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Rare earth mineral recovery from alternative resources such as coal and coal byproducts is increasingly important to provide an opportunity for economic recovery from U.S. sources. Currently, China produces the majority of the 149,000 tons of rare earth elements used annually worldwide of which the U.S. imports 11% or around 16,000 tons. There are no significant mining operations producing rare earth elements in the U.S. However, there are many U.S. sources containing rare earth minerals such as monazite including heavy mineral sand and phosphate operations. Monazite mineral particles of a few microns have also been detected in Fire Clay seam coal. Preliminary attempts to concentrate the rare earth mineral using flotation test results indicated that monazite was floated together with carbonate minerals. The flotation chemistry of a monazite-carbonate mineral system has received limited attention by researchers. As such, a systematic study of monazite flotation chemistry was conducted and the results reported in this dissertation.
The surface charging mechanisms of monazite in aqueous systems were studied using electrokinetic tests, solution equilibrium calculation, crystal structure analysis, and electrostatic model prediction. The surface charge of monazite was found to be developed by protonation/deprotonation reactions. In other words, the hydrogen and hydroxyl ions were potential determining ions instead of the lattice ions of monazite. Electrokinetic tests of natural monazite mineral showed that the isoelectric point (IEP) occurred at pH 6.0. Solution equilibrium calculation and electrostatic model predictions of cerium monazite (CePO4) yielded an IEP of pH 7.2. The discrepancy between the two IEP values may be due to the different REE composition and/or the amount of carbon dioxide dissolved in solution.
A common collector used to produce a hydrophobic monazite surface is octanohydroxamic acid. Adsorption studies found multilayer formation of octanohydroxamic acid on monazite surfaces at pH values of 3.0, 6.0, and 9.0. A kinetic study showed that the maximum adsorption density and rate for below monolayer coverage occurred at a solution pH value of 9.0, which was attributed to the chemical reaction between octanohydroxamate species and surface active sites (e.g., REE(OH)2+). For beyond multilayer adsorption, maximum adsorption occurred at pH 11.0 due to the abundance of hydroxyl ions in solution. The contributing effect of hydroxyl ions was proven by titration tests and FTIR analyses.
When calcium ions existed in solution, specific adsorption of Ca(OH)+ on monazite surfaces occurred in both neutral and basic environments as indicated by the electrokinetic results. At low concentrations, Ca(OH)+ competed with octanohydroxamic acid for P-OH sites. However, higher dosages of Ca(OH)+ served as active sites for octanohydroxamic acid. The monazite floatability was negatively affected by the hydration of the adsorbed calcium species. The calcium ion dissolved from calcite mineral surfaces, which exist in the coal sources, provided an explanation for the depression of monazite in the combined systems.
Single mineral flotation of monazite and calcite showed that sodium silicate and sodium hexametaphosphate efficiently depressed calcite while providing minimal effects on monazite recovery. However, in the monazite-calcite combined system, both monazite and calcite were depressed using the two regulators. Electrokinetic data and solution equilibrium calculations indicated that hydrolyzed species of calcium such as Ca(OH)+ interacted with silicates and formed a compact hydrophilic layer on monazite surfaces by hydrogen bonding and surface reaction. The compact layer decreased collector adsorption due to steric hindrance. Using 6×10-5 M EDTA together with 2.5×10-4 M octanohydroxamic acid and 0.05 g/L sodium silicate, monazite recovery of more than 90% was achieved while only recovering 20% of calcite. Based on the fundamental study, rare earth concentrates with 4700 ppm of REEs were produced from the Fire Clay fine coal refuse using column flotation.
