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Middle-class demand for self-use residential properties, Kaohsiung City StudyHo, Chen-Yu 16 September 2009 (has links)
With the increase in national income, demand for residential dwellings from the shelter, basic needs, thus taking into account the domestic situation, ventilation, lighting and other home within their own conditions, and noise, sanitation, etc. the quality of the external environment, gradually become the focus of concern, while the home security, life and leisure sports such as convenience demands increasing
attention. In particular, the middle-class constitutes the backbone of society, to social development and stability of a great force in Kaohsiung local consumption patterns and cultural differences, the middle-class homebuyers demand for their own use and purchase of residential the decision-making may be different from other areas.
Housing is a not a small number of financial decisions and expenditures, as housing is different from general merchandise, with durability, high prices and the repeat purchase rate of the smaller features, is the homebuyers in the decision-making process must be highly involved, and in the face of housing decisions, the consideration of the housing a myriad of factors. Residential properties for different
homebuyers have different degrees of importance, is a very complex decision-making process, this study of " analytic hierarchy process (AHP) " to complex problems systematically, from different perspectives given level of decomposition and, through quantitative judgments, will be a comprehensive assessment of relevant information to provide homebuyers in the purchase decision-making appropriate and adequate
information, decision-making aimed at resolving the difficulties of the temporary surface, reducing the risk of making a wrong decision, enabling more homebuyers transaction capacity to make the right decision.
The use of " hierarchy analysis, " the establishment of multi-level evaluation model, the middle class-occupied residential property for Kaohsiung weight
requirements analysis to understand the priority order; through the Conclusion of this study was to provide middle-class homebuyers Kaohsiung's reference, also provide Government and civil construction industry in the planning and building of own house, they can meet the Kaohsiung middle-class preferences.
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Multi-criteria Decision Support for Strategic Program Prioritization at Defence Research and Development CanadaIsmaili, Hami 05 April 2013 (has links)
The objective of this thesis research is to model the multiple program objectives used by Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) for the annual management and allocation of their broad range of Science and Technology (S&T) projects in order to best achieve the strategic goals of the agency and the government.
This M.Sc. thesis presents methodologies, techniques and applications in Linear Programming (LP) and Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) for decision support in program prioritization and project selection of the DRDC S&T projects.
The results of this research produce a model that supports decision makers effectively in the assignment of limited human and financial resources to competing S&T projects based on the evaluation of projects that merit funding and the multiple criteria established by the organization. While there is a well-defined set of criteria for the annual program formulation process, the selection procedure is currently based on simple scoring processes and expert judgement; it lacks a well-defined and structured analysis. The application of an MCDM framework is proposed to take advantage of the well-structured problem and improve annual renewal and ongoing monitoring or project performance measures. The results of the analysis provide a traceable and rigorous MCDM framework to evaluate the performance of DRDC S&T projects for enhanced resource allocation.
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Multi-criteria Decision Support for Strategic Program Prioritization at Defence Research and Development CanadaIsmaili, Hami January 2013 (has links)
The objective of this thesis research is to model the multiple program objectives used by Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) for the annual management and allocation of their broad range of Science and Technology (S&T) projects in order to best achieve the strategic goals of the agency and the government.
This M.Sc. thesis presents methodologies, techniques and applications in Linear Programming (LP) and Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) for decision support in program prioritization and project selection of the DRDC S&T projects.
The results of this research produce a model that supports decision makers effectively in the assignment of limited human and financial resources to competing S&T projects based on the evaluation of projects that merit funding and the multiple criteria established by the organization. While there is a well-defined set of criteria for the annual program formulation process, the selection procedure is currently based on simple scoring processes and expert judgement; it lacks a well-defined and structured analysis. The application of an MCDM framework is proposed to take advantage of the well-structured problem and improve annual renewal and ongoing monitoring or project performance measures. The results of the analysis provide a traceable and rigorous MCDM framework to evaluate the performance of DRDC S&T projects for enhanced resource allocation.
