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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nucléation, croissance et comportement de poussières dans les plasmas réactifs radiofréquence basse pression : Des nanocristaux aux grains submicroniques polycristallins

Cavarroc, Marjorie 22 October 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Les gaz ionisés contenant des particules solides, appelés plasmas poussiéreux, sont principalement utilisés pour le dépôt de couches minces et la synthèse de nanoparticules aux propriétés maîtrisées.<br />L'objectif de cette thèse était de synthétiser des poussières de taille et/ou composition chimique connues en vue d'applications en microélectronique, photovoltaïque (nanocristaux de silicium) et astrophysique (tholins, ISD grains).<br />La localisation et l'étude du démarrage de la phase d'agrégation des nanocristaux, par l'étude paramétrique d'une instabilité, ont été réalisées dans des plasmas d'Argon/Silane. Puis, une étude de la forme et du comportement du nuage de poussières a été menée dans deux décharges différentes. Elles ont mis en évidence la forte influence de la croissance des poussières sur le plasma et sur le nuage, et d'optimiser nos paramètres de dépôt pour les nanocristaux de silicium non-agglomérés. Une étude paramétrique des caractéristiques électriques du plasma (courant, tension et densités électronique et ionique) en Azote/Méthane a permis de cibler les meilleurs paramètres pour synthétiser des tholins (aérosols analogues de Titan). Par ailleurs, l'ellipsométrie in-situ de Mie-Rayleigh en chimie Azote/Acétylène nous a donné certaines informations sur les analogues de poussières interstellaires synthétisés (structure, indice optique). Finalement, l'effet des basses températures de gaz a été exploré afin d'augmenter la taille des nanocristaux de silicium. Différentes hypothèses (chimiques et thermodynamiques) sont discutées dans le but d'expliquer les effets observés : accélération de la cinétique de croissance et augmentation de la taille des nanocristaux.

Analyse sémiologique du Vide dans le minhwa (peinture populaire coréenne) : le thème ‘montagne-eau’ / Semiological analysis of Void in Minhwa (Korean folk painting) : the landscape paintings ‘mountain-water’ theme, san-su

Cho, Min-Ji 28 November 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet l’analyse sémiologique du Vide dans l’espace pictural du minhwa, genre artistique populaire coréen, et plus particulièrement dans les peintures ayant pour thème le paysage ‘montagne-eau’ du 18e au 20e siècle de l’ère du Chosŏn. Nous étudions cette notion, qui s’est développée à partir des philosophies traditionnelles telles que le taoisme, le bouddisme et le confucianisme par exemple, en la considérant comme l’un des fondements de la pratique de la peinture et de la culture coréenne. De nos jours, le minhwa est devenu un genre reconnu pour sa valeur artistique propre : l’espace pictural du minhwa est un véritable lieu d’expérimentation pour ses styles innovants et populaires tout en conservant des éléments traditionnels imposés par la philosophie esthétique : le thème, ou l’utilisation de la notion de Vide, par exemple. C’est pourquoi nous avons centré notre attention sur les fonctions de l’espace non peint afin d’étudier l’emploi de la notion du Vide, spécifique au genre du minhwa. Dans cette analyse, nous faisons l’hypothèse que la notion de Vide, sous la forme de surface non peinte, est significative en ce qu’elle exerce des fonctions particulières dans l’espace constitué par la peinture. L’étude de cet espace non peint ainsi que d’autres expressions picturales nécessite l’élaboration d’une grille d’analyse constituée de septs critères : elle s’appuie sur des notions philosophiques traditionnelles, comme la ‘voie’ du tao, mais aussi sur d’autres propres à la philosophie esthétique contemporaine, comme la ‘cinquième dimension’ (Cheng), l’‘entre-deux’ (Buci-Glucksman), ou à l’analyse théorique de l’espace (‘cible/site’ de Vandeloise), afin de pouvoir cerner les fonctions et le sens du Vide dans la symbolique de notre corpus. / The purpose of this thesis is to provide a semiological analysis of Void in the pictural space of Minhwa, a Korean folk art genre, most particularly in the landscape paintings with the theme of the 'mountain-water' from the 18th to the 20th century in the Chosŏn era. We study this notion, which has proceeded from traditional philosophies such as Taoism, Buddhism or Confucianism for example, examining it as one of the fundamental principles of both Korean painting and Korean culture. Nowadays Minhwa has become a genre acknowledged for its intrinsic artistic value: the pictural space of Minhwa is a true experimentation field for innovating and popular style founded on traditional elements imposed on by esthetic philosophy: the theme, the scope of the notion of Emptiness, for instance. Thus we have focused on the roles of unpainted space in order to study the ways of the notion of Void specific to Minhwa genre. The hypothesis of this analysis is that the notion of Void visible as an unpainted place is meaningful in so far as it plays some significant roles within the space created by painting. The study of this unpainted space as well as other pictorial expressions requires to produce an analytic grid based upon seven criteria: it relies on traditional philosophical notions such as the one found in Taoism, the “Way”, or the notion of contemporary esthetic philosophy, the “Fifth dimension” (Cheng), the “Entre-deux” (Buci-Glucksman) and or the notion coming from the theoretical analysis of space, “Trajector / Landmark” (Vandeloise) so as to be able to encompass their roles and their meanings within our corpus.

