Spelling suggestions: "subject:"99mmc"" "subject:"99mcmc""
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Untersuchungen zur Radiotoxizität von Tc-99m-markierten Radiotracern in vitro an FRTL-5- und A431-ZellenMaucksch, Ute 08 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Einleitung/ Zielstellung
Zusätzlich zur Gammastrahlung emittiert 99mTc ca. 5 niederenergetische Auger-Elektronen mit Reichweiten von wenigen Nanometern im Gewebe. Diese haben für die nuklear-medizinische Diagnostik keine Bedeutung. Es wird jedoch über eine therapeutische Nutzung diskutiert, wofür eine Anreicherung der Auger-Elektronen-Emitter in einem strahlensensitiven Zellkompartiment erforderlich ist.
Ziel der Arbeit war es, verschiedene [99mTc]Tc-Radiopharmaka hinsichtlich ihres Uptakeverhaltens, der subzellulärer Verteilung und des Retentionsverhaltens in vitro zu untersuchen, sowie die mutmaßlich durch den Auger-Effekt hervorgerufene Radiotoxizität der [99mTc]Tc-markierten Radiopharmaka zu vergleichen und die gewonnenen Ergebnisse in Hinblick auf potentielle extranukleäre strahlensensitive Targets zu interpretieren.
Material und Methode
Durchgeführt wurden die Versuche im ersten Abschnitt der Arbeit an Natrium-Iodid-Symporter (NIS)-positiven FRTL-5-Schilddrüsenzellen. Von [99mTc] Pertechnetat ([99mTc]TcO4-), [99mTc]TcO4- nach Vorinkubation von Perchlorat ([99mTc]TcO4-/ ClO4-), [99mTc]Tc-Hexakis-2-Methoxyisobutylisonitril ([99mTc]Tc-MIBI), [99mTc]Tc-Hexamethyl-Propylenaminoxim ([99mTc]Tc-HMPAO) und [99mTc]TcO4- nach Vorinkubation von Zinn-Pyrophosphat (Sn- PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4-) wurden die intrazelluläre Radio¬nuklid¬aufnahme und die subzelluläre Verteilung untersucht. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen dieser Versuche wurde die mittlere absorbierte Zellkerndosis kalkuliert. Zur Beurteilung der strahlenbiologischen Wirkung wurde das klonogene Zellüberleben mit der Anzahl residualer gH2AX-Foci (DNA-Schaden) verglichen und die Wirkung der [99mTc]Tc Tracer auf den Zellzyklus von FRTL-5-Zellen untersucht. Im zweiten Abschnitt der Arbeit wurde an EGFR-positiven A431-Zellen die radiotoxische Wirkung in Abhängigkeit von der intra¬zellulären Lokalisation von [99mTc]Alexa(488)-C225-Cyclooctin-Dpa-Tc(CO)3 ([99mTc]Tc-C225), [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO und [99mTc]TcO4- auf das klonogene Zellüberleben untersucht.
Ergebnisse und Diskussion
Aufgrund verschiedener Uptakemechanismen zeigte jedes der untersuchten [99mTc]Tc-Radiopharmaka Unterschiede im zeitlichen Verlauf der Uptakekinetik. Durch Blockierung des NIS durch ClO4- konnte eine intrazelluläre Aufnahme von [99mTc]TcO4- verhindert werden, wogegen durch Vorinkubation mit Sn-PYP die zelluläre Aufnahme von [99mTc]TcO4- um das 22-fache gesteigert wurde. [99mTc]Tc-MIBI und [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO wurden aufgrund ihrer lipophilen Eigenschaften unabhängig vom NIS passiv in die Zelle transportiert. Die Untersuchung der intrazellulären Verteilung ergab für [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO und Sn-PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4- eine vergleichbar hohe Anreicherung in der Membran/Organellen-Fraktion sowie in der Zellkernfraktion. Von [99mTc]TcO4- und [99mTc]Tc-MIBI wurde die Hauptaktivität in der Zytosol-Fraktion und nur geringe Anteile in der Membran/Organellen-Fraktion sowie in der Zellkernfraktion nachgewiesen. In guter Übereinstimmung zur subzellulären Verteilung zeigten Sn-PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4- und [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO eine fast vollständige, hingegen [99mTc]Tc-MIBI und [99mTc]TcO4- nur eine geringe Retention. Aufgrund der genannten Unterschiede wurde bei gleicher inkubierter Aktivitätskonzentration folgende Reihenfolge der resultierenden Zellkerndosis ermittelt: [99mTc]TcO4- < [99mTc]Tc-MIBI < [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO < Sn-PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4-. [99mTc]TcO4- und [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO zeigten eine ähnliche Wirkung auf das klonogene Zellüberleben und auf den Zellzyklus. Jedoch bewirken sie eine wesentlich stärkere Reduzierung des Überlebens und einen stärkeren G2-Arrest als [99mTc]Tc-MIBI und Sn-PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4-, wobei [99mTc]Tc-MIBI bei allen drei untersuchten biologischen Endpunkten die geringste Wirkung zeigte. Bei einer vergleichbaren Reduktion des Zellüberlebens von [99mTc]TcO4- und [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO induzierte [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO lediglich die Hälfte der gH2AX-Foci im Vergleich zu [99mTc]TcO4-. Die trotz geringerem DNA-Schaden vergleichbare radiotoxische Wirkung zeigte, dass das klonogene Zellüberleben nicht allein vom DNA-Schaden abhängt. Daraus folgt, dass es außer der Kern-DNA noch weitere strahlensensitive Kompartimente gibt, die durch [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO stärker geschädigt wurden als von den anderen untersuchten [99mTc]Tc Tracern. Ein mögliches extranukleäres strahlensensitives Target ist die Zellmembran, so dass im zweiten Teil der Arbeit zur Überprüfung der Radiosensitivität der Zellmembran die radiotoxische Wirkung von [99mTc]Tc-C225 an EGFR-positiven A431-Zellen untersucht wurde. [99mTc]Tc-C225 wurde über den EGFR und [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO aufgrund seiner Lipophilie durch Diffusion intrazellulär aufgenommen. [99mTc]TcO4- dagegen zeigte keine intrazelluläre Aufnahme in die NIS-negativen Zellen und wurde als Referenz für eine extrazelluläre Bestrahlung verwendet. [99mTc]Tc-C225 wies nach einstündiger Inkubation eine Membranbindung von lediglich 10 % auf, die im Laufe von 24 h auf 1,9 % absank. Dies zeigte, dass [99mTc]Tc-C225 rasch in den A431-Zellen internalisiert wurde und dass nur bei sehr kurzen Inkubationszeiten von einer spezifischen Zellmembranmarkierung gesprochen werden kann. [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO ging keine Bindung an die Zellmembran ein. Weiterhin wurde bei der Inkubation steigender Aktivitäts- und Antikörperkonzentrationen von [99mTc]Tc C225 eine Sättigung des EGFR beobachtet, woraus eine wesentlich geringere Zellkerndosis als bei Inkubation von [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO resultierte. Im Vergleich des klonogenen Zellüberlebens zeigten [99mTc]Tc-C225 und [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO bei gleicher Zellkerndosis keine Unterschiede in der radiobiologischen Wirkung. Somit konnte lediglich eine Verstärkung der radiotoxischen Effekte von [99mTc]Tc-C225 an A431-Zellen im Vergleich zur ausschließlich extrazellulären Verteilung von [99mTc]TcO4- gezeigt werden.