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Tensioactif carboxylique polyéthoxylé pour la flottation ionique : étude fondamentale de la solution à la mousse / Polyethoxylated carboxylic surfactant for ion flotationMicheau, Cyril 13 November 2013 (has links)
La flottation ionique est un procédé de séparation permettant d'extraire et de concentrer des ions dans une mousse formée à l'aide d'un tensioactif. Pour les systèmes classiques, la forte interaction entre les ions et le tensioactif collecteur entraîne généralement la formation de précipités. Une fois la mousse collapsée, le résidu solide récupéré nécessite un traitement particulier pour permettre sa valorisation ou son conditionnement. Afin de remédier à cet inconvénient, ce travail propose d'utiliser comme collecteur un tensioactif carboxylique polyéthoxylé, l'AKYPO® RO 90 VG, ayant la particularité de former des complexes ion-tensioactifs solubles, et ce également avec des ions multichargés. Ce travail présente une étude poussée des mécanismes fondamentaux qui régissent l'extraction d'ions par formation de mousses. Dans une première partie, les propriétés tensioactives et acide base du collecteur en solution sont étudiées en combinant nombre de techniques indépendantes que sont le dosage pHmétrique, la tensiométrie et la diffusion aux petits angles. L'évolution de ces propriétés en présence de différents sels de nitrates (Nd, Eu, Ca, Sr, Cu, Li, Na, Cs) couplée à des mesures électrophorétiques donneront une première approche de la sélectivité. Enfin, l'ensemble de ces données associées à une étude de la formation des complexes tensioactif/ion permettra d'établir la spéciation du système Nd/AKYPO® en fonction du pH. Dans une seconde partie, l'analyse de la conductimétrie et de la diffusion de neutron aux petits angles permettront d'établir les paramètres régissant la formation et stabilité des mousses de flottation. Le pH et la nature des ions ajoutés, leur nombre de charge ainsi que leur nature chimique, apparaissent ainsi comme les paramètres majeurs gérant l'humidité et l'épaisseur de film des mousses. La dernière partie est dédiée à la compréhension des expériences d'extraction/séparation ionique par flottation en s'appuyant sur l'ensemble des résultats obtenus précédemment. Il est montré que la flottation du néodyme est fortement liée à sa spéciation, pouvant conduire à sa dés-extraction ou sa flottation sous forme particulaire. Il est également montré que le néodyme induit un phénomène de déplétion des ions monovalents dans la mousse. Cette spécificité ionique permet d'envisager le système étudié pour la séparation d'ions par le procédé de flottation. / Ion foam flotation allows to concentrate ions in a foam phase formed by a soap. For classical systems, the strong interaction between ions and surfactant generally leads to the formation of precipitates and of froth. When the froth collapses, the solid residue thus recovered requires a recycling or conversion. In order to remedy this, the present work uses as collector a polyethoxylated carboxylic surfactant, AKYPO® RO 90 VG, which forms soluble ion/surfactant complexes, even with multi-charge ions. This work presents a detailed study of the fundamental mechanisms that govern the extraction of ions by foaming. In the first part, surface activity and acid/base properties of the surfactant in solution are determined by combining numerous independant techniques which are pHmetric dosage, tensiometry and small angle scattering. The evolution of these properties in the presence of different nitrate salts (Nd, Eu, Ca, Sr, Cu, Li, Na, Cs) coupled with electrophoretic measurements give a first approach to selectivity. Finally, all of these data combined with a study of the formation of surfactant/ion complexes allow us to determine the speciation of Nd/AKYPO® system as a function of pH. In the second part, the analysis of the foam by conductivity and neutron scattering provides information on the wetness and foam film thickness, parameters governing foam stability. The pH and the nature of the added ions, their number of charge and also their chemical nature thus appear to be major parameters that governed wetness and foam film thickness. The last part is devoted to the understanding of the ion extraction/separation experiments by flotation based on all previous results. It is shown that the flotation of neodymium is strongly related to its speciation, which could lead to its re-extraction or its flotation in precipitated form. It is shown that, neodymium induces a phenomenon of mono-charge ion depletion in the foam. This ionic specificity allows to consider the studied system for ion separation by the flotation process.
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Development of a Large Batch Bench-Scale Dissolved Air Flotation System for Drinking Water Treatability TestsGonzalez Galvis, Juan Pablo 24 June 2019 (has links)
The dissolved air flotation (DAF) has been used in drinking water treatment for its excellent algae and natural organic matter (NOM) removal. DAF drinking water treatability test are often conducted in a DAF jar test apparatus. Although, DAF jar test studies showed that they were able to predict NOM removals at full-scale facilities well, they have not always been successful in predicting the turbidity removals. One possible reason of the DAF jar test inaccuracy results could be associated to the small jar diameter, which may create wall effects. Therefore, the first two objectives of this research are: a) to develop and test a new, larger diameter and larger volume batch bench-scale dissolved air flotation system (LB-DAF) to better simulate turbidity removals in drinking water applications; b) to confirm these results by comparing the LB-DAF and full-scale DAF turbidity removals for two other source waters. The raw water characteristics of the three plants were quite different and the testing was performed at different times of the year. The development/optimization of the LB-DAF evaluated the impact of different variables (i.e., mixing intensity, water depth/tank diameter ratio, impeller shape, saturator pressure and recycle ratio). The results showed that the LB-DAF predicted well the full-scale DAF turbidity removals at three water treatment plants, and these predictions were better than those of DAF jar tests. For the LB-DAF design and operational variables evaluated had a limited impact on the turbidity removals. The LB-DAF predicted well DAF full-scale turbidity removals regardless of water temperature. This is an indication of the robustness of the DAF system. Ballasted sedimentation (BS) is a compact coagulation/flocculation and sedimentation process combination that has become very popular because it is very compact and because it can handle large variations in raw water turbidity and NOM. The literature survey did not initially identify studies on the BS treatment of algal impacted waters, for which DAF is considered particularly suitable. Thus, the third main objective of this dissertation was to compare the efficiency of BS with that conventional gravity settling (CGS), and that of DAF for the treatment of an algal impacted water via jar tests. These comparisons were performed at the Belleville Water Treatment Plant using Bay of Quinte water, one of the most eutrophic zones of Lake Ontario. Unfortunately, a change of weather prior to the testing resulted in raw water samples with relatively low concentrations of algae and cyanobacteria. The testing showed that DAF and BS had very similar NOM, cyanobacteria/algae (chlorophyll a and phycocyanin) removals.; however, the BS required microsand addition, polymer addition and a slightly higher alum dose. Only for turbidity removal the DAF was somewhat superior. It is suggested that these comparison experiments be repeated with waters that are more impacted by algae and cyanobacteria.
