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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Investigation Of The Relationship Between The Tendencies Of Efl Instructors To Use The Emotional Intelligence Skills And Their Attitudes Towards The Teaching Of Emotional Intelligence Skills In Efl Classes

Kazak, Sevil 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the tendency of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instructors to use the emotional intelligence (EQ) skills and their attitudes towards the teaching of EQ skills in EFL classes. The quantitative data were collected through a demographic inventory and two questionnaires. In the quantitative data gathering process, 140 EFL instructors working at Atilim University, BaSkent University, Bogazi&ccedil / i University and Erciyes University participated. In order for an in-depth interpretation of the questionnaire results, semi-structured interviews were held with 10 EFL instructors. The results of the study revealed that there is a relationship between the tendency of EFL instructors to use the interpersonal skills and their classroom applications related to the teaching of these skills in EFL classes. The tendency of EFL instructors to use the intrapersonal, interpersonal, adaptability and general mood skills were also found to correlate with their beliefs related to the teaching of these skills in EFL classes. Another outstanding finding of the study is that the tendency of EFL instructors&rsquo / to teach EQ skills is lower than both their tendency to use EQ skills and their tendency to believe that EI skills should be taught in EFL classes. Furthermore, the analysis of the demographic information along with the questionnaire results revealed a correlation between the tendency of EFL instructors to teach EQ skills in their classes and their gender, workload and the type of the institution they work. The results also revealed that there is a relationship between the beliefs of EFL instructors related to the teaching of EQ skills in EFL classes and their workload.

Cultural change and identity shift in relation to cultural policy in post war Taiwan, with particular reference to theatre

Chang, Bi-yu January 2002 (has links)
The issue of identity has become increasingly important in the 21't century. Facing the dilemma of being tom between globalisation and indigenisation, our sense of identity is constantly changing and in turmoil. This dissertation engages with several questions: How does our sense of belonging come about? In what ways and to what extent can the state construct culture, regulate our behaviour, and formulate a sense of belonging through cultural policy? And, why cultural policy might fail? Because the politics of cultural policy has either been overlooked or considered only in general terms without thorough examination on a long-term basis, this thesis examinest he relationshipb etweenc ulturalp olicy and culturali dentityb y exploring the case of post-war Taiwan. The development and dramatic change of cultural identity in post-war Taiwan provides a good testing ground to examine the relationship between cultural policy and identity construction, especially during the volatile identity crisis in the 1990s. There are two parts in this dissertation. Part I focuses on textual research of a half-century of Taiwanese cultural policy, alongside the island's historical development; Part 11 records and analyses the fieldwork I carried out on Taiwanese theatre to substantiate the textual analysis in Part 1. This thesis deals with issues in two areas that no other research has explored before and tries to indicate the universal implications of the analysis of Taiwanese identity construction and cultural policy. Firstly, through the analysis of the politics of culture in Taiwan, this research demonstrates how a stable and deeply rooted China-centric identity was overturned within only two years. Furthermore, it highlights the politics of culture by displaying how an authoritarian regime was challenged, and how cultural hegemony could be won in order to grasp political power. Secondly, the case study provides evidence manifesting the changing nature of contemporary cultural policy, and its hidden politics. Under the name of 'supporting the arts', the state uses cultural policy to maintain its cultural hegemony. Although Taiwan has carried out a process of democratisation since the 1980s, the state has not loosened its control on culture, but has rather changed its strategy of how to control. A new alliance between regulation and market forces has formed, and becomes the nexus of modem cultural policy.

Gewand und Ritual : Die Bekleidung der Song-Dynastie im Spiegel des Sanli tu / Dress and Ritual : Song dynasty clothing in the light of the Sanli tu

Frick, Patricia Christine January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Gegenstand der Untersuchung ist die Bekleidung der Song-Dynastie (960–1279) im Spiegel der für ihre Zeit dokumentierten rituellen Bekleidungsvorschriften, insbesondere dem von Nie Chongyi verfassten Sanli tu 三禮圖 [Bebilderungen zu den Drei Ritenklassikern] aus den frühen Jahren der Dynastie. / The study investigates dress in the Chinese Song dynasty (960–1279) as reflected in the extant regulations for ritual dress and most particularly in the Sanli tu 三禮圖 [Illustrations to the Three Rites] composed by Nie Chongyi in the early years of the dynasty.