Die Untersuchung der radiotoxischen Wirkung von [99mTc]Tc-C225 ermöglichte bei den angewendeten Versuchsbedingungen keine Rückschlüsse auf die Strahlensensitivität der Zellmembran. Weiterführende Arbeiten zur Entwicklung eines 99mTc-markierbaren spezifischen Membranmarkers wären notwendig, um klären zu können, ob die Zellmembran ein ähnlich strahlensensitives Target wie die nukleäre DNA ist. Dosimetrische Betrachtungen an den als Modellsystemen dienenden FRTL-5- und A431-Zellen deuten darauf hin, dass aufgrund ungenügender Anreicherung eine therapeutische Wirkung der Auger-Elektronen im Tumorgewebe eher unrealistisch ist. Damit sollte aus gegenwärtiger Sicht die klinische Anwendung von 99mTc auf den diagnostischen Einsatz beschränkt bleiben. Jedoch könnte 99mTc als Auger-Elektronen-Emitter bei spezifischer Anreicherung in definierten Zellkompartimenten als Nano-Tool zur Erforschung der Strahlensensitivität einzelner Zellbestandteile eingesetzt werden. / Introduction
In addition to gamma radiation, 99mTc emits approximately 5 low energy Auger and internal conversion electrons per decay, resulting in high ionization density proximal to the radionuclide’s decay position. Low-energy Auger electrons with path lengths of only nanometers cannot be utilized for diagnostic procedures; however, they have frequently been discussed for therapeutic applications. To achieve a radiobiological effect, an intracellular accumulation and distribution in relevant cell compartments of the Auger electron emitter is required.
The aim of the thesis was the comparison of different [99mTc]Tc-labeled compounds concerning their intracellular uptake, subcellular distribution and retention in vitro. Furthermore the radiotoxicity caused by the Auger effect has to be investigated.
Material and Methods
The intracellular radionuclide uptake, subcellular distribution (ProteoExtract®-Kit) and retention of [99mTc] pertechnetate ([99mTc]TcO4-), [99mTc]TcO4- after pre-incubation of perchlorate ([99mTc]TcO4-/ClO4-), [99mTc]TcO4- after pre-incubation of stannous pyrophosphate ([99mTc]TcO4-/Sn-PYP), [99mTc]Tc-hexamethyl-propylene-aminoxime ([99mTc]Tc-HMPAO) and [99mTc]Tc-hexakis-2-methoxyisobutylisonitrile ([99mTc]Tc-MIBI) were quantified in sodium-iodide symporter (NIS)-positive rat thyroid FRTL-5 cells. Basing on these results the mean absorbed nucleus dose was calculated. Radiotoxicity was investigated using phosphorylated histone H2AX (gH2AX foci), clonogenic cell survival and cell cycle analyzes. Additionally the radiotoxicity of [99mTc]Alexa(488)-C225-Cyclooctin-Dpa-Tc(CO)3 ([99mTc]Tc-C225) was compared with the one of [99mTc]TcO4- and [99mTc]Tc -HMPAO depending on the subcellular distribution in EGFR-positive A431 cells.
Results and Discussion
For the analyzed [99mTc]Tc-labeled compounds we detected differences in the time courses of the uptake kinetics caused by different uptake mechanisms into the FRTL-5 cells. The radionuclide uptake of [99mTc]TcO4- was blocked in the presence of perchlorate and increased by a factor of approximately 22 after pre-incubation of Sn-PYP. The lipophilic complexes [99mTc]Tc-MIBI and [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO crossed the cell membrane through passive transport via diffusion. The compartmental analysis indicated that [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO and [99mTc]TcO4-/Sn-PYP revealed a comparable high uptake in the nucleus and in the membrane/organelle fraction. [99mTc]TcO4- and [99mTc]Tc-MIBI were preferentially distributed in the cytosol, with lower amounts of the accumulated activity in both the membranes/organelles and the nucleus compared with the other compounds. In good agreement with the subcellular distribution [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO, [99mTc]TcO4-/Sn-PYP showed a nearly complete retention and [99mTc]TcO4-, [99mTc]Tc-MIBI a low retention. Due to the differences mentioned above the following sequence of the calculated mean nucleus dose for identical activity concentrations was determined: [99mTc]TcO4- < [99mTc]Tc-MIBI < [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO < Sn PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4-. [99mTc]TcO4- and [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO caused a similar reduction of the cell survival and a dose dependent G2-arrest. [99mTc]Tc-MIBI and Sn-PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4- are both less radiotoxic in terms of the estimated nucleus dose compared with [99mTc]TcO4- and [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO. Despite the similar effect on the cell survival [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO induced only half of the residual gH2AX foci than [99mTc]TcO4-. These findings reveal that clonogenic cellular survival is not solely determined by the DNA-DSB response, which may suggest the involvement of extra-nuclear radiosensitive targets in cell inactivation. A possible extra-nuclear radiosensitive target is the cell membrane. That’s why the aim of the second part of the thesis is the investigation of the radiosensitivity of the cell membrane. Therefore the radiotoxic influence of [99mTc]Tc-C225 was analyzed at EGFR-positive A431 cells. [99mTc]Tc-C225 was taken up over the EGFR and the lipophilic [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO was transported via diffusion over the cell membrane. In contrast, [99mTc]TcO4- did not show any intracellular uptake into the NIS-negative cells and therefore was used as extracellular reference. An incubation of [99mTc]Tc-C225 for one hour resulted to a membrane binding of only 10 %, which was reduced to 1.9 % after 24 hours. This demonstrated a fast internalization into A431-cell. Therefore only in the case of a very short incubation time [99mTc]Tc-C225 leads to a specific targeting of the cell membrane. [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO did not bind to the cell membrane. Furthermore the incubation of increasing concentrations of activity and antibody resulted in a saturation of the EGFR, leading to a significant lower nucleus dose in comparison to the incubation of [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO. Concerning the clonogenic cell survival no differences in the radiotoxicity of [99mTc]Tc-C225 and [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO were observed for equal nucleus dose. Thus only an amplification of the radiotoxic effects of [99mTc]Tc-C225 in comparison to the extracellular distribution in A431 cells of 99mTc-pertechnetate was observed.