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Toma de decisión en los acuíferos de la Cuarta Región de Chile, mediante la aplicación de la técnica AHP de análisis multicriterio de decisionesRamírez Guardia, Alejandro Marcelo 12 February 2013 (has links)
Este trabajo aborda el problema de las aguas subterráneas en la cuarta región de Chile.
El problema de los recursos hídricos y su escasez ha llevado a especialistas, responsables de organismos vinculados a la gestión de los recursos hídricos, académicos y a la comunidad en general a establecer un debate acerca del tipo de extracción que debería realizarse para cubrir la demanda por una parte de la comunidad en general, y por otra de los sectores minero y agrícola, los cuales constituyen dos importantes polos de desarrollo en la región.
Los últimos registros han indicado que los niveles de los embalses están bajo la capacidad histórica debido entre otras variables a los cambios climáticos experimentado no solamente a nivel regional sino a nivel mundial, y además la visible disminución en los registros de las precipitaciones, que ha afectados las principales cuencas hidrográficas presentes en la región.
Ante tal situación este trabajo plantea el problema con la metodología del Proceso Analítico Jerárquico (AHP), de ayuda a la toma de decisiones multicriterio. El modelo se estructura en seis niveles, considerando los criterios de decisión para la toma de decisión, los centros decisores que intervienen, los grupos afectados entorno a la problemática, los objetivos más importantes a alcanzar para la solución, y por último las dos alternativas propuestas. Explotar los acuíferos existentes o explorar y explotar nuevos acuíferos.
Se han recogido las opiniones de veinte expertos de los distintos sectores vinculados directa o indirectamente al tema de recursos hídricos en la región, respecto a la posible alternativa de extracción de aguas subterráneas como respuesta al déficit de aguas superficiales. / Ramírez Guardia, AM. (2013). Toma de decisión en los acuíferos de la Cuarta Región de Chile, mediante la aplicación de la técnica AHP de análisis multicriterio de decisiones [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/21030
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Mapeamento de perigo de escorregamentos em áreas urbanas precárias brasileiras com a incorporação do Processo de Análise Hierárquica (AHP) / Landslides hazard mapping in Brazilian poor and slum urban areas with the application of the AHP methodFaria, Daniela Girio Marchiori 21 October 2011 (has links)
As áreas urbanas precárias, também denominadas de favelas são as mais frequentemente afetadas por escorregamentos e também as mais vulneráveis, gerando danos sociais de maior monta. Este cenário resultou na demanda e no desenvolvimento de uma série de ações do poder público em diferentes municípios e estados brasileiros, culminando com o estabelecimento de um programa federal, vinculado ao Ministério das Cidades, voltado à mitigação destes riscos com o desenvolvimento de mapeamentos e a implantação de planos preventivos de defesa civil, de obras de estabilização e de reurbanização nestas áreas de risco. No estado de São Paulo, o mapeamento de escorregamento em encostas urbanas precárias vem sendo realizado desde 1990, através das iniciativas de órgãos públicos e com a participação de diversas instituições. O método de mapeamento atualmente mais utilizado emprega como técnicas principais a realização de vistorias sistemáticas de campo, investigações de superfície, utilização de fichas descritivas para armazenar as informações coletadas e a delimitação de setores de risco em imagens aéreas recentes e de grande escala e de detalhe. Este método é bastante aplicado e muitas vezes consegue subsidiar satisfatoriamente as ações de mitigação dos riscos de escorregamentos, indicando os locais prioritários para receberem estas ações. Por outro lado, o método também é questionado pelo meio técnico devido sua abordagem qualitativa, pela pouca utilização dos métodos clássicos de mapeamento geotécnico e