Book Culture from China – Traces in Leipzig

Clart, Philip, Kaske, Elisabeth, Schneider, Ulrich Johannes 06 May 2024 (has links)
Book Culture from China – Traces in Lepzig.“ The title of this catalogue is a bold promise. Viewing one of the world’s major cultures from the vantage point of a single city is clearly an audacious undertaking. But the traces are there, and Leipzig’s interest in China does indeed go back a long way. A look into the cultural archives in this city, famous as a hub of international trade and higher education, reveals many interesting examples of Chinese culture. The largest collection of Chinese artifacts is held by Leipzig University Library, one of the oldest and largest libraries of its kind in Germany. Its Sinica collection comprises tens of thousands of books from and about China, the oldest of which date back to the sixteenth century. Manuscripts and printed works reveal much about Chinese calligraphy, typesetting, and literature, subjects in which scholars in Leipzig specialized very early on. Back in 1878, a professorship for Far Eastern Languages was set up at Leipzig University, which was held by Hans Georg Conon von der Gabelentz. His current successors, Philip Clart and Elisabeth Kaske, are responsible for the first part of this catalogue. Yet this publication is not confined to an individual collection. Instead, it documents a joint project by Leipzig University Library with the German Museum of Books and Writing at the German National Library, the GRASSI Museum of Ethnography, Leipzig, and Leipzig Museum of the Printing Arts. All these institutions have contributed to the project’s success with their holdings, exhibitions as well as various other forms of support, generating visibility for China in Leipzig.

Buchkultur aus China – Leipziger Spuren

Clart, Philip, Kaske, Elisabeth, Schneider, Ulrich Johannes 06 May 2024 (has links)
„Buchkultur aus China. Leipziger Spuren“ – der Titel dieses Katalogs ist ein großes Versprechen. Aus einer Stadt heraus eine Weltkultur in den Blick zu nehmen – sicher gewagt. Aber die Spuren sind da, und das Interesse an China hat in Leipzig tatsächlich eine lange Geschichte. Der Blick in die Kulturarchive der Messe- und Universitätsstadt trifft auf viele interessante Zeugnisse chinesischer Kultur. Den größten Bestand in dieser Hinsicht besitzt die Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, eine der ältesten und größten Deutschlands. Ihre Sinica sind zehntausende Bücher aus und über China, von denen die ältesten aus dem 16. Jahrhundert datieren. An Handschriften und Druckwerken lässt sich ein guter Einblick in die Kunst der Zeichensetzung und die Literatur geben, für die es in Leipzig sehr früh schon akademische Experten gab. Bereits 1878 wurde eine außerordentliche Professur für Hans Georg Conon von der Gabelentz an der Universität Leipzig geschaffen. Seine Nachfolger und derzeitigen Vertreter des Fachs, Philip Clart und Elisabeth Kaske, verantworten den ersten Teil dieses Katalogs. Wir zeigen aber mehr als nur einen einzelnen Bestand, vielmehr dokumentieren wir ein gemeinschaftliches Projekt der Universitätsbibliothek mit dem Deutschen Buch- und Schriftmuseum der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, dem GRASSI Museum für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig und dem Museum für Druckkunst Leipzig. Mit Beständen, eigenen Ausstellungen und durch Unterstützung jeglicher Art haben alle genannten Partnereinrichtungen zum Gelingen beigetragen und China in Leipzig eine besondere Sichtbarkeit gegeben.

Τρισδιάστατη εξομοίωση σε περιβάλλον SIMIO της κινητής γέφυρας και της ναυσιπλοΐας στον πορθμό του Ευρίπου