The investigation of the radiotoxic effect of [99mTc]Tc-C225 did not allow any conclusions about the radiosensitivity of the cell membrane under the given experimental conditions. For clarifying if the radiosensitivity of the cell membrane is comparable to the one of the nucleus DNA further experiments for the development of a [99mTc]Tc-labeled specific target for the cell membrane are necessary. On the basis of the dosimetric considerations of the FRTL-5 cells and A431 cells used as model systems it can be concluded that because of an insufficient accumulation a therapeutic radiotoxic effect of the Auger electrons is not realistic. Therefore the clinical use of 99mTc should be limited to the diagnostics. Nevertheless specific accumulated Auger electrons of 99mTc could be applied in the field of investigation as nano-tools for the subcellular analysis of radiotoxicity.
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Preparation of metallic target of 100Mo for production of 99mTc in cyclotronJaniak, T., Cieszykowska, I., Barcikowski, T., Jerzyk, K., Mielcarski, M. 19 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Technetium-99m, the daughter of 99Mo is the most commonly used radioisotope in nuclear medicine [1–2]. Current global crisis of 99Mo supply, aging of nuclear reactors and staggering costs force the search for alternative sources of 99mTc. Radioisotope Centre POLATOM joined the IAEA Coordinated Research Project on “Accelerator-based Alternatives to Non-HEU Production of 99Mo/99mTc”. The planned outcome of this project is development of 99mTc production method using the reaction of 100Mo(p,2n)99mTc [3] in Polish cyclotron.
This work presents the results concerning preparation of 100Mo target for irradiation with protons.
Material and Methods
The manufacturing of Mo target was performed using pressing of molybdenum powder into pellets and its sintering in hydrogen atmosphere at 1600 oC [4]. For this purpose a tantalum and stainless steel plates were used as support. Several pellets using molybdenum powder with particles size of 2 µm in diameter were pressed at different values of pressure.
Results and Conclusion
The optimized parameters of pressing molyb-denum pellets with various sizes are given in TABLE 1. It was found that the pellets did not adhere neither to the tantalum nor stainless steel plates but they conducted electricity very well. Pellets prepared with higher pressure were more mechanically resistant, however application, even the highest used pressure did not ensure its satisfactory stability.
In order to improve mechanical strength, pressed Mo pellets were sintered in hydrogen atmosphere at temperature of 1600 °C. As a result of this process dimensions of Mo pellets decreased: diameter by 13 %, thickness by 12 %, weight by 1.5 %, volume by 34 % while density increased by 50 %. The changes of these parameters are associated with reduction of molybdenum oxide and removal of oxygen from intermetallic space. It was confirmed by photos of microscopic cross section of pellets before and after sintering. It was observed, that after sintering Mo pellets got a metallic form with very high hardness and mechanical strength.
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Thermal separation of 99mTc from Molybdenum targetsMatei, L., Galea, R., Moore, K., Niculae, D., Gelbart, W., Abeysekera, B., McRae, G., Johnson, R. R. 19 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Thermal separation is defined as a mass transfer process driven by molecular forces. The process involves the heat transfer between two phases with different composition. In general, thermal separation occurs when heat is generated in the system additionally to the already existing phases. In a second phase the mass is transferred in the system (adsorption) and at the end of this step the separation is completed. The thermal separation can be achieved in temperature or concentration gradient function of system configuration [1]. Thermo-chromatography is a process in which the separation occurs in gase-ous phase. By passing a heated gas through a column a thermal gradient is created with a continuously decreasing temperature along the column. The separation occurs based on the different volatilization temperatures, the less volatile species will condense on the column walls at the higher temperatures and the highly volatile compounds will condense at lower temperatures. Parameters like temperature, carrier flow rate, column geometry and length have impact on the absorption of the compound on the column material affecting the separation efficiency. The thermal separation has been used for separation of Molybdenum (Mo) and Technetium (Tc) by either sublimation in the case of 94mTc {2,3,4] or dry distillation in the case of 99mTc from neutron irradiated MoO3 [5]. The thermal separation process has been used in the development of a new type of Mo/Tc generators starting from the MoO3 as target material for production of 99mTc in linear accelerators [6]. Dry distillation has become a standard procedure for separation of radioiodine from tellurium targets [7]. The present paper describes the thermal separation of a three component system (Cu/Mo/Tc) used as a target in the production of 99mTc through the 100Mo(p,2n) reaction.
Material and Methods
The separation method involves the use of oxygen as a carrier gas and oxidation agent. The method is based on the different volatilization temperatures of Tc formed oxides and the MoO3 formed in the system during the oxidation. In the presence of oxygen the existing Tc is oxidized to its anhydride as Tc2O7 (b.p. 319 ⁰C; m.p. 110.9 ⁰C) following the reaction:
4Tc + 7O2 →2Tc2O7
The T2O7 has a saturated vapor pressure of 310 ⁰C whilst Mo is completely oxidized to MoO3 having a sublimation temperature at 750 ⁰C. The initial experimental setup comprised a quartz tube (6 mm internal diameter, 40 cm long) which is introduced into a horizontal tube furnace (model 55035A, Lindberg). The left end of the quartz tube is connected to a pure oxygen supply which flows through the separation tube at a rate of 10 mL/min. The other end of the tube is opened to the atmosphere and protected with quartz wool. The quartz tube is heated over a length of 23 cm at a temperature of 850 ⁰C. The heated carrier gas is flowing on the tube length and the temperature gradient is created along the tube from 850 ⁰C to room temperature. During the process, the oxygen carries out the Tc oxides to a lower temperature and Tc2O7 is deposited in the cooler region of the tube in a similar manner as described by Tachimory [5]. The temperature gradient is calibrated by meas-uring the temperature inside the tube at each centimeter along its length (FIG. 1).
The radioactivity counting is performed by scan-ning the tube along its length every 2 centimeters by using a detection system shown in figure 2. The system comprises a GM tube coupled to a computer controlled linear actuator (Velmex Unislide). The tube is placed at a distance of approximately 25 mm from the collimator of GM.
