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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring The Perceptions Of Teachers About Their Current And Desired Competencies Defined By Cef And Elp: A Case Study

Tandiroglu, Isil 01 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to find out the required teacher competencies in the implementation of the Common European Framework (CEF) and the English Language Portfolio (ELP) and to explore the perceptions of teachers about their current and desired competencies defined by CEF and ELP. The required competencies for the teachers are defined in the book calledCommon European Framework of Reference for Languages. This book being a reference for the whole European Union countries, identifies required teacher competencies under four common European principles / a graduate profession, a profession placed within the context of lifelong learning, a mobile profession, a profession based on partnerships, and three key competencies / work with information, technology and knowledge, work with their fellow human beings &ndash / learners, colleagues and other partners in education, and work with and in society - at local, regional, national, European and broader global levels. A group of 40 teachers randomly selected at the Department of Basic English, School of Foreign Languages at the Middle East Technical University participated in this case study. A questionnaire about required teacher competencies in the implementation of the CEF and the English Language Portfolio was administrated to these teachers and the results were analyzed quantitatively and with the use of the descriptive and exploratory statistics. The findings obtained revealed that the teachers that participated in the questionnaire found themselves to be very competent in the required teacher competencies defined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, however, they would like to have to be experts in these competencies and also they have found these competencies to be very important.

The Analysis Of Theatre Plays For Children Staged By The State Theatre And Private Theatres In 2008-2009 Theatre Season In Bursa

Olmez, Husniye Nihan 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to investigate theatre plays for children staged by the State Theatres and private theatre companies in one specific theatre season in Bursa in terms of their essential language, physical, educational, entertainment and social characteristics. More specifically, the present study examines appropriateness of theatre plays for children in term of these essential characteristics stated by the experts and also opinions of audiences, parents, teachers, and professionals gained by interviews. Twelve preschool children between the ages of 5 and 6, ten parents who had 5 or 6-year-old children, and two preschool drama teachers were asked about their opinions after attending one or more of the theatre plays which were chosen for the study. The theatre plays which were chosen for the study were also scored according to the five different essential characteristics by two coders by using the &ldquo / theatre for young audiences evaluation rubric&rdquo / which was developed by the researcher based on the literature. The study presented the composition of the information gained from the interviews and the characteristics scores of each theatre play. The results revealed that As an outcome, this study documented general information about the existing, required and desired characteristics of theatre plays for children / specific information about the current status of theatre plays for children in Bursa / and also implications and suggestions for parents, educators, playwrights, theatre directors and further studies.

A Study Of Teacher Educators&#039 / Perspectives Regarding Changes In 1982, 1998 And 2006 In Teacher Education In Turkey

Kurt, Gamze 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Investigating the teacher education phenomenon of mathematics teacher education through the perspectives of teacher educators was aimed in this study. It was designed to understand the problems and the needs of teacher education in Turkey, to conceive the imperatives of the reforms mathematics teacher education reforms, namely 1982 reform, 1998 reform, and 2006 reform, and to determine whether these reforms satisfy the existing needs in Turkey. Based on the principles of qualitative research methods, documents of mathematics teacher education programs were investigated after the date when teacher education has been replaced under universities. As a second data collection tool, interviews with past and present deans of the education faculties, department chairs of mathematics education departments, and the academic staff were conducted. The data collected were analyzed through qualitative data analysis methods and the meanings and importance of the imperatives, processes, and consequences of the reforms were explored as well as the problems and the needs of teacher education in Turkey and solutions for them were investigated. The findings of this study showed that mathematics teacher education took a great step after establishing education faculties under universities in 1982. However, it has to be improved in order to eliminate the problems and the needs of teacher education in Turkey. It was expected to develop a source for the future teacher education reforms while paying attention to the imperatives and the consequences of educational changes in 1982, 1998 and 2006, and to be beneficial to generate a Turkish teacher education framework.

