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Comparison of Middle Eastern Bedouin genotypes with previously studies populations using polymorphic Alu insertionsPitt, Alison Patricia January 2009 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Polymorphic Alu insertions (POALINs) are known to contribute to the variation and genetic diversity of the human genome. In this report specific POALINs of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) were studied. Previous population studies on the MHC POALINs have focused on individuals of African, European and Asian descent. In this study, we expand the research by studying a new and previously uncharacterised population, focusing on the Bedouin from the Middle East. Specifically we report on the individual insertion frequencies of four POALINs within the MHC class I region of this population. POALINs are members of a young Alu subfamily that have only recently been inserted into the human genome. POALINs are either present or absent at particular sites. Individuals that share the inserted (or deleted) polymorphism inherited the insertion (or deletion) from a common ancestor, making Alu alleles identical by decent. In population genetics a comparison of the resulting products from each population can then be done by comparing the lengths of the PCR products in a series of unrelated individuals and may also detect polymorphisms with regard to the presence or absence of the Alu repeats. As a direct result of their abundance and sequence identity, they promote genetic recombination events that are responsible for large-scale deletions, duplication and translocations. The deletions occur mostly in the A-T rich regions and have found to be unlikely to have been created independently of the insertions of the Alu elements (Callinan et al, 2005) The easy genotyping of the POALINs has proven to be very valuable as lineage markers for the study of human population genetics, pedigree and forensics as well as genomic diversity and evolution. POALINs have been used in a range of applications, primarily focusing on anthropological analysis of human populations. As a result of its ease of use and its utility as a marker in human evolutions studies, combining the POALINs along with other markers used in forensics could lead to improved identity testing in forensic science. More specifically, in combination with more traditional markers, race specific genotypes and haplotypes could be used for profiling crime scene samples. ... This is supported by previously reported molecular data using various types of genetic markers. In a study using six separate Alu genes, Antunez-de-Mayolo et al were able to generate a phylogenetic tree, in which the biogeographical groups followed a pattern. The biogeographical groups started with African populations that were found to relate closely to the hypothetical ancestral African population. The African populations were then followed in order by Southwest Asian populations, European populations which include Middle Eastern groups (Antunez-de-Mayolo et al, 2002). This study shows the similarities and differences between the frequencies of the Middle Eastern Bedouin and the rest of the compared populations. Though no clear results were determined, the information from the POALINs along with information provided from other genetic markers can lead to further research on the Bedouin population and the improvement of the forensic population database in order to accurately test individual ethnic background of samples to be analysed.
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DNA methylation of the POMC gene / ontogenetic, phylogenetic, and functional aspectsMischke, Mona 24 January 2012 (has links)
Adipositas ist eine polymorphe chronische Erkrankung mit epidemischer Prävalenz. Im katabolen Leptin-Melanocortin-Signalweg ist das Proopiomelanocortin Gen (POMC) ein zentrales Element, das bei Dysfunktion massive Adipositas bewirken kann. Auch eine kürzlich identifizierte intragenische Methylierungsvariante des POMC wurde mit Adipositas assoziiert und deutet somit auf eine mögliche epigenetische Modulation des Gewichtsphänotyps hin. Zur Aufklärung der Relevanz, Stabilität und Entwicklung dieser epigenetischen Modifikation wurden die Funktionalität, Ontogenese und Phylogenese der POMC DNA-Methylierung untersucht. In vitro Analysen zeigten DNA-Methylierungsabhängige Promoteraktivität beider CpG-Inseln (CGIs) des POMC. Diese hier erstmals beschriebene Transkriptionsaktivität der intragenischen CGI weist auf einen alternativen Promoter des POMC hin. Hinsichtlich der Ontogenese konnten in Mensch und Maus postnatal stabile DNA-Methylierungsmuster mit interindividueller Konservierung für beide CGIs des POMC identifiziert werden. Zusätzlich erwiesen sich Gewebeunabhängigkeit der DNA-Methylierungsmuster und ihre pränatale Ausbildung zwischen dem Blastocystenstadium und der frühen Organogenese in der Maus. Die POMC DNA-Methylierungsmuster upstream des Exon3 unterscheiden sich in Mensch und Maus. Der mögliche Einfluss von primatenspezifischen Alu-Elementen im Intron2 des