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[pt] A bactéria Rhodococcus opacus foi avaliada como
biorreagente para a
flotação dos minerais da magnesita calcita e barita. As
análises para determinar a
conformação de parede o R. opacus estabelecem que é
constituída por
macromoléculas com características anfipáticas. O balanço
entre grupos
catiônicos e aniônicos da parede atribui um ponto
isoelétrico equivalente de 3,2.
Os resultados dos testes de aderência indicam que a
bactéria R. opacus tem uma
forte afinidade por superfícies de características ácido -
base. Medidas dos
minerais antes e após da interação com o R. opacus
revelaram que embora
fossem observadas modificações sobre todas as superfícies
dos minerais, a
bactéria R. opacus apresentou uma melhor afinidade pela
superfície da
magnesita. A capacidade de adsorção das células sobre as
superfícies foi
fortemente dependente dos valores de pH e a velocidade de
adsorção atingiu a
máxima concentração de células nos primeiros 5 minutos. As
isotermas para a
adsorção da bactéria sobre os minerais poderiam ser
categorizadas do tipo
Lagmuir (L) , II. A melhor flotabilidade foi observada em
pH 7. Para a
magnesita, a porcentagem foi de 92% usando uma
concentração de R. opacus de
100 ppm. Para calcita os melhores resultados apresentaram
flotabilidade de 55%
para uma concentração de 250 ppm. Em relação à barita, os
melhores valores de
flotabilidade (60%) foram obtidos para uma concentração de
R. opacus de 350
ppm. A aproximação termodinâmica determinou que a energia
de adesão era
negativa para todos os sistemas, sugerindo assim uma
adsorção espontânea da
bactéria sobre as superfícies minerais. Para magnesita e
calcita as teorias DLVO
confirmam os resultados experimentais, as atrações
eletrostáticas entre as
partículas determinaram as forças de interação. Já para
barita, a teoria de XDLVO
poderia predizer o comportamento das células sobre o
mineral. Neste
caso as interações ácido-base seriam as responsáveis pela
adesão. / [en] Rhodococcus opacus micro-organism was evaluated as a
biocollector for
flotation of calcite and magnesite and barite. Analyses of
R. opacus cell wall
indicated the macromolecules configurationl. The IEP value
of R. opacus was
around 3.2,. The acidic IEP value of R. opacus could be
due to the presence of
anionic groups on the wall that dominate over the cationic
groups. The
adherence test showed the R. opacus affinity for acid-base
surfaces.The behavior
of the minerals, before and after R. opacus interaction,
was evaluated and
showed that the cells adhesion shifted both the minerals
zeta potential curves and
the reversal charges in comparison to their original
isoelectric points. Adhesion
tests suggested a higher affinity of the bacteria for
magnesite than calcite and
barite. The experiments of the adsorption rate of the R.
opacus on the minerals
surfaces showed fast behavior, achieving a maximum of cell
adsorption after 5
minutes. Adsorption isotherm curves for the minerals could
be categorized as
Lagmuir (L) type II. The best bioflotability results for
the minerals were
achieved for pH 7. Magnesite reached values around 93% for
a R. opacus
concentration of 100 ppm. For calcite the best flotability
was of 55% for a R.
opacus concentration of 220 ppm. For barite, the best
flotability achieved 70%
for a bacterial concentration of 350 ppm. Using the
thermodynamic approach of
the minerals systems, the adhesion energy of R. opacus on
the surfaces was
negative. The result suggested a spontaneous adsorption of
R. opacus on to the
all minerals. For magnesite and calcite, the DLVO theory
can predict the cell
behavior on the minerals surfaces. The electrostatic
attractions determine the
interaction forces. For barite and pH 7, the X- DLVO
theory predicted the R.
opacus adhesion on the surface by acid base interactions.