de análise de estabilidade de taludes e pelo grau elevado de subjetividade que pode agregar, podendo produzir resultados de baixa confiabilidade. A contribuição da presente pesquisa é o aprimoramento do método de mapeamento de perigo e de risco de escorregamentos em áreas urbanas, diminuindo a subjetividade na comparação e na hierarquização dos setores, sem modificar sua abordagem fundamental e suas técnicas principais atualmente utilizadas. Para tornar o método mais sistemático, propõe-se incorporar o Processo de Análise Hierárquica (AHP) na análise dos indicadores e na hierarquização dos setores de perigo. Comparou-se o mapeamento de perigo com a aplicação do AHP com o mapeamento de risco de escorregamentos realizado em São Sebastião (SP) pelo IG-SMA em 2005, verificando-se que os resultados do mapeamento de perigo com a aplicação do AHP foram mais conservadores em algumas áreas. Entretanto, os resultados com a aplicação do AHP, diminuiu a subjetividade e evidenciou a facilidade e praticidade em se verificar a contribuição (em forma de peso) dos indicadores de perigo na classificação do perigo nos setores mapeados. Também foram analisadas as opiniões de três especialistas nos julgamentos paritários dos indicadores de perigo de escorregamentos. Os resultados não mostraram discrepâncias na classificação do perigo. / The poor urban areas, also called slums are the most frequently affected by landslides and also the most vulnerable, leading to greater social harm mounts. This situation pushed a series of actions by public authorities in several Brazilian cities and states. In the federal level was, established a program, under the auspice of the Ministry of Cities, aimed to mitigating these risks with the development of hazard and risk mapping projects and implementation of preventive plans for civil defense, works of stabilization and redevelopment in these areas of risk. In the State of São Paulo, the landslide mapping on poor and slum urban areas has been held since 1990 in several municipalities, through the initiatives of government agencies and with the participation of many institutions. The mapping method employs currently more used as main techniques to carry out systematic field surveys, surface investigations, use of fact sheets to store the information collected and the delimitation of areas of hazard and risk in aerial images, and recent large-scale and detail. This mapping method has been widely applied and often gave satisfactorily support to the initiatives to mitigate the risks of landslides, indicating the prior sites to receive those initiatives. Nevertheless, the method is questioned by the specialists because of its qualitative approach, the lack of use of traditional methods of geological and geotechnical investigation and analysis of slope stability and the high degree of subjectivity that sometimes can produce unreliable results. The expected contribution to this research is to enhance the method of hazard mapping and risk of landslides in poor and slum urban areas by reducing its subjectivity for the comparison and ranking of sectors. It is not the intent of the research to change, its fundamental approach and its main techniques currently used. To this end, it is proposed to incorporate to the method the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in the systematic analysis of the indicators and the ranking of hazard sectors. We compared the hazard mapping with the application of the AHP and landslide risk mapping conducted in São Sebastião - SP by the IG-SMA in 2005, verifying that the results of the hazard mapping in the application of the AHP were more conservative in some areas. However, the results from the application of the AHP, decreased the subjectivity and demonstrated the ease and convenience to verify the contribution (in the form of weight) of the hazard indicators in the ranking of hazard in the areas mapped. We also analyzed the opinions of three experts in the trials of parity landslides hazard indicators. The results showed no discrepancies in the ranking of hazard.