Preliminary testing using Mo powder
Prior to testing the three component separation, a reference test was performed by using 120 mg of natural Mo powder (Alpha Aesar, 99.9 %) soaked with 50 MBq NaTcO4 (Cardinal Health, radiochemical purity >95 %). After evaporation the dried powder was introduced into a quartz tube (6 mm ID, 40 mm long) and heated up to 850 ⁰C in the presence of oxygen flowing at a rate of 10 mL/min.
Three component separation
The targets prepared for the production of 99mTc by a cyclotron were comprised of copper (Cu) (C101, oxygen free) support having a Mo layer deposited on the surface in an elliptical form as described in literature [8,9]. About 60 to 250 mg of Mo (99.9%, Alpha Aesar) was deposited on the target surface. 70 MBq of Tc (Cardinal Health) as NaTcO4 (> 99 % radiochemical purity) was deposited on the Mo insert to mimic the conditions created during proton irradiation. The Tc spike was evaporated to dryness and the Cu/Mo/Tc target was then introduced into the experimental setup. The process was allowed to continue for 20 min. The experiment was carried out by inserting the target plates in a quartz tube (CanSci, Canada) of similar design to those described by Fonslet for the separation of radio-iodine from TeO2 targets [7]. The quartz tube can be seen in FIG. 2 and illustrated with dimensions indicated in FIG. 3.
Separation of in-situ cyclotron produced Tc by irradiation of Mo targets with a proton beam.
A third set of experiments have been performed for in-situ generated Tc by irradiation of circular targets containing approximately 60 mg Mo deposited on a copper support. The targets were irradiated for 30 min with a proton beam with the energy of 15 MeV and a current of 50 µA. The separation was performed using similar experimental conditions as previously described. The quartz tube was scanned in length by using a RadioTLC scanning system calibrated for 99mTc and 99Mo isotopes.
After the thermal separation was completed 99mTc was recovered as NaTcO4 by selectively washing the quartz tube with 1 M NaOH (Fisher) solution. The presence of Mo in the NaTcO4 solution was verified by a colorimetric strip test (EM-Quant Mo test kit, Millipore). The presence of copper was qualitatively analyzed by adding a few drops of concentrated NH4OH (Fisher) solution and checking the formation of Schweitzer reagent.
Thermal separation of Tc-Mo powder
After 20 min the deposition of MoO3 was ob-served as yellow crystals in the region of tem-perature of 770 ⁰C, which is in accordance with the results reported in the literature [5]. The activity of 99mTc was detected at about 5 cm from the exit of the tube furnace in a temperature range starting with 310 ⁰C and ending at 46 ⁰C (FIG. 4).
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Theoretical analysis of the effect of target-thickness fluctuations on reaction-rate variability for proton-induced nuclear reactions on enriched Mo targetsTanguay, J., Hou, X., Bénard, F., Buckley, K., Ruth, T., Schaffer, P., Celler, A. 19 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Cyclotron production of 99mTc through the 100Mo(p,2n)99mTc reaction1 is being actively investigated as an alternative to reactor-based approaches. A challenge facing cyclotron pro-duction of clinical-quality 99mTc is that proton bombardment of Mo targets results in production of a number of additional Tc and non-Tc isotopes through various reaction channels.2,3 While non-Tc products can be chemically re-moved, other Tc radioisotopes cannot and will therefore degrade radionuclidic purity and contribute to patient radiation dose.5
The radionuclidic purity of cyclotron-produced 99mTc depends on the nuclear cross section governing each reaction channel, the proton current and energy distribution, duration of bombardment, target thickness and isotopic composition. Although conditions that minimize dose from radioactive Tc impurities have been identified,5 cyclotron performance and thus irradiation conditions may randomly fluctuate between and/or during production runs. Fluctuations of certain parameters, for example the total number of bombarding protons, are expected to have little influence on radionuclidic purity, whereas fluctuations in beam energy, target thickness and isotopic composition may dramatically affect the relative amounts of 93gTc, 94gTc, 95gTc, and 96gTc impurities. It is critical to quantify relationships between potential fluctuations and the reproducibility and consistency of the radionuclidic purity of cyclotron-produced 99mTc to guide development and optimization of target preparation, irradiation, and processing techniques.
The purpose of this work is to present a mathematical formalism for quantifying the relation-ship between random fluctuations in Mo target thickness and variability of proton-induced nuclear reaction rates for enriched Mo targets. In this study, we use 96gTc as an example of impurity which can potentially contribute to increased patient dose for patients injected with cyclotron-produced 99mTc.4 Herein, we apply the developed formalism to both the 96Mo(p,n)96gTc and the 100Mo(p,2n)99mTc reaction channels, however, the same approach can be applied to any reaction channel of interest.
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High power targets for cyclotron production of 99mTc‡Zeisler, S. K., Hanemaayer, V., Buckley, K. R., Hook, B. K., MeDiarmid, S., Klug, J., Corsaut, J., Kovacs, M., Cockburn, N., Exonomou, C., Harper, R., Valliant, J. F., Ruth, T. J., Schaffer, P. 19 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Technetium-99m, supplied in the form of 99Mo/99mTc generators, is the most widely used radioisotope for nuclear medical imaging. The parent isotope 99Mo is currently produced in nuclear reactors. Recent disruptions in the 99Mo supply chain [1] prompted the development of methods for the direct accelerator-based production of 99mTc.
Our approach involves the 100Mo(p,2n)99mTc reaction on isotopically enriched molybdenum using small medical cyclotrons (Ep ≤ 20 MeV), which is a viable method for the production of clinically useful quantities of 99mTc [2].
Multi-Curie production of 99mTc requires a 100Mo target capable of dissipating high beam intensities [3]. We have reported the fabrication of 100Mo targets of both small and large area tar-gets by electrophoretic deposition and subsequent sintering [4]. As part of our efforts to further enhance the performance of molybdenum targets at high beam currents, we have developed a novel target system (initially de-signed for the GE PETtrace cyclotron) based on a pressed and sintered 100Mo plate brazed onto a dispersion-strengthened copper backing.
Materials and Methods
In the first step, a molybdenum plate is produced similarly to the method described in [5] by compacting approximately 1.5 g of commercially available 100Mo powder using a cylindrical tool of 20 mm diameter. A pressure between 25 kN/cm2 and 250 kN/cm2 is applied by means of a hydraulic press.
The pressed molybdenum plate is then sintered in a reducing atmosphere (Ar/2% H2) at 1,700 oC for five hours. The resulting 100Mo plates have about 90–95 % of the molybdenum bulk density.
The 100Mo plate is furnace brazed at ~750 oC onto a backing manufactured from a disperse on strengthened copper composite (e.g. Glidcop AL-15) using a high temperature silver-copper brazing filler.