Ecriture et voix : clinique du recours à l'écrit chez des sujets psychotiques / Writing and voice : the use of writing in psychosis

Gaudin, Denys 20 January 2018 (has links)
Nous traitons la question d’un rapport entre écriture et voix dans la clinique des psychoses. A l’appui des témoignages de sujets psychotiques, sujets disant écrire ce qui survient sous forme de voix, nous interrogeons les ressorts et les enjeux de ce passage à la lettre. Revenant sur la clinique de l’hallucination, nous détaillons ce que les sujets psychotiques nous enseignent sur les mécanismes impliqués dans l’instant de la voix hallucinée. Suivant ce fil, nous mettons en valeur la dimension de jouissance inhérente à la voix. Dans un second temps, nous nous penchons plus spécifiquement sur les pratiques d’écriture des sujets rencontrés, pratiques où il s’agit de noter, d’arrimer sur papier ce que les voix font entendre. Suivant les pistes annoncées par nos patients, nous questionnons la fonction régulatrice d’une pratique de la lettre. Pour ce faire, nous reprenons les conceptions lacaniennes de la lettre comme « littoral » ou comme « godet ». De même, les propos de nos patients nous mènent à interroger en quoi l’écriture pourrait permettre de « faire partir » la voix, en quoi elle ferait le moyen d’un détachement. Les œuvres et les témoignages d’écrivains nous donnent l’occasion de pousser plus avant notre questionnement, d’arpenter les domaines où, toujours, l’artiste précède le clinicien. Ainsi, nous revenons sur les travaux de James Joyce, de Louis Wolfson et, surtout, de Samuel Beckett. Nous nous penchons sur les indications qu’ils nous livrent au sujet d’un nouage entre écriture et voix. L’objet de notre recherche est de mettre à l’épreuve l’hypothèse selon laquelle, dans la clinique des psychoses, le recours à l’écrit peut relever d’un traitement de la voix. / We examine the issue of a link between voice and writing in psychosis. Relying on psychotic subjects who say they write what they hear through voices, we study the nature of this shifting from voice to letter. As a first step, we specify what we mean by voice. We detail what psychotic subjects teach us about the mechanisms involved in the moment of the hallucinated voice. By doing so, we point out the part of jouissance involved in voice.As a second step, we focus on their writing practices, the moment when they take note, when they put down on paper what they hear through voices. We endeavour to elucidate the issues of this movement. We are led to examine the regulating function of writing. Therefore, we refer to the lacanian concept of letter as « littoral » or « godet ». Moreover, patients’ words led us to specify how writing could be a way to make the voice “go away”, a way to separate. The works and the testimonies of writers lead us to go on exploring a field where the artist always precedes the clinician. We refer to James Joyce, to Louis Wolfson, and especially, to Samuel Beckett’s works. We try to grasp the indications they give about a link between voice and writing. The purpose is to test the hypothesis which states that, in psychosis, the use of writing can be a way to treat the voice.

