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Memoirs and identity in Welsh Patagonia : constructions of Welsh Patagonian identity as reflected in memoirs written by Welsh descendants in the province of Chubut towards the end of the twentieth centuryLublin, Geraldine January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation explores the sense of Welsh consciousness developed in Patagonia towards the end of the twentieth century by analysing the way in which it is constructed in four memoirs published by Welsh descendants from the Argentine province of Chubut. A country of many peoples, Argentina benefited from the contributions of diverse immigrant groups in the course of its development as a modem republic. Nevertheless, the Welsh migration to the southerly province of Chubut can be regarded as exceptional due to the autonomous aspirations of the leaders of the Mimosa, the first Welsh contingent to reach Patagonia in 1865. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then, and what some of the settlers regarded as a 'New Wales in South America' where the Welsh language and culture would be treasured is now another one of the twenty- three provinces of the Argentine Republic. The present investigation employs a varied theoretical framework with a view to assessing a range of views on what we may call 'Welsh Patagonianness' as expressed in autobiographical literature. It compares and contrasts the perceptions of individual memoirists in terms of how Welshness, Argentineness, Patagonianness and Britishness are viewed in relation to various issues such as identity, ethnicity, myth, diaspora, assimilation, hybridisation and the concept of the Argentinean crisol de razas (melting pot). Fred Green's Pethau Patagonia (1984), Valmai Jones' Atgofion am y Wladfa (1985), Carlos Luis Williams' Puerto Madrynyel triunfo de mis padres: El Amor (1988) and Juan Daniel Moreteau's Tres etapas de una vida (1997) are studied in order to trace the evolution of this Welsh Patagonian awareness, with a focus on the high degree of hybridisation that has allowed it to survive the steady decline observed in a large part of the twentieth century and to achieve a remarkable revitalisation by the turn of the new millennium.
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The politics and identity of Irish-Argentines in the nineteenth and twentieth century with reference to Perón, the Dirty War and the fall of the generalsSpeight, Patrick January 2017 (has links)
This thesis focuses on how the Irish-Argentine community responded to the rise of Juan Domingo Peron in 1946 and the last military dictatorship, 1976-83. To contextualise the assessment I look at the process of identity formation and analyse the role the Southern Cross, the newspaper that chronicles the community from its foundation in 1875 to the present day, and the Irish-Argentine clergy played in that process. The early chapters trace the process of chain migration from Westmeath, Longford and Wexford. The absence of the historic antagonism between Catholicism and Protestantism helps explain why Irish settlers accepted being designated ingleses with equanimity. Tensions developed within the Irish-Argentine community when the Southern Cross came under the influence of Irish nationalist William Bulfin during the first decade of the last century. His efforts to Gaelicise the community found little traction and by the 1930s the Southern Cross was promoting the preservation of the English language as an identity marker for the Irish-Argentine community. In relation to politics, the thesis analyses the Irish-Argentine community’s response to the labour movement at the turn of the last century, the Easter Rising, the First and Second World Wars and the rise of Fascism. The historical analyses that precedes the period from Peron’s election in 1946 through to the rise and fall of the Generals in 1983 permits a greater understanding of why many in the Irish-Argentine community did not protest against the egregious human rights abuses that took place during the Dirty War. Within the Irish-Argentine community the site of conflict during the dictatorship is between two models of church, one traditional and hierarchical, the other based on liberation theology and the Church of the poor. The massacre of three Pallottine priests, two of them Irish-Argentine, and two seminarians in July 1976 divided the community.