Διαμαντίδης, Δημήτριος 13 October 2013 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία γίνεται εξομοίωση της λειτουργίας της κινητής γέφυρας του πορθμού του Ευρίπου και της αντίστοιχης ναυσιπλοΐας. Για να επιτευχθεί η τρισδιάστατη εξομοίωση της γέφυρας χρησιμοποιείται το πρόγραμμα SIMIO. Στην όλη λειτουργία της γέφυρας έχει συμπεριληφθεί η κίνηση πεζών, η κίνηση αυτοκινήτων, η σηματοδότηση για αυτοκίνητα και πλοία, καθώς επίσης και ο διάπλους του πορθμού από πλοία κινούμενα και προς τις δύο κατευθύνσεις, δηλαδή προς το βόρειο Ευβοϊκό και το νότιο Ευβοϊκό κόλπο. Για την εκπόνηση της διπλωματικής εργασίας ήταν αναγκαία η επί τόπου επίσκεψη και παρακολούθηση της λειτουργίας της γέφυρας προκειμένου να αποκτηθεί όλη η απαραίτητη γνώση για τον τρόπο, τους κανόνες και τον έλεγχο λειτουργίας της γέφυρας και γενικά του συστήματος γέφυρα-ναυσιπλοΐα του πορθμού του Ευρίπου. Στη διαδικασία απόκτησης της απαιτούμενης γνώσης περιλαμβάνονται και οι πραγματοποιηθείσες επαφές-συνομιλίες με τους τεχνικούς λειτουργίας της γέφυρας, τους λιμενικούς που είναι υπεύθυνοι κυρίως για τα θέματα ναυσιπλοΐας καθώς και με τις τοπικές αρχές για την προμήθεια των απαιτούμενων τεχνικών σχεδίων από τα οποία ελήφθησαν οι διαστάσεις του όλου περιβάλλοντος χώρου του Πορθμού. Η εργασία περιλαμβάνει μία αναδρομή στα υπάρχοντα λογισμικά εργαλεία εξομοίωσης συστημάτων, την παρουσίαση των βασικών στοιχείων του λογισμικού SIMIO, την περιγραφή του τρόπου λειτουργίας της γέφυρας, την αναπτυχθείσα τρισδιάστατη εξομοίωση της κινητής γέφυρας και της ναυσιπλοΐας και τέλος την εξομοίωση πραγματικών εναλλακτικών σεναρίων λειτουργίας της γέφυρας που δεν είναι εύκολο να εφαρμοστούν στο πραγματικό σύστημα λόγω διαφόρων περιορισμών, γεγονός που αναδεικνύει την χρησιμότητα της εξομοίωσης ως διαδικασία μελέτης ενός συστήματος. / In this thesis, simulation of the operation of the drawbridge Evripos Channel and associated waterways. To achieve the three-dimensional simulation of the program used bridge SIMIO. In the overall operation of the bridge is included pedestrian traffic, traffic car signaling for cars and boats, as well as the crossing of the Strait by ships moving in both directions, to the northern and southern Evian Evian Gulf. For the preparation of this thesis was necessary on-site visit and monitor the operation of the bridge in order to get all the necessary knowledge on how the rules and operational testing of the bridge and general system bridge-navigation of the Strait of Euripus. In the process of acquiring the required knowledge including contacts made-talks with the technical operation of the bridge, the port is mainly responsible for navigational issues as well as with local authorities for the provision of the required technical drawings of which were the dimensions of whole surrounding area of ​​the Straits. The paper includes an overview of existing software systems simulation tools, presentation of key software components SIMIO, the description of the workings of the bridge, the developed three-dimensional simulation of the drawbridge and navigation and finally the simulation of real alternative operating scenarios of the bridge is not easy to implement in the real system due to various limitations, which demonstrates the usefulness of the simulation study process as a system.

L'image de la Chine dans la sinologie française du XIXe au XXIe siècles / The image of China in french sinology from the nineteenth century to the twenty-first century