La nada poética : mística y vacío en la estética contemporánea : Cajas Metafísicas de Jorge Oteiza : Tres lecciones de tinieblas de José Ángel Valente / Le néant poétique : mysticisme et vide dans l'esthétique contemporaine : Cajas Metafísicas de Jorge Oteiza : Tres lecciones de tinieblas de José Ángel Valente / The poetic void : mysticisme and emptiness in the contemporary aesthetics : Cajas Metafísicas de Jorge Oteiza : Tres lecciones de tinieblas de José Ángel Valente

Pueyo, Javier 03 May 2019 (has links)
L'abstraction, la fragmentation et d'autres modes de destruction de l'image ou du discours ont caractérisé l'art de la deuxième moitié du XX siècle. L'absence d'éléments narratifs ou référentiels dans les oeuvres de cette période indique une vide de signification qui, en même temps, est expression ou manifestation du sacré. Cette recherche établit les liens entre la radicalité de ces propositions et l'expérience mystique ou l'expérience du néant. Dans ce but, nous avons analysé "Boîtes métaphysiques", de Jorge Oteiza, et "Trois leçons de ténèbres", de José Ángel Valente. / Abstraction, fragmentation, and other ways of image or speech destruction have characterized the art of the second half of the 20th century. The absence of narrative or referential elements in the artworks of this period points to a condition of absolute emptiness of meaning, which, in turn, constitutes the expression or manifestation of the sacred. This investigation is aimed at establishing links between these radical artworks (o, is prefieres, between the radicalness of these artworks) and mystic experience. To that end, I have analyzed two important works of 20th century art, namely, “Metaphysical Boxes” by the Basque sculptor Jorge Oteiza and “Three Lessons of Darkness” by the Galician poet José Ángel Valente.

Estudo do efeito da inclinação no escoamento bifásico em canal retangular com dimensões características da transição entre micro- e macro-escala / Study of the effect of inclination on two-phase flow in a rectangular channel with micro to macro scale characteristics dimensions

Loyola Lavín, Francisco Antonio 16 July 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado envolve o estudo da perda da pressão e dos padrões para escoamentos água/ar em um canal retangular segundo inclinações a partir do plano horizontal de -90° a 90°. Também foi avaliado o efeito nestes parâmetros de rotacionar a seção de testes em torno de seu eixo axial segundo ângulos de 45° e 60°, determinados a partir da condição de suas faces superior e inferior posicionadas horizontalmente. O texto se inicia com a apresentação de um amplo estudo da literatura sobre métodos de previsão de padrões de escoamento e perda de pressão durante escoamentos bifásicos no interior de dutos. Em seguida é descrito o aparato experimental projetado e construído para este estudo. Tal descrição inclui o detalhamento da seção de testes, que consiste em um canal retangular de seção transversal com dimensões de 6,0 x 6,5 mm². Resultados foram levantados para vazões mássicas entre 90 e 760 kg/m²s, correspondendo a velocidades superficiais entre 0,03 a 19,42 m/s e 0,1 a 0,76 m/s, para, respectivamente as fases gás e líquido. Mapas de escoamento foram desenvolvidos com base em imagens capturadas por câmera de alta velocidade, e também com base na técnica de agrupamento de dados k-means. Os escoamentos foram classificados segundo os padrões bolhas, intermitente e anular. As características hidrodinâmicas e as transições entre estes padrões foram significativamente alteradas pela inclinação do canal. Constatou-se também significativa influência da rotação em torno do eixo do canal, favorecendo efeitos de estratificação no escoamento. As transições obtidas experimentalmente foram comparadas com os métodos de previsão disponíveis na literatura. Os métodos de Taitel e Dukler (1976), para escoamento horizontal, e Taitel et al. (1980) para escoamento vertical ascendente, apresentaram as melhores previsões dos dados experimentais. Com o objetivo de estimar a parcela gravitacional da perda de pressão, levantou-se resultados para a fração de vazio superficial avaliada com base na velocidade média de bolhas alongadas e no tratamento de imagens no caso do escoamento em bolhas. Resultados de perda de pressão por atrito foram comparados com vinte métodos de previsão da literatura. As correlações de Mishima e Hibiki (1996) e Zhang et al. (2010) proporcionaram as melhores previsões para escoamento horizontal. Para escoamentos inclinados, comparou-se 25 métodos da literatura para a determinação da perda de pressão por atrito com os resultados de perda de pressão experimentais, com a perda de pressão gravitacional estimada considerando 20 métodos para a fração de vazio superficial. Desta análise constatou-se que a combinação dos métodos de Mishima e Hibiki (1996) e Zhang et al. (2010) para a previsão da parcela de perda de pressão devido ao atrito e o método de Spedding e Chen (1984) para previsão da fração de vazio superficial, utilizado para a determinação da parcela gravitacional, proporcionam previsões satisfatórias dos dados experimentais. / The present dissertation concerns a study on pressure drop and flow patterns for air/water flows inside a rectangular channel positioned according to inclination angles, relative to the horizontal plane, from -90° to 90°. The effects on flow patterns and pressure drop of rotating the test section relative to its longitudinal axis according to angles of 45° and 60° are also evaluated. Initially, a broad review of the literature concerning experimental studies and predictive methods for flow pattern and pressure drop inside channels is presented. Then, the experimental facility developed for this study is described. In this description, the test section, consisting of a rectangular channel with cross-sectional area of 6.0 x 6.5 mm² is detailed. Experimental data were obtained for mass velocities from 90 to 760 kg/m²s, corresponding to gas and liquid superficial velocities from 0.03 to 19.4 m/s and from 0.1 to 0.76 m/s, respectively. Flow patterns maps were developed based on the following approaches: analyses of two-phase flow images from a high speed video camera; and using the k-means clustering algorithm based on pressure drop and optical signals. The bubbly, intermittent and annular flow patterns were characterized. From the analyses of the data, it was found that the flow pattern transitions are significantly affected by the flow inclination and channel rotation. Two-phase flow stratification effects are enhanced by rotating the channels. Among the flow pattern predictive method evaluated in the present study, Taitel and Dukler (1976), for horizontal channels, and Taitel et al. (1980), for upward flow, provided the best predictions of the data obtained in the present study. In order of estimating the gravitational parcel of the pressure drop, superficial void fraction results were obtained based on the mean velocity of elongated bubbles, for intermittent flow, and on the image processing of bubbles, for bubbly flow. Experimental results for frictional pressure drop were compared against 20 predictive methods available in the literature. The methods of Mishima e Hibiki (1996) and Zhang et al. (2010) performed the best for horizontal flows. The frictional pressure drop predictions were also evaluated for inclined flows by comparing the measured total pressure drop against the corresponding calculated values based on the combination of 25 frictional pressure drop predictive methods and the gravitational parcel of pressure drop estimated according to 20 predictive methods for superficial void fraction. From this analysis, it was found that the combination of Mishima e Hibiki (1996) and Zhang et al. (2010) methods for frictional pressure drop with the method of Spedding e Chen (1984), for void fraction, used to determine the gravitational parcel, provide satisfactory predictions of the experimental data.