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The frontiers of civilisation : history and politics in 19th century ArgentinaLichtmajer, Juan Pablo January 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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La frontière du sud-ouest en Argentine jusqu'en 1890 : d'une incomplète conquête à la conquête achevée / The South-West frontier in Argentina until 1890 : From an incomplete conquest to its accomplishmentFloury-Dagorn, Ghislaine 20 December 2013 (has links)
La Conquête du Río de la Plata est un cas particulier dans l'Empire hispanique : au-delà d'une ligne de démarcation intérieure établie par les conquérants – la frontière indienne – les peuples autochtones conservaient le contrôle de leurs territoires, se rapprochant en ceci des colonies de l'Amérique du Nord. Durant quatre siècles, deux sociétés coexistèrent ainsi de part et d'autre de cette ligne théorique et mouvante, espace de conflits, mais également d'échanges continus et intenses. Cette thèse se propose d'étudier la Frontière intérieure du Sud-Ouest, des premiers contacts avec lespopulations indigènes au XVIe siècle, jusqu'aux campagnes militaires menées par le gouvernement argentin à la fin du XIXe qui aboutiront à sa disparition, de même qu'aux Etats-Unis. L'étude permettra d'examiner l'évolution de cet espace frontalier tout d'abord durant la période coloniale, puis à l'époque des guerres de l'Indépendance, et enfin les divers processus qui auront conduit, tout au long du XIXe siècle, à la suppression définitive de cette frontière, ainsi que de tribus amérindiennes encore indépendantes / The Conquest of the Río de la Plata is a particular case within the Spanish Empire : beyond an inner boundary established by the conquerors – the indian frontier – the Natives maintained control over their territory, as well as they did facing the british colonies in North America. During four centuries, two societies thus coexisted on both sides of this theoretical and movable line, a space of conflicts, but of intense and continuing exchanges too. This doctoral thesis intend to study the inner South-West Frontier, from the first contacts with the indigenous peoples in the 16th century until the militarycampaigns carried out by the government of Argentina at the end of the 19th century and making it disappear, as well as in the United States. The study will give the opportunity to review the changings in this border space, first during the colonial period, then at the time of the Independence wars, and finally the various processes which will lead to the abolition of this frontier, as well as of independent amerindian tribes during the 19th century
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Communications transfrontalières à travers la presse pendant la guerre de la Triple Alliance (1864-1870) : propagande, représentations et construction d'identités dans les journaux, Paraguay et Argentine / Transnational communications during the War of the Triple Alliance (1864-1870) : propaganda, representations and construction of identities in newspapers of Paraguay and ArgentinaJohansson, María Lucrecia 26 April 2016 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, notre proposition est d’analyser dans la perspective d'une histoire croisée, les échanges et circulations générés par la presse des pays belligérants au cours de la guerre de la Triple Alliance. Partant de la considération que les espaces politiques transnationaux se forment à travers des discours et des pratiques d’acteurs identifiables, cette étude se concentre sur la façon dont la presse a constitué un espace de cette nature, dans lequel les gouvernements belligérants ont participé en tissant des réseaux articulant leurs agents aux journaux et à leurs rédacteurs ; et sur la façon dont, dans cet espace qui a fonctionné au-delà des frontières des Etats, la presse a joué un rôle central dans le processus de construction des identités nationales, promues par les gouvernements combattants. Dans un jeu des contraires, dans lequel les représentations négatives définissant l’ennemi donnaient naissance à des redéfinitions positives des images de soi, on analyse les répercussions de ces croisements sur la représentation de la Nation. En plaçant la perspective d’analyse sur les croisements ou les procédés d’échanges journalistiques, on en vient à la conclusion que les discours de propagande des pays ennemis ne peuvent s’entendre pleinement que dans leur mutuelle interaction et dans le cadre d’un langage politique commun / The purpose of this thesis is to analyse, through the perspective of the Histoire croisée, the crossings or intercrossings produced by the press of the countries involved in the War of the Triple Alliance. Based on the assumption that the transnational political spaces are formed through the speeches and the practices of identifiable actors, this research focuses on how the press constituted a space of this kind, in which the warring governments participated by means of the building of networks which linked their officials with newspapers and editors; and how, in this space that operated beyond state borders, the press played a central role in the process of construction of national identities promoted by the warring governments. In a game of opposites, in which the defining negative representations of the adversary originated positive redefinitions of the self-images, we analyse the impact of these crossings on the representation of the Nation. By placing the perspective of the analysis on the crossings or journalistic intercrossings processes, we come to the conclusion that the propaganda speeches of the warring countries can be fully understood only in their mutual interaction and within the framework of a common political language
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The uses of classical learning in the Río de la Plata, c. 1750-1815Arbo, Desiree January 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores the uses of classical learning in colonial Rio de la Plata and early independent Paraguay (c.1767-1815). It examines different ways in which classical influences are discernible: in the works of the Jesuit José Manuel Peramás (Chapters 1 and 2), in colonial classrooms and library inventories (Chapter 3), and in the political discourse of Paraguayan independence (Chapter 4). As missionaries, educators and authors of Latin literature, the Jesuits exerted a powerful cultural force in the Rio de la Plata until their expulsion in 1767, yet their legacy in the intellectual life of colonial Paraguay has been neglected; Paraguayan historians dismiss the colonial period as a time of cultural stagnation, only revived by the importation of Enlightenment ideas from Europe and North America in the late eighteenth century. Yet these same scholars have not satisfactorily explained the ideology of the independence, given that the political rhetoric of the new republics was not always consistent with Enlightenment ideals. My thesis takes a revisionist point of view, arguing that the uses of classical knowledge reflected broader intellectual trends in the transition from the colonial to independent periods which help explain the initial construction of national identities in the Rio de la Plata.