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Mapeamento de perigo de escorregamentos em áreas urbanas precárias brasileiras com a incorporação do Processo de Análise Hierárquica (AHP) / Landslides hazard mapping in Brazilian poor and slum urban areas with the application of the AHP methodDaniela Girio Marchiori Faria 21 October 2011 (has links)
As áreas urbanas precárias, também denominadas de favelas são as mais frequentemente afetadas por escorregamentos e também as mais vulneráveis, gerando danos sociais de maior monta. Este cenário resultou na demanda e no desenvolvimento de uma série de ações do poder público em diferentes municípios e estados brasileiros, culminando com o estabelecimento de um programa federal, vinculado ao Ministério das Cidades, voltado à mitigação destes riscos com o desenvolvimento de mapeamentos e a implantação de planos preventivos de defesa civil, de obras de estabilização e de reurbanização nestas áreas de risco. No estado de São Paulo, o mapeamento de escorregamento em encostas urbanas precárias vem sendo realizado desde 1990, através das iniciativas de órgãos públicos e com a participação de diversas instituições. O método de mapeamento atualmente mais utilizado emprega como técnicas principais a realização de vistorias sistemáticas de campo, investigações de superfície, utilização de fichas descritivas para armazenar as informações coletadas e a delimitação de setores de risco em imagens aéreas recentes e de grande escala e de detalhe. Este método é bastante aplicado e muitas vezes consegue subsidiar satisfatoriamente as ações de mitigação dos riscos de escorregamentos, indicando os locais prioritários para receberem estas ações. Por outro lado, o método também é questionado pelo meio técnico devido sua abordagem qualitativa, pela pouca utilização dos métodos clássicos de mapeamento geotécnico e de análise de estabilidade de taludes e pelo grau elevado de subjetividade que pode agregar, podendo produzir resultados de baixa confiabilidade. A contribuição da presente pesquisa é o aprimoramento do método de mapeamento de perigo e de risco de escorregamentos em áreas urbanas, diminuindo a subjetividade na comparação e na hierarquização dos setores, sem modificar sua abordagem fundamental e suas técnicas principais atualmente utilizadas. Para tornar o método mais sistemático, propõe-se incorporar o Processo de Análise Hierárquica (AHP) na análise dos indicadores e na hierarquização dos setores de perigo. Comparou-se o mapeamento de perigo com a aplicação do AHP com o mapeamento de risco de escorregamentos realizado em São Sebastião (SP) pelo IG-SMA em 2005, verificando-se que os resultados do mapeamento de perigo com a aplicação do AHP foram mais conservadores em algumas áreas. Entretanto, os resultados com a aplicação do AHP, diminuiu a subjetividade e evidenciou a facilidade e praticidade em se verificar a contribuição (em forma de peso) dos indicadores de perigo na classificação do perigo nos setores mapeados. Também foram analisadas as opiniões de três especialistas nos julgamentos paritários dos indicadores de perigo de escorregamentos. Os resultados não mostraram discrepâncias na classificação do perigo. / The poor urban areas, also called slums are the most frequently affected by landslides and also the most vulnerable, leading to greater social harm mounts. This situation pushed a series of actions by public authorities in several Brazilian cities and states. In the federal level was, established a program, under the auspice of the Ministry of Cities, aimed to mitigating these risks with the development of hazard and risk mapping projects and implementation of preventive plans for civil defense, works of stabilization and redevelopment in these areas of risk. In the State of São Paulo, the landslide mapping on poor and slum urban areas has been held since 1990 in several municipalities, through the initiatives of government agencies and with the participation of many institutions. The mapping method employs currently more used as main techniques to carry out systematic field surveys, surface investigations, use of fact sheets to store the information collected and the delimitation of areas of hazard and risk in aerial images, and recent large-scale and detail. This mapping method has been widely applied and often gave satisfactorily support to the initiatives to mitigate the risks of landslides, indicating the prior sites to receive those initiatives. Nevertheless, the method is questioned by the specialists because of its qualitative approach, the lack of use of traditional methods of geological and geotechnical investigation and analysis of slope stability and the high degree of subjectivity that sometimes can produce unreliable results. The expected contribution to this research is to enhance the method of hazard mapping and risk of landslides in poor and slum urban areas by reducing its subjectivity for the comparison and ranking of sectors. It is not the intent of the research to change, its fundamental approach and its main techniques currently used. To this end, it is proposed to incorporate to the method the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in the systematic analysis of the indicators and the ranking of hazard sectors. We compared the hazard mapping with the application of the AHP and landslide risk mapping conducted in São Sebastião - SP by the IG-SMA in 2005, verifying that the results of the hazard mapping in the application of the AHP were more conservative in some areas. However, the results from the application of the AHP, decreased the subjectivity and demonstrated the ease and convenience to verify the contribution (in the form of weight) of the hazard indicators in the ranking of hazard in the areas mapped. We also analyzed the opinions of three experts in the trials of parity landslides hazard indicators. The results showed no discrepancies in the ranking of hazard.
