Spelling suggestions: "subject:"detrain"" "subject:"1strain""
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Effective Network Partitioning to Find MIP Solutions to the Train Dispatching ProblemSnellings, Christopher 19 June 2013 (has links)
Each year the Railway Applications Section (RAS) of the Institution for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) posits a research problem to the world in the form of a competition. For 2012, the contest involved solving the Train Dispatching Problem (TDP) on a realistic 85 edge network for three different sets of input data. This work is an independent attempt to match or improve upon the results of the top three finishers in the contest using mixed integer programming (MIP) techniques while minimizing the use of heuristics. The primary focus is to partition the network in a manner that reduces the number of binary variables in the formulation as much as possible without compromising the ability to satisfy any of the contest requirements. This resulted in the ability to optimally solve this model for RAS Data Set 1 in 29 seconds without any problem-specific heuristics, variable restrictions, or variable fixing. Applying some assumptions about train movements allowed the same Data Set 1 solution to be found in 5.4 seconds. After breaking the larger Data Sets 2 and 3 into smaller sub-problems, solutions for Data Sets 2 and 3 were 28% and 1% better, respectively, than those of the competition winner. The time to obtain solutions for Data Sets 2 and 3 was 90 and 318 seconds, respectively.
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A Fire Stronger than God: Myth-making and the Novella Form in Denis Johnson's Train DreamsNgo, Chinh 15 May 2015 (has links)
Using concepts of cognitive evolutionary theory, the author explores how narrative storytelling manifests itself in Denis Johnson's novella Train Dreams. The novella form is also discussed, focusing on its manipulation of linear time, its naturalization of supernatural elements, and its deconstruction of dichotomous relationships. Utilizing the novella's distinct structural and thematic elements, Johnson's text shows the myth of American expansionism and industrial progress and that of Kootenai holism in collision, resulting in a narrative renegotiation that seeks to affirm coexistence and complexity.
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Gestaltningsprogram Murjek : Ett förslag på anpassning av småskaliga tågstationer avseende turism, funktion och tillgänglighet / Design Program for Murjek : A Proposal on adaption of small-scale train stations regarding tourism, function and accessibilityAli, Jones, Alisson, Hussein January 2017 (has links)
Trafikverket planerar att inom snar framtidrusta upp plattformen för Murjek station, enliten tågstation som utgör Jokkmokk kommunsenda tågstation längs Malmbanan och hartydlig koppling till turistiska destinationer. Isamband med detta ska en kartläggning överviktiga turistiska bedömningsaspekter förmindre tågstationer med koppling till turismgöras och ett tillhörande gestaltningsprogramför Murjek stationsområde tas fram.Detta arbete har bland annat gått ut på attgenom en systematisk litteraturstudie,intervjuer och fältstudier genomföra dennakartläggning. Målet med arbetet är att genomde framtagna bedömningsaspekterna ochgestaltningsprogrammet kunna svara påföljande vetenskapliga frågor:Hur kan utformningen se ut för småskaligatågstationer kopplade till turism?● Vilka funktioner är viktiga för att skapa entillgänglig och funktionell tågstation?● Vilka parametrar är viktiga för en småskaligtågstation ur ett turistiskt perspektiv?Hur bör Murjek station och omgivningenutformas för att på ett hållbart sätt främjaturistnäringens utveckling?● Hur ska man uppfylla de turistiskaupplevelsevärdena genom gestaltning avstationsområdet?● Vilka turistiska aspekter bör uppfyllas vidgestaltning av Murjek station?Genom att följa metoden för åtgärdsvalsstudiehar Murjek stationsområde inventerats och ensammanfattad bild av brister på området harsammanställts. Vidare har åtgärder baseradepå intervjuer och teori tagits fram ochutvärderats för att sedan mynna ut i turistiskabedömningsaspekter. Dessa har sedan,tillsammans med teori för utformning avstationer legat som bas för detgestaltningsprogram som tagits fram.De sammanställda turistiskabedömningsaspekterna täcker områdenagestaltning, utformning, information, kultur,konst, funktioner och sociala aspekter och ärutformade för att kunna tillämpas på allamindre stationer med koppling till turism.Gestaltningsprogrammet är uppdelat i tredelar: stationsområdet, stationshuset ochplattformen. Alla tre områden har