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Síntese de coletores para flotação de minério de ferro / Collectors synthesis for iron ore flotationBudemberg, Gabriela 04 October 2016 (has links)
O Brasil é um dos maiores produtores de minério de ferro do mundo, sendo este a principal commodity mineral para a sua economia. O processo de flotação favoreceu a produção mundial do minério de ferro nas últimas décadas, utilizando tensoativos (coletores) para separar o ferro (hematita) de seu principal contaminante, a sílica (quartzo). Os coletores empregados na flotação são as éteraminas, constituídas de um radical com 8-12 carbonos e três carbonos entre os grupos funcionais éter e amina. O estudo da relação estrutura/desempenho, nesta operação, pode contribuir para a utilização de diferentes moléculas com o intuito de melhorar o custo-benefício no processo. Neste trabalho propôs-se sintetizar diferentes estruturas (aminoamidas e ésteraminas) com variações na parte polar do tensoativo para verificar o impacto no processo de flotação. Neste contexto, o trabalho é dividido em duas partes principais: estudo da composição mineral e síntese/aplicação de moléculas. Após análise por FRX, confirmou-se que a amostra é constituída principalmente por 64,49% de hematita, e 30,87% de quartzo, a principal impureza. A estrutura do coletor padrão, isononiléterpropilamina parcialmente neutralizada com ácido acético, e das moléculas sintetizadas, foi verificada por FT-IR e RMN de ¹³C (apt). As aminoamidas N-(3-(dimetilamino)propil)-dodecanamida 7 e a mistura contendo N-(2-(2-aminoetil-amino)etil)-dodecanamida 2 apresentaram bom desempenho como coletores em relação ao padrão. O teor de quartzo (SiO2) permitido no concentrado deve ser menor que 2%; os resultados obtidos com os coletores padrão, aminoamida 2 e aminoamida 7 foram, respectivamente, 1,80%, 1,72% e 1,85%. Estes números mostram que as moléculas sintetizadas, sob as condições de estudo em questão, são coletores de sílica eficientes para aplicação na flotação do minério de ferro. / Brazil is one of the biggest iron ore producer in the world, being this the major mineral commodity for its economy. The flotation process has promoted worldwide iron ore production in the last decades, by using tensoactives (collectors) to separate iron (hematite) from its main contaminant, sílica (quartz). The collectors used in the flotation are etheramines, which contain 8-12 carbon radical and 3 carbons between ether and amine functional groups. The study of the relation structure/performance in this operation can contribute to the use of different mollecules with the intention to improve the cost-benefit in the process. This procedure intends to prepare different structures (amido amines and ether amines) with variations on the polar part of the tensoactive to verify the impact on the flotation process. This essay is divided in two main parts: the study of the mineral composition and mollecules synthesis/application. After FRX analysis, it has been verified that the sample is mainly constituted by hematite (64,49%) and quartz (30,87%), the main impurity. The standard collector structure isononyletherpropylamine partially neutralised with acetic acid, and the synthesized mollecules were verified through FT-IR and ¹³C NMR (apt). The amido amines N-(3-(dimethylamino)propyl)-dodecanamide 7 and the mixture containing N-(2-(2-aminoetil-amino)etil)-dodecanamida 2 showed good performance as collectors in relation to the standard collector. The permitted quartz content (SiO2) in the concentrate must be less then 2%; the obtained results with the pattern, amido amine 2 and amido amine 7 collectors were, respectively, 1,80%, 1,72% e 1,85%. These numbers show that the sinthesized mollecules, under the applied study conditions, are effective quartz collectors for application in the iron ore flotation.