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Using software to select simulation modelling packagesNikoukaran, Jalal January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Performance assessment of heterogeneous irrigation schemes in IndiaKadam, Uttam S. January 2015 (has links)
Most irrigation schemes in India are performing poorly as seen from the average irrigation efficiency in the range of 30-40% for these projects. Hence it is necessary to study the performance assessment of these schemes to investigate the reasons and improve the performance subsequently. There are different kinds of performance measures that may vary spatially over the irrigation scheme. Hence it is necessary to use a framework for finding out the final performance index (FPI) that combines important performance measures. Hence this study was undertaken. Mula Irrigation Scheme in Ahmednagar District of Maharashtra State, India was identified after verifying that most of the needed data was available. The six performance indicators viz. Productivity, Equity, Adequacy Reliability, Flexibility and Sustainability were identified as the important one for obtaining the information on the relative preference from the farmers and first three were considered for obtaining the allocation plans. The performance of different irrigation schemes is assessed with the help of Area and Water Allocation Model (AWAM). The performance measures viz. productivity, equity, adequacy and excess were obtained by formulating the irrigation strategies based on 1. Irrigation amount: Full depth irrigation (FDI), Fixed depth irrigation (FxDI) and Variable depth irrigation (VDI), 2. Irrigation frequency (14 days, 21 days, 28 days and 35 days), 3. Water distribution: Free water distribution (FWD), Equitable distribution of seasonal water (EDSW) and Equitable distribution of intra-seasonal water (EDIW) and 4. Cropping distribution (Free cropping distribution and Fixed cropping distribution). The yield response of crops to different criteria such as soil, irrigation interval, irrigation strategy and irrigation depth, were analysed. It is found for wheat grown on all considered soils, the variable irrigation depth strategy provided better performance of irrigation scheme in terms of productivity and results in higher irrigation water use efficiency. It is concluded though that the application of water according to the variable irrigation depth strategy is operationally and from a management point of view not convenient and in current situation may not be adoptable. Though the fixed depth irrigation strategy is found to be less productive based on this research for Mula irrigation scheme, it is more convenient for operation compared to other strategies as it does not involve adoption of separate schedules for different crops. In general the area and net benefit productivity values are higher in fixed depth irrigation followed by variable depth and then full depth. The productivity values are higher in case of free cropping distribution compared to fixed cropping distribution. The equitable water distribution resulted in lower productivity compared to free water distribution. No specific trend of equity with the irrigation interval was found. Equity values are higher in case of fixed depth of irrigation compared to full depth. The equity values are higher in case of fixed cropping distribution compared to free cropping. The equity values are as expected higher or unity for equitable water distribution compared to free water distribution. The adequacy values are higher in full depth of irrigation followed by variable depth irrigation and fixed depth irrigation. It is observed that the productivity and equity are almost inversely proportional to each other. Hence the hypothesis that productivity and equity conflicts with each other holds true. Further, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to assign weights of different performance measures by determining the farmers relative preference of different performance measures. The average weights of different performance measures (monetary productivity, equity in water distribution and adequacy) were obtained for farmers from different reaches from the weights obtained from AHP analysis, and considerable differences were found between the weights for the head, middle and tail reaches. The values of the performance indicators were obtained from the simulation-optimization modeling (AWAM model). The different indicators were combined into a final overall performance indicator (FPI) of irrigation management in an irrigation scheme from the farmers perspective. The FPI was computed for head, middle and tail reach farmers using the weights obtained from AHP by compromise programming. It is interesting to note that the strategies that best met the farmers preferences (highest FPI), were same for middle reach and tail reach farmers however it is different for head reach. It is also interesting to note that the preferences of the head, middle and tail reach farmers, irrespective of their relative location