byggts omoch anpassats för att vara mer tillgängliga ochfunktionella utifrån de riktlinjer som finnssamt för att uppfylla de turistiskabedömningsaspekter som tagits fram.Gestaltningsprogrammet innebär en praktisktillämpning av de turistiskabedömningsaspekterna samt de riktlinjer somfinns för funktion, tillgänglighet ochutformning. Detta resultat är menat sominspiration för andra mindre stationer ochvisar på möjligheten att kombinera alla dessafaktorer till ett attraktivt resecentrum välanpassat för alla typer av resenärer, inklusivepersoner med funktionsnedsättning ochturister.Arbetet är geografiskt avgränsat till Murjekmed omnejd och är begränsat tillparametrarna turism, tillgänglighet, ochfunktionsanpassning. / Trafikverket plans to soon upgrade theplatform of Murjek station, a small-scale trainstation that constitute Jokkmokkmunicipality's only railway station alongMalmbanan and has clear links to touristdestinations. In connection with this, amapping of touristic aspects for smaller trainstations related to tourism shall be made andan associated design program for Murjekstation area will be developed.This method in this report consists of doing asystematic literature review, interviews andfield studies, which served as the base for themapping that has been done. The goal of thisreport is to, through the touristic aspects andthe design program, answer the followingscientific questions:How can a design proposal for a small-scaletrain station linked to tourism look like?● What features are important to create anaccessible and functional train station?● What parameters are important for a smallscaletrain station seen from a touristicperspective?How should Murjek station and thesurrounding station area be designed in orderto promote tourism development in asustainable way?● How can touristic experience values be metthrough the design of the station area?● What touristic aspects should be met in thedesign of Murjek station?Through following the method ofåtgärdsvalsstudier, the station area has beeninventoried and a summarized view of theshortcomings in the area has been compiled.Furthermore, measures of action based on theinterviews and theory have been developedand evaluated which has culminated in thetouristic aspects. These, along with the theoryfor the design of train stations, were the basisfor the design program.The compiled touristic aspects cover the areasof design, information, culture, art,functionality, and social aspects and aredesigned to be applicable to all small-scalestations linked to tourism. The design programis divided into three parts: the station area,the station building and the platform. All threeareas have been renovated and adapted to bemore accessible and functional based onexisting guidelines and to meet the touristicaspects developed.The design program embodies the practicalapplication of the touristic aspects and theexisting guidelines for functionality,accessibility, and design. This result is meantas a source of inspiration for other small-scalestations and demonstrates the possibility tocombine all of these elements into anattractive travel center that is well suited forall types of travelers, including persons withdisabilities and tourists.The report is geographically limited to Murjekand its vicinity and is limited to theparameters tourism, accessibility, andfunctional adaptation.
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Hur datadrivna metoder kan öka punktligheten för tågtrafik / How datadriven methods can increase the punctionality of train trafficHossenpour, Deniz January 2019 (has links)
The punctuality of rail traffic in Sweden has not increased in a long period of time and this causes problems for people, companies and the community as it affects everyone in different ways. How the Swedish Transport Administration and SJ work on improving the train traffic and punctuality will be addressed in this study. This study will have focus on how data-driven methods can increase the punctuality of train traffic. The study will show which factors are critical for data-driven methods using literature as well as models with descriptions, as a result, the Swedish Transport Administration and SJ will be in focus for how the development of punctuality of train traffic goes. This is a case study with a literature search as well as qualitative interviews as data collection, the literature search will primarily show which factors are necessary for datadriven methods and it will also help form the interview questions, later on the interviews will show how the Swedish Transport Administration and SJ work today so that comparisons can be drawn and a result can be produced.