Wan, Yue 15 January 2019 (has links)
« Je sais très bien à quel point les Chinois, en tant que nation comme en tant qu’individus, sont actuellement dans la réalisation de l’idéal le plus élevé de leur civilisation. Néanmoins, en regardant l’état actuel des choses démoralisant en Chine, si on prend la peine d’interpréter et d’examiner les faits, je pense qu’il est juste de dire ici qu’on ne peut pas considérer cette civilisation comme un échec. Si vous jugez une civilisation aux modes de divertissement de l’homme moyen, la civilisation chinoise est effectivement un échec. Mais si vous la jugez à l’aune de la force et au sens de l’obligation morale qui incombe à la nation alors je pense que l’on peut affirmer que la civilisation chinoise loin d’être un échec est au contraire une merveilleuse réussite. » / “I am well aware how very far the Chinese as a nation and as individuals are at present from the realisation of the high ideal of their civilisation. But at the same time I think it right to say here that even now, looking upon the present demoralised state of things in China, the Chinese civilisation, if one would take the trouble to interpret and look into the inside of facts, cannot be considered a failure. If you judge a civilisation by the extent to which men of means living under that civilisation can enjoy themselves, the Chinese civilisation in certainly a failure. But if you judge a civilisation by the standard of strength and effectiveness of the sense of moral obligation in the nation living under that civilisation, then I think I can show that the Chinese civilisation even now is not a failure, but, on the contrary, a wonderful success.”

The Role Of Gender, Self-esteem, Self-consciousness, And Social Self-efficacy On Adolescent Shyness

Caglayan Mulazim, Oznur 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This study investigated the relationship between gender, self-esteem, self-consciousness, social self-efficacy and shyness among 9th, 10th, and 11th grade school students. Participants of the study were 424 high school students (250 female and 174 male) from four high schools in Bursa. Demographic information form, Revised Cheek and Buss Shyness Scale (RCBS) (Cheek &amp / Buss, 1981), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) (Rosenberg, 1965), Self-Consciousness Scale (SCS) (Feningstein, Scheier, &amp / Buss, 1975), and Social Self-Efficacy Scale (Matsushima &amp / Shiomi, 2002) were used as data collection instruments. The results of multiple regression analysis indicated that self-esteem, self-consciousness, and social self-efficacy were significant predictors of high school students

Integrating Elt Instructors&#039 / Perceived Competencies: Challenges And Suggestions

Canbolat, Nilay 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This study aims at finding out instructors&rsquo / perceived competencies in Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and Ministry of Education (MONE) competencies, and accordingly exploring strengths and weaknesses of the ELT undergraduate program as well as providing suggestions for a more effective and fruitful program. At the first phase of the research, a questionnaire is given to seventy-five participants, working in the department of Foreign Languages at various universities. For the second phase of the study, an interview prepared in the light of the questionnaire results is conducted with thirty-four of aforementioned participants. The results of this study illustrate that the participants find themselves more competent in learning, language proficiency, planning, instructing, and content than assessing, identity and context, and commitment and professionalism since the participants believe in the need of improving themselves in latter standards. Similarly, they consider the methodology, general education and language components of the ELT undergraduate program effective because they find those components practical and focused during the program while the literature and linguistics components are thought to be ineffective in preparing them for the profession as the methodology of these components, which is not integrated with ELT enough. Lastly, in the lights of these findings, some suggestions are made for improving the program. For further research, all ELT teachers&rsquo / perceptions in Turkey can be investigated and suggestions for a better undergraduate program can be asked.

&quot / the Spiderman Phenomenon&quot / Young Children&#039 / s Understanding Of Cartoon Superheroes

Unlusoy, Asli 01 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the present study is to explore six-year-old children&amp / #8217 / s understanding of the superhero phenomenon, through cartoon superhero figures. Particularly Spiderman was chosen as a typical symbol of the superhero genre, futhermore Spiderman is found to be the favorite cartoon character in Turkey.The study was conducted in the preschool of Middle East Technical University in Spring 2007. Ten children / five girls and five boys, attending to the preschoolprogram participated in the study. The main emphasis in the present study is given to children&#039 / s own expressionsvia drawings, play and interviews, to understand their ways to make sense of the superheroscenarios. Therefore selecting qualitative methods and aphenomenological approach in particular was considered to be a valid form of nquiry. At the end of the analysis procedure the total number of meaning units (MUs)was 40. In order to verify the results of the study, randomly selected 30 MUs were presented to completely independent and separate reviewers. The feedback from the reviewers indicated a high rate concordance of established at 86.6 %. After the results of this auditing process, confirmability of the present study is maintained. The results indicated that superhero theme was enjoyable for participant children, as it provided a sense of well-being. Aggressive behavior, which is generally linked to superhero issue, was hardly ever observed. However, gender is found to be a central factor on children&#039 / s understanding of superheroes, and stereotypical thinking was perpetuated via superhero animations.

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