in irrigation scheme, were best met by strategies which include the equitable distribution of water. For middle and tail reach farmers, full depth irrigation would give the highest FPI, while for head reach farmers optimised fixed depth would be best. It is also seen that for head and middle reach farmers a strategy with fixed cropping distribution and free water distribution would be worst for meeting the preferences of head and middle reach farmers while for tail reach farmers a strategy with free water and free cropping distribution would be worst. The mean values of the weights for head, middle and tail reach farmers were Productivity = 0.33, Equity = 0.31 and Adequacy = 0.36. With these weights, the highest FPI (0.85) was obtained with an irrigation strategy of Full depth irrigation with free cropping and annual equity at irrigation interval of 35 days in winter and 28 days in summer . Considering the different depth of irrigations (FxDI, VDI and FDI) the VDI and FDI are practically difficult to execute due to the data required for calculations and operational requirements of the irrigation canals. Using FxDI, a strategy with high FPI (0.83) was identified as the best feasible irrigation strategy to implement for the entire irrigation scheme: Fixed depth irrigation with free cropping and annual equity at irrigation interval of 35 days in winter and 28 days in summer . It was found that this best feasible irrigation strategy for the entire scheme was not sensitive to the weights assigned to the performance measures.
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Dynamic Scheduling of Flexible Manufacturing SystemsReddy, K. Rama Bhupal, Xie, Na, Subramaniam, Velusamy 01 1900 (has links)
To date, group scheduling research has primarily focused on examining the performance of different group heuristics under various experimental conditions. However, the dynamic selection of group heuristics has not received sufficient attention from researchers. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate a mechanism for the dynamic selection of group heuristics from several candidate alternatives by exploiting real time information from the Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS). In this regard, two tools, viz., Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique Exploiting Ranks (SMARTER), are used to develop models for part type and family selection. The experimental results indicate that the performance of the proposed models are better than the common group scheduling heuristics under varied experimental conditions. / Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)
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Application of analytic hierarchy process in upstream risk assessment and project evaluationsMota-Sanchez, Freddy 02 June 2009 (has links)
This report adapts the application of a methodology known as Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to upstream Exploration & Production (E&P) project evaluations for the oil and gas industry. The method can be used to simplify the process of decision making, specifically when several parameters or variables—mostly uncertainties or risk variables—are being considered for different investment options. This method has been used in a large number of applications in several research areas where evaluation and decision making is a key issue. It simplifies the considerations that the evaluators must be aware of to assign probability or certainty factors to the parameters by using a relative intensity scale. We apply the method to the quantification of the risk involved in typical upstream projects. Although a decision as large as investment in oil and gas projects can not be based solely on risk factors, it is true that the risk attitude of the investor will ultimately play a significant role. This method gathers all the possible factors that can affect a project at any stage and provides the user with a single number; it condenses all the considerations and preferences of the investor or decision maker and ranks the investment alternatives from a risk point of view. A typical problem confronted with E&P project assessment (as well as in many other industries) is that the criteria selected may be measured on different scales, such as dollar value, stock-tank barrels, standard cubic feet, units of area, and so on. Some might even be intangible for which no scales exist, such as financial environment, management problems, or social unsteadiness. Measures on different scales, obviously, can not be directly combined, and this is part of what makes an integral assessment of any project such a difficulty. It is up to the decision maker to put all these evaluations—which may be still in different or subjective scales—on an overall comparative basis. This is where the AHP becomes useful, by gathering criteria of different natures and dimensions, and putting them all together on a single scale, which is derived from the decisions maker’s preferences and risk attitude.
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