Senior Students

Baloglu, Ezgi 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Self-efficacy refers to people&rsquo / s judgments of their own abilities about a specific situation. The present study examined self-efficacy beliefs of senior students about using ESP (English for Specific Purposes) in their prospective careers. For this purpose, a new scale was developed by the researcher. The predictive power of certain variables (gender, English course grade, watching English language films, reading English language books, listening to English language songs) was investigated through multiple regression analysis. The study was conducted at a private university in Ankara and 303 senior students participated in the study. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was performed to determine the factor(s) in the questionnaire. EFA provided evidence for two factor solution and they were named as Academic Reading-Writing Skill (ARWS) and Academic Communication Skill (ACS). Cronbach&rsquo / s alpha coefficients of both ARWS and ACS scales were .97 for each which was a satisfactory result. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that the model of the combination of variables which were gender, reading English language books, watching English language films, listening to English language songs and English grade significantly predicted both ARWS and ACS scores of the participants. The variables which were reading English language books, watching English language films and English course grade significantly predicted both ARWS and ACS scores of the participants. Listening to English language songs predicted ACS scores but not ARWS scores. However, gender predicted neither of them.

Investigating Pre-service Science Teachers

Ozturk, Nilay 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The aims of the present study were to investigate the relationship among preservice science teachers&rsquo / informal reasoning regarding nuclear power plant construction, epistemological beliefs and metacognitive awareness. Throughout 2010-2011 fall and spring semesters, a total of 674 pre-service science teachers participated in the study. Data were collected through Schommer&rsquo / s Epistemological Questionnaire, Metacognitive Awareness Inventory, and Open-ended Questionnaire Assessing Informal Reasoning regarding Nuclear Power Usage. MANOVA, correlational analysis, and stepwise multiple regression analyses were conducted. The analyses revealed that the differences between pre-service science teachers&rsquo / epistemological beliefs within the two decision making groups were not statistically significant. Besides, results of the bivariate correlation revealed that there were statistically significant correlation between pre-service science teachers&rsquo / total argument construction and all the dimensions of SEQ except omniscient authority. Also, there was a significant correlation between pre-service science teachers&rsquo / certain knowledge dimension of SEQ and their counterargument construction. Moreover, the differences between pre-service science teachers&rsquo / metacognitive awareness within the two decision making groups were not statistically significant. Results of the bivariate correlation revealed that there was a significant correlation between preservice science teachers&rsquo / metacognitive awareness and informal reasoning outcomes. Finally, stepwise multiple regression analyses revealed that pre-service science teachers&rsquo / information management strategy was the only significant predictor for their rebuttal construction. Declarative knowledge was the best predictor of preservice science teachers&rsquo / counterargument construction while the second best predictor was certain knowledge for their counterargument construction. Finally declarative knowledge was the only significant predictor for the amount of preservice science teachers&rsquo / reasoning modes.

Μελέτη των μακροαπολιθωμάτων από τον πυθμένα της λιμνοθάλασσας Μυρτάρι στον Αμβρακικό κόλπο

Ηλιοπούλου, Ουρανία, Κυριαζίδου, Ελένη 01 August 2014 (has links)
Η πτυχιακή αναφέρεται στα ιζηματολογικά και παλαιοντολογικά χαρακτηριστικά καθώς και τους αβιοτικούς παράγοντες που υπερισχύουν στην λιμνοθάλασσα Μυρτάρι μέσα από τη μελέτη και επεξεργασία των μακροαπολιθωμάτων που βρίσκονται στον πυθμένα της λιμνοθάλασσας. / -

An Evaluation Of The Effectiveness Of The Eng 101, Development Of Reading And Writing Skills 1 Course