This process yields a unique, mechanically and thermally robust target system for high beam power irradiation.
Irradiations were performed on the GE PETtrace cyclotrons at LHRI and CPDC with 16.5 MeV protons and beam currents ≥ 100 µA. Targets were visually inspected after a 6 hour, 130 µA bombardment (2.73 kW/cm2, average) and were found fully intact. Up to 4.7 Ci of 99mTc have been produced to date. The saturated production yield remained constant between 2 hour and 6 hour irradiations.
Results and Conclusion
These results demonstrate that our brazed tar-get assembly can withstand high beam intensities for long irradiations without deterioration. Efforts are currently underway to determine maximum performance parameters.
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Solid 100Mo target preparation using cold rolling and diffusion bondingThomas, B. A., Wilson, J. S., Gagnon, K. 19 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
100Mo target design is key to commercially viable large scale cyclotron production of 99mTc. The target back plate supporting the 100Mo must be chemically inert to the target dissolution conditions but ideally it should also be able to dissipate the high thermal loads of irradiation, not contaminate target substrate with radionuclidic by-products, and be adequately inexpensive to allow for single use. Aluminum was selected as our target support as it satisfies these requirements.
Our process entails rolling 100Mo powder into a foil of desired thickness, and then diffusion bonding [1] the foil onto an aluminum back plate. The 100Mo targets were designed to be 20×80×0.1 mm to match our TR24 cyclotron’s proton beam profile and energy. Efforts are currently underway to scale up the process to allow for simultaneous production of multiple targets at once.
Material and Methods
The crude enriched 100Mo foil (99.815% enrichment) was made from 100Mo powder using a horizontally mounted rolling mill and an aluminum hopper. The crude foil was rolled repeated-ly, and the space between the rollers gradually reduced until the thickness of the foil was changed from an initial thickness of 0.3 mm to a thickness of 0.1 mm.
The rolled 100Mo foil was annealed under reducing atmosphere and then bonded to the aluminum target plate support under inert atmosphere in a heated press at 500 °C.
Results and Conclusion
By rolling 100Mo foils from powder we were able to produce uniform foils with an average density of > 98 % compared to the maximum theoretical density of 100Mo (n = 5) and thicknesses of roughly 0.1 mm. All foils produced were the desired 20 mm width (i.e. limited by the width of the opening of the hopper) and trimmed to the desired 80 mm length. The annealing process was necessary due to the brittleness of the un-annealed rolled foil and the difference in the thermal expansion coefficients of molybdenum and aluminum which caused un-annealed foils in previous experiments to crack and break off during pressing (n = 10). Surface preparation of the aluminum support plate was also found to play a critical step in the efficiency of the bond, and continuing effort to scale the above de-scribed procedure to mass produce 100Mo tar-gets is ongoing. Targets have undergone preliminary testing to 250 μA.
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Molybdenum targets for production of 99mTc by a medical cyclotronMatei, L., McRae, G., Gelbart, W., Niculae, D., Craciun, L., Abeysekera, B., Johnson, R. R. 19 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Alternative methods for producing the medical imaging isotope 99mTc are actively being developed around the world in anticipation of the imminent shutdown of the National Research Universal (NRU) reactor in Chalk River, Ontario, Canada and the high flux reactor (HFR) in Petten, Holland that together currently produce up to 80 % of the world’s supply through fission. The most promising alternative methods involve accelerators that focus Bremsstrahlung radiation or protons on metallic targets comprised of 100Mo and a supporting material used to conduct heat away during irradiation. As an example, the reaction 100Mo(p,2n)99mTc provides a direct route that can be incorporated into routine production in regional nuclear medicine centers that possess medical cyclotrons for production of other isotopes, such as those used for Positron Emission Tomography (PET).
The targets used to produce 99mTc are subject to a number of operational constraints. They must withstand the temperatures generated by the irradiation and be fashioned to accommodate temperature gradients from in situ cooling. The targets must be resilient, which means they cannot disintegrate during irradiation or post processing, because of the radioactive nature of the products. Yet, the targets must be easily post-processed to separate the 99mTc. In addition, the method used to manufacture the targets must not be wasteful of the 100Mo, because of its cost (~$2/mg). Any manufacturing process should be able to function remotely in a shielded space to accommodate the possibility of radioactive recycled target feedstock. There are a number of methods that have been proposed for large-scale target manufacturing including electrophoretic deposition, pressing and sinter-ing, electroplating and carburization [1]. How to develop these methods for routine production is an active business [2,3]. From the industrial perspective, plasma spraying showed promising results initially [4], but the process became very expensive requiring customized equipment in order to reduce losses because of overspray,which also required a large inventory of expen-sive feedstock. In this paper we report the ex-perimental validation of an industrial process for production of targets comprising a Mo layer and a copper support.
Materials and methods
Target Design
Targets have been manufactured for irradiation at 15 MeV. Two targets are shown in FIG. 1: one as-manufactured and another after irradiation; no visible changes were observed following irradiation. The supporting circular copper (C101) disks have diameters of 24 mm and thickness of 1.6 mm. The molybdenum in the center of the target is fully dense with thickness 230 μm determined from SEM cross-sections.Targets have also been manufactured for irradi-ation in a general-purpose target holder designed to be attached to all makes of cyclotrons found in regional nuclear medicine centers. The elliptical targets were designed for high-volume production of 99mTc with 15 MeV protons at currents of 400 µA with 15% collimation [4]. The elliptical shape reduces the heat flux associated with high current sources. The cooling channels on the back of the target are designed to with-stand the high temperature generated during Irradiation.
A thermal simulation of expected temperatures during irradiation is shown in FIG. 3. The center of the target is expected to reach 260 oC during irradiation. The elliptical targets were formed from a 27 mm C101 copper plate with width 22 mm and length 55 mm. The molybdenum in the center of the target is fully dense with thickness 60 m de-termined from SEM cross-sections. FIG. 4 shows the molybdenum deposition in the center of the target in a form of an ellipse (38×10 mm).
Results and Conclusions
Circular targets have been produced and suc-cessfully irradiated for up to 5 h with a proton beam with energy 15 MeV and current 50 µA. (FIG. 1). The targets were resilient. Before irradi-ation the targets were subjected to mechanical shock tests and thermal gradients with no ob-servable effect. After irradiation there was no indication of any degradation. The manufacturing process produced 20 consistently reproducible targets within an hour with a molybdenum loss of less than 2 %. After irradiation the targets were chemically processed and the products characterized by Ge-HP gamma spectrometry. Only Tc isotopes were found. No other contami-nants were identified after processing. The de-tails of the separation and purification are de-scribed elsewhere [5].