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Representação da estrutura de escoamento bifásico água/ar em unidade de flotação com emprego de CFD / Representation of biphasic water/air flow structure in a flotation unit using CFDAltero, Henrique Rossi 18 April 2016 (has links)
O processo de flotação por ar dissolvido antecedendo a filtração, constitui hoje técnica já consolidada para clarificação de água para abastecimento. Apesar de apresentar elevada eficiência de remoção de partículas em suspensão e das diversas vantagens associadas a sua utilização, ainda existem particularidades deste processo pouco conhecidas. Visando compreender melhor a flotação por ar dissolvido e contribuir para a otimização das unidades existentes e também nos projetos de novas unidades, foram utilizadas técnicas de fluidodinâmica computacional para estudar as condições de escoamento entre água e ar observadas numa unidade piloto de flotação. A flotação foi investigada através de simulações em ambiente de CFD, acoplado a experimentos laboratoriais em instalação piloto de flotação por ar dissolvido. Estes últimos compreenderam a execução de ensaios com traçador para obtenção das curvas de distribuição de tempo de residência na unidade em questão e também por testes com sonda do tipo Micro ADV para levantamento do perfil de velocidades de escoamento no interior da unidade piloto. Os resultados das análises experimentais com sonda Micro ADV indicaram a presença de escoamento estratificado na região superior da zona de separação da unidade piloto. As curvas de distribuição do tempo de residência apontaram para escoamento do tipo pistonado. O tempo de detenção observado nos ensaios foi de 19,29 e 18,66 minutos respectivamente para escoamento somente de água e sem recirculação e escoamento entre água e ar. As simulações em CFD confirmaram a presença de escoamento estratificado na zona de separação e também a presença de uma manta de microbolhas de ar na mesma. Os resultados foram sensíveis ao diâmetro de microbolhas testado, com maior concentração de ar na zona de separação quando testados diâmetros de microbolhas menores que 60 µm. As curvas de distribuição de tempo de residência obtidas nas simulações em CFD foram capazes de representar o escoamento entre água e ar. O tempo de detenção hidráulico simulado foi de 14,24 e 18,90 minutos respectivamente para as mesmas condições experimentais testadas. De uma maneira geral, as simulações em CFD foram capazes de reproduzir as condições de escoamento entre ar e água observadas na unidade piloto de flotação, os resultados computacionais são condizentes com aqueles obtidos nos ensaios experimentais. / The dissolved air flotation process preceding filtration, consist in established technique for clarification of water supply. Despite presenting high suspended particle removal efficiency and the various advantages associated with their use, there are still a few particularities of this process slightly unknown. To better understand the dissolved air flotation and contribute to the optimization of the existing units and also in projects of new units, computational fluid dynamics techniques were used to study the flow conditions between water and air observed in a flotation pilot plant. The flotation process was investigated in CFD environment, coupled to laboratory experiments in dissolved air flotation scale pilot plant. The latter comprised running tests with tracer to obtain the residence time distribution curves in the pilot plant, tests with micro ADV probe were also conducted for raising the flow velocity profile within the unit. The results of micro ADV experimental analyzes indicated the presence of stratified flow in the upper region of the separation zone of the pilot plant. The residence time distribution curves pointed to plug flow. The retention time observed in the experiments were 19,29 and 18,66 minutes, respectively for the flow of water only and without recirculation and flow of water and air. The CFD simulations confirmed the presence of stratified flow in the separation zone and also the presence of a microbubble air blanket therein. The results were sensitive to the diameter of microbubbles tested, with bigger air concentration in the separation zone when tested with microbubbles diameters smaller than 60 micrometers. The residence time distribution curves obtained in CFD simulations were able to represent the water and air flow. The simulated hydraulic retention times obtained were 14,24 and 18,90 minutes, respectively, for the same experimental conditions. In general, the CFD simulations were able to reproduce the flow conditions observed between air and water in the flotation pilot plant, the computational results were consistent to those obtained in the experiments.