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Caracterização tecnológica de agregados para uso como lastro de trem de alta velocidade: trecho Campinas/São Paulo / Technological characterization of aggregates for use as high speed train ballast: Campinas/São Paulo SectionRemédio, Marcio José 17 February 2017 (has links)
É conhecido que, atualmente, o Brasil possui uma demanda substancial de obras de engenharia, como por exemplo, o Trem de Alta Velocidade (TAV) entre as cidades do Rio de Janeiro e de Campinas, necessárias para suportar as presentes e futuras demandas para o desenvolvimento do país. Este projeto governamental do TAV deverá requerer produção elevada de agregados de alta qualidade para emprego como lastro e também para concreto. No tocante ao uso como lastro, o agregado fica exposto e sujeito à ação constante das intempéries, fazendo com que estudos envolvendo alterabilidade sejam tão importantes quanto os de caracterização geomecânica dos materiais pétreos, levando-se em conta as condições intempéricas típicas de uma zona tropical que estarão submetidos. Estas constatações motivaram investigar as relações entre as propriedades tecnológicas de nove tipos de rochas cristalinas (micro-gabro, gnaisse e variedades de granitos) e suas utilizações como lastro do trecho Campinas/São Paulo do traçado do TAV. Em termo práticos, estas rochas foram submetidas a ensaios físicos, mecânicos e de alterabilidade acelerada, sendo que os testes de ciclagem água-estufa foram conjugados aos ensaios de abrasão Los Angeles, choque Treton e esmagamento. Os resultados indicaram que alguns materiais apresentaram valores de resistência inferiores ou próximos aos limites normatizados para lastros de ferrovia, além da perda de qualidade verificada nos ensaios de resistência à intempérie, inviabilizando ou restringindo a utilização de três dos materiais estudados para lastro. De modo geral, tais informações poderão servir de subsídio aos órgãos governamentais para tomada de decisões, quanto ao emprego dos materiais disponíveis na área onde será construído o TAV brasileiro, uma vez que os custos de manutenção da camada de lastro da ferrovia são críticos quando se opta por uma via lastrada ou em laje. / It is well known that Brazil currently shows a high number of engineering projects that are necessary to the development of the country. The projects include the High-Speed Rail (HSR) that will connect Rio de Janeiro and Campinas cities and requires a great production of high-quality construction aggregates to be used in track ballast and also in concrete. In the case of the track ballast, previous studies about the weathering of the aggregates together with a mechanical characterization are important and have to take in consideration that the material will be submitted to weathering conditions typical of a tropical environment. These assumptions motivated the investigation of the technological properties of nine types of crystalline rocks (microgabbro, gneiss and varied granitic rocks) considering their potential to be used as track ballast in the HSR between Campinas and São Paulo. The rock samples were submitted to physical, mechanical and accelerated weathering tests. The soundness by artificial weathering, drying water were conjugated to the Los Angeles abrasion tests, Treton shock and crushing. The results indicate that some materials present resistance values bellow or near the limit normalized for track ballast, besides the loss of the quality verified in weathering resistance tests, making it impossible or restricting the use of the three studied materials as track ballast. In general, such information can be used by government agencies to make decisions about the materials available in the area where the brazilian HSR will be built once the maintenance costs of the track ballast are critical to the choice between a track ballast or slab track.