Circular targets suitable for low-volume produc-tion of 99mTc have been manufactured and test-ed. The targets have been shown to meet the required operation constraints: the targets are resilient withstanding mechanical shock and irradiation conditions; they are readily produced with minimal losses; and post-processing after irradiation for 5 h has been shown to produce 99mTc.
Elliptical targets suitable for high-volume pro-duction of 99mTc with high power cyclotrons have been manufactured (FIG. 4). Like the circular targets, the elliptical targets are readily pro-duced with minimal losses and are able to with-stand mechanical shock and thermal gradients; however, they have yet to be irradiated.
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Estabilidade de radiofármacos sob a influência de variações de umidade relativaSANTOS, Elaine Vasconcelos dos 23 January 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Isaac Francisco de Souza Dias (isaac.souzadias@ufpe.br) on 2016-02-23T19:02:39Z
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DISSERTAÇÃO Elaine Vasconcelos dos Santos.pdf: 5212230 bytes, checksum: 5466df96d7209befd8083f1fce37eff2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-23T19:02:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5)
DISSERTAÇÃO Elaine Vasconcelos dos Santos.pdf: 5212230 bytes, checksum: 5466df96d7209befd8083f1fce37eff2 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-01-23 / CNPQ / Radiofármacos são traçadores radioativos utilizados na Medicina Nuclear,
compostos por um fármaco com afinidade por órgãos ou processos metabólicos
específicos e um radionuclídeo. Enquanto retidos no corpo do paciente, podem ser
detectados e mapeados fornecendo informações quanto à presença de patologias
ou disfunções na área em estudo. Entre os mais utilizados se destacam os
radiofármacos marcados com 99mTc e 18F. A cinética de distribuição destes
compostos no organismo pode ser afetada em decorrência da influência de fatores
ambientais na estabilidade do medicamento. Conforme a legislação sanitária
brasileira, estudos de estabilidade devem ser conduzidos e um dos parâmetros a
serem avaliados é a umidade relativa. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da
umidade na estabilidade de radiofármacos marcados com 99mTc e 18F por meio de
determinações periódicas da pureza radioquímica e do pH de amostras de
Sestamibi-99mTc, ECD-99mTc e FDG-18F. As medições da pureza radioquímica foram
feitas por meio de cromatografia em camada delgada utilizando as fases móveis e
estacionárias descritas nas bulas dos medicamentos ou em compêndios oficiais. A
medida do pH das amostras foi realizada utilizando-se papel indicador de pH. As
amostras de radiofármacos marcados com 99mTc foram submetidas a umidades de
20% e 90% e analisadas ao longo de 24h. As amostras de FDG-18F foram
submetidas a umidades de 20% a 90% e as análises foram conduzidas por 10 h. Os
resultados obtidos para o radiofármaco Sestamibi-99mTc indicaram não haver
influência da umidade relativa a que o medicamento foi submetido. Já os resultados
obtidos para o ECD-99mTc mostram um perfil de decomposição radiolítica mais
acelerado se comparado ao Sestamibi-99mTc, e sugerem a influência de umidades
relativas altas (90%) na estabilidade do composto. As amostras de FDG-18F não
apresentaram variação significativa dentro da faixa de valores de umidade testados,
o radiofármaco manteve-se apto para uso durante todo o período de testes (10h). / Radiopharmaceuticals are radioactive tracers utilized in nuclear medicine and
consist of a radionuclide labeled with a drug with affinity for specific organs or
metabolic processes. Administered to the patients, radiopharmaceuticals can be
detected and mapped providing information about diseases or disorders in the
studied area. The most utilized radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostics purposes are
those labeled with 99mTc e 18F. The distribution kinetics of those compounds in the
body can be affected due to the influence of environmental factors (such as
temperature) on the drug stability. According to Brazilian health legislation, stability
studies should be conducted taking into account the influence of relative humidity,
although there was not found evidences of such influence on radiopharmaceuticals
stability. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of humidity on the
stability of radiopharmaceuticals labeled with 99mTc and 18F through periodic
determinations of the radiochemical purity and the pH on Sestamibi-99mTc, ECD-
99mTc and FDG-18F samples. Measurements of radiochemical purity were carried out
by means of thin layer chromatography using the mobile and stationary phases
described in official compendia or in accordance to the radiopharmaceutical producer
instructions. The pH measurement was performed using pH indicator papers.
Samples of radiopharmaceuticals labeled with 99mTc were submitted to humidity of
20% and 90% and tested during 24h. FDG-18F samples were submitted to humidity
from 20% up to 90% and analyzes were conducted during 10 h. The results for
Sestamibi-99mTc radiopharmaceutical indicated no influence of the relative humidity
on this drug stability. The results obtained to ECD-99mTc samples showed a faster
radiolytic decomposition profile compared to Sestamibi-99mTc, suggesting the
influence of high relative humidity (90%) on the stability of this compound. The 18FFDG
samples showed no significant variation on their radiochemical purity and pH
within the range of humidity tested, remaining suitable for use the time period
considered in this study (10h).
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Untersuchungen zur Radiotoxizität von Tc-99m-markierten Radiotracern in vitro an FRTL-5- und A431-ZellenMaucksch, Ute 28 October 2016 (has links)
Einleitung/ Zielstellung
Zusätzlich zur Gammastrahlung emittiert 99mTc ca. 5 niederenergetische Auger-Elektronen mit Reichweiten von wenigen Nanometern im Gewebe. Diese haben für die nuklear-medizinische Diagnostik keine Bedeutung. Es wird jedoch über eine therapeutische Nutzung diskutiert, wofür eine Anreicherung der Auger-Elektronen-Emitter in einem strahlensensitiven Zellkompartiment erforderlich ist.
Ziel der Arbeit war es, verschiedene [99mTc]Tc-Radiopharmaka hinsichtlich ihres Uptakeverhaltens, der subzellulärer Verteilung und des Retentionsverhaltens in vitro zu untersuchen, sowie die mutmaßlich durch den Auger-Effekt hervorgerufene Radiotoxizität der [99mTc]Tc-markierten Radiopharmaka zu vergleichen und die gewonnenen Ergebnisse in Hinblick auf potentielle extranukleäre strahlensensitive Targets zu interpretieren.