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Flotação reversa da bauxita de Miraí - MG. / Reverse froth flotation of bauxite from Miraí, MG.Massola, Camila Peres 07 July 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de pesquisas realizadas com rejeitos de bauxitas, provenientes da usina operada pela Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio CBA, em Itamarati de Minas, MG. O circuito industrial da CBA tem operações de escrubagem, peneiramento, deslamagem e separação de minerais pesados, através de um circuito de concentração em espirais Reichert e de separação magnética. Porém, ainda são perdidos importantes teores de alumina aproveitável na fração fina, que é atualmente considerada rejeito. A flotação reversa da sílica insolúvel presente neste rejeito, seguida de separação magnética do produto deprimido, permite recuperar gibbsita, e produzir areia para construção civil e manutenção de estradas. O concentrado magnético pode ser usado como aditivo de carga na produção de cimento Portland. Portanto, o beneficiamento desta fração, além da importância econômica, vem contribuir para a conservação dos recursos minerais. Através de ensaios em bancada e em usina piloto, este trabalho demonstra a aplicabilidade deste processo a bauxitas de Miraí, sudeste de Minas Gerais. Após a separação magnética, obtém-se um concentrado com recuperações de 28,8% em massa e 81,2% metalúrgica, com 54% de alumina aproveitável e relação Al2O3/SiO2 de 12,6. Os resultados aqui obtidos indicam viabilidade para aplicação industrial do processo desenvolvido. / This research presents the results achieved by the author in recovering gibbsite from industrial bauxite tailings. The tailings samples were provided by Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio CBA, from it´s Itamarati de Minas, MG plant. The CBA´s Itamarati de Minas plant has a complete circuit of scrubbing, desliming, and heavy minerals separation in spiral concentrators, complemented by high intensity magnetic separation, but it still loses the values contained in the fine fraction of the beneficiated ore, which currently consists of a tailing. Reverse flotation of the insoluble silica present in this tailings stream, followed by magnetic separation of the depressed product, allows to recover gibbsite, and produces silica sand, which can be used in civil construction work and road maintenance. The magnetic concentrate can be used as a charge additive to Portland cement production. Thus, the beneficiation of this fraction is important both economically and for mineral resources conservation. Through experimentation on bench and at pilot plant scale tests, this work explores the feasibility of such a process to the bauxites from Miraí, southeastern Minas Gerais state. After magnetic separation, the concentrate reached available alumina grades of 54% at pilot plant, with 28.8% mass recovery and 81.2% metallurgical recovery, with a Al2O3/SiO2 ratio of 12.6. This shows viability for industrial scale application of the process.
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Avaliação do desempenho de depressores na flotação direta do minério fósforo-uranífero de ItataiaAdalberto Leles de Souza 30 August 2011 (has links)
Nenhuma / O Brasil consome enormes quantidades de fertilizantes a base de fósforo devido às
características do solo, pobre em nutrientes principais, e à grande produção agrícola. Apesar
do grande consumo, a produção de produtos fosfatados é insuficiente para atender a demanda
interna. Uma das razões é que os depósitos fosfáticos brasileiros não apresentam a qualidade
necessária para a produção de fertilizantes fosfatados. Dentre estes depósitos, está a jazida de
Itataia, uma ocorrência ígnea de fósforo e urânio localizada no estado do Ceará. Este depósito
apresenta significativas quantidades de carbonatos, principalmente a calcita, o que causa
sérios inconvenientes durante a produção do ácido fosfórico. Este trabalho compreendeu a
realização de testes de flotação direta com o minério fósforo-uranífero de Itataia realizado
com o intuito de obter um concentrado final de P2O5 com teor de 32%, adequado para a
produção de ácido fosfórico, e recuperação a mais elevada possível. Foi avaliado em escala de
laboratório o desempenho dos depressores inorgânicos (Calgon e silicato de sódio) e dos
orgânicos compostos por amidos não modificados (Flotamil 75 e fécula de mandioca) amidos
modificados (Filmplus 9002 ACC, EP2031 e dextrina) e a carboximetilcelulose. Foi
verificado que, dentre os depressores estudados, a fécula de mandioca apresentou desempenho
superior. Estes resultados, obtidos em laboratório, serviram de subsídio para a realização de
testes piloto de flotação utilizando coluna. Os resultados do teste rougher-cleaner utilizando
circuito aberto (Teste ADP-5) produziram um concentrado final com teor e recuperação de
P2O5 de 33,49 e 80,7%, respectivamente. Os teores de CaCO3 e de U3O8 neste produto foram
8,54 e 0,27%. / Brazil consumes huge amounts of phosphorus-based fertilizers due to the characteristics of its
soil, poor in major nutrients, and the vast agricultural production. Despite the large
consumption, the production of phosphate is insufficient to meet the domestic demand. One
reason is that the Brazilian phosphatic deposits do not have the quality needed for producing
phosphate fertilizers. Among these deposits is the Itataias deposit, an igneous occurrence of
phosphorus and uranium in the state of Ceará. This deposit has significant amounts of
carbonates, mainly calcite, which causes serious inconveniences for the phosphoric acid
production. This work involved the testing of the direct flotation of Phosphorus-Uraniferous
ore from Itataias deposit carried out in order to obtain a final concentrate with a P2O5 content
of 32%, suitable for production of phosphoric acid, and the highest possible recovery. The
performance of inorganic depressants (Calgon and sodium silicate) and organic compounds
including unmodified starches (Flotamil 75 and cassava starch) and modified starches
(Filmplus 9002 ACC, EP2031 and dextrin) and carboxymethylcellulose were evaluated on a
laboratory scale. It was found that among the studied depressants cassava starch showed the
better performance. These results obtained in the laboratory provided subsidies for pilot
testing using a flotation column. These tests were carried out using rougher-cleaner open
circuit (ADP-5 Test) and produced a final concentrate grade and recovery of P2O5 of 33.49
and 80.7%, respectively. The content of CaCO3 and U3O8 of this product were 8.54 and
0.27%, respectively.