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Övervakningssystem för tåg : Insamling och presentation av data via ett grafiskt gränssnitt / Monitoring system for trains : Gathering and presentation of data via a graphical interfaceHansson, Karl, Toma, Ivan January 2019 (has links)
I dagsläget finns en del problem vid beslutsprocesser som trafikledningen inom tågtrafiken dagligen får handskas med. Dessa beslutsprocesser kan effektiviseras genom ett förbättrat stöd och underlag och tanken med projektet var att skapa detta stöd. Detta projekt har resulterat i ett enkelt system som samlar in och presenterar data över tåg i ett grafiskt gränssnitt i form av en karta. Systemet är utvecklat för att enkelt kunna få fler funktioner applicerade i framtiden och var från början tänkt att bestå av högre utbud funktioner än vad det har i dagsläget. Projektet har tagit form med hjälp av tågbolaget SJ med information om de hinder de stöter på, och riktlinjer satta från vår handledare under projektet. Vi kommer i denna rapporten att beskriva mer detaljerat hur projektet tagit form, vilka problem vi fått handskas med och hur systemet är utvecklat. / Currently there exists several problems with the decision-making processes that the trafficmanagement within train traffic daily must put up with. The decision processes can be mademore efficient by having a good support and structure, and the goal of this project was to createthis support. This project has resulted in a simple system that collects and presents train data on a graphicalinterface in the form of a map. The system is designed to be expandable with new features andfunctionalities with relative ease and was initially supposed to include some of these extrafeatures. The project has taken shape with help from the train company SJ with informationabout problems they've encountered, and guidelines set by our supervisor during the project. In this report we will describe how the project has taken shape, what problems we have dealtwith and how the system is developed.
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Methodology for Correlating Experimental and Finite Element Modal Analyses on Valve TrainsGiorelli, Massimo 26 April 2002 (has links)
The widespread use of finite element models in assessing system dynamics for noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) evaluation has led to recognition of the need for improved procedures for correlating models to experimental results. This study develops and applies a methodology to correlate an experimental modal analysis with a finite element modal analysis of valve trains in IC-engines. A pre-test analysis procedure is employed to guide the execution of tests used in the correlation process. This approach improves the efficiency of the test process, ensuring that the test article is neither under nor over-instrumented. The test-analysis model (TAM) that results from the pre-test simulation provides a means to compare the test and the model both during the experimental approach and during the model updating process. The validity of the correlation methodology is demonstrated through its application on the valve train of a single overhead cam (SOHC) engine.
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Proposta de um controlador automático de trens utilizando lógica nebulosa preditiva. / Proposal for an automatic trains control using predictive fuzzy logic.Rachel, Flávio Monteiro 26 July 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo da viabilidade de aplicação de ferramentas de Inteligência Artificial, em especial da aplicação da lógica nebulosa preditiva (lógica fuzzy), em sistemas de controle automático de trens. Para isto, um panorama do contexto de aplicação do estudo é apresentado, incluindo a problemática dos transportes nas grandes cidades e a utilização de técnicas de computação em sistemas metroferroviários. Também são apresentados os princípios básicos de controle automático de trens, de lógica nebulosa preditiva e de sistemas de controle, particularmente os sistemas especialistas e as aplicações críticas de controle. Um modelo de um sistema de controle utilizando lógica nebulosa preditiva é então proposto e detalhado. Em seguida, estudos de caso para os trens do metropolitano de Sendai (Japão) e de São Paulo são efetuados. Simulações, testes comparativos e a análise dos resultados são realizados, levando às considerações finais sobre a viabilidade da aplicação. A conclusão é que, mesmo se tratando de uma aplicação crítica de controle, envolvendo a segurança dos passageiros, a utilização de ferramentas de Inteligência Artificial, especialmente a lógica nebulosa preditiva, é perfeitamente viável, desde que uma atenção especial com a segurança do sistema seja tomado. Neste caso, esta atenção é tomada por meio da implantação de um módulo supervisor (módulo ATP) que realiza uma monitoração constante das entradas e saídas do sistema de controle. O ATP atua, preferencialmente, ao sistema de controle para garantir a sua segurança. Embora as normas européias (IEE e CENELEC) não recomendem a utilização de ferramentas de Inteligência Artificial em aplicações críticas de controle, este estudo demonstra que é possível efetuar a aplicação destas ferramentas, aproveitando os benefícios por elas proporcionados, sem comprometer a segurança do sistema. / This dissertation presents a study on the viability of applying Artificial Intelligence tools, especially predictive fuzzy logic application, in automatic train control systems. For this purpose, an overview of the study application context is presented, including transportation troubling in big cities and computational techniques used in subway and railway systems. The basic principles of automatic train control, predictive fuzzy logic and control systems, particularly specialist and control critical systems applications are also presented. A model for a control system using predictive fuzzy logic is then proposed and detailed. Next, study cases for Sendai (Japan) and São Paulo subway trains are conducted. Simulations, comparative tests and results analysis are carried out, leading to the final considerations about the application viability. The conclusion is that, even being a critical control application, involving passenger safety, the use of Artificial Intelligence tools, especially predictive fuzzy logic, is perfectible viable, since special attention is given to the safety of the system. In this case, this attention is given by means of the implementation of a supervisory module (ATP module) that constantly monitors control system inputs and outputs. The ATP acts preferably on the control system in order to guarantee its safety. Although European standards (IEE and CENELEC) do not recommend the use of Artificial Intelligence tools in critical system applications, this study shows that it is possible to apply these tools, enjoying the benefits provided by them, without compromising the system safety.