Material und Methode
Durchgeführt wurden die Versuche im ersten Abschnitt der Arbeit an Natrium-Iodid-Symporter (NIS)-positiven FRTL-5-Schilddrüsenzellen. Von [99mTc] Pertechnetat ([99mTc]TcO4-), [99mTc]TcO4- nach Vorinkubation von Perchlorat ([99mTc]TcO4-/ ClO4-), [99mTc]Tc-Hexakis-2-Methoxyisobutylisonitril ([99mTc]Tc-MIBI), [99mTc]Tc-Hexamethyl-Propylenaminoxim ([99mTc]Tc-HMPAO) und [99mTc]TcO4- nach Vorinkubation von Zinn-Pyrophosphat (Sn- PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4-) wurden die intrazelluläre Radio¬nuklid¬aufnahme und die subzelluläre Verteilung untersucht. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen dieser Versuche wurde die mittlere absorbierte Zellkerndosis kalkuliert. Zur Beurteilung der strahlenbiologischen Wirkung wurde das klonogene Zellüberleben mit der Anzahl residualer gH2AX-Foci (DNA-Schaden) verglichen und die Wirkung der [99mTc]Tc Tracer auf den Zellzyklus von FRTL-5-Zellen untersucht. Im zweiten Abschnitt der Arbeit wurde an EGFR-positiven A431-Zellen die radiotoxische Wirkung in Abhängigkeit von der intra¬zellulären Lokalisation von [99mTc]Alexa(488)-C225-Cyclooctin-Dpa-Tc(CO)3 ([99mTc]Tc-C225), [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO und [99mTc]TcO4- auf das klonogene Zellüberleben untersucht.
Ergebnisse und Diskussion
Aufgrund verschiedener Uptakemechanismen zeigte jedes der untersuchten [99mTc]Tc-Radiopharmaka Unterschiede im zeitlichen Verlauf der Uptakekinetik. Durch Blockierung des NIS durch ClO4- konnte eine intrazelluläre Aufnahme von [99mTc]TcO4- verhindert werden, wogegen durch Vorinkubation mit Sn-PYP die zelluläre Aufnahme von [99mTc]TcO4- um das 22-fache gesteigert wurde. [99mTc]Tc-MIBI und [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO wurden aufgrund ihrer lipophilen Eigenschaften unabhängig vom NIS passiv in die Zelle transportiert. Die Untersuchung der intrazellulären Verteilung ergab für [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO und Sn-PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4- eine vergleichbar hohe Anreicherung in der Membran/Organellen-Fraktion sowie in der Zellkernfraktion. Von [99mTc]TcO4- und [99mTc]Tc-MIBI wurde die Hauptaktivität in der Zytosol-Fraktion und nur geringe Anteile in der Membran/Organellen-Fraktion sowie in der Zellkernfraktion nachgewiesen. In guter Übereinstimmung zur subzellulären Verteilung zeigten Sn-PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4- und [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO eine fast vollständige, hingegen [99mTc]Tc-MIBI und [99mTc]TcO4- nur eine geringe Retention. Aufgrund der genannten Unterschiede wurde bei gleicher inkubierter Aktivitätskonzentration folgende Reihenfolge der resultierenden Zellkerndosis ermittelt: [99mTc]TcO4- < [99mTc]Tc-MIBI < [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO < Sn-PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4-. [99mTc]TcO4- und [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO zeigten eine ähnliche Wirkung auf das klonogene Zellüberleben und auf den Zellzyklus. Jedoch bewirken sie eine wesentlich stärkere Reduzierung des Überlebens und einen stärkeren G2-Arrest als [99mTc]Tc-MIBI und Sn-PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4-, wobei [99mTc]Tc-MIBI bei allen drei untersuchten biologischen Endpunkten die geringste Wirkung zeigte. Bei einer vergleichbaren Reduktion des Zellüberlebens von [99mTc]TcO4- und [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO induzierte [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO lediglich die Hälfte der gH2AX-Foci im Vergleich zu [99mTc]TcO4-. Die trotz geringerem DNA-Schaden vergleichbare radiotoxische Wirkung zeigte, dass das klonogene Zellüberleben nicht allein vom DNA-Schaden abhängt. Daraus folgt, dass es außer der Kern-DNA noch weitere strahlensensitive Kompartimente gibt, die durch [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO stärker geschädigt wurden als von den anderen untersuchten [99mTc]Tc Tracern. Ein mögliches extranukleäres strahlensensitives Target ist die Zellmembran, so dass im zweiten Teil der Arbeit zur Überprüfung der Radiosensitivität der Zellmembran die radiotoxische Wirkung von [99mTc]Tc-C225 an EGFR-positiven A431-Zellen untersucht wurde. [99mTc]Tc-C225 wurde über den EGFR und [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO aufgrund seiner Lipophilie durch Diffusion intrazellulär aufgenommen. [99mTc]TcO4- dagegen zeigte keine intrazelluläre Aufnahme in die NIS-negativen Zellen und wurde als Referenz für eine extrazelluläre Bestrahlung verwendet. [99mTc]Tc-C225 wies nach einstündiger Inkubation eine Membranbindung von lediglich 10 % auf, die im Laufe von 24 h auf 1,9 % absank. Dies zeigte, dass [99mTc]Tc-C225 rasch in den A431-Zellen internalisiert wurde und dass nur bei sehr kurzen Inkubationszeiten von einer spezifischen Zellmembranmarkierung gesprochen werden kann. [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO ging keine Bindung an die Zellmembran ein. Weiterhin wurde bei der Inkubation steigender Aktivitäts- und Antikörperkonzentrationen von [99mTc]Tc C225 eine Sättigung des EGFR beobachtet, woraus eine wesentlich geringere Zellkerndosis als bei Inkubation von [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO resultierte. Im Vergleich des klonogenen Zellüberlebens zeigten [99mTc]Tc-C225 und [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO bei gleicher Zellkerndosis keine Unterschiede in der radiobiologischen Wirkung. Somit konnte lediglich eine Verstärkung der radiotoxischen Effekte von [99mTc]Tc-C225 an A431-Zellen im Vergleich zur ausschließlich extrazellulären Verteilung von [99mTc]TcO4- gezeigt werden.