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Estudo de desempenho de codepressores na flotação catiônica reversa de minério de ferroEdson Fernandes Raso 16 December 2014 (has links)
Nenhuma / Este trabalho é um estudo de desempenho de três tipos de codepressores
(TALON 6515, GPR-855 e GPR-860) associados ao amido de milho. Estes
codepressores são polímeros poliamina-poliamida, com alta afinidade aos átomos de
ferro e também ao amido de milho. A amostra de minério de ferro foi fornecida por uma
mineradora do Quadrilátero Ferrífero de Minas Gerais. A difração de raios X mostrou
que o minério é constituído basicamente por hematita e quartzo como o principal
contaminante; a fluorescência dos raios X mostrou teor de ferro e sílica de 58,1% e
12,0% respectivamente. Para o estudo foram realizados testes de flotação catiônica
reversa de minério de ferro em bancada. Os principais reagentes envolvidos nos
estudos foram o amido de milho como depressor de óxidos de ferro, amina como
coletor de quartzo e hidróxido de sódio usado para a gelatinização de amido e
regulador de pH. As primeiras séries de testes realizadas foram de otimização das
variáveis da flotação tradicional de minério de ferro, onde se obteve dosagem de amido
de 800 g/t, amina de 70 g/t e pH = 10,5. Após a otimização das variáveis, foram
realizadas séries de testes, apenas na etapa rougher com cada codepressor, mantendo
constante a amina e variando a dosagem de amido e do codepressor. Nessas
condições, quando a dosagem de amido foi parcialmente substituída pelo codepressor,
não foi verificada qualquer melhoria no concentrado, em relação à condição tradicional.
A substituição total de amido de milho pelo codepressor também levou a resultados
inferiores à condição tradicional. Os melhores resultados foram alcançados quando se
manteve constante a dosagem de amido (800 g/t) e amina (70 g/t) e variando a
dosagem de codepressor em pequenas quantidades, em adição ao amido. Os três
codepressores apresentaram bons resultados nestas condições, com destaque para
TALON 6515. Comparando com os resultados da condição tradicional, o TALON
6515 junto ao amido apresentou bons resultados, baixando o teor de ferro no rejeito em
-6,85 p.p. (29,9%), aumentando a recuperação mássica e metalúrgica em +3,2 p.p.
(4,1%) e +3,5 p.p. (3,8%) respectivamente e o índice de seletividade em +1,67 pontos.
Os teores de sílica e ferro no concentrado variaram ligeiramente. / The performance of three novel codepressants (TALON 6515, GPR-855 and
GPR-860) associated with corn starch were studied in this work. These codepressants
are polymers polyamine-polyamide with high affinity to iron atoms and also with corn
starch. An iron ore sample was supplied by a mining company located in the Iron
Quadrangle in Minas Gerais. The X-ray diffraction showed that the ore is basically
constituted of quartz and hematite. X-ray fluorescence showed 58,1% and 12,0% of iron
and silica, respectively. For this study, laboratory tests of reverse cationic flotation of
iron ore were performed on bench scale. The main reagents involved in the studies
were corn starch as iron oxides depressant, amine as quartz collector and sodium
hydroxide used for gelatinization of starch and pH modifier. The first set of tests
consisted in the optimization of the conditions of traditional flotation of iron ore: 800 g/t
of corn starch, 70 g/t of amine, and pH of 10.5. Once the base variables were optimized,
other set of tests were carried out only in rougher step with each codepressant, keeping
constant the amine and varying the dosage of starch and codepressant. Under these
conditions, where starch was partially replaced by the codepressant, no improvement in
the concentrate was observed, compared to the traditional condition. The total
replacement of corn starch by the codepressant also showed lower performance
compared to the traditional condition, at the same dosage. The best results were
achieved when the corn starch dosage (800g/t) and amine (70 g/t) were maintained
constant, and the codepressant was added at small dosages, in addition to starch. The
three codepressants tested showed good results in these conditions, especially
TALON 6515. When compared to the traditional condition, TALON 6515 added to
starch showed good performance, reducing the iron content in the tailings by -6.85 p.p.
(29,0%), increasing yield and metallurgical recovery by +3.2 p.p. (4,1%) and +3.5 p.p.