Desenvolvimento de um sensor óptico para medidas de fração de vazio de um minicanal

Hoff, Alexandre Gomes 18 January 2013 (has links)
Submitted by CARLA MARIA GOULART DE MORAES (carlagm) on 2015-06-24T17:27:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Hoff_Alexandre.pdf: 2065929 bytes, checksum: 98c0be0d6bc2dd6c614a2379999cb6f6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-24T17:27:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Hoff_Alexandre.pdf: 2065929 bytes, checksum: 98c0be0d6bc2dd6c614a2379999cb6f6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-01-18 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / PROSUP - Programa de Suporte à Pós-Gradução de Instituições de Ensino Particulares / Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia experimental para medição de fração de vazio em um escoamento bifásico ar-água, utilizando sensor óptico em um minicanal horizontal de 2,6 mm de diâmetro interno. O sistema de medição consiste de um diodo emissor de luz (LED) de alto brilho, uma resistência dependente de luz (LDR), um circuito amplificador e um circuito para aquisição de dados. Os experimentos são realizados com um tubo de vidro que fica entre o LED e o LDR, no qual passa a mistura ar-água e conforme o padrão de escoamento a luz é atenuada no LDR, que altera sua resistência variando a tensão. Os testes são realizados com vazões volumétricas do líquido de 160, 123 e 63 ml/min e volume de gás de 0,05 e 0,1 ml e os padrões de escoamento testados e observados foram do tipo bolhas, pistonados e golfadas. Nos ensaios são registradas imagens do escoamento, ou dos padrões de bolhas, com uma câmera de alta velocidade e o processamento destas imagens é utilizado para valid ar a técnica do sensor óptico. As áreas das bolhas, em pixels, são comparadas com as áreas das curvas do sinal do sensor óptico e uma boa correlação foi encontrada. Uma curva de calibração do sensor é apresentada para padrão de escoamento tipo bolhas, permitindo encontrar uma relação entre a fração de vazio e a tensão medida pelo sensor. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a técnica do sensor óptico pode ser usada com bons resultados para a medição de fração de vazio média para um escoamento bifásico ar-água e para a identificação de padrões de escoamento em tubos de diâmetro reduzido. / This work presents the development of an experimental methodology for measuring void fraction in an air-water two-phase flow, using optical sensor in a horizontal mini channel of 2.6 mm internal diameter. The measurement system consists of a light emitting diode (LED) of high brightness, light dependent resistor (LDR), amplifier circuit and data acquisition circuit. The experiments are performed with the air-water flow passing through a glass tube section positioned between the LED and LDR . According to the flow pattern, light is attenuated and impinges on LDR, changing its resistance and thus varying the voltage measured by data acquisition circuit. The tests are conducted with liquid volumetric flow of 160, 123 and 63 ml/min and gas volume of 0.05 and 0.1 ml and flow patterns tested and observed were bubbly and plug. During the tests images of the flow are registered, or the bubbles flow patterns, with a high-speed camera and the processing of these images is used to validate the optical sensor technique. The bubble areas, in pixels, are compared to area under the curve produced from optical sensor signal and a good correlation was found. A calibration curve of the sensor is obtained for bubbly flow pattern, and a correlation between void fraction and the tension is proposed. The results show that the optical sensor technique is adequate for average void fraction measurements in air-water two-phase flow and for flow patterns identification in mini channels.

