducted with human subjects, and the results indicate that label anaphors, compared to the bare anaphor bu, have a tendency to disambiguate the antecendent in some cases.

Estudio de adecuación de cepas lácticas autóctonas aisladas de leche cruda de oveja guirra para la elaboración de queso

Morais, Joaquim 27 May 2004 (has links)
En este trabajo se caracterizaron tecnológicamente 169 cepas lácticas autóctonas aisladas de leche cruda de oveja Guirra, con el objetivo de seleccionar las cepas con buena aptitud quesera para utilizarlas posteriormente como fermento iniciador en la elaboración de queso.Inicialmente se utilizaron métodos cualitativos y cuantitativos para determinar las actividades lipolítica, proteolítica, acidificante y producción de gas de las cepas. Aproximadamente el 30% del total de cepas presentó buena capacidad acidificante bajando el pH de la leche a valores inferiores a 5 tras 24 h de incubación a 30º C. Cuatro cepas de Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei nº 18, 40, 67 y 148, una de Lactobacillus plantarum nº 4 y una de Lactobacillus pentosus nº 65, presentaron buena capacidad proteolítica. Solamente una cepa de Lactobacillus curvatus nº 39 presentó los halos característicos de lipólisis alrededor de las colonias y otra de Lactobacillus salivarius nº 46 produjo gas.De acuerdo a sus aptitudes tecnológicas, se seleccionaron diez cepas para la preparación de los fermentos, que por lo general estuvieron constituidos por una cepa acidificante (Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis) más una cepa proteolítica (Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei o Lactobacillus plantarum o Lactobacillus pentosus) más una cepa lipolítica (Lactobacillus curvatus). Con estos fermentos lácticos autóctonos se elaboraron tres series de producciones de quesos, dos en planta piloto y una en industria y se realizaron análisis físico-químicos (pH, extracto seco, grasa, sal, nitrógeno total), proteólisis secundaria (nitrógeno soluble a pH 4,6 y aminoácidos libres totales) y organolépticos (intensidad de olor y sabor, calidad de sabor, regusto y aceptación general).No se observaron diferencias importantes en la composición general de los quesos de todas las producciones. Sin embargo, la concentración de aminoácidos libres totales de los quesos elaborados con lactobacilo proteolítico añadido en el fermento presentaron los mayores valores, resaltando la importante contribución de los lactobacilos en la liberación de aminoácidos libres totales.En los quesos de la primera serie, los catadores observaron varios defectos importantes, atribuidos a los valores de pH muy bajos, que afectaron la calidad de los mismos. En la segunda serie, los quesos de dos producciones presentaron sabores intensos y amargos, posiblemente debido a su excesiva proteólisis, mientras que los de otras dos producciones mostraron sabores intensos y de buena calidad. Con respecto a las producciones industriales (tercera serie), los quesos presentaron sabores intensos y de buena calidad, sin regustos amargos ni picante, mostrando una valoración global buena.La selección de cepas lácticas autóctonas y su utilización para la elaboración de quesos, permiten la obtención de productos al menos similares, en cuanto a características organolépticas, a los obtenidos con fermentos industriales, por lo que se abre una vía para futuros estudios que nos permitan avanzar en la línea de obtención de quesos más personalizados. / One hundred sixtieth nine strains of autochthonous lactic acid bacteria isolated from raw milk of Guirra sheep, were technologically characterized with the aim of selecting those with good aptitude to be used later as a starter culture in cheese elaboration.Qualitative and quantitative methods were used in order to determine the lipolytic, proteolytic, acidifying activities, as well as the production of gas of the strains. Approximately 30% of the strains showed good acidifying capacity; reducing the milk pH up to values lower than 5 after 24 h off incubation at 30ºC. Four strains of Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei nº 18, 40, 67 and 148, one strain of Lactobacillus plantarum nº 4 and one of Lactobacillus pentosus nº 65, showed good proteolytic capacity. Only one strain of Lactobacillus curvatus nº 39 showed the characteristic halos of lipolysis around the colonies and other of Lactobacillus salivarius nº 46 produced gas.According to their technologic capacities, ten strains were selected for the preparation of starter culture, which generally were constituted by an acidifying strain (Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis ) plus a proteolytic strain (Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei or Lactobacillus plantarum or Lactobacillus pentosus) plus a lipolytic strain (Lactobacillus curvatus). Three series of productions of cheese were elaborated with these autochthonous lactic starter culture, two of them in pilot plant and one in industry. Physical-chemical (pH, moisture, fat, salt, total nitrogen), secondary proteolysis (soluble nitrogen at pH 4,6 and total free amino acids) and organoleptic (odour and flavour intensity, flavour quality, aftertaste and general analisis acceptation) were also made.No differences were observed in the general composition of cheeses of all productions. However, the concentration of total free amino acids of cheeses made with the proteolytic lactobacilli added in the starter culture showed the highest values, setting out the important contribution of the lactobacilli in the releasing of total free amino acids.In cheeses from the first series, tasters observed several important defects, attributed to the very low pH values, which affected to the quality of themselves. In the second series, cheeses from two productions showed intense and bitter flavour, possibly due to is excessive proteolysis, whereas other cheeses from other two productions showed intense flavour of good quality. Cheese of the industrial productions (third series), presented intense flavour of good quality without bitter or spicy aftertastes, showing too a good global valuation.The selection of autochthonous lactic strains and its utilization for cheesemaking, allows the obtaining of similar products, at least as for organoleptics characteristics, to those obtained with industrial starter cultures. This opens a way for future studies that will allow us to advance in the obtaining of more personalized cheeses.