(3,8%), respectively and increasing selectivity index by 1.67 points. Silica grade and
iron grade on concentrate showed no significant variation.
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A célula pneumática e sua aplicabilidade à flotação reversa do minério de ferro itabirítico. / The pneumatic cell and its applicability to the reverse flotation of itabirite iron ore.Uliana, Alexandro 03 May 2017 (has links)
A realização deste estudo teve por objetivo caracterizar o funcionamento de uma célula pneumática de flotação e comparar o seu desempenho às diferentes tecnologias [células mecânicas e colunas de flotação] já instaladas e em operação nos circuitos industriais da Samarco Mineração - no Circuito de Grossos e no Circuito de Finos. Utilizou-se, para a realização dos ensaios e/ou das análises, uma célula mecânica laboratorial [modelo Wemco®], uma célula pneumática piloto [modelo MBE®] e um medidor de tamanho de bolhas e de velocidade superficial do ar [modelo APBS®]. Neste estudo, utilizaram-se amostras coletadas na alimentação dos dois referidos circuitos industriais de flotação - executando-se, posteriormente, etapas complementares de caracterização mineralógica, levantamento de dados e análise estatística dos resultados. Como conclusões, em maior relevância, citam-se: a) Para as células pneumáticas, maiores aplicabilidades industriais foram identificadas para o modelo Pneuflot®, processando carvão e em operações na China. Foram mapeadas células de 4,1 a 5,0 m de diâmetro processando volumes de polpa superiores a 1.000 m3/h; b) Em análise de influência das variáveis, foi identificado que o percentual de sólidos da alimentação e a velocidade da polpa no distribuidor possuem elevada influência sobre as variáveis respostas do processo de flotação; c) Em célula pneumática, em escala piloto e em regime batch, observou-se que: para a flotabilidade de sílica, a constante cinética (k) foi fortemente influenciada pela granulometria, sendo de 0,719 min-1 para a amostra CG e de 0,237 min-1 para a amostra CF; d) Utilizando-se de modelos cinéticos, dimensionaram-se circuitos de células pneumáticas. Conforme especificações atualmente praticadas e sem otimizações, seriam necessárias 8 células para o Circuito de Grossos e 11 células para o Circuito de Finos. e) Em comparativos entre células mecânicas e colunas de flotação [em escala industrial], constataram-se maiores eficiências de circuitos contendo células pneumáticas [dimensionados a partir de resultados em escala piloto]; e f) Em análise de dispersão do ar, realizaram-se medições e/ou identificação das correlações existentes entre as variáveis velocidade superficial do ar (Jg), diâmetro médio de bolhas ou diâmetro de Sauter (d32), hold-up do ar (Eg) e fluxo superficial de área de bolhas (Sb). / This study aimed to characterize the operation of pneumatic cells and compare their performance to other different technologies [mechanical cells and columns] already installed and in operation in the industrial circuits of the company Samarco Mineração - Circuit of Coarse materials and Circuit of Fine materials. It was used, for the tests and/or assays, a laboratorial mechanical cell [Wemco® model], a pilot pneumatic cell [MBE® model] and a bubbles size and superficial air velocity measurer [APBS® model]. For these, feed samples of both industrial flotation circuits were taken - followed by complementary steps of mineralogical characterization, data collection and statistical analyzes of results. As conclusions, in higher relevance, have been noted: a) For the pneumatic cells, larger industrial applications were identified for the Pneuflot® model, processing coal and in operation in China. Cells measuring from 4,1 to 5,0 m of diameter were listed processing volumes higher than 1.000 m3/h; b) In an analysis of the influence of variables, it was identified that the percentage of solids in the feed and the velocity of slurry in the distributor have high influence on the process responses of flotation; c) In a pneumatic cell, on a pilot scale and under batch regime, for the floatability of silica, the kinetic constant (k) was strongly influenced by the size of particles, of 0,719 min-1 for the sample CG [from Coarse Circuit] and of 0,237 min-1 for the sample CF [from Fine Circuit]; d) Using kinetic models, circuits of pneumatic cells have been designed. According to the current specifications and without optimizations, 8 cells would be necessary for the Coarse Circuit and 11 cells for the Fine Circuit; e) In comparisons between mechanical cells and columns [on an industrial scale], greater efficiencies were noted for circuits containing pneumatic cells [designed from results on a pilot scale]; and f) In an analysis of the air dispersion, measurements and/or identification of existing correlations between the variables superficial air velocity (Jg), bubble size diameter (d32), air hold-up (Eg) and superficial area bubble flux (Sb) have been done.
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