Electrochemical characterization and time-variant structural reliability assessment of post-tensioned, segmental concrete bridges

Pillai Gopalakrishnan, Radhakris 2009 May 1900 (has links)
In post-tensioned (PT) bridges, prestressing steel tendons are the major load carrying components. These tendons consist of strands, ducts, and cementitious grout that fill the interstitial space between the strands and ducts. However, inspections on PT bridges have reported the presence of voids, moisture, and chlorides inside grouted ducts as the major cause of accelerated corrosion of strands. Corrosion of the strands has resulted in PT bridge failures in Europe and tendon failures in the United States. As most of the PT bridges have high importance measures and the consequences of failure are significant, it is important to maintain high levels of safety and serviceability for these bridges. To meet this goal, bridge management authorities are in dire need of tools to quantify the long-term performance of these bridges. Time-variant structural reliability models can be useful tools to quantify the long-term performance of PT bridges. This doctoral dissertation presents the following results obtained from a comprehensive experimental and analytical program on the performance of PT bridges. 1) Electrochemical characteristics of PT systems 2) Probabilistic models for tension capacity of PT strands and wires exposed to various void and environmental conditions 3) Time-variant structural reliability models (based on bending moment and stress limit states) for PT bridges 4) Time-variant strength and service reliabilities of a typical PT bridge experiencing HS20 and HL93 loading conditions and different exposure conditions for a period of 75 years The experimental program included exposure of strand specimens to wet-dry and continuous-atmospheric conditions. These strand specimens were fabricated to mimic void and/or grout-air-strand (GAS) conditions inside the tendons. It was found that the GAS interface plays a major role in strand corrosion. The GAS interfaces that are typically located in the anchorage zones of harped PT girders or vertical PT columns can cause aggressive strand corrosion. At these locations, if voids are present and the environment is relatively dry, then limited corrosion of the strands occurs. However, if the presence of high relative humidity or uncontaminated and chloride-contaminated water exists at these interfaces, then corrosion activity can be high. The strands were exposed for a period of 12, 16, and 21 months, after which the remaining tension capacity was determined. The analytical program included the development of probabilistic strand capacity models (based on the experimental data) and the structural reliability models. The timevariant tension capacity predicted using the developed probabilistic models were reasonably consistent with the tendon failures observed in PT bridges in Florida and Virginia. The strength reliability model was developed based on the moment capacity and demand at midspan. Service reliability model was developed based on the allowable and applied stresses at midspan. Using these models, the time-variant strength and service reliabilities of a typical PT bridge were determined based on a set of pre-defined constant and random parameters representing void, material, exposure, prestress, structural loading, and other conditions. The strength and service reliabilities of PT bridges exposed to aggressive environmental conditions can drop below the recommended values at relatively young ages. In addition, under similar conditions the service reliability drops at a faster rate than the strength reliability.