Patrones de colonización postincendio de aves de hábitats abiertos en paisajes mediterráneos

López Zozaya, Elena 04 February 2011 (has links)
El foc és una pertorbació natural dels ecosistemes mediterranis que durant milersd'anys ha contribuït a afavorir la dinàmica paisatgística. Alguns estudis suggereixen queel règim actual d'incendis podria causar importants canvis en l'estructura de lescomunitats. La capacitat de les espècies per suportar o beneficiar-se de pertorbacionsdepèn d'una sèrie de característiques específiques que permetin l'ocupació de les zonesafectades. Un grup d'espècies que es beneficia de la presència de zones cremades és elde les aus d'hàbitats oberts, algunes amb especial interès per a la conservació.L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi ha estat la identificació dels factors determinants de lacolonització postincendi de les aus d'hàbitats oberts. Per aconseguir-ho, s'ha creat unabase de dades amb informació avifaunística de totes les zones cremades a Catalunya(NE Espanya) des de l'any 2000 i s'han utilitzat dades de l'Atles d'ocells nidificants deCatalunya 1999-2002, imatges satèl·lit Landsat, paràmetres topogràfics i cartografiadels usos del sòl i de l'inventari forestal nacional. A més a més, per estudiar el patróespacial a escala regional s'han utilitzat dos índexs de connectivitat: l'Índex Integral deConnectivitat (IIC) i la Probabilitat de Connectivitat (PC). Per acabar, s'ha utilitzatinformació ornitològica recollida set anys després d'un incendi que va afectar un boscde pinassa (Pinus nigra) per analitzar l'efecte en la comunitat d'aus de la variabilitat enel patró de regeneració postincendi.Els resultats han mostrat una gran heterogeneïtat temporal i espacial en elspatrons de colonització postincendi de les aus d'hàbitats oberts. A escala temporal, elsresultats suggereixen que processos com l'atracció d'individus conspecíficscontribueixen a explicar el retard que es produeix des de que una zona cremada éspotencialment bona per a la colonització d'espècies d'hàbitats oberts fins que té llocrealment la colonització. A escala espacial, s'ha confirmat la importància en el procésde colonització de factors que actuen en diferents nivells (regional i local), com laconnectivitat i la qualitat de l'hàbitat de la zona cremada i, en menor mesura, la mida del'incendi. A més a més, els canvis en el paisatge induïts per l'escassa capacitatregenerativa de la pinassa després del foc, condueixen al manteniment a llarg termini del'hàbitat adequat per a les espècies d'aus associades a hàbitats oberts. D'altra banda, esdestaca la importància de l'ús d'índexs de connectivitat per predir la resposta en ladistribució d'aquestes espècies a les pertorbacions.Finalment, els resultats suggereixen que els canvis en els usos del sòl produïts enles últimes dècades del segle XX han provocat un canvi en els processos ecològics, elsquals actuen sobre els reservoris en les dinàmiques de les espècies d'hàbitats oberts enla regió mediterrània. S'ha passat d'un conjunt d'hàbitats oberts relativament estàtics(zones agrícoles i pastures) a un mosaic d'hàbitats on els incendis tenen un doble paper;per una banda, els incendis creen l'hàbitat adequat per a la colonització de les espèciesd'hàbitats oberts i, per l'altra, els nostres resultats indiquen que les zones cremadesactuen com a hàbitat font, proporcionant individus als nous hàbitats que sucessivamentapareixen en el paisatge. / El fuego es una perturbación natural de los ecosistemas mediterráneos quedurante miles de años ha contribuido a favorecer la dinámica paisajística. Algunosestudios sugieren que el régimen actual de incendios podría causar importantes cambiosen la estructura de las comunidades. La capacidad de las especies para soportar obeneficiarse de perturbaciones depende de una serie de rasgos específicos que permitenla ocupación de las zonas afectadas. Un grupo de especies que parece beneficiarse de lapresencia de zonas quemadas son las aves de hábitats abiertos, algunas de ellas conespecial interés para la conservación.El objetivo de esta tesis ha sido identificar los factores determinantes de lacolonización postincendio de las aves de hábitats abiertos. Para ello, se ha creado unabase de datos con información avifaunística de todas las zonas quemadas en Cataluña(NE España) desde el año 2000 y se han utilizado datos del Atles d'ocells nidificants deCatalunya 1999-2002, imágenes satélite Landsat, parámetros topográficos y cartografíade los usos del suelo y del inventario forestal nacional. Además, para estudiar el patrónespacial a escala regional se han utilizado dos índices de conectividad: el Índice Integralde Conectividad (IIC) y la Probabilidad de Conectividad (PC). Por último, se hautilizado información ornitológica recogida siete años después de un incendio queafectó un bosque de pino laricio (Pinus nigra) para analizar el efecto en la comunidadde aves