Guntek, Duygu 01 October 2005 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT AN EVALUATION OF THE ENG 101, DEVELOPMENT OF READING AND WRITING SKILLS 1 G&uuml / ntek, Duygu M.A., Department of English Language Education Supervisor : Prof. Dr. H&uuml / sn&uuml / Enginarlar July 2005, 134 pages The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ENG 101, Development of Reading and Writing Skills 1, and find out about the effectiveness of this course in terms of the goals and objectives, methods and materials and evaluation procedures. To fulfill that aim, three questionnaires and an interview document were designed and given to 21 ENG 101 instructors and 255 students taking the couse. In addition to the questionnaires, interviews were held with 9 ENG 101 instructors and 1 administrator, and feedback was obtained from the end-of the term evaluation meeting. Another questionnaire to evaluate the coursebook, English for Academic Purposes 1 was designed and given to 19 instructors who taught the ENG 101 course. It was prepared to collect feedback about the newly-written coursebook of the ENG 101 in detail. To analyse quantitative data, descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and t-test were conducted. The qualitative data gained from the interviews, open ended questions and feedback from the end of course meeting were analysed via content analysis. The results of the study revealed that the participants were generally satisfied with the course since most of the answers given in the questionnaires were around 3 (out of 4) &ldquo / moderately&rdquo / , which meant that all parties had generally favourable perceptions about the effectiveness of the ENG101 regarding the achievement of the objectives, effectiveness of the methods, materials and evaluation procedures as well as the coursebook. However, there were some complaints stemming from teachers&rsquo / workload and time constraints including too many writing tasks and insufficient language input for which certain administrative academic decisions were taken and work on relevant modifications started.

Ορυκτοπετρογραφική μελέτη των λίθινων μνημείων του αρχαιολογικού χώρου της Ελευσίνας : ταυτοποίηση λιθοτύπων και διερεύνηση των αιτιών διάβρωσής τους

Ρούσσου, Ιωάννα 11 July 2013 (has links)
Σκοπός αυτής της μελέτης είναι η περιγραφή και αναγνώριση των λίθων του αρχαιολογικού χώρου της Ελευσίνας, τόσο μακροσκοπικά όσο και μικροσκοπικά. Η περιγραφή και αναγνώριση των λίθων έγινε με τη βοήθεια κυρίως πολωτικού μικροσκοπιόυ αλλά και ηλεκτρονικού μικροσκοπίου για την αναγνώριση ορυκτών που δεν είναι ορατά με το πολωτικό μικροσκόπιο. Στη συνέχεια γίνεται περιγραφή των φθορών που οι λίθοι έχουν υποστεί είτε λόγω φυσικών διεργασιών όπως διάβρωση- αποσάθρωση, είτε λόγω ανθρωπογενών παρεμβάσεων πάνω σε αυτούς. Η αναγνώριση και ονοματολογία των φθορών έγινε μακροσκοπικά, ενώ χρησιμοποιήθηκε επίσης και περιθλασιμετρία ακτίνων-Χ. Τέλος, παρατίθενται τρόποι που θα βοηθήσουν στην αντιμετώπιση των φθορών. / The aim of the study is to identify and describe, macroscopically and microscopically (optical and electronic microscopy), five main lithotypes of Eleusina’s archaeological place. Furthermore, it have been observed macroscopically the weathering forms on the stones of the monument and the alternation that take place on the surface of the stones due to industrial pollutants. X- ray diffraction have been also used. Finally, conservation methods are proposed for the treatment of the monuments.

Repetition and its discontents : space, time and identity in the city of Urumqi

Anthony, Ross January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation examines the relationship between space and identity in the city of Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in the People's Republic of China. The work explores the shifting interface between various types of spaces within the city, focusing on three major areas: dominant state space, Han Chinese space and Turkic Muslim space. Central to my argument is that that the dominant form of spatial identity arises through the process ofrepetition. From the city's establishment in the Qing dynasty up until present, there has been a sustained tendency to self-consciously reproduce an urban spatial template deployed throughout cities within inner China. At the same, time each new regime, be it imperial or modernizing, deploys a different series of repetition to the one which precedes it. The current work traces the trajectory of some of these forms as they evolve over space and time. In doing so, it describes how the political incorporation of Xinjiang into China functions at the level of the city over an extended period of time. Urumqi has, from its inception, attracted migrants in large numbers from various parts of inner China and Xinjiang itself, and thus the city's neighbourhoods have simultaneously produced a number of spatial and territorial differences within this larger framework of repetition. With a focus on Han and Turkic Uyghur communities, the dissertation also describes the parallel trajectory of these spatial differences in relation to those of the state. I portray a general situation in which Han communities have become more incorporated into the dominant spatial mode and Uyghurs less so. This observation is fleshed out in greater detail in the chapters which deal with contemporary city. Despite a multiplicity of urban forms, I argue that the difference inherent in Uyghur spatial practices is increasingly designated and reified by the state, on its behalf. Through a detailed description of this "inauthentic" and coercive expression of difference, I trace how the Uyghur neighbourhoods have become increasingly subject to what Carl Schmitt ([1922] 2004) refers to as "the state of exception". This shift in the spatial dynamics of the city serves as significant pre-cursor to the Urumiq Riots of 2009. The dissertation concludes with a discussion of ethnographic methodologies and their relation to time. The influence of the past upon the present, coupled with the highly transient nature of present spatial organization within Chinese cities, necessitates a type of ethnography which is sensitive to the processual nature of space and place. Drawing on Bergson's concept of duration ([1896] 1911 ), I argue for an ethnographic methodology which takes into account the persistence of the past in descriptions of the present.