Experimental Study on Kinematics and Dynamics of Breaking Waves in Deep Water

Lim, Ho Joon 2010 August 1900 (has links)
A new measurement technique called fiber optic reflectometer (FOR) was developed to investigate multiphase flows. The principle and setup of the FOR technique were introduced and applied to various experiments. Based on the coherently mixed signal between the Fresnel reflection off the fiber-liquid interface and the scattered signal off the object, such as a gas bubble, and a solid particle, this single probe technique is capable of simultaneously measuring the velocity of the object with a high accuracy and the phase of the fluid. In addition, bubble diameter, velocity, and void fraction were measured directly. By means of a simple modification of the FOR technique, solute concentration and refractive index change were measured with a greatly improved accuracy. This modified technique was used for measuring of a NaCl concentration in deionized water to validate a new normalization technique. In the second part of this thesis, a plunging breaking wave in deep water has been studied. Using the wave focusing method, a strong plunging breaker was generated with accuracy in the deep water condition in a two-dimensional wave tank. It was possible to describe the breaking process in detail using a high speed camera with a frame rate of 500 or 1000 fps. Four kinds of experimental techniques were employed or developed to investigate the plunging breaker. Bubble image velocimetry (BIV) and particle image velocimetry (PIV) were used to measure the velocity fields. The velocity fields of the highly aerated region were obtained from the BIV measurements. In addition, the modified PIV technique is capable of measuring the velocities in the entire flow field including the aerated region. Mean and turbulent properties were obtained by the ensemble average. The mean velocity, mean vorticity, and mean kinetic energy were examined over the entire flow field. In addition, the Reynolds stresses and turbulent kinetic energy were calculated with high temporal and spatial resolutions. Free surface elevation was obtained from wave gauge measurements. BIV and PIV images were also used to obtain the free surface elevation and the boundary of the aerated region for more accurate results. The FOR technique was used to obtain the void ratio at each splash-up region. Compressibility of the plunging breaker was considered. Mass flux, momentum flux, kinetic energy, and Reynolds stresses at each FOR station were recalculated using the void ratio obtained from the FOR measurements. All terms at the first splash-up region were highly overestimated more than 100 percent unless the void ratio was applied to the calculation of fluxes and energies. Compared with the fully developed first splash-up region, the overestimation at the second and third splash-up was less significant. However, most terms were overestimated by 20~30 percent when the void ratio was not considered.

Wall Effects In Packed Beds

Sita Ram Rao, K V 04 1900 (has links)
Packed beds find extensive application in a wide variety of industries. The objective of the present work is to analyze and evaluate the effects of the wall on structural characteristics, hydrodynamics and heat transfer in packed beds of spheres. As a first attempt, spheres of uniform size are considered. The cylindrical wall of the bed confines the location of the particles thus leading to significant radial variations in void fraction and specific lateral surface area. The two characteristics at any given radial position r* are estimated by defining a concentric cylindrical channel (CCC) of an arbitrary thickness such that its boundaries are equidistant from the cylindrical surface passing through r* and accounting for the solid volumes or lateral surface areas of the segments of spheres (cap, slice, rod and annular ring) contained in the CCC and with centers lying within a distance of a particle radius from r*.The curved boundaries of the sphere segments are rigorously accounted for. The low aspect ratio beds (aspect ratio less than or equal to 2) show three distinct types of behavior. In beds of aspect ratio 2, the void fraction starts from a value of unity at the wall and decreases to a minimum and then increases to unity at the center of the bed. In beds with aspect ratio between l\/¯3/2, there is a continuous decrease in void fraction from unity at the wall to a fairly low value towards the axis and then a slight increase followed by another decrease. The profiles for aspect ratio less than l\/¯3/2 show a continuous decrease from a value of unity at the wall to zero towards the axis. In contrast, beds of high aspect ratio show heavily damped oscillations in the void fraction up to about five particle diameters from the wall and then a constant value. The lateral surface area variations in low aspect ratio beds show a steep fall from a very high value near the wall, and in high aspect ratio beds an oscillatory nature, though not as strong as in the corresponding void fraction profiles. The distribution of flow in packed beds for steady flow of an incompressible Newtonian fluid under isothermal conditions is modeled by using Ergun equation with Brinkman-type correction to account for the viscous effects in the region close to the wall. The confining effect of the wall is incorporated through the radial variations in void fraction and specific lateral surface area. The hydraulic radius in the region next to the wall is modified to take into account the resistance of the wall surface to flow. The resulting model equations with appropriate boundary conditions are solved numerically by collocation technique. The influence of aspect ratio in the range 1.25 to 20.3 and Reynolds number from 0.1 to 1000, the two most important factors affecting the flow behavior, is evaluated. The velocity profiles show a peak in the region close to the wall thus indicating severe channeling effect in this region. The magnitude and location of the peak depend on aspect ratio and Reynolds number. The model predictions agree remarkably with reported experimental data on velocity profiles in a bed of aspect ratio 10.7, and on the effect of Reynolds number on friction factors in beds of low aspect ratio. The radial variations in void fraction, velocity and effective thermal conductivity are incorporated in the two-dimensional pseudo-homogeneous steady-state model to analyze the wall effects on heat transfer in packed beds. Both constant wall temperature and constant wall flux boundary conditions are adopted. The equations are solved numerically using finite difference technique. The radial temperature profiles are seen to be fairly uniform in beds of low aspect ratio thus showing that the often made assumption of complete radial thermal mixing in low aspect ratio beds is valid. Beds of high aspect ratio show strong radial gradients. For constant heat flux condition the slope of the temperature profile remains constant after a small distance from the Inlet thus leading to thermally fully-developed flow. For this condition the heat transfer equations are solved analytically to obtain expressions for Nusselt number and the radial temperature profiles. There is a significant difference in the temperature profiles evaluated in the presence and absence of wall effects. Good agreement is found between the Nusselt numbers obtained from the model and reported experimental data.