Die Untersuchung der radiotoxischen Wirkung von [99mTc]Tc-C225 ermöglichte bei den angewendeten Versuchsbedingungen keine Rückschlüsse auf die Strahlensensitivität der Zellmembran. Weiterführende Arbeiten zur Entwicklung eines 99mTc-markierbaren spezifischen Membranmarkers wären notwendig, um klären zu können, ob die Zellmembran ein ähnlich strahlensensitives Target wie die nukleäre DNA ist. Dosimetrische Betrachtungen an den als Modellsystemen dienenden FRTL-5- und A431-Zellen deuten darauf hin, dass aufgrund ungenügender Anreicherung eine therapeutische Wirkung der Auger-Elektronen im Tumorgewebe eher unrealistisch ist. Damit sollte aus gegenwärtiger Sicht die klinische Anwendung von 99mTc auf den diagnostischen Einsatz beschränkt bleiben. Jedoch könnte 99mTc als Auger-Elektronen-Emitter bei spezifischer Anreicherung in definierten Zellkompartimenten als Nano-Tool zur Erforschung der Strahlensensitivität einzelner Zellbestandteile eingesetzt werden. / Introduction
In addition to gamma radiation, 99mTc emits approximately 5 low energy Auger and internal conversion electrons per decay, resulting in high ionization density proximal to the radionuclide’s decay position. Low-energy Auger electrons with path lengths of only nanometers cannot be utilized for diagnostic procedures; however, they have frequently been discussed for therapeutic applications. To achieve a radiobiological effect, an intracellular accumulation and distribution in relevant cell compartments of the Auger electron emitter is required.
The aim of the thesis was the comparison of different [99mTc]Tc-labeled compounds concerning their intracellular uptake, subcellular distribution and retention in vitro. Furthermore the radiotoxicity caused by the Auger effect has to be investigated.
Material and Methods
The intracellular radionuclide uptake, subcellular distribution (ProteoExtract®-Kit) and retention of [99mTc] pertechnetate ([99mTc]TcO4-), [99mTc]TcO4- after pre-incubation of perchlorate ([99mTc]TcO4-/ClO4-), [99mTc]TcO4- after pre-incubation of stannous pyrophosphate ([99mTc]TcO4-/Sn-PYP), [99mTc]Tc-hexamethyl-propylene-aminoxime ([99mTc]Tc-HMPAO) and [99mTc]Tc-hexakis-2-methoxyisobutylisonitrile ([99mTc]Tc-MIBI) were quantified in sodium-iodide symporter (NIS)-positive rat thyroid FRTL-5 cells. Basing on these results the mean absorbed nucleus dose was calculated. Radiotoxicity was investigated using phosphorylated histone H2AX (gH2AX foci), clonogenic cell survival and cell cycle analyzes. Additionally the radiotoxicity of [99mTc]Alexa(488)-C225-Cyclooctin-Dpa-Tc(CO)3 ([99mTc]Tc-C225) was compared with the one of [99mTc]TcO4- and [99mTc]Tc -HMPAO depending on the subcellular distribution in EGFR-positive A431 cells.
Results and Discussion
For the analyzed [99mTc]Tc-labeled compounds we detected differences in the time courses of the uptake kinetics caused by different uptake mechanisms into the FRTL-5 cells. The radionuclide uptake of [99mTc]TcO4- was blocked in the presence of perchlorate and increased by a factor of approximately 22 after pre-incubation of Sn-PYP. The lipophilic complexes [99mTc]Tc-MIBI and [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO crossed the cell membrane through passive transport via diffusion. The compartmental analysis indicated that [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO and [99mTc]TcO4-/Sn-PYP revealed a comparable high uptake in the nucleus and in the membrane/organelle fraction. [99mTc]TcO4- and [99mTc]Tc-MIBI were preferentially distributed in the cytosol, with lower amounts of the accumulated activity in both the membranes/organelles and the nucleus compared with the other compounds. In good agreement with the subcellular distribution [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO, [99mTc]TcO4-/Sn-PYP showed a nearly complete retention and [99mTc]TcO4-, [99mTc]Tc-MIBI a low retention. Due to the differences mentioned above the following sequence of the calculated mean nucleus dose for identical activity concentrations was determined: [99mTc]TcO4- < [99mTc]Tc-MIBI < [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO < Sn PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4-. [99mTc]TcO4- and [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO caused a similar reduction of the cell survival and a dose dependent G2-arrest. [99mTc]Tc-MIBI and Sn-PYP/ [99mTc]TcO4- are both less radiotoxic in terms of the estimated nucleus dose compared with [99mTc]TcO4- and [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO. Despite the similar effect on the cell survival [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO induced only half of the residual gH2AX foci than [99mTc]TcO4-. These findings reveal that clonogenic cellular survival is not solely determined by the DNA-DSB response, which may suggest the involvement of extra-nuclear radiosensitive targets in cell inactivation. A possible extra-nuclear radiosensitive target is the cell membrane. That’s why the aim of the second part of the thesis is the investigation of the radiosensitivity of the cell membrane. Therefore the radiotoxic influence of [99mTc]Tc-C225 was analyzed at EGFR-positive A431 cells. [99mTc]Tc-C225 was taken up over the EGFR and the lipophilic [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO was transported via diffusion over the cell membrane. In contrast, [99mTc]TcO4- did not show any intracellular uptake into the NIS-negative cells and therefore was used as extracellular reference. An incubation of [99mTc]Tc-C225 for one hour resulted to a membrane binding of only 10 %, which was reduced to 1.9 % after 24 hours. This demonstrated a fast internalization into A431-cell. Therefore only in the case of a very short incubation time [99mTc]Tc-C225 leads to a specific targeting of the cell membrane. [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO did not bind to the cell membrane. Furthermore the incubation of increasing concentrations of activity and antibody resulted in a saturation of the EGFR, leading to a significant lower nucleus dose in comparison to the incubation of [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO. Concerning the clonogenic cell survival no differences in the radiotoxicity of [99mTc]Tc-C225 and [99mTc]Tc-HMPAO were observed for equal nucleus dose. Thus only an amplification of the radiotoxic effects of [99mTc]Tc-C225 in comparison to the extracellular distribution in A431 cells of 99mTc-pertechnetate was observed.
The investigation of the radiotoxic effect of [99mTc]Tc-C225 did not allow any conclusions about the radiosensitivity of the cell membrane under the given experimental conditions. For clarifying if the radiosensitivity of the cell membrane is comparable to the one of the nucleus DNA further experiments for the development of a [99mTc]Tc-labeled specific target for the cell membrane are necessary. On the basis of the dosimetric considerations of the FRTL-5 cells and A431 cells used as model systems it can be concluded that because of an insufficient accumulation a therapeutic radiotoxic effect of the Auger electrons is not realistic. Therefore the clinical use of 99mTc should be limited to the diagnostics. Nevertheless specific accumulated Auger electrons of 99mTc could be applied in the field of investigation as nano-tools for the subcellular analysis of radiotoxicity.
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Quantitative analysis for assessing regional function of liver by using 99m Tc-GSA SPECTLe, Thang Tran, Kobayashi, Hideaki, Tkai, Katsufumi, Kato, Katsuhiko, Ishigaki, Takeo 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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