de la variabilidad en el patrón de regeneración postincendio.Los resultados mostraron una gran heterogeneidad temporal y espacial en lospatrones de colonización postincendio de las aves de hábitats abiertos. A escalatemporal, nuestros resultados sugieren que procesos como la atracción deconespecíficos contribuyen a explicar el retraso que se produce entre que una zonaquemada es potencialmente buena para la colonización de especies de hábitats abiertosy el momento en el que tiene lugar la colonización. A escala espacial, se ha confirmadola importancia en el proceso de colonización postincendio de factores que actúan adiferentes niveles (regional y local), como la conectividad y la calidad del hábitat de lazona quemada y, en menor medida, el tamaño del incendio. Además, los cambios en elpaisaje inducidos por la escasa capacidad regenerativa del pino laricio después delfuego, conducen al mantenimiento a largo plazo del hábitat adecuado para las especiesasociadas a hábitats abiertos. Por otra parte, se destaca la importancia del uso de índicesde conectividad para predecir la respuesta en la distribución de estas especies a lasperturbaciones.Por último, nuestros resultados sugieren que los cambios en los usos del sueloproducidos en las últimas décadas del siglo XX, han provocado un cambio en losprocesos ecológicos que actúan sobre los reservorios en las dinámicas de las especies dehábitats abiertos en la región mediterránea. Se ha pasado de un conjunto de hábitatsabiertos relativamente estáticos (zonas agrícolas y prados) a un mosaico de hábitatsdonde los incendios juegan un doble papel; por una parte, los incendios crean el hábitatadecuado para la colonización de las especies de hábitats abiertos y por otra parte,nuestros resultados indican que las zonas quemadas actúan como hábitat fuente,proporcionando individuos a los nuevos hábitats que sucesivamente aparecen en elpaisaje. / Fire is a natural disturbance in Mediterranean ecosystems that has contributed tofavor landscape dynamics over millennia. Some studies suggest that the current fireregime may cause important shifts in community structure and composition. Species'capability to withstand or profit from disturbances, such as fires, depend on a series ofspecific traits allowing the effective occupation of burned areas. A group of species thatseems to benefit from the occurrence of fires are bird species occupying open-habitats,some of which are threatened.The general objective of this thesis has been to identify factors determiningcolonisation process of open-habitat bird species after fire in Mediterranean landscapes.For this purpose, a database has been created with bird information on all burned areasin Catalonia (NE Spain) since 2000 and data from the Atles d'ocells nidificants deCatalonia 1999-2002, Landsat satellite images, topographic parameters and cartographyof the land-uses and the Spanish National Forest Inventory has been used. In addition,in order to study the spatial pattern at a regional scale two connectivity indexes havebeen used: the Integral Index of Connectivity (IIC) and the Probability of Connectivity(PC). Lately, bird data collected seven years after a fire occurred in a Black Pine (Pinusnigra) forested area has been used to analyze the effect of variability in post-fireregeneration patterns on the bird community.Our results showed a large temporal and spatial heterogeneity in the post-firecolonization patterns of the open-habitat bird species. At a temporal scale, processessuch as conspecifics attraction may explain the delay between when habitat ispotentially adequate for species colonization and when colonization process really takesplace. At a spatial scale, the results confirmed the importance in the post-firecolonisation of factors acting at different levels (regional and local), such as thelandscape connectivity and the quality of the burnt area and, to a lesser extent, the firesize. In addition, landscape changes induced by the low regeneration capacity of theBlack Pine after fire may lead to large temporal maintenance or increase of habitatsuitable for species linked to open habitats. On the other hand, our results highlightedthe importance of using connectivity indexes for predicting species distribution changesin response to disturbances.Finally, the results suggest land use changes in recent decades have produced ashift in the ecological processes acting in the reservoirs for open-habitat bird speciesdynamics in Mediterranean areas: from a more permanent habitat network constitutedby relatively static open habitats (grassland and farmland) to a shifting mosaic of habitatpatches where fires plays a double role; on one hand, fires create an adequate habitat foropen-habitat bird colonisation and, on the other hand, our results indicate that theburned areas may act as source habitats, providing individuals to the new habitats thatappear on the landscape.