POMC hierauf wurde in verschiedenen Primatenfamilien analysiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine bedingte Assoziation der Alu-Elemente mit der DNA-Methylierung in der entsprechenden Region, lassen jedoch auch weitere Einflussfaktoren vermuten. Insgesamt zeigt diese Arbeit, dass die POMC DNA-Methylierung artspezifisch konserviert ist und in der frühen Embryogenese, vermutlich Alu-abhängig, ausgebildet wird. Dabei könnten stochastische Variationen der DNA-Methylierung die POMC-Aktivität beeinflussen und somit das Risiko für Adipositas erhöhen. / Obesity is a polymorphic chronic disease with epidemic prevalence. Within the catabolic leptin-melanocortin signaling pathway pre-proopiomelanocortin (POMC) is a pivotal element. Dysfunction of POMC, e.g. due to mutations, can cause severe obesity. Moreover, a recently identified intragenic methylation variant of POMC was found to be associated with obesity. Therefore, this indicates potential epigenetic modulation of the weight phenotype. To gain further insight into the relevance, stability, and origin of this epigenetic modification, the functionality, ontogenesis, and phylogenesis of the POMC DNA methylation patterns were analyzed. In vitro analyses revealed DNA methylation-dependent promoter activity of both CpG islands (CGIs) of POMC. Thereby, the intragenic CGI was identified as a potential alternative promoter of POMC, which has not been described before. Regarding the ontogenesis, postnatally stable POMC DNA methylation patterns with interindividual conservation were detected for both CGIs in humans and mice. In addition, it was observed that the POMC DNA methylation patterns are non-tissue-specific, stable upon long time administration of a high fat diet, and develop prenatally between the blastocystal stage and the early organogenesis. The POMC DNA methylation pattern upstream of exon3 differs in humans and mice. A possible influence of primate-specific Alu elements within the intron2 region of POMC was analyzed in various primate families. Results evince a partial association of the Alu elements with the DNA methylation pattern in this particular region, but also suggest an influence of additional factors. Overall, this work demonstrates that DNA methylation of the POMC locus is species-specific highly conserved, and that it is established during early embryogenesis, possibly Alu-triggered. In the course of this, stochastic variances of the POMC DNA methylation might influence the POMC activity and consequently alter the risk to develop obesity.
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Analýza dat ze sekvenování příští generace ke studiu aktivity transposonů v nádorových buňkách / Analysis of NGS data for study of transposon activity in cancer cellsHrazdilová, Ivana January 2013 (has links)
Theoretical part of this diploma thesis gives a brief characteristic of human mobile elements (transposons), which represents nearly 50% of human genome. It provides basic transposon clasification and describes types of transposons present in hunam genome, as well as mobilization, activation and regulation mechanisms. The work also deals with the domestication of transposons, describes the ways in which TE contribute to DNA damage and summarizes the diseases caused by mutagenic activity of transposons in the human genome. Conclusion of theoretical part describes next-generation sequencing technologies (NGS). As practical part, data from RNA-seq experimet were analyzed in order to compare differen transposon activity in normal and cancer cells from prostate and colorectal tissues. As like as publicly available sophisticated tools (TopHat), new scripts were created to analyze these data. The results show that cancer cells exhibit overexpression of transposons. This corresponds with the published results and suggests a connection of transposon activation with cancer development.
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Design of Ultra-Compact and Low-Power sub-10 Nanometer Logic Circuits with Schottky Barrier Contacts and Gate Work-Function EngineeringCanan, Talha Furkan 23 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Univerzální mikropočítačová jednotka / Universal Microcontroller UnitKulenda, Vít January 2011 (has links)
Master’s thesis contains description parameters of microcontroller ATMEGA644P, also contains differences between older and newer version of microcontrollers ATMEGA644 and ATMEGA644PA. Inside structure of microcontroller, memories and peripherals are described here. The construction of the universal microcontroller unit is main target of this thesis. The unit contains supply, A/D converter, current loop, communication interfaces, temperature sensor, accelerometer and other. The unit collects and saves data, communicates by interfaces and manages other functions. Using devices and circuits are described in this thesis. Development of software for microcontroller(firmware) are positioned to last part of this thesis. This software control functions of all parts positioned on the unit.
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