Le réseau d'électricité de Tianjin (Chine) : 1900-1960 : histoire et valorisation patrimoniale / The electric system of Tianjin (China) : 1900-1960 : history and value enhancement as heritage

Huang, Jiali 28 March 2019 (has links)
Tianjin s’est avérée un lieu de rencontres et d’échanges entre les Chinois et les étrangers pendant plus de 150 ans. Face au risque d’effondrement du pays, les pionniers chinois au tournant du XXe siècle ont lancé les premières tentatives de modernisation à Tianjin pour devenir autonomes en termes industriels et techniques et rétablir l’image de la Chine dans l’arène internationale. Aujourd’hui, confrontée à la crise de perte d’identité, la municipalité de Tianjin cherche activement à sauvegarder son patrimoine lié au passé et significatif pour le futur. À travers une étude sur l’électrification de Tianjin et sur la conservation de ses vestiges, cette thèse montre qu’il existe un point commun à ces deux actions à deux époques différentes : l’apprentissage de connaissances modernes auprès de l’Occident et leur appropriation en Chine qui donne la force à cet ancien pays pour rajeunir. Nous allons démontrer que l’électrification de Tianjin était un témoin important de l’autonomie acquise allant du contrôle absolu par les étrangers à la gestion réussie par les Chinois. La mondialisation au XIXe et XXe siècles nous offre un axe pour décrypter les actions des compagnies d’électricité étrangères pour pénétrer le marché chinois. Nous étudierons les conflits entre la technicité de l’électrification – extension du réseau – et le démembrement de la ville pendant la domination des entrepreneurs et administrateurs européens. Nous traiterons ensuite de l’intégration progressive et de la gestion systématique du réseau électrique sous le monopole étatique chinois après la fin de l’impérialisme en Chine. / Tianjin has been such a place where Chinese and the foreigners met each other and exchanged frequently for over 150 years. Facing the risk of a dissembling country, the Chinese pioneers led the modernization at the dawn of the 20th century in order to achieve industrial et technical autonomy and to recover China’s image on the international arena. Today, confronted to the crisis of identity lost, the municipality of Tianjin strives to protect its own heritage, inherited from the past and is significant for the future. Based on a study of the history of electrification and of the conservation of the vestiges, this dissertation shows the common point between these two actions in two periods: to learn modern knowledge from the western world and apply it to China. This application gives China the full energy to rejuvenate. We are going to demonstrate that electrification was an important witness of the Chinese regain of autonomy in the technical perspective. They turned from staying under foreigners’ control to succeeding in its effective management. The globalization in the 19th and 20th centuries appears a path to decipher the actions taken by the foreign electric firms to penetrate the Chinese market. We will study the conflicts between the technical requirement of electricity, which is the network extension, and the separation of the electric service in the city under the domination of European administrators and entrepreneurs. We will further the integration of these separate networks and their systematic management under the state monopoly after imperialism ended in China. The urgent task of industrial brownfields conservation and their transformation into hubs for creative activities raise an issue for us to look into the effectiveness of the legal framework of heritage protection, which was introduced one century ago and has been improved all the time. Based on the politics of Tianjin for heritage, we will explore the possibilities and sound ways of enhancing the value of its old electric network.

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