The Relationship Between Cognitive Appraisal Of Stress, Coping Strategies And Psychological Distress Among Correctional Officers: Personal And Environmental Factors

Durak, Mithat 01 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Coping is an important concept to explain stress-related factors because it is a process that is mediated by both primary, and secondary appraisal (Lazarus &amp / Folkman, 1984). The present study aims to examine the extent to which correctional officers&#039 / cognitive appraisal associated with stress, and to develop, and test models including work stress, cognitive appraisal of stress, affect-related variables, coping strategies, psychological distress, and psychological adjustment. For this aim, a total of 268 correctional officers from seven different prisons in Turkey participated in the present study. The subjects were given Stress Appraisal Measure (SAM), Work Stress Scale for Correctional Officers (WSSCO), Positive, and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Emotional Approach Coping Scale (EACS), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-Trait Form (STAI-T), Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), Job Satisfaction Scale (JSS), and The Ways of Coping Inventory (WCI) in addition to Demographic Information Form. A variety of hierarchical multiple regression analyses were conducted to reveal the significant associates of psychological distress and adjustment. According to the results of regression analyses, four models were developed, and tested by structural equation modeling. The results of the present study demonstrated that different cognitive appraisals, different affect-related variables, different coping strategies combined to influence psychological distress, and psychological adjustment measures in addition to the direct effects of work stress. Following discussion of the results in terms of theoretical, and methodological perspectives, the limitations of the present study, and the suggestions for future research were also handled.

Testing The Caregiver Stress Model With The Caregivers Of Children With Leukemia

Demirtepe, Dilek 01 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between the stressors of the caregiving process and the health related outcomes (depression, anxiety, and general psychological health) in caregivers of children with leukemia. Caregiver Stress Model was used as the conceptual framework for the study. In order to measure the stressors of the caregivers, caregiver well-being scale was adapted to Turkish culture as the study 1 by using the caregivers of family members with various chronic illnesses. The analyses showed that Turkish version of the caregiver well-being scale had satisfactory psychometric properties for Turkish caregivers. The sample of the study 2 was composed of 100 caregivers of children with leukemia, who were treated at oncology or hematology departments of hospitals in Ankara and izmir, Turkey. Nine mediation models were tested using problem focused coping, emotion focused coping, and social support as mediators. The models included primary stressors (caregiving tasks and basic needs) and secondary stressors (interpersonal relationships and role strain) as independent variables / and depression, anxiety, and general psychological health as dependent variables. The findings suggested that emotion focused coping and social support were significant mediators of the relationships between the stressors and the outcomes, however, problem focused coping was not a significant mediator. Different patterns of significant relationships were found between the primary stressors, secondary stressors, and the outcome variables. However, caregiving tasks was not significantly predicting of any of the outcome variables. The strengths and limitations, as well as the implications of the findings, were discussed.

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