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Ressources économiques et pouvoir politique : intégration semi-périphérique au système financier mondial et son impact sur la coalition socio-politique au pouvoir en Argentine de 1989 à 2001 / Economic resources and political power : semi-peripheral integration to the global financial system and its impact on the power relations of the ruling social-political coalition in Argentina from 1989 to 2001Caputo, Nicolas 22 June 2012 (has links)
Prenant appui sur un ensemble d’entretiens auprès des protagonistes, la base de données des émissions de titres publics du Bureau National de Crédit Public et un large corpus d'articles de presse, cette recherche analyse la relation entre ressources économiques et pouvoir politique en étudiant l’impact de l’intégration semi-périphérique au système financier mondial sur la coalition sociopolitique au pouvoir en Argentine de 1989 à 2001. Cette coalition était composée des partis politiques au gouvernement, ce qui garantissait la légitimité démocratique, des technocrates des think tanks du libéralisme économique, des grandes entreprises locales et des acteurs privés du système financier mondial. Contrairement aux pays centraux qui sont au coeur du système financier mondial et les périphériques, qui en sont exclus, l'Argentine représente un cas d'intégration "semipériphérique", c’est-à-dire, avec un accès variable au crédit privé externe en fonction de la perception des principaux acteurs privés du système financier sur le risque de défaut des paiements de la dette. Cette intégration a joué un rôle important sur la formation, la consolidation et la dissolution de la coalition socio-politique au pouvoir. D'une part, le plan de Convertibilité implique une dépendance structurelle de l’afflux de devises pourassurer la stabilité économique. D'autre part, les caractéristiques de l'intégration du système financier mondial ont été modifiées par le plan Brady, qui implique une substitution de la dette publique de prêt bancaire par des titres, et le processus de mondialisation. Contrairement aux prêts bancaires, les titres sont des produits échangés sur un marché où les prêteurs prennent des décisions d’investissement de court terme en fonction de leur perception du risque de défaut de paiement de la dette. Cette perception, qui implique une surveillance permanente sur la politique économique, détermine la capacité de l'État à s’endetter et soutenir ainsi l’afflux de devises. / This research explores the link between economic resources and political power focusing on how Argentina’s semi-peripheral integration into the global financial system influenced power relations within the country’s ruling coalition between the years 1989 and 2001. The findings are supported by evidence from interviews of decision-makers, the National Public Credit Office database on sovereign debt issues, and a large body of press articles. This ruling coalition during this period comprised political parties in government, granting democratic legitimacy, technocrats from economic liberal think tanks and players with economic resources including local business groups and private actors of the global financial system. Unlike those central countries that make up the “core” of the global system, or periphery countries, which are at the margins or are excluded from this system, Argentina represents a case of a “semi-peripheral” integration. This can be seen in the country’s variable access to external private borrowing which is dependent how the major private players in the financial system perceive the risk of debt default. This integration has had an impact on the formation, consolidation, and dissolution of the socio-political ruling coalition. On the one hand, the Convertibility Plan entailed a structural dependence on foreign currency inflow to ensure economic stability. On the other, the integration into the global financial system was modified after the Brady Plan. Unlike bank loans, the securities were traded goods in a market where lenders made short-term investment decisions based on their perceived risk of debt payment default. This perception, which involved a permanent monitoring of economic policy, determined the state's capacity to access borrowing and sustain foreign currency inflows.