Entwicklung des Neutronentransportcodes TransRay und Untersuchungen zur zwei- und dreidimensionalen Berechnung effektiver Gruppenwirkungsquerschnitte

Beckert, C. 31 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Standardmäßig erfolgt die Datenaufbereitung der Neutronenwirkungsquerschnitte für Reaktorkernrechnungen mit 2D-Zellcodes. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, einen 3D-Zellcode zu entwickeln, mit diesem Code 3D-Effekte zu untersuchen und die Notwendigkeit einer 3D-Datenaufbereitung der Neutronenwirkungsquerschnitte zu bewerten. Zur Berechnung des Neutronentransports wurde die Methode der Erststoßwahrscheinlichkeiten, die mit der Ray-Tracing-Methode berechnet werden, gewählt. Die mathematischen Algorithmen wurden in den 2D/3D-Zellcode TransRay umgesetzt. Für den Geometrieteil des Programms wurde das Geometriemodul eines Monte-Carlo-Codes genutzt. Das Ray-Tracing in 3D wurde auf Grund der hohen Rechenzeiten parallelisiert. Das Programm TransRay wurde an 2D-Testaufgaben verifiziert. Für einen Druckwasser-Referenzreaktor wurden folgende 3D-Probleme untersucht: Ein teilweise eingetauchter Regelstab und Void (Vakuum oder Dampf) um einen Brennstab als Modell einer Dampfblase. Alle Probleme wurden zum Vergleich auch mit den Programmen HELIOS (2D) und MCNP (3D) nachgerechnet. Die Abhängigkeit des Multiplikationsfaktors und der gemittelten Zweigruppenquerschnitte von der Eintauchtiefe des Regelstabes bzw. von der Höhe der Dampfblase wurden untersucht. Die 3D berechneten Zweigruppenquerschnitte wurden mit drei üblichen Näherungen verglichen: Lineare Interpolation, Interpolation mit Flusswichtung und Homogenisierung. Am 3D-Problem des Regelstabes zeigte sich, dass die Interpolation mit Flusswichtung eine gute Näherung ist. Demnach ist hier eine 3D-Datenaufbereitung nicht notwendig. Beim Testfall des einzelnen Brennstabs, der von Void umgeben ist, erwiesen sich die drei Näherungen für die Zweigruppenquerschnitte als unzureichend. Demnach ist eine 3D-Datenaufbereitung notwendig. Die einzelne Brennstabzelle mit Void kann als der Grenzfall eines Reaktors angesehen werden, in dem sich eine Phasengrenzfläche herausgebildet hat.

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