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Desenvolvimento e aplicação da técnica de hiper Rayleigh com trem de pulsos / Development and application of the pulse train hyper-Rayleigh scattering technique.Franzen, Paulo Licênio 30 June 2008 (has links)
Nesta tese apresentamos uma extensão da técnica de espalhamento hiper-Rayleigh (HRS) e sua aplicação para o estudo dos mecanismos que interferem na primeira hiperpolarizabilidade molecular (). Utilizamos um laser Nd:YAG, Q-switched e mode-locked como bombeio para excitar as amostras. Este laser emite pulsos de 100 ps modulados por uma envoltória de Q-switch. A saída é uma seqüência de pulsos com intensidades que acompanham a forma da envoltória. Usamos este trem de pulsos para excitar as amostras na medida de espalhamento hiper-Rayleigh, e um sistema de detecção com resolução temporal suficiente para resolver cada pulso independentemente. Esta modalidade de bombeio permitiu eliminar o controle mecânico da intensidade, o que reduziu o tempo necessário para a medida e melhorou a estabilidade nas condições experimentais. O método com trem de pulsos proporciona meios de identificar contribuições luminescentes e evitar valores superestimados para a primeira hiperpolarizabilidade. Realizamos testes medindo a molécula de paranitroanilina em vários solventes e verificamos muito boa reprodutibilidade dos valores da literatura. Comparamos os resultados medidos com valores calculados a partir do método de Hartree-Fock e corrigimos o engrandecimento por ressonância utilizando um modelo de dois níveis. A comparação entre valores teóricos e experimentais teve uma diferença média de 15%. Um estudo análogo para a molécula de dianilina não reproduziu os valores experimentais e atribuímos a falha à inaplicabilidade do modelo de dois níveis para medidas no regime ressonante. Também estudamos a primeira hiperpolarizabilidade nas porfirinas TDMImP e TPPS4, sob a forma base livre e formando complexos com Zn2+, Fe3+ e Mn3+. Para a TPPS4 estendemos o estudo para observar os efeitos da protonação na base livre e da formação de oxo dímeros na FeTPPS4 e as alterações causadas pela presença de micelas de CTAB. A comparação direta entre os resultados é dificultada em muitos casos pela diferença no engrandecimento por ressonância. Foi possível verificar que a presença de micelas tem o efeito de diminuir o valor de na H2TPPS4 pH 7. As medidas de HRS em ambiente ácido (pH 4) corroboram com a literatura, indicando que a ocorre desprotonação na presença de micelas. Um estudo teórico e experimental dos três isômeros do aminofenol permitiu analisar os efeitos da posição relativa dos grupos radicais e do comprimento da conjugação sobre a primeira hiperpolarizabilidade. Verificamos que a alteração no caráter doador/aceitador para diferentes posições dos grupos radicais tem influência maior no valor de do que o comprimento da conjugação. Utilizamos compostos com o ligante salen, com grupos laterais etano e DR1 e com ligantes H2, Cu2+, Ni2+ e VO2+, para estudar como os diferentes grupos e complexos refletem diferenças no valor de . Foi possível verificar que diferentemente da absorção linear e da seção de choque para dois fótons, o ligante com grupos radicais DR1 causam um aumento na primeira hiperpolarizabilidade que é muito maior do que a soma das contribuições individuais. Os complexos têm primeiras hiperpolarizabilidades maiores do que o ligante com H2 e a comparação entre os dois grupos com diferentes radicais mostra que existe uma correlação entre os aumentos causados por diferentes complexos. / This thesis reports an extension of the Hyper-Rayleigh scattering technique (HRS) and its application to study the mechanisms that contribute to the molecular first hyperpolarizabilities (). We use a Nd:YAG laser, Q-switched and mode-locked, as pumping beam to excite the samples. The laser delivers 100 ps pulses modulated by a Q-switch envelope, and the output is a pulse sequence which intensities follow the shape of the envelope. This pulse train is used to excite the samples in a Hyper-Rayleigh scattering experiment and the signal for each mode-lock pulse is detected independently. This modality of pumping allows the removal of the mechanical intensity control, therefore reducing measurement time and improved