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L'Encomienda d'Indiens de Copiapo : un processus de disparition ethnique aux marges du Royaume du Chili, 1544-1806 / The Encomienda of Indians from Copiapo : An ethnic disappearance process at the margins of the Kingdom of Chile, 1544-1806Cortes Larravide, Enrique Alberto 16 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail se propose d’étudier l’histoire de l’ethnie des Indiens de Copiapo, groupe situé au Chili, dans la vallée de Copiapo, aux marges méridionales du désert d’Atacama. C’est ainsi que la période abordée (1544-1806) répond au développement-même de ce groupe durant la période coloniale, depuis sa création en tant que groupe d’encomienda jusqu’à sa disparition. En effet, ce groupe apparaît lorsque le gouverneur du Royaume du Chili don Pedro de Valdivia décide d’octroyer en encomienda l’ensemble des habitants de la vallée, qui constituaient jusqu’alors une ethnie, les transformant en tributaires et Indiens de service, et étant emmenés à vivre sous la tutelle politique et économique de leur encomendero, déracinés de la majorité de leur territoire ancestral. Ce système juridique et son application au Chili d’une manière générale, et à Copiapo d’une façon plus spécifique, provoqua toute une série de ruptures au niveau même des structures sociales de ce groupe : déclin démographique rapide, perte des terres communautaires, changement des formes politiques, perte de la langue et de la religion. A travers l’étude du développement de ces différents processus, nous montrons comment cette ethnie disparut, car perdant l’ensemble des caractéristiques de leur identité et des moyens qui leur auraient permis de se reformuler en tant que communauté. / The purpose of this work is to study the history of Copiapo Indians ethnic group, situated in Chile, specifically in the valley of Copiapo, in the southern borders of the Atacama Desert. Thus the treaty period (1544-1806) follows the development of this group during the Colony, from its birth as an encomienda to its disappearance. Indeed, this group appears on the time that the governor of the Kingdom of Chile, Don Pedro de Valdivia decided to entrust all the inhabitants of the valley on a single encomienda, which were previously an ethnic group, transforming them into fiscal persons and servant Indians, and taken to live under the political and economic tutelage of their encomenderos, uprooted from the majority of their ancestral territory. This legal system and its application in Chile in general, and specifically in Copiapo, triggered a series of ruptures at the level of the social structures of this group: rapid population decline, loss of community lands, changing political forms, loss of language and religion. Through the study of the development of these various processes, we show how this ethnic group disappeared, having lost the feature set of its identity and the means that would have allowed them to rebuild as a community.Keywords : / El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la historia de la etnia de los Indios de Copiapó, grupo situado en Chile, específicamente en el valle de Copiapó, en los márgenes meridionales del desierto de Atacama. Es así que el periodo tratado (1544-1806) responde al desarrollo mismo de este grupo durante la Colonia, desde su nacimiento como grupo encomendado hasta su desaparición. En efecto, esta grupo aparece en el momento en el que el gobernador del Reino de Chile don Pedro de Valdivia decide encomendar a todos los habitantes del valle, que hasta entonces conformaban una etnia, transformándolos en tributarios e indios de servicio, y llevados a vivir bajo la tutela política y económica de su encomendero, desarraigados de gran parte de su territorio ancestral. Este sistema jurídico y su aplicación en Chile de forma general, y en Copiapó específicamente, provocó una serie de rupturas a nivel de las estructuras sociales de este grupo: veloz descenso demográfico, pérdida de las tierras comunitarias, cambio de las formas políticas, pérdida de la lengua y de la religión. A través del estudio del desarrollo de estos diferentes procesos, mostramos cómo esta etnia desapareció, al haber perdido el conjunto de características de su identidad y de los medios que les habrían permitido reconstruirse como comunidad.
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