experimental stability. The method with pulse train also provides means to identify luminescent contributions and avoid overestimated values for the first hyperpolarizability. We performed test measurements with para-nitroaniline in several solvents and verified very good reproducibility of literature values. We also compared the measured and calculated values, obtained with the Hartree-Fock method and corrected for resonance enhancement with a two level model. The comparison between theoretical and experimental values results in an average difference of 15%. Similar studies for the dianiline molecule failed to reproduce experimental values and we attributed the failure to the inadequacy of the of the two-level model to correct resonance enhancement. We also studied the first hyperpolarizability of the TDMImP and TPPS4 porphyrins, in the free-base form and in complex with Zn2+, Fe3+ and Mn3+. For TPPS4 we extended the study to observe the protonação effects in the free-base and the formation of oxo dimmers in FeTPPS4 complexes. The comparison between results from different compounds is hindered in most cases by different contributions from resonance enhancement. However, it was possible to verify that the presence of micelles has the effect of reducing the value of on H2TPPS4 pH 7. The HRS measurements in acid environment (pH 4) corroborates with the literature, indicating that desprotonation occurs in the presence of CTAB micelles. A theoretical and experimental study of three aminofenol isomers allowed to verify the effects of the relative positions of radical groups and the conjugation length on the first hyperpolarizability. The results show that in this case the change in the donor/acceptor character for different positions of the radical groups is more important than the increase in one unit in the conjugation length. We also studied compounds with the salen ligant, observing the effects of different lateral groups (ethane and DR1) and different complexes (H2, Cu2+, Ni2+ and VO2+) on the value of . It was possible to verify that, differently than the linear absorption the two-photon cross section, the compounds with DR1 shows an increase in the first hyperpolarizability that is much larger than the sum of the individual contributions of DR1 groups. The metal complexes have larger first hyperpolarizabilities than the ligant and the enhancement produced by different complexes follows the same pattern for both radical groups. Even after the strong increase in produced by the DR1 group, the much weaker effect of the complexes is preserved and measurable.
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Analýza podnikatelských příležitostí na trhu s osobní železniční dopravou / Analysis of business opportunities in the market for rail passenger transportStepanenko, Karol January 2011 (has links)
European Commission sees further development of rail passenger transport as one of the main pillars for maintaining and further strengthening of competitiveness of Europe. With rail passenger transport, as a growth industry that connects all the other sectors, we can count on further economic development in future while preserving diversity and beauty of European fauna and flora as well as growth in living standards. It was found that the trends in the use of railways in the Czech Republic and advanced European countries are different. The paper assumes that the role of rail passenger transport in the Czech Republic will strengthen in accordance with trends in western countries. The paper analyses the Czech rail passenger transport market. The Prague -- České Budějovice route has been identified as the most suitable for entry of a new private operator. There are strong streams of passengers. After completion of the railway corridor the route will offer extension of activities onto the Austrian market. The paper analyses the competitive environment. The main competitors are RegioJet and LEO Express. The operator can compete using low-cost concept, especially EMU trains. High quality of offered services will also play an important role. Leasing was identified as the most convenient financial instrument. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are summarized in the SWOT analysis.
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